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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0 1987 by The American Society of Biological Chemists, Inc

Val. 262, No. 7, Issue of March 5, pp. 3082-3085,1987 Printed in U. S. A.

Sulfation of a Tyrosine Residue in the Plasmin-binding Domain of a2-Antiplasmin*

(Received for publication, September 29, 1986)

Glen HortinSgT, Kam F. FokII, Paul C. Toren**, and Arnold W. StraussS$$$ From the Departments of $Biological Chemistry and $$Pediatrics, §Division of Laboratory Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 631 10 and the Monsanto Corporation, [[Chesterfield, Missouri 63198 and **St. Louis. Missouri 63167

Sulfation of human a2-antiplasmin, the major plasma inhibitor of fibrinolysis, was examined using both pro- tein isolated from human plasma and protein synthe- sized and biosynthetically labeled with [3SS]sulfate by a human hepatoma-derived cell line. Linkage of sulfate to tyrosine was demonstrated by recovery of labeled tyrosine sulfate after base hydrolysis of sulfate-labeled a2-antiplasmin. Analysis by reverse-phase high per- formance liquid chromatography of peptides released from a2-antiplasmin by cleavage with trypsin or cyan- ogen bromide indicated that sulfate is linked to a single segment of the protein. A cyanogen bromide peptide corresponding to the sulfate-labeled peptide was pre- pared from a2-antiplasmin isolated from human plasma. Consistent with the presence of tyrosine sul- fate in this peptide, its chromatographic elution was altered by treatment with acid under conditions which release sulfate from a tyrosine residue. No peptide in the total digest of a2-antiplasmin by cyanogen bromide eluted at the position of the peptide following desulfa- tion, suggesting that all of the protein is in a sulfated form. The sequence of the sulfate-containing cyanogen bromide peptide as determined by sequential Edman degradation, amino acid composition, and fast atom- bombardment-mass spectrometry was: Glu-Glu-Asp- Tyr(S0,)-Pro-Gln-Phe-Gly-Ser-Pro-Lys-COOH. This peptide is a segment of the previously identified plas- min-binding domain of a2-antiplasmin.

Occurrence of tyrosine sulfate as an amino acid residue in proteins was considered to be vary rare, limited to fibrinogen, until 1982, when Huttner reported evidence that every tissue in rats contains a number of proteins with tyrosine sulfate (1). Subsequent studies by Huttner (2) demonstrated, further, that sulfation of tyrosine residues in proteins occurs in a diverse range of organisms. These findings stimulated efforts to identify proteins that contain tyrosine sulfate. Ensuing studies have identified a substantial number of proteins that contain tyrosine sulfate. Examples of human proteins noted to contain this amino acid are: the fourth component of complement (3, 4), fibrinogen (5), fibronectin (6), a-fetopro- tein ( 5 ) , and heparin cofactor I1 (7). Although a considerable

* This work was supported by grants from the Monsanto Chemical Co. and from the National Institutes of Health. The costs of publi- cation of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “aduertise- ment” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

7 Supported by an Individual National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health. To whom correspondence should be addressed.

number of proteins containing tyrosine sulfate have been identified, in most cases, the sites and stoichiometry of sul- fation have not been determined. Structural characterization of sulfation sites has been reported for only three proteins, fibrinogen (in a number of animal species) (8), the fourth component of human complement (3), and bovine coagulation factor X (9). Studies by our laboratory (3, 7, 10) have been directed at expanding the limited structural data on sites of sulfation by identifying human plasma proteins that contain sulfate and by performing detailed structural analysis of their sulfation sites. Major objectives are to clarify the structural specificity of the sulfation of proteins and to determine the effect of sulfation on protein function. A continuing effort has been made to identify a 75,000-Da protein which was previously noted to be one of the major sulfate-containing proteins secreted by a human hepatoma-derived cell line (10). Possible identity of the product was suggested by a recent report by Lijnen and co-workers (ll), who detected sulfate linked to a,-antiplasmin. The present paper describes a de- tailed analysis of the sulfation of this protein, which functions as the major physiological inhibitor of plasmin circulating in blood (12-14). Structural analysis of a,-antiplasmin indicated that sulfate is linked to a single site, to the tyrosine residue nearest the COOH terminus of the protein. The site of sul- fation of a*-antiplasmin is within a 26-residue segment of the protein that is of particular functional significance because it comprises a plasmin-binding domain (15).



