the receptionists’ strategies in overcoming speaking …

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To Fulfill One of the Requirements to Obtain a Degree in the Department of

English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

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Judul Skripsi : The Receptionists’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking

Error at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar

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Makassar, 07 September 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Ratna Widia Ningsih




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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Ratna Widia Ningsih

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Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 07 September 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Ratna Widia Ningsih



Life is always about risk.

Not about how we avoid those risks

But how we take risks

to make our lives safe from what other people think, wise from what others don't

notice, and sense from what others call dreams.

I dedicate this thesis…

To my beloved parents, and all of my dearest family who always support and

motivate me with painful words, and never stop pray the best things of me. Thank

you for loving me with all of your heart.



Ratna Widia Ningsih. 2021. The Receptionists’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking

Error at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar. A thesis, English Education Department (S1),

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Education, Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar. Supervised by Nurdevi Bte abdul and Wildhan Burhanuddin.

This study aimed at identifying the errors made by receptionists in speaking at

Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar; identifying the receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming

errors in speaking at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar. The type of this research was

descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research were the receptionists of Aryaduta

Hotel of Makassar. The research instrument used was interview as the primary

instrument and recording as the secondary instrument.

The results of the study showed that receptionists made error in omission,

addition, misformation, and mis-ordering which categorized as grammatical error

(syntactic error). And also the receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming speaking error

by using media that was electronic dictionary.

Keywords : Speaking error, grammar, strategy.



Ratna Widia Ningsih. 2021. Strategi Resepsionis dalam Mengatasi Kesalahan

Berbicara di Hotel Aryaduta Makassar. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

(S1), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Nurdevi Bte abdul dan Wildhan Burhanuddin.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan yang dilakukan

resepsionis dalam berbicara di Hotel Aryaduta Makassar; mengidentifikasi strategi

resepsionis dalam mengatasi kesalahan dalam berbicara di Hotel Aryaduta Makassar.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah

resepsionis Hotel Aryaduta Makassar. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah

wawancara sebagai instrumen utama dan rekaman sebagai instrumen sekunder.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa resepsionis melakukan kesalahan

penghilangan, penambahan, kesalahan formasi, dan kesalahan pengurutan yang

dikategorikan sebagai kesalahan tata bahasa (syntactic error). Serta strategi

resepsionis dalam mengatasi kesalahan berbicara dengan menggunakan media yaitu

kamus elektronik.

Kata kunci : Kesalahan berbicara, tata bahasa, strategi.



Praises be to the presence of Allah SWT, the lord of the world, who is the

beginning of all that is and the end of all that exists. For the blessing of His grace, so

that the researcher can complete this thesis.

Likewise, greeting, and prayers are always poured out to the king of the

Prophet Muhammad SAW and his friends as followers. The researcher realizes that in

the process of writing this thesis there are many obstacles, but thanks to the help,

guidance, cooperation of various parties and blessing from Allah SWT almighty so

that the obstacles faced can be overcome. Therefore the writer would like to thank

both parents, father Malik Ibrahim and Mother I.Saharu who have sacrificed

selflessly and are full of compassion in raising, educating and praying for the success

of the writer, who constantly provides support with all sincere and sacrifices in

completing this thesis.

Likewise the highest appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag,, Rector of the Muhammadiyah University of


2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D, Dean of the faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. Dr. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, Head of English Education Department.


4. Dr. Nur Devi BTE Abdul, S.Pd.,M.Pd, Supervisor I Wildhan Burhanuddin,

S.Pd., M.Hum, Supervisor II have spent time during their busy schedule to

provide guidance, direction, and attention in completing this thesis.

5. All lecturers of the English Education Department have a provided a lot of

knowledge and various experiences during the researcher‟s study at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

6. Human Resources Develompent, Receptionists, and all of the staff of Aryaduta

Hotel of Makassar who have spared their time and activities for being subject of

this research.

7. To beloved brother and sisters whom always gives motivation to finishing my

study, also Iqbal and all of my best friends who have sincerely sacrificed their

time, material, energy, prayers and support to the researcher in completing this


Accompanying the researcher‟s appreciation and gratitude to all parties who

helped directly and indirectly to the researcher during the completion of this thesis.

Hopefully, all the help given will get multiple rewards from Allah SWT.


Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis still has many shortcomings, so

with all humility the writer expects suggestions and constructive criticism for the

perfection of this thesis. I hope this thesis can be useful for all those who need it.

Aamiin, yarabbal „alamin.

Makassar, 07 September 2021




TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................... iii

CONSELLING SHEET 1 ................................................................................ iv

CONSELLING SHEET 2 ................................................................................ v

SURAT PERNYATAAN................................................................................. vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................... vii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................ viii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... xi

TABEL OF CONTENT ................................................................................... xiv


A. Background .......................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement ............................................................................... 4

C. Objective of Study ............................................................................... 5

D. Significant of the Study ........................................................................ 5

E. Scope of study ...................................................................................... 6


A. Previous Research Findings ................................................................. 7

B. Concept of Speaking ............................................................................ 9

C. Concept of Error ................................................................................... 16


D. Concept of Strategies ........................................................................... 21


A. Research Design ................................................................................... 25

B. Research Subject .................................................................................. 25

C. Research Instrument ............................................................................. 25

D. Data Collection..................................................................................... 26

E. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 27


A. Findings ................................................................................................ 29

B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 44


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 48

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 49






A. Background

English for tourism and hospitality has been categorized in English for

specific purposes (ESP). This is an area of specialization that is important and

dynamic in the field of teaching and learning English. Language proficiency is very

important and essential in all professional fields, especially in the tourism and

hospitality industry because of its specific nature and concept.

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) can be defined as teaching and learning

English as a second or foreign language for the purpose of using it in certain needs or

majors. Pauline C. Robinson (1989) describes ESP as a type of ELT (English

Language Teaching) and defines it as: “Goal-oriented language learning“. (Robinson,

Pauline C., ed. Hywel Coleman, 1989, p 398) that means student has a specific goal

that is going to be attained. The origin of ESP and its development is closely related

to students' interest in certain scientific disciplines such as English for the Hotel

Industry or English for Tourist Management.

In this research, researcher will examine English Specific Purpose about how

the English speaking of receptionist in hotel and Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar is the

choice of where the researcher does the research. ESP (English Specific Purpose) is

commonly used in English for certain uses in certain fields of science and


professions. Therefore, ESP is seen as an approach, concept and method that

is indeed different from general English. Robinson goes on to say "It (here ESP) is

generally used to refer to the teaching and learning of foreign languages for clear

purposes which are beyond doubt."

As it is known that there are always tourists visiting in every city with various

interests such as tourism, business affairs, or others. Hotel is one of the choices where

they rest especially foreign tourists mostly choose five-star hotels because the

facilities are quite complete so they feel comfortable. In this situation, five-star hotels

are not only seen from the facilities but also from the service, especially the service

from the receptionist as the person who is at the front desk.

