the slow control adapter for the gbt system -...

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Rev 4.3




The Slow Control Adapter for the GBT System

Alessandro Gabrielli

Kostas Kloukinas

Paulo Moreira

Alessandro Marchioro

Sandro Bonacini

Filipe Sousa

Rev 4.3



1. DOCUMENT HISTORY 18/04/2008 Rev 1.0 28/04/2008 Rev 1.1 07/05/2008 Rev 1.2 26/05/2008 Rev 1.3 28/05/2008 Rev 1.4 12/06/2008 Rev 1.5 18/11/2008 Rev 1.6 27/12/2008 Rev 2.0 16/01/2009 Rev 2.1 22/05/2009 Rev 2.2 26/10/2010 Rev 3.0 20/11/2010 Rev 4.0 23/05/2011 Rev 4.1 16/06/2011 Rev 4.2 20/09/2011 Rev 4.3

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2. GENERAL This document describes the GBT-SCA, a general-purpose integrated circuit for the monitoring and control of the electronics in HEP experiments.

This document focuses on the user-visible aspects of the component such as its logical and electrical interfaces, programming features and operating modes. It also includes detailed descriptions and specifications of the chip pin-out and electrical characteristics.

The Slow Control Adapter (SCA) chip is designed to work in parallel with to the GBT optical link bidirectional transceiver system of which it extends the functionality.

To understand the SCA in a system using GBT links, a brief explanation of a GBT based system is provided in the next section.

2.1. Overview of the GBT System Typical High Energy Physics systems are today composed of three functional subsystems each of which traditionally implements its transmission system from the control room to the electronics located in the detectors. These systems are:

• A fast timing distribution system responsible to deliver to the experiment the system clock and several fast trigger signals, and sometimes some fast signal from the detector to the control room

• A data acquisition link carrying the collected data from the detector to the control room

• A Slow control system carrying bidirectional traffic from and to the control room and the embedded electronics in the detectors

The GBT project aims at providing a bidirectional system carrying all three types of traffics mentioned above. Clearly this is achieved by sharing a common medium, which in the GBT system is expected to be a pair of unidirectional optical fibers each one with a capacity of about 4.8 Gbit/s. An appropriate bandwidth is allocated to each of the three tasks in the GBT system.

The slow control part is one of the subsystems served by the GBT. The GBT protocol is totally transparent to the slow control protocol. The GBT encoded slow control information in the counting room, carries it along the other traffic on the optical fibers, and delivers the information unmodified to the GBT-SCA in the embedded system.

A block diagram of the GBT system in illustrated in Figure 1

The GBT system consists physically of a dedicated ASIC called GBTX in the embedded electronics and of an FPGA called GBTFA containing several GBT channels in the counting room. The GBT-SCA is connected physically to the GBTX, which implements the long-haul transmission medium for it.

As the GBT system is based on a point-to-point architecture, the slow control system consists essentially in a local area network using a point-to-point topology.

The bandwidth allocated by the GBT system to the slow control function is 80 Mbit/s.

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Figure 1 Control module, simplified view

The arrangement shown in the figure assumes that the connection between the GBT13 and the GBTFA is done via optical fibers, the connections between embedded Control modules is done electrically using low voltage differential lines (LLVDS).

2.2. Overview of the GBT-SCA Architecture

A complete system for the control of the embedded electronics is normally composed of the following four components:

• A computer in a remote control room is the brain of the system: it runs an operating system and an application program that by performing remote actions on an SCA is capable of reading and writing the user registers in peripheral chips connected to the SCA peripheral ports.

• A transport network, in this case the GBT system, carries physically information under the form of packets in a unified format between the counting room and the embedded SCA.

• The SCA itself is the embedded node of the system and translates the unified packets sent by the computer above into a transfer to one of the peripheral ports or an action performed by one of the embedded peripherals.

• The SCA has two independent e-ports to connect to the GBTs. One of the two ports is primary and must be connected in any case. The second one is to be used if two different GBTs need to share the slow-control. In this way, even if one of the two e-link brakes up, the second one can take the control of the SCA. Thus, this schema allows interfacing with one individual SCA

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through two different GBTs. In this way an automatic double e-port redundancy is guaranteed. A block diagram of this redundancy is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 E-port Redundancy

• The peripherals to the SCA are electronic components accessible via one of the buses implemented in the SCA. These buses are, for example, I2C, JTAG, parallel I/O bus etc, as we will explain in detail below. In an HEP experiment these components can be front-end chips dedicated to the read-out of specific detectors, or monitoring chips for the control of environmental variables such as local voltages, temperatures etc.

The communication protocol used between the control remote computer and the peripheral chips is a system is based on two layers:

• The first layer connects the remote control computer to the SCAs; the protocol on this layer is message based and is implemented in a way similar to standard computer LAN networks. In the GBT-SCA system, the GBT is completely agnostic to this protocol; packets from the remote computer to the SCA are transmitted unmodified by the GBT link.

• The second layer connects the SCA to the peripheral chips in the system via so called Channel Ports. The protocols used here are called the Channel Protocols.

The first layer is unified and common to all SCAs, and is based on LAN architecture transporting data packets to and from the GBT and remote controllers. The second layer is specific to the channel, and different kind of physical implementations of the channels are foreseen.

The SCA contains the blocks as shown in Fig. 3:

• On the GBT side

• A MAC Controller

• A Network Controller (NC). The SCA internal control and status registers are seen through a special interface capable for instance to report the status of the other SCA channels.

• An Arbiter, based upon Round-Robin technique, to enable the user ports, the monitors or the NC, one at a time, to send data backwards towards the GBT upon reply of previous requests. In this view the NC is also seen like the other ports and if a command is addressed to the NC, it sends an enable request to the Arbiter before sending data backwards.

• On the user side the SCA has a number of channel ports, sometimes including dedicated controllers, and organized as follows:

• A group of 16 I2C master controllers

• One JTAG master controller

• A set of 32 analog inputs plus 2 internal channels - 6-bit addressing - for temperature and supply voltage monitoring. These channels are routed to a 12 bit analog to digital converter.

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• A group of 4 8-bit fully programmable and bidirectional IO ports, functionally similar the ones used in the Motorola PIA etc. These ports are multiplexed with the Memory Channel to save I/O pads. The selection is made via a hardwired input pin.

• One memory-like bus master controller with 8 bit data and 16 bit address data path, to access devices such as static memories, A/D converters etc. As stated above, this port is multiplexed with the 4 PIA ports.

• One serial SPI master bus.

• One 12-bit, 32-channels, to be used one at a time, ADC port.

• One 8-bit, 1-channel, DAC port.

• 4 asynchronous external interrupts. These interrupts are continuously polled by the NC that provides a dedicated packet backwards to the GBT to let the users aware of the interrupt requests.

The communication between these user accessible ports and the Network Controller handling the high level protocol with the remote computer is done via appropriate internal buses and is not visible by the user of the SCA.

The dual network layer architecture introduced above is necessary to support applications where long cables/fibers are used between the control room of the experiment and the embedded SCA (therefore generating long delays) and to support the relatively slow buses chosen to interface to the front end chips, such as the I2C bus. This architecture assumes that the control is done by sending data packets (messages) to the respective channels, which interpret the messages as commands, execute them on their external interfaces (for example just a read or write operation to a memory bus) and return a status reply to the GBT via another message. The commands can be either addressed to registers located within the channel ports – configuration registers – or to devices located in the far front-end. In this latter case the command interpretation and execution is demanded to the front-end electronics.

