the healthy college lifestyle.pptfinal

Post on 13-May-2015



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The Healthy College Lifestyle

by Dan Schultz

Goals This is not a diet This is a lifestyle change to help you for the rest of your

life Help educate on proper nutrition and exercise Prove nutritional myths false Not covering things already encouraged by other health

initiatives, such as wear a condom and don’t smoke Get the audience to Implement this knowledge into their

everyday life Individual must be motivated to start the program and to

make it a habit.

Nutrition The key to a successful lifestyle change is having sound

and proper nutrition even more then a proper workout routine

Must find Healthy food you actually enjoy and don’t have to force down

A good balance between protein, complex carbohydrates and some healthy fats.

It is Optimal to have 4-6 smaller meals every 3 to 4 hours, but can be accomplished if on tight budget with 3 larger meals.

Having 4-6 Smaller meals helps keep your Metabolism stay elevated, absorb the nutrients better and also helps you to feel less hungry.

Allow a day for a cheat meal each week to enjoy a not so healthy food option.

Don’t starve yourself, if hungry eat.

Nutrition continued Will lose weight--but not quickly this is steady gradual process.

(Also depends on what your diet use to be and exercise routine was before)

Start off by calculating a rough estimate of how many calories you burn a day with this website Choose whatever fits your lifestyle best.

Then divide that by the amount of meals you think you are going to be able to eat a day

Your Calorie Intake Depends on your goal. if you want weight loss you can subtract 500 calories from your estimate to lose a pound a week or if wanting to bulk up have an excess of 500 calories a day. 1-2 pounds is a healthy weight loss a week.

Calorie count the best you can, if you can measure it out. but don’t become obsessive, do your best, Do not count vegetables and fruits just eat till your satisfied.

Carbohydrates They are the preferred nutritional source of energy Carbs help increase brain function, increases endurance for prolonged exercises,

also helps in the recovery process after exercising, and causes a "Protein Sparing" effect so that protein is used to increase muscle tissue and recovery.

Eating Carbs dose not make you fat, anything in excess will make you fat. Know Difference between carbs, Complex and simple Carbs Can Measure the difference between Complex and Simple carbs using the

glycemic index The rating on the glycemic index is related to its effect on spiking blood sugar.

This is important because when your blood sugar spikes, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to shuttle glucose from your blood into your body cells

with slower absorbing carbs your body has a easier time of storing it, and the more energy will be stored in your muscle cells and help you feel more satisfied after your meal.

Simple carbohydrates Simple carbs have been known to increase the chance of higher

incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even breast cancer. According to the world Health Organization, Sugars and other simple

carbohydrates are a leading factor in the worldwide obesity epidemic. Simple carbs can lead to cravings and compulsive eating, cause wide

swings in your blood sugar levels and cause weight gain in most people. Examples are : Table Sugar, Corn Syrup, Fruit Juice, Candy, Cake, Bread

Made with White Flour, Pasta made with white flour, Soda, Candy, All baked goods with white flour, most packaged cereals.

Look on Labels for sugar, surcose, fructose, corn syrup and white flour

Complex carbohydrates Complex carbs are usually high in fiber which helps with digestion, and help

stabilize your blood sugar, keeping your energy at a stabilized level. Also contain many important vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Most of complex carbs are more naturally occurring and not refined.

Examples are: Spinach, Whole Barley, Grapefruit Turnip, Greens Buckwheat, Apples, Lettuce, Buckwheat bread, Prunes , Oat bran bread, Apricots, Dried, Zucchini, Oatmeal, Pears Asparagus, Oat bran cereal, Plums, Artichokes, Strawberries, Wild rice, Oranges Cabbage, Brown rice, Yams. Celery. Multi-grain bread, Carrots, Cucumbers, Whole meal spelt bread, Potatoes, Dill Pickles, Pinto beans, Soybeans, Radishes, Yogurt, low fat, Lentils, Broccoli, Skim milk, Garbanzo beans, Brussels Sprouts, Kidney beans, eggplant, Lentils Onions, Split peas, Tomatoes, Soy milk, Cauliflower, Navy beans.