According to Sirait (2012) the grammatical error of receptionists in Golden

Virgo Hotel is error in the use of preposition (in, on, and at). Similar to Simbolon

(2015) found that there are six aspects of errors; errors in production of verb groups,

errors in the distribution of verb groups, errors in the use of article, errors in the use

of preposition, errors in the use of questions and miscellaneous errors. On the other

hand, Arifianto Wahyu Andri (2018) found that types of error in tenses usage were

error of False Concepts Hypothesized and omission, error of selection and error of

addition, particularly in using verb -ing, conjunction, and auxiliary and be going to.

According to Adib (2012), the grammatical errors were classified as in producing

verb group, errors in subject-verb agreement, errors in the use of articles, errors in the


use of prepositions, errors in noun pluralization, errors in the use of pronouns, and

errors in the use of conjunctions.

It is normally if Indonesian‟s people cannot speak English well because

English is not the first and the second language in Indonesia, but it just as a foreign

language. According to Richards (1971:87), “English in Japan, French, Indonesia,

Russia and so on is a purely cultural object of study and it is not involved in societal

function”. In Indonesia, English language just used in formal education such as

school, not in daily activities. Based on the researcher‟s experience in the

environment and also the fact that mostly Indonesian students don‟t interest to study

English because they claimed that English is a difficult subject to learn. It can raise

the errors when they start to learn how to speak English. But every mistake or

problem that arises, it has a solution or a way to solve it. So, the research aims to

determine the receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming speaking error at Aryaduta

Hotel. As for, the hotel that researcher chose to be the object of research that hotel

which has strategic place and located in the center of Makassar.

Aryaduta is one of the five-stars hotel in Makassar. There are many tourist

guests who come to this hotel because the area is closer to tourist attractions such as

Losari Beach, Fort Rotterdam, Tanjung Bunga, Masjid 99 Kubah, several islands,

Mall and others. Not only because of that, but also there are few tourists staying in

the hotel to visit one of the tourist location in South Sulawesi, Toraja. Although, the

hotel is quite far from the airport, but the tourists still chose the hotel because it has


excellent service. So that is why also researcher chooses the receptionists at Aryaduta

Hotel of Makassar. This study aims to determine the survey of receptionists so that

researcher can observe the receptionists‟ error in English speaking and also the

strategies of the receptionist in overcoming speaking error.

According to Hidayah (2012), some learning strategies to overcome speaking

error are cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, memory-related strategies,

compensatory strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. Similar to

Rianingsih (2015) found that the strategies to overcome speaking error are lecturing,

review, sharing, discussion and telling story.

B. Problem Statement

Related to the background above, the following research questions are necessary

to answer:

1. What are errors made by receptionists in speaking at Aryaduta Hotel of


2. What are receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming errors in speaking at

Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar?


C. Objective of the Study

Related to problem statement above, the objective of the studies are:

1. To identify the errors made by receptionists in speaking at Aryaduta Hotel

of Makassar.

2. To identify the receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming errors in speaking at

Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar.

D. Significance of the Study

The significant of the study will be useful theoretically and practically, as


1. Theoretical Significance

The result of this research can give a description about The

Receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming speaking error at Aryaduta Hotel of


2. Practical Significance

a. For other researches, the results of this research are expected to be

useful information and reference for future researchers who will

investigate further about the same thing.

b. For the institution, it is able to enrich the treasury of knowledge of the



E. Scope Of The Study

In this research, the researcher observes and identifies the receptionists‟

errors in speaking by measuring grammar by looking for the errors in omission,

addition, misformation, and misordering that receptionists used inaccurately. Also,

the researcher identifies the strategies that receptionists used in overcoming speaking

errors at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar.




A. Previous Research Findings

This previous research became one of the researcher‟s references in

conducting research so that the researcher can enrich the theories used in studying

research conducted. From the previous studies, the researcher did not find same title

as the researcher‟s research title but the researcher raised some research as the

references in enriching the materials study in this research. There are some researches

related to this research.

According to Sirait (2012) the grammatical error of receptionists in Golden

Virgo Hotel is error in the use of preposition (in, on, and at). This research used

descriptive qualitative method.

Similar to Simbolon (2015) found that there are six aspects of errors; errors in

production of verb groups, errors in the distribution of verb groups, errors in the use

of article, errors in the use of preposition, errors in the use of questions and

miscellaneous errors. The method that the researcher used is descriptive qualitative.

According to Arifianto Wahyu Andri (2018) found that types of error in tenses usage

were error of False Concepts Hypothesized and omission, error of


selection and error of addition, particularly in using verb -ing, conjunction, and

auxiliary and be going to. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method in this


According to Adib (2012), the grammatical errors were classified as in

producing verb group, errors in subject-verb agreement, errors in the use of articles,

errors in the use of prepositions, errors in noun pluralization, errors in the use of

pronouns, and errors in the use of conjunctions. The researcher used quantitative


In the other side, Maylasari (2018), staff front liners at Sakata Convenxia

Tours and Travel nervous when facing foreign guests need for grammar knowledge

and vocabulary more. The method that researcher used is qualitative descriptive


According to Rajitha and Alamelu (2019) state that there are internal and

external factors that causing speaking anxiety, and some strategies to improve the

students‟ speaking skill such as using media, using social strategy, and using meta-

cognitive strategy.


B. Concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the ability to speak articulation sounds or words to express,

and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. According to Tarigan, (2008:16)

speaking is related of pronunciation words that aims to convey what will be

conveyed either feelings, or ideas. Therefore, to convey the message effectively,

the speaker must understand what will be communicated. Someone who speaks

them should be able to express their feeling to get the target language

communication. With this communication means people can interact with other

languages. Similar to Devi (2016) in her Article states that “People who have

ability to speak will be better in sending and receiving information or message to

another”. In Webster New World Dictionary, speaking is to say words orally, to

communicate as by talking, to make a request, and to make a speech (Nunan,

1995). According to Chaney (1998), speaking is the process of making and sharing

meaning by using verbal and non-verbal symbols in different contexts.

Brown (1994) and Burns and Joyce (1997) defined speaking as an

interactive process of making meaning that includes producing, receiving, and

processing information. Bygate (1987) defined speaking as the production of

auditory signals to produce different verbal responses in listeners. It is regarded as

combining sounds systematically to form meaningful sentences. On the other

hand, Eckard and Kearny (1981), Florez (1999), Howarth (2001), and Abd El


Fattah Torky (2006) defined speaking as a two–way process including a true

communication of opinions, information, or emotions. From the explanation

above, it could be concluded that speaking is ability to communicate with the aims

to convey or sharing message.

Speaking skill could be judge from five aspects, they are; Intonation,

pronunciation, grammar, fluency and diction. According to Florez (1999) “a good

English speaker is who fulfilled the elements as follows:

1. Producing the sound, stress patterns, rhythmic structures and intonation of

the language.

2. Using grammar structures accurately.

3. Assessing characteristics of the target audience, including shared

knowledge or shared points of references in perspectives.

4. Selecting vocabulary that is understandable and appropriate for the

audience, the topic being discussed and the setting in which the speech act


2. Functions of Speaking

Having the ability to speak is very helpful for work needs, especially in

English speaking skills. English speaking ability are not only used in the world of

education, but it can also uses in the field of tourism, banking, and others so that it

is not used monotonously in the field of education.


