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Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Newsletter 1

The Pilgrimage New Pilgrim Baptist Church

22 Harris Ave/P.O Box 402

Saraland, AL 36571

Celebrating 30 Years

Quarterly Edition

Volume 20, Issue 1 March 31, 2019


1 The Return of “The Pilgrimage” 2019 and Pastor

Williams Book Sale

1 Health Wise- Home remedy for Cough

3 Qualities of Being a Faithful Christian Worker

4 We Back (30 Year Anniversary)

The Return of “The Pilgrimage” 2019 and Pastor Williams Book Sale

We welcome the return of the 2019 edition of the

Newsletter here at New Pilgrim Baptist Church and

Thank God for the volunteer staff that is working to

help bring the newsletter back. It is a true

statement, “An informed church is a peaceful

church!’” The Bible declares, “Where there is no

vision (knowledge) people perish.

Here at New Pilgrim our goal remains the same and

that is to reach people with the message of hope in

Jesus Christ. Never before on our life times are we

seeing so much engrave corruption and deceit. In

spite of what we are witnessing, we must not lose

hope nor our focus. We who know the truth must

value it at all cost. The reason why because our

freedom hinge upon truth. Ignorant and the

darkness of sins holds us as its prisoner, but the

revelation of truth continue to arm us with wisdom

and enlighten us of our past and revels hope for the

future. The Leadership staff here at New Pilgrim,

has sought for the past 35 years to clarify the vision

of its ministry. Therefore as a small congregation,

working together pray fully and through your given

Health Wise- Home Remedy for Cough

Why do we cough? Coughing is the body’s way of responding to irritants in the throat and the airways. The diaphragm muscle contract and try to expel the irritation. That is why coughing is considered beneficial to the body as it clears off the mucus from within. But when mucus accumulated in large quantities, it leads to an incessant cough making it difficult to sleep at night or get through the day. This simple remedy is good for a cough and has been tried and tested. A proven help. Benefits of Honey and Lemon for Cough Honey and lemon combined is a traditional cure for treating cough and has gained a fair credibility in the medical community. Each ingredient has its own power to treat a cough, and when used in combination, the benefits are double giving guaranteed results.

Properties of Honey –

Honey contains antibacterial properties that

help get rid of cough-causing bacteria

It is loaded with vital nutrients as potassium. It

also contains calcium, manganese, phosphorus

and copper. Minerals the body need for

normal and health functioning.

It helps repair and stimulate tissue growth.

It serves as antioxidants and eliminate harmful

free radicals from the body

Continued on page 2

Continued on page 3

Newsletter 2

we achieved a milestone at the close of 2018, where

we successfully paid the final note on the property

on Shell St Service Rd. We have set goals to begin

the stage of erecting the New Facility within this

year 2019. I am sure you are aware this desire

depends upon the well of GOD! In our Executive

Board meeting of Spring 2018 we share our

objectives. In December 2018 we committed

ourselves to the task and for that thank you. We

have joined as a team in the Capital Building Fund

Raising Campaign which by the way it is going well.

It is our goal to add an additional $100,000.00

dollars to the capital funds. We want to have

monies in place to meet the note soon so that we

can concentrate on Ministry.

As you may have realized by now, we are seeking to

work with God and not ahead of God. Indeed

following his given vision things are falling into

place. The New Facility will house the Sanctuary,

the Educational area for the teaching arm of the

church and the New Pilgrim Christian Bible College

and Seminary as well as office space, Nursery,

Library, and a Fellowship Hall. Also, room for future

expansion. Allow me, to invite you as a member, to

commit yourself within the coming days to become

more involved in the Ministry of the Church. Here

are some evangelist areas we are involved in as of

the result of your giving: The Women’s Center

which is located on Hwy 158 in Saraland, AL, The

Alabama Christian Children Home located in West

Mobile, Mercy Life Medical Adult Daycare and

Mobile Infirmary Hospital which is located on

Springhill Ave. For several years the evangelistic

team has established offsite VBS studying times at

various apartments’ complexes in Mobile Al. This

year the evangelistic team will be having VBS in

Saraland and Mobile apartment’s complexes.

During the Christmas season the Angel Tree. The

feeding of the First Responders family and city

workers of Saraland at the Saraland Civic Center

during the Christmas time and so much more! This

is an opportunity for you to join in any given area

and support the teaching arm of the church by

attending Early Morning, Sunday School and Mid-

Week Bible Study in which we have none members

who are often not in attendance. We miss your

physical present in this area. Remember, “Our

Motto is Come and Grow in Christ with us!

Continued from page 1 Thank you for your Team effort!!!!!

Submitted by: Pastor Williams

Pastor Williams Book

The Word of God and the Good Psalm 119: 1-80

Commentary Easy Study Outline Volume One.

I would like to thank you the church for praying for

me. Those of you who would like to know about

and understand the 119 Psalms this book is for you.

This book will help you through your journey as

you detect the 119 Psalms. To secure a copy you

can place your order on Amazon or any local

bookstore can order the book for you. Also you can

place your order with the church; Volume 2 is in

print and will be released soon.

