the panda race by rasheed not so long ago lived a panda named junior. he was black and white. he had...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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The Panda Race

By Rasheed

Not so long ago lived a panda named Junior. He was black and white. He had fluffy fur. He lived with the rest of the pandas in the jungle of China. He ate bamboo and leaves. Junior liked to jump in the leaves. He would always run tracks. He would keep on practicing running. He would run, run, run. run. run, run, run, run, run until he fell. He would go there every day. He would go there for exercise.

Then it was time for the big race. Junior was the first one there. He was out of breath from practicing. When the starter said go Junior RAN so fast the others could not keep up. Then he was out of breath. So he stopped and fell and the other pandas passed him. Junior was so close to winning! A dressed up Panda won the panda race. Then Junior realized that was his friend.

He went to go say hi to Jack. Jack said, “Oh hi Junior. What happened to you out there?” “I think I passed out.” said Junior. “You passed out?” asked Jack. “Yes,” said Junior.

“And I want to say it is just a race and who cares if you win?” said Junior. And every one shouted.

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