the sixth sunday after pentecost july 12, 2020 10:00 am · 7/12/2020  · the sixth sunday after...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, Indiana

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost July 12, 2020

10:00 am

Choral Prelude The King of Love

The King of love my shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never;

I nothing lack if I am His

And He is mine forever.

Where streams of living water flow,

My ransomed soul He leadeth

And, where the verdant pastures grow,

With food celestial feedeth.

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,

But yet in love He sought me

And on His shoulder gently laid

And home rejoicing brought me.

In death’s dark vale I fear no ill

With Thee, dear Lord, beside me,

Thy rod and staff my comfort still,

Thy cross before to guide me.

And so through all the length of days

Thy goodness faileth never;

Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise

Within Thy house forever!

Hymn 603 We Know That Christ Is Raised

Baptism of Kianna Rae Diaz


SERVICE OF THE WORD Stand Kyrie – LSB p. 204

Hymn of Praise Gloria in Excelsis – p. 204

1 To God on high be glory

And peace to all the earth;

Goodwill from God in heaven

Proclaimed at Jesus' birth!

We praise and bless You, Father;

Your holy name we sing—

Our thanks for Your great glory,

Lord God, our heav'nly King.

2 To You, O sole-begotten,

The Father's Son, we pray;

O Lamb of God, our Savior,

You take our sins away.

Have mercy on us, Jesus;

Receive our heartfelt cry,

Where You in pow'r are seated

At God's right hand on high—

3 For You alone are holy,

You only are the Lord.

Forever and forever,

Be worshiped and adored;

You with the Holy Spirit

Alone are Lord Most High,

In God the Father's glory.

"Amen!" our glad reply.

Salutation and Collect of the Day

P The Lord be with you.

C And also with you. P Let us pray….

C Amen.

Sit Old Testament Reading Isaiah 55:10–13 God's holy Word goes out from His mouth and accomplishes the very thing He gives it to do.

C Thanks be to God.

Epistle Romans 8:12–17 We are heirs with Christ, adopted by the Spirit that we might call God 'Father' as true children--suffering with Christ and so glorified

with Him.

C Thanks be to God. Stand Alleluia and Verse The congregation sings the alleluias before and after the verse.

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.


Holy Gospel Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23 God sows the seed of His Word in every kind of soil by His preaching in the field of this world, always bearing His fruit and yielding

His increase.

C Glory to You, O Lord. After the reading:

C Praise to You, O Christ.

Sit Hymn of the Day 577 Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast

1 Almighty God, Your Word is cast

Like seed into the ground;

Now let the dew of heav’n descend

And righteous fruits abound.

2 Let not the sly satanic foe

This holy seed remove,

But give it root in ev’ry heart

To bring forth fruits of love.

3 Let not the world’s deceitful cares

The rising plant destroy,

But let it yield a hundredfold

The fruits of peace and joy.

4 So when the precious seed is sown,

Life-giving grace bestow

That all whose souls the truth receive

Its saving pow’r may know.

Sermon The Parable of the Heart

Installation of Laborers for Christ


Prayer of the Church C Lord, have mercy.

Sit Offertory Music The Peace of God setting by John Rutter

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding,

keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God,

and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

And the blessing of God Almighty,

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,

Be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen.


We welcome to the Lord’s Table members of St. Paul’s and members of sister congregations

of The Lutheran Church―Missouri Synod. If you have any concerns, please speak with Pastor Cage before the service.

Stand Preface – LSB p. 208

P The Lord be with you.

C And also with you.

P Lift up your hearts.

C We lift them to the Lord.

P Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

C It is right to give Him thanks and praise.

P It is truly good, right, and salutary … evermore praising You and saying:



C Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth adored;

Heav'n and earth with full acclaim shout the glory of Your name.

Sing hosanna in the highest, sing hosanna to the Lord;

Truly blest is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Lord’s Prayer

The Words of Our Lord and Pax Domini C Amen.

Agnus Dei C O Jesus Christ, true Lamb of God,

You take the sin of the world away;

O Jesus Christ, true Lamb of God,

Have mercy on us, Lord, we pray.

O Jesus Christ, true Lamb of God,

You take the sin of the world away;

Have mercy on us, Jesus Christ,

And grant us peace, O Lord, we pray.

