the shepherd’s crook file2 outreach thank you for all of your generous donations of clothing...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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I’m looking out the window at another gray day in

May. I’ve had at least three parishioners ask me if I

can’t do something about this. Wellll, I can ask.

(And believe me, I have!) And yet, even with our

gray days, even with the rain, life is bursting out

this spring and things are moving forward here at

COGS. Our children and their teachers ended

another Sunday School year. Sunday, May 22 we

honored all of them. Soon they will be graduating

from nursery school, grade school, high school and

college. Who knows? There may even be a couple

of graduate degrees out there. These are times of

great joy; from the joy that comes from having

accomplished something important to the joy that

comes from knowing the tuition bills are lower if

not gone entirely! This is a time of transition and

change, for the earth, for our young people, and for


Sometimes it seems as though kids grow before

our very eyes. The teenager who was eye level

with you last week is suddenly looking down at

you. My grandmother, a first grade teacher, was

certain that kids had growth spurts in the spring,

right along with everything else on the farm. I

think she was right.

Things are changing and growing here at COGS

too! Right after Sunday School ends we are

finishing the floor replacement downstairs. We are

also redoing the Nursery/Toddler space and the

downstairs bathrooms. We will soon be adding a

couple of rocking chairs beside a basket with soft

toys in the back of the church for moms and dads

to rock restless little ones. I will be offering a short

sermon for children every Sunday throughout the


But we aren’t making changes just for kids. We are

finally arranging for air conditioning in our Parish

Hall! If you recall, I arrived here just after

Thanksgiving last year, so I have yet to experience

Coffee Hour in the summer. (One Vestry member

says it’s a glass of lemonade and out!) Maybe we

can entice you to stay a little longer with our new


All of these changes remind us that we are all

growing and changing all the time. Change can be

exciting and yet also stressful. Sometimes we feel

as if we don’t quite know where we are. There are

new faces and new challenges all the time. And

yet, without change, without moving forward,

without growth we become static and lifeless. We

want the spiritual liveliness that comes from being

part of the joyful Good Shepherd family. We are

all God’s children, longtime members to new


A special request – We have had a few photo op

events around here and it would be nice to be able

to post photos online or in this newsletter. So if

you have some photos or if you can position

yourself to take a picture or two and send them to

Maryanne at that

would be great. Please let us know if you would

not like to have photos of you and/or your children

published and shared.

As school lets out and graduates step out into the

world, it all seems like the start of a glorious

adventure, doesn’t it? Let us continue on our

glorious adventure together here, with our loving

God walking beside us, ever watchful, caring for

us, and showing us the way.


Mother Susan+

The Shepherd’s Crook The Church of the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott Rector June 2016

“We Love Our Church”

A Letter from Mother Susan



Thank you for all of your generous donations of

clothing to be distributed to those in need in

Camden! Please keep in mind that they are

always desperately in need of men’s shoes and

clothing! This goes for ANY time of the year!

We are now delivering them to a clinic through

St. Wilfrid’s Episcopal Church in Camden NJ.

They are very grateful for all that you have

donated so far! If you have something that you

would like us to deliver for you, please place it in

manageable size bags – no boxes – and leave

them on our front porch. We would be happy to

see that those who need them, receive them!

We live at 223 Highland Terrace, Pitman.

Thank you so much! Ellie and Carl Dunn

The Food Pantry

The Food Pantry always needs tuna, canned fruit

and vegetables, macaroni & cheese, peanut

butter, jelly and juice. They are also in need of

volunteers to help with the Food Pantry on

Tuesday evenings to give out food. They are

open on even dated Tuesdays each month from

6pm – 7pm.

Uppity Women of the Bible

Mark your calendar for the next study of Uppity

Women of the Bible! We'll begin on Thursday,

September 8 at 9:30 a.m. (following Morning

Prayer). Our focus for this study will be the book

of Judith. Watch for more details toward the end

of summer.

