the water purifier

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Group 4 OR IAAS LC UB 2012




Finally after every each meeting, discussion, and our

hardworking in a very strict’s schedule of us. We are as the

one of candidates group of IAAS,proudly present this virtual

magazine. This virtual magazine created by us, as the part of

our effort to run the project by IAAS which is themed “Save

Our Environment”.

In a very tight and rush moment by the college’s

stuff,midterm,the praktikum,and etc, It’s kind of impossible

for to and run this project.But by our passion as the

candidate of IAAS’er who wanted to be a real IAAS’er,we’re

done anything impossible be possible.

So just enjoy this out....!!



Preface.................................................................... 2

Table of Contents................................................. 3

Water Crisis............................................................. 4

Water Pollution..................................................... 5

Save our water...................................................... 6

The underground water purifier...................... 7

How It work?......................................................... 8

Behind The Scenes................................................ 9

Group 4.................................................................... 13


A Clean Water Crisis

The water you drink today has likely been around in one form or another

sincedinosaurs roamed the Earth, hundreds of millions of years ago.

While the amount of freshwater on the planet has remained fairly constant over

time—continually recycled through the atmosphere and back into our cups—the

population has exploded. This means that every year competition for a clean,

copious supply of water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sustaining life


Water scarcity is an abstract concept to many and a stark reality for others. It

is the result of myriad environmental, political, economic, and social forces.

Freshwater makes up a very small fraction of all water on the planet. While

nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is

fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our

freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and

snowfields. In essence, only 0.007 percent of the planet's water is available to

fuel and feed its 6.8 billion people.

Due to geography, climate, engineering, regulation, and competition for

resources, some regions seem relatively flush with freshwater, while others

face drought and debilitating pollution. In much of the developing world, clean

water is either hard to come by or a commodity that requires laborious work or

significant currency to obtain.



TEMPO.COM, Jakarta - The NGO Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi)

said the findings of the Ministry of Environment that water pollution in Indonesia rose

30 percent according to estimates. "We agree with the findings of the Ministry," said

the head of the Department of Advocacy Walhi, Mukri Friatna, when contacted on

Friday, April 6, 2012.

This is a big problem that is being faced by Indonesia. Walhi findings indicate

the dominant cause of water pollution is the contamination of waste palm oil plantation

that was allegedly prevalent in Borneo and Sumatra. The second is the predominant

cause of mining, especially coal and gold mining. The third cause is industrial waste and

pollution causes the latter is domestic waste.

"In some big cities is the highest domestic

waste. But the scale is not too large compared

to other wastes, "he said.

Some of the areas that have the highes

contamination rate was larger cities such as

Jakarta and Surabaya.

The main problems regarding water pollution occurred in several regions in

Indonesia is less public cares for the environment and the lack of knowledge to use and

maximize water use. water pollution from the mining area and the company that stands

in Indonesia caused by weak law enforcement in Indonesia. The establishment of a

company that does not comply with the AMDAL still made the development process. So

it causes worsening environmental pollution occurring numbers, especially water

pollution caused by post-production waste is dumped in the river.



Water Is Life

Wherever they are, people need water to survive. Not only is the human body 60

percent water, the resource is also essential for producing food, clothing, and

computers, moving our waste stream, and keeping us and the environment


Unfortunately, humans have proved to be inefficient water users. (The average

hamburger takes 2,400 liters, or 630 gallons, of water to produce, and many

water-intensive crops, such as cotton, are grown in arid regions.)

According to the United Nations, water use has grown at more than twice the

rate of population increase in the last century. By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion

people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the

world's population living in water-stressed regions as a result of use, growth,

and climate change.

The challenge we face now is how to effectively conserve, manage, and

distribute the water we have. Learn where freshwater resources exist; how

they are used; and how climate, technology, policy, and people play a role in both

creating obstacles and finding solutions. Peruse the site to learn how you can

make a difference by reducing your water footprint and getting involved with

local and global water conservation and advocacy efforts.


The Underground Water Purifier

As one of the effort to save our water to save our

environment. Us, the group 4 are trying to create the underground

water purifier. This underground water purifier are created to

purify the trench water from the household waste,so that trench

water could be contain and use again.

This water purifier actually quite similar to others water

purifier, which made from the several waste thing such as

gravel,sand,brick,charcoal,tile,and coconut fiber.But it’s could be

different because it put underground,so it can through by the

trench water,and the water could be purify.


How It Work?

1. Waste water flowed from the household through the


2. Water from trench flows into the underground water


2. then flows into the pipe

3. water stored in the water tank



The Discussion


Making of The Prototype



The Simulation



1. Ery Sadewo FIB 2011 2. Patty Siska Lumbantoruan FP 2011 3. Saidah Shoviah FPIK 2010 4. Monika Fatmasari FP 2012 5. Muhammad Rifaldi Arenda FPIK 2012 6. Puspa Ayu Indah Prameswari FTP 2011 7. Eri Sahabuddin FPIK 2011 8. Mukti Budi Waluyo FP 2011 9. Raisa Lathifah Najmina FAPET 2011 10. Siti Muzayanah FAPET 2011 11. Cahyo Artho Nugroho FP S2 2012 12. Muhamad Nurdin FP 2011 13. Muhammad Fadli Dwi Putra FP 2011


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