the slobe s-ppttes ah the wants $ entire northwestern · 2017. 12. 16. · -.•jus saint paul...

Post on 15-Jul-2021






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The Slobe S-PPTtes AH the Wants ___$ Entire Northwestern CountryWANTADVERTISERS WARNEDA. Fake Solicitor "Who Knows the

Value of Globe Wants.-

Numerous complaints have reachedthis office during the past week that anindividual wearing pray clothing andhaving thick, curly hair, lias been rep-resenting himself as an agent of this pa-rti* ami collecting money fox want ad-vertisements.

No person is authorized todo this, andlie is a swindler.

For Ihe convenience and protection ofits natrons the Globe has establishedbranch offices in districts remote fromthe main office, where want advertise-ments willbe received at thesame termsas over our counter.

The follow are our resrtilar estab-lished agencies for the receipt andprompt transmission of want advertise-ments:

C. T. Heller, Tenth and St. Peter.S. 11. Reeves, Seven Corners Drug

6lore.A. T. Guernsey, Hale and Selby.Straight linos.. Grotto and Hondo.Parker _ U'estby, Third and Maria.'\. 1. Seiteil 526 East Seventh.M. 1). Merrill,442 Broadway.\V.K.Collier, Seventh and Sibley.V.'A". lliusi ;iK!t,Louis and Hondo.1). E. HARRY. 4.! Hice.11. Madson, 176 Concoid street.D. Thomas & Co.. 91 South Robert.


IS:.!<\u25a0*. \u25a0

AGENTS— At once. Inall unocupied ter-—» ritory in Minnesota, reliable men ofpush to represent the State Insurance com-pany: liberal contracts to good men. Ad-dress State Agent. Anoka. Minn.

AGENTS for Bankers' Mutual AidAss'n. ;'".' easiest ilan hi state to work. I). T.Mc-

KanehtQii.Sec'y.Gennanin Bank Bldst.St.Paul

AGENT-"—Automatic bottle stoppers for'•saloons, druggists, hotels, home use, etc. :

latest invention; useful, ornamental: sampleprepaid, 25 cents -circulars free. Globe NoveltyManufacturing Company, 20 Howard sb.N'ewYork. . ' _AGENTS

— Warned, experienced rentalagent!!', with references and horse and

buggy. -ilsou, 515 Temple Court.' Minneap-olis'


AGENTS— Responsible men to representan old life- insurance company issuing

the most liberal and cheapest policy today;salary or. guarantee, (all or address 11. C.Plelns. 620 Manhattan Building.

BARBER— Wanted, immediately. a first-class barber; steady employment; wages,

SI3 per week. George Dixon, "Grnlton. N.U.

BLACKSMITH—Wanted. tirst-clnss manon farm wagon work. Neal, Johns &Co.,

Lake City. Minn.

BLACKSMITH—Good blacksmith wauled"'at' once: steady employment. Boock

Bros.. New I'lm.Minn.

B—WANTED— on salary orcom-mission to handle the New Patent

Chemical Ink-Bracing Pencil: the greatestselling-novelty ever produced; erases inkthoroughly Intwd

'seconds; no abrasion ofpaper: 200* to 500 per cent profit:one agent'ssales amounted to SI2O Insix days: anotherSS in twohours; we want one energetic gen-eral agent ineach state and territory. Forterms and full particulars address The Mon-roe Eraser Ml"_ Co.. La Crosse, Wis. XL

BLACKSMITH wanted that can do floorwoik for horseshoer, and can do black-

piithing. Call nt 29 West Indiana ay., Westtit. Paul.

BUNDLE WRAPPER— Wanted, n first-class bundle wrapper; one with experi-

»Tice: Dane other need apply. Golden Rule.

UI'NOLE WRAPPER wanted: a young,D man with experience: none other needapply- .Address N;;s. (.lobe.

BUTCHER— Practical butcher wanted;none but a first-class man need apply.

Yerxn Bros. iiCo., Seventh and Cedar.AH DRIVERS wanted. Barbeau Cab

/Line, '-;vjSibley St.


Wauled, 25 first-classf carpenters for finishing; wages S'-.Ti

"jerday. Apply at room 30, Bank of Minn-esota building.

RPENTE RS—Fiftycarpenters at once;long job; wages, 82.50; fare paid both

(-rays. Call at '515 corn Exchange, A.inncapolis. The Burnett &Record Company.

OAKI'SXTKIISand laborers wanted. Ap-V> ply at once to »'. U. Bauman, GreatNorthern railway shops, city. •


or evening, '665 Aurora ay.— . _C""LERK—Wanted, young man for night

J clerk and porter inhotel. Address P 41). jGlobe.


Cooperswarned to keep away from the Hard-

wood Storage Company inDuluth..

COOK— Wanted, hotel cook; pood cook,> male or female, at Hotel Knickerbocker,Eureka, South Dakota; will pavgood womancook «*', or man 840 per month. AddressKnickerbocker. Eureka, bymail ortelegraph.

COMPOSITOR— One that is sober occa-sionally—say about half the time, at

least— preferred; steady position to the rightparty. Tribune. Mellette, S. 1).

CLUTTERS— Wanted, experienced cuttersJ • to work on raccoon and dogskin. McKibbin & Co., 379 Sibley si.

DELIVKUYMAN—A good dellverymanwanted: must have some knowledge ot

meat. Cull 3*2 Jackson st.

f|>AHM BAND -Wanted, a man or strongA7boy for farm and garden work: must beexperienced and come well recommended.Call between 2 and 3o'clock this day at GlobeHotel,' Fifthand Rosabel sts.

FARM HELP— man and wifetowork on farm for two months: state

wages .and- reference; American or Swede Ipreferred. Joe Thomas. Amiret. Minn. j

.CiAEDENE R—Man ted, a German garden-,V*n er,' who- understands flowers and vege-

\u25a0'\u25a0 tables; work for a year; call Monday ac -9 jn. m. 660 Fast Third st. .HOSTLER— Wanted, a man to take care

of horses at 216 Pleasant ay.

HOSTLERS— Wanted, two men to workin stable; good wages: no night work;

apply at once. 775 Ashland ay.

HOST I.EX—A young man to take care ofhorses in a private family. 27 Mar-

tin sL

OSTLERS— Wanted, two men to workin livery. COG East Third. Wages, *25

aud board.

HOSTLER— Wanted, young man thor-oughly acquainted with horses. Livery

Stable, corner Fourth and Minnesota sis.

ORSEMIOER —.Wanted, a iir«t classfloorman. ApplyS. Harper. 429 Selby ay.

KITCHEN WORK— Wanted, a voting. XV man tor kitchen work end one dish-washer. 379 Wabasha. .Cafe Neumann.

LADORERS wanted: applyat once. Corn-ing Clay Works. Phalen st. and Stillwa-

ter ay.

MENAND TEAMS -wanted for wagonX work in St. Paul <& Duluth railway

yards, between Fourth and Fifth st., city.


Warned, ten mcuildcrs:apply at once. St. Paul Foundry Com-


OFFICE WOKK—Wauled,* a young mantwentyyears old to do clerical work in

an office; must be mighty quick and active;ifyou can't turn out more work accuratelythan any oilier man, don't apply; salary, "S4O. |Address !•' 35, Globe.

" " ': i

POTATO DIGGERS -Wanted, potato-L diggers: 5 cents per bushel; steady workuntilwinter. -Address P. O. Box 31*.city.

SALESMAN—Tiavelingsalesman that is i:O. acquainted through Minnesota; perma-nent position. Room 50, Davidson Blocs.S. McGuire.

SALESMAN —Wanted, first-class retaildry goods salesman: young, single gen-

tleman who is thoroughly posted. Lock Box573. Hastings, Minn. .

EN—Wanted, two traveling sales-O men for first-class Hosiery mills for Min-nesota, Dakota, northern part of lowa andWisconsin at once. Address V31. Globe.


Wanted, au experiencedsalesman for book department Apply

Donaldson's Glass Block, Minneapolis.

SALESMAN—Wanted, experienced carpetsalesman to handle the fine trade only;

no one need apply unless thoroughly expe-rienced. Donaldson's Glass Block, Minneap-olis.


Wanted, traveling shoe!salesman having established trade in

Minnesota and North Dakota, to sell retail ;trade. Terms, 5 per cent commission. Ad-dress, staling ago and references, Brighton _ ]to., Box 2409, Bosteu, Mass. 1

:- " , i a- . ..-



PORTERS wanted at once, at ClarendonL hotel.

