the science of a legacy: chapter 2

Post on 05-Dec-2014



Self Improvement



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The Science of a Legacy, Chapter Two: "Indubitably, my dear Monkey!"

Glad you could join us again! If you missed last chapter, go and read it you fishplate! But our

founder, Atrica Tegenaria married Margaret Somethingorother, and had two boys Corvus and

Repens who were pains in the tail-place as toddlers and the house was generally crashing and

burning around my ears. But one we go, click the arrow or you'll be hearing from Mrs. C.Butt.

30th September 2007

When we departed last chapter, Corvus was in the middle of growing up. And here's the result.

"Corvus has big hand now! Can smash!"

Yes dear, you also have no nose. Now I know why you were so obsessed with your those of

parents', groan.. Corvus was the slowest skilling toddler I ever raised, I'm hoping things'll pick up

in childhood, though currently it doesn't look likely.

It was also time to grow up little Repens, tra la la..

He has a nose! And not a clone of Corvus, phew. I forgot to mix the genetics so was worried.

He's an Aries 7/9/7/0/3, so he'll be neatly reading a novel on a treadmill, naked. Awesome.

"Just look at the pleasure on his face!"

I agree Atrica, I agree.

There was an ongoing problem in this family. Atrica and wife Margaret can NEVER get

promoted and it's driving me insane, and their plumbbobs a beautiful shade of scarlet. As I had

them both looking after the kids, working alternate days, until Corvus was a child they always

happily skipped off with a deep red plumbbob, sigh. So I hired a nanny. Who never showed up

until after they were meant to leave, aaaargh. So I got Atrica to give this one a little "pep" talk.

"If you don't do what you're meant to, I'm going to handcuff you to my children so you will BE

there when you're meant to be! Or I'll poke you like I did that Nervous guy. Hard. In the spleen."

"Oh my, handcuffs sound like fun."


I know Repens I know, I'm crying too. Your family is just being stupidly difficult to keep surviving,

I don't know why.


At least it's not faaaace, there's hope for you yet, young 'un.

"Ah, little Repens! I'm getting that vision again.. The FUTURE. The only red shall be my glorious

mane, there will be pleasure for all and we will bowl our lives away!"

"Gosh Papa, I do hope so, ever so!"

"Wha-? You don't sound like Corvus. You make a whole sentence go out your mouth like wow!"

"Indubitably. But apparently you can't."

"Mum! Face! Mum! My picture of a face got a D, yaaaay!"

"Oh Corvie! I squee for you, I really do! Oh my gaaaawd, my little boy's so clever!"

Pfft. My hopes are on you, Repens.. I fear your elder brother may be a lost cause Legacy-wise.

"Huh huh. Corvie play horsies with Mummy!"

"'s still so hard.."

And you though I was kidding when I said he has no nose. Ha. I have no idea where it came

from, or the didn't come from, really. Though if Margaret was part alien I wouldn't be entirely

surprised, I swear she's off on a different planet half the time!

Birthday! Go Repens, go..

"Oh my.. He's.. He's pure PLEASURE!"


"Oh my GAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD! Go baby, go!"

No more toddlers, yay, says I! Maybe I can finally drag this family out of the red. I've been

playing TS2 ever since it first came out and I have NEVER had it so hard. My last legacy seems

like cake compared to this one..

He has a nose!

"Ah, my finely formed digits. Success!"

Success indeed, my young Repens.

After a makeover.. please excuse my Margaret Moment (tm) but,


I think I love him.


"My, the cake tastes like the excretion I performed moments earlier upon that plastic receptacle!

Something needs to be done about this, and I fear I may be the one to do it. My ape of a brother

can't even perform simple mathematics, I cannot leave the future my Papa so dearly dream of in

his hands!"

Margaret and Atrica still spend their days skilling, never getting promoted, but making up for it

with ridiculous amounts of heart-farting.

"I don't understand my son, but weeeew is my wife hot!"

"Oh Atrica, you're so much more squeee than this cleaning book!"

I bolt you, you two, I really do.

"And then the Daddy said 'FACE!' and the Mummy said 'yes' and then they ate some beans,


And lived happily ever after in a world where people have noses, Corvus.

"But I got nice face!"


"Oh sweetle-cakes, you're more heart-farty than ever! Pleasure?"

"Oh my gaaaaaw Atrica, of course, I love it when you say that!"

