the - - 1924 - the kendrick gazette/1924 july...the 'kendrick gazette dr. jesse h....

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Dr. Jesse H. Burgess


C. A. Hagen

State SenateElection, Nov. 4, 1924

Black Bear Stag Shirtsis an g,cute attack of Nasal Catarrh.'Chose subject to frequent "colds" aregenerally in'a ."run down" condition.

HAT is'8 tctATARRH MEDICINE 'ia aTreatment conalsung of an Ointment, tobe used locally, antj n Tonic, which actaCiuickly through th'e Blood on thc Mu-cous Surfaces, building up the System,and making you less nable to "colds."

Sold by'rumista for over 40, Years.K J. Cheney tib Co., Toledo, O.-

Will stand'he weather.

best that mopey will buy.

label. We are showing

Stag Shirts, all styles andI

Made of all wool. The

'Look for the Black Bear

a copliplete line of these

sizes. e


All wool double back, front and sleeve, khaki color,

Price $$.50It has always been our aim to carry the best Candieson the market. We have the biggest assortment ofhigh grade candy in town.PUMPS

d, including patent, kid,

y cut outs, low or military

$3.9.0and $4.40

LADIESA'ew lot has 'just arrive

satins and sueds, with fane

heel, priced at

N. B.LONG 4, SONS"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"

gage 'begins, other arts follow'. As we handle only the Purest of Drugs we alsoThe farmers, therefore, are the carry only the Purest of Candies.f

I~..!"--:&i1uti, :'P=:,:„:


tuR num+,cspgrru-

tc-e .Your Home Bank

gR. FARMER:This banK is owned and managed

by Home people, This is your Home bank and wewant you to feel at home when you transact yourbusiness with us.


We are at all times trying to give you the bestservice consistent with conservative and safe banking


That money in your pocket is half spent) Toguard against this phase of extravagance yousheuld maintain two accounts —a checking ac-

count for daily use and economy, and a savings

account for surplus funds. This banK welcomesc

checking accounts in any amount and pays fourper'ent compound interest on savings deppsitsfrom one dollar upward.

, Start a checl ing account with us. You will likeour up-to-date methods.

Kendrick State Banks

Martin V. Thomas, K. D. Ingle,President Vice-Pres.

A. H. Daubenberg, CashierKendrick, Idaho

About. three months ago theStar ihlotpr company put on a

'tslogaiicontest offering as firstprize it Sport Model Star Car.Three hunclred thousand slo~nns ~t

wedc submitf eel. The slogan,pdopfecl was: "Tomorrow's carToday". This slogan was sub-miffccl by fwp parties, one inSpolcnne and one in Los Angeilcs, and each of them received aSpnrf fonring carr. This sloganindicates that the Star car isahead of a11 competition. If you

'illcome in wc cnn show,wby. Ru L. Spil-cr, Lewiston,,Idaho. 41-1t.


1Nrs. Frank Carey, Jr., visitedwith het parents, Mr. and Mrs.Frank Souaers, the latter part, oflast week.

1'he auction sale held at the J. E.I.ung place, Thursday, was weil at-tended and nearly everything soldwell, in spite of a stormy day. TheLong fainily left Monday for War-ren, Arizona, where they will maketheir future home. 1'he best wishesof the community go with them.

Marvin Souders had fo miss sev-eral days of school last week, owingto a scrap with a yellow jacket.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike 1'orest 'took

We Invite Your Account

Horseshoeing Wm. H. MeyerGeneral Blacksmithing

Wagon and Carriage ShopRepairing of all Kinds

Neatly DoneAll Work Guaranteed

Frank Crocker


Blacksmithing, Wagon Work



All Work Guaranteed

THE KENDRICK GAZETTE their son, Francis, to Dr. Seeiey ~ d f f pId gafflast week. He has been troubledwith seitere pains and swelling in The ro«ance langnages are those

Published every'riday at Ken the neck. The thyroid gland seems O'at are wAv d not so muA *"m the

,'rick, Idaho, b tp be aff cteci . ciassical Latin as from the Latin Ia-ric , p, y to be affycteci.

lpcts spoken in various Roman prpv- Glaaeeeauaganteedtofitaedrecommepded

Ralph B. Knepper Mr. and Mr. J. E. Long ajid Hazel inpes. Thi principai ones fire the Ital- eniy if absolutely neceaaagy.

Carman spent Saturday night at the inn, preach, provencal and spanish, Siecle BuildingWm. Kauder home. Moscow, - IDAlfo

Frank Souders Jr'nd Jack, Lloyd of Winchester visited at the

Entered at the post office at Keli-'puder s home Sunday NOTNE,'rick m second class miil mabMr.and Mrs. Johri Darby visitea Sunday, October 12. MCDOWell'S

with Mr, and Mrs. H. EI. Pogue,Sunday, 10:00a. m. - Sunday school COEAmercial Hotel

' ""'"*'"""'""""-""""THEAMERicANPREssAssocIATIQN ]

. 11;00a. m. Serm'on by Joy HellMr.and Mrs, Wm. Kauder sPent 6:80p m - Epworth League

Monday at the Mike Forest home. Leader Miss Alberta Walker Dinner 11:80to 2'80According to a recent ruling by s

Henry Loeser and son have been 7:SOp. m. - Evening Worsbipi', fou'r Idaho supreme court jucjges, staying at the Wm. Kauder home a Sermon by C. D. Bell~

Supper 6:30to8. Lunches 80cwomen in this state have no righ'f part pf the time since the family'uesday 7:80p. m. Choir Practice Our dinners are still at Pop-to serve on a jury. The momen hasreturhed from DeKaib, Ill. He Thursday., -,- 7:30p, m. ular priceyprobably won't like this ruling at "as been visiting with'ther old Mid-week Prayer nieeting t„d 'Ch k D'0