According to Brown and Yule there are three function of speaking,

“…three part version of Brown and Yule‟s framework (after Jones 1996 and Burns

1998): talk as interaction: talk as transaction: talk as performance. It is described

as follows:

a. Talk as Interaction

This function refers to conversation. It means that two or more people

communicate with the aims to convey the message to other person

spontaneously. The main intention in this function is social relationship. The

focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to present themselves to

each other than on the message.

b. Talk as Transaction

Talk as transaction is the function that refers on the situation where focus on

what the speaker said or what the message conveyed. It means that, the central

focus on this function is the message and making oneself understand, not seen

in how people interact each other or socially such as offering something,

asking for direction, discussion class, and etc.

c. Talk as Performance

Talk as performance is activity that focuses on monolog rather than dialog.

Usually, speaking as performance happened at speeches, public talks, public

announcements, retell story, telling story and so on.


3. Characteristics of Speaking

According to Mazouzi (2013), learners‟ activities should be designed

based on equivalence between fluency and accuracy achievement. Both fluency

and accuracy are important elements of communicative approach. Classroom

practice can help learners develop their communicative competence. So they

should know how the language system works appropriately.

The first characteristic of speaking performance is fluency. Fluency is

how people twists and efficiency when they convey the ideas. It makes it easier to

socialize and avoid misunderstanding. According to Hughes (2002), fluency is the

learners‟ ability to speak in understandable way in order not to break down

communication because listeners may lose their interest. Hedge (2000) expressed

that fluency is the ability to answer coherently by connecting the words and

phrases, pronouncing the sounds clearly, and using stress and intonation.

The second characteristic of speaking performance is accuracy. Accuracy

is about using grammar in speaking correctly. It is about understanding the deeper

meaning and usage of vocabulary and also involves the pronunciation of words

correctly. According to Mazouzi (2013) Learners should pay enough attention to

the exactness and the completeness of language form when speaking such as

focusing on grammatical structures, vocabulary, and pronunciation. According to

Thornbury (2005), learners‟ correct use of grammatical structures requires the


length and complexity of the utterances and the well-structured clauses. To gain

accuracy in terms of vocabulary means to select suitable words in the suitable

contexts. Learners sometimes apply similar words or expressions in various

contexts which do not mean similar things. So learners should be able to use words

and expressions correctly.

4. The Components of Speaking Skill

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way to produce word by word clearly when we

are speaking. It means that we can communicate effectively when we have

good pronunciation and intonation even though they have limited vocabulary

and grammar. It can be minimize understanding conversation or speaking up

if we have a good pronunciation. Pronunciation refers to the traditional or

customary utterance of words. From that statement can be concluded that

pronunciation is the way for students to produce the utterance words clearly

when they are speaking (Kline, 2001:69).

Moreover, pronunciation includes all those aspects of speech which

make for an easily intelligible flow of speech, including segmental

articulation, rhythm, intonation and phrasing, and more peripherally even

gesture, body language and eye contact (Fraser, 2001:6). Based on the

statement above can be concluded that Pronunciation includes many aspects


that include articulation, rhythm, intonation and phrasing, and more

peripherally even gesture, body language and eye contact.

b. Grammar

Grammar is needed for the students to arrange correct sentences in

conversation both in written and oral forms. Grammar is defined as a

systematic way of accounting for and predicting an ideal speaker‟s or hearer‟s

knowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can

be used to generate all well form or grammatical utterances in the language

(Purpura, 2004:6). Moreover, the other definition of grammar stated by

Greenbaum and Nelson (2002:1) argue that Grammar refers to the set of rules

that allow us to combine words in our language into larger units. The grammar

of a language is the description of the ways in which words can change their

forms and can be combined into sentences in that language (Harmer,

2001:12). Thus, from the statements above can be concluded that the function

of grammar is to arrange the correct meaning of sentences based on the

context; in addition, it is used to avoid misunderstanding in each


c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary means the appropriate diction or the most important thing

in a language especially in speaking; furthermore, knowing many


vocabularies we will be easier to express our ideas, feeling and thoughts both

in oral or written form. In spoken language, the vocabulary tends to be

familiar and everyday (Turk, 2003:87). It means that in spoken language or

speaking, the vocabulary use must be very familiar and it is used in everyday

conversation in order to understand the spoken discourse.

d. Fluency

Fluency is defined as the ability to speak communicatively, fluently

and accurately. Fluency usually refers to express oral language freely without

interruption. In teaching and learning process, if the teacher wants to check

students‟ fluency, the teacher allows students to express themselves freely

without interruption. The aim is to help students speak fluently and with ease.

The teacher does not correct immediately whereas the idea being that too

much correction interferes with the flow of conversation (Pollard, 2008:16).

e. Comprehension

Comprehension is an ability to perceive and process stretches of

discourse, to formulate representations the meaning of sentences.

Comprehension of a second language is more difficult to study since it is not;

directly observable and must be inferred from overt verbal and nonverbal

responses, by artificial instruments, or by the intuition of the teacher or

researcher. Comprehension refers to the fact that participants fully understand


the nature of the research project even when procedures are complicated and

entail risks (Cohen et al., 2005:51). Therefore, in speaking can be concluded

that the comprehension refers to the speakers‟ understanding about what are

they saying to the listeners in order avoid misunderstanding information; in

addition, its function is to make the listeners easily to catch the information

from the speaker.

C. Concept of Errors

1. Definition of Error

An error is noticeable grammar from the adult grammar of native

speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learners (Brown,

1980:165). In simple words, it could be concluded that error refers to the

failure in using the system of language correctly. It is caused by the lack of

the students‟ competence, knowledge and comprehension.

Similar to Erdogan (2005) states that an error is the use of

linguistic item in a way that a fluent or native speaker of the language

regards it as showing faulty or incomplete learning. In other words, it

occurs because the learner speaks English as a foreign language and does

not know what is correct, and thus it cannot be self-corrected. Errors are

sometimes classified according to vocabulary (lexical error),

pronunciation (phonological error), grammar (syntactic error),


misunderstanding of a speaker‟s intention or meaning (interpretive error),

production of the wrong communicative effect, eg. Through the faulty use

of a speech act or one of the rules of speaking (pragmatic error)”.

2. Cause of Error

It has been argued by Richards, as quoted by Nababan (1993), that

there are two causes in making the error:

a. Interlingual error

Error caused by the interference of the target language called

interlingual errors. This error has the relevance with the negative

influences of students‟ language in language target including phonology,

morphology, syntax, lexis and culture. Corder (1981) states that this

interlingual error occurs when the learner's pattern, system, or rule is

disturbed so that it affects the pattern or rule of the second language. Lado

(1964) says Interference (negative transfer) is the negative influence of the

first language or mother tongue (L1) on target language performance (L2).

Similar to Cheli (2013) defines that interlingual errors as a result of

language transfer, and the effect of the learner's first language.

