the story of the essential quintessential · the story...

Post on 24-Sep-2018






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The Story of the Essential QuintEssential 0.9QuintEssential 0.9 is one of the greatest health discoveries in history – discovered more than a century ago by renowned biologist René Quinton. It is the only raw, unheated, source of every mineral, trace element and marine co-factors known – and each component is in ideal proportions to the others. But drinking seawater? Why does consuming very small amounts of this mildly salty ocean broth make sense? And why are we so much more connected to it, physiologically and energetically, than other nutrients and super foods?

The short version starts out with a fact that virtually all scientists agree on – cellular life originated in the ocean, the Primordial Ocean to be exact. They say that some 4 billion years ago it completely covered the Earth and that every natural element of the Periodic Table was dissolved in it, resulting in an Isotonic* solution.

Life not only began in this Primordial Ocean, but over the following 3.5 billion years evolved into all the known species of microorganisms, phytoplankton, plants, fungi and animals – sometimes referred to as the Five Kingdoms of Life.

Then, a mere 500 million years ago, when the continents and land were emerging, the most extraordinary yet challenging evolutionary event occurred…Life succeeded in adapting to existence outside of the ocean!

But here was the problem…The only possibility of multi-cellular life surviving such a radical leap, after billions of years of perfecting an aquatic existence, was to somehow “take the ocean with it”. In other words life adapted to a terrestrial existence by maintaining the aquatic environment solely for the cells. In this miracu-lous transformation, the sea became our life-carrying blood and of the body fluids – all 70% of us! Thus, each cell still had access to the most essential biochemistry for survival – the 83 minerals and trace elements.

Today biologists and the medical profession refer to this mysterious network of fluids as the human Biological Terrain (Bioterrain) or Biological Matrix. So important is this Bioterrain that the father of modern Physiology, Claude Bernard said: “The Terrain is everything!”René Quinton uncovered the mysteries of evolution and that seawater is the basis of our blood and Bioterrain. He reproduced the Primordial Ocean biochemistry by harvesting seawater from deep within a plankton bloom, processing it using a secret protocol and naming it Plasma de Quinton. It proved to be one of the great medicines of the 20th century. Today we call it QuintEssential 0.9.

Modern physiologists regard our Biological Terrain as the master control of the human body. Its significance is analogous to both a computer’s CPU and Operating System all in one (Intel and Windows!). But, as a result of the mineral deficiencies of modern processed foods, the cellular accumulation of hundreds of toxins and lifestyles that is in disharmony with Nature, our Bioterrain becomes imbalanced and depleted.

Nothing else in Nature comes close to the profound influence of “living” Isotonic seawater on the Biological Terrain. QuintEssential 0.9 can help restore yours to its vital ocean identity through supporting:

• Cellular Nutrition • Detoxification Genetic • Nutrition • Natural Rehydration • Immune Support • Intestinal Wellness

*Isotonic denotes a specific solution of mineral salts at a concentration of 0.9 % or 9 grams per liter.

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