1] It s funny bow folks will/gilt friends in the neighborhood also. SOUTHWICK10:00a. m, - Sunday school Try a bowl of soup.

for the P'rivilege of being eligibleA <h N, 11:00a. rn. Sermon, C D. Hell

fsir jury duty, but will do mpsi any. g 6:30 p. m. - Epworttl j,eaguething to 'get rid of the job when This will be a. service of great in-

'hey are appointecj to serve. Matt Ward injured bis hand.when terest to every young person. Be Vote forhe fell from a dour about three feet Present.sff the ground. 7:30 p, m. Sermon by Joy Bell

The supervised games on the . Wednesday 7 45 Pscbool playground have caused fav-, c

Hn 'id-week Prayer Meeting.comment Pn the Part oi the ports that W~lt~~ Hoffman is rapid- A ~~~d~

school patrons, Tbe games are iy recovering." ' 'he Public to be present for all these p

services of the church.directed . by the teachers and are Mrs, Dean Wright and daughter fora guarantee of.good conduct on the and Miss Daniel, attended the pro- METHODIST CHURCHplayground, Above all they stim- gram given by the Ladies Aid in

BULLETINulate a spirit of 'sportsmanshiP a I eland, Fitidsy night.

mong the PuPils. It is safe to say Irene StePbens sPent Sunday night Leland Idahpthat they pill also promcste better ' ~ " "

S d S h I 10 00 A MM y ff, gf o old. P e h ]I:00 A M Co~~ ~N THE HEA~Dean Wright and Claud Craig

KNOW HIM? Went to the mountains, Monday. Pworth Leame devtptlonalmeeting at 7 P. M.

Mr. and Mrs. H..'C. Wilkens andcjaiigbter 'visited at tbe home of 1. E angelistie services at 8 P. M.

Isn't 1t funny'. J. Buckles, Monday. - 'o these services the pubI;c lsThat a .mari who thinks

T 'l '

b cordially ilivit'ed.He is a business mall . T. J. Buckles made a business

Pili/. get up in the morning Rev. C. J, Taber, Pastor

Frptn Ln advertised mattress Mrs Town of 'emiston SPent

Shave with an advertised razor week end at, the A. A. Dobson home,

And put on advertised under- Lloyd Brown is filiirjg his new

Advertised hose, - shirt, collar, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinsontie and shoes, 'ove to Kendrick last week. ML a.

Seat himself at the table and, Douglas Wi'leon and wife, Mrs.Eat advertised breakfast food, R. J. Hoskins and daughter mereDrink advertised coffee or sub. visitors at Lewiston over the meek

stitutes, 'cjPut on an advertised hat, ', R. J, Hoskins and A. L. Anderson,Light an advertised'igar,, made a business trip to Lewiston,

,'o dowll fo his place of business Monday

And turib down advertising on Miss Ethel Gilson, c»unty superin-,the ground that 'endcnt, visited the'. Agatha school,

Davenport, Krauss,, Imperial ancIt I ~ ei

Daniel Webster: Let us iieveg Broke Up Roman Roads j.iggetiSforget that the cultivation o'f thy Large stone slabs which formed theearth is the most important la- core of the Roman roads'in Englandbor of man. Mari -may be civiliz were in medieval 'times frequently And the Nationally Advertised

' ed,ill some'.degree without gre6;t carried off for building PnrPPsest The

prog'ress in manufactures and u ing of these ancient roads as quar-

with little commerce 'with his h, man @sfricfsries accounts for their cisauuearance Johnston s Box Chocolates

distant nei hbors....When till-


oundcrs of civilization,

I/I)I ]$ I./Ii/


Bear this in mind when you want the .best,

husband, got him, says an ex-change. Ths advertisement, wed- New ntsuevety Heats Rn> R,ed CrOSS PharmaCyding outfit cost her 914.00;

$5,000 worth of life insuralice.ghilc'we ijre not in favor of Kansas City, Mo., (Special)—

A. new discovery which, experts i,illustration of the value of acl-

a ree 1L no equal for curative~ ~Ivertismg.. effect in all riiput'ure cases, is

the latest accomplishment of theIt is said of a certain young well-known Hernia Specialist,

ilady in this town would dike Dr. Anc1rcws, 75-EI Koch Bldg,,to have white hands, while they Kansas City, Mo. The extraordi-had company asked the advice nary success of this new method

', of a guest. 'Soak them in dish- proves that it holds and healswater 3 times a day,'as the a rupture. It weighs only a few'.--III ..-INN-~,reply. The girl left the piano, ounces. Has no hard gouging

': gtsii III: giilg ..I t

sticking her. head into the kitch- pads, no efastic belts, no legwhere her mother was washing straps, no steel bands, and is as',the clishcs, said: Ma, I wish you comfortable as a light garment., fwould save the dislnvater when It has enabled hundreds of ger-,you get thru.'sons to throw away trusses and 0 e

declare their rupture, absolutely, i

Arthllr Brisbane: The human llealed. Many of these had ser-

1 ace begins tp move A inidget ious double ruptures, from which

scaplailc on'he Delaware i r they had suffered for Sears. Ithas smashed the Ainerican rcc- is Dr. Andrews'mbition to have

'rdIt runs alpiig 'thc water evci y 1uptul ccl Person enjoS'»crises froni it travels 3 miles 1,1 q ick relief, comfort anil heal-

iess titan one'iinute. Tire speed ing power oi itis discovery, and Are YOu AWaverage ].07.0 miles an hour It hc will scncl it on free'rial to,"banks"'urns as easily as a any reader of Kendriclc Ga-

swallow, travels faster. Around zette who writes him. He wants

the world iu 24 1'iours is comin one Person in each neighbor-i )hood fo whom he can refer. If l

you ivish fo be rid of ruptureA fufor who tooted a Gute for goocl, wifhouf an operation'1'ried fo tutor two tutors to toot; take agvanfsgc pf fhc doctor'sSaid fhc fwo fo the tutor, free offer. Write him today. 41-2t"Is it harder fo toot orTp tutor fwo footers to foot tt"—Lt"x. 'Tomorrows Car Today"


