the pager · parsonage. the former parsonage served the church and the pastor’s family on the new...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Dear Page UMC Family and Friends,

This summer has brought an exciting change for our church family.

On August 22nd, J.R., Annabelle, and I moved into the church’s new

parsonage. The former parsonage served the church and the pastor’s family

well for many years, but the new parsonage is better equipped to meet the

needs of our congregation. We want to extend a big thank-you to everyone

for their prayers during this process! We especially want to thank the Trustees Committee for its hard

work during the process of selling the former parsonage, buying the new

one, and moving. A huge debt

of gratitude goes to Jimmy

Jenkins, Ted Pryor, Roger

Chrisman, and Durwood

Comer for doing some work

on the new parsonage to get it

ready for us to move in and to

Joyce Jenkins for her work in dealing with all of the paperwork. We also

want to thank Don Markel and Belinda Nethery for their work in cleaning

the parsonage, and to Nora Belle Comer for her hospitality and for her help

in moving.

Our new address is 4 Elm Tree Lane Luray, VA 22835. The

parsonage phone number is still the same (540-743-5556). We are

continuing to unpack and get settled, but we want to invite everyone to

come for an open house and to see the new parsonage in November.

The rest of the summer also was wonderful! We had a great

Vacation Bible School learning about how God is with us wherever we go –

thanks to Marcy Campbell for organizing it and thanks to all of our

volunteers. And we were blessed to have Jonathan Lamb with us, leading

us in worship and introducing us to the evening prayer service, a service we

will continue the first Tuesday of the every month.

We have a lot of exciting opportunities coming up this fall to deepen

our faith and discipleship and to serve God and our community! So look

for information in the newsletter about Feeding the Lambs, our Fall Bible

Study, and some community worship opportunities. Thank you to everyone

for your faithfulness as we as a congregation live into our vision of Loving,

Feeding, Praying, Serving!

Peace and Joy,


Rev. Laura Stratton Pastor

Nora Belle Comer Lay Leader

Donnie Grinnan Admin Board Chair

David Thomas Admin Board Vice-Chair

Sherry Rowe Secretary

Joyce Jenkins Treasurer

Jimmy Jenkins Trustees Chair

Daryl Davison Staff-Parish Relations Chair

Steve Judd

PAGER Newsletter Editor

Ministry Chairs:

Marcy Campbell Nurture & Fellowship

Nora Belle Comer Worship

Mike & Susan Kline Children Ministries

Vicki Davison Outreach & Witness

Ruby Hoover UMW President

Phil Lamb UMM President

Page United Methodist Church ~ Loving, Feeding, Praying, Serving.

S e p t e m b e r ~ O c t o b e r 2 0 1 6


Issue 2016-4

Peace is resting in the certainty that God knows best.

3 Benefits of a Simple Prayer:

It places us in a position of consciously listening for His voice.

It acknowledges His presence in our midst.

It suppresses our self to His authority over us.

Come grow with us on Sunday mornings – join a Sunday School class! All classes

meet at 9:45am.

Choir Room Adult Class– They’d love you to join them! They are studying Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians right now – all are welcome!

Wesley Sunday School Class in the Fellowship Hall – The Fall Theme for the Wesley Class is "Sovereignty of God" in Isaiah ,Hebrews, and Revelation. Please come join us as we study God's Word.

Ruby Hoover

Nursery – 1st Grade – Our class consists of a Bible story lesson, a story about children today, a Bible verse, and a prayer. Then the children have time to color and play. This class is taught by Erica Yarrington.

1st-3rd Grade Class – We take a closer look at Bible stories. Contact Shirley Comer for more information.

Busy Bees Sunday School Class – We meet every Sunday for ages 9 and up. Emphasis is always placed on Bible stories making sure they tie in with all lessons. Students read scripture every Sunday, learn the books of the Bible and do memory work. It is not only a learning time but also a fun time with each member sharing weekly experiences. The Busy Bees Sunday School Class welcomes new members. For further information contact Nora Belle Comer.

