the home flood protection program...• wet weather is our best promoter • prime season for home...

Post on 15-Oct-2020






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Generously supported by

The Home Flood Protection Program Motivating Action to Reduce Basement

Flood Risk

Latornell Conservation Symposium

Rob Leone Coordinator, Home Flood Protection Program

Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation University of Waterloo Nov 22, 2017


1. About the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation 2. The rising cost of basement flooding in

Canada 3. Marketing the Home Flood Protection

Program in Burlington, Ontario • City-Partnered Promotions • Private -Partnered Promotions

5. Next Steps – Broader Rollout


About the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (ICCA)

• A nationally applied climate adaptation research centre headquartered at the University of Waterloo

• Launched in 2015 with a gift from Intact Financial Corporation* ICCA has two goals:

1. To change the national conversation about climate change to address climate adaptation

2. To help homeowners, communities and businesses to reduce risks associated with climate change and extreme weather events


Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, University of Waterloo

*The Intact Centre operates independently of all funders and does not benefit from the sale of

any products or services.













1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

Loss + Loss Adjustment ExpensesEstimated Trend

$ Bi


National Costs of Extreme Weather: Catastrophic Insurable Losses


Quebec Floods

Eastern Ice Storm

Ontario Wind and Rain

Alberta and Toronto Floods

Courtesy: Insurance Bureau of Canada (Values in 2016 dollars)

. Note: Cost to government and homeowners 3-4X that of private insurers.

Fort Mac Fire Uninsurable Housing Market Growing

58% Water Damages

Why Are Basements Flooding? 5

The average cost to repair a flooded basement in the GTA is over $40,000

(Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2017)

Sewer back-up related flooding Burlington, 2014

Home Flood Protection Program

A comprehensive flood risk reduction education program Purpose • Limits potential for basement flooding • Limits potential damage if basement does flood For a subsidized fee of $125 homeowners receive: A 60-90 minute problem-solving conversation with a trained assessor A 50-point visual assessment of flood risks inside and outside the home A confidential report identifying top actions to reduce risk - examples:

• contour yard to direct water away from foundation • disconnect downspouts • place plastic covers over window wells • connect battery back-up to sump pump • install backwater value, etc.

Comprehensive resources including local subsidy information, tips for finding contractors, and key questions to ask your insurance representative

Follow-up support from your assessor and a live customer service agent


• Developed by the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at the University of Waterloo

• Delivered by the award-winning environmental consultants at AET Group Inc.

• Funding support provided by Intact Financial Corp., the City of Burlington, and Province of Ontario


Program Funding

Funding support makes $375 assessment available for $125 to homeowners

• Home Flood Protection Program is being piloted in Burlington, Ontario throughout 2017 (2018 delivery to be confirmed).

• Ideal pilot location because over 3,000

basements flooded following a catastrophic rainfall event August 4, 2014.

• Keen interest from City to test a one-on-one flood risk reduction education program with residents.

• Home Flood Protection Program supports ongoing basement flood prevention grants and subsidy programs available through City and Halton Region.

• The Pilot launched in August 2017.


About the Burlington Pilot

Burlington Mayor, Rick Goldring, and Home Flood Protection Program Director, Cheryl Evans, review

household flood risks and maintenance best practices for CHCH news feature. Photo credit:

Lisa Hepfner, CHCH TV

Phase 1: City-Partnered Approach (Jan – Oct 2017) • Worked with municipality and local homeowners to develop

communications plan • Identified flood related challenges • Identified priority neighbourhoods for targeted outreach* • Framed messaging to motivate program uptake

Phase 2: Private-Partnered Approach (Nov – Present) • Approached by real estate brokers and insurance brokers who

want to offer the Program to clients as value-add for their own businesses.

• Opportunity to amplify program marketing through these private-sector networks at no additional cost to us = win/win.