Inquirer’s Group

The Inquirer's Class will look at "Evil, Suffering & a Loving God" on Sunday, June 5 at 11:30 a.m. This will be our last session for this school year. Our classes will resume in September.

Church History Display

I hope that you have taken the time to have a look at the exhibits in the glass case in our parish hall. This is our Good Shepherd Church History exhibit and I endeavor to rotate it every 4 months or so. It is a wonderful way for us all to join in and learn about our shared church family history! I am in need of some more items. I have enough to rotate for two more exhibits and that is it! Does anyone have any pictures of church events to share, old prayer books, hymnals, Baptism Certificates, marriage certifi-cates, Sunday school pins, Sunday school curriculum, Bible markers, etc. to share? Your items will be dis-played and cared for properly and returned to you when the exhibit is through. If you have something, please leave it with the church secretary or call me!

Ellie Dunn 609-868-7104

Fathers’ Day Breakfast

We will be having our annual Fathers’ Day

Breakfast on Sunday, June 19th at 9 AM. Please

plan on joining us.


Saturdays: 5:30 PM – Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9 AM Morning Prayer



These are some of their names and numbers, if you have any questions.

Senior Warden George Funk - 856/232-0941

Junior Warden Sue Burkhard - 856/218-1035

Treasurer Lee Braidwood - 856/228-0737

Asst. Treasurer George Funk - 856/232-0941

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Wayne Szalma - 856/469-3028

Women at the Well Diane Wall - 856/374-9081

Jenn Harrington – 856-383-0823

Altar Guild Shelly Harris - 856/589-8160

Newcomers Deb Prieto – 856/478-0795

Youth Group

Chelsea Richmond – 856-723-4123

Sunday School Lori Bathurst – 856-415-9283

Pat Braidwood – 856-228-0737


Personnel – Jack Daugherty

Property & Security – Len Clark

Endowment Planning – Rich Harrington

Columbarium – Deb Prieto

Newcomers/Greeters – Deb Prieto

Adult Christian Education – Jack Daugherty

Internal Ministries – Cindy Taglienti

Outreach – Connie Parent

Sunday School – Elizabeth Nelson

Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Wayne Szalma

Youth Activities – Chelsea Richmond

Family Promise – Rich Harrington

Prayer Ministry – Cindy Taglienti

Stewardship Committee – Len Clark

Choir – Rich Harrington

Senior Warden – George Funk Junior Warden – Sue Burkhard Treasurer – Lee Braidwood Clerk of the Vestry – Chuck Lezenby Assistant Clerk of the Vestry – Diane Wall

Prayers for the Parish Families

For June

McNally family, Mecouch family, Merryman families, and Mersch family

From the Parish Register

Burial Office

May 12, 2016

Margaret L, Buckland

“may her soul and all of the faithful departed, rest in peace.” BCP p. 502


Each Sunday during Communion time, our team of Pray-ers offer prayers with our parishioners. We have now expanded this meaningful ministry to our Saturday evening Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm.

After you receive Holy Communion, if you want/need additional prayers, there will be a team of Pray-ers in the rear of the Church who are willing to offer prayers for you. These prayers can be offered in joy for a Blessing you have received, or can be to help ease a burden which lies on your heart. Please take advantage of this wonderful ministry of our parish. All prayers are confidential.

Pray-er Ministry

Anyone interested in being a Pray-er Minister at the Saturday night or Sunday services please contact Cindy Taglienti @ 227-1566 or


Florence Jane E. Terry Johnson Ashley Kari Donna Barton Aaliyah Seely McFadden family Seely family Art Dilworth Walter Hickman Amy Elfreth family Don Snyder Clint Lorance Anna Lorance Carole Melissa Benson Bill Brower Steve Alice George Farley Henry Kim Evans & twins Traz Gloria Rubino Audrey Bill Beard Andrew Buck Joe DeMarco James Anna Candyce

