the role of the architect

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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mPsychology GmbHJonathan Holloway Co-Founder I CTO

CTO MeetupThe Role of The Architect






Few points in the presentation where would like some feedback

Questions - At the end please : ) or maybe at the end of each section…


Some caveats

Architecture is contentious - various perspectives

Basis for presentation is on:

• TOGAF architecture framework training/certification

• Company based experience - over one or two companies

• Based on various books (will list at the end):

• Ambler - agile modelling

• Brown - architecture for software developers


Architecture - Scope

Role of the Architect Solution Mapping

Technical Architecture Non Functional Requirements


Before I Start…

Just a quick survey, straw person poll

How many people here code?

How many people are involved in an architectural role?


Role of the Architect


What does an architect do?

It depends…

Let’s look at some common architecture definitions

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Architecture Definitions

Enterprise Architecture - huh?

Map business drivers and strategy onto projects, optimise processes etc..

Solutions Architecture

Business analysis, plan to a component level

Technical Architecture

Design of components, how they interact (with the solutions architect)

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What does an architect do?

Role taken up by someone in a team? < I like this one

Understand the architectural drivers, design a technical strategy

Understand things which are costly to change

Understand how things evolve and how difficult that is

Know how to map between what’s there today and a target architecture

Understand the bigger picture


Mitigate risks on a project

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Where does an architect fit on a project?

1. Product Owner - what

2. Architect Owner - how

3. Project Manager - when

A conversation and negotiation between all three on a project is important

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We use currently to plan:

• Feature Development and Release Management

• Roadmap - visual generation of a roadmap (no more powerpoints)

That covers the functional side, how do we cover the other aspects?

• Design the framework into which the features fit

• Maybe the feature doesn’t fit yet

As an architect define how your system will evolve

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Do you end up with a consistent structure that people agree on?

Do features get implemented in the same way?

What is the impact to software quality?

Are the non-functionals well understood?

Are people communicating?

Is there governance around what to do technically?

What happens if you don’t have the architect role?

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Architecture Frameworks

There are frameworks that aim to map business drivers onto technology implementation at various different levels

TOGAF, Zachman provide enterprise architecture guidance

Overkill? For most projects - probably. Good principles.

Lightweight frameworks also available (e..g LEAF)

But these do not describe technical architecture

or how to run the project

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Architect Anti Patterns

Some anti-patterns

The Ivory Tower/Seagull Architect

• No coding experience or detached from system

• Draw a diagram and throw it over the wall

Technical Architect/Developer Forever

• Just code, don’t communicate, everybody else is wrong : )

There has to be a balance between design and code

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Solutions, Modelling and Stuff


Mapping High Level Solutions

Knowing how to map a problem onto a high level solution,

There are some important architectural aspects to consider:

• Infrastructure - Hosted, Cloud, Hybrid

• Platform - Monolith, Microservice (Big difference)

• Architectural Style - Pipes and Filters, Transaction Script, Domain Driven

• Application Packaging - application, infrastructure, util

• Naming Conventions - so so important, should match

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Architecture is about viewpoints

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BDAT (Split the Architecture into Views)

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Models help to express the architecture

e.g. User Experience - personas, wireframes and usability testing

Models that are relatively little effort to update are good

e.g. Swagger/Open API specification provides a specification that you can generate code from.

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How Much Do I Model?

Produce models only when you need them

Bare minimum for requirements - just enough

No Design vs Agile Design vs Big Up Front Design

Agile Modelling provides a good set of principles to follow

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Agile Modelling - Primer

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What Do You Want to Convey?

What Diagrams?

• Context Diagram - explains concepts and the bigger picture

• Deployment Diagram - explains main components, how they fit together

• Component Diagram - useful to describe the innards of your application

Use them to form a strawman architecture for people to critique

Quick survey: What other types of diagram do you find really useful?

e.g. State Diagram

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Example 1 - Context Diagram

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Example 2 - Deployment Diagram

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Example 3 - Component Diagram

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Models are good, but we need more context

Grounded in some sort of design

Linked to our user stories

Providing the how to the what

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What goes in a design doc/software guidebook?

Lots of Confusion Here

What problem are your solving?

Terminology - define acronyms


Deployment and Ops Concerns


Use Cases

Interfaces/API’s - Internal and External

Item Overview

Design Diagram


System Qualities

Test Harnesses (if required)

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How do you represent your design?

Few options:

• Github Wiki - link to tickets and user stories

• Confluence - keep design and requirements together

• Google Docs?

Any other solutions that people want to share?

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Technical Architecture


Technical Architecture

Some items that come up in technical architecture include:

• Architectural Styles - what they are, some reading points…

• Architecture Anti-Patterns - knowing what to avoid…

• Technology Selection - how to do it or what happens when somebody has an idea?

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Architectural Styles

Know some basic architectural styles, three important ones:

Transaction Script (Fowler) - services that build DTO’s call DAO’s

Domain Driven (Evans) - operations and data together

Pipes and Filters (Fowler) - set of processing steps

Patterns of enterprise application architecture is decent

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Some Examples

• Big Ball of Mud

• Speculative Generality and Useless Abstractions

• Efferent and Afferent Coupling

• Single Responsibility Principle and SOLID principles

Great ResourceSource Making

Architecture Anti Patterns

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Technology Selection

What are your dev team familiar with language wise?

How widely is the library/framework being proposed used?

Is it under active development - Github stars, number of commits

How much training/learning/time is involved to upskill the team?

Don’t just agree, spike/build prototype and get to know what you’re about to adopt

Ohloh/ is decent for research

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Technology Selection

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Non Functional Requirements

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Non Functional Requirements

Why are they important?

Define the qualities you want your system to have,

• Performance, usability, robustness, security

• How do people know if you don’t specify them?

It was meant to support 1000 users concurrently with one action?

Lots of projects #fail due to mis-understanding of these or non

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Non Functional Requirements

Various models

FURPS+ • Came from HP

ISO 25010• Defines a product quality model based on eight characteristics

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Testing NFR’s

If you don’t specify - you don’t get

Non functional requirements are good to specify

Test engineers/QA’s have hooks to test the system for

Can ask developers how it meets those requirements

• Chaos Monkey - simulate failure

• Performance Tests - measure RPS using JMeter/Locust/BlazeMeter

• Can work with devops engineers on this or ideally do it themselves

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