The present study performs a detailed characterization of the sulfation of human a,-antiplasmin, identifying stoichio- metric sulfation of a single tyrosine residue. Obtaining struc- tural data on proteins containing tyrosine sulfate, as pre- sented here, is an important step in understanding the site specificity and the biological function of this widespread modification of proteins. Previously, the positions of sulfate- containing tyrosine residues have been determined in only a few proteins (3, 7-9). The present study clearly demonstrates the high degree of site specificity of the sulfation of tyrosine residues. Only one of several tyrosine residues in a2-antiplas-

’ Portions of this paper (including “Materials and Methods,” “Re- sults,” Figs. 2-6, and Table I) are presented in miniprint at the end of this paper. Miniprint is easily read with the aid of a standard magnifying glass. Full size photocopies are available from the Journal of Biological Chemistry, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. Request Document No. 86M-3358, cite the authors, and include a check or money order for $3.20 per set of photocopies. Full size photocopies are also included in the microfilm edition of the Journal that is available from Waverly Press.


Sulfation Site of a2-Antiplasmin 3083

min is sulfated. The issue of site specificity has been analyzed in detail for only two other proteins, the fourth component of complement (3) and heparin cofactor I1 (7), with similar results. In C4, sulfate is transferred only to 3 closely grouped tyrosine residues out of a total of more than 50 tyrosine residues in the protein (3), and, in heparin cofactor 11, sulfate is specifically added to 2 out of a total of 12 tyrosine residues (7). High specificity of the process of sulfation is also inferred from the experimental observation that no sulfate is trans- ferred to some proteins such as albumin and the third com- ponent of complement (3, lo), which are synthesized by the same cells that stoichiometrically sulfate a,-antiplasmin and the fourth component of complement (3). The structural determinants that define sites of sulfation have not been identified. No consensus sequence is evident among the amino acid sequences of the few known sites of sulfation. The only obvious distinctive characteristic of amino acid sequences surrounding sulfation sites is the high abundance of acidic amino acid residues. az-Antiplasmin conforms to this pattern by having 3 consecutive acidic residues preceding the sulfation site. Further evidence for the importance of acidic residues in determining the specificity of sulfation results from experi- ments using synthetic peptides as substrates for sulfation. Acidic residues substantially increase the affinity of peptides for the sulfotransferase (16).

Identification of the site of sulfation of ctz-antiplasmin is of particular significance because the single tyrosine sulfate res- idue is located within a 26-residue segment of the protein which has high affinity (Kd = 5 X for plasmin (15). The location of the sulfation site relative to other sites in az- antiplasmin is presented diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The protein consists of a single peptide chain with segments that are homologous to &,-antitrypsin and to other members of the serine proteinase (serpin) superfamily (17, 18). Plasmin at- tacks a specific arginyl-methionine bond (18) and, in the process, forms a covalent bond with the carboxyl group of the arginine residue. The COOH-terminal segment of a,-anti- plasmin, which contains the tyrosine sulfate residue, is not homologous to other serpins. This segment comprises a lysine- binding domain that mediates the rapid, reversible association of a,-antiplasmin with lysine-binding sites of plasmin (15). Fast association of these sites is an essential step for the efficient inactivation of plasmin by a,-antiplasmin (19, 20). Complete determination of the structure of the plasmin- binding domain of a,-antiplasmin, including any post-trans- lational modifications, will contribute to identifying the struc- tural basis for this physiologically important reaction. Lysine- binding sites of plasmin require ligands that contain a positive charge and a negative charge separated by an appropriate distance. This was deduced from the binding affinity of hom- ologs of 6-aminohexanoic acid (21). The sulfate group could contribute a negative charge for interaction with plasmin. We




_”” ”_””

__- - /-=- sop

1 Glu Glu AspTyr Pro Gln Phe Gly Ser Pro Lys

ICOOH-Termno1 CNBr Popttda)

FIG. 1. Linear structure of crz-antiplasmin.

intend to examine the contribution of sulfate to the interac- tion of a*-antiplasmin with plasmin by comparing the affinity for plasmin of synthetic peptides (corresponding to the plas- min-binding domain of a,-antiplasmin) with and without sulfate.