~Prafeeeionnl carrie




Thomas J, Stone,

Dr. Vjfilliam T. SeeleyPhysician


'KendricK, - - Idaho


Npllfe 1'..Stop,e,Defe'ndant'


the above named defendant.You are hereby notified that a

Complaint has been filed againstyou in the District Court of the Sec-ond Judicial District of the State ofIdaho, in and for the County ofLatah, by the above.named'frlai'ntiff;a statement of the nature of theabove entitled cause of action i!igeneral terms is as follows:

To obtain a decree .at divorce. onthe ground of desertion.

And you are hereby dir ected tnappear 'and answer the said Com-plaint within t)venty days of theservice of this 'Summons, if servedwithin. said Judicial District, andwithin forty days if served else-where; and you .arc further notifiedthat unless you. so appear and ans-wer said Complaint within the timeherein specified, the plaintiff willtake judgment against you as prayedin said comp/aint.

Witness my hand and the seal of.the Disrict Caurt af the Second

—Judicial District of .the State afIdaho, in and for Latah County, this22nd day of September, A. D., 1924.



I'rank 1. Moore and Latham D.ItrIlaare,. Resfdepie, Muscafrtr, Idaho,

'ttorneys fbr:Plaintiff. '9-Gt

Statement of Ownership, Mari-a,'gemerft, Etc., Required 'by

the Act of Congress ajf'August '.24, 1912

Of the Kendrick Gazette, pub-lished weekly at Kendrick, Ida-Iia, for October 1, 1924.State af Idaho —County of La-tah —ss.

Before me a notary public infind for the state and eaurttyaforesaid, persarially appearedRalph B. Kuepper, wha havingbeert duly sworn according taIaw, deposes and says that heis, the owner arid publisher ofthe 'Eendr'ick Gazette'rt'd thatthe following, is, ta the best ofhis knowledge and belief, a truestatement of the ownership, man-agement, etc., af the afa'resaidpublicetian for the date shownin the above captian, requiredby thes act of August 24, 1912,embodied in section 443, PostalGaws Mid regulations, printedon the reverse af this form ta-wit:

That the name arid addressaf'he

aIvner and publisher isRalph B. Kiiepper, Keudrick,Idaho.

That the known baridbalders,martgagees, and other securityholders awriing or haldiug oneper cent or more of the total,amount of baiids, matgages, orother .securities, etc.,- are—None.

RA.LPH B. KNEPPER,Ow'per and Publisher.

'Sworn ta and subscribed beforeme this 3rd day of October,1924.

M. B. MeCONNEL,Notary Public.

Dr. Geo.'W. McKeever


Phone 812

Kendrick Idaho


Moscow, Idaho

A. H. GVKRSMlTNAttornev-at-Law

Third� 'StreetIfrquhart .Building

Moscpwr Idaho.

We can save you money onWATCHES.

Repairing with a guarantee thatmeans something

LaHatt the Jeweler


Phone 554

Kendrick Dray and Ice Ca.

Frank Boyd, Prop.

J. J. PICKERDLicensed Embalmer

and Undertaker

Auto Equipment..Lady attend-ant. Stock of goods in Ken-drick. Phone 462K, or 876Troy, or see


WANTED Convenient Qualitypersonality is that something which

allows a man to borrow money as ffhe was conferrfng a favor.—J'ack Ca-nuck.

Cattle, hogs and sheep

Hides and Wool.Seven "Bibles" in All

Other scriptures regarded as Bibles,In order of age, are as follows: TheZendavesta of the Persians, whichcon[alns the sayings of Zoroaster; theThree Vedas of the Hhidoos; the FiveKings of the Chinese; the Pitfkes ofthe Buddhists; the Koran of theMoharnmedansr; the Eddas of theScandinavians. The Bible is the oM-

est of these, while the Koran is themost recent, about the Severtfrtr cen-tury. The Eddas were not pubnsheduntil the Fourteenth centurv.


Holbrook & Emmett


Suits Made to Order

F. CorishTailor and,"Cleaner


Dry or steam cleaned $1.50

Sponged and pressed $1,00

All Work"First Class

State Bank Bldg.

Kendrick, Idaho

%alk on Good LeatherG. F. Walker

When your shoes areworn, bring them to mefor expert repair.

We absolutely guaran-teed our work.

R.eal EstateAnd


Kendrick, - Idaho Kendrick Harness ShopIDAHO.


TROY, ==—:~eriT===-~ereee

Moore,'. S. 496 160 8,00Nash, K. L. 199 50 2.25Nickerson, lone 208 100 5.00Nickerson, Ione 502 40 2 00Nolting, A, C. 305 100 5.00Nuzum, Jessie E. 320 400 20.000'13rian, Jack 214 250 12.50O'Brian, Jack 503 100 5.00Olson Rowles Company

301 75 3.750 1 son, Carl '93 200 10.00Olson, Knute 394 200 10.00Olson, Oscar 395 200 10.00Otteraacn, Mrs. Andrew

