the king s stanley and leonard stanley with selsley …

Post on 03-Nov-2021






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Hello everyone, so good to be having Sunday morning services again. St. Swithun’s was chosen as the more suitable church in our cluster to host services since chairs here made spacing arrangements easier to sort out. Hand gel is available on entry, chairs are filled from front

of nave to back, all service words are on the big screen and conversation time happens at appropriate distancing in the churchyard afterwards. It’s all rather different but there is a warm involving atmosphere. One thing that was missing were those church family members who need to continue to stay safe by remaining at home. Staying safe in church means the chairs are properly spaced apart which limits the number available. If all chairs are filled I’m sure you will understand we cannot allow any one extra to come in so you may be asked to sit in the porch but after that there is just nowhere available for people to safely attend the service.

You may have noticed the hole in the church boundary wall is still there, quotes for the repairs have been sent in and we are waiting to hear from the insurance. Its not too difficult to think of several local dry stone walls that have bits tumbled down. Our boundary wall is nearly one hundred years old and this is its first fall so it hasn’t done too badly.

It was February third last year that Bishop Robert came to consecrate the extension to the cemetery in Gipsy Lane. You may know that the land and the fencing for this extension were generously provided by the Godsell family in memory of Edward and Audrey Godsell of Church Farm. There was quite a lot of work to be done to make the area clear and level, and remove the post and rail fence behind the benches. We have to admit your churchwardens put these challenges to one side!

However during Lockdown Anne and Chris got busy with all the jobs up there. They put in a huge amount of work taking down unneeded fencing, filling in dips and soggy spots, digging out brambles and bushes, strimming and mowing. They gratefully received offers from a few willing helpers and our thanks go to them, but Ann and Chris have done an amazing job at making the new cemetery area look cared for and ready to be a place for quiet visits and special memories and so we are truly very grateful for all they have done.

Just a final word about St. Swithun’s being open during the week. As we are now open for services on Sundays, from August onward, we will reduce opening for private prayer to Wednesdays only from 1.30 till 3.30

That’s all for now.

Pat and Julia


THE STROUDWATER TEAM COFFEE GROUP Wednesday at 10:00 for about 40 minutes on Zoom. Bring your own tea or coffee and whatever cake or biscuits you would prefer. If you would like to join in please email Dave for the link


THE STROUDWATER TEAM SERVICES Sunday services are now being held at 9:30am at St Cyrs, Stonehouse; St Swithuns, Leonard Stanley and St Marys, Frampton.

Morning prayer will also be on Zoom at 11am, followed by coffee. Please contact one of the Team clergy for the sign in details.

Evening Prayer continues on Facebook Live at 6pm . Monday – Saturday - Daily Prayer continues on Facebook Live at 9:30am and at 9pm. Use The Stroudwater Team Facebook page to keep up to date, for prayer, for music , things to do and things to make you smile. This is a public group and you do not need to be a Facebook member to access it. If you would like to receive a pew sheet and more details of services please email

KING’S STANLEY BAPTIST CHURCH At present we are planning to reopen for our Sunday Services in September. Meanwhile our mini messages can be accessed on our website- or follow on facebook - King’s Stanley Baptist Church.


FROM THE BAPTIST CHURCH 'Ring a ring of roses', you will know how it continues, 'a pocketful of posies, atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down'. Apparently it relates to the Great Plague of 1665. There are links to our present situation with the threat posed by airborne transmission of the Covid19 virus. Lockdown is easing but we are aware of the possibility of a second wave still to come. I happen to be one of those people who sneeze almost at random, when the sneezing fit has finally ended how lovely to hear someone say 'Bless you' (sometimes God bless you). Often the person who says it is a complete stranger.

This leads me to consider the 'how' of being blessed. Let's start with words that bless. 'Well done', lovely meal', 'that was so kind', (add your own phrases here). The most obvious word is 'thanks'. Words can bless.

Next come the things we can do, the helping hand, the lift offered, the meal cooked and taken round, the shopping, the visit to the hospital, the welcome to the new colleague at work, to the new member of the team, to the new neighbour.

