the impact of world war on americans

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The impact of World War on Americans. Chapter 35. Essential Question. What kinds of opportunities and hardships did the war create for Americans at home and abroad?. Question. How do you think Pearl Harbor affected Americans? Think about what happened after 9/11. Pearl Harbor. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The impact of World War on Americans

Chapter 35

What kinds of opportunities and hardships did the war create for Americans at home and abroad?

Essential Question

How do you think Pearl Harbor affected Americans?

Think about what happened after 9/11


Initially live in fear of another wave of attacks from Japan

Rumors of an enemy invasion haunted the region

Fears faded, but coastal communities remained weary

FDR reasoned…. Need to be weary

Pearl Harbor

If Americans didn’t win the war, we would be fighting a war in our homeland

We have to help the troops


EVERYONE could help…. Even women and children

Need to sacrificeRationing is instilled

War Efforts

A system for distributing food, gasoline, and other goods

Reason – military needed them

Clothes changed – military needed fabrics


War Production Board (WPB) responsible for making America the “arsenal of democracy.”

Organizing the American economy

Car factories airplanes and tanks

Soft drink company artillery shells

All across the country business mobilized their resources to serve the needs of the military

Examples of the change over

The huge demand for military supplies revived the supplies

Business expanded and hired more workers

Farmers prosperedGross national product (GDP) rose

Depression ends

Is the total value of goods and services produced in a year

Rose by 116%People’s income rose by 110%Businesses grow 130%At home – things are looking better

Gross domestic Product

What happens to the GDP

Government spending threw the roof

Taxes paid for 45% neededBorrowed rest to pay for war◦War bonds ◦Borrowing from banks

Financing the War Effort with Taxes and Bonds

What happens to the national debt?

Government and people did a lot to prevent inflation from becoming a major factor

Worked together to save resources

Americans came together

GIs or soliderWhat was life like◦Government provide for everything it was labeled Government Issued… ahhh GI

American GIs go to War

In 1940, more than 16 million men between the ages of 21 and 35 had registered for the draft

Later expands to 18 to 44 Initially there was 300,000 troops, by the time pearl harbor happened 1.5 million….

Assembling a fighting force

Military expanded Representing all walks of lifeBy the end of the war nearly 6 million has enlisted

After Pearl Harbor

A way to show patriotismImmigrants and ethnic minorities this offered a chance to show they were true Americans

Fighting offered

Had little time to prepare the troops

8 weeks in some casesRough and tough


Training could only do so much – battle field was tough and rough

Danger everywhere – PTSD (although not classified at this point)

Fear could die any momentBoredom, fatigue, and homesickness became a way of life


Lives changed foreverMany returned physically, mentally, or emotionally wounded

Great pride and appreciate for American ideals of liberty

GI’s who did survive

Japanese AmericansWomanAfrican AmericansJewish AmericansMexican Americans

How did other groups fare

Opportunities:Very fewJ.A. men fought in the 42nd Division which won more medals than any other unit of its size in American History

Japanese Americans

After bombing P.H., J.A. were regarded suspicious and possibly being more loyal to Japan than America

Jap. Nationals declared “enemy aliens” had to register with govt. (did same to J.A. as Hitler did to Jews except for killing)

Japan American Hardships

Executive Order 9066Evacuees had weeks to sell home and possession before being interned

Internment camps were bleak, crowded, and guarded with machine guns and barbed wire

Japan American Hardships

Worked jobs held by menTough, physical labor increase the self-confidence, independence , and income of women.

Army, navy, and coast guard established auxiliary branches for women

Moved beyond office work to become truck drivers, mechanics, radio operators, air traffic controllers or pilots

Women Opportunities

Faced hostility on the jobAfrican Americans faced additional racial hostility

Wages not equal to men’s wagesLabor unions didn’t support womenDouble duty – full day work and full day completing domestic duties

Women Hardships

As war progressed, AA were able to become military officers and engage in combat

The army air corps established its first black combat unit, the Tuskegee Airmen

A Philip Randolph's Threat to lead a massive march in D.C. ;led to opening of the defense industry to all Americans

African Americans - Opportunities

Many AA moved to industrial cities for better-paying jobs and to escape legalized segregation in the South

African Americans - Opportunities

Racisms was still a powerful force in American Society

Early in the war, the marines and army air corps refused to take AA soldiers

At 1st, AA were relegated to menial and non-combate roles

African Americans - hardships

African Americans - hardships

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