the task: each student is to create a coat of arms. this escutcheon must be divided into four...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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10 September 2015 Coat of Arms: Brandishing our values. Overview: The thumbnail to the right of this page displays what is called an escutcheon, commonly referred to as a “coat of arms.” More than serving as protection from other knights in battle, the coat of arms was used as an identifying marker that used images to boldly display a warrior’s geographic location, kingly alliance, family seal, and/or feudal motto. As we have been laying the foundation for this year’s term by asking each other wide philosophical questions—“what it means to be a good reader?”—and reading poetry to investigate how some thinkers have responded to these questions—do you remember the answer Oliver gave in “The Summer Day?’—this activity will be an extension of such big questions, for it requires a “quest” to figure out who we all are as individuals.

The Task:

Each student is to create a coat of arms. This escutcheon must be divided into four separate regions, similar to the image above. These regions are the spaces in which all students will write paragraphs that discuss specific areas of their life that best define them as individuals. So, while all students must write a total of four paragraphs—one paragraph is the minimum per region—the content of these paragraphs will vary based on your responses to the questions below, so be creative! This is an opportunity to let yourself shine through, to proudly display what defines you as a person. I love this project so much because after we are all complete with these escutcheons they will be hung around the hallways and inside our classrooms (it is pretty bare in here, no?) So, do a great job!

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The Questions: All students must select

three of the following questions as the questions that their paragraphs will answer. Remember: each question that you answer must be very detailed; a minimum of five sentences is required to receive full credit for each answer in the four regions of your square. So while these requirements need to be met in order to receive a high mark, I encourage all of you to choose the questions that would tell us the most about you, that interest you the most. Be creative! Be bold!

-What is the personal motto you live by and why?-What are three adjectives that you would use to describe yourself? Explain each one.-What is something about you which you would never budge?-What is something you’re striving to be or become?-What one thing do you want to accomplish by the time you’re 65?-Describe the place where you feel most at home. What does this place say about you?-What are your goals for your next four years at Simeon Career Academy?-Who is your favorite author? Why?-What makes one a good reader?

The “Free Choice” Square: For the fourth “square,” you may include anything that helps present the puzzle that is you. Some ideas include: song lyrics, poetry (original or your favorite from another writer), a drawing (again, original or from another artist), a photograph, or another written paragraph. The choice is yours. Do what represents you best.

The Requirements: As with all writing assignments, you will take your paragraphs through at least one draft. The initial draft will be checked in for a homework grade. Typed essay– due Friday, 9-12-15. It must be typed as a three-four paragraph essay. Essay Requirement: Name, Date , Period, and assignment title12 inch font Time New Roman Doubled Space 1 inch margins 

Final project due Monday, 9-14-14 : 40 points! You have the whole weekend to work on this! This is solo work! Do not depend on your peers for answers (isn’t that so inauthentic anyway?)  ****Be ready to discuss your project with the class  

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