396 100 5.00Otterapen,, Andrew 398 1900 95.000ttcraaen, Ear! 397 1000 50,00Peterson, E. S. 419 100 5,00Potter, Ray B. 118 100 5.00Potter, Ray B. 511 40 2.00Potter, Mrs.Parckee, H. F. 144 100 5.00Parckee, H. F. 508 40 2.00Parent, Mrs. J. C. 173 600 30.00parent, mrs. J. C. 509 240 12.00Prichard, J. A. 341 200 10,00Panman, William 399 100 5.00Pennington, L. F. 400 200 10.00Peterson, Maren 401 '00 10.00Richer, Otto 323 25 1.25Rider, Mrs. J. M. 402 600 30.00Roste, Minor 403 100 5.00Smith, Albert S. 56 50 2.50Smith, Albert S. 248 25 125Smith, Albert S. 520 30 150Seimer, Carl H. 122 50 2.50Seimer, Carl B. 517 20 1.00Strong, W, W. 169 250 12.50Strong, W. W. 418 100 5.00Strong, W. W. ~ 521 100 5 00Smith, W. H. 282 200 10.00Smit'h, W. B. 283 400 20.00Smith W. B. 284 200 10.00Smith, W. B. 285 200 10.00Sprecher, Irwin 357 '0 .50Sparks, Emile 404 200 10.00Sparks, Mrs. Emile 405 100 5.00Toney, A. T. 27 125 6.25Toney, A. T. 531 50 2.50Thomas, Bernice 28 100 5.00Thomas, Bernice 527 40 2.00Tyler WilliamTibbies, William 406 400 20.00Tuttle, Mrs. Emma 407 200 10.00Vedvig, Elmer 409 100 5.00Vedvig,,John 410 300 15.00'Wit tman, J; A. 18 25 1.25Wittman, J.'..227 . 5 .25Wittman, J. A, 539 12 .60Woodward, E. E. 41 100 5.00ttrVoodward, E. E. 541 40 2.00Whitley, Sarah M. 57 50 2 50Whitley, Sarah M. 318 25 1.25Whitfey, Sarah M.. 541 10 .50'W'liit icy, Sarah M. 535 20 1.00rWinfree, W. H. 206 700 35.00Winfree, W. H. 538 280 14.00Winfree, Jane R.- 207 200 10.00Winfree, Jane R. 537 80 4.00Woodimx'd, Harry W.'48

2000,100.00Witty, RD. I. 355 100 5.00Wilson, A. W. 411 50 2.50Wilson, A. iD. '12 100 5.00Wilson, F. 413 200 10.00Wood, G. W. 414 100 5.00Waiting, A. C. 544 40

2.00'oorrm,E. C. 415 550 27.50



vs.'AMUELGRUELL, Jr and LF.LAGRUELL, his wife, C. D. ADAMSdoing business under the name andstyle of ADAMS GROCERY, Mrs.L. T, CHRISTOPHERSON, theunknown heirs of L. T, CHRIS'I-OPHERSON, deceased, the un-known devisees of L. T. CHRIST-OPHERSON, deceased, and all theunknoivn owners and unknownclaimants to the following descril>edreal estate itrratcd in Latah Coun-ty, State of Idaho, to-wit: Lots 3,4, 5, and 6 of wthat is known anddesignated as "JULIAETTA OR-CHA'RDS," 'ccording the the re-corded plat thereof. DefendantUnder and by virtue of an order of

sale and decree of forclosure and saleissued out of the District Court ofthe second Judicial Distr'ict in and forthe County of Latah and State ofIdaho, on the 30th day of September,A. D. 1924, in the above entitledaction wherein Anna W. Eaves theabove named Plaintiff oirtairfed afrrdgement and decree of foreclosureand sale against SAMUErL GRUEI.L,Jr and LELA GRUELL, his wife.C. D. Adams, doing business underthe name and style of ADAMSGROCERY, MRS. L. T. CHRIST-OPHERSON, the unknown heirs ofL. T. CHRISTOPI3 ERSON, de-

'eased,the unknown devisees of L. T.CHiRISTOPHHRSON, deceased andall the unknown owners and unknownclaimants to the following describedreal estate situated in Latah County,State of Idaho, to-wit'. Lots 3, 4, 5and 6 of what is known and desig-nated as "JUL.I AE T'I'A OR-

'IIARDS"accor'ding Io the recordedplat thereof, Defendants or. the 30thday of Septeml jer, A, D., 1924, forthc siim of $64II.40 in Unitecl Statesgold coin, I am'commanded to scil allthat certain lot, piece'r parcel ofland situated, lying and being in Jul-iaetta precinct, 'County of I.atah,state of Idahh, and bounded and re-scribed as fnifows:

Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of what isknnwn and designate(i as "IUI.-IAETTA ORCHARDS", accorrl-ing tn the recorded plat thereof.Public notice is hereby given that

nn I'rid;ry, the 31st clay of Octoiier.A. D., 192$, at 1 o'lock P. hf. rift'hat day, in front of'he Coirrt Housedoor of the County of Latah, I vill,in obedienc» to an order nf talc anddr cree of fnreclosure and sale. sellthe above described nroperty or snmuch thereof as may be necessary tosatisfy saicl iudgement, with interestanrl cnst~. etc.. to the highrs" birfrlcr,for golrl coin nf the Unitecl States.

Dated this 1st dax'f Octohr r. 1'r24.

JAMES J. KEA'XE, She. itf.

By W. F. hfORGAREILGE, Deputy.4f-Jt


branded on right shoulder withbar and star beneath. Jf not cal-led for before Thursday, Octob-er 28, the mule will be sold atpublic auction ut 10 o'clack a.m. to satisfy feed bill Mid ad-vertising costs. Ole Lien, Ken-drkck, Idaho. 40-8t


Office of the Stapfeton Oil I am-psny, flrcarpara ted, Kendrick,Idaho, October 2, *1944.