Prayer List INFO

If you asked for prayers for someone, please let Pastor Laura know about updates on their condition. We want to be able to celebrate their joys and continue our prayers for those who need it, while keeping our list current.

Prayers for Our Military Deployed Overseas

Jimmy Minor, the son-in-law of Donnie

Grinnan and Martha Watkins, who deployed to Iraq for 6 months and for Jimmy’s family, especially his two sons

Nora Belle & Durwood Comer’s grandson, Michael, who will be deployed to the Baltic

Blake Lamb, as he is deployed to South Korea

Janie Grinnan’s nephew, Brad, who is deployed to Qatar for 10 months


New Address Jonathan Lamb

4715 Boonsboro Rd. #87

Lynchburg, VA 24503 Email

“The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God.”― James Merritt


Some churches call it the Administrative Board, the Administrative Council, or the Council on Ministries and, in fact, the Church Council is confusingly all of these. Therefore, join me on November 5th at the Aisle 7 Community center-Verona UMC , for a three hour workshop on the work of the Council. We will begin at 9:00 a.m. and wrap up by noon. At this workshop we will explore the administrative structure of a local church, the role each agency plays in the structure, and the major role assumed by the council. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend, but members of the Church Council and the chairpersons of all administrative groups should make a special effort to attend. Reservations are not required but will be helpful. Please contact me at 476-4536 or email me at and let me know who will be coming from your church. See you on November 5 !

Glen Langston, District Program Director

In May Page UMW presented scholarships to our high school graduates, Katie Kline, Monica Campbell and Sierra Van Etten, also we gave a gift to Jonathan Lamb in honor of his graduation from Asbury Seminary. Our next meeting will be September 28, 1 pm, Prayer

Luncheon,(light lunch) with Barbara Phillips, District Spiritual Growth Coordinator, will be leader. This is will be in place of our Prayer Breakfast. All ladies of the church are invited to attend. Oct. 1, 9.-2 is our Bazaar. We will have crafts, Christmas table, lunch, bake table and misc. items... Proceeds goes to missions. Ladies start gathering up your items. Contact Signe Vaughan, Bazaar Coordinator. Everyone come and see our goodies. Ruby Hoover, Page UMW Pres.


Prayers for Our Homebound Members Georgia Bell Shirley Chamberlain Shirley Comer Junior Getz Iona Jewell Anita Miller Bill and Hazel Mills Anna Belle Nichols Dot Petefish Ella Jane Reed Gordon Sims and Helen Lancaster Juanita Sedwick Sharry Sprague Gernie Sours Janet Sours Erv and Truey Sheldon Keith Weatherman Becky Viands - And their caregivers!

And for those in our hearts not mentioned here.


Classes for the new school year will start September 6. Enrollment letters have been sent to parents. Please pray for enrollment. Weekday Religious Education (WRE) is Bible classes taught to enrolled children. Our: “Sundae on Tuesday event” will be September 27. This is soft serve ice cream and tickets can be redeemed at Flotzies in Luray. Tickets are $3:50 and see Ruby Hoover for tickets. This is a fundraiser for the program. Thank you for supporting WRE! Ruby Hoover, Page County WRE Pres.

“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.”― Dwight Lyman Moody

Our first packing for the Springfield Elementary School will be on Sept. 4 in the Fellowship Hall after Church. We will pack for 27 children, the same as last school year until all the requests have been turned in to the Office. Ms. Day likes to give the parents enough time to read all the paperwork they are given on Orientation Day. There are a few bags in reserve in case we don't have enough at SES. The first delivery for the children will be Sept. 9. Packing dates for the rest of 2106 will be on Oct. 2, Oct. 23, and Nov. 27. We will pack a special weekend bag for delivery on Oct. 14. It will include the easy recipe, the ingredients, and the directions to prepare a meal for a family of 4. The bag will also include the usual food items for 1 day of a breakfast, lunch, supper, snack and drink. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on one or all of the above dates.

Joyce Jenkins

Has your Email Changed?

Phone number changed???

Moving or Moved??

Birthday not on the calendar??