According to Allen and Corder (1974), Interlingual errors caused

of transfer error. Transfer Error is an error caused by the emergence of the

influence of the mother tongue. The learners who don't know the rules of


the target language will use the same rules as their mother tongue. Touchie

(1986) suggested that interlingual errors caused mainly by mother tongue

interference. Mother tongue interference is an error when learners prefer

to discover the structure of the target language rather than transfer their

first language model. Another researcher is Al-Khresheh (2010), he

suggested that interlingual errors committed by literal translation. Literal

translation is an error that occurs because a learner translates the first

language sentence or expression into the target language.

b. Intralingual Error

Error caused by the difficulties faced by the students due to that

target language, including analogy. This kind of error is called intralingual

errors. Interference from students' own language is not the only reason for

making mistakes. Students can make mistakes in the target language,

because they have difficulty in using it and they do not know the target

language well. Richard (1974: 6) states, intralingual interference refers to

items generated by the learner, which do not reflect the structure of the

mother tongue, but are based on generalizations on partial exposure of the

target language.

Richard (1974: 120) classifies the intralingual errors into four

categories including over generalization, ignorance of rule restrictions,


incomplete application of the rules, and false concept hypothesized or

semantic errors.

1) Overgeneralization occurs when a learner makes the wrong structure

based on his experience of other structures in the target language.

Kayu Kecil (1984) cites examples of plural formation by adding "s"

even irregular plurals, also generalizing the past tense "-ed".

2) Ignorance of Rules Restriction. James (1998:63) says that a person is

usually said not to know the structure of the target language or second

language. In this type of error, the learner fails to observe the existing

structural constraints. Some rule-limiting errors can be accounted for

in terms of analogy and can result from learning the role of rules.

3) Incomplete Application of the Rule is an error that occurs when the

learner fails to fully apply the rule due to the stimulus sentence.

4) False Concepts Hypothesized (semantic error) is a misunderstanding

of the different target language items that leads to a falsely

hypothesized conceptualization.

According to Richards (1974:124) distinguishes three sources of

competence errors:

1. Interference errors occur as a result of the use of element from one

language while speaking another.


2. Intralingua errors reflect the general characteristics of rule learning such

as faulty generalization, incomplete application of rules and failure to

learn conditions under which rules apply.

3. Developmental errors occur when the learner attempts to build up

hypotheses about the target language on the basis of limited experience.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulated that error

was part of process in learning English as Foreign Language. The process

could allow the improvement to get a progress in being better if students

could correct the errors. In correcting the errors, students need lecturer‟s

evaluation to identify the errors made by students in speaking.

In order to analyze errors, the researchers surface strategy taxonomy

and communicative effect taxonomy proposed by Dulay, et al. (1982). The

surface strategy taxonomy consists of omission, additions, misformation, and


1) Omission is the reduction of one element in a sentence that should exist,

so that it makes the sentence correct in grammatically. For example, the

omission of “s/es” in plural words, omission of auxiliary, omission of to

be which should exist in the sentence, and so on.

2) Addition is the appearance of an item which must not presence in a well-

formed construction. For example adding s/es to words that shouldn't be


necessary, adding an auxiliary, adding to be, adding an inappropriate -ing

suffix, and so on.

3) Mis-formation is the incorrect form of the structure. For example, the use

of first form of the verb but use the second form of the verb, or when to be

that used should following the subject.

4) Mis-ordering is the process of putting things in the wrong order.

D. Concept of Strategies

According to Brown (2007:119) stated that strategies are specific

method of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a

particular end or planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain

information. Similar to Gagne (1974:3) asserts that strategy is someone‟s

internal ability for thinking, solving problems. In addition, Mintzberg

(1994:12) proposes several different definitions of strategy, as these


1. Strategy is a plan, a means to get some movements.

2. Strategy is a pattern to act overtime.

3. Strategy is a position reflecting decisions to offer particular products or

services in particular markets.

4. Strategy is perspective, vision and direction.


Based on the definitions above, the researcher concluded that strategy

is way, preparation, or trick to solve the problem. Especially in speaking,

strategy is the way the speaker overcomes the mistakes, problems, difficulties,

or errors faced when speaking.

According to Rajitha and Alamelu (2019), the types of strategies to

improve the students‟ speaking skill as follows:

1. Majority of students are reading newspaper, books, watching TV News or

news channels, cartoon and movies.

2. Using social strategy by trying to improve through conversing with

friends, colleagues or peers etc.

3. Using meta-cognitive strategy, i.e. using their own learning process by

using dictionary and by sending messages as easy methods for

overcoming the factors, and others by speaking with siblings at home, by

listening to others speaking in English, speaking in front of the mirror.

In the other hand, there are several strategies in overcoming speaking

error according to Oxford (1990, P.1) namely:

1. Cognitive Strategy, which relate to how learner think about their learning.

Cognitive strategy is an internal ability that can help learners in the

learning process, think, solve a problem and make decisions


2. Metacognitive Strategy is using their own learning process by using

dictionary and by sending messages as easy methods for overcoming the

factors, and others by speaking with siblings at home, by listening to

others speaking in English, speaking in front of the mirror.

3. Memory-related Strategies, related to how the learner remembers the

language by understand the material and repeat it.

4. Compensatory Strategies are techniques or modifications to our behavior

or environment that are used to compensate for perceived weakness, or

incompetence in a particular area or skill.

5. Affective Strategies, relating to learner‟s feelings in speaking such as how

the learner speaks in front of the class confidently.

6. Social Strategies, which involve learning by interaction with others such

as improve through conversing with friends, colleagues or peers etc.

To be a good speaker, people need openness to realize the mistakes

they made. And also, they can accept constructive critics and suggestions for

the learning process. The strategy is really important part of learning process

to improve speaking skill.


Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher analyzes about the

receptionists‟ error in speaking especially in grammar, and also the receptionists‟

strategies in overcoming speaking error.




speaking error





A. Research Design

The type of research in this study was descriptive research. The researcher

used a qualitative method and used interview and recording as the instrument of this

research. This research analyzed about The Receptionists‟ Strategies in Overcoming

Speaking Error at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar.

B. Research Subject

Two receptionists from Aryaduta Hotel were the subject of this research.

There are criteria of the receptionist as the subject of the research, as follows:

1. Receptionists who have been given the researcher permission to do the research.

2. Receptionists who have a good skill in speaking English.

3. Receptionists have worked at least two years at the hotel.

C. Research Instrument

The primary instrument was used by the researcher in this study was

interview. For the secondary instrument was recording. The researcher recorded and

noted the receptionists when answered the question of interview to analyzed the

English Speaking at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar to know the speaking error and the


receptionists‟ way in overcoming the errors.

D. Data Collection

In gathered the data, the researcher used the following procedures:

1. The researcher was conducted administration before so that HRD could make a

schedule of the researcher to interview and recorded.

2. The researcher observed the receptionists‟ activity while filled the observation


3. The researcher interviews the receptionist and recorded what the receptionist


4. The researcher made scripts based on the interview that had been recorded.

5. The researcher continue the interview by mobile phone (WhatsApp) then

capture it.