SEWER HIEN—Wanted, twenty-five mento work on sewer: Congress and Bid-

well sts.. West Side; higest wages paid.Thornton & Shaw. '.'

SHINGLERS— Wanted, shiuglers. Osce-O ola ay. near St. Albans st. . ;.

SOLICITORS— Good solicitors; commis-*—' sion or salary to handle. novelty side hue ;enclose stamp, for particulars. A. O. _Mfg. 'a.. Minneapolis. '" " "

SOLlClTOßS— Experienced advertisingO solicitors;' enclose with reply "self-ad-dressed stamped envelope. "Address F 43,Globe.


lien ox energy ana tact to0 solicit for Bankers' "Life Association of IM. Paul. Salary orguarantee ns pieferred. 1Addiess C. E. Secor. St. Paul. Miifn.


STKNooitAl'Hi'i-s furnished with•J lions and business houses supplied with--001 charge to either party.. Applyto Wvckoff,t-eamnr.s &Benedict, 04 East Fourth St.; tel-ephone 400.-?a^yrTiiiirfili_rjpi

TEAMSTER wanted to haul wood andA coal. 340 Maria ay. ..." ...

»> HOARDING stable MEN, "dairy i& hands, ten teams for Dakota nnd Red IWing. 100 men for Dakota: free fare. Na-tional Employment Co.. .133 East Third st.,St. Paul. 11l Aicollet ay.. Minneapolis. 7

WANTED—Young' men nnd' ladies tolearn telegraphy, shorthand, bookkeep-

ing and typewriting; can. make board: nightschool all summer. Globe Business College,Endicott Building... .UiyoOD TURNER— Wanted, a good wood

*\u25a0 » turner mid band sawyer nnd table man.1037 East Seventh. ...


Wanted, twoyoung men to work- during• dinner

hour for board; no work. Sunday. 152 EastFourth st. . . .. *


AT LARPENTEURS.SI West situations fordomestic help. .

BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, an experiencedladybookkeeper, who is a stenosrrapher;

references required. Inquire nt Room. 504,Chamber ol Commerce Building,between 9and 10 a. m., Aug.s. • -

CHaVMHERMAIDS— Wanted, chaniber-maids at the Greenland Hotel, corner of

Seventh and Robert sts.-

COOKS. Sl-*> to S*o; no washing: generalwork and nurse girls, good wages; small

families. Call at 543 Wabasha/

COOK— Wanted, n cook and laundry* girlat St. Dennis Hotel, 418 and 420 Minne-


COOK— One good pastry cook. 525; onehousecleiiuer, §15; for Sl James hotel.

Red Wing. Minn.' **

CiLKRK—Wanted, experienced cloak laay.' Address at once 1. Freimuth, Duluth.Minn.' •

COOK—First-class woman cook. Mortou

doyment Co.. 138 Fast Third St.,1 .Nicollet ny„ Minnefjpolis,!D—Young men nnd ladies totelegraphy, shorthand, br.okkeep-ewriting* cau make board: nightlinnicr. Globe Business College,illding.I'I'KN'EK

— Wanted, a goodwood• mid band sawyer nnd table man.•venih.


Wanted, twog men to work during dinnerard;nowork Sunday. 152 East


PKNTKUR'S.SI West Exchange,(nations fordomestic help. 1KEPER—Wanted, au experienced-okkeeper. who is a stenographer; jrequired. Inquire nt Room .">'i4, jt Commerce Building,between 9

\u0084 Aug. s.XItAlAIOS— Wanted, chiimber-nt the Greenland lloiel,corner ofd Robert sts.

515 to S.''j; no washing: generalnd nurse girls, good wages; small'all at.">43 Wabasha.ranted, a cook and laundry girltenuis Hotel, 418 and 420 Miune-

)ne good pnstry cook. 525; oneleaner, $15; forSt. James hotel,

-Wanted, experienced cloak at once 1. Freimuth, DuJuth.

\u25a0'irst-elass woman cook. Mortonhouse. North St. Paul. Box IP'S.

COOK— Wanted, girl to cook and do gen-eral housework. Call Sunday afternoonat 635 Dayton ay.

C-iOOK— Competent cook. 001 Holly ay.;J-. good wanes.

r\ININGGIRL, wanted at 52 East Seventh IININGROOM OIRL-Good diningroomgirl515 per month; kitchen girl £14 pet

month; *:54 East Tenth st.

DISHWASHER— Waiited.disbwasher: nowork on Sunday. 152 East Fourth st.

DISHWASHER— Wanted, a young girltowash dishes. 309 East Sixth" st.

LAKERS—Wanted, two expert- jenced waist hands, at 556 St. Peter st.

DRESSMAKER —Wanted, experienceddressmaker. Apply Greenland Hotel,

423 Robert st.

DRESSMAKER wants sewing in lain- iilies; perfect fit guaranteed. l&i

Forbes ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general Ihousework. 642 St. Peter 5t, .'_".....:.. .'.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a quiet girlforplain housework; nohard work. Apply

immediately at 225 St. Anthony ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl forgeneralwork. 450 East Ninth si.

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted forgeneral•work. 607 Westminster.

HOUSEWORK— Giri wanted forall kindsof work, and good wages. 64 West


HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework. Mrs. R.E. ('base. 821 Burr st, I

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl forgeneral housework. Apply No. USSNorth Washington st. _____

OUSKWORK-Wanted. a girl for gen--1 eral housework. Apply436 Iglehart st


$19 for housework inIIsmell family,or $11 without washing;call early Monday. 1794 Carroll MerriamPark, twoblocks from Selbj line. -

WORK— Wan ted, thoroughlycom-IIpetent girl for general housework infamily of three. Applyat 359 Grove st.

HOUSEWORK— competent girl forIT housework. 429 East Sixth.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, giri tor generalAl housework nt 533 Robert st.

[JOUSEWOKK— competent girlIT forgeneral housework ina small fam-ily. Call 175 Western ay.

[JOUSKWORK— Wanted, a good girl for•T general housework; good wages. CGI IBurr st.


Girl wanted for lightIT housework at 710 De Soto st.

MOl'SEWOKK— Wanted, good girl forIT general housework in small family. 723Portland nv.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen- |O. eral housework; call at once. 210 Mar- Itin st. :.-;;-: ;\u25a0

fJOUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfor boose- !' * work; no washing; call Monday niter10 o'clock ;take enr to Dale st. t;:'!» Martin st.

HOUSEWORK— Competent girl for gen--11. eral housework; small family. 771 Day-ton ay.

11OUSKWORK—Swedish girl for generalil housework. 256 Charles st,

HOUSE W KK—A good girl wanted at |IT 414 East Tenth, near Lafayette park; igeneral housework: good wages."

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl forgeneralIT housework; small family; apply 696 Car-rollst.


HOUSEWORK— Wanted; girl forgeneralIT housework. Call at 502 Collins st.

OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl tor gen-IT oral housework; will pay good wages.No. 4fc(" Dayton ay.

IIOUSKWORK— Wanted, German girlforLI genera] housework at 239 Norris st.

LIOUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl forgeneralIihousework In small family. Apply717Rondo st. BBEEBl_jOl'SEWOKK— Wanted, girlfor generalAA housework. Apply348 Van Slyke court,near Olive st.IIOUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl forgeneralIT housework nt once. . 147 Nina ay.

fjOl'SKiVOKK-Girl for general house-AA work:good wages for competent girl103 Wilkin st. . -/- - -HOUSEWORK— Wanted.' a good girlfor0 general housework insmall family.1*36Pine st. . \ .-: .

HOUSEWORK— young girl to aid inIT and learn housework; one without ex-perience and willingtowotk and learn. Ap-plyat 648 Goodrich ay.

11OCSEAVORK— girlfor general—A housework. Apply748 Burr st.

HOUSEMAID- Second girl wanted;

—A Catholic preferred: family, two adults;wages £12. Applymorniugs, 90 Western ay.,


i corner Ashland,

| ITCHEN GlßL—Wanted, good kitchen-IV giriat 31 East Tenth st.

