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Volume 18, Spring Issue 2014Volume 18, Spring Issue 2014Volume 18, Spring Issue 2014

The Reiki TimesThe Reiki Times

Finding Your Power:Finding Your Power:Finding Your Power: Laying the Seeds for an Laying the Seeds for an Laying the Seeds for an

Unshakeable FoundationUnshakeable FoundationUnshakeable Foundation

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of ReikiHealing Powers of ReikiHealing Powers of Reiki

Embracing Death, Embracing Death, Embracing Death, Dying and the Dying and the Dying and the Gift of GriefGift of GriefGift of Grief

Thoughts on Thoughts on Thoughts on Teaching Teaching Teaching


Reiki for All Life StagesReiki for All Life StagesReiki for All Life Stages

Inside this Issue… Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki By Sara Watson Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief By Terri Daniel Reiki for All Life Stages By Philamena Lila Désy

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation By Michelle Maldonado Thoughts on Teaching Reiki By Deb Karpek

The Reiki TimesThe Reiki Times™ is the official publication of IARP: International Association of Reiki Profes-sionals® Published by: International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC, 20 Trafalgar Sq., #405, Nashua, NH 03063 USA Editor: Linda M. LaFlamme, M.S. Web Sites: and © 2014. International Association of Reiki Pro-fessionals LLC. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without express written permission from IARP.

IARP Professional Members and Reiki Commu-nity Members receive a subscription to The Reiki Times included with their membership. To learn more visit or

Wishing everyone Joy, Love and Reiki Blessings!

The Reiki TimesThe Reiki Times Volume 18, Spring Issue 2014

Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without specific written permission from IARP LLC. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily of the publisher or its advertisers. Publisher cannot be responsible for any unsolicited material including but not limited to articles, photographs, manuscripts, artwork and letters. The publisher does not promote or endorse any of the products or services by any third-party advertisers or contributor in connection with this publication, nor does the publisher verify the accuracy of any claims made in connections with such advertisements or contributions. Advertisers and contributors are responsible for ensuring their claims and statements are correct. The information contained in The Reiki Times is intended for education or entertain-ment. Do not substitute it for the advice of a qualified health professional.

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


TThhee RReeiikkii TTiimmeess

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki

by Sara Watson

Recognized across the US for his

approachable bedside manner and

extraordinary breadth of medical

knowledge, Dr. Mehmet Oz connects

people to important health issues on his

syndicated television program, “The Dr.

Oz Show,” one of the highest-rated daily

television programs in the nation. Drawing

an average of 4 million viewers a day,

Oz’s voice is a strong one in the American health community, and he has spoken loudly and

firmly: in addition to traditional medical treatment, Oz has continually touted the benefits of a

holistic healthcare approach. One of the pillars of this integrative style is the inclusion of Reiki


“I know firsthand the amazing miracles we can achieve with modern Western medicine,” Oz

said on an episode of his program, “but I also know that for centuries, people around the

world have developed alternative therapies to treat the body, mind, and the soul.”

Reiki energy healing, in particular, makes Oz’s list of effective medical alternatives that boost

overall health and wellbeing. Why? Put simply, its ability to rebalance bodily and cognitive

systems serves as not only an instant potential pain reliever but also a long-term preventive

therapy. Offering a non-invasive complement to Western therapies, Reiki may help ease

conditions like headaches, arthritis, and high blood pressure. In the hands of Reiki

Professionals, a patient can experience an increase in the flow of his or her qi life force by

harnessing the power of universal energy.

Energy Medicine

Although the immediate reaction to a Reiki session differs from patient to patient, Oz points

out the healing properties of physical touch. “I actually feel the heat,” he says, tying this

warming sensation to a feeling of reduced tension and body-mind harmony.

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Oz’s wife, Lisa Oz, knows firsthand the benefits of Reiki and its great potential as a catalyst

for medical breakthroughs. As a Reiki master, she wholly embraces energy healing, pointing

out in a recent interview that "the next wave of medical advances will be when we come to

recognize the body as an energetic system."

Indeed, Reiki’s capacity for attunement represents a powerful possibility for this ancient

practice. Although the National Institutes of Health has completed little clinical research,

already certain studies from researchers like Thrane and Cohen and DiNucci have noted

significant outcomes of energy healing used for wound healing, anxiety, and palliative

treatment for those suffering from mesothelioma or advanced AIDS. With near zero risk for

negative outcomes, Reiki becomes a viable treatment for a multitude of other ailments, too.

“We are embarking on this whole new vista of opportunities,” Oz says of energy medicine. “It

broadens dramatically the spectrum of where we might be able to go in our bodies.”

Even while acknowledging the limitations of clinical research, many doctors grant that Reiki

has vast potential. In an interview with O, The Oprah Magazine, Dr. Erin Olivo, the former

director of the Integrative Medicine Program at Columbia University, notes that Reiki may be

helpful for heart conditions, stress-related symptoms, and more.

Balancing Act

Dr. Oz knows about balance. In addition to his illustrious career, Oz – a graduate of Harvard

University and the University of Pennsylvania medical school – has authored hundreds of

research papers, makes innumerable appearances on

television programs (in addition to his own), serves as

a teaching professor at Columbia University, operates

in his original role as cardiothoracic surgeon every

Thursday at Columbia and New York-Presbyterian

Hospital in New York City, and still finds time for his

wife and four children. For Oz, stress-reducing, health-

fortifying techniques are absolutely essential.

Alongside very traditional, crucial health issues such

as nutrition and sleep, Oz considers Reiki as a vehicle

for well-being in his own life and for the population at large: an opportunity to reset, refocus,

and de-stress. In a recent interview in The New Yorker magazine, Oz contends that a

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


positive state of mind in a patient can link to a successful surgical outcome. When asked

about lacking research and data in regards to Reiki in particular, Oz was emphatic.

“This is one of the fundamental disconnects between Western medicine and what people

often refer to as complementary medicine,” Oz says in the interview. “Not everything adds

up. It’s about making people more comfortable.”