Sit During the Distribution

Hymn 820 My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker

1 My soul, now praise your Maker!

Let all within me bless His name

Who makes you full partaker

Of mercies more than you dare claim.

Forget Him not whose meekness

Still bears with all your sin,

Who heals your ev’ry weakness,

Renews your life within;

Whose grace and care are endless

And saved you through the past;

Who leaves no suff’rer friendless

But rights the wronged at last.

2 He offers all His treasure

Of justice, truth, and righteousness,

His love beyond all measure,

His yearning pity o’er distress;

Nor treats us as we merit

But sets His anger by.

The poor and contrite spirit

Finds His compassion nigh;

And high as heav’n above us,

As dawn from close of day,

So far, since He has loved us,

He puts our sins away.

solo 3 For as a tender father

Has pity on His children here,

God in His arms will gather

All who are His in childlike fear.

He knows how frail our powers,

Who but from dust are made.

We flourish like the flowers,

And even so we fade;

The wind but through them passes,

And all their bloom is o’er.

We wither like the grasses;

Our place knows us no more.

4 His grace remains forever,

And children’s children yet shall prove

That God forsakes them never

Who in true fear shall seek His love.

In heav’n is fixed His dwelling,

His rule is over all;

O hosts with might excelling,

With praise before Him fall.

Praise Him forever reigning,

All you who hear His Word—

Our life and all sustaining.

My soul, O praise the Lord!

Prayer before Communing

Dear Savior, at Your gracious invitation I come to Your table to eat and drink Your holy body and blood. Let me find favor in Your eyes to receive this holy Sacrament in faith for the salvation of my soul and to the glory of Your holy name; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


Canticle 983 Seek the Lord

The text of this canticle is Isaiah 55:6-12, which includes today’s Old Testament reading.

The refrain is sung first by the soloist, then repeated by all.

Let the wicked forsake his way,

and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

let him return to the LORD, that He may have compassion on him,

and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD. Refrain

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven

and do not return there but water the earth,

making it bring forth and sprout,

giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

so shall My word be that goes out from My mouth;

it shall not return to Me empty,

but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,

and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Refrain

You shall go out in joy

and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit;

as it was in the be- ginning,

is now, and will be forever. Amen. Refrain

Solo For You, O Lord, Have Delivered My Soul From Death

For You, O Lord, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,

that I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy.

Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.

The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me;

I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.

Then I called on the name of the Lord: “O Lord, save me!”

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.

The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, He saved me.

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. (Psalm 116:1–9)


Hymn 643 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing

1 Sent forth by God’s blessing,

Our true faith confessing,

The people of God from His dwelling take leave.

The Supper is ended.

O now be extended

The fruits of this service in all who believe.

The seed of His teaching,

Receptive souls reaching,

Shall blossom in action for God and for all.

His grace did invite us,

His love shall unite us

To work for God’s kingdom and answer His call.

2 With praise and thanksgiving

To God ever-living,

The tasks of our ev’ryday life we will face.

Our faith ever sharing,

In love ever caring,

Embracing His children of each tribe and race.

With Your feast You feed us,

With Your light now lead us;

Unite us as one in this life that we share.

Then may all the living

With praise and thanksgiving

Give honor to Christ and His name that we bear.


Nunc Dimittis– LSB p. 211

C O Lord, now let Your servant

Depart in heav'nly peace,

For I have seen the glory

Of Your redeeming grace:

A light to lead the Gentiles

Unto Your holy hill,

The glory of Your people,

Your chosen Israel.

All glory to the Father,

All glory to the Son,

All glory to the Spirit,

Forever Three in One;

For as in the beginning,

Is now, shall ever be,

God's triune name resounding

Through all eternity.

Post-Communion Collect and Benediction – LSB p. 212

C Amen.

Hymn to Depart 923 Almighty Father, Bless the Word, stanzas 1–2

1 Almighty Father, bless the Word

Which through Your grace we now have heard.

Oh, may the precious seed take root,

Spring up, and bear abundant fruit!

2 We praise You for the means of grace

As homeward now our steps we trace.

Grant, Lord, that

we who worshiped


May all at last in

heav’n appear.


Your offerings will be received at the door or your offering may be mailed to 1126 S. Barr St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802.

Please call the church office to set up electronic giving.