KITCHENGlitL—Girl tohelpinkitchen.IC2 College ay.;

T'ITCHEN WOUK-Wanted, a girl toXV help work m the kitchen. 400 St.Peter st. ::; :•:;;-77 '\


Wanted, a competentla* laundress; reference required. Mrs.E.W. Poet, 27! Summit ay.

F AUNDRVGIRL wanted forHotel Ar-Xj liugtou.Seven corners.

LAUNDRESS— Girl for laundry work;Xj good wages. 162 College ay.


Wanted, anurse to take-care of

I"* a child three years old. Callat 3 CrocusIHillbefore 10 a, in.;reference required,


MACHINEOPKRATORS-Wantcd.fifty. experienced operators on steam power

sewing machines, to make shirts, pants andoveralls. Inquire at factory Lindekcs,'- War-.ner &Schiirineier. :

': >.''

ILES CITY. MONT.—Waitresses, S2O;• great variety of Dlaces at DouglassVln Tlelligence. 35 Seventh. -•



Wanted, an experienced;-V nurse girl; references required. -iSJiWLaurel ay.

TVTL'KSE—GirI to care for two children1^ daytimes; board home. 273; East'Eighth st. -CECON D GIItI

—Wauted, a secoud girlat

O 578 Cedar street. •..':

SECOND GIRLS and nurse girls"wanted.30) Walnut st.


OECOND GIRLwanted. 29.) Laurel ay. •

OEWING GIRL wauted at 56 Iclehart.

SECOND WOKK— Wanted, a competentGerman girlforsecond work;references

required; best wages, tillDayton ay.

STENOGRAPHER— Wanted, competentfemale stenographer in commission

house: salary expected and references. Ad-dress R.P.. (ilobe. \u25a0

WAIST FINISHER— Wanted, first classwaist finisher: also apprentice girls,

at Mrs. Cunnim-ham's, 27 East Seventh.

WANTED—Forty girls forgeneral house-work: the best places and good wages.

Call 359 Selby ay. \u25a0


WANTED— Girls for farms, SI per day;gillsforcity. 34 and £5 per week: free

fare; one Scandinavian coachman who hashad experience; also harvest hands. Alex-ander's Employment Agency. Fargo. N.D.

WANTS-:!)—Twenty-five girls to learn tofinish fur coats. Apply to McKibbiu

&Co., 370 Sibley st.

RExlE ESTATE FOR SAEE. . .S*il>Ua'!*-:iii.

IW'IIL SELL my residence cheap forcash; house convenient; nearly new;

two lake front lots on corner, properly de-sirable. C.C. York. Forest Lake, Minn.


FOR SALE—Look nt So4 laurel ay.: hand-some and best built house on hillwill

be finished this week; all modern improve-ments; hardwood-finished: price low; see


Oi'KUATOKS-Wanted, fifty:ced operators on steam powerics. to make shirts, pants andnire at factory Lindekes, War-[•ier.

l'Y. MONT.—Waitresses, $20;•iety of places alDouglass' In-'evcnlh.XL—Wanted, an experiencedrl: references required, 390

in to care for two children; board home. 275 East


Wauted, a secoud girlatstreet.

lIILSand nurse girls wanted,t st.

LUX wanted. 293 Lame! ay.

lill.wanted at 56 felebart

FORK—Wanted, a competentirlforsecond work;referenceswages. Oil Barton ay.

11-HEK—Wanted, competenttenoftrapber in commission.'.\peeled and references. Ad-obe.

N'lSHKK— Wanted, first classInisber: also npnrentiee girls,ucbam's, 27 East Seventh.

—Forty girls forgeneral house-he best pluccs and good wages.\u25a0ay.

__—Girls for farms, SI per day;r city, SIand S"> per week :freeiidiuavian coachman who hasc; also harvest hands. Alex->yment Agency. Fargo, N.D.—Twenty-live girls to learn tour coats. Apply to McKibbiuej st.


Suburban.LL my residence cheap foris? convenient; nearly new::lots on corner, property de-York. Forest Lake, Minn.liscellaneons.—Look fit $04 Laurel ay.;band-Ibest built house on hill willis week; all modern improve-vood-iinished: price low; see

owner.HEELER _ HOWELL,real estate: lisbargains with them Pioneer Press Bid

WANTED—Offer for lots 1 and 2. block.39. Summit Park addition. 100 feet

front on Summit by250 feet on Oxford St.;must sell; owner leaving city. C. H. tchnitt-ger &Co.. Sclioch Block.



A WORKING HORSE for tale cheap.Applyat 34!) Sherburne ay.'

FOR Second-band top buggy. 338West Seventh, Blacksmith shop.

L"*OR SALE—Columbus phaeton.'

fullA leather top, good as new, cheap. Adam-son, 2t'.9 Bases ay.

FOX SALE— good single drivinghorses, four cheap work horses," two

cheap buggies, two phaetons, two sets singleharness, two lightbuggy poles. This prop-erty must be sold. Room 12, Scbntte Block.

FOR SALE— One good jump-sent top Bug-gy, one set working harness and one

phaeton. IS2 East Eighth st.

17*OK SALE— A good light three-spring'delivery wagon: also a single harness,

122 Manitoba iv.. near Rice st. ;.FOR SALE— handsome a young geld-

ing as here is in the city: good size,sound, stylish, good driver: also a line side-,bar top bugsy a:.d harness if desired. Ad-'dress N4tJ, (Jlobe.

FOR. SALE—Horse, harness and lightde-livery wr.gon at your own price. Ad-

dress F 3.-% 3 DC.

FOR SALE— Second-hand carriages, open-and. top buggies, express and delivery,

wagons, one cab, single and .double -bar- ;nesses. etc. 2 and 4 Bridge square.r-OR SALE CHEAP-Good young nag,—

five years old. Apply760 Wabasha st.

JT'OR SALE— Two carloads of farm maresweighing from 1.200 to 1.500 pounds,

from four to seven years old ; for low pricesand good stock wecan't be beat. Anybodywanting to buy will find it to his interest tofirstcall and see our stock before coins else-where. Minnesota Sale Stable, 110 Fifth st.south. Minneapolis.

FOR SALE—One horse and light expresswagon, as good as new. cheap: must be

sold ;owner leaving,city. No. 424 Lafoud st.,city.

pOIt SALE—Sound, smart pony; saddle orX. buggy. 112 Cedar.

FOR SALE— Five year-old drivinghorsessound and gentle. 402 Fuller st.

HORSES— horses, harness and truckfor $150 it467 Beaumont st.

NOMINATION in Minnesota Breeders'1* stake in the yearling and three-year-oldrace during state fair, Sept. 5 to 10; first twopayments are made. Address promptly,N41, Globe.

-TRADE for a good, strong horse a fullA leather lop buggy; first-class. 547

Olive st.

ITT*ANTED TOBUY—Asingle harness in»» goed condition. Address P 43. Globe.

11/ ANTED—A work horse weighing»V pounds; call Monday morning at

Bercben's woodyard. Western and Coinoays., opposite Great Northern tracks, nearElevator B.

"LOST A*Vl>FOEam.pOWS STRAYED OK STOLEN—yj Strayed or Etoleu from barn in rear ofNo. -tilSummit ay.. two large red cows, onehorned, the other dehorned. Finder willberewarded on returning same.

I100 LOST—Strayed trom 220 summit ay.,XJ a half-clipped black French poodle dog.Finder willIresuitably rewarded by returningto the above number.

OG LOST— On West Third st.. betweenLJ Wabasha and Seven Corners, Thursdayevening, a five-mouths-old fox terrier, white, :with black spot on side, tan and black onears and side of face, short tail;answers toname of Wang; "ss reward for his return toE. Lytle.2:7 Virginiaay.

II ARE FOUND—A roan mare, with hal--lAL ter: weight about 650 pounds. Ownercall at 507Van Buren st.

iI.TONEY LOST—SI7, in three S5 and twoi»l SI bills, July 22, at Lams' furniturestore, a car to Seven Corners or Selby cable.Return and receive reward at 206 Nelson ay.

DOCKETBOOK FOUND inRice st. car.X Call at 170 Rondo st.


—Pair of gold-

O frame spectacles ,either between Tre-mont Exchange and depot, or at race track.The finder will be liberally• rewarded byre- 'turning to cashier Tremont Exchange^ 307Robert st.

*______ TO BAY.

HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC-IT OND HAND CLOTHING. 54 E. 7TH.117 PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE inVV the city for household goods; do not

selluntil you see us. Gardozo Furniture andStorage Company, 43S to 465 Jackson St., be-tween Eighthand Ninth sts.