Oz and Beyond

Though this trusted doctor may be at the forefront of Reiki’s influence in everyday health and

culture, Oz is not alone. Athletes and celebrities have come to understand the positive

effects of Reiki practice, imbuing these famous folks with a sense of calm in a chaotic world.

From Christina Aguilera’s use of Reiki for weight loss, to golfer Phil Mickelson’s Reiki-

inclusive treatment plan for psoriatic arthritis, Reiki has been used to treat a number of

celebrity ailments, and has even been said to prove a holistic therapy for Angelina Jolie,

Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ellen DeGeneres, among other top celebrities. The practice’s ability to

strengthen determination is key for maintaining focus and powering through stressful

situations. In the case of Aguilera, whose Reiki methods have been outlined in Women’s

Health and elsewhere, Reiki untangled the complicated spiral of weight gain: people eat

when they feel stressed; for Aguilera, regaining discipline through Reiki stopped the

thoughtless food intake, and unwanted weight shed naturally.

While weight loss is not a concern for Oz,

a former football and water polo player

who exercises daily, he believes that

Reiki offers a multitude of benefits worth

sharing. Occasionally, Oz even invites

Reiki masters into his operating room,

allowing them to tend to patients

undergoing precarious surgeries like

heart transplants. Drawing on viable

unseen energies, Reiki masters like

Pamela Miles and Julie Motz have melded their expertise with Oz’s mastery as a heart


Ultimately, even with the advent of awe-inducing improvements in medical technology and

the treatment of disease, Oz yearns for a simpler time. “I would take us all back a thousand

years,” he says in The New Yorker interview, “when our ancestors lived in small villages and

Why Dr. Oz has Embraced the Healing Powers of Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


there was always a healer in that village.” Through Reiki, Oz has tapped into that ancient

past – and, without doubt, he is a healer.


This article appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of The Reiki Times, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals. © 2014. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved. Visit for additional articles and information.

Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring Issue 2014


TThhee RReeiikkii TTiimmeess

Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief

By Terri Daniel

“Is it true there is a cure for all illness?

Only if you are wise enough to see death as a cure.”

Emmanuel’s Book

As a spiritual teacher, hospice worker

and mother of a child who died at age 16

after a long illness, I am fiercely

committed to a belief in the importance

of conscious dying and conscious

grieving. By understanding that death is

neither an enemy nor an ending, the

process of grieving the death of a loved

one becomes a journey of awakening for

the person who has died and for those

who remain on earth.

I’ve spent a lifetime studying metaphysics and spirituality, and I believe unequivocally that

there are no "good" or "bad" experiences; only the soul's constant craving for growth and

expansion. In this view, illness and death are not experiences to be avoided, but to be

embraced with gratitude for the shifting of perceptions and the gifts of growth they provide. In

a state of gratitude at this level, you accept every experience with love, because you

recognize it as one of your soul’s creations. Even something as painful as the death of a

child can be seen as part of a of flawless pattern of perfection, designed to move the family --

and the entire soul group connected to that family -- forward in unexpected ways.

When my son was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness at age 10, friends and family

asked, “Does this change your unconventional spiritual views? Does it make you want to go

back to traditional notions of God, afterlife and religion?” The stunning news that my son

would only live a few more years actually confirmed what I’d intuitively known since I was a

teenager... there are soul contracts. Reincarnation is real. There’s a reason for everything.

And we create our own experiences on earth with the assistance of non-physical guides and

Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring Issue 2014


helpers. I knew instantly that my son's soul had a plan of its own. And it was my intention to

honor his intention.

Let’s go back for a moment to those traditional notions of God, afterlife and religion. Had I

perceived this situation through that lens, I would have been gripped with fear and

helplessness, too puny and unworthy to comprehend the mysterious workings of an all-

powerful god who randomly dispenses good or bad luck, sorrow or joy, wealth or poverty,

and in death, reward or punishment for his children.

By contrast, my particular flavor of self-empowered spirituality says that we are not separate

from God, but are equal parts of the collective energy

that IS God, an energy with which we work as co-

creators. This work is done “on earth as it is in

heaven,” as our souls continue to seek growth and

expansion, in and out of the body. The growth work

we do during our earthly incarnations carries over to

the other side, where we evaluate and create new

and effective situations to bring forth the very

experiences we seek for our continued exploration. In this way there can be no tragedies, no

here and there, no them and us, and no death.


Over the years, my passion for examining death from the perspectives of both the dying and

the grieving led me to an interesting mix of studies and practices drawn from all the usual

sources and many of the non-usual ones. One of those sources is the “Anamcara Project,” a

unique spiritual education program created by founding directors Richard and Mary Groves.

Their “Sacred Art of Living and Dying” seminars have attracted students from a wide range of

healing professions and the general public, including educators, clergy, hospice workers,

physicians and metaphysicians. I was attracted to the program when I first heard the term,

“spiritual midwife,” referring to someone who helps the dying make their transitions from this

world to the next.

Anamcara (pronounced ahn-im-KAHR-uh) is a Gaelic word meaning “soul friend.” In ancient

times the Celts created the role of Anamcara as a life counselor and spiritual guide. By the

year 1000, Irish Anamcara extended their influence throughout the mainland of Europe,

especially among the newly established hospices. The earliest Western hospice tradition, the

Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring Issue 2014


Ars Moriendi or The Art of Dying, owes much to the spiritual legacy of the Anamcara.[1]

In the early hospices it was understood that death is not the opposite of life, but the opposite

of birth. In many of these hospices, such as L’Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune in France, it has been

said that it was common to see women giving birth on one side of the room while people

were dying on the other side, all guided by midwives, while minstrels strolled around playing

soothing music. Death may not be the opposite of life, but it is certainly a part of life, and

there are many social and religious traditions that recognize and honor death as the sacred,

intimate journey that it is. But sadly, our Judeo-Christian view has created a culture of denial

around death, and hospice care is still not generally understood or accepted.