6. The researcher analyzed the error of words and sentences that produced by the

receptionists, which for the words were analyzed by using the Oxford

dictionary and for the sentences were analyzed by looking at the correct

patterns of the tenses in some books.

7. The researcher made a result of the data that had been collected.


E. Data Analysis

After collected the data, the researcher reviewed about the error in

English speaking of each receptionist at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar than made

conclusions descriptively to analyze the data. According to Gay, Mills, and

Airasian in their book Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and

Applications (2012) state that “One way to proceed with analysis is to follow

three iterative steps; reading/memoing, describing, and classifying”. According

to Miles & Huberman (1992) the data analysis consists of three streams of

activity that occur simultaneously, namely: data reduction, data display, and

drawing conclusions/verification. The processed of data analysis such as :

1. Data Reduction

The result of the data explained in detail. After collected the data, the

researcher through the reduction stage such as made a summary, coding,

tracing the theme of making clusters and wrote memos. Researchers took the

data from the conversation scripts of receptsionists who are as the subject of

research to determined their speaking ability.

2. Data display

In this study, researchers saw the limitations given in presenting data,

namely a collection of structured information and provided the possibility to

draw conclusions and took action. In presented this data, the researcher look


at the grammatical error made by the receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of

Makassar and also the receptionists‟ way to overcome it.

3. Drawing Conclusions

In this stage, the researcher took the conclusions based on the

summary that have been noted and made a conclusion descriptively.




A. Findings

This chapter presented findings of the research which included the types of

error made by receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar. The objective of the study

was aimed to know the receptionists‟ error in speaking, and the strategies in

overcome the speaking errors at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar. Those speaking errors

and the way to overcoming it had been identified as follows:

1. Errors made by receptionists in Speaking

Based on the interview that conducted by the researcher, there were some

errors in grammar made by receptionists that did not suitable with the structure of

grammar such as follows:

Extract 01

A : “Okay, the first question is, did you graduate from the receptionist


B : “Actually, I don’t have school from the receptionist, I am majoring for

hospitality for cruise ship and I trained here so I can be a receptionist.”



Based on the extract above, the italicized sentence was not suitable

with the context that the researcher and the receptionist talked about. From the

implication it was understandable and had answered the researcher‟s question,

but it was mis-formation grammatically. Because the researcher asked by

using simple past tense “did you graduate from the receptionist school?” so to

said no, it was best for receptionist to say “no, I didn‟t” or “no, my

educational background was not receptionist” or “I did not graduate from the

receptionist school”.

Extract 02

A : “Okay next, do you have any experience in working in hotel


B : “No, I have not.”


Based on the extract above, the sentence “No, I have not” was a mis-

formation in grammar error, because the researcher asks “Do you have any

experience in working in hotel before?” with the first word was “Do” so the

receptionists should be answered “No, I don‟t”.


Extract 03

A : “So, you just learn how to speak English by yourself”

B : “Actually, I like to listening music so I…”


To infinitive was infinitive verb that used as noun or modal auxiliary

replacement. Based on the extract above, found that the sentence above was

wrong in addition. The sentence leaded into to infinitive theory, which the

formula was S + Certain Verb + to infinitive. It meant that the verb that used

must “bare infinitive” after the word “to”. So, the receptionist should say “I

like to listen music” or “I like listening music”.

Extract 04

A : “…The third question is how long have you been working as

receptionist in this hotel?”

B : “Hm... is almost, maybe two years”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the sentence

above was wrong in omission. The first word of the sentence must begin with

subject. It was better if the receptionist said “it is almost two years”.


Extract 05

A : “…okay the last question is could you please explain how you serve

tourist guest simply?”

B : Well, when the tourist come to our hotel, we will greeting like how

to SOP in this hotel…”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the sentence „We

will greeting” was wrong in addition based on the future tense. Because the

formula of future tense was S+Will/shall+V1, but the receptionist used

V1+ing after will. It was best for receptionist to say “We will greet the tourist

guest based on SOP in this hotel”.

Extract 06

A : “…okay the last question is could you please explain how you serve

tourist guest simply?”

B : “…and then we ask to the guest “have you make a reservation for



Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the sentence

“have you make a reservation today?” was the wrong sentence grammatically


in mis-formation. Because it was not suitable to tenses that applied to the

simple past tense. The rules of simple past was used Verb 2 after the subject,

and also used before, yesterday, last month, and etc. as adverb of time. So, it

could be said “have you made a reservation before?”.

Extract 07

A : “The first question is, did you graduate from the receptionist


B : “Hm... not”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the answer of the

receptionist could be understood but it was error in omission and not relevant

with grammar or tenses. The question of the researcher was “did you graduate

from the receptionist school?”, the sentence was beginning with “did”. So, the

answer of the question was “No, I did not”. Although, the answer could be

understood but it was not appropriate with tenses.

Extract 08

A : “… Next why are you interested in this job role?”

B : “Because, I am feel comfortable with my job.”



Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the sentence

above was error in addition. The sentence “I am feel comfortable” was wrong

based on the formula of Simple Present Tense, where the sentence was a

verbal sentence so the receptionist should not use to be “am” after the subject

such as “I feel comfortable”.

Extract 09

A : “Why did you choose the receptionist as your job?”

B : “Because I feel I have passion in reception job”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the sentence

above leaded to opinion and error in mis-formation. Actually, giving opinion

was a dialogue that used to express opinion to something by using “In my

opinion, I think…, I think that…, from my point of view…, and so on. So, the

receptionist should not say “I feel I have passion” but said “I think that I have

a passion”


Extract 10

A : “How long have you been working as receptionist in this hotel?”

B : “In this aryaduta hotel?”

A : Yes

B : Two thousand and six months


The sentence above was an error in grammar namely mis-formation.

Based on the research conducted by the researcher, found that the receptionist

mind to said 2016 by saying “two thousand and six months”. And also, the

answer of the receptionist‟s sentence has not answered the researcher‟s

question. So, the receptionist‟s mistake was a discrepancy between the spoken

word and the context that being discussed.

Extract 11

A : “Next, do you have any experience in working in hotel before?”

B : “Hm…yes, I have an experience working in another hotel...”


Experience was knowledge that people got by doing something. Based

on the extract above, the researcher found that the question from that answer

leaded to the simple past tense. It means that verb that used must the verb 2,


and also it was error in mis-formation. So, it should be “I had an experience

working in another hotel”.

Extract 12

A : “Okay, how could you speak English?”

B : “… I can speak English by my daily activity, and then repeat

everyday with same activity, and…”


Based on the research conducted by the researcher, found that the

sentences above needed an addition of article “the” between the word “with”

and “same”.

Extract 13

A : “All right. What are the difficulties that you get in serving the

tourist guest?”

B : “The difficulty I feel in serving tourist guest is when I am not feel

confident in English speaking and not same accent in English speaking”


The sentence above was an error in omission and mis-formation.