Let us know! Please give Steve Judd the info at

steveljudd@comcast. Thanks

November, December, January


Newsletter Deadline - October 23 -

Please submit all notes & articles to Steve Judd


Feeding the Lambs

Can you HELP ? ? ?


Thank you to all who donated to the Page One food bank this summer. We were blessed to have lots of macaroni and cheese, tuna and toilet paper and paper towels to donate to the food bank. We no longer have to count the items we are delivering

because their record keeping system has changed and they weigh the items that are donated and report the number of pounds to the Blue Ridge food bank and the Page One board of directors. It makes my job easier! Our collection items for the fall will as follows: September: PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY, October: DRIED OR CANNED BEANS and November: THANKSGIVING ITEMS such as instant mashed potatoes, packaged stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, canned green beans and pumpkin pie mix. Please remember Page One on your grocery list. The food we donate is much appreciated by the Page One clients! Thank you again for your donations! Signe Vaughan Outreach Committee

Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

Fall Study Group

Our fall study will be on the

book of Genesis. We will spend

five weeks looking at the

beginning of this book using the

book, Invitation to Genesis: A

Short-term DISCIPLE Bible

Study. We will meet Mondays

from 1:00-2:30pm during the

month of October starting

Monday, October 3rd and ending Monday, October

31st. This study is ten weeks in total, and we’ll

study the second half of Genesis in the New Year!

In an historic election, the Rev. Sharma Lewis of

the North Georgia Annual Conference has been

elected bishop by the Southeastern Jurisdiction of

The United Methodist Church. She was elected on

the first ballot at the jurisdiction’s quadrennial

meeting at Lake Junaluska, N.C.

Rev. Lewis is the first African-American

woman elected bishop in the Southeastern


"I was called by God and I made myself available,

not just to a position, but to follow God's will," said

Rev. Lewis. "I am excited, and I am really humbled.

At 52 years old, I am excited that my next phase of

life will be as an episcopal leader. I am humbled to

the fact that this is historic."

Lewis was the first bishop elected by the 376

delegates, an equal number of United Methodist

clergy and laity, from the nine states that form

the Southeastern Jurisdiction. Later in the week,

the Southeastern Jurisdiction will announce the

assignment of bishops for the next four years.

Her four-year term of service begins Sept. 1.

Everyone is invited to a celebration of her

assignment to the Virginia Conference at

Reveille UMC on Saturday, September 17. The

celebration will be at Reveille from 10:30 to

12:00. Reveille is located at 4200 Cary Street,

Richmond. A reception will follow the worship


Bishop Sharma Lewis will be serving the

Virginia Annual Conference Beginning Sept 1

D e v o t i o n a l s Here are some prayers for the September and


A Prayer for Labor Day

O God, you have bound us together in this life. Give

us grace to understand how our lives depend on the

courage, the industry, the honesty, and the integrity

of all who labor. May we be mindful of their needs,

grateful for their faithfulness, and faithful in our

responsibilities to them; through Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen. (United Methodist Book of Worship #443)

A Prayer for a New School Year

At the beginning of a new school year, O God of

wisdom, we offer thanks and praise for the gift of

new beginnings and for the opportunity to learn and

to wonder. We pray for teachers, students, and staff

that this year might be rewarding for all. Be with us

as we face the challenge of new tasks, the fear of

failure, the expectations of parents, friends, and self.

In our learning and our teaching, may we grow in

service to others and in love for your world, through

Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. (United Methodist Book of Worship #553)

For the Church

O God, the Giver of life, we pray for the Church

throughout the world. Sanctify its life, renew its

worship, empower its witness, restore its unity.

Remove from your people all pride and every

prejudice that dulls their will for unity. Strengthen

the work of all those who strive to seek that common

obedience that will bind us together. Heal the

divisions which separate your children from one

another, that they may keep the unity of the spirit in

the bond of peace. Amen. (United Methodist Book of Worship #505)

Monthly First Tuesday Evening Prayer Service

Jonathan Lamb introduced us to a wonderful

practice of evening prayer this summer, and we are

going to continue what he began by holding a

monthly evening prayer service on the first Tuesday

night of each month from 7:30-8:00pm. Come join

for this time of prayer and reflection!