This protocol assumes that the remote devices controlled by the SCAs are seen from the control computer as remote independent channels, each one with a particular set of control registers and/or allocated memory locations. The channels operate independently from each other to allow concurrent transactions. The channels can perform transfers to their end-devices concurrently.

To decouple the operation on the channel ports with respect to the one of the GBT link, the architecture assumes that all operations on the channels are asynchronous and do not demand an immediate response. Basically this means that all commands carried by the GBT link under the form of network messages are posted to the channel interfaces. This is easy to implement for write operations, where practically one works by posting write operations to the channels. For read operations a read request is sent to the channel; the channel performs the operation on its interface and returns a request of attention to the Arbiter. All upwards packets are acknowledged via either status or data words depending on the command type. Read commands send data backwards, which are auto-acknowledged; write commands send just the status of the channel as a backward reply.

Figure 3 shows the GBT-SCA architecture as described above. A few details concerning the internal channels are also provided. Figure 4 instead shows a block schema of the MAC controller.

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Figure 3: block diagram of the GBT-SCA:

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Figure 4: MAC to Network Controller interface

2.3. Radiation tolerance features To be able to operate in an LHC environment, the SCA is designed with some rad-tolerant features. These features include:

• Resistance to high total ionizing dose (TID) as required by LHC electronic systems

• Inclusion of triple redundant circuitry on some critical logic blocks for single event effects (SEE) robustness.

Critical control state machines and logic are protected by redundancy. This will be implemented using either spatial or temporal redundancy as required.

The data path on the SCA instead is not protected by redundancy and errors that will occur due to SEE will be detected through parity mechanisms. Such errors are not critical for the operation of the SCA, as corrupted commands can be re-executed by the remote controlling software.

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3.1. The protocol

The SCA exchanges information with the remote computer using as transport layer the GBT link. The packets exchanged along this route are of a unified format. The remote computer typically initiates all actions by sending some commands to the SCA which then translates this command into an action to be performed onto one of its peripheral ports.

The connection between the remote computer and the embedded SCA is of a point-to-point type therefore no addressing information is needed to be dispatched to the SCA along the GBT link.

To acknowledge reception of each command packet, the SCA returns the received packet to the remote computer. In this way the remote computer knows that the command has been received at the destined SCA.

The link between the SCA and the computer (through the GBT) exchanges only two types of packets:

• IDLE: when no useful information is to be sent, an idle is inserted by the transmitter and discarded at the receiver. This packet is a single byte long.

• DATA: Useful information is instead encapsulated in a structure which is defined as follows:

o A Start Of Frame (SOF) byte

o PAYLOAD bytes

o A CRC byte

o An End Of Frame (EOF) byte

The length of this packet is variable and delimited by the EOF byte. The MAC reads also the content of the LEN byte (see below) in the PAYLOAD and checks that the length of the packet is correct by verifying that the last byte is indeed an EOF byte. The MAC also verifies the correctness of the CRC.

The MAC adapter strips the SOF, CRC and EOF at the input of the SCA, and only the PAYLOAD content is delivered to the internal part of the SCA.

The SCA can also generate packets to the control computer. Such messages are generated, for instance, upon generation of an interrupt in the SCA and upon completion of a read operation on an external peripheral port. In any case the SCA acknowledges the packets coming from the GBT via a so-called acknowledge packet. Figure 5 shows the forward and backward packet communications.

When not transmitting useful data packets, the SCA generates idle packets. These idle packets are the same in both directions.

Figure 5: SCA Packet communication system

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3.2. PAYLOAD Format The content of the PAYLOAD section is depicted below:

Figure 6: SCA-to-Port Command Packet example

Figure 6 shows how a command is sent to a specific port. In any case a reply - Fig. 7 - is foreseen and this is sent back with a different PAYLOAD. In particular, the ACK byte is used to state the command status. In this way is the command has been correctly received by the addressed port is visible through the ACK byte. Only the RESET commands sent to the ports are not acknowledged with a reply packet.

Figure 7: Port-to-SCA Reply Packet example

This is delivered by the SCA Node Controller to the channel identified by the CHAN field.

The different field are defined as follows::

• CH# specifies the SCA internal port to be addressed – i.e. I2C, JTAG, NC, SPI, etc. -,

• TR# is a byte used to identify the operation being carried out. This value is returned during the acknowledgement of completion of operations by the SCA to the remote computer.

• CMD is a command code that specifies a given operation to be performed on a channel port. The operation can refer to a specific internal register of the channel – i.e. a configuration register – or to a n external bus related operation, such as, for example, an I2C read or write. In this case an address field follows the command.

• DATA is a command dependent variable length field.

• LEN is an optional field that specifies the PAYLOAD length and can be considered as part of the DATA field.



DATA Optional (LEN)

1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 to N bytes




1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 to N bytes

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4.1. General Channels receive commands from the node controller and control the actions on the bus to which they connect as masters. These commands are contained in the data packet and therefore data contents, in a given packet, interpreted differently by each channel.

The command sub-field (typically the third byte in a message to a channel) contains the code for the requested operation. Each channel has a set of valid commands as explained in this chapter. Channels receiving an invalid command do not execute any action and report the error condition to the node controller.

Upon reception of a command a channel performs the required operation on its interface and then, depending on the specifics of the command, can return a reply to the node controller as a data block, which is then transmitted, to the destination in a message packet.

The distinction between channels at the level of the GBT is performed essentially by software.

The following paragraphs specify the content of the packets for each type of channel.

In this implementation, the GBT-SCA does not support command queuing for the I2C channels. Only one command can be in execution at any one time.

4.2. Allocations of channels in the GBT-SCA Each channel in a network data packet (message) is identified by the first data byte in the data payload. The following table gives the internal address allocation for channels in the GBT-SCA:

Channel Number [Hex]


0x00 Network Controller

0x02 Master SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)

0x10−0x1F Master I2C Channels (16 identical)

0x30−0x33 Master PIA Channels (4 identical)

0x40 Master Memory Channel

0x60 Master JTAG Channel

0x70 1 out of 32 selectable Analog Input Channels (ADC)

0x80 1 DAC Analog Output Channel

0xAA SCA Reset channel, if combined with 0xAA command

0xFC Interrupt Channel 0, not addressable, active low

0xFD Interrupt Channel 1, not addressable, active low

0xFE Interrupt Channel 2, not addressable, active low

0xFF Interrupt Channel 3, not addressable, active low

Figure 8: Channel number allocation

The 0xCF-0xFF addresses are reserved for the interrupts so cannot be used for TR# and CH#

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4.3. GBT-SCA controller

The GBT-SCA controller is a dedicated logic block inside each GBT-SCA, which is needed mainly for network and internal channels supervision. The GBT-SCA controller is reachable with the same protocol used to transfer data to the other port channels.

The following registers are defined in the controller:

Name Function

CRA Control Register A - general

CRB Control Register B – I/O Port Enable

CRC Control Register C – I/O Port Enable

CRD Control Register D – I/O Port Enable

CRE Control Register E – I/O Port Enable

SRA Status Register A

SRB Status Register B

Figure 9: Control and Status registers in GBT-SCA Controller

Control registers are all read/write registers. They can be read back after a write operation to verify their contents. Status registers are read-only registers, as they are set typically by hardware inside the GBT-SCA. Control Register A

Control register A is a general control register for the GBT-SCA. It contains control bits, which are relevant for the operation of all channels in the GBT-SCA.

The following bits are defined:

Bit Name Function Comment

0 MEM_PIA Memory vs PIA selection

Default at 0 to select the 4 PIA ports. When at 1 Memory channel is available

1-4 Reserved

5 EXTRES Generates external reset

Writing a “1” to this bit generates a 10 microseconds reset pulse on the ResetOutZ pin. This bit is always read back as “0”.

