the merciad, dec. 15, 1954

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  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Dec. 15, 1954



    . . . sing: Mercyhurst upperclassmen as they carry out the Christmas tradition of >caroling: around t he campus and through thehalls on the eve of vacation. % S pp . |Club Presents Concert

    or Kiwanis Club LuncheonBe ginn ing a no t he r a c t ive 3rear, Mercyhurs t ' s G l e e Cl ub

    S t o re d in ing room , Dec ember 14. *ince the Kiwanis Club has varfunctions js hroughout Christ

    Plynn and "Silver Bells,"

    "The Donovans," "Halls of Ivy,"Wish I Wuz" with Ina Smithndered by the entire chorus.

    Of All'As a change from the usual

    12v"Mother of All" told the story

    the inn." Salome, hard-hearted

    Skelly, turnedtheir doors Mary and Joseph,

    The relation of the Christmas


    Pat Corrigan sang "One Kiss" and,as a special feature, the club sang"Old Mountain Dew'f with! BetBroderick performing on ; verses.Mercyhurst girls * and Kiwanismembers then collaborated on several selections, among them theold ballad "Auralie.*' | |

    This is the first timeline Clubhas sung for service organizationsand, in so doing, has augmentedits number of concert performances.

    . . . is the date set\ by theHomeEconomies Club for an OpenHouse to be held here at Mercyhurst from eight until twelveo'clock.

    onn arro I U .To Spend| DayA t MercyhurstIf tentative plans are carriedout, January 8 will be "John Carroll Day." Proposed plans for theday call!for the Cleveland gueststo arrive via bus around noon foran afternoon sleigh ride and adinner followed by dancing.Resulting from the work of theSocial Committee of the StudentCouncil, this is the first in a seriesof similar days arranged with St.Bonaventure, Canisius and Gannon. jL

    W Headings:the newly formed Social Committee is Kay Canada,assisted b y| Judy Oleason and

    tRejoice! He Nigh!T onigh t t he j un io r s a nd s e n io r s , c l a d in a c a de m ic c a p a ndgown,Kwill c a r ry ou t a t r a d i t ion cherished by a l l upperc lassm e n . L igh t e d c a nd l e s in ha nd , t h e s t ude n t s w i ll process t h r o u g hthe ha l l s , a round th e campus and f ina l ly to the chape l , whilehe ra l d ing j oyfu l l y t he c om ing o f Chr i s t .In doing this , they a re not only ac t ing infa M e r c y h u r s tt radit ion but in an age-old and world-wide one .

    #Carols , f i rst! sung, and of ten danced, for every seasona nd oc c a s ion! t h roug h out fthe year , a re of pagan or igin. Cont ra ry to popular be l ie f they a re no t hym ns bu t we re c om pos e dto take the place of hymns if or a l ighte r mood.I t i s in t he t h i r t e e n t h c e n t u ry t h a t we find t he b e g inn ingof t he t rue Chr i s t m a s c a ro l a nd I t a l y i s i t s b i r t hp l a c e . S t .F ra nc i s o f As s i s i , in t ry ing t o hum a n iz e t he gos pe l o f Chr i s t mas , buil t the first c r ib . H is friars composed s imple folk s ongs ,t he f i r s t Chr i s t m a s c a ro l s , t o s ing be fo re t h i s c r ib .So t on igh t whe n your he a r t he s ongs " I t Ca m e Upon AM i d n i g h t Clear" a nd " 0 L i t t l e T own o f Be t h l e he m " t h ink o ft ha t n igh t o f n igh t s j u s t n ine t e e n -hundre d a nd f i f t y - fourye a r s a go .

    Tenor SoloistTo Sing Here

    Appearing next; in Mercy hurst'sConcert Series will be a tenor wholaunched his career in Buffalo,New York. William McGrath willgive a concert Wednesday evening,January 12, in the Little Theaterat 8:15 p. m.After winning the Buffalo Evening* News' "Voice of Tomorrow "contest, Mr. McGrath was soonengaged for appearances with theBuffalo Philharmonic and later byToscanini as soloist with the NBCSymphony. He has since sung withthe Robert Shaw Chorale andmade his debut in New York TownHall. ' M %Mr . McGrath's first trip toEurope in 1953 was sponsored bythe United States Traveling Theater. Having completed the tourhe remained for a series of radioperformances in Paris and appearances with the Geneva! OperaCompany. ? ?

