the health benefits of lentils

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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The Health Benefits of Lentils

Lentils are a versatile ingredient in many foods such as soups and burgers, but lentils also have an insane amount of health benefits. They are low in calories and high in nutrition, which makes them a healthy complement to any meal.

Lentils can also help lower cholesterol. Because lentils contain large amounts of soluble fiber, it helps clean out the arteries. This, in turn, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body.

Because of their high levels of folate and magnesium, lentils reduce the risk of heart disease. Folate lowers your homocysteine levels, which are what contribute to heart disease. Magnesium improves the blood flow, which means oxygen and nutrients are carried more freely through the body.

Lentils also help digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome through its insoluble fiber content.

Lentils are especially helpful to those with blood sugar issues such diabetes or hypoglycemia. The soluble fiber in lentils traps carbohydrates, which in turn helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Lentils are wonderful sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Lentils lentils contain the third-highest levels of protein of all legumes and nuts. 26 percent of lentils’ calories come from protein.

Due to its high level of fiber and complex carbohydrates, lentils are great for slow-burning energy. Lentils also help those with iron deficiency due to its high iron content.

Lentils are a great staple to your diet if you want to lose weight. They are extremely low in calories and fat, and very high in nutrients.

Try lentils in some of your favorite recipes and start incorporating them into your diet on a regular basis. You’ll be surprised at the wonders that it can do for your body!

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