Ever in doubt about if it’s a complex carbohydrate or not check the glygemic index

Don’t avoid some fruits just because they are high in the glycemic index like watermelon and pineapple--They still contain important nutrients.

Complex carbs continued Breakfast Foods: look for words like Whole grain Wheat, Fiber, Whole Grain Oats.

Cereals Like KashI Go Lean (Not Crunch), Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Vans All Natural Gourmet Multi-Grain Premium Waffles, shredded wheat 100% whole grain, kashi heart to heart, fiber one, total whole grain, cheerios, quaker oats old fashioned, ezekiel 4;9 sprouted whole grain cereal, nature’s path organic heritage o’s heirloom whole grains,

Breads; stove ground whole wheat flour, bakers inn bread, dutch country double fiber, browberry whole grain, anything with 100% whole wheat. Also Barilla, heartland whole wheat pasta.

Protein Proteins are found literally everywhere in your system. From your muscle tissues,

to the enzymes that digest your food, to your skin cells, and even within your blood.

We take in the protein from the foods we eat and drink. Proteins get broken down into essential amino acids, 9 of them are essentials and the other 11 are non-essential

Failing to obtain the nine essential amino acids will lead to muscle break down and we must take in amino acids on a daily basis because our body can not store excess amino acids

The amount of protein needed from one’s diet varies from .36 times your body weight for a sedentary individual to 1-1.5 gram per pound of body weight for athletes looking to gain muscle.

Excess protein dose not cause damage to the kidneys or other side effects as was originally thought

Eating excess protein will not make you fat, just because you eat something with high protein value and you didn’t do any exercise that day dose not mean your body made it into fat instead, calories in v.s. calories out.

Protein continued Protein takes more energy to breakdown then carbohydrates, which

means your body will be burning more calories to break down and absorb protein, then it would with other nutrients.

This also means it is in your stomach for a longer period of time, which increases the satiety of your meal. This helps people who are trying to lose weight.

Some complete proteins are meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, and milk. Vegetable proteins include legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. Protein Supplements like Whey Protein are optimal for post workout

nutrition because of its fast absorbing properties, it helps build muscle, enhances your endurance and recovery.

Protein continued Breakfast Examples: Eggs, Egg Whites, Turkey Ham, Milk and cheese: low fat or fat free cottage cheese, low fat string

cheese, Low fat cheese, Fat Free or low fat milk, Low Sugar fat free yogurt, Dannon Light and fit.

Meats and fish: lean beef, white skinless meat, poultry, fish and seafood, not fried, Turkey Burgers, Chicken Brats.

Beans and Nuts, almonds, walnuts Supplements: Optimum 100% Whey Protein Isolate, Bsn Syntha 6

protein, and on casein protein. Pure Protein Bars and detour protein bars.

Healthy fats Fats won’t make you fat. you need healthy fats in your diet. excess

calories make you fat. Healthy fats help regulate bodily processes such as heart rate, blood

vessel constriction, blood pressure, blood clotting, and nervous system activity.

Help keeps the body insulated, maintains healthy hair and skin, Helps fat soluble vitamins like a, d, e and k be transported to body’s tissues, helps with normal metabolic function, and joint pain.

Healthy Fats include Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3’s.

Bad fats include saturated fat and trans fat These fats have been associated with heart disease, stroke, and

diabetes. Limit saturated fat and eliminate trans fats from diet.

Healthy fats continued Monounsaturated fats are found in foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil,

corn oil and canola oil. Omega 3 fats are found in cold water fish like mackerel, salmon, and

herring and also in walnuts, flax seeds, and flax oil. These fats can also be supplemented with pills, but it is optimal to be

eaten from real food. Examples: smuckers natural peanut butter, smart balance omega 3

peanut butter, any natural peanut butter, walnuts, pecans, peanuts not salted,

Cheat meal Can be a weekly meal in which you eat excess calories

then you normally would and of a not so healthy food option like topper sticks, butter burger, peanut butter m&M’s or a crunch wrap supreme.