Read as a “1” during the reset time.

6 CLRE Clear error Writing a “1” to this bit clears all internal error flags. The bit is always read back as “0”

7 RES Reset All Channels Cold reset for all channels, but not for the node controller, writing a “1” to this bit generates a general reset. This bit is always read back as “0”.

Figure 10 Network Controller control register A

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13 Control Register B-C-D-E

The node controller Control registers B-C-D-E are defined to enable, individually, the ports in such a way that if any port is disabled, it does not receive the clock. In this way the power consumption can be reduced at the lowest value according to the user constraints.

Bit Name Function Comment

B-0 B0 Enable port I2C-0 Enable address 0x10

B-1 B1 Enable port I2C-1 Enable address 0x11

B-2 B2 Enable port I2C-2 Enable address 0x12

B-3 B3 Enable port I2C-3 Enable address 0x13

B-4 B4 Enable port I2C-4 Enable address 0x14

B-5 B5 Enable port I2C-5 Enable address 0x15

B-6 B6 Enable port I2C-6 Enable address 0x16

B-7 B7 Enable port I2C-7 Enable address 0x17

C-0 C0 Enable port I2C-0 Enable address 0x18

C-1 C1 Enable port I2C-1 Enable address 0x19

C-2 C2 Enable port I2C-2 Enable address 0x1A

C-3 C3 Enable port I2C-3 Enable address 0x1B

C-4 C4 Enable port I2C-4 Enable address 0x1C

C-5 C5 Enable port I2C-5 Enable address 0x1D

C-6 C6 Enable port I2C-6 Enable address 0x1E

C-7 C7 Enable port I2C-7 Enable address 0x1F

D-0 D0 Enable port JTAG Enable address 0x60

D-1 D1 Enable port PIA-A Enable address 0x30

D-2 D2 Enable port PIA-B Enable address 0x31

D-3 D3 Enable port PIA-C Enable address 0x32

D-4 D4 Enable port PIA-D Enable address 0x33

D-5 D5 Enable port SPI Enable address 0x02

D-6 D6 Enable port Memory Enable address 0x40

D-7 D7 Enable port ADC Enable address 0x70

E-0 E0 Enable port DAC Enable address 0x80

E-1 E1 Enable port Interrupt0 Enable address 0xFC

E-2 E2 Enable port Interrupt1 Enable address 0xFD

E-3 E3 Enable port Interrupt2 Enable address 0xFE

E-4 E4 Enable port Interrupt3 Enable address 0xFF

E-5 -

E-6 -

E-7 - - -

Figure 11 Control register B in node Controller

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14 Status Register A

The node controller status register A is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

0 Err CHN Flag Error invalid channel

1 Err ERR Flag Error error bit on AI

2 Err TR Flag Error invalid Transaction (FF is reserved for Interrupts)

3 Err CMD Flag Error invalid command


7 GE This bit is the global OR of all error bits generated in any channel in the GBT-SCA.

Figure 12 Node Controller status register A Status Register B

The status register B is an 8-bit register containing the transaction number (TR#) of the last correctly received command for any of the GBT-SCA channels. This is necessary to support the case when a packet traveling through the network gets corrupted after having reached the destination and the GBT has to find out whether the packet had already reached its destination or not. Command codes

The following table summarizes the commands accepted by the node controller for operations on its registers. Below CH# is 0x40 except for “SCA Reset”.

Command CMD


Command and

Reply Formats


Write CRA 0x00 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA

The CRA is written with a byte

Write CRB 0x01 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRB

The CRB is written with a byte

Write CRC 0x02 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRC

The CRB is written with a byte

Write CRD 0x03 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRD

The CRC is written with a byte

Write CRE 0x04 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRE

The CRE is written with a byte

Read CRA 0x10 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA

Read CRA

Read CRB 0x11 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRB

Read CRB

Read CRC 0x12 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRC

Read CRC

Read CRD 0x13 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRD

Read CRD

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Read CRE 0x14 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRE

Read CRE

Read SRA 0x20 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA

Send back the status register A

Read SRB 0x21 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRB

Send back the status register B

Reset 0xFF C: CH# + TR# + CMD


Reset the NC

SCA Reset 0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA


Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 13 Commands for the Network Controller

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4.4. I2C Channel

The I2C interface implements normal 7 bit addressing, long 10 bit addressing I2C transactions and extended RAL mode transfers. The operations performed by the I2C interface are:

• Single byte read-write with normal 7 bit I2C addressing

• Single byte read-write extended I2C with 10 bits addressing

• Multi byte read-write extended I2C with 10 bits addressing I2C interface registers

Several registers control the operation of the I2C interface and are implemented in each of the 16 I2C channels. The registers are cleared at reset.

Name Comment

CRA Control register A

MSK Mask register for logical operations

SRA Status register A

SRB Status register B

Figure 14 Control and Status registers in I2C channel

4.4.2. I2C Control registers The Control register A in the I2C interface is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

1-0 SPEED Denotes the speed of operation of the I2C interface (SCL clock rate):

00 – 100 kHz

01 – 200 kHz

10 – 400 kHz

11 – 1 MHz




5 EBRDCST Enable broadcast operations.

Once set to “1” this bit enables the channel to accept I2C broadcast operations. This bit is initialised to “0” after reset.

6 FACKW Force acknowledge for write or RMW operation

Write operations and RMW operations, which do not generate errors, are not acknowledged. Setting this bit to “1” forces an acknowledgement packet. This bit is cleared at reset.


Figure 15 Control register A in I2C interface

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4.4.3. Logical mask register This register can be written with an 8-bit value, which is used during logical operations on the I2C bus. Read-modify-write operations and can only be executed in single-byte mode.

Three basic operations are allowed: Logical AND, Logical OR, Logical XOR and are performed in the following way:

1. the I2C interface reads a byte from the specified address

2. a logical operation is performed with the mask register value

3. the result is written back into the I2C address

4. the original value is returned to the GBT (if CRA[6] is set).

4.4.4. I2C Status Registers Several registers are used to report the status of the I2C channel Status Register A

This register contains the following information:

Bit Name Function

0 Flag_error_Byte2NC This bit reports the reply from the I2C port to the NC. It is set if the reply word to the NC fails.

1 Flag_error_PortBusy This bit reports I2C port busy status. If a new command arrives when the port is still busy the flag is set.

2 SUCC This bit is set when the last I2C transaction was successfully executed.

3 I2CLOW This bit is set to ‘1’ if the I2C master port finds that the SDA line is pulled low (“0”) before initiating a transaction. If this happens the I2C bus is probably broken. The bit represents the status of the SDA line and cannot be reset.

4 Flag_error_rw This bit is set if the commands that requires a specific code for read and write operations make conflicts the command code.

5 INVCOM This bit is set if an invalid command was sent to the I2C channel. The bit is cleared by a channel reset.

6 NOACK This bit is set if the last operation has not been acknowledged by the I2C slave acknowledge. This bit is set/reset at the end of each I2C transaction

7 GE This bit is set if any error has occurred on the I2C channel and is cleared only by a channel reset command

Figure 16 Status register A in I2C interface Status Register B

Status register B contains the number of the last correctly executed transaction (TR#). This register is overwritten after every I2C transaction except read and write operations to/from the control and status register.

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4.4.5. I2C Commands The following table summarizes all the commands accepted by the I2C channels. Below CH# is 0x10-0x1F except for “SCA Reset”.

