the manager's mba

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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The Manager's MBA is recognized by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education. The Mediterranean School of Business (MSB) is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), the leading US-based accreditation organization for business schools worldwide. In its seventh edition, the Manager’s MBA has attracted more than 350 participants representing thirteen nationalities.



TaLenT wiTh Vision


Mastering a rapidly evolving business world

Maîtriser un monde d’affaires en mutation continue

The Manager’sMBA Developing

The Manager’s MBA is organized in English on a part-time basis allowing participants to enroll in the program without interrupting their professional tracks. Classes meet four days a month (Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) over an eighteen-month period. Parts of the program are carried out through distance learning.

The program consists of twenty modules targeting the development of the following skills:• Proper use of analytical tools (Statistics, Financial

Accounting, managerial economics, ...),• Ability to apprehend the strategic decisions dealing

with the functional areas of business (Marketing, Finance, Production, and Human Resources Management ...),

• Rigorous and analytical thinking to make major strategic corporate decisions.

Participants have to work on a final project in a topic of interest to them or to their employers. Final Projects can be done individually or in small teams.The content of each module is posted on MSB intranet, which allows participants to do the necessary preparations before the start of the module. Two modules are organized off-site.

Participants are selected among holders of a university degree (bachelor or equivalent) and a minimum of five years of professional experience in a managerial position. Good English proficiency is required to enroll in the program. Applicants are interviewed to assess their motivation, potential and level of English proficiency.Each cohort is composed of highly diversified participants (i.e. activity sector, age, gender, nationality, educational background...). This diversity offers a unique learning experience and opportunities for the development of networks among participants.

The Manager’s MBA is an Executive Master in Business Administration program targeting senior executives seeking to upgrade their managerial skills. Highly diversified participants, world renowned faculty, and state of the art facilities made the Manager’s MBA a program of reference in the Mediterranean and one of the best in Africa.



Term I Term II Term II I Term IV Term V

Off-site module : Team Building Business statistics managerial economics Innovation & technology


mergers & Acquisitions Alliances &


Financial Accounting managerial Accounting Organisational Design & Change management

Supply Chain management entrepreneurship

Finance I Leading and managing marketing I marketing management II Crm

modern Finance II Business strategy Opertions management Global Business Nogociations

Soft skills development (leadership, communication, and the capacity to work in teams) is inherent in all

modules. Concepts and business cases are analysed in the context of the digital economy.

The diversity of the participants in each cohort offers opportunities for the development of a wealth of

networks among participants.

t h e m a n a g e r ’ s m B a at a g l a n c e


Le Manager’s MBA est un programme à temps partiel. Il permet à ses participants de s’y inscrire sans quitter leurs emplois. Les cours sont organisés à raison de quatre jours par mois (de Jeudi à Dimanche de 9:00 à 17:00) étalés sur une période de 18 mois. Des parties du programme se font à distance.

Le programme se compose de vingt modules visant le développement des compétences suivantes :• L’utilisation des outils d’analyse (Statistiques, Comptabilité Financière, microeconomie…),• L’appréhension des décisions stratégiques en s’appuyant sur les fonctions de l’entreprise (Marketing, Finance, Gestion de la Production, …),• La capacité de développer des stratégies globales de l’entreprise (Fusions et Acquisition, Négociations, Stratégies, …).Les participants doivent compléter leur formation par un projet de fin d’étude qu’ils doivent entreprendre individuellement ou en groupe. Le contenu des cours (Plan du cours, lectures, …) est posté sur l’Intranet de la MSB pour permettre aux participants de se préparer avant le début de chaque module.

Des dirigeants d’entreprises expérimentés titulaires d’un diplôme universitaire de trois ans au moins et un minimum de cinq ans d’expérience professionnelle.La maîtrise de la langue anglaise est exigée. Les candidats sont interviewés pour apprécier leur degré de motivation et leur capacité de suivre un programme en langue anglaise

Le Manager’s MBA est un programme organisé en Anglais à l’intention des dirigeants d’entreprises désireux de donner une nouvelle impulsion à leurs carrières professionnelles le programme vise le développement des concepts modernes de gestion et les compétences « soft » (Leadership, communication, entreprenariat, …). La diversité et le niveau élevé de motivation des participants, la notoriété du corps professoral, et l’utilisation d’infrastructures conformes aux normes internationales font du Manager’s MBA un programme de référence en Bassin Méditerranéen.

le Programme

les ParticiPants

Pour créer un cadre enrichissant de réflexions en classe, MSB veille à diversifier des profils

des participants (secteurs d’activité, nationalité, formations universitaires, âges …), ce qui permet de

favoriser le networking parmi eux. À ce jour, plus de dix nationalités ont participé

au Manager’s MBA.