    % MERC1AOVol XXVI, No, 41 iMERCYHURSTlCOLLEGE, ERIE, PA. December 15, 1954Graduates Fete Varied YuletidelActivities

    Mark Tonight's ProgramYule ide activities for. the '54 season *vill culminate this evening"in a series off varied formal and/informal affairs. A formal Christmasdinner, the faculty's gift to the students, will provide the necessaryBenergy for a! full and spirited Vacation Eve. Entertainment for theoccasion will be provided

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Dec. 15, 1954


    Page Two T H E ElR C I A D Decem ber 15, 1954

    W k D k eHustling, bustling, rushing so manymore shopping days until Christmaswait!Where are we going? Tofwhat avail is thisavenue of haste? In any elaborate preparation, we often lose sight of our objective.lSoit is ! withj Christmas.The angels said on that night so long ago,

    "Glory to God! in the highest, and on earthpeace among men of good will."! Peacesotranquil, so quiet. Peacein our own dayso abused in attempted pacts and agreementsto end \hostilities! Peaceour objective!And how can we get peace? Can we buyit? It can be "bought" only through prayer."If enough of the peoples of the earth askGod, their Father, for peace, He will grantit unto them." M i &

    $And men of good will? They are?thosewho, through understanding and kindness,bring love where thereiis now distrust andhatred. \ fLefcfus b e c om e | p e t i t i o n e r s , r a t h e r t h a nh a r a ssed sh o p p e r s , su p p l i ca t i n g Go d f o rpeace, who alone can grantlit. Le t u s d o o u rp a r t t o mak e th i s a t r u ly p eace f u l C h r i s t mas! Le t u s t h en jo in wi th th e an g e l s i n

    p r o c la imin g "Glo r y to Go d in th e h ig h es t ,an d o n ea r th p eace amo n g men o f g o o d wi l l ! "

    cJLet A ^J^fi Li/e-Ad onA tradition, dear to all hearts, has hadtofbe broken. In a|discussion, after carefulconsideration, it was decided that theiconsout-weighed the pros, and for the betterment of all concerned the Freshman Christmas Party has been dropped fori this year.

    p The students realize that prudent andintelligent^thought lay behind this decision,butPthey also realize that if there is a problem there must also i be a rem edy for it.The Student Council should! form a Committee to see if the solution actually lies inthe dropping of the party or if perhaps itlies in the reorganization of it.

    Since this Freshman Party is one of thebest loved Christmas functions, the studentssincerely hope that the traditien will not belost forever. If the event |i s to take placeonce again next year, it is for the StudentCouncil to weigh the problem andfsolve itnow. Action now will eliminate late r regrets!a nce St oveNo , we don't have a chancejlor a stove!Not unless we all get behind the Student

    Council and sell our tickets during th e Christmas vacation!The proceeds from these tickets will go,not only to thelpurchase of a stove forSthekitchenette but also to the payment of thebalance due on the new television set injthesocialf room. The television set has broughtus all mu ch| enjoyment. It is evident fromthe popularity of the kitchenette that a newstove would be equally ten oyed!

    I Not only do we, the students, benefitfrom these purchases but they also are forthe good of the school. Because of this fact,this campaign must belsupported by bothresident and day studen ts!We must raise at least $400 through thesetickets to reach our goalthe balance onthe television and the|price of a new stove.This means that each student must sell atleast $2 worth of tickets. 1 *

    I Dojwe want a stove? Do|we want thetelevision to stay? Let's all do our parti toshow our affirmation of these statements!Let's sell those tickets over the holidays!