Command CMD


Command and Reply Format

Single byte write normal mode 0x00 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A7 + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Single byte read normal mode 0x01 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A7

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Single byte write extended mode

0x02 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A[9:8] + A[7:0] + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Single byte read extended mode

0x03 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A[9:8] + A[7:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-AND in normal mode 0x80 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A7

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-OR in normal mode 0x81 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A7

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-XOR in normal mode 0x82 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A7

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-AND in extended mode 0x83 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A[9:8] + A[7:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-OR in extended mode 0x84 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A[9:8] + A[7:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

RMW-XOR in extended mode 0x85 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + A[9:8] + A[7:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Multiple Byte Write in extended mode

0x86 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + LEN + A[9:8] + A[7:0] + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Multiple Byte Read in extended mode

0x87 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + LEN + A[9:8] + A[7:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Write Control register A 0xf0 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Read Control register A 0xf1 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Read Status register A 0xf2 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Read Status register B 0xf3 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Write Mask register 0xf6 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

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R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

Read Mask register 0xf7 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

I2C channel reset 0xff C: CH# + TR# + CMD


SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 17 Commands for I2C channel

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4.5. ADC channel

4.5.1. ADC Commands The commands used for operating the ADC interface are defined in this paragraph. Below CH# is 0x70 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format

ADC Reset channel 0xFF C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: none

Write control register 0xF0 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CR

Read Control Register 0xF1 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CR

Read Status Register 0xF2 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SR

Write ADC register 0xF3 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + ADR<X,X,5:0> + DATA

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SR

Read ADC register 0xF4 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + ADR<X,X,5:0>

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 18 Memory Bus channel Commands

NB. Here the ADC Reset and SCA Reset commands force the ADC internal channel to be reset for 20 clock cycles. There are 32 external inputs for the ADC module plus 2 internal channels - 6-bit addressing - for temperature and supply voltage monitoring. The architecture of the ADC is shown in Figure 32.

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Figure 19 SCA_ADC architecture

4.5.2. ADC Blocks The ADC contains the following main blocks: • a wishbone slave interface,

• a bandgap voltage reference,

• a 12-bit ADC,

• calibration registers,

• conversion and Calibration Logic

• a set of fuses that fixes the bandgap voltage reference.

The access to the internal registers of the ADC is available through a wishbone interface. The user can select one of the ADC input channels, start an ADC acquisition and read the ADC output simply by accessing different registers. A bandgap voltage reference gives to the ADC a stable reference voltage which can be adjusted for a specific voltage by fusing the fuses. The reference voltage can also be adjust by adjusting the value of the bandgap register. Specifications • Digital interface I/O: Wishbone Standard Protocol

• Operating temperature range: -50°C -> +80°C

• Power consumption: < X??XmW (VDD = 1.2V, T = 25°C ⇒ I = X??X mA) ?????

• Supply voltage: single VDD @ 1.2V

• Clock frequency: 40MHz

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4.5.1. SCA_ADC Internal Registers The ADC contains thirteen user-accessible registers, which are listed in Table 1. Three registers [SREG, DLREG, and DHREG] are read only. All the others are write/read. However only ICREG and CALREG can be written at any time, the others may be written with some time restriction [see details on the definition of each registers]. To address a specific register 4 bits are used, the address for each register is indicated on the table below.

Wishbone address

ADR_I<3:0> Register name Default content

[after reset]

0 0000 Status Register SREG - 1 0001 Control Register CREG 0000_0000 2 0010 Input Channel Register ICREG 0000_0000 3 0011 Data High Register DHREG 0000_0000 4 0100 Data Low Register DLREG 0000_0000 5 0101 Calibration Register CALREG 0000_0000

6 0110 BandgapCal High Register BGHREG <fuses>

7 0111 BandgapCal Low Register BGLREG <fuses>

8 1000 GmCal High Register GMHREG 0000_0001 9 1001 GmCal Low Register GMLREG 1111_1111

10 1010 IdCal High Register IDHREG 0000_0001 11 1011 IdCal Low Register IDLREG 1111_1111 12 1100 Test Register TREG 0000_0000

Table 1. The SCA_ADC register file Status Register (SREG)

The Status Register is used to inform the user of the actual state of the converter.

Bit(s) Name Description 7 ready If “1” ready for a new conversion

6 done If “1” conversion is finished and the value is available in DATA

5 calibrating Calibration in progress 4 converting Conversion in progress 3 sleeping If “1” ADC is in power save mode 2 testing If “1” ADC is in test mode

<1:0> UNUSED

Table 2. Bit assignment of Status register (SREG).

ready: when [SREG<7> = “1”] the ADC is prepared to follow a new command. done: if [SREG<6> = “1”] it means that the value on the Data registers is ready to be fetched. Otherwise the value on DHREG and DLREG are not meaningful. calibrating, converting, sleeping: reports the actual state of the converter. Control Register (CREG) [write/read]

This register is used to control the converter. This registers can only be written when [SREG<7> = “1”] or [SREG<3> = “1”], this is, the converter is “ready” or in “power save” state.

Bit(s) Name Description

7 RESET “1” to reset and after it is automatically set to “0” after reset

6 WAKE UP “1” to end the “power save” mode

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5 CALIBRATE “1” to calibrate the ADC and in the end is automatically set to “0”

4 CONVERT “1” to start an A to D conversion and in the end is automatically set to “0”

3 SLEEP “1” to set ADC in “Power save” mode <2:0> TEST MODE “111” to start test mode

Table 3. Bit assignment of Control register (CREG).

reset: setting this bit to “1” all the register will be set to their default value. This bit is also set automatically to “0” during the reset state. wake_up : setting [CREG<6> = “1”] when the ADC is in “power save” state will make the ADC leave that same state. Otherwise the bit CREG<6> will have no effect. In both cases the bit is set “0” on the following clock cycle. calibrate: when [CREG<5> = “1”] the converter will start the calibration routine if the converter is “ready ” [SREG <5> = “7”]. After the calibration routine start the bit is set to “0”. convert: when [CREG<4> = “1”] the converter will start the calibration routine if the converter is “ready ” [SREG <5> = “7”] and [CREG<5> = “0”]. After the calibration routine start the bit is set to “0”. sleep: if [CREG<3> = “1”] and only when [CREG<5> = CREG<4>= “0”] the converter will enter in the “power save” state. This bit is only set to “0” by the user or if the converter is reset. Which means that while this bit is “1” and if no more command are to be done the converter will enter/stay in the power mode state. test_mode: when [CREG<2:0> = “1”] the test mode is enable. Input Channel Register (ICREG)

This register will select the input channel from which the ADC will convert.

Bit(s) Name Description <7:6> UNUSED <5:0> CHANNEL Selects the ADC input channel

Table 4. Bit assignment of Input channel register (ICREG). Data High/Low Registers

When [SREG<6> = “1”] the value stored in DATA is the result of the last acquisition.

Register Bit(s) Name

DHREG <7:5> UNUSED <4:0> DATA<12:8>

DLREG <7:0> DATA<7:0>

Table 5. Bit assignment of Data High and Low registers (DHREG/DLREG). Calibration Register (CALREG)

Bit(s) Name Description 7 Enable_bgCal “1” to use bgCal instead of fuses 6 Enable_gmCal “1” to allow the user to write into gmCal register 5 Enable_idCal “1” to allow the user to write into idCal register

<4:0> UNUSED

Table 6. Bit assignment of Calibration register (CALREG).

Enable_bgCal: when set [SREG<7> = “1”] bits {BGHREG<1:0>, BGLREG<7:0>} can be changed to set the badgap voltage to another value. Enable_gmCal : when set [SREG<6> = “1”] bits {GMHREG<1:0>, GMLREG<7:0>} can be changed to set another value for the maximum charge current.

