the place where faith happens! mark 9:14-29 the place where faith happens! mark 9:14-29

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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The Place Where Faith Happens!

Mark 9:14-29

The Place Where Faith Happens!

Mark 9:14-29

It is so good to be back among

my church family, the body

of Christ!

The storms of life help uncover

the fragility in the issues of life

and faith!

“Seeds of faith are always within us;

sometimes it takes a crisis to

nourish and encourage their growth.” Susan


“My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these

troubles test your…

…faith, and this will give you

patience. Let your patience show

itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and


…have everything you need.” James

1:2-4 NCV

In Mark's Gospel we have an

example of this truth...

Jesus & His disciples have just returned

from the Transfiguration.

In Mark's Gospel we have an

example of this truth...They encounter a

man who has a son who has struggled from birth with a

mute spirit.

In Mark's Gospel we have an

example of this truth...

The disciples have not been able to

cast out this spirit.

In Mark's Gospel we have an

example of this truth...

The father appealsto Jesus.

Two Great Treasures!

A Humble Spirit!

A Humble Spirit!

Jesus Can OnlyWork In A

Broken, Humble, Contrite Heart!

A Humble Spirit!

“Lord, I believe;help my

unbelief!”Mark 9:24b

A Humble Spirit!

“True faith is always aware how small

and inadequate it is. The father becomes a believer not when


A Humble Spirit!

…amasses a sufficient quantum

of faith but when he risks everything on what little faith he

has, when he yields…

A Humble Spirit!

…his insufficiency to the true sufficiency of Jesus...True faith

is unconditional openness to God, a

decision in…

A Humble Spirit!

…the face of all to the contrary that

Jesusis able.”

James Edwards

Two Great Treasures!

A Place of Testing!

A Place of Testing!

The Beginning of a Miracle is Not

Usually Very Pretty!

A Place of Testing!

“When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He

rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it…

A Place of Testing!

‘Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of

him and enter him no more!’ Then the

spirit cried out, convulsed…

A Place of Testing!

…him greatly, and came out of him.

And he became as one dead, so that many said, ‘He is dead.’ But Jesus


A Place of Testing!

…him by the hand and lifted him up,

and he arose.” Mark 9:25-27

A Place of Testing!

Our greatest moments of Faith

will be in the midst of the

storm, when all seems lost, when

others have…

A Place of Testing!

…lost all hope, when there seems to be no answer,

this is when Christ does His best work

within us!

Jesus says“This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

Jesus gives us a reason to

embrace our moments of

Testing & Trial with humility…

…and spiritual disciplines so


within us!

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