It is trickier to move on to the ‘how’ when we look at ‘God bless’. The first clue is that human beings say those words, they are agents of that blessing, ‘in the middle’ people. Some would limit those who can act as agents of God’s blessing to those who claim to belong to God. I would not limit it like that, anyone, anywhere, can be kind, encouraging. Recently we have considered a saying of Jesus found only in Matthew’s gospel, ‘whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple-truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.’

Another passage we have recently looked at has been the parable of the sower. Usually the emphasis is on the different types of soil that the seed falls on. (The path, rocky ground, amongst thorns, and good soil.) What if we see the sower who carelessly strews the seed about as representing God? What if we see ourselves as the seed being scattered at random, to land in difficult situations, not simply ‘beside the still waters’.

I have been filled with admiration over the years for the way in which people have coped with loss, pain, and all sorts of challenges and still been positive, encouragers of others, in short ‘agents of blessing’. As always, in writing this, I have attempted to offer answers, partial, incomplete, but I hope they encourage you and help you face the puzzles that life offers, just as you in your turn are agents of blessing, whether you usually say ‘bless you’ or ‘God bless’.

Here is a benediction I love, ‘May God bless you with careless handfuls of love’.

Yours Robert Draycott (Rev)




We hope you are well and coping with the ‘easing of

lockdown’ which can prove rather stressful.

If you need a quiet place to sit and think –

St George’s is open on:

Tuesday Thursday & Saturday 10.00am - 12noon

The churchyard is also a pleasant place to sit and contemplate, and again,

grateful thanks go to our churchyard team of volunteers for keeping it so.

In our Team cluster of churches; a weekly service is being held at St

Swithuns, Leonard Stanley, each Sunday at 9.30am.There is more space to

‘distance’ safely there. The wearing of masks is requested and hand

sanitisers are in place for your safety and peace of mind.

Bishop Rachel has requested that clergy take 2 rest days a week over the

summer; Revd Steve’s [our cluster Minister] will rest on Mondays and

Tuesdays until September. Our congregation takes this opportunity to thank

him very much for all that he does, amongst this confusing and difficult


Keep on going, everyone, and enjoy the little happy moments of life –

dappled sunshine, cows in the meadow, a child’s delighted laugh, and most

of all – a friendly smile.

Best wishes

Carolyn and Vanessa


The church is now open for private prayer and reflection as follows: Tuesdays 10.30 to 11.30 am Fridays 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm Sundays 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Please note that the lavatory/cloakroom will not be open. Any changes in the future will be announced on the church notice board




Grants are available to anyone resident within the ecclesiastical parish boundary (this does not include Selsley) for grants for tertiary education. Tertiary education includes apprenticeships so the grants could cover expenditure on books, tools or computer software. We do not usually fund PhDs or MAs. The grants depend on the number of applicants but last year they were in the region of £200.

Please apply before 8th September 2020 to:

The Trustees, School House Trust, Oxleaze House, The Nursery, Kings Stanley GL10 3HY.


The Trustees of the Rishton Education Foundation invite Leonard Stanley residents entering their FIRST YEAR of tertiary education or apprenticeship in 2020/2021, to apply for a grant towards their initial expenditure.

The trust has limited funds this year as they have helped a number of families in this time of uncertainty, however they would be pleased to make a small contribution towards the cost of books or tools.

The applicants are asked to apply before Monday 21st September 2020 giving a brief resume of the course or trade they are about to undertake. All applicants requests are treated in the strictest confidence and should be sent to the secretary, Ann Connett 7 Church Rd, Leonard Stanley GL10 3NU in a sealed envelope addressed to Rishton Education Foundation. These will be considered at the October 2020 meeting.



JUST CLASSES are specialists in exercise classes for the ACTIVE Senior. Our classes are designed to be functional, effective, sociable and fun. They will improve your strength, your joints, your flexibility and your heart. These are no ordinary keep fit classes! We use great music and a variety of equipment to improve fitness and burn calories.