Les compétences soft (leadership, communication, capacité de travail en équipe) sont développées

transversalement. Tous les concepts sont analysés dans le contexte de l’économie digitale.

l e m a n a g e r ’ s m B a e n B r e F

le Format

“The Executive MBA has represented a very good solution for the development of our promising talents, complementary to people development programs available internally.…Shell has participated in all sessions with 8 executives coming from different business horizons (Commercial, Retailing, IT, Finance, etc.). The outcome is rewarding: broadening knowledge, gaining in self confidence, improving leadership and management style, efficient networking, etc.: The positive impact on our participating people and business is clear. The success behind our participation in the Executive MBA encouraged me to work with MSB management and professors to develop a fit-for-purpose solution to my company: a Leadership and Team-Building exercise involving managers from various levels. I wish this experience will continue with the same ambition of quality and diversity.…”

Ahmed Bessalah, CEO Shell Oil North Africa

MBAs are among the most standardized and widely recognized programs in the world. The Manager’s MBA offered by MSB has been developed along the lines of similar programs offered by top ranked business schools. It is taught by the same prominent faculty in a state of the art facility with the participation of highly motivated executives operating in the region.

Team BuildingThe first course is held off-site and consists of sessions devoted to the development of soft skills (team-work, communication, leadership).

Financial Accounting Examines fundamental principles of financial accounting, reporting, and analysis. Topics discussed include understanding how financial statements are prepared, interpreting the information provided in financial statements, conducting preliminary financial analysis of a firm, and examining cross-country differences in accounting methods.

Statistics for Decision MakingPresents basic statistical concepts and methods for managers. Topics discussed include time series, categorical data, random variables and their distributions, variability, correlation, and simple and multiple regression models.

Modern Finance IExplores the strategic decisions that lead to capital spending and the process of evaluating long-term capital projects. Recent theories in corporate finance are illustrated through a series of examples and cases.


o u t l i n e o F t h e P r o g r a m

Managerial AccountingProvides a framework to understand and productively use the accounting systems they are likely to encounter in their careers. Emphasis is placed on the problems of motivation and control in organizations and the role of accounting information in this context.

Business EconomicsHighlights the usefulness of the basic principles of modern microeconomics in making business decisions. It explores the nature and determinants (including market forces) of decisions about profit- maximizing production and pricing.

Leading and ManagingFocuses on the effective use of information and resources to make decisions in organizations. The course provides students with the social science tools needed to solve organizational problems and influence the actions of individuals, groups, and organizations.

Marketing Management IAims at understanding, developing, and evaluating brand strategies over the life of a product/market. The ultimate focus is to develop coherent marketing plans that consider issues of segmentation, targeting, and positioning.

Operations Management Examines the basic principles of managing the production and distribution of goods and services, from the perspective of a general manager. The course positions operations as a managerial integration function and provides frameworks and tools to target and implement improvements in business processes.

Modern Finance II Covers techniques for evaluating corporate investments, securities, the risk-return relationship, corporate financing alternatives and the design of a company’s capital structure, international finance.

Organizational Design & Change Management Shows how to use information and resources efficiently to make decisions in organizations. The course provides students with the social science tools needed to solve organizational problems and influence the actions of individuals, groups, and organizations.

Business Strategy Examines the principles and conceptual frameworks for evaluating and formulating business strategy. Topics discussed include the analysis of industry economics, strategic positioning, competitive advantage, the boundaries of the firm, and the role of resources and capabilities in shaping and sustaining competitive advantages.



Innovation and Technology ManagementHelps to develop tools crucial for the formulation and management of a winning technology strategy. It focuses on the application of conceptual models that clarify the interactions between external competition, firm positioning, patterns of technological and market change, and the nature and development of internal firm capabilities.

Global Business Designed to develop skills and awareness for competing effectively in the dynamic new global business environment. Special topics include the new opportunities and challenges facing small businesses in the global economy, and the emerging role of China and India.

EntrepreneurshipFocuses on the process of venture creation from the moment entrepreneurs identify a business opportunity until that their venture has become a viable organization (defined as being cash flow positive in a defensible market position).

Marketing Management IIHelps to develop sustainable marketing strategy keeping in mind the dynamics of product markets. It focuses on the use of market research and applying tools and methods for Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning as well as for forecasting Product Life Cycle.


o u t l i n e o F t h e P r o g r a m

Learn to anticipate change and be the first mover in the market

Cohorts 2008 - 2009

Customer Relationship ManagementAs technology is a key component of the Manager’s MBA program, this module draws heavily on marketing concepts and concentrates on the topic of information technology with particular emphasis on CRM.

Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliances and Partnerships Examines different issues related to mergers and acquisitions: target selection and valuation, deal negotiation and financing, and post acquisition organizational integration and performance measures. These issues are discussed in a logical time sequence, enabling participants to gain insights about the merger and acquisition process.