Death should be as fearless and accompanied as possible, and grief should be as honest as

possible. If we sidestep any of the process,

something will be destroyed in us. In end-of-life

care we strive for two things with patients and their

families... removal of physical pain and removal of

spiritual pain. The physical pain is managed by

medication. The spiritual pain is a bit more

challenging. We work to heal obstacles that may be keeping someone from having a

peaceful death, such as forgiveness issues, a belief in divine punishment, or fears about

death in general. And we work to honor innate knowledge, inner gifts and the positive

experiences in the person’s life as affirmations throughout the dying process.

An honest approach to death and grieving is the key to tapping in to those gifts. Embracing

death with boundless leaps of faith can shift the experience of life-threatening illness or

trauma from terrifying to transcendent. An understanding of our own divinity and the perfect

journey of our souls, supported by guides, angels and loved ones who have passed before

us, helps us understand death as simply a journey to another room, where life continues in a

different form. Prayers and meditations for opening the heart to gratitude and inner guidance

can help us ultimately see all deaths as pathways to healing. [1]

Embracing Death, Dying and the Gift of Grief, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring Issue 2014


About the Author

Terri is an author and Certified Transition Guide who works with assistance from the Other Side

to advance a metaphysical perspective on birth, death and the afterlife. She is a founding member

of the Afterlife Education. For more information, please visit

Visit to purchase this recommended book.

This article appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of The Reiki Times, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals, reprinted from an earlier issue. © 2014. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved. Visit for additional articles and information.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


TThhee RReeiikkii TTiimmeess

Reiki for All Life Stages

by Phylameana lila Désy

Reiki helps to restore and strengthen each person's life force. No matter what the individual's

need is, Reiki will support his or her stability and well-being. Reiki does not discriminate. Its

availability is constant. Treatment can be received by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The list of

benefits that Reiki offers to its recipients is extensive. Any person, animal, or plant that is in

need can be helped with Reiki treatments, given either through the laying on of hands or

through distant healing.

Reiki During Pregnancy

Reiki can be beneficial for all age groups, even

for those who are not yet born. Pregnant women

who are attuned to Reiki can extend love to their

unborn children by laying their hands on their

beIIy and allowing Reiki energies to be taken in

by their babies. Some Reiki practitioners feel

that if a woman is attuned to Reiki during her

pregnancy, her baby is also attuned to the

energies. What a wonderful gift to offer your

child before his or her birthday!

It is perfectly safe for a pregnant woman to have a full-body Reiki treatment. Reiki will

flow to both mother and child. What a bargain, getting two treatments for the price of


For Young Children

Reiki’s gentle and noninvasive nature is also perfect for treating the ills and upsets of young

children. Children are extremely receptive to Reiki's positive effects and wiIl normally

welcome it without any apprehension, especially when they receive Reiki treatments from

their parents.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Reiki treatments are to be given to children much in the same manner as they are given to

adults. The basic hand placements are the same. However, the treatment will not last as

long. Reiki energies travel swiftly through a child's body--unlike adults, children don't yet

have years of accumulated toxins or blockages that tend to sIow down the treatment

process. If the child becomes restless or fidgety when receiving Reiki, the treatment should

be ended; Children will often instinctively sit up and move away from the Reiki practitioner

when they feel they have had enough.

Attuning Children

Babies and toddlers can be attuned to Reiki, but they are not mature enough to learn how to

practice it. Children younger than five years of age Iack the comprehension skills to

understand the concepts of Reiki. Most children between the ages of five and twelve have

the ability to learn Reiki and can be attuned to the first level.

One or two Reiki attunements may be all that are needed to

attune children to Reiki Level I (traditionally, four

attunements are required for adults). Also, young children

should not be expected to sit through a full day or even a

half-day of Reiki instruction, since their attention spans are

meager. Teachers should attune the child and give him or

her only basic instructions. Afterward, it is appropriate for the parent to carefully guide and

assist the child in the use of Reiki in the home. For this reason, the only children who should

be attuned to Reiki are those with a parent or other adult in the home who is an experienced

practitioner of Reiki.

Children should be cautioned not to force their Reiki hands upon classmates who

may not understand or appreciate what they are attempting to do. Instead, have them

focus on practicing Reiki at home. It is essential that your child be ready for Reiki.

Children enjoy giving Reiki to their dolls and stuffed animals, as well as to their pets

and siblings.

If you are considering having your child attuned, it is a good idea to arrange a time for the

child and teacher to meet with each other before the day of attunement arrives. Preferably,

this meeting would take place in the same environment where the class would be held. Look

to see that your child is comfortable and at ease with both the teacher and the environment.

If you notice that your child shows fear or appears resistant in any way, you should hold off

on scheduling a class. It is essential that your child be ready for Reiki.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


It’s Good for Seniors

Reiki is suitable for people of all ages. But because of Reiki's pain management capabilities,

seniors especially welcome it - probably because it offers help in alleviating the aches and

pains associated with aging.

Reiki's effectiveness varies from person to person. Some ailments

respond more favorably to Reiki than others. Also, some people are

more receptive to Reiki. It is theorized that both children and senior

citizens, as specific age groups, are more receptive than middle-

aged persons. Children are inherently more curious and trusting of

the world at large. Just as they depend on their parents to feed,

clothe, and take care of them, when it comes to accepting Reiki, they

are naturally more amenable to the energies that are offered.

Alzheimer patients can be attuned to Reiki. Although they may not understand or

remember the attunement, their caregivers can remind them each day to place their

hands on their bodies. They will reap the benefits of Reiki energies flowing into their

bodies whenever they touch themselves.