Preacher Rev. Mark H. Steiner

Preacher/Celebrant Rev. Peter C. Cage

Communion Assistant Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill, Seminarian Zachary Klumpp

Musicians Kantor Kevin Hildebrand, Chrissy DeBartolo, Martha Young

Livestreaming of worship services continues on Facebook (St Paul’s EV Lutheran Church LCMS)

and YouTube (St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne).

Hymn 603 Text © John B. Geyer. Used by permission;Hymn 983 Text & Music © 2001 Crossway Bibles. Used by permission;

Hymn 643 Text © 1964 World Library Publications. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100010102.

Prayer after Communing

Almighty and everlasting God, I thank and praise You for feeding me the life-giving body and blood of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Send Your Holy Spirit that, having with my mouth received the holy Sacra-ment, I may by faith obtain and eternally enjoy Your divine grace, the forgiveness of sins, unity with Christ, and life eternal; through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

God’s People at Prayer for Individual and Family Prayer

Readings from Holy Scripture The following can be read in the morning and evening, as suggested

here, or in any way that best works with your schedule.

Morning Prayer Evening Prayer

Sun Judg. 7:1–23 Gal. 1:1−24 Mon Judg. 13:1–25 Gal. 2:1−21 Tues Judges 14:1−20 Gal. 3:1−22

Wed Judges 15:1−16:3 Gal. 3:23–4:11

Thur Judges 16:4–30 Gal. 4:12−31 Fri 1 Sam. 1:1−20 Gal. 5:1–26

Sat 1 Sam. 1:21−2:17 Gal. 6:1−18

Small Catechism

The Sixth Petition

But deliver us from evil.

What does this mean?

We pray in this petition, in summary, that our Father

in heaven would rescue us from every evil of body

and soul, possessions and reputation, and finally,

when our last hour comes, give us a blessed end, and

graciously take us from this valley of sorrow to

Himself in heaven.

Large Catechism

In the Greek this petition reads, “Deliver or keep us from

the Evil One, or the Wicked One.” The petition seems to be

speaking of the devil as the sum of all evil in order that the

entire substance of our prayer may be directed against our

arch-enemy. It is he who obstructs everything that we pray

for: God’s name or glory, God’s kingdom and will, our daily

bread, a good and cheerful conscience, etc.

Therefore we sum it all up by saying, “Dear Father, help

us to get rid of all this misfortune.” Nevertheless, this petition

includes all the evil that may befall us under the devil’s

kingdom: poverty, shame, death, and, in short, all the tragic

misery and heartache of which there is so incalculably much

on earth.


For Next Sunday

Isaiah 44:6−8; Romans 8:18–27; Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43

Daily Prayer

Prayer for Others and Ourselves For each day of the week, let the following topics guide your prayer.

Also include members from the congregation as listed on the reverse

side of this sheet.

Sunday: For the joy of the resurrection among us; for the

fruit of faith nourished by the Word and the Sacraments.

Monday: For faith to live in the promises of Holy Baptism;

for one’s calling and daily work; for the unemployed; for

the salvation and well-being of our neighbors; for

schools, colleges, and seminaries; for good government

and for peace.

Tuesday: For deliverance against temptation and evil; for the

addicted and despairing, the tortured and oppressed; for

those struggling with sin.

Wednesday: For marriage and family, that husbands and

wives, parents and children live in ordered harmony

according to the Word of God; for parents who must

raise children alone.

Thursday: For the Church and her pastors; for teachers, and

all church workers; for missionaries and for all who

serve the Church; for fruitful and salutary use of the

blessed Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood.

Friday: For the preaching of the holy cross of our Lord

Jesus Christ and for the spread of His knowledge

throughout the whole world; for the persecuted and

oppressed; for the sick and dying.

Saturday: For faithfulness to the end; for the renewal of

those who are withering in the faith or have fallen away;

for receptive hearts and minds to God’s Word on the

Lord’s Day.

Lord’s Prayer

Final Collect

Be gracious, O merciful God, and guard Thy Your people

with loving protection, that those who confess Your only-

begotten Son as God born in our bodily flesh may never be

corrupted by the deceits of the devil; through the same Jesus

Christ our Lord.


Now hell, its prince, the devil,

Of all their pow’r are shorn;

Now I am safe from evil,

And sin I laugh to scorn.