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Monday 10.45-11.45am Fitness Pilates

Tuesday 10.15-11.30am Keep Fit

Friday 09.45-10.45am Fitness Pilates

KINGS STANLEY SPORTS CLUB Tel: 01453828975 (Next to Village Hall)

Membership open to all Preferential drinks prices for members

Function room (suit small parties) Free monthly members draw on last

Sunday of the month Free live entertainment & discos on

planned dates Sky and BT Sports on large screen TV’s

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Disabled toilets Secretary:- Roger Bassett

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All areas visited regularly

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M: 07754237641


Love The Stanleys

A public facebook group for the

community in our two neighbouring


Lots of up to date information about

what is happening locally.

Q. What would it cost to…

Clear garden? A trip to the tip? Level an area? Fix pathway? Sort roof gutter and

tile? Repair fence/boundary? Remove

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A. Call for a free quote.

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The scholars attending this school underwent an examination on Wednesday last, conducted by Joseph Bowstead Esq.. one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. It will be remembered that Selsley School was erected about six years since at the sole expense of Samuel S. Marling Esq., M.P., and the building is, in every way admirably adapted for its purpose. It stands in striking contrast to those barn-like erections used as schools in some parts of this borough, which were built in those days when school managers were even more utilitarian than they are now. The school is a substantial, handsome structure, an ornament to the village, and a noble monument to the munificence of its founder. There is about it much beauty of proportion and chasteness of design, and the interior is well proportioned, harmonious in tone, and fitted up with every regard to comfort and convenience. The examination referred to was conducted in the morning, and in the evening a meeting of the parents and children was convened for the purpose of a second examination, to enable the parents to judge of the progress made by the scholars, and of the general efficiency of the school. The proceedings throughout were of an interesting and encouraging nature. The scene presented of happy-looking, well-conducted children, marshalled with every regard for proper discipline at their respective places, and grateful parents listening with eager delight to the intelligent answers of their offspring, was such as to afford unbounded satisfaction to the most ardent friend of elementary education. Stroud Journal December 2 1871


Sourced by Bill Henley



About 2.30 Wednesday afternoon disastrous fire broke out in the tower of Selsley Parish Church. It appears that two workmen in the employ of Messrs Gardner and Son. builders, etc., of King-street. Stroud, were engaged soldering the roof of tower, when a birds' nest was set on fire. The men tried to put the flames out, but unfortunately without effect. The alarm was given, and Miss West, daughter of the vicar (Rev. Dr. West), was sketching at the church at, the time, also joined calling for help. The volunteer Fire Brigade from Stroud was soon on the scene, but water was scarce, and resource had to be made to use the reservoir of Stanley Park. From this the brigade played on the fire, but finding it impossible to continue their work owing to the scarcity water, Urban Council Brigade, which by now had arrived, got going from another supply. They were still handicapped, however, and Supt. Biggs sent for the Brimscombe Brigade. The valuables in the church were removed, for it was seen that, although the tower stands apart from the nave, there was danger of the fire spreading. Fortunately this did not happen, but all the wood was practically consumed. The damage to the tower, however, was very great, approximately £1,500. but is covered by insurance.


A proposal by the County War Agricultural Executive Committee to plough up portion of Selsley Common has caused concern among members of Stroud Rural District Council. At meeting of the Finance Committee when the subject was discussed, regret was expressed by members at the proposal. The clerk communicated with the War Agricultural Committee opposing the scheme on the grounds that the council had gone to considerable trouble to become lords of the manor for the purpose of preserving Selsley Common as an open space and that to plough and plant it would be a waste of money owing to the situation and the nature of the soil. At the meeting of the Rural Council a letter was read from the Agricultural Committee stating that the Committee with the consent of the Ministry of Agriculture had decided to take over about 50 acres of the common adjoining the Nympsfield road. The portion would be temporarily fenced and would be re-seeded to pasture after the war.