Based on the research conducted by the researcher, found that the receptionist

had two points in the sentences above, they are “I am not feel confident” and


“not same accent in English speaking”. It means that the receptionist had

plural reason, so the receptionist should said “the difficulties that I feel in

serving tourist guest are…”. And also the sentence “not same accent in

English speaking”. Actually, the receptionist meant to say the different accent

between the receptionist and the tourist guest was the difficulty that the

receptionist faced in serving tourist guest. Sometimes, it made the receptionist

did not understand what the guest said. So, it was better if the receptionist said

“The difficulties that I feel in serving tourist guest are when I don‟t feel

confident with my English speaking and also because we have different accent

with the tourist guest”.

Extract 14

A : “What do you do if there is a word you don‟t understand during

your conversation with tourist guest?”

B : “If I have some problem in speak with tourist, maybe can I use a

google translate and I am ask for help with my friend.”


Based on the research conducted by the researcher, found that the

sentence “If I have some problem…” was an error in omission. In plural

context, it should added “s/es” for noun which the quantity was more than

one. In this case, problem changed into problems. And also at the sentence


“maybe can I use a google translate” was an error in mis-ordering. It leaded

into a sentence of question. The receptionist meant to say “I can use a google

translate” to answer the researcher question.

Extract 15

A : “... Could you please explain how you serve the tourist guest

simply? …”

B : “First greeting”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the italicized

sentence was a present continuous tense but it was error in omission. As we

know that the formula of present continuous tense was S + to be + +

Object. It meant that the receptionist should put “is” before “greeting” so it

could be “first is greeting”.

Extract 16

A : “…okay. What else?”

B : “…If him have a reservation, before please ask for identity card like




Based on the extract above, the researcher found an error in mis-

formation in the italicized sentence that leaded to simple past tense, where the

rules of it must begin with subject whereas “him” was an object of pronoun.

And also, for the word “have” should use “had” according to the rules. It will

be better if the receptionist said “If he had a reservation before…”.

Extract 17

A : “…okay. What else?”

B : “… and then you help for check in…”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the word “for”

on the sentence above was a preposition but the sentence error in mis-

formation. The preposition should be followed by a noun that ending by ing.

It meant that the sentence “you help for check in” was a wrong sentence and

should be changed into “you help for checking in”.

Extract 18

A : “…okay. What else?”

B : “…and we as a reception explain the facilities that include with him




Based on the extract above, the researcher found that the italicized

sentence above leaded to simple present tense which categorized as nominal

sentence nut it was error in omission. It was known that nominal sentence

must use “to be” before the word of adjective, noun, or adverb. And also, the

subject “we” showed that the receptionists were more than one so, the

receptionist should say “We are as receptionists explain the facilities that

include with his room”.

Extract 19

A : “…okay. What else?”

B : “… Then we give room keys, and we show the room.”


Based on the extract above, the researcher found an error in mis-

formation in “room keys” that it leaded to phrase. Phrase was a set of words

that had a meaning but did not have pattern such as S + V. This phrase

pertained to a word order which contained Head (H) and Modifier (M). In this

case, room as a head, and key as a modifier. But the receptionist should say

“we give a key room”.


2. Receptionists‟ Strategies in Overcoming Error in Speaking

Based on the research that conducted by the researcher, there are

several strategies of the receptionist in overcoming their error in speaking

such as follows:

a. Receptionist 1

Based on the interviewed of the receptionist 1 to obtain the

information, the researcher found some strategies used by the receptionist

in overcoming error in speaking such as follows:

Extract 1

A : “…If you have that experienced, how do you solve the error?”

B : “…My first strategy is to translate it first on google translate or in

the electronic dictionary…”


Extract 2

B : “…and if I have free time I will search and learn it on Google

about the material…”



Extract 3

B : “…I have a friend who is pretty good at English so sometimes I

contact him to ask...”


Based on the extracts above, the researcher found that there are

some strategies of receptionist in overcoming error in speaking. The first

strategy was use a Google translator or electronic dictionary as a simple

media and accessible. But the receptionist thought, learned from the

Google translator or electronic dictionary was not really good because

Google isn't always right either. The second strategy used by receptionist

was looked for the material on Google and studied it. But the receptionist

did it if she has free time so that the receptionist can study it well. The

third strategy was asked to her friend because the receptionist had a friend

who is pretty good at English.

b. Receptionist 2

Based on the interviewed of the receptionist 2 to obtain the

information, the researcher found some strategies used by the receptionist

in overcoming error in speaking such as follows:


Extract 1

A : “…If you have that experienced, how do you solve the error?”

B : “…I use Google translate more often …”


Extract 2

B : “…But it doesn't always depend on google translate

…Personally, I learned it by myself…”


Extract 3

B : “…Sometimes I share with friends also.…”


Based on the extracts above, the researcher found that there are some

strategies of receptionist in overcoming error in speaking. The first

strategy was use Google translate. But the receptionist thought, the

receptionist does not depend on Google translate because the receptionist

knows that Google not always showed the correct answer so the

receptionists only used it to crosschecking her grammar. The second


strategy was learned by her. Actually, the receptionist meant that

receptionist realized by herself when the receptionist made errors in

grammar when receptionist spoke. It can be concluded that the second

strategy of the receptionist in overcoming speaking error was realized the

errors first.

B. Discussion

The finding of the study reported the data related to the receptionists‟ error

in speaking and the strategies that receptionists used in overcoming speaking error

at Aryaduta Hotel Makassar. The data in this research were taken by using

interview and record. There were two major findings revealed from this study

based on the research question. The first part was what errors are made by

receptionists in speaking at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar. The second part was

what are receptionists‟ strategies in overcoming error in speaking at Aryaduta

Hotel of Makassar.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used the following steps. First, the

researcher interviewed the receptionists and recorded it. After that, the researcher

made transcripts based on the result of the record. Then, the researcher made list of

the errors in speaking and the strategies of the receptionists in overcoming


speaking error. Finally, the researcher classified the receptionists‟ error in English

speaking and the strategies that the receptionists used.

1. Errors Made by Receptionists in Speaking

Based on the research that conducted by the researcher found that the

receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar made error in grammar. Those

were grammatical error such as omission, addition, and mis formation. The

same result of this research was proven by Sirait (2012) who was equally

researching speaking but the differences lines in the result. The result of the

previous research found that the grammatical error made by the employees at

Golden Virgo Hotel Batam are about preposition (in, on, at), where the result

of this research found that the grammatical error in speaking made by the

receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar were misusing tenses which

categorized as mis-formation, added the item unnecessary which categorized

as addition, omitted the item that should be exist which categorized as

omission, and put the word not in sequence. Similar to Sari (2018) who was

also equally researching speaking but the differences lines in the result. The

result of the previous research found that the dominant kind of grammatical

errors are about number, where the result of this research found that the

dominant kind of grammatical error in speaking made by the receptionists at

Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar was misusing tenses which categorized as mis-

formation. The result of this study were also in line with previous research


conducted by Andri (2018) who stated that the types of error in tenses usage

were error of selection and error in addition, particularly using verb, and

auxiliary. But generally, it did not lead misunderstanding because the

researcher still could understand what the receptionists tried to say.