As children grow into adolescents and young adults, they become less dependent on their

caregivers. Children anticipate the time when they will be able to make their own decisions

and escape from being under the full authority of their guardians. The increasing maturity

that accompanies children into their late teens and early adulthood years instills in them the

desire to spread their wings and become strong and capable individuals. They become

willing and satisfied to take care of themselves, no longer under the watchful eyes of their

parents, If an illness or accident occurs after attaining a strong sense of self-sufficiency they

often become reluctant to accept assistance for fear of losing their newly found


Far too many young adults, as well as those in their middle years, will stubbornly take a

determined stance, declaring "I can do it for myself" or "I don't need any help." Fear of losing

independence is often the reason why some people don't seek out professional medical

assistance until they have become very sick. They will stubbornly refuse to ask for help until

their discomforts have progressively worsened and they feel incapable of self-care.

Unfortunately this reluctance to accept assistance from others can also effectively block Reiki

from flowing optimally.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Many seniors, on the other hand, have come to the realization that they can no longer do

everything for themselves. They have also learned that life can be easier if they stop

resisting help when and where it is offered. Because of their (sometimes) diminished physical

or mental capabilities, many seniors have been forced to depend on others in order for their

needs to be met. As a result, seniors are normally more readily accepting of Reiki's


Energy medicine (Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki) is today becoming

recognized as both a beneficial and complementary therapy to conventional medicine

as well as an alternative treatment especially helpful in pain management.

A Caregiving Practice

The caregivers in our medical communities include doctors, chiropractors, nurses,

counselors, therapists, nursing home aides, and hospice workers. However, the title of

caregiver also applies to individuals who personally assist their relatives and friends who are

aged, ailing, or indisposed. Parents are caregivers as well - they provide care for their kids.

All Reiki practitioners are caregivers in the sense that they give of themselves when caring

for others with Reiki treatments.

Caregivers are at high risk of physical and emotional burnout. Taking care of another person,

especially if his or her needs are considerable can result in a great expenditure of one's

physical and emotional energy. Therefore, it is vital that the caregiver's depleted energies are

replenished. Fortunately caregivers can rely on Reiki not only by giving treatments to their

charges, but also by carrying out self-treatments to keep themselves energized and


Reiki and Pets

Many people today look for a holistic approach to treating illnesses in their animal

companions. Touch therapies, such as Reiki, Tellington TTouch, and shiatsu, are frequently

sought out to help bring relief to animals that are suffering. Other complementary therapies

used in holistic pet care are homeopathy, aromatherapy and flower essence therapy.

What is Tellington TTouch?

Tellington TTouch is an animal touch therapy modality based on circular movements

of the fingers and hands ail over the body to accelerate the healing of injuries or


Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Animal lovers are sensitive to their pets' illnesses. Likewise, pets can be sensitive to the

sufferings of their caregivers. Many dogs and cats absorb Reiki energies more quickly than

humans. This could simply be the result of their size (at least for most cats and small- to

medium-sized dog breeds), but more likely it is because they inherently understand what

Reiki is. Most cats and dogs will accept the energies they need and allow you to place your

hands on them freely. When they have had enough, they will simply walk away. A full

treatment could be over in a few minutes. Treatments

seldom last more than twenty minutes.

You can give Reiki to your pets by touching, stroking,

or patting them. Reiki can also be sent to animals

through distant healing if they are skittish or confused

by your touch - or if you are allergic to an animal's fur

or dander. Distant healing is a must for treating

nondomestic animals such as terrestrial wildlife, zoo animals, and aquatic creatures.

Here is how Reiki can help your pet:

It accelerates the healing of physical injuries.

It promotes peace and calmness.

It treats trauma from accidents or surgery, nervousness and fear.

It reduces stress and suffering,

It helps promote bonding between animal and pet owner.

It treats behavioral problems: chewing, biting, watching, excessive barking, and so


It offers a comforting transitional energy when it is time for your pet to depart from this


Dealing with the Skeptics

Approaching new ideas with an ounce or two of healthy skepticism is always a good thing.

Common sense provokes us to first scrutinize any new undertaking or belief system. We

certainly don't feel good about our judgment when we fall victim to fantastic or miraculous

claims that don't hold true in the end. It is simply good rational thinking to be cautious of

anything being promoted as a "magic pill" or "cure-all remedy," and it makes perfect sense to

be wary of outlandish claims that tout amazing results from using various health products

and healing techniques.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


However, some people don't question new ideas. They simply reject them out of hand. These

people enjoy pointing out flawed notions and poking fun at idealist thinkers. Skeptics

consider supporters and devotees of Reiki to be nothing more than a bunch of gullible

individuals. Sadly, these people may never have the opportunity to appreciate how Reiki

works because of their refusals to give it a try.

Reiki Responds Uniquely to Each Individual

Reiki does not discriminate when it comes to selecting who is deserving of treatment based

on what he or she believes. Reiki treats imbalance. Because each person has his or her own

specific imbalances, using Reiki will bring about a unique response in each person. This is

why explaining how Reiki works to someone who has not experienced it can be so frustrating

or difficult. One recipient will report that Reiki is a miraculous healing technique that cured

her addiction to nicotine. Another recipient might say that, although his experience with Reiki

was relaxing, it didn't offer a cure. A third recipient's account of Reiki, again based on her

personal experiences, might be something entirely different.

There are many benefits derived from Reiki, but the results of treatments can vary as the

result of several different factors:

Did the recipient receive only one treatment, or did he or she have cumulative Reiki


How advanced was the recipient's illness before Reiki treatments were applied?

Is a particular imbalance or dis-ease offering a spiritual lesson to the recipient, a

lesson that needs to be experienced rather than cured?

Were the recipient's expectations too high, ultimately setting him or her up for failure?

How receptive is the recipient to allowing Reiki into his or her body?

Belief and Receptivity

Believing in Reiki and being receptive to Reiki energies are two very different things. Reiki

will work whether or not a person believes in it. However, if a person is not receptive to Reiki,

consciously or unconsciously its energies will have a tough time penetrating that barrier. This

is why some people who truly believe that Reiki will work are disappointed when it appears to

have no beneficial effect on them. On the other hand, the skeptics who do not believe Reiki

will work may very well experience positive results with Reiki because their bodies are

naturally receptive to Reiki’s healing vibrations.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Reiki will treat numerous physical maladies, emotional imbalances, mental

disturbances, and spiritual afflictions. Reiki will also extend its healing energies to

nurture your environment and strengthen your relationships.