Gloucester Journal 05 September 1942


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Cotswold Area Music makers

Weds 7pm Selsley Scout HQ Karina & Kath Wyndow 750603

Film Club 3rd Sat 9.45am L/S Village Hall

Frome Valley Handbell Ringers

Tues 7.30pm

The Nursery, King’s Stanley

Sue Page 826410

Just Jive Mon 7pm Sun 2pm

K/S Village Hall L/S Village Hall

Jim Hannaway 752842 Sarah Vernon 07909536329

King’s Stanley Band

Last Tues 7.30pm (not Aug or Dec)

K/S Village Hall Sue Walshaw 545811

Line Dancing Tues 12.30-1.30pm L/S Village Hall Julie Cole 752480

MVS Drama School

Thurs 5.30pm (term time)

K/S Village Hall Mandy Smith 07956317365

Stanley Players Thurs 8pm K/S Village Hall Bill Parry 452783

Stanley Singers Mon 7.30pm Stonehouse Baptist Church

M.Donavan 759448

Stanley Strummers

Ukelele Group

Tues 7.15—9pm King’s Stanley Sports Club

Tony Pritchard

St Swithun’s Bellringers

Thurs 7.30pm Leonard Stanley Church

Richard Page 826410

Wycliffe Choral Society

Tues 7.45—9.30pm Term time Sept-May

Wycliffe Preparatory School

Rosemary Robinson 834356


Coffee Morning 1st Sat 10.15—12

L/S Village Hall (Social Club)

Pat Hearne 823728 Coffee Pot 1st & 3rd Tues 10am(not

January) St Swithun’s Church, L/S

Coffee Shop Mon, Weds & Fri 9am—2pm

King’s Stanley Sports Club

Friends of Selsley Last Weds 2.30pm Selsley Scout HQ Joyce Watkins 822528

Friendship Group 2nd Mon 2pm L/S Village Hall Pat Hearne 823728

Knit & Knatter Mon 9.45—12 King’s Stanley Social Club D.Harris 827622

L/S Women’s Fellowship

Weds 2.30pm (fortnightly)

L/S Village Hall (Social Club)

Ann Vale 822435

FAB Club 1st & 3rd Mon 6.30pm Selsley Scout HQ Zoe

Tuesday Troopers Tues 2.30pm (alt weeks)

Baptist Church at K/S Village Hall

Margaret Cawston 827439

DIARY PAGE a reminder of what is usually on in our villages!



Hatha Yoga

Mon 9.30am Tues 7.30pm

L/S Village Hall 07879895991 See page 18

Joy of Yoga class Thurs 10am Selsley Scout HQ Amanda 753635

Kishori Yoga Class Fri 10am Selsley Scout HQ Elles 07815552952

Yoga Mon 5.30pm K/S Village Hall Amy West 07472191278

Yoga Tues & Fri 9.30am Weds 8pm

L/S Village Hall L/s School

Carol Maguire 791484 See page 24

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE (all term time only)

Baby Ballet Mon 9.30am Sat 9.15am

Selsley Scout HQ Miss Leanne 07462543496

Brownies Tues 6pm K/S Village Hall Anita Nelmes 823115

Moo Music (for Toddlers)

Tues 12.30-2pm K/S Village Hall Jess Hiles 07470485423

Selsley Beavers Tues 5.30pm Selsley Scout HQ

Selsley Cubs Tues 7pm Selsley Scout HQ Tim McClune 826385

Selsley Scouts Thurs 6.30pm Fri 7pm

Selsley Scout HQ Steve Jackson 827962

Supastrikers Thurs 1-3pm K/S Village Hall

Time for Tots Thurs 10-11.30 St George’s Church, K/S

Pat Savage 822996

Toddler Group Weds 10am L/S Village Hall Claire Collins 821673


Bootcamp Tues 6pm L/S Village Hall Jeremy Bingham

Dance Fitness Mon 9.45-10.30 am K/S Village Hall 07583633787 See page 7

Fitness Pilates Mon 10.45-11.45am Fri 9.45-10.45am

K/S Village Hall

Keep Fit Tues 10.15—11.30am K/S Village Hall

1st & 3rd Weds 7pm K/s Village Hall Martin Stockwell 762795 Short Mat Bowls

Weds 9.30-12 L/S Scout Hut Jim Morgan 822106

Slimming World Thurs 9.30am K/S Village Hall Lisa Bennett 07791626198

Tai Chi Thurs 2pm L/S Village Hall Claire Bader 07786003993

DIARY PAGE a reminder of what is usually on in our villages!