Submitted by: Pastor Williams

Newsletter 3

Qualities of a Faithful Christian Worker

On February 3, 2019 New Pilgrim Baptist Church

Usher’s Ministry celebrated their Annual Usher

Day. The theme this year was “For We are God

Workmanship” and the scripture that was used was

Ephesisians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship,

created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God

hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Pastor Jody Laffite preached and his message was

entitled “I Want to Work for the Lord” and he

explain to us that we all may have other jobs but

the best type of job that you can have is to work for

the Lord. But some of us say we are workers for the

Lord but the true question is do we meet the

qualification of being a worker for the Lord. There

is a list of qualifications that we must meet to be a

True Faithful Christian Workers.

1&2 Timothy are sometimes called the Pastoral

Epistles because they are written especially for

teachers and leaders in the church.

There are seven qualifications that you must meet

in Order to be a True Faithful Christian Worker.

1. A Discipling Teacher

2. A Courageous Solider

3. A Law-Abiding Athlete

4. A Hard Working Farmer

5. A Diligent Workman

6. A Sanctified Vessel

7. A Gentle Servant

So as you look through these qualifications and

examine yourself you can picture the ideal

Christian worker

Things the Servant of Christ must be:

1. Utterly dedicated to work

2. Accurate and clear in his teaching

3. Upright in his character and conduct

4. Courteous and gentle in his manner

So ask yourself do I meet the qualifications of a

True Faithful Christian Worker? You may be


Submitted By: Bro. Daniel McMillian

Properties of Lemon –

Is one of the citrus fruits that is rich in

vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body build up the

immune system

Lemons have strong antibacterial and

antiviral properties

When combined the honey and lemon work

together to increase immunity against infections

and it loosens mucus, calms the throat, and clears

the irritated airways.

Submitted By: Bro. Donald R. Mills

Continued from page 1

Newsletter 4

We’re Back It is with delight and excitement that I pen this cover article for the return of

New Pilgrim’s Newsletter. Some thirty years (30) ago we begun this

endeavor as New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Newsletter, over the

years we were blessed to share many encouraging and inspiring articles,

stories, church and community news. So once again keeping in step with time

and technology we share. Not only are we bringing back the print copy of the

Newsletter, but there is an online presence on the Church’s Website.

So as we celebrate these thirty years, we reflect and remember some of our

We’re Back

It is with delight and excitement that I pen this article for the return of New Pilgrim’s

Newsletter. Some thirty years (30) ago we begun this endeavor as New Pilgrim

Missionary Baptist Church Newsletter, over the years we were blessed to share many

encouraging and inspiring articles, stories, church and community news. So once again

keeping in step with time and technology we share. Not only are we bringing back the

print copy of the Newsletter, but there is an online presence on the Church’s Website.

So as we celebrate these thirty years, we reflect and remember some of our original

Newsletter Staff Members who are gone on, gone but not forgotten. We cherish their

contributions in the past. Not only those who are no longer with us in bodily presence

but those who have moved on in the mere sense of just not being among this Fellowship

anymore. As in the past the Newsletter is a communication tool to keep members,

friends our community inspired and informed.

As you read this edition of the Newsletter we pray and trust that you will be blessed and

look forward to the many volumes to come.


Bro. Donald R. Mills, Former Editor

The Pilgrimage 5


Put this on your mind and ask yourself What is my Personal Diet and what does it consists of? I give you a hint it is not the same

diet that you may be thinking about? Learn in the Easter Edition about What your Personal Diet should be and what it should

consists of.

Our Motto: Come Grow In Christ With Us…

Growing in Christ, Sharing in Love!!!

The Pilgrimage is published quarterly as a communication ministry tool of New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist

Church. The articles and information submitted and published is provided for inspiration and information. To

have information or articles included see any of the News Letter Staff. Since the age and time is different the

Newsletter will be in print form as well as a digital form. The digital form can be found on the church website

which is Digital form will be published monthly and the print form will be given out

quarterly and published.

NPBC Scheduled Services


Intercessory Prayer- 8:45 a.m.

Early Morning Service- 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School- 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Mid Morning Worship- 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

NBC- 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Evening Service- 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday Night

Mid Week Bible Study- 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

NPBC News Letter Ministry Staff

Dr. Charlie F. Williams- Editor in Chief

Bro. Daniel McMillian- Editor

Staff Writer, Reporters and Proof Staff

Sis. Lillie Coker

Bro. Donald Mills

If you will like to become a part of the

Newsletter Staff please see Daniel. We would

love to have you.

Upcoming Events and Meetings at New Pilgrim Baptist Church

April 2019

Sunday School Meeting April 13, 9:00 a.m.

Executive Board Meeting April 13 11:00 a.m.

NPBC Men’s Conference- April 17, 19 2019 Sunrise Service for Easter April 21, 6 a.m.

Easter April 21, 2019- Special edition published

May 2019

Executive Board Meeting- May 4 11:00 a.m.

Mother’s Day- May 12, 2019- Special edition published

Church Anniversary May 15, 17, and 19

June 2019

Executive Board Meeting- June 1, 11:00 a.m.

Vacation Bible Study June 10-14 2019- Northpointe Apartments 5:30 p.m. nightly

Flag Day- June 14, 2019

Father’s Day- June 16, 2019- Special Edition published

Vacation Bible School June 17-21- Country Haven Apartments 5:30 p.m. nightly

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