Rich Reiniello

Church of the Good Shepherd

Prayers of the People

Prayers for the Church and Clergy

For all Churches in the Diocese of NJ & Ecuador Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop William “Chip” Stokes, Our Bishop The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector Sister Cass, AF Charles Nakash – Missionary in the Dominican Republic

Prayers for the Nation

Barack Obama, Our President Chris Christie, Our Governor

“For all those who serve and protect us at home”

Prayers for the Sick and in Need

Gordon Ellis II Ruth DeLoreto Heather Alice Swan Antonette Gorman Sandy Mary Jane Merille Ulisny Radd Dilworth Frank Meralinda Stevis Lenny Jim Doris Faith John & Pat Wisniewski Vincent Jackson Jeremy Williams & family Tod Porter Terri Tara Chase Michael Freda Ryan Bubnoski Daniel Moore Regina Sandra Louie Michelle F. Janet L. Jim Minnie Ms. DeStefano Julie Landwher

Kate Killebrew Tracie & family Len Davis Mike Daly Sheila Maripat Makalusky Emily Deborah & Glynn Eugene & Jean McLaughlin Helen & Ken

Prayers for all Military Personnel

* We pray for our enemies and for those with whom we are at war. *

“Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils, which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Pastoral Emergencies

If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you, hospitalization, death in the family, please call the Church Office 856-589-8209 or after Office hours please call Mother Susan at 732-759-4358.

Peter Larrabee Brian Almondrod Raymond Harris, III Steven Sanders Matt Spangler Lynn Spangler Scott Thomas Glen Tim Dan Hurlbut Zak Bartelt Alex Driscoll Brian Randazzo Buzz Parish Charlie Hiemeril John A. Lukacs Joe Sheridan Hal Wagner Matt Rebecca Jon S. Lehr Keith Tucker Dave McElwain Hugh Robinson Andrew Olsson

Joshua Albright Zachary Guise Scott McPherson Andrew Ten Eyck Matthew Cushinotto Theresa Cushinotto Mike Grzybowski Ted Mike McHugh Tom Devore Bonnie Weis Kane Lawlor Drew Naphy Rhen Brinkerhoff Brian Opel Jonathan Dickson Matt Michael Marta Marcos Bryan Jensen Allistair Edinger Andrew


Prayer Shawl/Caring Hands Ministry

Every so often we get a request for a Prayer Shawl to be given to someone in need. Sometimes it is during an illness, sometimes during grieving periods after the loss of a loved one. The Shawls are crocheted or knitted by the women in this ministry. Every other Tuesday morning you will find our Caring Hands Group knitting/crocheting the shawls in our Conference room. They are made with prayer for those who will receive them.

I can’t begin to tell you of the peace and comfort these shawls have brought to so many people. They need not be members of our parish. Need is spread everywhere.

If you know of a need, just ask Pat Braidwood.

Page Turners’ Book Group

June 19: A SPOOL OF BLUE THREAD by Ann Tyler

July 17: PIGS IN HEAVEN by Barbara Kingsolver

August 21: THESE IN MY WORDS by Nancy E. Turner

The Page Turners meet once a month, immediately following the 10am Holy Eucharist, in the Conference Room. Please come and join us for some very interesting discussion, exchange of ideas and sharing.

Spring is here! We need to get our Lawn-

mowing Schedule in place. If you are interested

and available to help out with mowing the

Church grounds please add your name to the

Mowing List in the Parish Hall. Thanks in


A Partnership with Mannino’s Cucina Italiana

Vito Mannino (owner of Mannino’s Cucina Italiana) has agreed to a partnership with the Church of the Good Shepherd. A donation will be made to the church of 10% of the luncheon or dinner bill for every member who dines at the restaurant (located at 126 South Broadway - between the bakery and the Police Station). Please notify your server that you are a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd before placing your order. The restaurant is open Monday thru Thursday and Sunday from 11:00AM until 9:00PM and Friday and Saturday from 11:00AM until 10:00PM. Reservations are recommended on Friday and Saturday evenings. The food is excellent!! Your support of this partnership will be greatly appreciated!!