    Look To Book ShelvesFor That Lasting Gift

    Calling all Christmas ShoppersOn every person's Christmas listthere is that inevitable person whoseems to have everything, or whohas such perfect taste th at you arein a fuddle as to what she wouldlike. Lasting and enduring are thefollowing books which | should bea solution] to yoursproblem.

    Spiritual ReadingThe Imitation of Christ, byThomas A'Kempis, is a pricelessgift. It is excellent spiritual reading, and many use it for medita-

    Ned The NoteFinds LoungeTuneful HomeThey caU me I Ned, the Note.My assignment was to*find ou twhat goes on injthe music worldat Christmas time. So, treble clefin hand, I began my survey inMercyhurst's lounge.

    I found sundry personalitiessneezing to the tender strains of"I Got a Cold for Christmas."Sneakily, I changed the stationand startled them with a blast of"Santa Claus Mambo." They weresoon dancing madly to BillyMay's south-of-the-border versionof "Rudolph . . .," the you-know-what. Billy was drowned out when thedoor b urst open, ' and anoth er

    group stampeded in, singing whatI thought were seventeen differentsongs. However, I soon discoveredthat they were all singing thepopular "Silver Bells," in seven-teen-part harmony, of course.It was too much for me when Iheard the radio giving forth withthe Nativity story, played andsung calypso style. I crept unhappily from the lounge, and wasnearly trampled by a bevy ofbeauties singing, "Bradley HighSchool" (how did th at get inhere?). This changed to a medleyof ever-beautiful Christmas carolsas they passed the refectory door.

    Having trudged up three flightsof stairs, I was exhausted. (Icouldn't elevate because BobbieImboden was coming up from dinner singing the 195 4 | version of"Santa Baby.") So, I slipped underthe nearest door, curled up be-ween the sheets of "White Christ- %mas," and fell asleep to WalterSchumann's beautiful, "There Arethe Sounds of Christmas."

    Ition. In the same line is My Wayof Life by St. Thomas. This Sum-ma Theologicafis the sum of alltheological knowledge, a vastsynthesis in which is unfolded allthat can be known of God andMan.

    Fulton J. Sheen's, Three to GetMarried, offers penetrating questions about marriage in our time.He explores the tensions of modern marriage and charts a coursefor more enduring relationshipsthat will bring renewed hope andhappiness to married couples ofall ages. Priceless PoetryThere is a certain type of bookfor that cold winter day, as youcurl up in an overstuffed chair

    by a fireplace, apple in hand.Poetry is always good on a daylike this. Who doesn't want toread John Greenleaf Whittier'sSnowbound, as the first snow-flakes come to j cover j: the ground.A Little Treasury of AmericanPoetry is an excellent anthologyof American poetry containingmore I than 500 carefully selectedshort poems by the chief poetsfrom Colonial times to the presentday. This book is edited by OscarWillams.With these few, suggestions, youshould be able to finish yourChristmas shopping with little

    trouble, and your friends will remember fyour fMerry Christmasmany times during the year.

    Santa RealWhen I was Just 'bout three foottwo fI ^thought there was a? SantaClausFor every year my dreams cametrue,1 And only he could be the cause.Then soon I reached the four footmark '. .J. ^And some said I should believeno moreIn Donner and Blitzen who flewin the darkOr in my sugar plum! dreamsof yore.But now I'm Just 'bout five footthree |And my childhood 4 thoughtshave known rewardFor there is a Santa of ChristmasgleeHe is Jesus Christ our{Lord.


    f T H E M E R C I A DMer cy h u r s t C o l l eg e , E r i e , Pa .Member offAssociate Collegiate PressEditor S - Martha McNultyAssociate Editor - i |-4 i~M Marge WilliamsAssistan t Edi tors ^^ M - i L _ Carol Kelly, Judy RoseberryBusiness Edi tor t - 4 -^ l - - -^ Mary KienzleEditorial Staff ^ ^ ^ ; p , ^ - - - Lorraine Reichel, Bet Broderick,Victoria Argana, Mary Oene Pyne, Jean Heavey, RobertaImboden,' Ann McGinnis, Joan CsernyickyBusiness Staff Jean Lee, Helen Kennedy,Lorraine Enright, P at MurphyJ Joan Clancy, Pat Eisert,Dorothy Rudge. j