Book Club Pat Savage 822996

Brownies L/S S.Slocombe 828717

Stroud District Ring & Ride Voluntary Car Service 767771

District Councillor Nigel Studdert-Kennedy 821491

District Councillor Steve Lydon 824674

Friends of L/S School Jo Byrne 822911

Hedgehog/Wildlife Warden C.Deuten 823871

K/S Cricket Club Keith Atkinson 07824422515

K/S Football Club/Sports Club Roger Bassett 07970323663

K/S Village Hall Pam Culver 821153

L/S Allotments Ann Connett 826219

L/S Village Fair Maggie Mukasa 822318

L/S Village Hall Kamilya 07849 644324

Marling Close Trust Pam Jenkinson 828937

K/S Parish Council Carmel Ponsford

L/S Parish Council Irene Litton 822287

K/S Playgroup

Neighbourhood Warden Carol Novoth 754512/ 07970250343

Royal British legion Ladies J.Edwards Mens T.Baker

825276 766734

Selsley Community Group

Selsley Cricket Club Susan Edwards 764745

Selsley Scout Group Roger Mills GSL 350559

Selsley Scout Hut bookings J.Shankland 822816

Stanleys Conservatives Lucy Chubb 822827

The Stanleys Labour Party

L/S Twinning Association Delores Merrett 823578

AND MORE from the Diary Pages

Art Workshop Thurs 9.30am L/S Village Hall Sue Durston 823260

Dog Training See page 17

Mon & Thurs 5—7pm L/S Village Hall Julie Cull 07487710767

Patchwork Weds 10-3pm K/S Village Hall Jean Hunt 826044

Selsley Gardening Club 1st Thurs 7.30pm Selsley Scout HQ Margaret Fedrick 823224

Stonehouse Rotary Club

Weds 7pm The George Frocester

Derek Rogers 01452 740883

Wine Circle Last weds 7.30pm L/S Village Hall Phil Bischler 828206


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Kings Stanley Village Hall is open for some activities, check their facebook page for any future events.

King’s Stanley Sports Club is currently open to members only but membership is open to all (see page 7).

King’s Stanley Cricket Club have announced that there will be no cricket on Marling Close this season. The situation with football is less clear , at this moment it is unsure when the season will commence.

The coffee shop is open Mon, Weds & Fri 10.30 to 1pm for coffee, tea, hot chocolate , bacon rolls and cakes.

Leonard Stanley Village Hall is preparing the hall for re-opening and is on track to hopefully reopen around the beginning of September . The same goes for the Social Club (which is the other half of the hall).

Selsley Scout Hut are not planning to open until September and this will be dependent on government guidelines.


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A new information board will allow visitors to discover more about this special Stroud common and help protect it. The now board will replace the panel which stood next to the car park on Selsley common and another one will be placed near the Toots Longbarrow.

Designed by local artist Steve Roberts of “Footprint Design”, the board will help address inadvertent damage to the common, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Steve has completed many designs for conservation projects, including some alongside the Stroudwater Canal. A second SSSI display panel is near the Cotswold Way to inform walkers of the special nature of the Common. Tourism is very valuable to the Cotswolds, and the Cotswold Way attracts many walkers from abroad

The need for the information panels was established by the increasing inadvertent damage to the SSSI areas of the common. The steep, rough pasture of the quarries and slopes consist of rare, unimproved limestone grassland. This has developed into such a valuable and scarce ecosystem that our common is a site of national importance and so has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. SSSI status is only granted where there are rare species of fauna or flora or important geological features. We have all of these.