Developing a Marketing Strategy for the Burlington Pilot

Motivations for Changing Behaviour to Reduce Flood Risk

Worked with community advisory panel to determine the messaging that would motivate program uptake in Burlington NECESSITY • Use photos of flooded basements • Communicate the average cost to repair a flooded basement is $40,000

TRUST • Community-based education program. No product or service sales. • Developed by UW, with financial support from City of Burlington • $375 value available for subsidized fee of $125

• Advisory panels advised that Program price under $50 would cast doubts about quality and value of information provided

ABILITY • Receive confidential report listing top actions to reduce flood risk • Comprehensive resources including local subsidy info, tips for finding

contractors, and key questions to ask your insurance representative • Follow-up support from assessor to help you take action!


Motivations for Changing Behaviour to Reduce Flood Risk

RESPONSIBILITY • Program supports ongoing municipal flood

prevention efforts

• You CAN’T control the weather but you CAN protect your home from basement flooding

RETURN ON INVESTMENT • Provides a cost-effective action plan to

reduce flood risk

• Protects and enhances property value

• Translates to a lower insurance premium, depending on your insurance provider


City-Wide Marketing • Media Release • Print ads in local newspaper -

featuring neighborhood testimonials • Social Media Ads – featuring

neighbourhood testimonials

Neighbourhood-Specific Marketing • Door-to-door campaign (cancelled) • Targeted door hangers • Ward newsletters • Community events


Phase 1: City-Partnered Approach (Aug – Oct 2017)

Audrey Bailey shares lessons learned through her participation in the Home Flood Protection Program with local reporters during HFPP launch, Aug 2017.

Results • Over 100 registrations in first

three months (Aug – Oct 2017) • 100 percent of participants

expressed satisfaction with program.

• 48 percent of registrations linked to municipal promotions.

• 33 percent of registrations linked to traditional media promotions

• 14 percent of registrations linked to social media promotions.


Phase 1: Results

City or Regional Promotions


Traditional Media 33%

Social Media 14%

Other 4%

Events 1%

Primary Registration Info Source

Early spring is most optimal time to launch program

• Wet weather is our best promoter • Prime season for home renovations

and landscape planning • Prime season for buying/selling

homes Target messaging to homeowners in communities who have history of basement flooding.

• Homeowners are 4x more likely to uptake program if they have experienced flood at current or previous home.


Phase 1 Lessons Learned: Timing & Location

Program messaging must be channeled through trusted and reputable sources • City officials (MPP, Mayor, City

Councillors) • Program testimonials from local

community members • Local media outlets Challenge: • Limits to the methods and frequency to

which the municipality/community influencers can promote the program.

• Must diversify marketing approach to achieve continued interest/uptake.


Phase 1 Lessons Learned: Engage Community Influencers

Recruitment letter for 20 Free Home Flood Protection Assessments sent through Ward 1 Community

Newsletter, June 2017.

Goal – Build promotional partnerships with private-sector businesses who can turn support of the program into a business advantage, while still remaining fully independent of one another e.g. no money trading hands between the business and the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation. 1. Real Estate Agents and Brokers - Protect and enhance property value

- Stand out as agent of choice - Promote assessment to maximize sale price (sell side) - Promote assessment to protect and enhance newly purchased property

(buy side)

2. Insurance Brokers - Offer clients opportunity to reduce premiums through Home Flood Protection

- Stand out as agent of choice - Offer reduced premiums where available

- Intact Insurance has made a statement recognizing the value of completing an Assessment and acting upon report, will offer a 5-15% discount on your premium, added benefit of promoting regular maintenance by making it a requirement of policy discounts


Phase 2: Private-Partnered Approach (Nov – Present)

• Leadership from Burlington has been recognized with national media coverage, including CBC’s the Current

• Inquiries from Clarington, Oakville, Toronto, and Lakeshore, Ontario. Recent confirmation of support from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

• Negotiations with Sir Sandford Fleming College to develop Flood Protection Assessment training programs at the certificate, technician and technologist levels (2018-2019).

• Canadian Standards Association – Basement Flood Protection Guideline – anticipated completion 2018.


Next Steps: Broader Rollout

CBC coverage of Saskatoon’s consideration of Home Flood

Protection Program rollout in 2018

For more information visit or call


Rob Leone Coordinator, Home Flood

Protection Program Phone: (226) -220- 0393


Thank You!

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