the importance of industry trade shows, and a flashy exhibit

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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The Importance of Industry Trade Shows, and a Flashy Exhibit

Industry trade shows provide manufacturers, distributors and service providers with the opportunity to showcase their products and services. Industry trade shows are important on many levels. Not only do trade shows allow companies to display and demonstrate their products and services, trade shows also enable companies to assess competition for their businesses.

Flashy Exhibits

Most trade show participants would agree that a flashy trade show exhibit attracts attention to the brand. Some companies go all out when creating their display. Some companies hire entertainment to attract even more attention to their booth and ultimately to their brand. A flashy trade show exhibit will most likely attract curious trade show attendees and bring more attention to your brand. In addition to a flashy exhibit, providing attendees with entertainment or the opportunity to interact with the product are also recommended.

Many marketing companies specialize in creating flashy exhibits and developing new and creative ways for businesses to showcase their products and services at trade shows. Some businesses incorporate interaction into their exhibits. For example, a software company may set up several computers with the software installed and allow attendees to experience the software firsthand. Other companies offer attendees free items, buttons, bags, key chains and drink holders imprinted with the company logos. Strategies for getting the brand noticed vary, but a flashy exhibit is definitely part of the equation.

Create a Buzz

One objective of companies when they provide a booth at a trade show is to create a buzz with their brand. Companies have become very creative in attempts to create a buzz. However, with social media, creating a buzz may be even easier. Social media tools, such as Foursquare, allow companies to offer specials and freebies to potential customers who stop by their booths at a given time. Because companies that utilize social media are perceived by customers as being relevant and current, social media is a great tool for creating a buzz for your brand at trade shows.

The Objective

Businesses must decide going in to the trade show what the objective of the show will be. All businesses who set up exhibits at trade shows seek to gain exposure for their brand. However, businesses should consider additional objectives, such as adding names to their mailing list, expanding their email contacts list or promoting a new product. Once the business has a clear objective regarding what they would like to accomplish at the trade show, the process becomes a bit more defined. Instead of simply manning the booth with personnel, incentives may be provided to booth workers when certain objectives are met.

Trade shows are a great opportunity to get the word out about your company or brand. Trade shows also offer the perfect opportunity to unveil a new product, expand your mailing list and generally check out the competition. However, one thing to remember is that first impressions are everything at the trade show. A flashy trade show exhibit will garner attention from attendees and showcase your brand in a positive light.

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