Sadly, on Selsley common, the most valuable areas for wildlife can be mistaken for waste ground and then damaged. Not realising its great value, people have dug up the turf to create cycleways, and burned it with campfires and barbeques. Dog poo can change the delicate chemistry of the soils. An increasing problem is the invasion of cultivated species, especially cotoneaster. Cotoneaster is valued in gardens as the bees love its flowers and birds gorge on the berries. However, in some countries cotoneaster is listed as an invasive pest, and entire quarries in our SSSI have been overwhelmed by it. The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens and work parties from Leyhill have spent many arduous hours trying to beat it back. Management of the SSSI is almost entirely by grazing, so the cattle play a vital role in preserving this habitat, but nothing seems to eat cotoneaster.

We hope that people will continue to enjoy this special place, but treat it with the respect that it deserves to conserve it for the benefit both people and wildlife.


We are grateful to the following organisations for their financial support, encouragement or practical assistance which has made the production of the information possible:

Natural England,

The Cotswold Conservation Board,

Glos. County Council’s “Growing our Communities” initiative,

The Cotswold Way Association,

Stroud District Council,

King’s Stanley Parish Council,

The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens and Caring for the Cotswolds

John Graham

King’s Stanley Parish Council




Beautiful Traditional Recently Refurbished Hall for Hire

Comprising of a main hall plus an additional function room with skittle alley. There is also a bar subject to availability. The perfect venue for birthday parties, wedding receptions, family occasions and regular classes. Seating capacity approximately 70. Large kitchen, disabled access and brand new toilets.

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Hatha Yoga classes Leonard Stanley Village Hall

Mondays 9.30am & Tuesdays 7.30pm

My yoga classes and workshops are suitable for adults of all ages, levels

and abilities.

Please call, email or message me

to book your yoga mat space

Bridgette Sunman

07879 895991


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01453 822094

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times Opening hours

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Leonard Stanley, Selsley, Frocester, Stanley Downtown

and Bridgend.



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News from Citizens Advice Stroud & Cotswold - Pension Credit This is an income-related benefit made up of 2 parts, and is designed to help pensioners on low incomes.

Guarantee Credit is intended to top up the weekly income of a single person in receipt of State Retirement Pension, whose income is below £173.75, or a couple who have both reached state pension age, and whose joint income is below £265.20. There are slightly different rules for couples where one is below state retirement age.

Savings Credit is an extra payment for people who have additional pensions or savings. To be entitled to Savings Credit the claimant must have reached State Retirement Pension age before 6th April 2016.

All Pension Credit claims are means-tested, however income from Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payments are disregarded and may allow an increase in Pension Credit payment. If you receive an award of Pension Credit you may be entitled to Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support, and you can still be eligible if you own your own home. You will also not have to pay for your TV Licence if you are aged 75 or over.

There are many pensioners missing out on possible awards of Pension Credit: To find out if you may be entitled contact The Pension Credit Claim line: freephone 0800991234.

A friend or relative can also call for you.

Or if you would like any more information and help with this or any other matters, please contact us on our Confidential Freephone : 0808 800 0510 or 0808 800 0511 Mon to Fri 10 am to 4 pm

If you know anyone who might need our help, and particularly those who do not have access to the internet, please pass on our details - we are just a phone call away.


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August this year is likely to be better in gardening terms than in some years, with July being a mixed bag of wet spells and hot sun, rather than weeks of persistent

drought, so our gardens should have good colour and a green lawn. What the next month brings could be anything, so try to make the most of favourable conditions to catch up with the basic hoeing and weeding – always needing to be attended to.

Plant spring cabbage, calabrese, cauliflowers, kale and so on, autumn onion sets to plant later on, when they arrive in the shops. Don't use fertiliser or manure on outdoor sowings made from now on, as these encourage soft, frost-prone growth.

Take cuttings of perennials like sage, thyme, hebe, honeysuckle, or anything else that you like in that line, you have little to lose. Set the cuttings into compost with sharp sand added, round the edge of a pot, and cover with a polythene bag or a propagator lid. Don't let them dry out, and when you see roots coming out of the holes in the bottom of the pot, most will have rooted. Tip them out, and pot up the rooted ones into their own pots, and put back the ones that have not made enough progress for a bit longer. Some things root very quickly, others might take weeks.