Notice is hereby given that thereis delinquent upon the fafialtfingdescribr,a stock on acr.ount of assess-menr of five (5)'ents per sharelevied- on the'P, day of August,1924, the several amounts strt op-posite the names of the respectivestack holders as failows, ta wit:


"i fDrrr




I"rea O. Petzrick, Deceased.Notice is hereby given by tbe un-

cfersfgnea, executor crt the lastWi if and Testament of I<'red O.Petzrfek, deceased, to the creditorsof, and aff persons having claimsagtrrnst the said deceasea, ta ex-hibit them with the necesary vouch-ers, within four months after thefirst publication of this notice, tathe said executor at the oNce atA. H. Oversmrtb, in Moscow, Idaho,the same being the place for thetransaction of the business of saidestate in I atah County State atIdaho.

OTTO SCHUPFER,Executor of the estate or I'red O.

Petzrick, l3eceased.Dated at Moscow, Iifaha, Septem-

ber 17, 1924. 88-Gt




LATAH COUNTYRUFUS W. UTT, Plaintif, -vs-EDWARD ANDERSON, RUFUSJ, ANDERSON, ENOS ANDER-SON, GEORGE W. ANDERSON,RUTH R. CHAPIN, AMELIADEGOWIN, and all unknown heirsand unknown devisees of Rufus An-derson, deceased, and all crnknownowners of or claimants to, any rightor 'title to, or interest in or lien orclaim upon the Socitlnvest Quarter(SW'/a) of the Northwest Quarter(NW/4) and the West one-half(Wrjj2) of the Southwest Quarter(SWi/e) and the Northeast Quarter(NEr/4) of the Southwest Quarter(SW'/~) of Section Twenty-t'hree(23) in Township Forty-one (T41)North, of Range Four (R4) Westof the Boise Meridian, in LatahCounty, State of Idaho, Defendants.

THE STATE OF IDAHOSENDS GREETINGS TO EdwardAnderson, Rufus J. Anderson,George W. Anderson, Enos Ander-son, Ruth Chapin, Amelia Dego win,and all unknown heirs and unknowndevisees of Rufus Anderson, .de-ceased, and all unknown owners ofor claimants to, any right or title toor interest in or lien or claim uponthe Southwest Quarter of the North-west Quarter and the West One-halfof the Southwest Quarter and theNortheast Quarter of the SouthwestQuater of Section Twenty-three(23) in Township Forty-one (41)North, of Range. Four (4) West ofther Boise. Meridian, in Latah Coun-ty, State of Idaho, the above namedDefendants.

You are hereby notified that acamplaint has been filed against, youin the District Court of the SecondJudicial District of the State of Ida-ho, in and for the County of Latah,by the above named Plaintiff, of thenature in general terms as follows:To quiet title to the following realproperty, situate in Latah Ccrunty,State, of Idaho, to-wit:

The Southwest Quarter of theNorthwest Quarter (SWP4NW, /4)and the West One Half of theSouthwest Quarter (Wp'~SWp4)and the Northeast Quarter ofthe Southwest . Qug ter (NEr/4SW%) .of Section Twenty-Three(23) in Township Forty-onei (41)North, of Range Four (4) Westof the Boise Meridian, in LatahCounty, State of Idaho.And you are hereby directed to

'app'ear and "answer the said com-plaint within 20 days of the serviceof this summons, if served withinsaid Judicial District, and within for-ty days if served elsewhere. And youare further notified that unless youso appear and answer said complaintwithin the time herein specified,'theplaintiff will take judgment againstyou as prayed in said~complaint.

Witness my hand and seal of theDistrict Court of the Second Judi-cial District of the State of Idaho,in and for Latah County, this 30thday of August A. D. 1924.

Harry A. Thatcher, ClerkBy Adrian Nelson, Deputy.

Frank L. Moore and Latham D.Mooer. Residence and Post OfficeAddress, Moscow, Idaho. Attorneysfor Plaintiff. 36-6



F. 249F. 425



H. 368370145439





W.. 164W. 444





K. 31K. 459


464K. 184P. 466


M. 46536





R. 54350139140491

J. 147J. 497


k 303155

Allen, Charles H.Allen, Charles H.Appleton, AlveraAppleton, AlveraAuld, WilliamAllen Charles H.Anderson, A. E.Anderson, A. E.Anderson, Charles,Anderson, Charles,Anderson, T. 'W.Anderson, T. W.Auld, John, B.Auld, John B,Anderson, M. H.Anderson, Jack113urr, Lee/Burr, LeeHrowman; C. A.13rowman, C. A.Benecka, H. J.Benecka, H. J.Benecka,H. J.Black, D. T.Black, D. T. zBuck, J. T.Buck, J. T.Bittle, 'J.


tie', "J. H,Baggon, J. N.Baggon, J. N.Baggbn, J. N.Bronson, E. B..Bronson, E, B.Brrananama, M.Benedict„H.D.Berker, LillianBenson, IBenBenson, L oBigham, Mrs. S.Bukal, HarrisBurnell, Mrs. OraBurnell, Mrs. OraBlack, W, M.Black, W. M.Banner, AlisonCardle, E. L.Car die, E. L.Cram, Mary R.Cram, Mary R.Cram, F. B.Cram, F. B.,Campbell, ArthurCampbell, arthurClapp, H. H.Caton, Rorber't V.Coovcr, I.enoreChapinr E. T.Coover, J. F.Cullen, W. E.Drake, Ida M.D'rake, Ida M.Drrnh~am, John F.Dunham. John,F.Dissett, MinnieDavis, R. O.Davis, R. O.Davis, R. O.Dah], Harry'Dahl, A. J.Davis, Mrs. KateErickson, F. E.Frickson, F. E.Fliington, E. V.Ellington E VEd l un cl, J. R.Fuller, E. D.Ferguson, AlbertFerguson, Albertgraves, Clyde M.'Graves, Clyde M.Graves, Clyde M.

