the wonderful wizard of oz

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Scene 1. The Country of the Munchkins, in the land of Oz. Dorothy. Toto, this place doesn’t look familiar to me at all. The cyclone must have carried us far away from home! Toto, I believe we are lost. Witch of the North enters, as several Munchkins run in. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Country of the Munchkins, in the land of Oz.

Scene 1

Toto, this place doesn’t look familiar to me at all. The cyclone must have carried us far away from home! Toto, I believe we are lost.

Witch of the North enters, as several Munchkins run in.


Welcome, most noble sorceress, to the Country of the Munchkins in the Land of Oz.

Good Witch of the North

Why, who are you?

Dorothy jumps up, somewhat frightened


I am the Witch of the North, a friend of these Munchkins, whose country you are now in. We are all very grateful to you for killing the wicked Witch of the East, and desire to serve you in any way possible.

Good Witch of the North

You are very kind. But…but I didn’t kill anyone.


You didn’t, but your house did. You see, your farmhouse was picked up by the cyclone and landed here in Munchkin, right on top of the wicked Witch of the East, killing her and freeing us from her hateful reign. See, there are the Ruby slippers that she wore! She was so old and mean that after she was killed, she just dried up and blew away. Please accept the shoes as a token of our thanks for freeing us from the Witch. It is said that they have magic powers, but I know not what they are.

Good Witch of the North

Dear me, what a strange place. Are you a real witch?


Yes, indeed, but I am a good witch, and the people love me.


But I thought all witches were wicked.


Oh, no. That is a great mistake. There were only four witches in the Land of Oz, and two of them, those who live in the North and South, are good witches, those in the East and West are wicked witches. Now that the Witch of the East is dead, there is but one wicked witch in all the Land of Oz, the one who lies in the West.

Good Witch of the North

Perhaps you can tell me, Witch of the North, how I can get back to Kansas and Aunt Em. She’ll be dreadfully worried, you know. And my dog Toto always gets upset in a strange place.

Toto barks and the Munchkins laugh


I do not know where Kansas is, Dorothy. But there is one person in Oz who will surely know. All ways of magic are known to him.

Good Witch of the North

Who is he? And where can I find him?


Our mighty wizard, the Wizard of Oz—he will tell you how to get back to Kansas. I myself have never seen him, for he lives in the Emerald City of Oz, a wonderously beautiful city, whose gates are studded with jewels.

Good Witch of the North

Is he a good man?Dorothy

He is a good wizard. Whether he is a man or not, I do not know.

Good Witch of the North

We will go right away. How can I get there?


Follow the yellow brick road through the Great Forest, and that will lead you to the Emerald City. But wear the ruby slippers, for they will keep you from harm. And now goodbye. We in Munchkin will always be ready to welcome you back. Have a safe journey. Here are a pair of Ruby Slippers, do not take the Ruby slippers off under any circumstance, they will keep you safe from the cruelty of the Wicked Witch of the West.

The witch exits and the Munchkins wave cheerfully as Dorothy and Toto leave.

Good Witch of the North

Come Toto. (puts on slippers) Oh! They fit! Oh, my gracious, Toto, look—a funny stuffed man. Why it’s a scarecrow. But such a mournful-looking face!

Dorothy brushes straw off the scarecrow


Good day!Scarecrow

Oh, I didn’t know you were alive, Mr. Scarecrow. (Helping him up)

I never knew scarecrows could be alive.


Of course I am alive. But what is that odd little animal? And who are you, and where are you going?


My name is Dorothy. This is Toto, my dog. We live in Kansas, but a cyclone picked up our house and when the wind died down we found ourselves in Oz. The good Witch of the North told us to go to the Emerald City and said that the Wizard of Oz would tell us how to get back to Kansas.


Where is the Emerald City? And who is the Wizard of Oz?


Why, you don’t know?


No indeed. You see, I am only stuffed with straw so I have no brains at all.


No brains at all?Dorothy

None at all. I don’t mind my legs, arms, and body being stuffed because I can’t get hurt. But with my head stuffed with straw instead of brains, how am I ever to know anything? I am really just a fool.