Sulfate-labeled a*-antiplasmin synthesized by cultured he- patocytes as in the present study may serve as a useful reagent for investigating the function of this proteinase inhibitor. The unique site of sulfation is located within the 8000-Da peptide which is excised from az-antiplasmin when this protein forms a covalent complex with plasmin. Also, as a,-antiplasmin circulates in blood, it is converted to an inactive form lacking the plasmin-binding domain (22). The inactive form is about 8000 Da smaller than the active form; the precise COOH terminus of the inactive form has not been identified. Nor- mally, about 70% of a,-antiplasmin circulates as the active form and 30% as the inactive form (22). Sulfate-labeled pro- tein would serve as an ideal substrate for monitoring the conversion from the active to inactive form and for examining the peptide released by this process.

Acknowledgments-We thank Dr. H. R. Lijnen for generously supplying us with purified human a*-antiplasmin. We thank Mark Frazier, Michael Burg, and Michael Jennings for assistance with sequential Edman degradation and amino acid analysis.

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3084 Sulfation Site of a2-Antiplasmin



Sulfation Site of a2-Antiplasmin 3085

Iz-l I = 7 ll


Fig. S. HPLC -lysis of cyanogen bmmxdc peptides fmm 02-anliplssmin. Top panel. =2-Anriplumin iwlsled fmm human plums was r e d u d and carboxymelhylaled. cleaved wilh c y w g e n bmmide. d andyzcd by reverse-phase HPLC Bullom -el I”Slsulfate labeled m2-anlipiasmin mmled by HcpGl cells was analyzed sim#lsrly.

Asp 1.1 I 1 Glu 1,580 pxol ser 0.9 1 Glu 2 .1

2 Clu 1,370 3

Pro 2.3 3 Asp 913

2 4 Tyr 897 G l Y 0.9 1 Tyr 0.9

5 Pro 1,110 1 6 Gln 1,OW

Phc 0 . 9 1 1 Phc 1,067 1

Ochers Not detected 9 scr 73 LY‘ 1.3 a GIY 121

10 Pro 352 11 Lys 262 12 .”


1200 1250 13m 1350 14bo MASS I CHARGE

cleaved wilh cyanogen bromide and !solaled by HPLC as in Fig S The peptide comigrating wvlh the Fig. 6. Mass spenmm of Ihe cyanogen bmmide peplade from oll-8nl,plasmin. Human m2-anuplarmin w a s

sulfate-lakled peptide w u rub jaed to fast alom bombardment mass rpeclmmerry with positive ion detection. Appmxirnately I nmol of peptide (VBJ analyzed.

The alotchiomerry of the rvlfslion o f the cyanogen bromide pepltde was investigated using revens- phsw HPLC. Sulfated and nonsulfated forma of the peplndc wcm cl&y scpanted. Removd of IhC sulfate by heating the peptide briefly in 10% trifluomacstic acid increesed its reLenlion lime by 5 mi” (not shown) Significantly, we did not observe any p k in Ihe analysis of the 1omI cyanogen bmmide digesl of .zl- miplasmin which mrrespOnded IO the paition of Ihe nansulfated peptide. Only a single sharp peak. comsponding to the position of the sulfaled peptide. eluted in this xgmml of the chromatogram (See Fig. 5 . Miniprint ) Similar m m l t ~ were oblained using 02-anliplumin purified from B ringle individual Bnd from plume pmled from 20 donom. Thus. vinuaily all mOleFuies of mz-anlipi~min are lulfaled. and there IS

probably lillle variation among normal mdividuals ~n the rulfmon of mpnupl.rmin.

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