Community Peace Walk

Sunday, September 18th at 6:30pm Come join churches from across Luray and

Rileyville as we join together to meditate on and

pray for the things that build for peace. We will

meet at the Greenway Park-n-Ride and walk to

Ruffner Plaza and back, stopping periodically to

hear a meditation and to sing.


TIME – This new Sunday School

program started May 29th with 34

people in attendance. Sharing how

God has worked in their lives as well

as the importance of Sunday School.

This new program is planned for each

fifth Sunday and everyone is invited to

attend. The next scheduled Sharing

Time will be held on Sunday, October 30 in the

fellowship hall beginning at 9:45 a.m. with a light

breakfast. Sharing time will be from 10:00 – 10:30

a.m. For further information contact Nora Belle


Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah’s Ark

One: Don’t miss the boat. Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat. Three: Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. Four: Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Five: Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Six: Build your future on high ground. Seven: For safety’s sake, travel in pairs. Eight: Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Nine: When you’re stressed, float a while. Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting.

The Page UMW Bazaar will be held on

Saturday, October 1st from 9 AM to 2 PM in the Page UMC social hall. This is our one BIG fundraiser of the year and all of the money earned is used for mission work in our local community, at the district level and at the

conference level. We will be setting up for the bazaar on Friday, September 30th from 9 AM to

noon. Please be working on your handmade and craft items during the next month. We encourage you to clean out your homes and garages and donate quality items for the sale. The following items will be accepted:








We will also be serving lunch and will accept donations of hotdogs, buns, homemade soups and desserts. Please plan on shopping with us on October 1st and stay for lunch and a visit. Page UMW Cookbooks will also be available for sale. If you can volunteer to help set up, work the day of the sale and be in charge of a specific table or be in charge of the kitchen, please let Signe Vaughan know at 540-743-7766 or 540-539-8899. We will need lots of help and lots

of items to sell.

Trustees Report Sale of Old Parsonage and

the purchase of the New Parsonage

The sale of the parsonage at 4614 U S

Highway North was completed on August 25.

The new owners are relocating to Page County

from Florida. PUMC closed on a new

parsonage at 4 Elm Tree Lane, Hudson

Subdivision, as of August 26. The purchase

from Bill and Jack Shuler included the donation

of the adjoining lot valued at $40,000.

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom

(Reprint from Virginia Annual Conference)

4,000 United Methodists gather

in Roanoke for 234th

Annual Conference Nearly 4,000 clergy and laity representatives of

United Methodist churches across Virginia gathered

at the Berglund Center in Roanoke June 17-19 for

the 234th Annual Conference meeting of worship,

mission projects, celebration of ministries and

conducting the business of the conference. Theme

for the 2016 Virginia Annual Conference was “Thy

Will be Done.” Bishop Young Jin Cho presided over

the proceedings for the last time before his


Outreach September 2016

Here is a summary of Outreach Opportunities at PUMC since January 2016. This summary also includes Outreach opportunities through the balance of this calendar year.

“Paying It Forward” around Luray and Page County: “Paying It Forward” is doing good deeds as a way to show others the love of God. Here are those “Paying It Forward” opportunities: 1. Shenandoah Agency on Aging volunteer Martha Watkins delivering meals to shut ins. 2. Tammy Van Etten crocheting 2 Afghans for residents in a local assisted living. 3. Busy Bees Sunday school class under the direction of Nora Belle Comer sending cookies in care packages to our church family in the military. 4. Nora Belle Comer handing out Tootsie Rolls in a can to several in our congregation. She asked these folks to refill the cans with loose change from their coin jar. Collectively the Pryor’s, Janes’, Mims’, and Jenkins’ families have donated to the church $104.94 in these cans. 5. Marcy Campbell and Don Grinnan helped a local girl to purchase a costume for a dance recital. 6. Pastor Laura Stratton bought coffee and breakfast at a local eatery for the next person in line. 7. Roger Chrisman regularly donates money to a restaurant in F.R. for a local man to receive a hot meal. 8. Chris Fowler bought Girl Scout cookies in front of Walmart and then donated the cookies to the next person in line. 9. In February, Laurel Mazziotti spearheaded a pet food drive to benefit pets at the Page SPCA.