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Enable_idCal : when set [SREG<5> = “1”] bits {BGHREG<1:0>, BGLREG<7:0>} can be changed to set the another value for the maximum discharge current. BandgapCal High/Low Registers:

Register Bit(s) Name

BGHREG <7:2> UNUSED <1:0> bgCal <9:8>

BGLREG <7:0> bgCal<7:0>

Table 7. Bit assignment of BandgapCal High and Low registers (BGHREG/BGLREG). GmCal High/Low Registers

Register Bit(s) Function/internal signals

GMHREG <7:2> UNUSED <1:0> gmCal <9:8>

GMLREG <7:0> gmCal<7:0>

Table 8. Bit assignment of GmCal High and Low registers (GMHREG/GMLREG). IdCal High/Low Registers

Register Bit(s) Function/internal signals

IDHREG <7:2> UNUSED <1:0> idCal <9:8>

IDLREG <7:0> idCal<7:0>

Table 9. Bit assignment of IdCal High and Low registers (IDHREG/IDLREG). Test Register (TREG)

The bit allocation of the Test Register is described below:

Table 10. Bit assignment of Test register (TREG).

noWait : when set [TREG<2> = “1”] the change from the charging phase to the discharge phase is made in one clock cycle, this is, without having a clock cycle where the capacitor is not charging nor discharging. noGM, noID : When both are “1” and if test mode active no calibration routine is performed. Register Access via the wishbone bus

WISHBONE is a system-on-Chip (SOC) interconnection architecture for portable IP cores, which define parallel communication protocol between IP cores. (1) The ADC has a Wishbone Slave Interface that allows the user to read and write on the registers. Interface description:

Bit(s) Name Function <7:3> UNUSED

2 noWait When “1” the change from the charging phase to the discharge phase is made in one clock cycle, this is, without having a clock cycle where the capacitor is not charging nor discharging

1 noGM If testing mode is active this bit should be set equal to CALREG<6> 0 noID If testing mode is active this bit should be set equal to CALREG<5>

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Input Pin Activity Description CLK_I – Clock input RST_I HIGH Synchronous reset

WE_I HIGH Write Enable input indicates the current local bus cycle: HIGH for write cycles, LOW for read cycles

CYC_I HIGH Cycle input indicates that a valid bus cycle is in progress. STB_I HIGH Strobe input indicates that the slave is selected.

ADR_I[3:0] – Address input bus DAT_I[7:0] – Unidirectional data input bus

Output Pin Activity Description

ACK_O HIGH Acknowledge output indicates the termination of a normal bus cycle

DAT_O[7:0] – Unidirectional data output bus

Table 11. Wishbone signals

4.5.2. Supported cycles SINGLE READ Cycle

Figure 20 shows a SINGLE READ cycle. The bus protocol works as follows: CLOCK EDGE 0: MASTER presents a valid address on [ADR_I()] . MASTER negates [WE_I] to indicate a READ cycle. MASTER asserts [CYC_I] to indicate the start of the cycle. MASTER asserts [STB_I] to indicate the start of the phase. SETUP, EDGE 1: SLAVE decodes inputs, and responding SLAVE asserts [ACK_O]. SLAVE presents valid data on [DAT_O()]. SLAVE asserts [ACK_O] in response to [STB_I] to indicate valid data. MASTER monitors [ACK_O], and prepares to latch data on [DAT_O()]. CLOCK EDGE 1: MASTER latches data on [DAT_O()] . MASTER negates [STB_I] and [CYC_I] to indicate the end of the cycle. SLAVE negates [ACK_O] in response to negated [STB_I]. SINGLE WRITE Cycle

Figure 21 shows a SINGLE WRITE cycle. The bus protocol works as follows: CLOCK EDGE 0: MASTER presents a valid address on [ADR_I()]. MASTER presents valid data on [DAT_I()]. MASTER asserts [WE_I] to indicate a WRITE cycle. MASTER asserts [CYC_I] and to indicate the start of the cycle. MASTER asserts [STB_I] to indicate the start of the phase. SETUP, EDGE 1: SLAVE decodes inputs, and responding SLAVE asserts [ACK_O].

Figure 33. Single read cycle

Figure 36. Single write cycle

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SLAVE prepares to latch data on [DAT_I()]. SLAVE asserts [ACK_O] in response to [STB_I] to indicate latched data. MASTER monitors [ACK_O], and prepares to terminate the cycle. CLOCK EDGE 1: SLAVE latches data on [DAT_I()]. MASTER negates [STB_I] and [CYC_I] to indicate the end of the cycle. SLAVE negates [ACK_O[ in response to negated [STB_I]. Block Read and Write cycle

Block Read and Block Write cycle allows read/write in every clock cycle. The protocol is the same for the single Cycle with the difference that the master should keep the CYC_I and STB_I signals always to “1” during the block cycle.

Description Specification General description: 8-bit Wishbone SLAVE


Data port, size: (1) Data port, granularity:

Data port, maximum operand size: Data transfer ordering:

Data transfer sequencing:

8-bit 8-bit 8-bit

little endian Undefined

Clock frequency constraints: 40M Hz

Supported signal list and cross reference

to equivalent WISHBONE signals:

Signal Name WISHBONE Equiv. ACK_O ACK_O


DAT_I(7..0) DAT_I() DAT_O(7..0) DAT_O()


Table 12. WISHBONE DATASHEET for the SCA_ADC ADC Operations

HW reset A hardware reset of the SCA_ADC registers is performed forcing to 1 the WB_RST pin. As this reset is used also to reset the bangap the WB_RST pin should be forced to “1” no less than 250ns [or 10 clock cycles @ 40 MHz]. SW reset A software reset of the SCA_ADC is performed when a “1” is written into the bit 7 of the Control Register CREG [CREG<7>]. Wake up When the ADC is in the “power save” state and in order to start a calibration or a conversion it is needed to write a “1” into the bit 5 of the Control Register CREG [CREG<5> -> wake_up] or write a “0” into the bit 3 of the Control Register CREG [CREG<3> -> sleep]. Calibration A calibration is performed when a “1” is written into the bit 5 of the Control Register CREG [CREG<5>] and only if the ADC is on “ready” state [SREG<7> = “1”].

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Set input channel The user should select which input channel the ADC must use. For doing that is enough to write in the Input Channel Register [ICREG] the address of corresponding input channel according with the table below.

ICREG<5:0> Name ICREG<5:0> Name 000000 InputChannel_1 010000 InputChannel_17 000001 InputChannel_2 010001 InputChannel_18 000010 InputChannel_3 010010 InputChannel_19 000011 InputChannel_4 010011 InputChannel_20 000100 InputChannel_5 010100 InputChannel_21 000101 InputChannel_6 010101 InputChannel_22 000110 InputChannel_7 010110 InputChannel_23 000111 InputChannel_8 010111 InputChannel_24 001000 InputChannel_9 011000 InputChannel_25 001001 InputChannel_10 011001 InputChannel_26 001010 InputChannel_11 011010 InputChannel_27 001011 InputChannel_12 011011 InputChannel_28 001100 InputChannel_13 011100 InputChannel_29 001101 InputChannel_14 011101 InputChannel_30 001110 InputChannel_15 011110 InputChannel_31 001111 InputChannel_16 011111 InputChannel_32

100000 GND

100001 BandGap voltage

100010 Half_VDD 100011 GND

Table 13. Input channel addresses.