PUPILS in elocution and dramatic art;A first lesson free; term. Sls. 23, Spruce st.

WANTED—To learn telegraphy from aVV private tutor. Address V 3:5, Globe.; '\u25a0'\u25a0


PIANO TUNER— S.E. Crutchett,A Box 492, Postofflce, St. Paul; price, $1.50;references.


EW AND SECOND-HAND SALOON1* fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool andbilliard tables, counters and shelving, ailsIWashington ay.nortb, .MJnneapoiaa-,


\u25a0'.» :iSITUATIONS _______rV

j itlnlc. -\u25a0' \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0'&

ADVANCE AGENT—Experienced mau•wants situation as advance agent ;'ref-"<

erences. Address U46, Globe. •\u25a0-1"*


APPRENTICE— wanted by *<:boy fifteen years old to learn a light

trade. Address 544 Canada st. \u25a0 t«*i

BAKER wants a situation. Address 72SThomas st. St. Paul. rf

BOYS FOR FLACKS, places for boys;.,-employment bureau for poor boys, free..

Newsboys' Club Room, 313 Wabasha st. ;open"from 11 to 12 a. m.. and from? to 9p. m. r.rBookkeeper

—Wanted, position by

competent bookkeeper, whose term witha wholesale house expired owing illness, ,Address F 45. Globe. . .'; '-.,BOOKKEEPER— A—situation want-,

ed by a young man of twenty-five;-speaks and recos German and English;un-derstands single and double entry bookkeep-ing,and is a good peuman; references given.N49. Globe.. '.'

' "- '

CITY SALESMAN wants occupation: un-derstands commission and general lines

well;can furnish rig if necessary. F 37,Globe.

- -,

DELIVERY. MAN—Wauted, position asdeliverymau; well acquainted with city

and the best of references. Address P 45,Globe.

ENGINEER— Wanted, situation as an ex-pert traction engineer: can do his owu

machine and boiler work. Address J. A.0.,care Nicollet Hotel. St. Paul, Minn. . -v.-a. \u25a0'

HARDWARE CLERK wants position;speaks: German; seven years' experi-

ence. Address A. Ilemarest E6 West Con-.gressst., St Paul. '


MEAT CUTTER—Situation by a first-'A . class meat cutter; nad twelve* years'ex-

periencc in the meat business; weil ac-quainted in the city. Address L.K.19,Globe!

PENMAN— Evening Work— man/good penman, would like to work even-

ings. Address G 47, Globe. W~~' '- -1)HARMAGlST—Wanted, a position by a;

registered German pharmacist, havingyears of experience and best of references.-Address C 29, Globe.OALESMAN

—Wonted, position as travel-O ing salesman or bookkeeper; ten years'experience; city references; Address N 45,Giobe. __STENOGRAPHER— Situation wanted as •—'

stenographer, by young man just leavingschool. Address Room 10. Reunion block.

O.'ENOGKAPHER— \\ anted, portion byO a competent stenographer; moderatewages. "67 Lafayette ay.

WATCHMAN—Situation as night watch-man or janitor by strictly sober, re-

liable elderly man; beat of references given.Address J. Wilson Wood. 407Vi South Robertst., city. -

WATCHMAN—Wanted by middle-aged1V man. situation as watchman, janitor or

any lightemployment. Address F 4.. Globe.

.' UroOD TURNER—Wanted, situation by'»» a first-class wood turner. Address 40J

St Peter st., William Turner.

fF*'111ales. 77"7

COMPANION—Wauted by middle-agedlady of refinement and ability,a position

in private family as companion and generalhelper (no hard work) pleasant homo more-of nn object than salary. Address N37,Globe.

DRESSMAKER— Competent dressmaker'would likesewing in families at once.

237 Rondo st; corner Of Louis st.-

«'\u25a0: .!\u2666*

DRESSMAKER wishes sewiuz in fani^• lies; cutting and fittinga specialty: ref-erences, if required. 417 University ay.vdown stairs.


HOUSEKEEPER— a position as/housekeeper, by a young woman; have*taken care of children. \u25a0 "Address Lucy She**ling.Red Wing. -Minn. -%B_____HOUSEKEEPER- Woman would like-'*'.'place as housekeeper in city orout. 04'West Fourth. : \u25a0

-\u25a0 *'^i

LADIES can find good help; girls waiting iforsecond work. 2* East

~Seventh st./ ;

Room 8. .LADIES in need ofhelp call at "4 Waba-• sha. Mrs. Merryweather. *




wants work 'by the day at Sift)--£1 Address X 10. Globe. . i.»i

OFFICE WOKK— a position nt jwriting or ofiice work. M. L. R., 380 I



OFFICE WORK— Young lady desires a.position to do office work: wages not as Imuch ofan object as experience. Address Z i4>. (.lobe. .SB Family sewing wanted by a I

woman who can cut and fit well: "will 1work for60c and board. Address N43.G10be.

SEWING— Dressmaker would like sewing jO in families out of city. Address Car-penteus. 51 West Exchange st.


SITUATION WANTED—Ladies, leave IO orders at Mrs. Grocchel's Intelligence |Office, 25S Plymouth ay., Minneapolis; goodchance to get help.

STENOGRAPHER— A competent youngladystenoerapber wants position in" some

office; willinjito work the first few weeksfor the experience. Address N44. Globe.

TWO COMPETENT GIRLS want house-work at Fort Snelling. A. Bertram'sIntelligence Office. 57 East Seventh st.

WASHING—a woman wants to go outwashing and housecleaning by the

day and ironing. Call or address No. 142West Fifth st. second door (No. 2). ;:

WASHING—Agirl wants to go out by1* :the day washing or office cleaning.

Call 46 West Ninth."CI7"ASHING.AND IRONING done in» V .and out of the house, at 43 East Eighth

st., corner of Cedar, Inthe rear.

\\fASHING AND IRONING, 25 centsVV per dozen . 147 W est Third st.

\\fASHING AND IRONINGwanted by» * a lady to do at home. £90 Temper-ance.

IWASHING—Wanted, wasbing and iron-

IIingat home. 306 Goodhue, near WestSeventh st.

* ~^WORK FOR BOARD— attending» w Globe Business college would like to

assist in light work in family cf two forboard aud small pay. Address N50. Globe.

______* TO REST.


Wanted to rent, seven-roomhouse, with improvements, including

furnace, on hill, for 525 to $30. Address B.S. C. Globe.

HOUSE— Wanted to rent, eight or nine-room house: modern improvements;

good neighborhood: reut not to exceed 835per month. Address P 44, Globe.

HOUSE— Wanted, furnished house to carefor through fall and winter; best of ref-

erencea given. Address G 41, Globe. „-\u0084.

HOUSE— Six or seven-room house, in nicelocality; rent cheap. .Address -N 42/Globe. .r.y-v

HOUSE— By gentleman and /wife, smallfurnished house or part ofhouse; lower

town preferred. Address F 42, Globe.

ROOMS— Wanted, for young couple withno children, two furnished rooms, use as

bed and sitting room, and one forkitcheu;no objections out. of town, if convenient tocatch car; at present or Ist of September.Address I).11., Globe.

ROOMS— by two young ladies.*two front rooms, furnished or unfuf-

nished. Address J_ Globe, stating terms. o i

ROOMS— Three or four furnished or un-furished rooms or small flat for lig-trt

housekeeping; young couple; hiH preferred.Address V31', Globe.

•a-isC' —**——̂—




OCEAN STEAMERS,TRIP TO PALESTINE leaves NewYork Sept, 3,92 days' tour; a trip to Spain

and Tangiers leaves New York Aug.27. 72idays' tour; all traveling expenses included,first-Ciass. Send for procrammes. £. M.Jenkins, 257 Broadway, New York.


BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES . AND*BILLIARDSUPPLIES :Warerooms, 405 and407; Office and Factory. 411 and 413 Fifth aye-

,nue south,. aVUnueapoUs, Mlnq. . J1

—.""v"- . ''—-


yFOB-REI-ra W 'f_''"

Alio James A tt-Uehain .Renting Agency.


; 77. .''