Hydration Station: On June 24th, Pastor Laura, Jonathan Lamb, Shirley Britt, Chris Fowler, Roger, Carolyn and grandchildren Braden and Taylor Chrisman along with Daryl, Vicki and Aron Davison attempted to hand out water bottles on the Greenway. A storm interrupted our evening. On July 12th between 7:30 and 10 am, Erica Yarrington, Pastor Laura along with Daryl, Vicki and Aron handed out 31 water bottles to folks and pets along the Greenway. On August 19th the remaining water bottles were handed out on the Greenway by Roger, Carolyn and grandson Braden Chrisman, Iris Hines, Jim and Shirley Wigton, Pastor Laura along with Daryl, Vicki and Aron. The 72 water bottles handed out were donated by Water

Works Water Treatment of Harrisonburg through the efforts of Ralph and Linda Janes. Appreciation of Public Servants: During May and June, Pastor Laura and Vicki paid thanks to local Fire and Rescue and Page County Sheriff’s Office with Gatorade. To show appreciation to Parks and Rec for allowing the Hydration Station on the Greenway, Pastor Laura and Vicki gave them homemade cookies.

New Outreach Opportunities autumn and winter 2016:

Kicks for Class: As kids at Springfield Elementary School go back to class, many of them will not be able to afford tennis shoes for P.E. class. Kick for Class is being sponsored by Hidden Springs Senior Living of Bentonville, VA. A drop off box is located in the church through September 11th for dropping off tennis shoes. New shoes in sizes ranging from children’s 7-13 and 1-4. The smaller sizes would be better if they had a Velcro closure. Thank you for your help.

Flu Clinic: Sunday, October 2nd between 9-11 am in the church basement a flu clinic will be available. A pharmacist from Rite Aid in Front Royal will be here to give those shots. You need to pre-register by completing the attached “Questionnaire and Consent Form”. The previously mentioned form along with a copy of your insurance cards needs to be returned to the church for Vicki Davison by no later than September 18th. Invite a friend to come to church this Sunday but don’t forget they need to pre-register.

“Thank You Bags” Thanks to $500 given to PUMC from a private donor from the Harrisonburg District titled Awaken-Church Revitalization Fund, the church was able to purchase canvas bags along with pens and post it notes. Pastor Laura and Vicki along with anyone who has an hour or so once a month will be taking these “Thank You” bags with pens and post it notes to local public servants. We would like to ask our bakers in the church to help by baking a dozen cookies to be placed in each of the canvas bags. Public servants to “thank” and dates to visit are as follows: September 13th at 2pm, Page County School Board, PMH Auxiliary and 911 Call Center. October 11th at 2pm, Luray Police Department. November TBA at 2pm, Page County Registrar’s Office. December 13th at 2pm, Page One.

Vicki Rudacille Davison Outreach Chairman

Clinic –Yes No

Screening Questionnaire and Consent Form

Patient Information: (Patient to complete)*

*Patient Name: ____________________________*Date of Birth: _________ *Age: _____ *Phone# _________________

*Address: _______________________________ *City: ___________________________ *State: _____ *Zip:_________

*Gender: M or F *Which vaccine(s) would you like to receive today? _________________________________________

*Medical Conditions: ___________________________________________ *Enter Weight if less than 110 lbs.: ________ **FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY**

*Primary Care Physician (PCP): _________________________________ *Dr. Phone: ____________________

*PCP address- City ________________________ State______ Zip Code____________

Email Address _______________________________________________________

The following questions will help us determine which vaccines may be given today. If a

question is not clear, please ask your pharmacist to explain it.

Yes No Don’t Know

Are you sick today? Do you have a long term health problem with heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, asthma, kidney disease,

metabolic disorder (e.g. diabetes), anemia or other blood disorders?

