the rule of fluoride varnish in the prevention of dental caries among children

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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The Rule of Fluoride Varnish in the Prevention of Dental Caries among Children

The Rule of Fluoride Varnish in the Prevention of Dental Caries among ChildrenTariq A. Alsahafi Mohammed A. alzunaydi nd 2 year students, Collage of dentistry. Qassim University


luoride varnish has been used widely as effective caries preventing agent in children, this paper discuss the rule

disproportionate number of low-income and minority children (2). Many researches and clinical trials have reviewed many ways in prevention of dental caries and that include topical applications of fluoride specially fluoride varnish. Fluoride varnishes have been described as the most convenient means of having preschoolers topical also use professionally-applied (3), to especially be among in fluoride

of fluoride varnish in the prevention of dental caries among children and to which degree it's effective. Previous systemic reviews and primary researches were used as basis for the current review. Application protocols and technique are demonstrated .Recommendations were established based on the developed knowledge.

children at high risk for tooth decay. It has Key words: fluoride varnish 'Dental caries 'Children been found effective preventing caries in permanent teeth. It is easy to apply and can be applied by oral health professionals as well as nonoralhealth professionals (4) . The purpose of this review is to assess the rule of fluoride varnish in prevention of dental decay among children.

IntroductionEarly childhood caries is a worldwide health problem effecting most of the children especially in developing countries where the awareness of importance of selfprotecting and teeth brushing habits are not of that expansion (1). And it's also considered as the most common chronic disease of childhood and affects a


The Rule of Fluoride Varnish in the Prevention of Dental Caries among Children

Fluoride varnishFluoride is most commonly associated with dental hygiene products and tooth protection. Most people are exposed to fluoride through treated drinking water or products such as toothpaste and mouthwash (5) . Fluoride also considered as the most scientifically proven method for avoiding the appearance of new lesions and curbing the progression of existing lesions and preventing the appearance of new ones (6). Fluoride varnish is a professionally applied, highly concentrated (22 600 ppm) fluoride product that has been widely used in Europe and Canada as a caries prevention agent for >20 years (2). Fluoride varnishes were developed more than thirty years (7). In the past decade, it has become more widely available in the United States. Fluoride varnish is an attractive option for the primary care setting because it can be easily applied by ancillary staff in

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