the journal of clinical endocrinology

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J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2002 87: 4835  

  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismResearch in

The Endocrine Society and Pharmacia Corporation Award for Published Clinical

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The Endocrine Society and Pharmacia Corporation Award for PublishedClinical Research in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

The Endocrine Society and Pharmacia CorporationAward for Published Clinical Research in The

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

In 1998, The Endocrine Society, through the generous sup-port of the Pharmacia Corporation, established the annualaward “The Pharmacia Corporation International Award forExcellence in Published Clinical Research in The Journal of Clin-ical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCE&M)” for the best clinicalresearch papers that appear in JCE&M. The purpose of theaward is to encourage, recognize, and reward excellence inclinical research in endocrinology. There are no restrictions withrespect to professional affiliation or geographic location.

These annual awards are selected by jury for the four bestclinical research papers published in JCE&M in a given volumeyear. The First Prize award is $20,000, and there are three Fi-nalist awards of $5,000 each. In addition to the monetary prize,the award includes coach airline travel, meeting registration,hotel for one night, and one day’s per diem for the Society’sAnnual Meeting in June for one author of each paper.

The selection and announcement of the winners for a givenyear are made in March of the following year with the awardspresented at the next Endocrine Society Annual Meeting inJune. Papers “accepted for publication” but not yet publishedare not eligible until the year that they are actually published.

FIRST PRIZE: Martin Brochu (right) accepts the 2001 First Prizeaward from JoAnne Richards, Chair of the Awards Committee, atENDO 2002 in San Francisco, CA.

FINALIST: Beat Muller (right) accepts a 2001 Finalist award fromJoAnne Richards, Chair of the Awards Committee, at ENDO 2002 inSan Francisco, CA.

FINALIST: Frances J. Hayes (right) accepts a 2001 Finalist awardfrom JoAnne Richards, Chair of the Awards Committee, at ENDO2002 in San Francisco, CA.

FINALIST: Paresh Dandona (left) accepts a 2001 Finalist award fromJoAnne Richards, Chair of the Awards Committee, at ENDO 2002 inSan Francisco, CA.

For information on the award winning paper titles, contributing au-thors and their affiliations, please refer to the August issues of TheJournal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Endocrinology, Mo-lecular Endocrinology, and Endocrine Reviews.

0013-7227/02/$15.00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 87(10):4835Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2002 by The Endocrine Society


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