Do you have allergies to medications, food (i.e. eggs), latex or any vaccine component (e.g. neomycin, formaldehyde,

gentamicin, thimerosal, bovine protein, phenol, polymyxin, gelatin, baker’s yeast or yeast)?

Have you received any vaccinations or TB skin test, in the past 4 weeks? Do you have a history of fainting, particularly with vaccines? Have you ever had a serious reaction after receiving a vaccination? Do you have a neurological disorder such as seizures or other disorders that affect the brain, or other nervous system

problems, or have had a disorder that resulted from a vaccine (e.g. Guillain-Barre Syndrome)?

Do you have cancer, leukemia, AIDS, or any other immune system problem? Have you been diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or Crohn’s disease? (in some circumstances you may be referred to your physician)

In the past 3 months, have you taken medications that weaken your immune system, such as cortisone, prednisone, other steroids, or anticancer drugs, or have you had X-ray/radiation treatments? (in some circumstances you may be referred to your physician)

During the past year, have you received a transfusion of blood or blood products, or been given immune (gamma)

globulin, including antibodies, or an antiviral drug?

Are you a parent, family member, or caregiver to a new born infant? For the Td or Tdap vaccine: Do you have a cut, injury, puncture or open wound that prompted you to get a tetanus


For the Zostavax vaccine: Have you had a past reaction to gelatin or triple antibiotic ointment? For patients over 65 and patients that have a chronic condition such as Asthma or COPD, or Smoke: Have you

received the Pneumococcal or “Pneumonia” vaccine?

Has any physician or other healthcare professional ever cautioned or warned you about receiving certain vaccines or

receiving vaccines outside of a medical setting?*

For women: Are you pregnant or could you become pregnant in the next three months? Did you bring your Immunization Record Card with you? Have you had the following vaccines? Yes No Don’t Know

Pneumococcal Vaccine-- you may need two different pneumococcal shots

Zoster/Shingles Vaccine

Whooping Cough (Tdap) Vaccine

* An immunization must not be given if there is an affirmative answer to these questions


I authorize the pharmacist to send copies of my vaccine documents to my primary care provider. Yes No Failure to select one of these boxes will result in the vaccine documents being sent to my primary care provider, if known, as state laws & regulations require for my state.

I authorize the release of any medical or other information with respect to this vaccine to my healthcare providers, Medicare,

Medicaid or other third party payer as needed and request payment of authorized benefits to be made on my behalf to Rite


- I acknowledge that if my insurance does not cover the cost of administering the vaccine at the pharmacy, then

payment must be made at the time of the administration of the vaccine.

- I acknowledge that my vaccination record may be shared with federal or state or city agencies for registry reporting.

- I acknowledge that the pharmacist recommends that vaccinated patients should remain in the waiting area, for 20

minutes, after the administration of the immunization.

- I acknowledge receipt of Rite Aid’s Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information.

- I acknowledge that the administration of an immunization or vaccine does not substitute for an annual check-up with

the patient’s primary care physician.

- I have read, or have had read to me the Vaccination Information Sheet (VIS) regarding the vaccine(s). I have had

the opportunity to ask questions that were answered to my satisfaction and understand the benefits and risks of the

vaccine(s). I consent to, or give consent for, the administration of the vaccine(s). I fully release and discharge Rite Aid

Corporation, its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees from any liability for illness, injury, loss, or damage which

may result there from.

Patient Signature or legal guardian signature: ______________________________Date: _______________

If under the age of 18, parent or legal guardian print name: _____________________________________


Influenza Injectable Meningococcal Zoster (Shingles)

Pneumococcal Td Tdap

Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Hepatitis A & B


Varicella DTaP: Other:

IPV: Other:

Lot #______________________________ Lot #_______________________________

Exp. Date _________________________ Exp. Date___________________________

Site RA or LA- Circle One Site RA or LA- Circle One

Signature of pharmacist who administered Vaccine(s) and provided VIS to patient: ___________________________________

License #: ____________ NPI #: ______________ Date: _________


Place RX Label Here

Place RX Label Here

Page United Methodist Church 1062 Springfield Road

Luray, Virginia 22835

2016 Newsletter

September ~ October

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