    Sodality CommitteesActivelOn Projects

    Harmony is a much sought after keynote! Andwhat could be more harmonious than living in accordance with the Mystical Body of Christ. Suchare the objectives of the Liturgical and MarianCommittees of the Sodality, which is itself an organism of the Mystical! Body.Inspiring a love for and an active participationin the liturgy of the Church is the aim?;of th eLiturgical Committee. Described as the prayer ofthe people of God, the liturgy jis actually theMystical Body on its knees. Under the leadershipof Pat Powers, this committee vhas been discussingways and means of best instilling the minds andhearts of students with the true spirit of liturgicalprayer. " cSpecial projects this year include the promotionof Compline; an explanation|onIthe use of themissal|to freshman sodalists; the Advent wreath;and Advent suggestions to remind us that Adventought to be a time of self-denial in preparationfor His coming.| Donna Nashwinter and Barb ara Stone head theMarian Committee which has as it objective thefostering of a true devotion to Mary. Their discussions have centered on ways in which to makestudents aware of the need for Mary in the immediate sphere of their lives.From these discussions such projects as thedaily recitation of the rosary in the Chapel andin residence halls, and the special novena to theBlessed Virgin preceding the feast of [her Immaculate Conception have found their source. Also fostered by this committee was the program on December 8 which honors her freedom from the taintof original sin.

    Cabs On Campus:Signl Of Content?

    "Gee kids. I wanna go, gosh kids I gotta go,gee kids I wanna go out!" New words but the sameold "tune"the Sunday afternoon theme;song!As our "nose 'for news" inquiring reporter foundher way up the boulevard of cabs one Sunday afternoon, she managed to stop a few of the leaving'Hursters long enough to find out where they weregoing and why.Beth Coleman, on her wayfto the movies withPat Fridley and Max*y McCarthy (from the Buffalocrew), said that the reason she was going out wasbecause there] wasn't anything! to do at school."One hardly feels like lounging around in her Sunday best," declared Beth, "and when everyone elsegoes out, it's gloomy around school." Mac and Patboth agreed and further added that they neverstayed in on Sunday? afternoon unless they hadsome particular assignment to do.From the boulevard, our reporter wandereddown to the lounge where she found the Ashta-bulean, Mary McCarthy. When asked about Sundays at Mercyhurst, Mary replied, "I don't mindstaying in but I think it would be more fun ifthere were something going on right here on campus, such as Dr. Haas' suggestion for a music appreciation class."

    Strolling through the dorms, Ina Smith, Bar-bara Barnes, and Mary Burns seemed to be enjoying themselves fully because they could caU thetime their own and were not obligated to do anycertain thing.So our reporter left with two facts in mind:some were happy on this "free day" while othersleft because of a lack of means of jj recreation oncampus.

    2bro O k a C okeiW h at ' s h ap p en in g to o u r co l l ec t io n s f o rth e mi ss io n s? Yes , t h ey ' r e going downd own-down! I \H Last, y ea r we ad o p ted F a th e r Jo h n H a leyas o u r o wn p e r so n a l m i ss io n a r y . Ar e weawar e th a t o u r co n t r ib u t io n s s t i l l g o to F a th e r H a ley ' s p a r i sh i n C h i l e? Su r e ly we

    can ' t l e t F a th e r an d h i s e ig h t m i ss io n s d o wneven i f i t means sacr i f ic ing that coke,cup of cof fee , or candy bar on Wednesdayn i g h t ! I Ig Th u r sd ay mo r n in g co l l ec t io n s p r o v id e ag r e a t opportunity I for us. Let ' s a l l take adv an tag e o f t h a t o p p o r tu n i ty an d r ea l ly p r ac t ice that corporal work of mercy"Give t oth e poor!"! '*-