If you have tomatoes under cover, watch out for blossom-end rot. This is due to lack of moisture, when the plants can't get calcium from the soil. Water night and morning in hot spells. If blackfly is bad you can spray with soapy water, but if there are ladybirds around they should help the situation, so hold off the strong sprays unless you feel you really must.

If you have autumn-fruiting raspberries that carried an early crop, cut out the fruited canes to the ground, to allow the next batch of canes the space to bring on their fruit. If their leaves look at all yellow, spray them with a solution of Epsom Salts, and feed them at the roots, that should help.

If you are going on holiday around now, the pots in the garden can be a worry. If a kind neighbour can look after them, so much the better, but a really good watering and moving them into the shade would help, and someone I know tried tucking flat pebbles around the plants in her big pots, but I have yet to hear how effective that was.

Enjoy your gardens – summer has too short a season – to coin a phrase.

Lucy Chubb.


Kate Clowes - Plantswoman & Professional Gardener

01453 822157

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About the magazine

This month the magazine is again only available on line and via email. We much appreciate Leonard Stanley Parish Council and Selsley Community Group helping to make it freely available on line. Thank you for the positive feedback we’ve had about the online edition .

All being well, we plan to print the September edition . If so ,the magazine will no longer be freely available on line. If you are a subscriber and have paid until the end of the year let us know if you would you prefer to receive a copy via email, in which case we would need to know whose delivery round you are on , if you don’t know please let us know your address and we’ll work it out from there.

If concerns about coronavirus mean that you or anyone you know would rather not receive a printed edition—let us know. Collators and deliverers will take the necessary precautions to protect readers. If you want to be absolutely sure then leave your magazine for 72 hours before reading it.

When printed the magazine will again be available from Yew Treee Stores in King’s Stanley.

Articles should be sent to the editors by email: or phone Clare on 826565, our deadline is the 15th. Some months this can be extended, so please contact us and we may be able to include your article or notice if space is available. Please note that articles do not represent the opinions of the editors only that of the writer. Anonymous items will not be included. Art work and local photographs can also be sent. All are included at the discretion of the editors.

The magazine is published eleven times throughout the year on a monthly basis, with December and January being a combined issue. It is available by subscription and delivered to your home (£4 for 11 issues) by contacting Pat Savage (822996) in Leonard Stanley, Liz Gardiner (764798) in Selsley and Middleyard and Clare Cheney in Kings Stanley (826565) or you can contact us by email. The magazine costs 40p where sold individually, copies are available from Yew Tree stores .

Usually, ie when we can print the magazine, help with deliveries and with collating the magazine is always welcome. Collation i.e. sorting, stapling and folding is on either the 3rd or 4th Tuesday of the month (at 10.30 at St George’s and St Swithun’s churches). Please contact the editors if you would like to join us .

We try to ensure that items in the What’s On and Parish Information sections are correct before going to print but details can change. Advertising for village organisation’s and charity fundraising events is free of charge. For enquiries about all other advertisements please contact the editors for details. Advertisements are charged for the full year, the costs being £25 for an eighth of a page, £50 for a quarter page . Advertising is sold in good faith and the editors can take no responsibility for the quality of goods or services offered.

Many thanks also to all those who contribute to the magazine and to those who use it to advertise their businesses.

Roy and Clare, Editors

Contact us by emailing



For those temporarily short of funds due to being laid off or unable to work get in touch with The King’s Stanley and

Selsley Trust who may be able to help.

The trustees consider grant applications anonymously: only our clerk will know the identity of the applicant. You may ask for help to make your application. We may ask you for confidential financial information in support of your application. These details will not be retained once the application has been decided by the trustees. Applicants may live in the parishes of King’s Stanley or Selsley and be aged 18 or over; applications for those under 18 should be made by a parent, carer, guardian or a local charity. We know that people can face financial difficulties for many different reasons. Grants will generally be made on a one-off basis so are not likely to be ongoing.