'regory,GeorgiaGregory, GeorgiaGookin, JohnGneadinger, E. G.Gneadinger, E. G.Gneadiger, E. G.Gfausha, Mrs. AnnGill, GreetchenGal la'ger, CecilGookin, J. H.Gord, OttoGreen, Mrs. B. H.Groop, Willis J.Gord, 'GeorgeGraves, Mrs. ClydeHalstrom, CarlHalstrom, CarlHeiton, MarthatHelton, MarthaHuber, L. H.Huger, L. H.Herring, "J. A.Herring, J. A.He'rring, J. A.Haven, Sophic A.Haven, Sophie A.Haas, Bcn V.Haas, Mrs. Hcn, V.Hagen, Lewis B.Krahring, HelenKrahring, HelenKeisicker, JohnKeisicl<cr, JohnKeisickcr, John"Kcstoti, williamKalez, M. J.Klonick, EdLacy, C'harlesLym an, J. N.Miller, J. I..McComb, J. O.Mc Comb, J. O.Musch, WilliamMusch, Williani R.McGinnis, JameshfcGinnis, JamesM C6 r ll 1115, J:liil e S

Munden, Mrs. M.Munden, ~ Mrs. M.Murphy, James J.Murphy, James J.M cKay, BirdMcKay, BirciMcCullum J FMcCnlium, J. F.hfrPhersnn, E. S.hlicklcs, J. S.hfskias, Mrs. Frauhi nore, H. S.

100 5.0040 2.00

200 10.0080 4.00

100 5.0040 2.00

100 . 5.0040 2.00

400 20,CO160 8.00100 '5,0040 2.0040 2.0010 .50

1000 50.0040 2.0050 2,50

220 1.00400 20.00160 8.00100 5.0050 2.5060 3.00

1000 50.00400 20.00400 20.00160 8.00125 6,2550 2.50

100 5.0050 25;00

240 12,0050 25020 1.00

100 5.00200 10.00100 5.0050 2.5050 250

1000 50.00200 10.00180 9.0072 3.60

200 9.0080 4.0010 .50

200 10.0080 4.00

100 5.0040'.00150 7.5060 3.00

100 5.0040 2.00

200 10.0050 250

200 10.00200 10.00

50 2.50400 20.00600 30.00240 12.00

50 250ZO 1.0025 1.25

250 12.501000 50.00

500 25.005Q 250

100 5.00100 5.0050 2.5020 1.0040 2.00

100 5.00z5 1.25

200 10.0050 2.5020 1.00

2000 100.001000 50.001200 60.00200 10,00

80 4.0050 2.50

500 25.001000 50.001000 50.00

40 2.00110 5.5050 2.50

4200 210.00200 10.00

1050 .52.50200 10.00

. 500 25.0040 2.00

200'0.0080 4.00

200 10.0080 4.0050 2.0020 1.00

150 7.50500 25,00260 13.00200 10,00800 40.00

50 25050 25050 2.50

200 10.0080 4.00

250 12.5050 250

120 6i.00100 5.00100 1.0050 2.50

100 . 5.00'0

2.50400 20.00

1436 71.80215 10.75

1000 50.00400 20,00500 25.00500 25.00400 20.00200 10.00

80 4.002000 100.00

800 40.00200 10.00

80 4.00250 12.50100 5.00200 10.00ZOO 10.00inn 5 00400 20.00

Gatherin g the WheatThe wheat harvest usually begins

In June in California, Louisiana, Mfs-sissippf,'Alabama, Georgia, the Caro-Iinas, Tennessee, Vi'rginia, Kentucky,Kansas. Utah and Missouri; In Julyin Oregon, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wis-consin, Colorado, Washington, Iowa,Biinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, NewYork, New England «nd Upper Can-ada; fn August in North and SouthDakota. Manitoba and Lower Canada.

Local Ads

FOR bALE: Splendid quarter sec-tfan, all in cutlivatfan, gund water,weil improved, well located on Pot-latch ridge. Some cash find goadterms on balance. Quick actionnecessary ta get this desirableranch. Inquire, Gazette. 24-tf

For Sale or Trade: 5 passen-

ger Overland. A. %'ilmot, Ken-drick. 34-tf

FOR HALE Good tettm 2400, wag-on, hack and harness. Cheap forquick sale. 'I'erms ta right party.inquire Grrzette. 80-tf

. FOR SALE: 14 tons of loose alf-alfa and wheat bay. Inquf're Farm-ers Bank. 89-8I

I'OR SALE: 18 White Leghornyear old hens, also 10 cackerels, fatbreeding purposes rlankftrd strainInquire Cecil Roberts, Americanridge, phone 226. 40-2p.

I"OR SALE: 24 head big barredPoland China weaning pigs $8.00each. E. L. Whisler, Linden. 41-2c

FOR SALE: Het of heavy Fordchains, good as new. Inquire Gaz-ette. 41-/t


FOR SALE: Janathans and New-tans for caarcfng, 50c a box at tneJufiaetta Cannery. 41-1t

I have taken up at my p'lace

5 miles north of Kendrick, onebrown mule, weight about 950,

Keeping Your Car ".Up" Is

The Safe Way.

A regular inspection of your Car is the only safe

plan to follow. Then at the first sign of wear or

weakness the cause may be remembered at a small

cost and your car will always be safe to drive.

Drive in and let us inspect your car today. Itmay save a serious accident.

Kendrick Garage Co.Deobald Bros.

IMPERIAL CANDIESAre Always Eaten,But Never Beaten,

We now have one of the finest line of candies,

bon bons and chocolqtes th'rt hus ever been curried

by any store or confectionery iri this part of the

country. They'simply make your mouth ivatef tolook at them. They are made by the Imperial

Candy Co. and are fresh and delicious.N. R. Shepherd

The Aatctioneeg



Yotr. t:now ..t's Gooc-There are many brands oi cold weather in Kend-

rick and the vicinity, but Sheruerman Bros., and

Oregon City overcoats are designed to give wool

warmth for every winter weather need.