Conversion/acquisition A conversion is performed when a “1” is written into the bit 4 of the Control Register CREG [CREG<4>] and only if the ADC is on “ready” state [SREG<7> = “1”] and CREG<5> is “0”, this is, no calibration command is pending. Read Result When the bit 6 of the Status Register SREG<6> contains a “1”, the result of the last acquisition can be read:

o Data<12:8> = DHREG<4:0> o Data<7:0> = DLREG<7:0>

SCA_ADC conversion Operation A conversion cycle of the ADC can be simply started by setting the proper channel address in the Input Channel Register and setting the conversion bit in the Control Register CREG<4>. The conversion bit CREG<4> is cleared automatically at the beginning of the conversion. For instance, a conversion on the input channel 5 can be started by writing “00000100” [0x04] into ICREG to select the desired input channel and then writing “00010000” [0x10] into the Control Register [CREG].

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4.6. JTAG Channel

A simplified JTAG master channel is implemented in the GBT-SCA. The JTAG master generates the three signals TCK, TMS and TDO.TCK is the scan chain clock, TMS the mode control bit for the JTAG slave state machines and TDO is the serial data sent to the scan chain. Data is returned on the TDI line. The transitions on TMS and TDO take place upon the rising edge of TCK. TDI is sampled on the positive edge of TCK. There is no autonomous JTAG controller – TAP state machine –and the protocol must be implemented in software.

Each command is composed of 256 bits, which are split into 128 couples of TMS and TDO bits. It takes 16 clock cycles to load the command into the port BUFFER as the Wish-Bone bus is 16-bit wide. The control register CRA contains an ENREAD bit that, if set at 1 via a JTAG CMD WRITE CRA command, indicates that the TDI bit must be sampled and sent back along with the reply packet. Hence, there are two possible replies, one is the normal reply packet to acknowledge the command and the other one contains also the TDI data which is sampled to fill the first128 LSB bits of the same BUFFER. Thus, any JTAG command must be fragmented into frames of 128 couples of 128 bits – (TMS,TDO) – from the SCA to the front end and into frames of 128 bits (TDI) from the front end to the SCA. In other words, a command of any length can be composed into fragments of 128 bits for TDO and TDI and the last fragment must be completed with idle bits. In addition, a RES_OUT pin (CRA[7]) is available to force an output pin to a continuous reset value.

Figure 22 256-bit JTAG BUFFER

Through the WishBone bus the packets are segmented and transferred via couples of bytes as shown in the top side of the figure below.


The JTAG packets are segmented with an unlimited number of bytes.

Figure 23 JTAG packets

The following registers control the operation of each JTAG channel:

BUFFER 256-bit


16-bit WB bus TMS




WishBone segmentation JTAG segmentation


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Name Function

CRA Control Register

SRA Status Register

Figure 24 Registers in JTAG bus

The JTAG Control register CRA is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

1-0 SPEED Denotes the width of the strobe signals on the port

00 – 1000ns

01 – 500ns

10 – 200ns

11 – 100ns.

Initialised to “00” after power up and reset.


5 ENREAD Enable read


7 RES_OUT Reset Output Pin: default @ 0

Figure 25 Control Register in JTAG channel

The JTAG Status register SRA is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function


2 SUCC Command succeded


5 INVCOM Invalid Command

6 NOACK No acknowledge

7 GE Global error

Figure 26 Staus Register in JTAG channel

4.6.1. JTAG command The following table summarizes all the commands accepted by the JTAG channel. Below CH# is 0x60 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format


R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA


R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA

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R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA

JTAG CMD RW 0xF3 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + (TMS,TDO)[255:0]

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + TDI[127:0] if ENREAD=1

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA if ENREAD=0


R: none

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 27 Commands in JTAG port

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4.7. Memory Channel

The Memory Data bus implemented on the GBT-SCA can address a 64KB memory through a 16-bit address and16-bit wide data interface. It can perform single and multiple byte read-write operations as on a normal byte-wide memory device. The operations foreseen are:

• single byte read-write to address

• multiple (up to 2K) bytes read-write to address with automatically incremented addresses

• read-modify-write single byte to address with mask

Several registers control the operation of the memory bus channel.

Name Comment

CRA Control register A

SRA Status register A

Figure 28 Registers in memory bus channel

To simplify the design of simple peripheral devices connected to the GBT-SCA memory channel, the GBT-SCA provides pre-decoding of up to two memory ranges defined in the window registers.

4.7.1. Memory Bus Control registers The Control register is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function



Figure 29 Control register A in memory channel

4.7.2. Memory Bus Status Registers

Bit Name Function

0-4 Reserved

5 INVCOM Invalid command received. Cleared by channel reset.

6 INVADD Invalid address. One command with a memory write operation was received with an address outside both window ranges. Cleared by channel reset.

7 GE Global error. Logical OR of all error conditions in the interface

Figure 30 Status register in memory channel

4.7.3. Memory Bus Commands The commands used for operating the Memory Bus interface are defined in this paragraph. Below CH# is 0x40 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format

MBUS Reset channel 0xFF C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: none

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Write control register A 0x01 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA

Read Control Register A 0x02 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA

Read Status Register 0x0f C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA

Single 16-bit Word Write to memory

0x10 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + AH + AL + DH + DL

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA

Single 16-bit Word Read from memory

0x11 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + AH + AL

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 31 Memory Bus channel Commands

The Memory address is divided into the two bytes AH and AL, for the high and low part of the address respectively. The block length (max 2 K) is also divided into two bytes, LENH and LENL.

In case of corrupted the GBT-SCA signals the error condition through the bit 0 in Status Register A in the Network Controller.

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4.8. Parallel I/O bus (PIA)

The parallel I/O bus channel is an adapter similar to a Motorola PIA interface, allowing parallel connections with individually programmable direction in groups of 8 bits. Four independent byte PIA adapter channels are available in the GBT-SCA. These PIA ports are selected by default, at power on, over the Memory channel as they share the same 40 output pins. To deselect this mode, and serve the Memory channel, please refer to Network Controller CRA<0> bit that must be set to 1 via a CRA write command.

The 4 PIA ports also have The following registers control the operation of each PIO channel:

Name Function

GCR General control register

SR Status Register

DDR Data direction register for Port

DREG_IN Data input register

DREG_OUT Data output register

Figure 32 Registers in Parallel IO bus

4.8.1. Registers in PIA channel The functions of the registers are detailed in the following paragraphs.

An input strobe (STRIN), active high, is used to latch the PIO port to the DREG_IN register. The STRIN ping is sampled by the clock and synchronized to avoid metastability. For this reason it is required the STRIN pin being high for at least 25 ns. Thus, at the rising edge of this pin the PIA port is read out and saved into the DREG_IN, according to the DDREG bits, i.e. only the input pins are updated. The seventh bit of the GCR, EN_STRIN, can force the update independently of the STRIN pin. In this case, with EN_STRIN at 1, the DREG_IN is continuously updated. The STROUT pin indicated when the DREG_OUT has been updated to the PIA port.

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34 General Control Register in PIO

The PIO Control register is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

1-0 STRW Denotes the width of the strobe signals on the port

00 – 1000ns

01 – 500ns

10 – 200ns

11 – 100ns.

Initialised to “00” after power up and reset.




5 ENINTA Enables generation of Interrupt message to GBT on reception of STRIN. The reply will be in the form:

<#PORT> + FF + 00 + <DREG_IN>


7 EN_STRIN Enables the DATA_IN register to be automatically updated with the PIA port: no STROBE_IN is required. Default @ 0.