Reiki Benefits Everyone

Reiki's gift of increased energy and vitality can be extended to anyone. It doesn't matter what

a person's gender, race, intelligence level, or financial status is. Reiki is not a healing energy

reserved only for the elite, wealthy, educated, or spiritually evolved. Reiki is free to anyone

who wants it. It does not cost anything but a little of your time.

Treating Root Causes

Because Reiki naturally flows to where it is needed, its natural course is to first deal with any

apparent symptoms of illness or disease. When Reiki treatments are discontinued after your

symptoms have diminished or been eliminated, don't be surprised if these conditions recur.

Reiki will only serve as a Band-Aid if you abandon its use too hastily. Through consistent and

continued use of Reiki, the root cause of any given illness can be treated. It is when the root

cause is treated fully that Reiki can be called a "cure."

Benefits of Reiki

The list of benefits that Reiki offers is comprehensive. Basically, Reiki will benefit you by

empowering you whenever you feel weakened or downtrodden. Here is a list of some of the

specific benefits Reiki offers:

Reiki's calming effects can reduce our anxieties and panicky behavior.

It may go to the core of imbalances embedded within our bodies to bring about


Pain, stresses, and agitations that are associated with long-term suffering can benefit

from cumulative Reiki treatments.

Reiki can be safely used in conjunction with all other conventional health practices.

Reiki offers the kind of energetic vitality that can spark our innate creativity.

Reiki's ability to awaken and sharpen our psychic perceptions heightens awareness

of our dreams.

Blessing our foods and drinks with Reiki before consuming them will vitalize and

purify them.

Reiki's gentle energies are conducive to comforting anyone who is suffering from

grief. It helps the grief process run its course in a calmer or less painful way.

Reiki for All Life Stages, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Reiki tames discord and trouble, bringing harmony to the recipient or situation that is

out of sync.

The swiftness of Reiki's healing properties has demonstrated that it is an effective

first-aid treatment for injuries.

Reiki will treat emotional wounds and memories that are hurting our inner child.

Reiki assists us in letting go of the aspects within our lives that negatively impact us.

The manifesting facets of Reiki help to bring our intentions and goals to fruition.

Reiki can expedite the body's natural healing ability reducing the recovery periods

that follow surgeries and injuries.

Reiki's relaxing energies can induce sleep and relieve insomnia.

Using Reiki may awaken or improve spiritual awareness.

Reiki releases toxins. clearing our bodies of impurities and stagnant energies.

Reiki will penetrate beyond obvious systematic conditions of the body and treat the

underlying causes of illness.

Reiki can help you deal with special situations in your life such as exams, job

interviews, divorce, career changes, and family illness.

This list could be expanded for several more pages: there is simply no limit to the benefits

that Reiki can bestow on those who are receptive to it. All of us can benefit from it - and so

can our children, our parents and grandparents, and our animal companions. Even skeptical-

minded individuals who look cautiously at Reiki can benefit from Reiki if they are willing to

explore its possibilities. For you to reap the full benefits that Reiki has to offer, simply sign up

for a Reiki class. From Everything Reiki Book, Copyright © 2004, F+W Publications, Inc. Used by permission of Adams Media, an F+W Publications, Inc. Co. All rights reserved.

Visit to purchase this recommended book.

This article appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of The Reiki Times, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals, reprinted from an earlier issue. © 2014. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved. Visit for additional articles and information.

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


TThhee RReeiikkii TTiimmeess

Finding Your Power

Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation

By Michelle Maldonado

The journey of finding your power, when

taken in earnest, changes you from the

inside out. It changes all that you say,

do, think and feel about yourself, your

relationships and life’s circumstances. At

first blush, the concept may sound a little

foreign. But, once you commence the

journey to discover your true essence,

your power, you can never go back . . .

and, you’ll never want to.

Several years ago, a series of events in my life were triggered that lead me on a journey to

discover my own power. It began with a difficult pregnancy followed by a difficult birth and a

son who suffered from multiple health challenges during his first few days, months and years

of life. Then a knee surgery gone wrong and then, finally, losing my job as part of a corporate

layoff from a company I had worked with for almost decade. In retrospect, I realize that it

was a journey I did not even know I was on until almost a year or two into it. (Perhaps this

sounds familiar? They always say, “Hindsight is 20/20”.)

Most of us begin our journeys by looking at and into the “self” (note the lower case “s”) and

the experiences that made us who we think we are. Most of us also stumble upon a glimpse

of our true power after experiencing some kind of life changing event. Perhaps the loss of a

job or loved one, a life threatening disease or condition or simply unhappiness or depression

about how we are living our lives and the inability to shake a deep knowing that there is more

for us to see, do and share with the world than what we are currently experiencing. This

then, is the launching point. It takes heart, courage, trust and patience to not only begin the

journey, but to stay the course.

So, what is your power you ask? It is a good question. But, it is also one that no one can

answer for you. This is the kind of question that based on your own personal journey, you

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


should answer for yourself. What I can share with you, however, are some guiding principles

that have been helpful to me on my journey of self discovery and on the journeys of those

with whom I work.

Learning to Love Yourself

It all begins and ends with love. Yes, that's right, love. As elementary as it sounds, it’s that

simple… or is it? By love, I don’t mean the kind of “head over heels,  I can’t breathe without 

him/her” love. No, this love is quite different and something most wondrous to behold. It is

the ultimate and unconditional love that we contain as an innate part of our being; a gift

endowed at the time of our creation: Spirit’s love. (The name is not what matters here. It

could easily be God, Allah, Yahweh, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, Source or whichever name you

feel most comfortable calling the source energy that created all things big and small.) This

love resides within each of us waiting to be fully and truly awakened so that we can really

know love of Self (note the upper case “S” here). We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t truly

love anyone else unless and until you love yourself.” (The same goes for forgiveness, by the

way.) Well, it is this love that lays the foundation for discovering your power and for

unleashing your full potential and abundance in all areas of your life.

