the poor fish farmer's perspective - the current sorry state of things and how we can help

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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State of the Nation: Fishing

A family affair

Done like the way it was for millenniums

Manpower intensive

State of the Nation: Fishing



High expectations

State of the Nation: Fishing

No luck

These are plain small fry

It must be the holes in the net that we failed to sew for some reason:Financial


Skill flight or brain drain

State of the Nation: Fishing

Not only a case of child labor but a baby already earning his toil much too early than normal.

State of the Nation: Fishing

What if the catch ends-up as a big ZERO?

The PH coastal fishing has long been damaged from abusive fishing methods:Dynamite fishing

Manual and mindless destruction of corals and mangroves as natural breeding grounds

Careless abuse of catching fish-fry (juvenile fish)

State of the Nation: Fishing

What if there's a dae-te (fish migrants) as locals of Batangas would call it?

State of the Nation: Fishing

Would it still be just a family affair?

This event occurred in a progressive fishing village in Batangas, Philippines on March 2014

State of the Nation: Fishing

The news has spread like wild-fire.

State of the Nation: Fishing

Within minutes, the crowd grew from a few 10 fisher folks and by-standers to 50 plus.

State of the Nation: Fishing

Hungry warm bodies are all over:Hoping


With High expectations

State of the Nation: Fishing

Alas, each went to their own devices earning, owning and catching fish without regard to the main family or team that initiated the trap.

State of the Nation: Fishing

Everybody toils to have a share of the catch

State of the Nation: Fishing

Even complete strangers and tourists are ignoring the fact that they don't deserve to take out of respect to the main fisher group.

It was a huge catch of about 200 to 400 Kg. The by-standers and lookers are not done yet with their loot.

State of the Nation: Fishing

A child watches the small loot of his father, when cooked simply in vinegar and soy sauce becomes simply as a basic dish we all know as Adobo which can already complete their day's meal.

State of the Nation: Fishing

Finishing-up the stray catch.

State of the Nation: Fishing

At the core of the catch is the net's main pocket containing about 200Kgs of Tamban

State of the Nation: Fishing

A gesture of victory

A rare catch of the week on a bright full-moon was won!

State of the Nation: Fishing

Even with their experience, the observer recognizes their lack of tools and readiness to handle a good catch with care. Retaining it's freshness is their second struggle.

State of the Nation: Fishing

The packaging is right, but they did not considered a way to preserve it for the buyer.

State of the Nation: Fishing

The observer managed to purchase the part of the catch (80Kg) at P25 per Kg.

Have cooked the 5 Kgs right away which was scrumptious.

The experiment of bringing the catch to Manila however failed. It was sold at a losing P30 per Kg because the fish eyes were already red in color.

State of the Nation: Fishing

But what if the Gov't invests on freeze-dry facilities in each major fishing town/municipality that will allow these farmers the capability to extend the freshness of their produce so that those who are deep-pocketed in the Metropolis can enjoy these types of fresh fish? The immediate beneficiaries will be the small farmers and not the big-time middlemen.

What if there are canning and smoke house facilities as well?

What if there is a ready facility for packaging?

And finally, what if there is a means to sell them directly to each and everybody's dining table in the Metro?

Where have all the money gone, gone to pockets of the few elite ones everyone. When will we ever learn?

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