Sunday School Thank You

Sunday School finished May 15th and will start up again in September. We would like to give special thanks to Lori Bathurst and Pat Braidwood for their leadership in this special Ministry to our children. So many people have been involved this past year and we offer grateful thanks to them: teachers, assistants, and our story tellers. Our children have been faithful and enthusiastic students, and we thank them and their parents who have made this year so wonderful.

Congratulations Thomas Nicolle!

Congratulations to Thomas Nicolle, the most recent recipient of our Nancy Wasilnak Scholarship. Thomas is the son of Susan and Mark Nicolle. He plans to attend The College of New Jersey as a Psychology major next fall.



What’s Happening In June

All Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 AM Morning Prayer

June 1 - 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

June 2 - 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice

June 4 & 5 - PENTECOST 3 Saturday, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist Children’s Choir Practice 11:30 AM Inquirers’ Group

June 8 – 7 PM Property Committee Meeting

June 9 - 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice

June 11 & 12 – PENTECOST 4 Saturday, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

June 13 – 6 PM Women at the Well - ECW

June 14 – 9:30 AM Caring Hands

June 15 – 6:30 – 8 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

June 18 & 19 – PENTECOST 5 Saturday, 9 AM Altar Guild Meeting 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, Fathers’ Day 9 AM Fathers’ Day Breakfast 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Page Turners

June 25 & 26 – PENTECOST 6 Saturday, 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Youth Group

Awesome Awards Sunday

Our Sunday School children received their certificates of accomplishment on Sunday, May 22. Congratulations to them! We also honored our Sunday School teachers. Many thanks to them! We are so fortunate that we are a church that treasures members of all ages, young to old. As we grow in Christ together we teach each other, just as Jesus both learned and taught in the Temple. Congratulations, thank you, and we’ll see you in class next fall! Meanwhile, Mother Susan will be incorporating a Children’s Sermon into our Sunday worship this summer.

June Birthdays

01 – Aidan Ray 02 – Kaitlyn McVeigh 03 – Katharyn Nicolle 04 – Renee Amato 05 – Tryg Farestad II 06 - Erica Davidson 06 – Jenna Derkoski 06 – Ruth Keser 06 – Jorge Prieto 07 – Joyce Lafferty 08 - Holden Fellinger 09 – David Opel 10 – Isabella Snodgrass 12 – Paul Morris 12 – Vincent Morris 13 – Hayley Harrington 13 – Chase Startare 14 – Joseph Snodgrass 14 – Mackenzie Swinney 14 – Owen Swinney 16 – Linda Behm 16 – Ross Higgins 17 – Lorraine Mersch 18 – Becca Spellacy 19 – Meredith McCarthy 19 – Jackie Smith 21 – Mother Pat 22 – Taylor Price 23 – Lee Braidwood 23 – Jean McLaughlin 24 – Penelope Bieble 25 – Ross Scull 27 – Beth Portocalis 28 – Jordyn McFadden 28 – Gary Zeigler 29 – Nicholas Rogers


The deadline for the July 2016 Crook will be on June 15, 2016. Please e-mail all articles to

Maryanne Charlton Parish Administrator


Women at the Well Retreat

As of this writing they haven’t left yet, but our

COGS’ Women at the Well became “Women of

Wonder” May 22-24 when they went on

retreat at St. Raphaela Center, a mansion

become retreat center in Haverford, PA. This

was a new place for us! During our 2.5 days

together we balanced our time between free

time and presentations/classes. We explored

women from the Early Church and the changing

roles of women throughout church history. We

also shared stories about the women of

wonder in our own lives, another way to

explore ourselves. We spent time playing

games, chatting, in worship and in prayer.

There will be even more to report for our next



Be on the lookout! Coming your way!

We are putting together two Christian

Formation surveys. One for Youth

Christian Education and one for Adult

Christian Education. This one is already

on the back page of the Crook! We

want to know what you think! At Good

Shepherd we draw a lot of different

sheep into the fold. We want to “feed”

you all. So please be on the lookout for

these surveys which may be found in

your service program and/or online.