To help illustrate this point, I will share a brief story that helped me begin to understand the

notion of Self love. Perhaps, at the end of it, you too will discover something about yourself.

When I was in high school, I took a health class. At the beginning of one of our classes, our

teacher told us to take out a pen and piece of paper. (We did so, but quite begrudgingly as

you can imagine, because we thought a pop quiz was coming.) To our bewilderment, our

teacher asked us to write down the top five people in our lives that we loved the most. He

gave us a few minutes and when we were done, he asked two key questions that I’ll never

forget. First, he asked how many of us had written our own names on the list. And second,

how many of us had written our names first on the list. No one – absolutely no one – in the

class had written their own name on the list. The realization left a silence in the room as we

all experienced our own “light bulb moments.” It made me realize that we often speak about

self love and self respect, but we equally as often forget to integrate it fully into who we are.

I’ve never forgotten this simple, yet quietly monumental, exercise. It laid the initial seeds for

the foundation of the rest of my life.

One of these initial seeds was the understanding that all relationships take time to flourish

and to deepen. Especially the relationship with yourself. So be patient as you learn how to

love yourself truly and fully. Despite the pace of this journey, it is well worth doing because it

builds a necessarily strong and unshakable foundation to help you grow into the fullness of

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


you. For some, feeling this Self love and by extension love for others, will seem easier and

quicker than for others. Take heart though – it is not a race. And, it is not a contest. Some of

us have to begin first by drawing on this love to heal our wounds; wounds that may range

from abuse, addiction, abandonment, low self-esteem, anger, jealousy, and more. Pick your

poison. For that is truly what it can be to your body and your energy. But, and a very huge

“but,” this kind of poison has an antidote. As we love and heal ourselves, we can begin to

look at the experiences that we’ve held as toxic or poisonous in our bodies differently. We

can see them as having a greater lesson or purpose ‐ even the most painful ones – thereby

setting us free from their grip and the repeated dysfunctional thought and behavioral patterns

that came along with them. We can appreciate the lessons that have brought us to where we

are today and that will shape us into the person we choose to be tomorrow.

The Gift of Forgiveness

The gift of forgiveness is the next step on the road to loving yourself. Begin by forgiving

yourself for EVERYTHING. Everything that seems to replay

itself in your mind or body that tells you that you’re not good

enough, not smart enough, not good looking enough, not

worth loving or being committed to. Whatever it is that

wounds you over and over again . . . forgive. Forgive

yourself and forgive all those involved. Forgiveness does

not, of course, mean that you have to like or even love

those who hurt you, but it does mean that you will not allow

yourself to be held hostage any longer.

Do you think a wolf or a polar bear or a bird troubles itself with past mistakes or missed

opportunities? For losing something, breaking something, for hurting a member of the pack

or flock? No, they don’t. It’s a valuable lesson we can learn from our animal friends. You are

not your mistake. But, it is important to learn from them and then move on. By approaching

life lessons in the spirit of forgiveness, you can’t help but find freedom, healing, and most of

all, love. So give it as a gift to yourself . . . every day. And, with time, you will discover that

you have become a gift to others.

Healthy Boundaries

Next give yourself permission to set boundaries that are healthy for you and that serve your

highest good. This does not translate into being selfish. (I know what those of you who

always put others first are thinking.) In fact, it’s the opposite. Boundaries allow us to respect

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


and honor ourselves and others and vice versa. They free us of feelings of resentment,

anger and frustration, for example, because they help us define with clarity how we will treat

and honor ourselves. Imagine being free of the anger and frustration. How much lighter

would you feel? How much happier? How much freer? The answer is: the sky’s the limit.

One of the many benefits we receive in return for setting healthy boundaries is that we adjust

our perception of, and response to, others and their actions. We can do this because we

learn to have a healthier understanding that our boundaries and the terms of our

relationships, while not experienced in a vacuum, are our own to define. Without these

boundaries, we unwittingly set the wheels in motion for self-sabotage and the creation of

ongoing and unnecessary distractions that prevent us from reaching our highest potential.

Boundaries don’t limit us, they set us free.

Get To Know Yourself

An infamous mantra reflects, “To love yourself is to know yourself.” So, get to know yourself.

Begin spending a few moments every day with yourself (morning and evening are ideal).

Appreciate yourself and all the wonderful things about you – ALL of you. Peel back the layers

and be thankful for the greatness that is you.

There is no one right way to do this. There are many and the fun is in discovering the

method(s) that work best for you. A popular way to become more in tune with yourself and

your surroundings is meditation. Before you begin conjuring up images of sitting in a lotus

position for hours on end, let me interrupt for just a moment. Walking in nature is a perfectly

good form of meditation. So is listening to music, painting or even drawing. You may also find

that your meditation takes the form of playing an instrument or dancing. Rest assured that

relaxation and connection with nature in all its forms has loving and healing benefits beyond

measure. Find what brings you peace and joy and do that . . . shamelessly often.

These gifts that flow from Self love are life changing. By practicing a form of meditation and

connection to nature each day, you activate and strengthen your ability to become more

aware of your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. As you become more aware, you can

monitor and adjust your responses and the beliefs that you hold related to them so that you

can live in authentic alignment with your true Self. Because of this, these gifts are an

indulgence we can scarcely afford not to give ourselves.

Aligning Your Thoughts & Emotions

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


Can you imagine a world where your thoughts actually come true? To get a comical glimpse

of what this would be like, we only need to look to Hollywood. Movies such as “Bedtime

Stories” starring Adam Sandler and others depict the pitfalls, follies and ultimately, joys, of

thought manifestation. Still others with a more serious and pedagogical leaning, such as

Rhonda Byrne’s, The Secret, or Abraham‐Hicks’, The Law of Attraction, show us that we

don’t have to pretend that this could happen. No imagination is needed because we already

know that our thoughts create the very lives we live and the experiences we have.