2. The Receptionists‟ Strategies in Overcoming Error in Speaking

Strategy is way, preparation, or trick to solve the problem. Especially

in speaking, strategy is the way the speaker overcomes the mistakes, problems,

difficulties, or errors faced when speaking.

Based on the research conducted by the researcher, found that the

receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar had some strategies in overcoming

speaking error. During the conversation processed, the receptionist still said

the word they wanted to say even though they didn't know the correct of the

sentences. If there was an error, then the receptionist will looked for the correct

of the sentence by found it in a Google dictionary or used an electronic

dictionary. The receptionists said that Google dictionary did not always show

the correct answer and also Google provided difficult words. So, it did not

effective to crosscheck or overcome the grammar error. The second strategy by

the receptionists to overcoming speaking error was asked to friend. This

strategy was able to help the receptionist in overcoming speaking errors


because the receptionist got more explanation about the error so the

receptionists can remember and overcome it. But most of the receptionists

chose to use electronic dictionary in overcoming speaking error. This result

was supported by Rianingsih (2015) who was found the strategies in overcome

speaking errors were review, sharing, and discussion such as the receptionists‟

strategies. But the difference between this research and Rianingsih research

was in the research subject. The subjects of Rianingsih research were the

students, while in this research were the receptionists. The same result was

proven by Rajitha and Alamelu (2019) but the difference line between this

research and Rajitha and Alamelu research was in the subject of research

where the subject of Rajitha and Alamelu research were students, while in this

research were receptionists. But it had same result in overcoming speaking

error such as media usage; electronic dictionary.




In this chapter consisted of two sections. The first was conclusion which

presented the finding of this research based on data analysis and discussion in

previous chapter. The second one was suggestion which deal with the researcher

recommended doing.

A. Conclusion

The description from the previous section, there were two points related to

this research. First, there were three types of grammatical error committed by the

receptionists at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar in speaking based on theory by Dulay et

al. (1982: 154). They were omission, addition, misformation, and misordering errors.

But in this research, receptionists did not error in misordering. But the answers of the

receptionists did not reduce the meaning of the message to be conveyed so it was

understandable even though there were grammatical error used by the receptionists.

The receptionist also didn't detract himself by allowing the errors happen. But they

are still learning and overcoming their error with or without them realizing it.


B. Suggestion

1. The Receptionists

The receptionists should get more knowledge about grammar. It is important

to increase the awareness about grammar to avoid misunderstanding in convey the

messages or the ideas. It is better if the receptionists have a basic book about

grammar to learn, or using grammatical application to overcoming speaking error

because it effective and can help the receptionists in studying about grammar.

The receptionists can also pay attention to each other or admonish each other

if receptionist hears one of them makes an error in speaking, and gives the task of

finding the correct on their own. It is a practice of the receptionists so that the

receptionists easy to remember. Even, the receptionists are good in mastering the

vocabularies so that increasing knowledge of the grammar can make the receptionists

better in serving tourist guest, and also as a speaker.

2. The Researcher

Further similar research in necessary to be conducted in different aspects

about speaking skill. At the end, the researcher hope this research can use as

references for future and further research related to the problem of this research.



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Hotel :

Receptionist :

Observer :

Date :

Time :

No. Activities Yes No

1. Receptionist starts to serve the guest by greetings

2. Receptionist shows the price list room to the guest

3. Receptionist asks for kind of bed to the guest

4. Receptionist asks for the guest‟s identity and input the form

5. Receptionist asks for payment and deposit room

6. Receptionist gives the key room while inform the number of

room, breakfast time, and check out time

7. Receptionist asks to housekeeper to take the guest to room

8. Receptionist calls the guest to inform check out time

9. Receptionist asks for the key back and deposit form

10. Receptionist asks to housekeeping to check the room

11. Receptionist says thanks and good bye


Hotel : Aryaduta Hotel

Receptionist : Evi Dewi

Observer : Ratna Widia Ningsih

Date : 28th

March 2021

Time : 16.45

No. Activities Yes No

1. Receptionist starts to serve the guest by greetings

2. Receptionist shows the price list room to the guest

3. Receptionist asks for kind of bed to the guest

4. Receptionist asks for the guest‟s identity and input the form

5. Receptionist asks for payment and deposit room

6. Receptionist gives the key room while inform the number of

room, breakfast time, and check out time

7. Receptionist asks to housekeeper to take the guest to room

8. Receptionist calls the guest to inform check out time

9. Receptionist asks for the key back and deposit form

10. Receptionist asks to housekeeping to check the room

11. Receptionist says thanks and good bye


Hotel : Aryaduta Hotel

Receptionist : Dewi

Observer : Ratna Widia Ningsih

Date : 28th

March 2021

Time : 17.14

No. Activities Yes No

1. Receptionist starts to serve the guest by greetings

2. Receptionist shows the price list room to the guest

3. Receptionist asks for kind of bed to the guest

4. Receptionist asks for the guest‟s identity and input the form

5. Receptionist asks for payment and deposit room

6. Receptionist gives the key room while inform the number of

room, breakfast time, and check out time

7. Receptionist asks to housekeeper to take the guest to room

8. Receptionist calls the guest to inform check out time

9. Receptionist asks for the key back and deposit form

10. Receptionist asks to housekeeping to check the room

11. Receptionist says thanks and good bye


1. Did you graduate from the receptionist school?

2. Why are you interested in this job role?

3. How long have you been working as receptionist in this hotel?

4. Do you have any experience in working in hotels before?

5. How can you speak English?

6. Have you ever join English course before?

7. Do you often get tourist guest?

8. What is the difficulty you feel in serving tourist guest?

9. What do you do if there is a word you don‟t understand during your

conversation with a tourist guest?

10. Could you please explain how you serve tourist guest simply?

Interview Receptionist 1

A : First of all, I would like say thanks for the chance, and there are several

questions that I am going to ask you but before that I want to ask you, are you ready

for that?

B : Yes, sure

A : Okay, the first question is, did you graduate from the receptionist school?

B : Actually, I don‟t have school from the receptionist, I am majoring for

hospitality for cruise ship and I trained here so I can be a receptionist

A : Oh okay, the second question is why are you interested in this job role?

B : Why I interest, because this job is hmm okay I will explain to you that I am

the person who easy to socialize with others

A : Okay

B : And I, I like to meet with other people in every day, every hour

A : Okay, that is a good person. The third question is how long have you been

working as receptionist in this hotel?

B : Hm... is almost, maybe two years

A : Two years?

B : Yes

A : Okay next, do you have any experience in working in hotel before?

B : No, I have not

A : Oh, so this is your first hotel, right?

B : Ya, this is my first time

A : Okay, how can you speak English?

B : Umm... maybe it‟s my daily…

A : Your daily?

B : I could speak English because I learn by my self

A : Oh okay, next have you ever joined English course before?

B : No, I have not

A : So, you just learn how to speak English by yourself

B : Actually, I like to listening music so I will interest to study English

A : Oh ya, next do you often get tourist guest?

B : Ya

A : Okay, the next question is what are the difficulties that you get in serving

tourist guest?

