the presidents´ times 07/13

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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July is over and from what I have seen, it was a very successful month! We overreached the number of X comparing to previous year, fulfilled our ICX plan, had the first round of LC visits and attended amazing Central European Congress. It was a busy month indeed, where we finalized our plans, strategies, tactics and are ready to go. For me it was a month about teamwork, about putting things into practice and starting with a fresh mind, fresh vision, fresh dream for AIESEC in Slovakia. But as I said on closing plenary of CEC: Enough of talking, lets start doing! I wish you a great next month: work, relax, have fun, fight for the AIESEC you want to see and never forget there are people across the entire country who share the same passion as you do.

See you guys on Energize!


CEC Lucia Ihnátová

„CEC was the first conference in the term delivered by the new MC, which brought a lof of expectations, a bit of pressure but especially huge excitement. I believe this year we managed to bring the relevance to the international part of the agenda, provide the delegates with more hard-skill knowledge and enable a space for sharing and learning from each other. The national agenda was more about looking ahead to the term, what are we planning and striving for as a country. I loved the sessions about what kind of leadership we want to develop, what are the LC plans and vision for the next year, and with that I want to thank my dear MC and LCP teams for preparing them for us. BoP was for the supereffective and constructive, we discussed all we had to, we even finished earlier sometimes :-) , and we managed to share our stories from the Presidents life, which was for me the most powerful moment. Overall I was coming back from CEC tired, happy, proud of my team and SKIA and excited to finally stop talking and start doing.“

„The CEC was for us full of EMOTIONS, we came there with a lot of enthusiasm and left even with more :). To the agenda: the international one should still undergo some improvements but each EB member really enjoyed our national agenda. Moreover we used common time and tried to have teambuilding as EB :) So CEC was definitelly the great conference about which we will remember a lot of experiences, GCPs and also fun.“

Zuzana Maderová

Jakub Slámka

Norbert Žigmund

„Similar to last year CEC was once again very inspiring conference full of new ideas from the countries and from our delegation too. International agenda was nice, mainly 'cause of international atmosphere, but our national agenda was really osem, even better then last year. We had many teambuilding sessions and many hard-thinking times which brought good stuff to implement. To sum it all up atmosphere was great, international agenda nice, national agenda oseeeem = you should regret if you weren't there!“

„I consider CEC a well spent 6 days indeed. Even though I wasn't satisfied by the international agenda, my overall impression from the conference is good thanks to the amazing national agenda, another set of intriguing discussions at the outdoor BoP. I look forward to meeting some of the new people I've met at CEC and I believe this is one of the most important things, as I consider CEC to be mostly networking conference. I believe next year they'll improve the international part and the conference will finally rock as a whole.“

Petra Judicáková

Barbara Turcanová

„CEC was absolutely amazing. It was very cool to see some people from last year and share with them new experiences. International agenda was great and inspiring, full of new things and inputs. As well sharing sessions with other LCPs which are facing same problems as we. BoP was great. “

„CEC 2013 was great! We found out lot of new things, GCPs and tips & tricks that we are currently implementing at local level. International agenda was good, but the national one was awesome 8! We enjoyed a lot being together as EB team, but as well with guys from other LCs. We came back home full of energy and enthusiasm for next months „

Silvia Erdélyiová

Barbora Spišáková „This year was CEC just great conference which brought many learning points to me. Besides all the useful and inspiring sessions and discussions, I considered amazing to see all the Expansons becoming IGs and IGs becoming LCs in Austria and Czech Republic. I, presonally, approached all the presidents and it felt really good to know that there are "beginners" around us just like we are. It kicked me to do even more to push Preshow to LC status. “

„CEC 2012 was awesome, but this year was the agenda even better- I have to highlight the national one, which was really interactive and fun, so we enjoyed every minute I also loved the international atmosphere, talking to presidents from other countries and meeting people I met I year ago „