Figure 33 General Control Register in PIO channel Status Register in PIA

Bit Name Function

0 INT An interrupt was generated by a strobe on Port. Cleared by writing a “1” to the CLR bit in GCR.

1-4 Reserved

5 INVCOM Invalid command received. Cleared by channel reset. Does not generate a GE bit (see below)

6 Reserved

7 GE Global error. Logical OR of all error conditions in the PIO interface

Figure 34 Status register in PIO channel

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4.8.2. Commands for PIA channel The following commands are defined for the PIO channel. Below CH# is 0x30-0x33 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format

Write General Control Register (GCR)

0x01 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + GCR

Read General Control Register (GCR)

0x02 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + GCR

Read Status Register (SR) 0x03 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SR

Write Data Direction Register (DDR)

0x04 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DDR

Read Data Direction Register (DDR)

0x05 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DDR

Write Data Register Out (DREG_OUT)

0x06 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW


Read Data Register Out (DREG_OUT)

0x07 C: CH# + TR# + CMD


CMD Read/Write PIA 0x08 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DREG_IN

PIA Reset channel 0xFF C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: none

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 35 Commands for PIO channel

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4.9. DAC channel

4.9.1. DAC Commands The commands used for operating the DAC interface are defined in this paragraph. It consists of an 8-bit register that can be written or read out. Its value is then converted to the output analog port.

Below CH# is 0x80 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format

DAC Reset channel 0xFF C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: none

Write control register 0xF0 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CR

Read Control Register 0xF1 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CR

Read Status Register 0xF2 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SR

Write DAC register 0xF3 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DATA

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SR

Read DAC register 0xF4 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + DR

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 36 DAC channel Commands

NB. Here the DAC Reset and SCA Reset commands force the ADC internal channel to be reset for 20 clock cycles.

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4.10. SPI Channel

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus is a synchronous byte-oriented serial data link standard that operates in full duplex mode. Devices communicate only in master-to-slave mode where the master device initiates the data frame. The SPI master generates the three signals Serial Clock (SCK), Slave Select (SSb) and Master Output Slave Input (MOSI).SCK is the clock, SSb the mode control bit for the SPI slave state machines and MOSI is the serial data sent to the port. Data is returned on the Master Input Slave Output (MISO) line. The transitions on all the signals take place on the positive edge of SCK.

Each command can be composed of 8/16/32 MOSI bits. It takes 1 to 2 clock cycles to load the command into the port BUFFER - 32 bytes - as the Wish-Bone bus is 16-bit wide. The control register CRA contains an ENREAD bit that, if set at 1 via a SPI CMD WRITE CRA command, indicates that the MISO bit must be sent back along with the reply packet. Hence, there are two possible replies, one is the normal reply packet to acknowledge the command and the other one contains also the MISO data which is sampled to fill the same BUFFER. Thus, any SPI command must be fragmented into frames of 8/16/32 MOSI bits from the SCA, plus the 3 common bytes CH#, TR#, CMD, to the front end and into frames of 8/16/32 MISO bits from the front end to the SCA. In other words, a command of any length can be composed into fragments for MOSI and MISO and the last fragment must be completed with idle bits.

Figure 37 32-bit SPI SPDAT buffer

The following registers control the operation of each SPI channel:

Name Function

SPCR Control Register

SPSR Status Register

SPDAT 32-byte Register

Figure 38 Registers in SPI bus


SPDAT 8-256-bit MOSI

16-bit WB bus






SPDAT 8-256-bit MISO

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The SPI Control register is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

1-0 SPEED Denotes the width of the strobe signals on the port

00 – 1000ns

01 – 500ns

10 – 200ns

11 – 100ns.

Initialised to “00” after power up and reset.

2 CPHA Fixed to 0

3 CPOL Fixed to 1




7 ENREAD Enable read

Figure 39 Control Register in SPI channel

The SPI Status register is defined as follows:

Bit Name Function

0 INVCOM Invalid Command

1 NOACK No acknowledge

2 GE Global Error






Figure 40 Staus Register in SPI channel

4.10.1. SPI command The following table summarizes all the commands accepted by the SPI channel. Below CH# is 0x02 except for “SCA Reset”.

Action CMD


Command Packet Format


0xF0 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA


0xF1 C: CH# + TR# + CMD

R: CH# + TR# + ACK + CRA


R: CH# + TR# + ACK + SRA

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SPI CMD RW 1 byte 0xF3 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + DW (MOSI)

R:CH# + TR# + ACK + DR (MISO)

SPI CMD RW 8 bytes 0xF4 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + 8*DW (MOSI)

R:CH# + TR# + ACK + DR (MISO) if ENREAD=0

R:CH# + TR# + ACK + 8*DR (MISO) if ENREAD=1

SPI CMD RW 32 bytes 0xF5 C: CH# + TR# + CMD + 32*DW (MOSI)

R:CH# + TR# + ACK + DR (MISO) if ENREAD=0

R:CH# + TR# + ACK + 32*DR (MISO) if ENREAD=1


R: none

SCA Reset

0xAA C: CH#=0xAA + TR# + CMD=0xAA

R: none

Reset the NC and all the front-end ports

Figure 41 Commands in SPI port

4.10.2. SPI Timing

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4.11. Interrupts

Four asynchronous interrupts, active low, are handled. The 4 channels cannot be addressed but they can reply. These interrupts are polled via the Network Controller that can provide dedicated packets backwards to the GBT. The interrupts packets are handled like the other reply packets coming from the other ports and hence there is no priority on the ports. The 0xFF transaction IDs are reserved for the External and PIA interrupts so cannot be used as normal TR#

Name Active Coded Channel Reply

Interrupt 0 Low 0xFC 0x FC-FF-00-FC

Interrupt 1 Low 0xFD 0x FD-FF-0-0FD

Interrupt 2 Low 0xFE 0x FE-FF-00-FE

Interrupt 3 Low 0xFF 0x FF-FF-00-FF

Figure 42 Interrupts encoding

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6.1. Index of Paragraphs 1.   Document History ......................................................................................................................... 2  2.   General .......................................................................................................................................... 3  

2.1.   Overview of the GBT System ................................................................................................ 3  2.2.   Overview of the GBT-SCA Architecture ............................................................................... 4  2.3.   Radiation tolerance features ................................................................................................... 8  

3.   SCA PACKET description ............................................................................................................ 9  3.1.   The protocol ........................................................................................................................... 9  3.2.   PAYLOAD Format .............................................................................................................. 10  

4.   ChannelS IN GBT-SCA .............................................................................................................. 11  4.1.   General ................................................................................................................................. 11  4.2.   Allocations of channels in the GBT-SCA ............................................................................ 11  4.3.   GBT-SCA controller ............................................................................................................ 12  4.4.   I2C Channel ......................................................................................................................... 16  

4.4.2.   I2C Control registers ..................................................................................................... 16  4.4.3.   Logical mask register .................................................................................................... 17  4.4.4.   I2C Status Registers ...................................................................................................... 17  4.4.5.   I2C Commands ............................................................................................................. 18  

4.5.   ADC channel ........................................................................................................................ 20  4.5.1.   ADC Commands ........................................................................................................... 20  4.5.2.   ADC Blocks .................................................................................................................. 21  4.5.1.   SCA_ADC Internal Registers ....................................................................................... 22  4.5.2.   Supported cycles ........................................................................................................... 25  

4.6.   JTAG Channel ...................................................................................................................... 28  4.6.1.   JTAG command ............................................................................................................ 29  

4.7.   Memory Channel .................................................................................................................. 31  4.7.1.   Memory Bus Control registers ...................................................................................... 31  4.7.2.   Memory Bus Status Registers ....................................................................................... 31  4.7.3.   Memory Bus Commands .............................................................................................. 31  

4.8.   Parallel I/O bus (PIA) .......................................................................................................... 33  4.8.1.   Registers in PIA channel ............................................................................................... 33  4.8.2.   Commands for PIA channel .......................................................................................... 35  

