the kitty kourier€¦ · a female cat that has not been spayed can become pregnant with a new...

Post on 07-Jun-2020






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“I had no plans to fall in love with her,”

says Carolyn. “She was really shy at

first. After about three weeks she

showed her true colors. She got more


It was hard for Carolyn, her husband

and her son not to fall in love with

Meme. The lovable little girl, who was

about two-and-a-half years old at the

time, made quite an impression on the


“By the end of our time watching her,

all three of us fell in love with her and

we decided to keep her. She’s such a

beautiful animal,” says Carolyn.

Today, Carolyn and her family are very

happy that they decided to adopt

Meme. She’s been the perfect addition

to their home!

L o v e , W h e n Yo u L e a s t E x p e c t I t



MARCH 2013

4261 Culver Road

Rochester, NY 14622

(585) 338-9175

Carolyn Fame wasn’t expecting to

adopt another pet after the loss of her

23-year-old cat. For someone who

loves animals as much as Carolyn does,

the attachment that she had to her cat

made it very difficult to consider letting

another pet into her heart.

“My cat was like my first born child.”

recalls Carolyn. “She was everything to


In May 2011, Carolyn was asked by a

friend to cat-sit one of the cats

available for adoption at PAN. The

foster mom was going on vacation and

needed to leave Meme (short for Mary

Elizabeth) in the care of someone

loving and responsible. Carolyn was

hesitant at first, but her love of cats

overtook her weariness and she agreed

to help.

Recent Adoptions

January: Heidi, Rosie, Hope,

Watson, Tipsy, Veronica, Pizza,

Robby/Hubbell, Jessica,

Celeste, Paris, Bella, Evelyn,

Crosby, Lefty, Leno, Kim,

Wendell, Lisa, Chase

February: BW Fluff, Drew,

Dylon, Daniel, Jillian, Frosty,

Bubbles Darlene, Pink Martini,

Buddy, Tommy

Left and Right: Meme

prefers to lay on her

back in hopes that she

will get someone to rub

her usually

works, too!

These Lovable Ladies Found a Second Chance!

Upcoming Events!

Annual Meeting: March 24th @ 4pm. PAN Center,

open to the public

PAN’s 10 Year Anniversary Party! August 11th from 1-6pm at Norton’s Pub,

1730 Goodman St. N, Rochester

Food, live music and entertainment, cash bar, auction and prizes!

Family friendly!

Visit our website to learn more about events and adoption promotions!

PAN takes pride in finding permanent homes for

our wonderful cats and kittens that end up with us.

On rare occasion, the adoption doesn’t work out

and the kitties come back to us to stay in foster

care until their true fur-ever home can be found.

Bubbles Darlene and Pink Martini will be a year old

in April. They came from Rochester Animal Services

in May 2012, and were adopted in November. Pink

Martini was accidentally injured when a rod fell on

her during a home repair project. She was promptly

taken to the vet by her adopted family. Both kitties

came back to PAN after the unfortunate mishap.

Luckily for these beautiful, friendly girls, they were

recently adopted again and are enjoying their new

loving home!

On the right: Bubbles (top) and Pink (bottom.)

Martha’s Corner If there is one kitty who knows about the Luck O’ The

Irish, it’s Martha! She continues to thrive at home with

her family. She’s slowing down a little, but she is older.

Martha has a heart condition, but her family hopes it’s her age

that is making her sleep a little more and be less playful. When

she does play, she plays HARD. Sometimes she tries to take

Jenny’s food (her dog sister.) Martha is lucky that Jenny loves

her to pieces and is willing to share anything with her. Martha

loves to sit in the window and look for birds. She sends her best

to everyone!

PAN is always looking

for volunteers to help


fundraising events

staffing the

adoption center on


Fostering cats/


If you are interested in

helping, please fill out

a volunteer or foster

application on our

website or stop into

our center to talk with

someone between

12-4pm on weekends.

“People are very respon-

sive and willing to help.”

Mary is also excited to

become more familiar with

the volunteers and put

more faces with names.

Below: Duke (and Prince in

the background) were two

kittens that Mary fostered.

to get her cats spayed, and

found out that PAN had

been involved in the

process. She started

volunteering at the center

on adoption days and even

fostered about 15 cats in


Volunteering and caring for

cats has been a source of

joy for Mary. “I’ve loved

cats all my life,” she says.

In January 2013, Mary

became the Volunteer

Coordinator for PAN. She is

in charge of scheduling

volunteers to work shifts

during adoption days on

the weekends.

“It’s been going very well,”

says Mary.

In a few weeks, PAN is

holding their annual

meeting in which new

Board members will be

elected. Mary Lochner is

running for election to join

the Board because she

loves being involved with

PAN and helping animals in

need find permanent


Mary began volunteering

with PAN about five years

ago. She and her husband

had many kittens to find

homes for after their two

female cats ended up

having litters of kittens at

the same time! Mary

found help from a

newspaper advertisement

Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Lochner

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering

(taken from PetMD online, March 26, 2012.

spring_has_sprung_considerations_for_cats and The La Plata Humane Society of Durango, CO)

Spring is around the corner, and with spring comes longer days. The sun comes up earlier and stays up

longer. This increasing day length plays with cat hormones. The result is kittens—lots and lots of kittens.

Of course, kittens are cute and cuddly. Everybody loves kittens. But kittens grow up to be adult cats pretty

quickly. Before long, kittens start making kittens of their own.

Did You Know?

A female kitten can come into heat and become pregnant as early as 5-6 months of age. An un-spayed

female will go into heat every three weeks

A female cat that has not been spayed can become pregnant with a new litter while she is still nursing

and caring for her previous litter

A female cat can have several litters a year which results in an overpopulation of cats. The average litter

size is 4-6 kittens

During “Kitten Season” you will see signs everywhere for Kittens for Sale, they are sold by the wayside,

they are dropped off in boxes at the grocery stores and they end up in animal welfare organizations

Male cats who have not been altered have strong, smelly urine and can develop undesirable habits like


Female cats spayed prior to their first heat cycle have a significantly lower risk of mammary cancer later

in life

All cats and kittens available for adoption from PAN have been spayed or neutered, and we

urge the community as a whole to act responsibly and ensure that their other pets are

altered. Do it for the health of your pet and to help reduce overpopulation!

The Cat’s Pajamas

Q: What does a cat do when it gets mad?

A: It has a hissy fit.

"In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats." - English proverb

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