Highlights MC • 83X achieved comparing to 64 last year - 30% growth

• ICX Re plan fulfilled on 100%

• new National Support Team selected

• Central European Congress in Hungary delivered successfully

• first LC visits with new coaches delivered

LC BA • the project Me, Myself I organized cc 150 participants

• 37 exchanges together- growth in comparison with the last year 37%

• 10 media appearances about Global Village

• 10 EPs at OPS in Bratislava

LC BB • 2 potencial GIPi TN takers

• new VP finance working

LC CU • 2 working summer teams

• all X Re fulfilled at 100% or more

• GCDPo growth 100% compared to last year

LC KE • partnership on Jobfair Svet Práce 2013 wihich is organized by Luto


• set up cooperation on Event Youth on the Move in October

• reception for interns

LC NR • we are having CEEDer - Nada from Cairo till the end of August

• successful meeting with rektor UKF (1st time ever ) and meeting with rektor SPU scheduled

• 1st LC visit with our new coach - Lucka "lady Marinič"

LC TT • unforgettable LC visit with our„gaučík“ Lucka

• 3 osem awards recieved at CEC

• 2 members and 1 former intern in NST

IG PO • 1 GCDPo RE and 2 GIPo MA

• EB structure created

• OGP&ICP transition in progress

• preparation of Training & teambuilding cottage


Martina Gajdošova Expansions Manager (LCD)

Olga Tsilyk Career Orientation Manager (TM)

Tamara Rosales Customer Experience Manager (LCD)

Marcel Geče Online Channels Manager (OGP)

Hiran Azevedo GIP Subproducts Manager (OGP)

Zakky Aulia Cooperation Manager (OGP)

Oana Taloș GCDPi Coordinator (ICP)

Mia Ilavska Alumni Manager (PR)

Martin Mrva Social Media Manager (PR)

Michaela Woltemarova Education & Innovations Manager (BD)

Branislav Geffert Account Manager (BD)

Martin Homola Account Manager (BD)

Veronika Kostalova Finance Manager

Vijay Nerva Finance Manager

Skia´s Performance





































RE 7 34 4 38

LC´s Contribution






6 1

Total X RE








Siska´s story I was kind of lost during my first year of studies at the university –

I had no work, no goal. I knew I want to travel a lot, finish school, find a great job, be rich and help other people. And world peace, of course

. Than I joined AIESEC and it opened my eyes more than anything else. Every day I realized something, I learnt something.. That´s good about AIESEC, that it shows you not only what you are good in, but mainly what are your weaknesses and what you have to work on. Honestly, sometimes it wasn´t easy. But nobody says, AIESEC is easy- the best things are not for free- everything we put into our LCs and into this organization is returning in a different way back to us. And the more we sacrifice, the more we get. If we do nothing, we can´t expect miracles back.

I love about this organization, that everytime when you meet an AIESECer, there´s no chance for awkward silence, there´s always some topic you can discuss. I met tithes of awesome people and a lot became my best friends. Not because of work or because we spent a lot of time together, but mainly because we have the same mindset and priorities, passions...It´s true, AIESEC is not a job, or just an organization, it´s a lifestyle. It´s about the way how you think, feel and act.

I´ll never forget the first thankful e-mail I got from my first realized EP. It was a really awesome feeling, when I actually knew the whole story behind one number in and I was aware, how much did I change the EP´s life. And this is still one of the biggest motivation I have in AIESEC. AIESEC is chance to change. Chance to change ourselfs, change the others, change the world.

AIESEC is like a observation tower. When you´re on the first floor, you see everything from a different perspective and than you think- if I´m able to see this from the first floor, what will be on the next? And you keep going up. Yes, sometimes it´s a lot of energy, a lot of time spent just walking upstairs and sometimes you feel tired and you lose your motivation going higher, but it´s worth the effort. Because during the whole time, even if there´re no windows, only empty walls, there´re thousands of people walking with you- for the same reason as you do. And than you´ll arrive to the second floor, you´ll be happy that you didn´t give it up. Because the view will be more breath-taking than before, the perspective wider and there´ll be plenty of new people around you. And after you´ll see all the changes you came through and realize, how many people did you help and changed their lives, you´ll start to think about the third floor.. And believe me. It´s worthwile.

Thanks for reading,

Yours Siska

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