B : The difficulty that I feel is when the guest is very fast to...

A : Speak?

B : Yes speak, and also maybe from their accent

A : Oh okay, so the difficulties are come from how the tourist speak and the

accent that the tourist used. Next question is what do you do if there is a word that

you don‟t understand during your conversation with a tourist guest?

B : Hm.. sure, I am looking for the translate

A : Oh you translating what the tourist said, okay the last question is could you

please explain how you serve tourist guest simply?

B : Well, when the tourist come to our hotel, we will greeting like how to SOP

in this hotel like “Selamat siang, welcome to aryaduta” and then we ask to the guest

“have you make a reservation for today?” then we will ask for the passport and then

we will make sure like, we will make sure that for example how long you will stay,

and the type of room, and then we will give them registration card

A : Okay, just it?

B : Ya

A : Okay, I think that‟s enough for our interview today. It nice to talk to you.

The last I say, thank you very much

B : Thank you for the chance.

Interview Receptionist 2

A : Fist of all I would like say thanks for your time. There are several questions

that I am going to ask you, are you ready for that?

B : Of course

A : The first question is, did you graduate from the receptionist school?

B : Hm...not

A : So, what is your educational background?

B : Now, I am a second semester in STIEM BONGAYA

A : Oh, the second semester. Next why are you interested in this job role?

B : Because, I am feel comfortable with my job

A : Why did you choose the receptionist as your job?

B : Because I feel I have passion in reception job

A : So, is that the reason you are being a receptionist, isn‟t it?

B : Ya

A : How long have you been working as receptionist in this hotel?

B : In this aryaduta hotel?

A : Yes

B : Two thousand and six months

A : From two thousand and sixteen?

B : Ya, eh no... no… from two thousand and eighteen?

A : So, its almost 3 years, right?

B : Yes

A : Next, do you have any experience in working in hotel before?

B : Hm..yes, I have an experience working in another hotel, can I say the place?

A : Ya..ya..just say it

B : Okay, at Lariz hotel

A : Lariza hotel?

B : Lariz hotel, in lagaligo street

A : Okay, how could you speak English?

B : How could I speak English? I feel, I can speak English by my daily activity,

and then repeat everyday with same activity, and..just it

A : Have you ever joined English course before?

B : No

A : Do you often get tourist guest before the pandemic?

B : Before the pandemic? Yes, of course

A : All right. What are the difficulties that you get in serving the tourist guest?

B : The difficulty I feel in serving tourist guest is when I am not feel confident

in English speaking and not same accent in English speaking

A : Oh okay. So you mean, it is because we have a different accent with tourist

and you feel difficult to understand what the tourist said

B : Yes

A : What do you do if there is a word you don‟t understand during your

conversation with tourist guest?

B : If I have some problem in speak with tourist, maybe can I use a google

translate and I am ask for help with my friend.

A : Okay, the last question. Could you please explain how you serve the tourist

guest simply? For example, when the guest comes, you greet them based on SOP in

this hotel or is there another way?

B : First greeting

A : Greeting, okay. What else?

B : Maybe you can say good morning and etc, and then you ask for the

reservation. If him have a reservation before please ask for identity card like passport,

and then you help for check in, for registration and we as a reception explain the

facilities that include with him room. Then we give room keys, and we show the


A : Well, that‟s enough for our interview today. Nice to talk to you, thank you.


Receptionist 1

A : Assalamualaikum ** I am sorry to bothering you again. I just want to ask,

may I?

B : Waalaikumsalam yes, of course.

A : May I send it by voice notes?

B : Yeah

A : Have you ever experienced a situation where after serving a foreign guest or

after talking to a foreign guest, you just realized that a few moments ago there was a

sentence you said but it didn't match with the grammar rules? Or it was wrong in

grammatically? If you have that experienced, how do you solve the error? For

example, after talking to a foreign guest and realizing that there was a grammar error,

you translated these error on Google translate then you memorized and learned it. The

second example, maybe you have learned through movies. Listen to the dialogue in

the film while paying attention to structure of the words. Maybe you have used these

two strategies or do you have another strategy?

B : Yes, always. Actually, I am the one of those people who are not confident

enough to talk to people who can speak English more, I feel pessimistic. But because

of the demands of the job whether you know it or not, it must be said even though it

turns out to be wrong. My first strategy is to translate it first on Google translate or in

the electronic dictionary, and if I have free time I will search and learn it on Google

about the material. Also, I have a friend who is pretty good at English so sometimes I

contact him to ask hehe that‟s all from me.

A : Have you ever learned from a grammar book?

B : Almost never because I don't have a grammar book. But when I was in

college, I once learned from books.

A : Do you think learning from electronic dictionary can have an effect or can

help you in overcoming the error in grammar?

B : Yes, a little bit. Because Google isn't always right either.

A : That‟s right. Once again, thank you for your help

B : You‟re welcome.

Receptionist 2

A : Assalamualaikum ** I am sorry to bothering you. I just want to ask again

B : Waalaikumsalam. Yes, what‟s going on, Wid?

A : It still about my research

B : What is that?

A : May I send it by voice note? I don‟t know how to type it.

B : Haha yes please!

A : Have you ever experienced a situation where after serving a foreign guest or

after talking to a foreign guest, you just realized that a few moments ago there was a

sentence you said but it didn't match with the grammar rules? Or it was wrong in

grammatically? If you have experienced that, how do you solve the error? For

example, after talking to a foreign guest and realizing that there was a grammar error,

you translated these error on Google translate then you memorized and learned it. The

second example, maybe you have learned through movies. Listen to the dialogue in

the film while paying attention to structure of the words. Maybe you have used these

two strategies or do you have another strategy? It doesn‟t matter to answer later if you

are busy right now.

B : Yes I have and definitely have. When it comes to strategies or how to

overcome them so that next time I will be more confident and make sure that my way

of speaking is correct... well for grammar, I use Google translate more often. But

when it comes to pronunciation, personally I learn a lot from songs or movies,

because my hobby is listening to music wkwkwk

A : Oh but for grammar, you just use Google translate.

B : Yes, I use Google translate more often. But it doesn't always depend on

Google translate… Personally, I learned it by myself like “oh, I think this mistake

was here”. Because sometimes Google translate is also inaccurate. Also, I do not

depend on Google translate. But only for crosscheck if my grammar is correct.

Sometimes I share with friends also.

A : Yes, it's correct, because Google sometimes isn't right. Thank you **


Research Control












RATNA WIDIA NINGSIH, was born on November 08th


1997, Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi Selatan. She is the third

child of the marriage of Malik Ibrahim and I. Saharu. She

has two sisters and one brother. In 2002 she began her

study at TK Nurul Qalam, and 2003 continued her study at

SD Inpres Pajjaiang and graduated in 2009. Then she

continued at SMPN 25 Makassar and graduated in 2012. Afterwards, she continued

her study at SMK SMTI Makassar and graduated in 2015. In 2016, she was

registered as a student of English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. And at the end of her

study, she could finish her thesis entitle “The Receptionists’ Strategies in

Overcoming Speaking Error at Aryaduta Hotel of Makassar”

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