• Mouses, Ki>l[ \u25a0 %I\iPOTTAGE- six rooms, city water, sewer.•J 255 Fourteenth st, near Canada; rent $10.pOTTAGE-Four-room cottage for rent;V" city water; rent reasonable. Address C,<!* Columbia st \u25a0

r*"OTTAGE— and cold wa-llten bath, furnace: good location, haudyto three tines street cars. Call 311Manhattanbuilding. '-'i**f"HSl

HOUSE— For rent, a good •'seven-roomhouse on Dayton's binff: water,bath

and sewer. Call at 767 East Fourth.' .'.'

HOUSE— 631 Ashland ay.'; first-Class house;nearly new, with all modern improve-

ments. Apply627 Ashland ay. \u25a0• :'7HOUSE rent, house 562 Cedar. Ap--ply526 Canada. . , .;.;*... ;-

- - . \u25a0

HOUSE— Eight-room house,; 347 WalnutSt., in good order; inquire '325 Ramsey.

HOUSE— For rent, 7S Tilton st.; "tenrooms; desirable

'in;every wav; very

reasonable rent. Inquire' St* Paul TitleInsurance and Trust Company, 202 PioneerPress Building.

HOUSE— to rent an eight-roomhouse: modern conveniences: pleasant

location. Address Room No. 805. PioneerPress Building. : .HOUSE— For rent, furnished house of ten

rooms within fiveminutes' walK of oost-officc: jjoU per month. Address P 39. Globe.

HOUSE— Adesirable house to rent; applytoday. 742 Dayton ay.

HOUSE— 436 Ashland ay.. after Sept. 1,one of the most desirable homes on

St. Anthony Hill;twelve large rooms, steamheat and all modern conveniences; largebarn and beautiful shade trees. Inquire onpremises.

HOUSES— For rent, twomodern six-roomhouses on Fuller st G. I.Lawtou,

Room ail. 138 East Sixth st.


Nine-room house - for rent; allmodern improvements;" pleasantly lo-

cated; barn: rent reasonable. 267 Williams,near Mississippi st.

HOUSE— For rent, house, No. 3SS NorthFort St.: eight rooms; fine cellar and

water. \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0.•\u25a0...- --,:\u25a0:

HOUSE— New modern house; hardwoodfinish; five minutes' wall*.- from post-

oflice. R. J. Lewis. 210 Manhattan building.

HOUSE-*, flats, stores, offices and rooms,with and without steam heat. J. W.

Shepard. '.'4 East Fourth.'

HOUSES— Handsomely furnished homes,with large grounds, on Crocus hill. J.

W. Shepard. 94 East Fourth*

'\u25a0..•-,... \u25a0 ..:HOUSE— For rent, a seven-room house,'

with cistern and city water, bath audgas. at 791 Cedar st.

'"'•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' •;""\u25a0""\u25a0

HOUSE— For rent from Sept. 1.. seven-room house; modern improvements; §18.

Cis'lMartin st. ::.*: \u25a0 \u25a0

HOUSE For rent, house of four separateflats, newlybuilt. 672 and 674 Selby,

near St. Albans.

RESIDENCES, cottages and suites ofrooms: coll tomorrow. O. B. Harris,

138 East Sixth. -. -'" '-'\u25a0 •'\u25a0 --*

HOUSE FOR RENT—Fourteen rooms;-bath; two flats;.. Robert, :near Fifth;

cheap. Apply Schram's Renting Agency,Manhattan Building. ;•••,.

MANNING'S RENTINGAGENCY—Da--»— vidson Biock. Corner Fourth and Jack-son Sts.

—Houses, stores and flats for rent in

fill parts of the city. "-''.'- -*•--•-




. Flats.—

Furnished flat of six rooms withgas stove, folding bed, etc. Address F 2S,

Globe. \u0084 . . ' "

FLAT—For rent, a flatof four rooms forhousekeeping. Apply on premises of

ButterJield, b46 Jackson. .-.;-.p *,--i...,.;.i;f-* .;: •

Steam-heated" flats; seven rooms,and large bath; all modern conveniences,

hot water, gas range fixtures,window shades.screens, etc. ;quiet residence neighborhoodand very central; no carfares, inquire 93East Eleventh st. in basement.


To rent flat fiverooms. 10 minutes'walk from business center; modern im-

provements. Call 311 Manhattan Building.

FLATS—Five, three and two rooms; rent$4 to 510; modern conveniences. Apply

25S Nash st. .'-. :.„•.=."\u25a0.;\u25a0.- :.;.. \u25a0'•\u25a0

FLAT— rent, flat, 159 West Seventh St.;five rooms; bath. Inquire Room 19; rent,


FLAT—For rent, elegant seven-room,brown-stone flat; steam heat and all

modern conveniences; 174 College ay.. be-tween Third and Sixth sts. ;possession givenSept. 15. Inquireat The State Savings Bank.

FLATS of six rooms each. 313 and $10;city water; also bed room and kithen. $4.

Williams, Room 70, German-American Bank.

FLAT—Seveu-room flat; Bath room. 670Westminster st. . .

FLAT of seven rooms, all modem con-veniences. Call275 West Seventh or 25

Court Block, opposite court house.

Rooms. \u25a0 . .

A—HOTEL BRUNSWICK", for gentle-'.<• men only; fifty modern steam-heated:rooms byday. week ormouth.

AURORA AY.,169— For rent, three roomsand alcove, with bath ;\u25a0 desirable for

lighthousekeeping. • .BROADWAY,667—For rent three or four

rooms, furnished for housekeeping, onthe first floor; water and bath.

CANADA ST., 544- To rent a large fur-nished front room with alcove: all mod-

em improvements; in a private family: forone or two ladies or gentlemen; veryreason-able.

CEDAR ST.. 637— nicely furnishedfront rooms together; sJeo one other

room. */-**EDAR ST., 630—Nicely furnished room.

CENTRAL AY..62—Four unfurnished orone large furnished room, with alcove ;

lath. \u25a0 \u25a0

C*iHARLES ST., 466—Four unfurnishedJ rooms, with city water.

COLLEGE AY., 21, EAST—Furnishedrooms forrent; board ifdesired; terms'


COLLEGE AY., 20— Cosy bedroom allmodern conveniences: gentlemen only;

references. .. - "\u25a0•-•" .- -"

EIGHTH ST., 16, EAST—Elegant fur-nished front rooms by the week or

month; cheap rent.

EIGHTHST., 313, EAST—Two furnishedrooms for light housekeeping, with

water. nMBL-Jaafln—Eßa—— ———I

l_ _^^_^__^___^_^______

EIGHTH ST., 229— Furnished and unfur-nished front rooms convenient for light

houseKeeping; private family, convenientlocation.

' • HWB

EIGHTHST., Nicely furnished largofront room, bath, pleasant lawn, shade

trees, reasonable rent.'

ELEVENTH ST., 334 EAST—Comer ofPine— For rent, large, handsomely fur-

nished front room, use of bath, etc.;reason-able price; no boarders; good house andgood neighborhood^, ."\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ;

ELEVENTH ST., 0& EAST—Two nicelyfurnished rooms; bath and steam heat-;

private family. \u25a0\u25a0"'•"\u25a0.


Two fur-nished

'rooms, with alcove, also single, ;

for gents: electric light bath, telephone;cheap to right parties.^-- •;..-\u25a0 \u25a0-

FOURTH ST., 52 WEST.—Elegant fur-nished rooms forrent.

-- - -

1-OURTH ST., 50 WEST— One nicely fur-X. nished room for rent.

FULLER ST., 646—

Three '\u25a0\u25a0 large rooms,'with alcove, closets and bath room, to

rent forlighthousekeeping. ".'""

HOTEL BARTEAU,2S— Two adjoiningrooms, suitable for two gentlemen.

HOTEL BARTEAU, Three furnishedrooms for lighthousekeeping.

HOTEL jBARTEAU,'>-.- 23—

Furnishedalcove room, also single room;suite un-

furnished rooms; also apartments. \u0084.JACKSON, 607—Furnished front room for.

two gentlemen or gentleman and wife;board ifdesired. jg-a^-rj-^j;!'^":.*".' \u25a0 '; \u25a0

SKLBV AY.,259—Head of Summit— Newlyfurnished front rooms, with foldingbeds,

use of parlors and privilege of light house-kee*j)ing, for|S and §10, Call after 7£. <% <

._;;'.-\u25a0--;._•\u25a0;....-.. '_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 *-\u25a0 .. r -\u25a0'.- ---

\Z?I <sn_ FOB REST. ;'~y \u25a0

"''\u25a0\u25a0 ".'' Rooms.

fl/|INNESOTAST.. 542—Near High School-lAL —Large furnished room to rent; mod-ern conveniences. _£a___i__Saa___— l6

INTHST.. 156 WEST— Second Floor—"IV;One nicely furnishea room, with parlor,suitable for two Indies.