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Dec. 15, 1954


    TH E E f t C I A h Page Threemoer

    et ounciThe past month has been onefruitful

    Of maximum interest to thewhich has been tentatively

    back^the showi s | optimistic

    In view I of the crowded pre-social calendar the pre

    Point SystemA special session of Student1; A vigorous discus

    resulting in theand, possibly final revisionstudy. Student Faculty Board

    regard! toNSA ElectionsAt the last \ regular Council


    College, December 10-11.At present, plans are under way

    and aims. IFinally, the Councils wishes tothe? students for their co

    Of Mary"Enraptured (by the splendor of

    the aisle of St. Mary'sthefMarian Year Pil*Solemnity presided over the afas ninety-five Mercyhurst

    a f close. At 12:30,begin, what was a new ex

    Appropriately, the first stop onarge Cummiskeyoff-the rosary

    *Cathedral, Holy Rosary,

    Church, each inBenedictionsof the Blessed Sac

    "You are the glory, you are theAmen

    '*76e4e old AJUMA \ J \

    .. . have many a mile left in them for some needy person,' agreecharity drive chairmen Donna Cutrona, Ann McGinnis, LorraineEnright, and Mary Kay Walsh, 3 T

    Four Classes UndertakeChristmas Charity\Drive

    "God loves a cheerful giver" can well bei applied to these fourcollegians who are typical of the other members of their classes, busywith plans for helping others during the Christmas season. All fourare members of Sociology Seminar. The packages of food and clothingwill be distributed to needy families before the girls start off on theirhomeward way.


    Donna CutronaSenior SouthBuff a Ionian . . . Great Books andSoci Seminar leader . . . looksforward! to Winter Carnival Saturdays . . . pinochle fan . . . blase. . . famous!for her Aunt Mary. .. infectious laugh . . . radicaland argumentative . . . Septemberwedding plans . . . the missing linkin American Government class . . .as Irish as her roommate Kellyonf Saint Pa trick sf Day.Lorraine EnrightBusiness m ajor and Notre Dame minor . . .part-time model . . . lip-stick collector . .. has a phobia for classdoors . . . Glee Club member . . .dependable Junior . . . travels tothe woods every summer . . . canbe heard mumbling, "meep, meep". . . peaches and cream complexion . . . knits three jj argyles forevery pair .. . the only dust on her

    is "Star-Dust." 1 Ann McGinnis Miss Extracurricular . . . Sophomore fromLockport . . . acquired blond hairin NewlMexico . . . enthusiastic. . . loves tolread and travel . . ."never do today. what you canput off until tomorrow" . . . renowned for ludicrous caricature. . . English major with subversive tendencies . . . favorite quote,"There's many a pauper who didn'tget his trump out" . . . well likedfor her cheerfulness.Mary Kay Walsh5' 2", eyes ofblue, from Detroit . . . has anaversion for kittens . . .1 memberof the AA and Glee Club J, .travels to avoid summer work . . .loves to sing, especially 3to Glenn

    Miller records . . . has a n "almost"relative % in the Sophomore class. , . her cheer is contagious . . .dislikes rearranging furniture . . .tailored clothes are just her style. .1 , as cute as she is friendly.

    Orphans EnjoyPartynua

    "May I take your coat?" "Wouldyou like to come with me?" "Don'tyou want to see Santa JClaus?"were some (o f the typical quipsheard on I December eleventh asthe halls were flooded with eageryoungsters at the Orphans' Partysponsored by the Student Council.The auditorium and lounge weredecked out in their Christmas bestwith sleigh bells, the mammothChristmas tree, and a host ofstuffed animals. Eighty little girlsand boys ranging from three-and-a-half to eight, who came? fromSt. Joseph's Orphanage were tickled pink with everything from thesurprise packages marked withtheir very own names to the bassoprofundo of Santa's hearty chuckle. & 1 . i |

    Entertainmentiwas provided inpart by the elmentary educationmajors who conducted a livelyvariety of games, and visits withSanta Claus, from his big plushlap, as well as the visits to theresident halls to be shown off toroommates and friends. Manytwinkling blue, thazel, and browneyes were opened wide when refreshments consisting of delicatesandwiches and piping hot chocolate, followed by ice cream, candyand cookies, were served.rWhen the bus called for its littletroop late in the afternoon, puf

    fing "Mothers-for-a-day" reluctantly released their little wardsuntil another year, when oncemore there would bejthe opportunity to help brighten an Orphan's Christmas.