They will ask you to answer questions

and provide space for your ideas and

reactions. You may take the surveys

anonymously or sign your name.

Treasurer's Blog - June 2016

Results through April 2016 Total Income:

Here is a breakdown of our total income for four months of 2016:

Budget Actual

Loose Plate 950 922 Envelopes 67,350 68,863

Special 4,800 3,732

Other 150 300

Income 73,250 73,818

Total expenses:

Here is a recap of our total expenses for four months of 2016:

Budget Actual

Expenses 74,416 73,029

Our envelope income through April has exceeded our estimate. The financial team is appreciative of your support during a process that is attempting to revise our approach to traditional stewardship giving. Our expenses are back in line with our estimates. Please look for the special envelopes in the box of your pledge envelopes and include something in them no matter how small or large in addition to your normal contributions. All of those “extras” add up during the course of the year to help us meet our expenses. Thank you for all of your support.. The above report is specific to our operating expenses. The Property Committee is now meeting once a month to review a list of major repairs and capital improvements. These items are mostly to be funded by our capital improvement fund. This fund is supported through part of the Holly Fair proceeds and special donations such as the rectory window effort from a year ago. You will be hearing much more about some of these projects soon.





Adult Christian Education Survey

Age 18 – 30 ____ 30 -45 _____ 45 – 60 _____ 60+ _____

Have you attended Adult Bible Study in the past?

If you have, why have you stopped attending?

If you haven’t, why have you never attended?

Would you attend a Bible Study at a time other than Tuesday at 7PM?

Would you consider attending a Bible Study at a location other than the


Do you have difficulty attending Bible Study because of babysitting/

childcare issues?

Would the possibility of a light meal before a Bible Study make you more likely

to attend?

Would you be interested in a Bible Study that involved a video followed by


Is transportation difficult for you for an evening Bible Study?

Please offer your comments on Adult Christian Education




Your Name _______________________________________________________ (optional)

Ordinary Times

The very fact that the church has a time called “Ordinary” seems strange, doesn’t it? And yet, this is an important time. Even as we are on vacation or taking other “time off,” God doesn’t take time off! Ordinary Time is a reminder of the presence of God through the most mundane and ordinary seasons of our lives. God is not only on the mountaintop of Advent and Easter or in the valley of Lent, but walking alongside each of us when the flat road stretches on into the horizon.

Traditionally the color for this season is green, and that is a fitting choice. Green is the color of growing things. In the midst of Ordinary Time we are given the opportunity to grow. Now that all the excitement of Advent and Easter has calmed down we can really focus on what it means to live and grow as Christians in this ordinary time in God’s extraordinary world.


June 2016



Tuesday Wednesday




1 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

2 9 AM Morning Prayer 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice


4 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

5 Pentecost 3 10 AM Holy Eucharist

Children’s Choir Practice

11:30 AM Inquirers’ Group


7 9 AM Morning Prayer

8 7 PM Property Committee Mtg.

9 9 AM Morning Prayer 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice


11 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

12 Pentecost 4

10 AM Holy Eucharist

11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

13 6 PM Women at the Well - ECW

14 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands

15 6:30 – 8 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

Crook Info Due

16 9 AM Morning Prayer


18 9 AM Altar Guild Meeting 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

19 Pentecost 5 – Fathers’ Day 9 AM Fathers’ Day Breakfast

10 AM Holy Eucharist

11:30 AM Page Turners


21 9 AM Morning Prayer


23 9 AM Morning Prayer


25 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

26 Pentecost 6

10 AM Holy Eucharist

11:30 AM Youth Group


28 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands


30 9 AM Morning Prayer

Place Fridge Magnet here!


The Shepherd’s Crook

Church of The Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ

June 2016

Church of the Good Shepherd 315 Highland Terrace Pitman, NJ 08071

Telephone – 856-589-8209 E-mail –

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