Grim death with all its might

Cannot my soul affright;

It is a pow’rless form,

Howe’er it rave and storm. (LSB 467:4)

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

1126 South Barr Street Church: (260) 423-2496

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802-3179 School: (260) 424-0049


St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, Indiana

July 12, 2020

What’s Happening NOW? Please join us to welcome the Laborers for Christ

volunteers being installed at the 10 a.m. Divine Service: John Hardy, John Strasen, Dave Steiss, Jerry Kolke, Phil & Carrie Hedemann. Consider supporting our mission in our East Central Neighborhood through prayer, volunteering and by using the Housing Project envelopes located on the glass case in the narthex or you may send in a donation to St. Paul's and write “Helping Hand” in the memo area. To learn more about how you can contribute to this project with your gifts, time, and talents, please contact: Doug Schwartz, Initiative Coordinator (260) 437-8682 or or email ( the church office.

Summer Schedule: Sunday at 10 a.m. Divine Service.

We will live stream the 10 a.m. Divine Service on Facebook (St Paul's EV Lutheran Church LCMS) or YouTube at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Fort Wayne.

Other times to receive Holy Communion (Wednesdays: 10 am, 2 pm and 4 pm), as well as Individual Absolution may be made by appointment with Pr. Cage (423-2496) or email requests to

Shut-in visits: Pastors Quill and Buse are slowly resuming visits as well as keeping in touch by phone. In the event of an emergency, don’t hesitate to call Pastor Quill (580-0812) or the church office (423-2496).

New Communication System Join via Text- A safe and secure service called FLOCKNOTE. TEXT the letters SPLC to the phone number 84576, and follow the prompts to add your name and email. We will be using the system to send you important updates. Please contact Margo in the church office at 423-2496 if you have any problems signing up.

Watch Online: Pastor Cage’s Bible Study on “Paul: Persecutor to Preacher”. Found on YouTube at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Fort Wayne or Facebook at St Paul's EV Lutheran Church LCMS.

Join Us for Pastor Hoem’s Installation Join us next Sunday at the 10am Divine service as Pastor Hoem is installed. We will host a luncheon immediately following the service in the school playground. If you haven’t RSVP’d already, please do so as soon as possible so we may have an adequate amount of catered boxed lunches. RSVP through Flocknote or call the church office 423-2496. A freewill offering will be taken the day of the

event to help offset expenses. Please bring your own chairs or blankets for seating.

Nelson’s Chicken to Support Class Trip 8th Graders will be selling Nelson's Chicken in the church parking lot on Saturday, July 18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (or whenever we sell out.) There are no pre-sale tickets - just come by during those hours. Chicken halves are $7.50 and Pit-Tatoes are $3.50. (So $11 gets one of each.) This is a Washington, D.C. Trip Fundraiser.

Order School Auction Tickets by July 15th St. Paul's friends and family.....The roaring 20s Auction is still on! Join us Friday July 31, 5pm at Pine Valley Country Club for cocktails, dinner, and live and silent auctions. Ticket deadline is JULY 15th - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! Stop in or call the School Office for tickets! See you there - It will be the bees knees! "

Remember in Your Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings For the baptism of Kianna Rae Diaz, daughter of Sharon

& Nelson Diaz.

For Laborers for Christ and this congregation as we work in our neighborhood.

Our Homebound Members Eleda Barille • Marilyn Berning • Maxine Bienz • Helen Carr • MaryAnne Cordes • Elinor Doenges • Alex Early • Betty Gotsch • Virginia Grossman • Ralph & Ruth Herb • Laverne Linnemeier • Leah Maier • Beverly Maxfield • Steve Pollock • Dale & Leona Puff • Judith Rekeweg • Ralph & Marilyn Relue • Eileen Weber • Anna Witte

Ongoing Petitions Marlene Anderson • Sue Balsamo-Furniss • Harris Beck • Carolyn Bobay • Sean Breininger • Myra Carrier • Connie Colby • Davis Dean • Doug Doehrmann • Tom German • Mary Goodwin • Roy Hack • Rodney Hall • Rev. John Hamer • Rachel Hartman • Lonni Helmchen • John Huitt • Juanita Jefferson • Dennis Jordan • Mary Knoblauch • Julie Kryder • Tim Lee • Joan Messmann • Mary Mundt • Richard Mundt • Elizabeth Nash • Barbara Nelson • Gene Paschka • Jaden Ramirez • Janice Schmidt • Wanda Schweyer • Charmaine Sheaffer • Scarlett- Ann Sheaffer • Sam Suarez • Betty Wheaton • Sharon Williams