    Mercyhurst GirlsAre Talking AboutMERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . Charlie, andthe new group of "Practice Mothers" at the Practice House . . . memories of Notre Dame, brought back by JO CIANCAGLINI and BUNNYWALTER . . .fthe Dec. 8 pilgrimage . . . quarantine cases, JOANNESCHMALZRIED an d BETTY STEPANI . . . continuous congratulations. . . Room 29: "Who's Knocking on our wall." . . . no Christmas partyI . . MARGIE MACK'S "baby" finger and ANN McGINNIS' "Big" Toe.. 1 MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . .. BO BBI E IMBODEN, at the Gannon dance, "I came from nothing,and right now I feel like nothing." . . . quarterly marks . . .JEAN CRISWELL'S lighting the Advent wreath . . . confusionin Ethics class . . . Angel Nola . . . BET BRODERICK'S screentests" for all with her moving camera . . . "Mr. Sandman." . . .the servers at St. Joseph's Orphanage and hostess lessons byi ' Sister Rachel... PAT MURPHY and JOAN COYLES' trip toP hi lade lp h ia .MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . "Sweeny". . . MAUREEN HAMMOND, hostess at Senior Tea . . . Poods n BuffetSupper . . . "Jobe" from home .i . . basketball season . . . additions tojewelry collections of CATHY CRUISE and PATTI CORRIGAN . . .bulletin board charges . . . Tommy Buyers, and the Junior fan club. . . George Gobel . . . "silver bells." . . . "Bradley High School"P MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT". . . reservations on the first train home . . "Here Comes SantaClaus" andjj73 little orphans for their annual party . . . playtry outs at Gannon . . . Business Law classes . . NAN STUB-LER and JOANN HUGGLER at the Penn State Military Ball. . typical Christmas shoppers, this from our working day-hops. . . JULIA KELLY'S sewing machine theses . . . cold rooms andhot lunches . . . "Forever and Ever" and "Hark the FreshmenAngels Sing."| MERCYHURST G I RL S | ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . plans forChristmas vacation and New Year's Eve . . . New roommate for Room60 . . . LUZ TORRES with her trunk packed for Puerto Rico threeweeks early! . . a mislaid!Sister . .V. PAT A^URPHY steals Juniors'man . . . MARY JANE O'DELL'S Thanksgivtafffin New York City . i. .mail for BURNSIE . .f. competition for the lounge, the third floorsocial room}. . . Press Club PresNOEL JAEGER . . . "but Maggie,vou already have 192%" . . . Tom's departure for Detroit . . . Seniorssinging, "Graduation's Almost Here."

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Dec. 15, 1954


    Page Four T H E E R C I A D December 15, 19547e dLKO%C me * H & V U & I . *

    XMUJG. . . cry Mercyhurst's southern gals, Luz Torres, Jean Lee, andEvelyn Nemmers as they enjoy the-{season's first snowfall.Snow Fails Tot DampenSpirit Of Sport Fans"Don'ffyo' all wantfto go outan d build a 111 old snowman? ,This snow shore is beautiful.""Si, si, I go help you."

    This was probably part of theconversation! carried on by threefrosh who recently saw their firstsnowfall on Mercyhurst campus.However, whether or ^not snowis a new experience, Hursters takegreat p leasure in s now (ball fights,snowman building and the like. Aswinter wears on, skiing, skating,an d tobogganing will be added tothe winter sports agenda.Other scores racked up duringSthe volleyball season include the

    Juniors' tr ium ph over Frosh Iteam, 15-12, Froshjll over Sophn , 15-12, Soph I over Junior s 28-23, and Frosh II over Frosh I ,fi7-i6. mlDay-Hops ActiveBerry Auditorium is.;the sceneof much i bowling finesse everyother Sunday night asfthe FroshDay-Hop Bowling Team shows offit s "talent. Avid members of th eteam are Pauline Westlake, BarbSislowski, Dorothy Danikowski,Sandi Tenace, Shirlee Marinelli,ft Dorothy Walkiewicz, Mary Dona-telli, Connie Settlemeyer andTrish Payha.