Information about the Trust is available on our website or from the Clerk to the Trustees, King’s Stanley and Selsley Trust, c/o Inglenook, Pitchcombe, Stroud, GL6 6LN email: tel: 07902 196409 Registered Charity No: 251010


As we emerge from lock-down, the Council wishes to reassure all those residents who are still shielding or need extra assistance that we are still here for you. If you need help or wish to volunteer please contact

The Clerk on 822287 or email . The Council will also continue to work with Kings Stanley Parish Council and Leonard Stanley School for the benefit of our communities.

Please checkout the Councils website which is kept up to date with the latest news and information at .

If any body needs any help or would like to volunteer please contact Carmel on 0749806697 or Lawrie on 07891231738 or by emailing

See also Kings Stanley Parish Council facebook page Email -

Parish Clerk - Carmel Ponsford


Recycling, Rubbish and Food Waste Wednesday Collections

19th Aug Recycling & Food Waste 5th Aug

Rubbish & Food Waste 12th Aug 26th Aug

POST OFFICE In Midcounties Coop Store King’s Stanley High Street

Mon-Sat 7.30 – 22.00 Sun 9.00-21.00

SERVICES Stamps, Postal Orders, Parcels

Online Returns, Catalogue Returns One for all Gift cards

Euro service available in store to buy Other foreign currency available to

order next day availability if ordered before 1pm (not including weekend)

Parcel Force Service available (UK and International )

Deposit Cash and Cheques service (all high street banks accepted)

Cash withdrawal service

We look forward to being of service to you and thank you for your

custom and support

Need to contact your Stroud District Councillor ?

Cllr Steve Lydon Marsh Court Marsh Road

Leonard Stanley GL10 3NG


Tel. 01453 824674, 07748 328061



17 George Street, Stroud, GL5 3DP 01453 767771 This service provides transport for all, especially the elderly, frail, disabled and rurally isolated persons in and around the Stroud area. They provide minibuses and a voluntary car service. There is a minimum charge of £5 which includes the first 3 miles, additional miles are charged at 50p per mile. Clients pay the driver on the day of travel. There is also an annual registration fee if £10 which is added to the first journey.

COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS 03456805029 A local community transport charity that brings together volunteers to give transport to people of all ages who can’t easily access it, because of physical or mental reasons, or social or rural isolation. The door-to-door car service is run by trained volunteers and journeys cost £1 per mile with a minimum spend of £5, which is to help cover the volunteer’s fuel costs. We also offer bus hire starting from less than £30 an hour with one of our trained and qualified drivers. If you would like to volunteer, please contact or phone on 0345 680 5029.

RECYCLING SITE AT HORSLEY Open 9am-5pm closed weds

Essential visits only all of which need to be booked in advance


Who’s Who in the Churches

Stroudwater Team Rector Revd. Steve Harrison 07466858975

Stroudwater Team Vicars Revd. Liz Palin

Revd. Dave Bishop

St Swithun’s, Leonard Stanley

Churchwardens Pat Savage Julia Bogdiuliewicz

822996 828372

Deanery Synod vacant

Treasurer John Hale 822693

Flowers vacant

Organist John Pennington

School Headteacher

Leonard Stanley CE Primary Andrew Green


St George’s, King’s Stanley

Churchwardens Vanessa Hall Carolyn Heighway-Bryant

822150 823172

Deanery Synod Emma Chase 07739380460

Treasurer Richard Chubb 822827

Flowers Margaret Fedrick 823224

Organist John Pennington

School Headteacher

King’s Stanley CE Primary Derk van den Broek


All Saints Selsley

Churchwardens William Douglas Marion Charlwood

750558 350669

Deanery Synod David Groom

Treasurer William Douglas 750558

Flowers Jenny Ferrett

Organist Jenny Baldwin 821350

Social Committee Marion Charlwood 350669

PCC Secretary Nigel Baldwin 821350

Baptist Church King’s Stanley Village Hall

Revd. Robert Draycott


St Joseph’s RC Church Stonehouse

Father Bill


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