-NINTHST., 30 EAST—Nicely furnished-

frout rooms:, use of bath, parlor andpiano. - •

ORRIS ST., 252—For rent, two-rooms,furnished or unfurnished; suitable for

small family without children. ':

PLEASANT AY., Neatly furnishedfront alcove, and small uewlv furnished;

near cable. - :

PLEASANT AY.,. 146—Tq let. beautifully\u25a0furnished and unfurnished rooms.

PLEASANT AY., 183—For rent, nicely.... furnished rooms, withbath, for gentle-men or gentleman and wife..ROSABEL ST., 379-Three rooms forrent.

Inquire548 Bradley st,

RONDO ST.. 142—Nicely furnished frontroom; ground floor. : .'' '

RICE ST., 200—Near College Ay.—Fur-nished rooms; large front rooms, nice

and cool, $6 and $7 per month.

ROOMS— rent. . furnished room andIthree unfurnished rooms: -Call 3S Chi-

cago ay., or 54 East Fourth st.

ROOMS-Furnished rooms for gentlemenand ladies; all modern. Call af 234

West Fifthst. ; . - -

ROOMS— rent, four .:rooms, to dress-maker or office. Apply Swem Photo

Studio. Wabasha "Bail -f-Ji fg33)K*T'

ROOMMATE—Young ladyemployed dur-ing the day likes to have a roommate to

a nicely..furnished room with -bath. 544Canada st.

ROOMS— Parties, wanting- fine furnishedrooms, single and en suite, at moderate

rates, call at 228 East Seventh st.

f)OOMS—Furnished frout rooms forrent.-Inquire evenings after 0 and Sundays,

410 East Eighth st.

4JEVENTII ST., 27.*.,. WEST—Three fur-O nished front rooms for man and wife.

EVENT!! ST., 214, WEST— For lent,two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, $6

per mouth; all medern Improvements. '_

SEVENTH ST.', 415, EAST— Parties look-\u25a0 ing for pleasant rooms, furnished or

unfurnished. should call; also rooms for lighthousekeeping.

SEVENTH ST.. 270, EAST—Entrance on£5 Rosabel

—Rooms furnished or unfur-

nished for housekeeping: also large frontroom suitable foroffice or dressmaking.

SEVENTH, 151, WEST— Near seven Cor-.ners—Two large furnished rooms forhousekeeping. W—*4mWmWBB&SBB36g2BESSi

SMITH AY.,137-Corner Sixth-DesirableO- furbished front rooms; private family. :OMITH,AY., 333—Very pleasant alcove\u25ba-J room on second floor, suitable for one ortwo gentlemen; all modern conveniences.

SELBY AY., 553— T0 rent, nice room on•parlor floor; very cheap.

OIXTH,333. EAST—Large furnished froutl—l room with clothes closet. ____OPKUCK ST., 235—Furnished frout room.

\u25baJ \u25a0 with bath, very cheap: 84 per month.

CT. PETER ST., 651—For rent, very largeO front parlor, unfurnished; no housekeep-ing; references exchanged.

ST. PETER ST., 387-Near Sixth—iJ ant furnished rooms; electric lightanabath. .. . - ' '_ .;

ST. PETER ST.. 745—Nicely furnished-front room one side room;cheap.

ST. PETER ST., 639—Newly furnished;•front, single or en suite; all conven-


VJT. PETER ST., NO. 635— For rent, pleas-O ant furnished front room; private fam-ily:gentlemen only.

SUMMIT AY..16—For' rent, a pleasantlyfurnished room; (on Monday).

TENTH ST.. 31 EAST—Furnished rooms;A'also good table board.

TENTH- ST., 203, EAST—Corner Canada:\u25a0!—Large furnished room,with or without

board; all conveniences. :>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

rHIRD ST„159 WEST—Nicely furnishedroom, very cheap.

WELFTH ST.. 101. EAST—For rent, anice furnished front room; suitable tor a


UTOPIA—Nicely furnished front rooms,>:- single oren suite. 493 St. Peter st.

WYXT —NICELYfurnished rooms fac-• » ». ing Rice park, single or ensuite. 343 North Washington st.

\t-ACOUTA ST., Nicely furnishedVV room; also three unfurnished rooms

for lighthousekeeping: hot and cold water.

WABASHA Corner Tenth St, NextDoor to Drug Store— Furnished rooms

for rent.

117 ABASHA."669—Corner Tilton—•*» furnished front room and alcove. withlarge closet, in private family; cheap toright party; call before 2or after 6 p. m.IT7ABASHA ST., 640—For rent, nicely•»V furnished rooms forgentlemen ;goodaccommodations.


STORES 183, 167, 403 East Seventh and 450Jackson for rent; also offices, houses and

rooms. Stees & Co.

STORE— To rent in lively town ot 4.000inhabitants; best location in town; suit-,able forany line of business. Louis Vasaiy, \u25a0

LittleFalls. Minn. '\%.

STORE—Double store with boiler and en-O gine for light manufacturing. AddressF 38, Globe.


STORES and rooms corner Robert andTenth sts. forrent. Inquire 505 Robert st.

OTORE FOR RENT—S6O St. AnthonyO Ay.. Corner Kent St.—Good forany lineof business; fixtures all in forgrocery, aDdmeat market in the same building for" rent;also flats above with all modern improve-ments: rent cheap: call up stairs, third floor.

STORE— For rent, store, 567 Broadway:also 567?4.with livingrooms good



OFFICES— To rent cheap, two first-classoffices in Germania LifeInsurance build-

ing. Applyto Room 6. second floor,NorthernPacific General Offices.

PHYSICIAN would like to meet a physi-cian or deutist who would share office.

Doctor, Globe.


CLEAR LOTS to exchange for a and lot. Call or address 343 Wal-

nutst.EAVILY ENCUMBERED IM-proved property in St. Paul or Minneap-

olis in exchange for lands, lots or cash. Ad-dress G 36, Globe office.


Unincumbered farmproperty and timbered lands for im-

proved St. Paul equities. Call 311 Manhat-tan Building.

TO EXCHANGE—Four clear vacant lotsincity for house and lot, and assume, if

necessary, mortgage of $500 to SI.OOO. Ad-dress 807 Woodbridge.

TO EXCHANGE—A new sewing machinefora double-barreled gun— breech-loader.

Address 913 Charles st.


Wanted, to trade agood safety bicycle for a horse suitable

for the hardware business. Call at 759 estSeventh st.


TO EXCHANGE— business lot. cornerComo and Farrington. to exchange for

farm lands or garden lots.- Address 552Rice st.

OEXCHANGE—Ihave a good house, 69West Jessamine street; will exchange

for vacant lots in or near St Paul. JohnGorman, 69 West Jessamine.

TO EXCHANGE;—Equity in valuablepiece of improved

'Chicago property to

trade for- clear lands, timber or farm, inNorthwest George L.Hendrickson _ Co.,51 East Fourth st.

NEW GOODS given inexchange for yourold gold or silver, or will pay cash.

Frank A.Upham, Jeweler, 109 East Seventhst. _n__H___H_a___


FJ. ROCHEX, N. W.Steam' Dye Works• . office, 416 Robert st, Ryan block works,15 and 57 Indiana ay. -_9adaa*__Saa*B__HttßM

JAMISON*CO., New York Steam DyeWorks; ladies', and gents' clothing a

Fpeciahy. 14 West Sixth st.

KAHLERT* mjntel, Minnesota

;Eteam Dye Works,"244 East Sevenths

AUCTION SAIaE.A.11. jXicoliiy.Auctioneer.

GREAT AUCTIONSALE OF 500 "LOTSat White Bear Beach and Bald Eagle

Lake, near depot: absolute sale to highestbidders ;also choice acre garden lots andacre property for farming purposes, on veryliberal terms of payment. A. 11. Nicolay,Auctioneer, will sell at \u25a0 public auction, onSaturday morning, Aug. 20. "ÜBS. Sale com-mencing at 11 o'clock, on arrival of the 10:35train from -St. Paul, at .White Bear Beachdepot. Free excursion trains on day of saleleave St. Paul union depot at 8:20 a. m.,10:35 \u25a0a. m.

