the new hiring journey

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Your hiring journey is supposed to give you accurate information and insight about your candidates. Instead, it takes you on a biased tour of the version of themselves they think you want to see. Which leaves you playing a guessing game about the performance of your next hire. Read ‘The New Hiring Journey’ to find out how flipping your hiring journey on its head turns that guessing game into a scientific analysis of your candidates.


—The New Hiring JourneyHow strategic reference checking makes your hiring process predictive.

Your hiring process is broken.


And at the same time you’re trying to win the war for talent and beat your competitors to the best of the best.


Your next hire could energize your teams and empower the company.

Or they could waste your money, damage morale and slow everyone down.


But if you’re like most companies, you don’t know whether your next hire is going to be a hit or a miss. Because the data disadvantage at the start of your hiring journey turns the rest of your process into a guessing game.

Think about it.

Every step through your journey is tainted by a lack of reliable information.

From the moment you pick up a candidate’s resume, you start on a guided tour of their future potential.

—Step 1: The Phone Interview

All the information they give you in the first phone interview is naturally skewed towards what they think you’re looking for.

The bias begins.

—Step 2: The Real Interview

When the candidate walks in, your hiring manager still doesn’t know their specific strengths or weaknesses.

Which means that halfway through your hiring journey, you’re still not asking the right questions.

If you knew more, you could ask more relevant questions.

—Step 3: The Assessment

Personality and other self-assessments have looked like your best chance to objectively define what makes your candidates different from one another.

But you know (just as well as they do) that personality tests are essentially a self-evaluation. Fact or fiction, it is from their perspective only.

Now the self-reporting bias is locked

into data.

—Step 4: The ReferenceCheck

—Step 4: The ReferenceCheck

At this late stage, something interesting


For the first time, you get a chance to hear from the people who actually worked with the candidate in the past – the people who know the candidate best.

But too many of these conversations are limited to basically confirming that the candidate worked with them at a certain point. Which isn’t very helpful at all.

For the most part, you’ve already made up your mind. Now you’re just looking for the “halo effect” to affirm what you think you know.

Which is why you haven’t been taking reference checking seriously at all. You’ve been treating this step like the rest of the companies with a similar hiring journey. It is the boring footnote at the end of your process.

But here’s the kicker – and you’d better

strap in, because this new approach is

going to turn your hiring upside down…

When you do them right, reference checks can provide

the single best indicator of your candidate’s

future potential.

They actually give you more insight into your next hire than any of the other steps in your hiring journey.Because a candidate’s past job performance is the single best indicator of their future job performance. (If you know how to get to the real story.)

That is, if you combine the behavioral

science of an assessment with the value of personal

feedback, you get a predictive reference assessment.

Think about this:

What if the hiring journey starts with detailed, job-specific information collected confidentially from the candidate’s past colleagues and managers?

Then a different kind of journey begins…

—Step 1: The ReferenceAssessment

After narrowing the field of candidates to your top picks, you begin your process with a job-specific, scientifically created survey that tells you everything you need to know about the candidate’s soft skills and performance.

The skills that typically impact success or failure of a candidate.

So you start with great data.

—Step 2: CandidateScreening

By the time you’re screening the candidate, you already know more about them than you did after the whole of your old hiring journey.

You can actually see how all the candidates compare against each other. Which means you can already start to zoom in on the traits you’re looking for.

The result: better screening,

and better knowledge of who to take to

the next step.

—Step 3: The Interview

Before the hiring manager ever gets into a room with your candidate, they can review a detailed summary of how their colleagues and managers rated them on specific, job-relevant skills – a summary that’s benchmarked against thousands of others who’ve applied for similar positions.

So now, when the hiring manager

interviews the candidate, they know exactly

which strengths and weaknesses to explore.

—Step 4: The Assessment

All of a sudden, the candidate’s self evaluation reveals something you’d never seen before: how they rate themselves compared to how their colleagues and managers assessed their past performance.

It’s a new perspective that sheds light on key attributes of success or failure.

It’s a unique insight into their self-image

you’d never have gotten before.

—Step 5: The EnlightenedHiring Decision

When your hiring journey is packed with reliable, detailed, job-specific information about the candidate, you’re more enlightened every step of the way.

Which means you’re more empowered to find the best candidate for the job.

And you actually save time and money

getting there.

So reference assessments aren’t

just predictive – they’re actually strategic.

They improve every single step in your hiring journey. Which means you save time, money and effort while finding consistently stronger candidates, who perform better and stay longer. And we have the data to provide it, just ask.

So if you’re sick of going through your hiring journey blind and guessing how your next hire is going to turn out, you’ve probably wanted to change things for some time now.

And if you’re smart, your new hiring journey will start with a new kind of reference assessment.

We do reference assessments

the right way.

If you did reference assessments the right way, you could be leveraging predictive, insightful data about your candidates. Read our eBook The Anatomy of a Pre-Hire 360® Reference Assessment to find out how we deliver this data to our customers.

— The Anatomy of a Pre-Hire 360® Reference AssessmentBig data from references creates

insights for better hiring | (610) 947 - 6300

We’re SkillSurvey and our Pre-Hire 360® platform improves candidate assessment for some of the world’s biggest and best companies.

Our results are peer-reviewed, our methodology is proven and our surveys are predictive. And our library contains hundreds of job-specific surveys for thousands of jobs.

We should talk.

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