To understand this concept, we must first understand that everything ‐ absolutely everything

‐ is made up of energy. Our thoughts, intentions, emotions ‐ even our bodies, which are

energy in a denser form ‐ are all made up of energy.

This means that each and every one of us not only has the power to

create what we experience in our own lives, but our collective

thoughts also contribute to a larger body of consciousness that

persists around us. We are creators and co‐creators of this world

shaping the collective experience of humanity. The power of our

thoughts and the emotion that accompanies them is what gives

them the power to manifest. That is why it is so important to monitor

and align our thoughts and emotions with love and to trust that

asking for what serves the highest good, will also serve us well and

fruitfully as individuals.

The universal law of energy (also known as the “law of attraction”) is one of the indelible

threads that connect this intricate web together. It responds to our thoughts and emotions –

good, bad and indifferent. So, manifest with love. Manifest with integrity. Then trust and be

patient as you wait for everything to reveal itself to you at a time and in a way that is right for


Speaking Your Truth – Releasing Your Fears

Once you begin to practice love, forgiveness, and alignment, you can more easily start

speaking your truth. And, it is by speaking your truth that you ignite and fortify your power . . .

at last. Your power.

To speak your truth is to find your power. By this point, you may have had inklings about

what your power is, but may not yet fully trust in it or believe in it. Or, you may continue to

Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


cling to old fear‐based notions of how you think you’re supposed to act, who you’re supposed

to be and what you are supposed to say.

Ah, yes. Fear. We give it so much power. We give it our power . . . undeservedly so. The

reason is that fear is like a shape shifter. It does not always appear the way we think it will.

Sometimes it’s obvious that it’s fear. But, other times, it comes masquerading as anger,

worry, jealousy, low self‐esteem, arrogance, manipulation, victim mentality, and even

self‐righteousness. The first trick, however, is remembering that, at its core, it’s all fear. The

second is knowing that it’s also a choice: do you wish to be manipulated or controlled by it or

do you wish to live free of it and experience an authentic life? Like love, the choice is simple.

But also like love, if you choose to be free and authentic, it takes time, patience and trust.

To release your fears, it is best to learn from them and, ultimately, to transform and

transmute them into something more positive. To do otherwise, only postpones the

inevitable. Because, at some point, it will all boomerang back to us. And, having been

unresolved the first (or second or third) time, it returns in a stronger and more direct

fear‐filled scenario demanding our attention once again. Releasing your fears can be done in

several ways ‐ by taking small baby steps (e.g., saying “no”, speaking up in a work meeting

or expressing an opinion to someone you find intimidating) or by taking a quantum leap (e.g.,

leaving your career to follow a path you’ve always desired). The point is you get to choose.

Whatever your choice, you have the opportunity to set the scene and play the starring role in

the cinematic production called “your life.”

It’s Your Journey. Walk or Fly . . . Don’t Run

Remember, your life is a wonderful journey, not a destination. Each experience – whether we

define it as “good” or “bad” – is an important lesson along this journey. So walk or fly, don’t

run. Enjoy the ride while savoring and accepting your lessons learned. Soar high and shine

divinely . . . all the while being present and joyful in each moment so that you can discover

who you already are and who you’ve always been. Know that your true power resides within

you ‐ always. It is simply waiting for you to open the door and receive it with a welcoming


Finding Your Power Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation, The Reiki Times Vol. 18, Spring 2014


Author Bio: Michelle Maldonado is a Healing Facilitator living in the Washington, D.C.

metropolitan area. She is a Reiki Master Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Natural Healing

Method and other healing modalities. Michelle currently works with private clients and hospice

patients as well as participates in INOVA Fairfax’s “Life with Cancer®“ program, “Reiki for

Relaxation”, where she works with oncology patients. She is a multi-lingual, corporate attorney and business

development professional by training. Michelle discovered Reiki and other energy healing modalities shortly after

having undergone a surgical procedure where she found it to be a useful and complimentary tool to her traditional

medical treatment. As a result of the benefits experienced, Michelle became committed to bringing energy healing

to mainstream communities and clinical settings to assist others with their care, comfort and healing.

Article © Michelle Maldonado. All Rights Reserved. This article appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of The Reiki Times, reprinted from an earlier issue. © 2014. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Thoughts on Teaching Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


TThhee RReeiikkii TTiimmeess

Thoughts on Teaching Reiki

by Deb Karpek

I have been teaching Reiki since 2006. Over the years I have found myself repeating certain

phrases during my classes. I tell my students that if they remember anything from their class

to remember these things:

Reiki is the Teacher

Trust your intuition

Intention is everything

Keep your ego and personality out of it

I’ve said these things so many times in class that I’ve added them to my handouts. And I

think I’m going to add - Let Reiki humble you.

I’d like to share these ideas with you. Maybe they will resonate with you and you can use

them in your class. Maybe you have some words of wisdom that you would like to share.

Let’s start with Reiki is the teacher. While I am teaching a class I say that I am not really the

teacher. Reiki is the teacher! Reiki is subtle yet powerful – let it guide you. I can give you the

attunement, provide resources, answer questions and hold

the space for you, but the best way to learn Reiki is by

being in it’s embrace – giving and getting. The more you

practice the stronger your channel becomes. The more

you give and receive the more aware you are of its power

and potential in your life. And I stress how important it is to

do daily self-treatment. So often I hear “But I don’t have

anyone to practice on.” Practice on yourself! Daily.