Serving the Armed Forces KiVuan Edwards • Brian Hamer • Zachary Harmeyer • Jarrell Harris • Courtney Linnemeier • Jamara Moore • Brandon Screeton • John Sheaffer Jr • Ryan Sheaffer • Brandon Skalicky

In the Congregation Looking Out for Our Members Please call upon our homebound and older members to check in and assist us in helping each other. If you know of a need, please call the church office or email

Your Tithes and Offerings Your sacrificial offerings are crucial during this time. Please mail in your offering envelope or use the online giving options. Your regular giving is very important for the church’s continued work. Thanks be to God!

Secure Mobile Giving Options GivePlus Text at 833-931-1905 or GivePlus Mobile App Mobile giving services are provided by Vanco, the same provider of our online donation capability. Vanco is a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 service provider. St. Paul's has safely and securely worked with Vanco for over two decades. GivePlus Text: Secure online giving to St. Paul's is available via a text message from your mobile phone. Simply text the dollar amount you wish to give to St. Paul's 10-digit GivePlus Text number: 833-931-1905. Once you hit SEND, you will receive a link to complete the transaction with your credit card information. For more information, please reference the GivePlus Text Quick Guide at our website GivePlus Mobile App: Secure online giving is also available using the free GivePlus Mobile App. Simply go to the App Store or Google Play and search for "GivePlus" to download the free app. Enter "St. Paul's Lutheran Church" or 46802 and click Search. Select St. Paul's Lutheran Church (1126 South Barr Street) and click GiveNow. Note that if you have already established an online giving account with Vanco, your mobile account will use the same sign-in credentials. For more information, please reference the GivePlus Mobile Quick Guide.

Electronic Giving—It’s Quick and Easy! For more information, please reference the Quick Guide on our website; we can also mail or email you a copy. ALSO, you can sign up using the previous system by going to our website.

July & August Altar Flowers Available Please sign up for Altar flowers on July 19 & 26, August 2, 23 & 30. Call the church office to sign up. Cost is $40.00. Please make checks payable to St. Paul’s Altar Guild and mail to 1126 S. Barr St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Flowers are available to pick up after the service or on Mondays, just call 423-2496 when stopping by. Please call Lynn Wehrenberg with any questions at 432-0846.

Hospitalized? Lutheran hospitals are no longer providing information about a patient's church membership. Please make the Church Office aware of any hospitalizations.

July 12 – Pentecost VI (Proper 10A) – The Word of the Lord never returns empty (Isaiah 55:11). And He has clearly proclaimed His lavish love for human lives of all ages, appearances, and abilities, the way that a farmer extravagantly scatters seeds anywhere the soil shows (Matthew 13:3). So, we may speak the sanctity of life with courage and show it with compassion. The Heavenly Father remains responsible for its results, whether reception or rejection.

Odds & Ends For Our College Students- Pick Up a Purple Sheet: College is tough and we all need Jesus! The Indiana District can help! We are gathering information in order to support all of our students during this transitional time. This information will be shared with the LCMS ministries near the school you or your student will be attending. Our goal is to connect all of our students with the Word of Christ and other Lutherans attending their school. Pick up a student information form from the glass case in the narthex or sign up online at 2IB6FA1, and submit contact information.

CTSFW Offers Daily Online Chapel Services at 9:35am CTSFW will be offering daily devotion at 9:35am online at

This week on, study Judges 4-7 on Sharper Iron’s Wisdom from Above series (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), learn more about how play affected mental health on Mental Health Monday with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann (7/13 at 9:00 a.m. CT), and study Exodus 26-30 on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT). Find these program on your favorite podcasting app!

Live Stream “Attendance” Sunday, July 5 10:00 am 123 Sunday, July 5 10:00 am Facebook 412+ YouTube 47+

Our Giving Budget Envelopes $13,170.94 Concordia High School 50.00 Missions/Lutheran Heritage 119.75 Plate Offerings 79.00 Lent Envelopes 1.00 School Income 1,038.44 Total Income $14,459.13

Enhancing Our Heritage 65.59

The Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God in honor of Marlowe and Carol Hecht’s 59th wedding anniversary.

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