Can be a weekly, two week, monthly. Don’t binge control yourself, not a whole day but just

one meal and then move on. Can be alcohol If you don’t want to cheat you don’t have to just if you

need it.

Alcohol Empty calories contains no nutritional value Body burns alcohol first so instead of you body burning off

carbohydrates and fats it stores them and chooses to burn alcohol first. Loosens your inhibitions and might wavier from your clean diet. Can damage the kidney’s, liver, and stomach Alcohol lowers testosterone Testosterone has a powerful fat loss affect and helps to contribute to

lean body mass gains Lowered testosterone leads to less muscle gain and fewer muscles

leads to lower metabolic rate. Alcohol also increases Appetite too. Not saying to not drink. This plan dose not prohibit drinking, but advocates moderation.

Healthy drinks Skim or low fat milk Any type of unsweetened tea Diet soda or diet tea-be careful with aspartame, Water Naked juice Homemade smoothies with natural ingredients protein shakes Pomegranate juice (all Natural Sugar)

Organic food the food tastes better The herbicides, fungicides, and all insecticides could potentially be

cancer causing. Organic food keeps these types of things out of the food and beverages

we drink. Prohibits the use of antibiotics in animal feed which can create

antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Buy if you can spare the extra cash.

Snack ideas Kashi tlc granola bar South beach diet high protein cereal bars, and meal replacement bars Garden harvest toasted chips 100% whole wheat Triscuit 100% whole grain Jack Links Beef Jerky 97% fat free be careful with sodium. Sugar free pudding Sugar free jello Kashi Oatmeal Cookies

Exercise Should be an enjoyable thing for you to do Do not dread doing it, find something you like Play a sport, run with music, workout with friends Do it 3-6 times a week for at least 30 min Incorporate weightlifting into your routine. Make sure you workout and not just look like you're

working out. Gradually work yourself into working out if you haven’t

had a routine before.

Cardio vascular activities Improve the condition of your heart Increase metabolism Improved hormonal profile, releases feel good hormones that help

eases symptoms of depression and fatigue as well as releasing hormones that decrease appetite, and also stress relief hormones.

Improved recovery ability, help reduce your Doms (delayed onset of muscle soreness), with helping to bring more oxygen to the muscle tissue improving in the repair and rebuilding process.

There are Tons of different kinds of cardio to get your heart going like biking, walking, running/jogging, aerobic dancing, sprinting, swimming,

Different levels of cardio, like HIIT( high intensity interval training), moderate cardio and light.

Start at a level you’re comfortable with but don’t be afraid to increase it.

Campus has many opportunities for cardio vascular exercise.

Weight lifting Builds Muscles which helps to burn Calories Build Stronger Bones Promotes healthy joints so you can improve your range of motion. Improve Over All daily Strength start with weight you’re comfortable with don’t show off. Use proper form when performing the exercise, slow, and perform for full range

of motion. Use around 3 sets 8-12 reps for each exercise, switch up at times with lower reps

and higher weight Don’t over do it, on just one exercise or do too many sets. Switch up your routine every time you lift, to avoid boredom and to always hit

your muscles with different exercises. Different kinds of routines, Fully Body and splits For Optimal Results use full body exercises, isolation exercises are also good too. Different kinds of weights to lift, body weight, machines, cables, free weights.

Free weights work the best for adding muscle. Don’t forget to train your whole body

Implementation Created a FaceBook Group “The Healthy Lifestyle”

Form a partnership with chartwells and other food service

companies for college campuses and implement better complex carbs, and leaner protein sources, and more healthy fats

Have more nutrition information available by the food’s themselves.

Designate Foods part of the “Healthy College Lifestyle” with a logo

Have healthy college lifestyle information meetings on proper exercise routines and nutrition, have professionals on hand to answer questions.

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