-and 12:19 -p. m.,. and free

luncheon on the grounds. White Bearlake is the Saratoga of the West. Health iswealth ;:pure and invigorating air the besttonic in. the .world. - The north shore ofWhite Bear, lake possesses advantages notequaled or surpassed on any portion of thisnoted lake: excellent fishing; rowing and'sailing unsurpassed; its beautiful, pictur-esaue and. romantic scenery, extending formiles close to this -property, must be seen tobe appreciated; -. for residence pur-poses it -has no ..-superior. This saleotfers --great "inducements for homesfor•• hundreds- of -.- families as well asmarket gardeners and farmers. The acres tobe sold in5, 10, 15 and 20-acre tracts, at theODtion of the •purchaser. It is accessiblenow by the Soo and St. Paul &Duluth rail-roads. The St. Paul :_ White Bear electricline .may also be extended to run by thisproperty: three depots.. also a fourth "depotto be constructed on this valuable property.Terms of sale willbe liberal and announcedon •day of sale. Remember that this im-perial auction takes place Saturday, Aug.20,1892. Don't miss it ifyou desire to makemoney. You can

-secure great bargains at

this -sale and buy at your own prices; nowis your time if you desire to double your in-vestment: the only opportunity in"a life-time.;,For maps, ,handbills and full par-ticulars apply toor address only the NieolayReal Estate Exchange, 111 E.ast*Fiftn st., be-tween Jackson aud -Robert sts. A.11. Nic-olay, Auctioneer. . My Real Estate AuctionSale No. 12.59i. \u25a0_.?

I*.HolloMay. Auctioneer.

AUCTION SALE OF BEAUTIFULLots— lots in Bellevue addition

willbe sold to. the highest bidders ou Satur-day. Aug.20, sale to begin nt 2:110 p. m. Thisproperty lies near West Seventh st. electricline, is immediately the proposed

Mississippi river boulevard and pork system,and commands a delightfulview of the finescenery around Fort.Suelling. Itwillalwaysbe desirable forhomes. Youngmen or oth-ers wishing to make a profitable investmentthat willyield quick returns, willdo well toattend this sale. This is the best time to buyproperty in St. Paul there

'has been for six

years. We will soou.see higher prices allalong the line. Take West Seventh st. elec-tric cars to the grounds. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, the balance, on or before threeyears, with interest at 0 per cent per annum.E.Hoiloway, Auctioneer."

AUCTION SALE of three lots; Iwillsell three lots, 41x135 each, at corner

ofJames and Erie sts. one block north ofOmaha shops, on the ground, Saturday. Aug.13, 'at 3 1 p.m.; they a-e in the same* blockwith Miran's quarry; on these lots all therock has been quarried, except the footingstone; they will be on grade when all therock is out"; the Omaha railroad company isbuilding its new shops to accommodate alarger force; the electric cars on both WestSeventh and Randolph sts. are only twob .aks off: the lots will be sold positively;, i'erms, half cash, half inone or two years;the rubb'e rock and fooling stone now quar-ried willhe sola at same time. Enoch Hal-loway. Auctioneer.

-Summit Avenue Auction Sale.

ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYFEETfront, south-facing, corner of Summit

ay. and Cnatsworth st., by2SO feet deep to agraded alley: gas, water,' sewer, sidewalk;this is the most beautiful coruer on the ave-nue. Willbe sold on the premises Wednes-day afternoon at 4 o'clock, Aug. 17. A.S.Nicolay, Auctioneer.


—"THE.MlNEß"—Pleasant rooms

-——A and excellent board; strangers willfind a pleasant home with modern conven-iences. 162 College ay. and Sixth st.'THKNORWOOD— Eighth, Between—- Jackson and Sibley—Furnished rooms,with board, $4.59 aud 85 per week; tableboard, transients. £1 per day.


Good room and board, 147Pleasant ay.; convenient to business


BOARD—Good board aud room.with bath,at lowest rates, at 245 West Seventh si.,

near Seven Corners.- . \u25a0

BOARD— furnished rooms, withboard; house modern; use of parlor aud

piano. 56 Tilton.

BOARD Nicely furnished room; all mod-ern conveniences; board, with 6 o'clock

dinner. 251 Selby ay.

BOARD—043 Cedar St.— Room and boardfor four gentlemen and two ladies; finest .

location in the city.

BOARD—Wanted, by a respectable widow-lady, one baby or child to board. 736

Ravine St., Dayton bluff. . .BOARD and room: ail conveniences; use

of bath and parlor; homelike; reasoua-ble. 60 Iglehart st. .BOARD— Rooms suitable for one or two

gentlemen: also room, private bath, beau-tifnlgrounds. 254 East Tenth.

BOARD—Pleasant furnished rooms; useof bath, parlor, piano; board 84 per

week. 64 Iglehart st.

BOARD—A pleasant front room for twopersons, with first-class board, at 256

Dayton ay.


Two nicely furnished frontrooms, labia for two. with board, in

private family. 251 Rice st., corner College.


Furnished rooms with board forgentleman, $3.75 per week. ISS East

Tenth st.'

.';... -..\u25a0\u25a0' •

BOARD— Pleasant furnished rooms andboard; prices reasonable. 3t5S North

Exchange.". '

BOARD—Furnished front room; board ifdesired. 30 lirlehart. ...

BOARD—•rooms, with board;

'also table board. 19 East Ninth.

BOARD— Furnished rooms with board ina large modern house; shady yard. 210

East Ninth st.-

BOARD ANDROOM, with private { 257 West Third St.. second floor..1

ROOM AND BOARD: no other board-. ers; front room and alcove. 58 IglehartSt., near Wabasha. " '


WE HAVE a few pieces of very fine dia-*V mond goods that have accumulated,

having been forfeited.left with us as security.We will sell any of these goods fora triflemore than what we advanced. Idon't seewhere you can invest your money to anybetter advantage than to buy first-class dia-monds. You can •have the pleasure of wear-ing them, and can realize within 10 or15 ncrcent of the amount youinvest at any timel.- We willsell you a pairofdiamond eardropsweighing 5 carats, perfect gems, blue whitein color, perfectly matched, extra brilliant,fashionably mounted up; they cost originally8150.00 per carat: we advanced 8400.00 on thispair, and willsell them for 5425.00.

A diamond stud, weighing 3carats; this isa first-water diamond ;there isno gentlemanin St.-Paul wearing a finer diamond in hisshirt front than this one; it's perfectlywhite, with a blue tiuge, sharp and brilliant,and perfectly proportioned; guaranteed with-out a flaw; cost 8200.00 per carat; price,8290.00.

' .Set of three diamond dress studs, extra

fine quality ofdiamonds, weighing about "iscarat each; this set cost $100.00; will sell for860.00. ..'••';;:Adiamond collar t button for 830.00 thatcost probably double that amount: heavyIS-k. mounting; stone weighs % carat, whiteand brilliant. ":*- *

: Diamond stud weighing 1 carat; extra finegoods: good color; cost $100.00, for 835.00..:Another stud weighing % carat, white,nice stone, for$48.03.-A lady's diamond ring, set in Tiffanymounting; stone weighs JU-carat, white, nicegoods, for$35.00. '~m\Km~r*i--

A pair diamond eardrops; weighI*6carats:brilliant, white stones; cost 5150.00, sell for$85.00.: Another pair diamond eardrops, skeletonmounting: stones weigh about 1"4carats each;ANo. 1white diamonds; cost 8300.00, sell for$103.00. -, .

Agentleman's diamond ring; stone weighs2 carats; this stone is a gem; the ring cost$450.00; we loaned 8175.00; will sell for$100.00.

American Mortgage Loan Company, Room7,First National Ban*, St. Paul, Minn.

Goods sent to responsible parties outside ofthe city, with privilegeof examination. . '--.;•\u25a0'

CIIIROI-'OmST.ATIts. _ J. ALLON, chiropodist. 2*-6iAAWest Thirdst, St. Paul; feet treatment.

LOCKWOOD, THE CHIROPODIST—.-- Alldiseases of the feet: 293 aud 294 En-

\u25a0dicott- Arcade, Robert st., between Fourthand Fifthsts.