Oh no, please no more toddlers from the underworld! ... Ha. As I said last chapter, two kids is

quite enough for this generation! But I let my couples woohoo often anyway, just 'cause I'm nice

like that. And these two really are awesome, I want to see them happy - even if they still won't

get promoted, aaargh!


I know most people wouldn't be thrilled to Mrs. Nanny Firepants, or whatever her name is, but I

so am! Nanny's refuse to turn up on time in my game for some reason, so carpools get missed.

Both Atrica and Margaret can go to work today, yes yes yes! Please don't fail me, Tegenarias!

"Wait, wait! If you think I'm going to let another Strangey-place whosit in my house, you've got

another thing coming! Now you listen here Missy Old Woman, if you burn down my house, it'll be

the spleen for you! With my claw. You hear me? Just ask Nervous. Don't mess with my


Luckily for Atrica, I was taking no chances as advised by Repens.

"But I just wanted to make gelatine, honest!"

Lies and you know it.

"Corvus like brother! He save Corvus from Nanny!"

"Indubitably my dear Monkey! I'll save you from all of this, don't you worry!"

Aww, I'm having an Atrica Moment (tm).. I see, the FUTURE. And it is good.

"Now what does Corvus want? Corvus want.. a biscuit!"

I think we can manage that for you.

"Corvus big and strong, huhuhuhuhuuu!"

"Oh my, I DO hope he rolls Pleasure!"

Alas not Atrica, he rolls family. But he loved his doll house, so overall very fitting I feel:

Name: Corvus Tegenaria

Aspiration: Family

LTW: Raise 20 puppies or kittens

Libra 2/10/7/3/10

"One day Corvus find pretty lady and marry her and be happy ever after!"

Aww, hopefully one day Corvus will get nose, yes? He's.. growing on me. Kind of a gentle giant

type of guy methinks. But still, no nose damnit!

"Brother, you let Corvus be heir so Corvus get married and have pretty lady and lots of petsies,


"Ah, my dear ape of a brother. I'm not sure if I can let you do that. I mean, this family's in the

gutter and I don't know if you have the wits or chutzpah to get us out of here! That will take time

and discretion my simian."

"Can we get puppy?"

"Oh Papa, I share your vision of the future! Please don't let that buffoon Corvus take over!"

"You're so cuddly Repens! Let's go bowling!"

"Not now, Papa! I have plans to attend to. Oh go one, just one more snuggle.."

"Huhuhuuuuhuu, dontcha wish your Corvus was hot like me?"

Aww, he's a sweet guy..

"Not as sucrosian as me, remember Gin?"

I.. Repens is a cutie, of this I have no doubt. And my, how he smustles! But I must say, I'm

beginning to get torn by who I should name heir! This surprises me.

"I give you puppy if Corvus heir!"

"I'll give you a new brain, you are a rather cranially challenged incompetent weasel."

Bonding over heirdome, yay? Bah.. I'll decide properly soon-ish.

"Mama, you FINALLY got promoted?"


You may squeal Margaret, because I am so relieved. She at least was well on her way up the

medical ladder, phew! We has monies again!

"I wish for my wits to never fail, and carry me successfully through to save my family."

Awesome, here's hoping that comes true, kiddo.

Corvus: "Face, face face face.."

Atrica: "What a clever song, son! Why, let's go and sing karaoke together!

You missed Repens's Birthday, fools! Ah, no matter. I want to change his shirt.

Bwahaha, I think I still love him. He didn't roll knowledge, but he can't save his family without

money now, can he?


Name: Repens Tegenaria

Aspiration: Fortune

LTW: Own 5 top level businesses

Aries 7/9/7/0/3

"We did it Margaret! The boys have made it without getting taken away by the social worker,

they can feed themselves, and I feel a moment of pleasure coming on.."

"Oh Atricaaaaaaaaa! But what is it?"

You'll have to tune in next Chapter and see ;) I know this one's been rather short, but I didn't

want to have the boys all grow-ed up in just one! But anyway, next time on The Science of a

Legacy: The boys have a chance at teendom and I finally choose the heir. And I have a surprise

for my favourite couple here. And more importantly for you: I FINALLY REALISE I HAVE TO

TURN MY GRAPHICS UP! Thanks for reading everyone, this is GintasicNecat, avoiding

comparing oaks and brambles.


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