When a student receives an attunement it’s like a big blast

of bright light, opening them up, filling them up, giving them

the ability to channel Reiki. And with this light comes a

knowing. Trust your intuition. I used to joke that I was

going to teach a class called “debating your inner voice”

Thoughts on Teaching Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


because I didn’t believe or trust my intuition. When I began practicing Reiki I started paying

attention at a deeper level. Prior to this, being a new practitioner I just channeled the Reiki,

while my mind wandered. I was still working part time and sometimes my mind would drift to

my other job. I never felt bad about this as I knew my client was not receiving my personal

energy; I was the channel. I also knew, like exercising a muscle, I would learn to tune in. This

first “hearing” allowed me to really begin paying attention and it changed my sessions. I

plugged in at a deeper level and began to trust my intuition.

I ask my students to focus, to discern how they might tap into their intuition. There are no

“rules” and so many different ways to plug in. It’s hard to teach; you’ve just got to put the time

in. There are no shortcuts. So often students (myself included) want to know. “What does this

mean?” they ask, or “What should I be feeling”, or “am I doing this right?” There is no wrong

way, but there are many ways. Trust that you will find your way. Practice, practice, practice.

That is the way to develop a relationship with Reiki.

Know that in Reiki Intention IS everything. If you intend for Reiki to flow, it does. If you intend

to give an attunement you do. Yet, I and many other newly attuned students forget this. I

notice this a lot when students first start practicing. They may have seen something on the

Internet or have false ideas about how Reiki will or will not work. They may think it’s not

working if they don’t feel anything. I’ve heard many incorrect things by other

teachers/students like “you cannot eat before giving a Reiki treatment – it has to be done in

an empty stomach”. One student told me that a different teacher told her that you had to

place your hands in a certain way or Reiki wouldn’t flow. The

first time I did a Reiki Level 2 class the teacher made me

remove my wedding rings before I had the attunement. I was

not able to take them off as they had grown tight and we spent

much time trying to remove them. I felt bad that I couldn’t, that

I might have been doing something wrong. Writing this is not a

judgment. I believe we all teach as we’ve been taught and that

some of the “rules” I’ve come across were taught, but it seems

that it complicates things. I like the idea of setting an intention

and then putting your hands on the person and getting out of

your way. Keeping it simple. Trust and know that Reiki always

works, whether you or your client feel it or not.

Which segues nicely into “Keep your ego and personality out of it.” Sometimes I want to say,

“You are not doing the healing.” Don’t get caught up in being the healer. Don’t make that

your goal. Instead enjoy the journey - the beautiful Reiki journey. There is so much going on.

Thoughts on Teaching Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


Pay attention. Let it flow. Keep your head out of it and let your hands talk to you. I think, at

least for me, this is the hardest part of doing Reiki.

When I first heard the phrase “Keep your ego and personality out of it” I wasn’t sure what it

meant. I remember writing to a teacher after teaching my first class, talking about

embarrassment and pride and she gently reminded me that these feelings are ego based.

That surprised me. I was unaware of it. It was the beginning of me really paying attention to

how ego and personality showed up in my classes.

I find myself at times acting differently with different teachers, students or clients. I can make

a judgment about a person and then act from that judgment. I can be fearful of a teacher or

want them to like me and my behavior reflects this. Ditto with a student or client. This is ego

at work. I still struggle with this, at a deeper level. Before I used to be completely blind to it.

Now I am aware of it and do what I can to not get sucked in to it. After all, energy doesn’t lie.

I have to remember to always be myself, the best that I can be.

The most effective way to do this is to surrender and ask

Reiki for help. I send Reiki to the relationship, the class, the

student or the teacher. I ask it to guide me, to help me heal

for the best and highest good for everyone involved. Daily I

send Reiki and ask it to allow my ego and personality to step

aside and to be in its flow. Then I have to let go and trust.

Sometimes easier said than done.

Lastly, I am going to add, “Let Reiki humble you”. Remember,

Reiki flows through us, not from us. We are channels of this

Universal Life Force Energy. We are not the healers. Keep

things in perspective.

It’s exciting when we first start practicing Reiki. The energy. The power. I bought a table after

taking my first Level 1 class and began practicing on my friends and family immediately. I

couldn’t get enough – it was so heady! But if I am honest I think I got caught up in the idea of

it, instead of just allowing it to flow. And again if I am honest I can see how I came up with

these guidelines I am writing about, especially when I began teaching (although it was there

from the start). I learned them through trial and error. I thought I was the teacher and had to

have things exactly, perfectly, right. It took YEARS for me to finally relax and trust Reiki. I did

not trust my intuition and while I understood that Intention is everything I did not completely

believe or understand that. I still worried Reiki wasn’t flowing if I didn’t feel it, or that maybe

Thoughts on Teaching Reiki, The Reiki Times Vol. 18 Spring Issue 2014


I’d forgot a step in the attunement, rendering it ineffective. My ego and personality were fully

engaged, due to my insecurity and fear. And one day I woke up and heard the words “Let

Reiki humble you” and things began to shift. It led me to ponder all of this and eventually I

added these phrases to my classes. I wanted to plant some seeds, have the students begin

to ponder these ideas, to share what I had learned.

I hope these ideas can help you on your Reiki path, whether you are practicing, teaching or

both. Reiki is so powerful yet so gentle. It has taught me how to return to my authentic self, in

teaching, in practicing, in life. It has been my greatest teacher and I am infinity grateful.


Author Bio: Deb Karpek is a writer and Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master practicing and

teaching Reiki in Northern AZ, USA. She has been studying Reiki since 2001, practicing

since 2003, and teaching since 2006. She received her Master of Spiritual Psychology from

the School of Integrative Psychology. In addition to her private practice, Deb works at a

Cancer Center where she helped to create a Reiki program, practicing and teaching Reiki to

the Radiation/Oncology patients. Having experienced profound life changes as a result of

Reiki, Deb continues to study and practice the various modalities of energy medicine. She devotes her life to

walking the Reiki path and helping others discover the benefits of Reiki. Visit her web site at


This article appeared in the April 2014 issue of The Reiki Times, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals. © 2014. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved. Visit for additional articles and information.








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From Your Friends at the IARP 

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