the tale of george whale

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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a childrens story about a whale named george


the tale of george whale

george whaleHe didn’t have diamonds

he didn’t have rings

He didn’t have other material things

There once lived a whale in the salty blue seaHis name was George Whale, what a whale he would be!

George often looked down and particularly sad

For he didn’t have toys like the other whales had

He wanted those things!

It became an obsession

So he went on a journey to �nd those possessions

He went through those waters

George had to find toys he would search

in ve ry fast motion

through the oc ean

but the calf became tired,hungry

and lonely

"what I’d do with those toys if only,if only "

he saw an old wise snail and told him his tale ,

but the wise snail just laughed an unusual wail

"possessions and toys cant show your emotions

for your trip through the ocean"take this kind heart

George looked even harder and soon he came near,

to a kind of bird that was filled with cheer

the bird told George of his family and friends,

that in order to be happy

thats what he recommends

George returned home with a new idea in his h ead

“all i need is my friends” George whale had sai d

George lear ned something new on that jour ney that day

"i dont need possesions

to find my way”

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