    \ New AA AwardsSomething new has been addedin the way of awards inlthe AA.

    Co lonial IBakeryAND PASTRY SHOPPEKnown For OutstandingQuality

    Pine at 38th St., Spencer PI.PHONE 01-9287

    This year, the freshman^ with thehighest number of points in th eAA will be awarded her class numerals, and I three top sophomoreswill be given English "M's", th ethree highest juniors will getsweaters, and the three high seniors will be awarded an individualAA award.Thus it seems that despite thefact that snow covers the ground,anyone, interested in sports is stillable to find much to keep her bothbusy and happy.College, CityJoin ForcesTo "put Christ back into Christmas," the Mercyhurst Art Department is once again working handin hand with the Erie Chamberof Commerce. The Chamber isfinancing the erection of a crib tobe displayed in Perry Squarethroughout the Christmas season.This is the second time thatMercyhurst has cooperated insuch a i project. Last year RoxanaDowning, with the aid of SisterAngelica, contributed the life-size figures of Mary, Joseph, thethree? shepherds, and the Infantin the crib. This year the threeWise Men will be added to theset, the work of Jane Ann Con-rath. She painted these on flatmasonite as her thesis in art.Sister Angelica and | SisterThomas, who head the Art Advisory Board of the project, willbe on hand? to help set up thecrib. f | |In order to accomplish the desired realistic effect, live | sheepwill also be added. An illusion ofthree-dimension is aimed atthrough the use of these life-sizefigures and the live sheep.


    3005 Pine Avenue

    iParis SetslSeasona l StyleIn Contrasting Silhouettes'Tis the season of holly, evergreen* wrea ths, "stockings hung bythe chimney with care," laughing faces, and "Merry Christmas." Amidthe bustling shoppers can be seen hundreds of toys, thousands ofpotent ial gifts for Mom and Dad, and* millions of spinning h eads.Before your reporter Becomes one of the ' 'millions" group, let us stopfor a moment in the midst of all this happy confusion to remind ourselves that Christmas Time is Fashion Time. ZIWhat are the fashion trends nowadays? This question may ibeanswered in two silhouettes: the sleek taper land thelbillowy flounce.Either the young lady has "ump-teen" thousand miles of skirts withas many miles of crinolines or the skirt is sharply tailored to "pencil"slimness.

    Middle Waist J PopularThe annual Christmas ball willsee the fashionable miss in thegown with the new "middle"waist which flairs at the hip line.The next afternon will f ind herwalking up Main Street* in herchic tweed coat, the lines of whichbegin to narrow below the shoulders, and continue to do so to itsfinal end (even coats have a phil-osophy^of life). The lines of bothstyles emphasize the long torsoand give the rich look of simplicity. I I fThe "middie" waist, however, isnot stationary for at times it risesto the empire waistline. Thenagain it sometimes completelyvanishes when Anne Pogartycomes forth with her long, flowing, unbroken lines.Bright Colors Vary!The color department f indsevery shade of the color wheelwhirling through the hoidays. Ver-millions, turquoises, e m e r a l dgreens, ambers, olive greens, navys,and sophisticated blacks, alongwith winter whites dance in everygirl's head after window shoppingin her favorite store.Practically every collegians ofthe twentieth century prefers tolet the north wind give herfhairthe "casu al" look", bu t a p etite,unoriginal cloche indirectly fromParee will give her that "dressedup " look for special occasions.Your reporter must leave younow to dash back to the ChampsElysees in order to be ready forthe next issue. Merry Christmasand Au Revoir!