We bought these overcoats direct from the m]L n-

ufacturers you +rill find them moderately I]ri(ed at,

$ !3.50 $ I 6.50 $20.00$28.00 $35.00

(our ...'a ..-..a1:Is Here!

The newest hats in gray, tan, brown, andfnedium brown mixtures which are so popularthis fall.

Mr. Man, we suggebt that you select thath]],t today.

This Store if Headquarters ForMunsingwear, Bradley Knit Wear, Osh Kosh Overalls, Oregon City

Woolens, Royal. Worcester Corsets. Hamilton Brown Footwear and

Goodrich Rubbers.

C S1:Ore 1"One ~any. <enc ricThe Quality Store

ll11"""'l'II I

=„=-IsrtcreI >$ )lp<~Il, Il I



iI t|'Ill 'IIIt'



Zdodel gDDh


A:.']I'ew .13runswic. zCa >iIIet .V.:Oi e..

43f/2 inches high


Sunday guests at the J. M. Wood-ward home were: Mr. and Mrs. Hus-

', i sell Smith and family, HerbertWolfF, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil klesh-

'nan and family.Mrs. Everett k leshman and daugh-

ter of Montana are visiting ff]endsand relatives here.

Mrs. Hoy Morgan called at theGlenn home, Mondav.

Jakie Daugherty spent Sundayw]th his brother, Philip, at Leland.

Miss Emma Glenn spent the weekend at home.

Mrs. Mary McCall and sons, Wal-ter, Jack and Glair spent Sunday

,at the Hartung home at Cameron.

Frances Hund ]s making an ex-tended stay w]th her sister, Mrs,Hugli Parks, while her mother ]svisiting in the East.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McKay and'aby of AIjyrtle visited at the Hoy

Morgan home Sundav evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Houck, ofJul]aetta, are spending a few days

,on the ridge.

John Glenn had the misfortune tocut his hand quite badly on one ofthe knives in the threshing machine.

Miss Ethel G]leon, county super-intendent, visited the school, Wed-

'esday.Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks called

at the Ike H]eensma nome, Sunday,and hauled away a load of hnetomatoes and watermelons.

Miss Ernestine Callison, who is i

attending school at Moscow, spentthe wee]c enu at hei home on



Jack Pickerd oi Troy was a Kend-'ickvisitor Wednesday. He re-i

cently returned from an elk hunt inthe Elj'ountain country but faileuto secure his meat.

Col. N. H. Shepherd of Troy was,]'ustl]ng business in Kendrick, Wed-nesday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson of'oscowweie Kendrick visitors,


Dr. J. T. Muser of Lewiston was i

transact]ng bus]ness ]n this locality I


Ira Foster arrived Tuesday on then]gnt train from Elk H]ver wherehe has been work]ng in the'mill.He expects to spend the winter athis home near Kendr]ck. His son,Guy, hss a good job in the mill andwili rema]n there.



The opportunity you have been waiting for —theaccepted phonograph of the day —priced within yourmeans.

The Model "200" Brunswick is fully equipped withthe famous Brunswick Ultona Reproducer —whichplays all records —and the Brunswick All-wood ToneAmplifier —which gives Brunswick tone its charac.teristic sweetness and volume.

To buy any phonograph without first hearing TheBrunswick is a niistakc.

One of the Funniest Comedies everput on the Screen. Convenient Terms

.Ciialtkf/>44(p~aaml~ir x~:rea:S~+sama:racer:r». ——

"MAUD MULLER"A two-reel picturization of that beautiful poem by

John Greenleaf NhittierMrs. Jennie Hund of Leland left

the first of the week to visit her old1home in Michigan. krom thereshe will go to Baltimure to visitrelatives. Children","..',".'* 10c - Adults 35c

6'he New KendrickO. E. MacPherson, Manager

Kendrick HardwareCompany

A. K. Carlson drove to Spokaneon bus]nebs Tuesday.

Dcc W. B. Van Wert and son leftlabt week for the coast where theyexpect to spend the winter somewhere in Tillamook county. Mrs.

Kendrick, Idaho



Van Wert, Doc's mother, went tol Miss ESe Shelby of Moscow spent


potlatch to make her home vvitb'batnrdsr night snd bander nitha son who lives there, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George

Dan Jones arrived the first of theJones.

Mrs. M]na Davidson of Clarkston week from the coast to visit friends Henry Jones left for Moscow, Hun-spent Saturday in Kendrick with here He is helping at Htanton dav.


her daugh]era nna ay " " Bros, store during Harry's absence. Mr. Chester McIver is quite ]II.Merton Pierce ot Texas ridge was Geor e P Barnum and C G

Dr. Horswell oi Orofino was calledtransactinhg bu»ness in Kendr]c]» Compton left last week for Flk City to attend him.

or a big game hunt. 'l'hey return- Mrs. 1'rank Houders and childrenlast Satu]da . He served on ttieg]]ry at Law]ston last week. ed yesterday afternuon with their of (.'rescent were Southwick visitors,

Miss L. M. Knepper went to Mos- meat, h]rv]ng killed a young bull Tuesday afternoon,cow the hrst of the week to v]si t her elk.