Supply Chain ManagementShows how to use supply chain management to improve the productivity and competitiveness of manufacturing and service companies. It explains the major building blocks, functions, business processes, performance metrics, and strategic and operational decisions in supply chain networks.

Negotiations for Managerial Decision MakingThis course has two purposes. First, it will discuss and apply theories developed as guides to improving negotiation (the science). Second, students will develop and sharpen negotiating skills by actually negotiating with other students (the art). A basic premise of the course is that while analytical skills are vital to the discovery of optimal solutions to problems, businesspeople need a broad array of negotiation skills to get those solutions accepted and implemented.

Final ProjectThe Final Project is a capstone module integrating the courses included in the program. It is intended to allow each participant (individually or as a group) to use the managerial skills acquired throughout the program to study a project that is of interest to a third party (an outside company or professional organisation).


Victor ARAMANPh.D in Operations Management, Stanford University. Assistant Professor, New York University.

Duncan ANGWINPh.D. in Marketing and Strategic Management, Warwick Business School.Associate Professor in Business Strategy, Warwick Business School.

Omar BESBESPh.D. in Operations Management, Columbia University. Assistant Professor, Columbia University.

Narjess BOUBAKRIPh.D. in Finance, Laval University. Associate Professor of Finance, HEC Montréal.

Pradeep CHINTAGUNTAPh.D. in Marketing, Northwestern University (Kellogg).Professor of Marketing, University of Chicago.

David CROSONPh.D. in Managerial Economics, Harvard University.Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Southern Methodist University.

Rachel CROSONPh.D. in Economics, Harvard University.Professor of Management, University of Texas at Dallas.

Kristen FRIDGEIRSDOTTIRPh.D. in Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University.Assistant Professor at London Business School, U.K.

Taïeb HAFSIPh.D. in Business Policy, Harvard University. Professor and holder of the Walter J. Somers Chair of International Strategic Management, HEC Montreal.

Kamel JEDIDIPh.D. in Marketing, University of Pennsylvania.Professor John A. Howard Professor of Business at Columbia University.

Tawfik JELASSIPh.D. in Management of Information Systems (MIS) – New York University. Dean, School of International Management at ENPC Paris (France). Visiting faculty at INSEAD and Founding member of SMU.

Scott KEATINGPh.D. in Business Administration, Harvard University. Professor of Accounting, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Boston.

Michel LEBASABD, Stanford University.Emeritus Professor of Management Accounting at HEC, Paris.

Moez LIMAYEMPh.D. in Management of Information Systems, University of Minnesota. Chairman MIS at the University of Arkansas and Founding member of SMU.

Puneet MANCHANDAPh.D. in Marketing, Columbia University. Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Michigan.

“Teaching the EMBA at MSB has been both enjoyable and stimulating. The students are as good as those at Wharton, and are truly interested in mastering the material. Their language and communication skills are excellent. Their class participation demonstrates their engagement with the material. I always learn something new myself from teaching here, which I consider to be the hallmark of a truly top-tier university. MSB is an outstanding example of what a business school should try to be: intellectual, practical and impactful.”

Professor Rachel Croson, University of Texas at Dallas

t h e Fa c u lt y

Robert MARXPh.D. in Psychology, University of Illinois. Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Gordon PHILLIPSPh.D. in Economics, Harvard University. Professor of Financial Management, University of Maryland. Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Steven POELMANSPh.D. in Management/Organizational Behavior, IESE, Barcelona, Spain. Professor in the Department of Managing People in Organizations at IESE.

Sofien SAHRAOUIPh.D. in MIS, University of Pittsburgh.Associate Professor of Management Control and Information Systems at the American University of Sharjah (UAE).

Filipe SANTOSPh.D. in Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University. Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at INSEAD (Fontainbleau) and Director of INSEAD’s Social Entrepreneurship Program.

Catalina STEFANESCUPh.D. in Operations Research, Cornell University. Associate Professor, at The European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Berlin.

Adel TURKIPh.D. in Finance, Stanford University. Senior Partner at Cornerstone, a Consulting Firm in Finance and Economics and Founding member of SMU.

Marc VENTRESCAPh.D. in Sociology, Stanford University. Lecturer in Management Studies (Strategy and Organisation) at Saïd Business School, Oxford University, U.K.

“An Executive MBA program with high-quality students, excellent facilities and a management with vision and attention to details. No this is not a description of a top ranked program in the United States or Europe. I am describing the MBA program at the Mediterranean School of Business (MSB) - a school poised to deliver world-class business and management education in a part of the world that has traditionally been under- served in this regard. Based on my teaching experience at MSB, I think that the school is on a fast track to becoming the premier business school in this part of the world.”

