the new bioethical conundrums genesis 1:26-27 then god said, "let us make man in our image, in...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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The New BioethicalConundrums

The New BioethicalConundrums

Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [2] and over all the creatures that move along the ground." (27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;

male and female he created them.

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?Is it right for me to reproduce myself?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?Is it right for me to reproduce myself?Is it right for me to select my children's characteristics?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?Is it right for me to reproduce myself?Is it right for me to select my children's characteristics?What right to I have to impose my values on the future?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?Is it right for me to reproduce myself?Is it right for me to select my children's characteristics?What right to I have to impose my values on the future?What about chemical enhancements?

The New BioethicalConundrums

Who owns my genes?When is death?When can my organs be harvested?Is it ethical to destroy another life for my benefit?Is it right for me to reproduce myself?Is it right for me to select my children's characteristics?What right to I have to impose my values on the future?What about chemical enhancements?What about technical enhancements?

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian?

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment

Does not require transhuman powers

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment Self-idolatry

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment Self-idolatry God's power is made perfect through??????

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment Self-idolatry God's power is made perfect through?????? We don't need enhanced brains

The New BioethicalConundrums

What are the implications for a Christian? Utopianism vs. Transformation Our lives are not our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are living sacrifices The Greatest Commandment Self-idolatry God's power is made perfect through?????? We don't need enhanced brains We are to offer an alternative

The New BioethicalConundrums

“Each of us as individual Christians, and as members of communities in the body of Christ, must diligently seek the face of the Lord and immerse ourselves in his Word. We must daily put on Christ. We must pray unceasingly for wisdom. We must demand that our leaders, both within and outside the church, confront those technological advances. And we must choose to stand together as one eternally transformed body, today, and in the challenging days to come.

May God grant us the wisdom, the strength and the love to accomplish these things. Amen.”

Human Dignity in the Biotech Century, Chuck Colson & Nigel de S. Cameron,eds., IVP 2004, pg 97

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