-: -" '77 -.*-\u25a0 .'.\u25a0'\u25a0

BUSINESS CHANCES.ivlisccllaneousa

BARBER SHOP, for sale cheap; goo«trade: want to leave city. 004 Rice st.

FOR SALE-A well established grocer?for sale; reason forselling, sickness ofowner. Inquire517 University ay.


L*"ORSALE—Fine stock of drugs, doing a,X good busiuess; splendid location, low"rent and every opportunity to. make money;this is one of the best chances fora druggistoffered in a long time;.catch on and get asnap; terms, "part cash, balance good realestate. E. c. Copeland. Camp Douglas. Wis.

PARTNER with 83,500 to 84,000 to takehalf interest in well-established manu-

facturing business in St. Paul; more capitalneeded only object; rejerence required. Ad-dress I." 31. Globe.


RM. NEWPORT A* SON, INVEST• ment Bankers, loan money on Im•roved property in St Paul and Minneap-olis st 6 ier cent "onor before.

"Offices.New Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul, audReeve Building.Minneapolis.

A A —LOANS on furniture, pianos.\u25a0A« horses, diamonds, watches and

sealskin sacques; lowest rates. MinnesotaMortgage Loan Company, Rooms 13, 14. FirstNational Bank Building,corner Fourth andJackson *•** "*rf*B**WWS*lS

BANK STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com-mercial paper, mortgages, securities,

bought and sold. Geo. W. Jenks. InvestmentBanker, Minn. Loan _Trust Bldg.,Mpls.

BORROW- MONEY at Room 1, 303 Jack-"son st, - corner Third,. on furniture,

pianos, diamonds, watches, sealskin sacques,or goods in storage: lowrates and privacy;honorable treatmeut; private room forladies.

CAPITALLOANCOMPANY-Money ta.'loan on furniture, jewelry, watches,"

pianos, horses and carriages.etc.etc. ;partialpayment received. Capital Loan Company.No. 12 Schutte Block, comer Seventh andJackson. B_*-_"__slSH

LARGE AMOUNTS ofmoney to loan ouimproved property' at 5 and « percentSmith. Parker _ Gilman, New York LifeBldg. v ' - -


MONEY TOLOAN at5,6,7, 6,7 and s per cent,J-»-l on vacant or improved cityproperty."J. W. Falllhee. 314 Pioneer Press Building.

[\/lONEY LOANED on lifeinsurance pol«IT- icies; or bought. L.P. Van Norman, .CIGuaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis.

ONEY TO LOAN without delay, from810 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-

elry, etc. :time checks, notes and secondreal estate mortgages bought. Minnesota

'"Loan Co., 117 East Fourth st. •\u25a0''-- "

-P-R-I-V-A-T -£-Money loaned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or goods in storage at lowest rates,and small monthly return •

payments; notes-and mortgages bought; most private loanrooms in the city. Ohio Investment Coni-pauy, i:_ Globe Building*, take elevator. . .


buys, sells mortgages, loans money at"

current rates. W. P.Westtall.sec; E. J .Bar-rngh. treas. '-*3 and 24 Globe Building. ;

rpHE SAVINGS BANK OF ST. PAUL.X corner Fifthand Jackson sts. .always hadmoney to loan at >'\ 7 and 8 per cent, andcharges no commission.

Wil ELE"*._

how _*__ loanmoney atcurrent rates. 301Pioneer Press Bldg.F.MOKITZ.«•« PIONEER CRESS• Building—Mortagago loans madepromptly; ti, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgages


ran SAffaE.

BATH "OUTFIT—For sale," bar*ber's bath-room outfit Inquire ofM.J.Doyle. Soutn St. Paul. .

BARBER'S CHAIR—For sale cheap, sec- :ond-hand barber's chair in good repair.

George Patwell. 57 Fifth st.

BABYCARRIAGE for sale cheap. 421Selby ay. __ \u25a0 --;\u25a0


For sale or ex-change, three barber chair stands, mir

ror stands tor furniture orany valuable. 81West Tenth st.

BENEVOLENT and relief.societies willfind Burton's, 54 East Seventh St., th«

best place to buy second-hand clothing.

BICYCLE—For sale, high grade lady'isafety, cheap. A.L. Haman, 303 Jack,

son.CAGE—For sale, one large square

birdcage, nearly new, chean. 56 EastSeventh. Neitmann. .DUE BILL—For Sale— Anyone purchasing

a piano can save 825 for buying a duebill tor 8100 ou the leading music* house at adiscount of 25 per cent: can be applied onany cash or time purchase. 132 East Con-gress st.

OG FOR SALE—FuII-blooded Llewel.lyu setter. Inquire S. Harper, 866 Ash«

land ay.

DOG— For sale, cheap, a Llewellyn seiteldog. one year old: well bred, and cap

be bought cheap. Price, Sl2. Apply at 84!Goodrich ay.

FOR SALE—Medium size fire ana burglar*proof safe. Address G 96, Globe.

FOR SALE—a choice line of goods forman selling house furnishings through

•country towns. Address P 42, Globe.> m

DOG— For sale cheap, English setter dog,fourteen months old. Applyat Elevator,

corner Western and Selby ays.

FOR SALE Ata great bargain, (17) seven,teen threshing machine outfits in com«

plete order. Some are new. aud the reslof them nearly as good as new; the sep-arators are all Buffalo Pitts style. The en-gines are all traction, straw, wood, or coalburners. (15) fifteen horse power; the cylin-ders are 7Uxl2,return Hue boilers of the'beslstyle. These rigs are complete with every- •

thing thai belongs to a good rig. W e are go-ing to close them out at once at whatevetthey willbring. For prices and terms callon or address 11. Gillett _ Son, Lake City,Minn.

IHAVE a new stock of watches, clocks,silver-plated ware and jewelry In my

bands, as assignee, for sale cheap. Call oraddress No. 140 West Seventh st.. St. Paul,Minn. George L.Kochat,' Assignee.

SAFES— For sale, large double door safe;also medium size, single door. Address

A 70, Globe, .Minneapolis.

SAFES for sale cheap: two good as new(one small and one good size. 422 Waba-

sha st.

SCALES aud coffee mill for:sale cheap;two sets of scales and coffee mill foi

grocery store, good as new. Apply 422 Wa-basha st.

SHELVING at your own price, fit for drygoods store; in good condition, but must

be sold. Inquire at 422 Wabasha st.

SHOTGUN—For sale, good double-barrelbreech-loading shotgun and reloadingoutfit. 810. 40 Valley st.:

——, a

OTOVE—For Quick-Meal gasoline.O stove: one range, some good old lumber,shelving, etc.. for half its value, at 1032 Con .way st.. Dayton's bluff. \u25a0

SJTORE FIXTURES—For sale, fine cigar,'O tobacco and confectionary store fixtures.Inquire 103 South Wabasha st.


For sale, Remington. Typewriter No. 5; new and latest im-

proved; cheap. P. O. Box **W,"St. Paul.MUTE MACHINE for sale; good ai

new; 820. 260 Rice st.

___»_____ '

ARE YOU IN.TROUBLE?. If so, con-suit Madame lua Walker, life reader,

who gives resume ofpast, preseut and future*Itdies, 50 cents; gentlemen. 81; coriespond-

ence promptly answered. Parlors, No. 610Wabasha. ' >


ReliableBusiness Test Medium; also Palmist;

twenty-nine years' experience. 448 Minne-sota st.

ADAME BURNETT'S new massageparlors give Turkish, medicated, sea

salt, plain bath, first-class massage and alco-hol treatment by professional operators. 220West Seventh St., secoud floor; hours: 0 a.m. to 10 p.m.

RS. KATE HOSKINS, psychometric. reader and trance medium, 2254*" WestSeventh st. J 1 i

MRS. M.A.TUSSKY. 223 East Eiahth st."l»L Magnetic and massage treatment fornervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism;;also Turkish baths: hours,- 'J to b p. m.

|\/|RS. WILLIAM, CLAIRVOYANTlA— and maguetist; willgo to your homes.

542 Cedar, up stairs.-


I'— Agency—Ladies, call: flowers preserved. ...Mrs.-',Word worth,' 57 Eighth st. south, Minne-apolis.

RIVATE'HOSPITAL SCHOOL OP -Midwifery—Mrs. H.Steuzel.SSS Martiust,

top related