Professor Puneet MANCHANDA, Ross School of Business University of Michigan

“I am thoroughly impressed with the Mediterranean School of Business. The students are as good as taught at top US and British business schools. They are so eager to learn, and really appreciate new concepts and ways of thinking. The facilities are first rate: a good amphitheater classroom, and state-of-the art technology. I have benefited greatly by my time at the MSB”

Professor Scott Keating, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

This program is organized in partnership with employers in different economic sectors. The program’s objective is to facilitate the integration of university graduates and newly recruited junior managers into the professional world. It provides a seven-week intensive training in business English in collaboration with the Tunis based AMIDEAST and a ten-week cooperative training program in management whereby participants spend four days a week in companies and a day and a half at MSB.

To adequately monitor the evolution of companies’ needs in management skills and continuously adapt all of its training programs to the realities of the regional environment, MSB organizes seminars in specialized areas of business. Two types of seminars are offered: short term seminars (two to three days in duration, may be organized in English or French) and long-term seminars (one to two weeks, generally organized in English) which may lead to a certificate. These seminars are offered either in Tunisia or in other countries of the region.

This program allows international students to take courses at MSB in various thematic areas specific to the region. Courses vary in duration from one to two weeks and themes include “Doing Business in the Maghreb Countries,” and “Business Opportunities in the MENA countries.” A new course is being developed on «Doing Business in Africa». In 2008, MSB hosted groups of students from the U. of Maryland, the U. of Texas at El Paso and George Mason University.

Responding to the needs of its students and stakeholders, MSB has established a Language Center which offers training in English, French and Arabic. The program utilizes state-of-the art language laboratories and the most up-to-date modern software that allow for an interactive and unique learning environment.





“I am very satisfied with my enrolment in the Executive MBA program. The curriculum and the faculty are just excellent. Class sessions focus on strategic management and case studies are about real world challenges faced by companies. This is all valuable to help comprehend the relevance of theoretical materials. This program is an eye opener for it helps us develop a sharper look at the data and at the business issues we deal with every day. Also, we have all profited from sharing our business experiences and discovering each others’ diverse backgrounds and personalities.“

Hatem Mestiri, IT Manager Tunisiana

o t h e r m s B P r o g r a m s a n d Pa r t n e r s h i P s

“After years of professional experience in several countries, I felt the need to embark on an EMBA program, preferably based in Tunisia, but matching the best international programs. I joined MSB with very high expectations. Today, after 18 months of a very demanding but enriching experience, I can say that all my expectations were met, and even exceeded. Program content and quality was great, but the experience you get being a classmate of the most outstanding managers in the region is simply exceptional…”

Sami Smaoui, Managing Director Hewlett-Packard Tunisia

Ce programme organisé en collaboration avec des employeurs de différents secteurs économiques. L’objectif est de faciliter l’intégration des nouveaux diplômés dans le monde professionnel . Ce programme comprend une formation intensive de sept semaines en Anglais Commercial suivie d’une formation en alternance de dix semaines en management durant laquelle les participants passent quatre jours par semaine en entreprise et un jour et demi à la MSB.

Deux types de séminaires de perfectionnement de cadres sont offerts: séminaires de courte durée (deux à trois jours, organisés en Anglais ou en Français selon les besoins), et des séminaires de plus longue durée (une à deux semaines, généralement organisés en Anglais) pouvant mener à une certification dans un domaine donné. Ces séminaires peuvent être organisés en Tunisie ou dans d’autres pays de la région

Ce programme permet aux étudiants internationaux de prendre des cours à la MSB sur des thèmes spécifiques à la région. La durée des cours varie d’une à deux semaines. En 2008, la MSB a reçu des groupes d’étudiants de l’université du Maryland, l’université du Texas à El Paso et l’université de George Mason.

Afin de répondre aux besoins de ses étudiants et de ses partenaires, la MSB a développé un Centre de Langue qui offre une formation en Anglais, en Français et en Arabe. Le centre utilise des laboratoires de langue modernes et des logiciels permettant un environnement d’apprentissage interactif stimulant et efficace.

PrIme LeS SémINAIreS



«Un programme d’un contenu très riche délivré par de grands enseignants d’universités européennes et américaines les plus prestigieuses. Incontestablement, il est au niveau des meilleurs programmes d’Executive MBA au monde. Cette expérience m’a personnellement beaucoup apporté en connaissances et relations. Certains thèmes vous amènent forcément à challenger votre façon de conduire vos affaires ou de gérer votre entreprise. Bravo à toute l’équipe MSB»

Noureddine Hajji, Associé Directeur GénéralErnst & Young Tunisie

a u t r e s P r o g r a m m e s d e l a m s B e t Pa r t e n a r i at s


Information and enrollment

Rue du Lac Constance, Carthage Center

Les Berges du Lac1053 Tunis, Tunisia.

Phone : +216 71 961 333 - Fax : +216 71 965 955

e-mail :

The Manager’sMBA




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