4.9.   DAC channel ........................................................................................................................ 36  4.9.1.   DAC Commands ........................................................................................................... 36  

4.10.   SPI Channel ........................................................................................................................ 37  4.10.1.   SPI command .............................................................................................................. 38  4.10.2.   SPI Timing .................................................................................................................. 39  

4.11.   Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 40  5.   PINOUT ...................................................................................................................................... 41  6.   INDEX ........................................................................................................................................ 42  

6.1.   Index of Paragraphs ............................................................................................................. 42  6.1.   Index of Terms ..................................................................................................................... 43  6.2.   Index of Figures ................................................................................................................... 44  6.3.   Index of Tables ..................................................................................................................... 45  

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6.1. Index of Terms

ADC .. 6, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 36 BGHREG ................................. 22, 23, 24, 45 BGLREG .................................. 22, 23, 24, 45 Block Read and Write cycle ........................ 26 BUFFER .......................................... 28, 37, 44 Calibration .......................... 21, 22, 23, 26, 45 CALREG ................................... 22, 23, 24, 45 Channel Number ......................................... 11 Conversion/acquisition ............................ 27 CRA 12, 14, 16, 17, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37,

38 CRC ................................................... 9, 12, 14 CRD ...................................................... 12, 14 CRE ................................................. 12, 14, 15 CREG .................................. 22, 23, 26, 27, 45 DAC ............................................ 6, 11, 13, 36 DHREG .................................... 22, 23, 27, 45 DLREG ..................................... 22, 23, 27, 45 DREG_IN ........................................ 33, 34, 35 DREG_OUT .......................................... 33, 35 ENREAD ...................... 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39 Err CHN ...................................................... 14 Err ERR ....................................................... 14 Err TR ......................................................... 14 GBT .. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 28, 31,

32, 33, 34, 40 GBT-SCA ... 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 28, 31,

32, 33 GE ................................. 14, 17, 29, 31, 34, 38 GmCal ............................................. 22, 24, 45 HW reset .................................................... 26 I2C ................... 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 ICREG ....................................... 22, 23, 27, 45 Interrupt Channel ........................................ 11 interrupts ........................................... 6, 11, 40 INVCOM ............................ 17, 29, 31, 34, 38

JTAG .......................... 5, 10, 11, 13, 28, 29, 30 memory .............................................. 6, 31, 32 Memory Channel ......................... 6, 11, 31, 42 MISO ..................................................... 37, 39 MOSI ..................................................... 37, 39 MSK ............................................................. 16 Network Controller . 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, 32, 33,

40 NOACK ........................................... 17, 29, 38 PIA ....................... 6, 11, 12, 13, 33, 34, 35, 40 Read Control Register ...................... 20, 32, 36 Read Result ............................................... 27 Read Status Register .................. 20, 32, 35, 36 RES_OUT .............................................. 28, 29 SCA Reset ... 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31,

32, 35, 36, 38, 39 SCK .............................................................. 37 Set input channel ...................................... 27 SINGLE READ Cycle ................................. 25 SINGLE WRITE Cycle ............................... 25 SPI .............................. 6, 10, 11, 13, 37, 38, 39 SRA .................... 12, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38 SRB .................................................. 12, 15, 16 SREG ............................. 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 45 SSb ............................................................... 37 STRIN .................................................... 33, 34 STROUT ...................................................... 33 SW reset ..................................................... 26 TCK ............................................................. 28 TDI ......................................................... 28, 30 TDO ....................................................... 28, 30 TMS ....................................................... 28, 30 TREG ............................................... 22, 24, 45 Wake up ...................................................... 26 Write control register ....................... 20, 32, 36

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6.2. Index of Figures Figure 1 Control module, simplified view ........................................................................................... 4  Figure 2 E-port Redundancy ................................................................................................................ 5  Figure 3: block diagram of the GBT-SCA: ......................................................................................... 7  Figure 4: MAC to Network Controller interface ................................................................................. 8  Figure 5: SCA Packet communication system .................................................................................... 9  Figure 6: SCA-to-Port Command Packet example ........................................................................ 10  Figure 7: Port-to-SCA Reply Packet example ................................................................................ 10  Figure 8: Channel number allocation ................................................................................................. 11  Figure 9: Control and Status registers in GBT-SCA Controller ........................................................ 12  Figure 10 Network Controller control register A ............................................................................... 12  Figure 11 Control register B in node Controller ................................................................................ 13  Figure 12 Node Controller status register A ...................................................................................... 14  Figure 13 Commands for the Network Controller ............................................................................. 15  Figure 14 Control and Status registers in I2C channel ...................................................................... 16  Figure 15 Control register A in I2C interface .................................................................................... 16  Figure 16 Status register A in I2C interface ...................................................................................... 17  Figure 17 Commands for I2C channel ............................................................................................... 19  Figure 26 Memory Bus channel Commands ...................................................................................... 20  Figure 27 SCA_ADC architecture ..................................................................................................... 21  Figure 28 shows a SINGLE READ cycle. The bus protocol works as follows: .................... 25  Figure 29 shows a SINGLE WRITE cycle. The bus protocol works as follows: .................. 25  Figure 30 256-bit JTAG BUFFER ..................................................................................................... 28  Figure 31 JTAG packets .................................................................................................................... 28  Figure 32 Registers in JTAG bus ....................................................................................................... 29  Figure 33 Control Register in JTAG channel .................................................................................... 29  Figure 34 Staus Register in JTAG channel ........................................................................................ 29  Figure 35 Commands in JTAG port ................................................................................................... 30  Figure 36 Registers in memory bus channel ...................................................................................... 31  Figure 37 Control register A in memory channel .............................................................................. 31  Figure 38 Status register in memory channel ..................................................................................... 31  Figure 39 Memory Bus channel Commands ...................................................................................... 32  Figure 40 Registers in Parallel IO bus ............................................................................................... 33  Figure 41 General Control Register in PIO channel .......................................................................... 34  Figure 42 Status register in PIO channel ........................................................................................... 34  Figure 43 Commands for PIO channel .............................................................................................. 35  Figure 44 DAC channel Commands .................................................................................................. 36  Figure 45 32-bit SPI SPDAT buffer .................................................................................................. 37  Figure 46 Registers in SPI bus ........................................................................................................... 37  Figure 47 Control Register in SPI channel ........................................................................................ 38  Figure 48 Staus Register in SPI channel ............................................................................................ 38  Figure 49 Commands in SPI port ....................................................................................................... 39  Figure 50 Interrupts encoding ............................................................................................................ 40

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6.3. Index of Tables

Table 1. The SCA_ADC register file ................................................................................................. 22  Table 2. Bit assignment of Status register (SREG). ........................................................................... 22  Table 3. Bit assignment of Control register (CREG). ........................................................................ 23  Table 4. Bit assignment of Input channel register (ICREG). ............................................................. 23  Table 5. Bit assignment of Data High and Low registers (DHREG/DLREG). ................................. 23  Table 6. Bit assignment of Calibration register (CALREG). ............................................................. 23  Table 7. Bit assignment of BandgapCal High and Low registers (BGHREG/BGLREG). ................ 24  Table 8. Bit assignment of GmCal High and Low registers (GMHREG/GMLREG). ...................... 24  Table 9. Bit assignment of IdCal High and Low registers (IDHREG/IDLREG). ............................. 24  Table 10. Bit assignment of Test register (TREG). ........................................................................... 24  Table 11. Wishbone signals ............................................................................................................... 25  Table 12. WISHBONE DATASHEET for the SCA_ADC ............................................................... 26  Table 13. Input channel addresses. .................................................................................................... 27  

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