    'ftyafcficf Ttec* fyeai

    N ew IRC M eetHeld At C ollegeGannon, Villa Maria, and Mer-fcyhurst were the participants ofthe first Tri-Coliege IRC meetingto be held here at Mercyhurst.Held on Thursday evening, December ninth, the three schoolsmet in the college lounge to discuss the revision ^of the UnitedNations charter. Originally set upin 1945, the ten -year ch arter willbe up for revision before the UNj in Jan uary. Also on the programI was an illustrated talk on Japanand Korea, given by Mr. ThomasI Brown.Following the meeting, an opendiscussion of current! topics wascarried on along withithe servingof refeshments.The three International Relations Clubs carried outfthe programsas a project for NFCCS, ofwhich the organization is an active sub-commission. This particular meeting, moderated here bySister Mary Anna, was carefullyplanned by the three club moderators, and by the three presidents:Ann Remaley of Mercyhurst'sIRC, John Noble of Gannon's, andsiVilla Maria's Mary Lou Belan.Class Drives U nder WayA s Annual (Yule Projects

    T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the school, thestudents were busy at projects, and sof. . . I"Don't you have any more old clothes?,""Well, itcouldfgive upth at movie and put the m oney fin m y self-denial fenvelope." "W hatcanned goods do you think we'd better get?" "Wasn't the orphans 'party a huge sucess this year?"!. . .this is Christmas at Mercyhurst.Good wiUjand generosity are traditional talong with the parties andAs usual, each .class has its ownannual Christmas project. Thisyear, food will be sent to St. Barnabas' Home by the Seniors, andthey have adopted, as have theother classes, a poor family. KittyKelly and Pat Eisert are chairmenof these activities. A hospitalizedmother and son]are being helpedby the Juniors with Pat McQuilleniand Georgia Lackey ascertaining!their needs. Mary Bacon, president |

    AA M embersPlan Varsity!r*The Hurst will have a varsityteam k this year!" So states MissO'Hern, physical education teacher. Only AA members willlbe eligible to participate. Behrend Center has already accepted an in

    vitation to play us, and a schedulewill be worked out with othernearby colleges later.Intramurals will also be playedthis year, beginning December 14.1With each class contributing'jplenty of talent, the competition^should be;)keen. Mary Ann Scirto,Be t Broderick. and Mary AnnRobie will spur on the senior class,while the Juniors boast Judy Rose-berry, Carol K elly," Pat Murphy,and Beth Coleman. The sophomores are the biggest threat withmany excellent players amongI whom are: Marcia Meagher, AnneMcGinnis, Mary Bacon, BunnyWalters, Patsy Klein, and JoanCoyle. Rumo rs are th at th e freshman class is bringing some excellent talent. ^Evelyn Nemmerswas captain of her high schoolteam, and Mary Marx, LouiseLukasiak, Nancy Stubler, RuthFriel and Del Dywer starred ontheir high school teams.

    Tuesday and Thursday afternoons will be devoted to practice,providing each class with opportunities of getting its team in tiptop shape.Prospects look bright for a successful basketball season. Watchthe AA bulletin board for timeand date of all games!

    of Hie sophomore class has stated ,"We hope to collect enongh moneyto buy our poor family a Christmas dinner;*' Freshman chairmenfor the drive for their poor^familyare Kay King and Maureen Jones.'This , then, is the true spiritof Christmas, the giving of one'sself," stated Maureen. "In helping the least of Christ's brethrenwe are paying honor! to ChristHimself." " K 1E rie Laundry

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    X-ChangesAt the College of Notre Damein Baltimore, Maryland, an annua l! Christmas party is held fororphan children in much the sameway as Mercyhurst plans hers forthe children at St. Joseph's.

    * * * * * *

    As aj'note of interest for thosegirlsswho gave Miss O'Hern someargument as to the value of fieldhockey,? both Notre-Dame an dImmaculate Colleges have varsityhockey teams.* * * * *

    Fork the first time, a specialclosed retreat lis* being held forthe Freshmen at D'Youville Col-lege. Sound s like an excellent idea,possibly proving more effectiveand profitable for all concerned.

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