Julius'.Petr]ck is improving the, OAMERON ITEMSMr, and Mrs. Walter Thomas appearance of h]s residence with a

returned the firstof the week from new coat of pa]nc. He]salso mak- Mrs. C.J. Hoemeke and daughtera bus]ness-trip to Spokane. ]ng other improve]n'ents on the left ior Spokane, Monday, when,

place. they will spend the greater part of'r.and Mrs. G, F. Walker went tilis week.

to Moscow, Monday, where Mrs.Walker ia taking treatment at the SOUTEWICK NEWS Miss Elbcrta Walker of Kendrjck

hosp> tal. spent the week end w]th MinnieWm. Henderson and family ..went

Mr. and Mrs. N. Brocke.'drove to to potlatch, Saturday to visit their Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson ofGenesee, Sunday, to spend the day daughter, Mrs. Milton Benjamin, peck visited at the George W]lken

Du 'n th~ aosence of Mrs Jen- returning home Sunday. home Sunday.

n]e Hund. the position of registrar Ralph and Clinton Wright came Edwarr] Hein sperit several nights'ofLeland precinct will be filled by in Saturday and spent Sunday w]th last week with LaVern Hpekker,

'rs.Viola Sm]tn. Thbse who wish their families. while Edward's parents were in'

to vote ]n Le]and precinct a< the Murray Benjamin of Pot]](tch was Lewiston.general election next month may a Sunday guest at tbe home of Wm. Mrs, M. Bleck of Kendrick isbe reigstered by tne newly aPPoint McClelland.ed reigstrar.

c e an . vis]t]ng at the Aug. Brammer home i

Atlee Mustoe and w]fe and OpalHalvor fhjelson and son, John, of Southwick went to Lewiston, Thurs- Quite a number oi' ameron people

Garfield, Wash., were transacting day, returning home Monday. motored to G]fford, Sunday morn-business in th]s local]ty the first of

M d M s Wm Stum w„nt ]ng, to attenu the Miss]onary ser-io Asotin Sunrise

vices at the Lutheran church. Those

Mrs. J. (,~ Hamil went to kapok- Born to Mr, and Mrs. Matt Kazda Fred Hijfinw Sr Mr and Mrss v ger]ng from here were:'Mr. and Mrs..

ane last week to consult a sPecialist. October 2, a nine pound g]]j.Her health has been quite poor forseveral months. Qu]te a large crowd attended the Mrs. H. Brammer, Hr., Mr. and Mrs.

supper at Asa Calverts, Saturday Aug Brammer, Mr. and Mrs. H.The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles evening, given by the Ladies of the Bluin and family and M]ss Elberta

Dent, locateo on the North I'ork of W. M, A. Wal ker.the ('learwater, was destroyed byBre Sunday morning Part of the Mr; and Mrs. Walker Helton of ev. ein and son, Bobb]e, mot- I

house ws built of lo 8 't0 Pierce City Passed thru town. Mon- ored to Lewiston, Saturday. return-,

years ago. It served as the posto5 day, on their 'way home.- They ing Sunday. Mrs. Re]n, who had

a populaZ roadhouse for hunting of Mrs. Helton's sister, Mrs. Mel the Past week acc~mPanied ber hus-

parties. The structure contained I5band home.


, A Dutchman woke up in the nightsmelled a skunk, tried'to wake hiswife, then sa]d: "Me]n Gott, haf I

, ttot toschmeii it air atone." Olg Q Ce Q UfC QfA chicken man says that ]f a ba- I

nana,(]talk is hung in the chicken'ousethe l]ce will congregate on it

anything to try the remedy,

Albert ttresteadahi has been brtng-]ng some excellent vegetables totown th]s fall which were raised onthe Westendaht ranch. The gardenspot can be irrigated bya big spring -= — . ' ~which supplies sufficient moistureto raise good crops of out;of-season He gets right at your heart,vegetables. Albert has been sel- reaches over and tick]ed yourling green onions, roasting earsand string beans for severa] weeks, ribs until you r( 11 with joyThe demand for late garden stuffhas be'en good here. and giggle w]th glee

',',jan@~":;::.;:.':;:::r:;:;::.v 4 . TEXAS RIDGEA theater party was given at the

New Kendrick last Friday evening Drmg toe ramuy. '';::,::.::,::::W::-::.,:.:,,,Mi and Mrs, Herb Hl

~...'' """.:.',."..',.:...:....,,children spent Sunday visiting with

rrnpp, nho leave soon tor ban They ii Enfny Et1 .',::::"''',',',::,::,::,:1rrrendson ttiearcreeb.Mrs. G]bs'on is help]ng Mrs. John

Perryinan's confectionery. latm]rn with her house wor]] dur-ing bean threshing.

H. B, Parka of Le]and was ]nKendrick, Tuesday, driving a brand Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dahlgren

new aport model Doage touring car, i and children of Deary spent tne]j .

w]th balloon tires and everything. week end with home folks.That shows what a good bean crop A number of Ladies spent last

"will do. Wednesday afternoon at a parcels ower for Mrs. M. L. Pierce.

on ttie democratic ticket for the Horace Comstock came down fromuff]ce of coinmisb]oner, second dis- Ht. Mar]es, Saturday, and spent atrict, was a Kendrick v]rr]tor Tues- few days at the home oi h]s brother,day af ternoon.


i E. C. Babcock.

Mrs. H. H. Ramey returned last,'rs. Martin k'rantzich returnedk'riday from a tr]p to Spokane, home from Clarkston last 'Ihursday,

rwhere she had been tak]ng treat-Harry Hupp and Ed Long dr'ove i ments for her knee that she hurt a

to Handpo]nt, Sunday, with a truck few weeks ago.load oi tiousehold goods. Mrs. Head was a caller at Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Watson oi Tekoa, 'gden', Monday.Wash., arrived Tuesday to visit atthe horne of Hev. and Mrs. Bell., v

Mr. Watson is Mrs. Hell's brother. Lodge stationery attractivelyprinted at the Gazette office.'f

Miss Lt'dna Janes, who is attend-ing the Unversity at Moscow, spentlast week.end with her parents, Mr. FAIRVIEW NEWSand M]e. A. E. Janes.

top related