the way of the cross –

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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The Way of the Cross The Way of Living

Each one of us is called to witness the way of Jesus Christ in the Church and in the world

Jesus is the symbol of love. He was condemned to death by Pilate, the symbol of pride. We must learn to live in love.

The First Station- Jesus is condemned to death

The Second Station – Jesus receives His Cross

We all have our crosses to bear. They come in the form of suffering, loneliness and failure. We must turn each cross into

a victory.

The Third Station – Jesus falls a first time

We fall, too, because of our weaknesses. Through love, we can rise up to overcome our weaknesses and begin again.

The Fourth Station- Jesus meets His mother

Mary looked into the eyes of her beloved child, Jesus. We should look with eyes of love at every person of the human race.

The Fifth Station- Simon of Cyrene carries the cross

Like Simon, we can help others to carry their crosses. In serving others with our understanding, we will give them peace and joy.

The Sixth Station – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Every act of charity leaves an imprint of the Saviour’s image on our souls, making us better persons. We should not only see

those in need but respond to their suffering.

The Seventh Station – Jesus falls a second time

We fall again because of our unfaithfulness . We can always return to God and ask Him to grant us salvation by receiving the

Sacraments faithfully.

The Eighth Station – The women of Jerusalem mourn for Jesus

Having compassion and pity is not enough. We must act in order to change what needs to be changed.

The Ninth Station- Jesus falls a third time

Because Jesus loved us, He went through suffering and humiliation. We should do penance and go through self-

deprivation to become better people.

The Tenth Station – Jesus is stripped of his garments

Jesus was humiliated and stripped of his dignity and rights. His reward was to be clothed in the love of God. We should be ready

to face any adversity in Jesus’ name to claim the same reward.

The Eleventh Station – Jesus is nailed to the cross

Many people are nailed to their crosses eg to a life of suffering in health of mind or body. We can give hope to these victims or their


The Twelfth Station – Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus died for our sins. We must die to our sinfulness. Turn away from the evil that we are doing to live in His love.

The Thirteenth Station – Jesus is taken down from the cross

The Cross is a symbol of life and love. To have life, we should not have a fear of death. To have love, we must avoid all occasion of


The Fourteenth Station – Jesus is laid in the tomb

Being buried is only a temporary thing. We all await the life after death, the life of the world to come.

The Fifteenth Station – Jesus is risen

Life does not stop at the cross. Hope was born when Jesus conquered death with His own death and resurrection.

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