the round up every good rancher has his ranch hands

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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The Round Up

Every Good Rancher Has His Ranch Hands

Memory Verse

“Follow me and be my

disciple.”Matthew 9:9

How it Rolls on Jesus’


Memory Verse

“Follow me and be my

disciple.”Matthew 9:9

The Greatest Commandment

Rules of the Ranch:

© 2007 Grand Canyon West Ranch. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

DIAMOND BAR RANCHBelow is the actual text from the original "Rules of the Ranch" written by Ranch Manager Abner Taylor in the winter of 1888.

Rule No. 1: Whenever a person is engaged to work on the Ranch, the person so engaging him will fill out and sign a blank giving the name of the party employed, for what work, the amount of wages he is to receive, the date he will begin work, and deliver the same to the person employed, who must sign the counterpart of such contract.

Rule No. 2: Employees discharged from or leaving the service of the company are expected to leave the ranch at once and will not be permitted to remain more than one night in camp.

Rule No. 3: Private horses of employees must not be kept at any of the camps, nor will they be allowed to be fed grain belonging to the company. No employee will be permitted to keep more than two private horses on the ranch.

Rule No. 4: No employees shall be permitted to own any cattle or stock horses on the ranch.

Rule No. 5: The abuse of horses, mules or cattle by any employee will not be tolerated and anyone who strikes his animal over the head, or spurs it in the shoulder shall be dismissed from company service.

Rule No. 6: No employee or contractor is permitted to carry on or about his person or saddle bag any pistol, dirk, dagger, sling shot or bowie knife for the purpose of offense or defense. Guests will also comply with this rule.

Rule No. 7: In case of fire it shall be the duty of every employee to go to it at once and use best endeavors to extinguish it, neglect to do so will be cause for dismissal.

Rule No. 9: Loafers, “sweaters” Men who sweated as a result of their great efforts to avoid work, deadbeats, tramps, gamblers or disreputable persons, must not be entertained at any camp, nor will employees be permitted to give, loan or sell such persons any grain or provisions of any kind, nor shall such persons be permitted to remain on the company’s land anywhere under any pretext whatever.

Rule No. 11: Employees of the company will not be allowed to hunt or kill game except when necessary for food.

Rule No. 12: It is the aim of the owners of this ranch to conduct business of right and justice to everyone, and for it to be excelled by no other in the good behavior, sterling honesty and integrity and general high character of its employees and to this end is necessary that all the foregoing rules be adhered to and violation will be just cause for discharge.

Memory Verse

“Follow me and be my

disciple.”Matthew 9:9

In Charge of His Land

Memory Verse

“Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the good news

of the kingdom,

and healing every

disease and sickness

among the people.”Matthew 4:23

Caring for His Herd

Jesus Heals

the Leper

Cow Care Facts

• Cows drink a bathtub full of water each day.• Cows eat around 40 pounds of food a day. Who weighs 40 pounds?• Cows have their nails trimmed twice a year because they grow, just like we

have to trim our fingernails.• Did you know that a cow will never start to produce milk until she has her

first baby called a calf.  After calving, cows must be milked 2 to 3 times everyday for about 300 days. Cows enjoy being milked.  They are milked 8 to 12 hours, weekends and holidays included!

• The best cows give over 25 gallons of milk EACH DAY. That's 400 glasses of milk!

• The average body temperature of a cow is 101.5 degrees F.• It used to take a person 1 hour to milk 6 cows by hand. Today, a person

can milk 100 cows in an hour with modern machines. • Before modern milk delivery, when people traveled and wanted milk, they

had to take their cows with them. • Cows have an acute sense of smell - they can smell something up to 6

miles away!• Cows spend 6 hours a day eating and 8 hours chewing cud

Used by permission, government facts are considered public domain

Memory Verse

“Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the good news

of the kingdom,

and healing every

disease and sickness

among the people.”Matthew 4:23

Stories Around the Campfire

The Parables

Memory Verse

“Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the good news

of the kingdom,

and healing every

disease and sickness

among the people.”Matthew 4:23

That’s Some Chuck Wagon!

The Feeding of the 5,000

Chuck Wagon & Cattle Drive Pictures

From Used by permission.

Chuck Wagon & Cattle Drive Pictures

From Used by permission.

Memory Verse

“Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the good news

of the kingdom,

and healing every

disease and sickness

among the people.”Matthew 4:23

Come Along, Lil’ Dogies!

Jesus & The Children

Memory Verse

“Jesus went throughout Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues,

preaching the good news

of the kingdom,

and healing every

disease and sickness

among the people.”Matthew 4:23

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