Shaking his head


You are not a fool! But I understand how you feel. If you come with me, I’ll ask the Wizard to do all he can for you. Perhaps he will give you some brains.



Oh thank you, Dorothy.Scarecrow

Well, come on then. Let’s be off!


The Yellow Brick Road, in the Great Forest.

Scene 2

Oh, look! It’s a Tin Woodsman, but he’s only half finished his wood chopping.

Dorothy rushes toward the Tin Man


So he has, so he has. (studying him)

I’ve never seen anyone like him before.

Tin Man groans


Don’t stand there staring at me. Help me! Do something! You don’t suppose I want to stand here like this, do you?

Tin Woodsman

AmazedI’ve never heard of such a thing as a live tin woodsman! What shall we do? How can we help you?


Send that straw-stuffed creature to my cottage over there and bring me my can of oil. I was caught in the rain while chopping wood, my joints have rusted. Hurry!

Tin Man

Oh my, I will hurry and get the oil can!


Oh thank you. What’s your name?

Tin Man

My name is Dorothy, and this is my dog Toto. We are from Kansas but got lost in a cyclone.

The Scarecrow comes back with the oil can, he and Dorothy oil the Tin Man, who slowly lowers his arm and stretches



That’s much better. You have no idea how tiresome it is to stand there for two days, helpless, waiting for someone to save you.

Tin Man

Dorothy is a kind little girl. She saved me and now she has saved you. Hooray for Dorothy!

Tin Man starts to dance and falls clumsily, Dorothy and the Scarecrow help him back to his feet

Thank you. I am alright now. Let’s go, Dorothy.


Where are you going?

Tin Man

To see the Wizard of Oz. He’s going to tell me how to get back to Kansas, where I live.


And he’s going to give me some brains.


Do you suppose he would give me a heart? The tinsmith forgot to give me one when he made me, and I would like to be able to have feelings.

Tin Man


Well, I don’t know, but if he can give the Scarecrow some brains, he can surely give you a heart. Why don’t you come with us?


I believe I will.

Sound of lion roaring is heard

Tin Man

What’s that?

Toto runs in, pursued by the COWARDLY LION. Toto hides behind Dorothy, who smacks the Lion on the nose. Lion sits, howling and rubbing his nose.

What do you mean, chasing a little dog that’s so much smaller than you? You ought to be ashamed of yourself.


I can’t help it. I am afraid to chase anyone as big as I am.


Who ever heard of a cowardly lion?



And you’re supposed to be the King of Beasts!

Tin Man


I know, but I’ve always been afraid to fight, and now no one respects me. What can I do?


I know! Why not come with us to the Wizard of Oz, and see if he can give you some courage!


Do you think he can? Really?


I am sure he’ll try! I want to go back to Kansas. The Scarecrow wants some brains, and the Tin Man wants a heart, so you might as well come with us and get some courage.


I might as well. At least it won’t be any worse than staying in the forest and being laughed at for being so cowardly.

Wipes a tear from his eye


Good! That’s settled. Let’s go!


Throne room of palace in the Emerald City.

Guardian of the Gate is standing beside the throne, polishing spectacles. Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man enter.

Scene 3

What ho! Who might you be? Stop where you are this instant! No one enter the throne room without my permission.

Guardian of the Gate

Please sir, we are strangers who have come to the Emerald City hoping to see the Wizard of Oz.


Indeed! And how do I know you’re not conspirators who have come to kill the Wizard of Oz?

Guardian of the Gate

We’re not enemies. We want help from the Mighty and Powerful Oz.

Tin Man

You see, we heard that Oz is a good and powerful wizard and that he could work all kinds of magic.



It has been many years since anybody asked to see Oz. But since you are here, I may as well tell him. But first you must put on a pair of spectacles.

Guardian of the Gate



Because if you do not wear spectacles, the brightness of the Great Oz will blind you.

He fits spectacles on everyone, including Toto, then goes behind the screen.

Light dim, gong sounds.

Guardian of the Gate

Loudly from behind the screen

I will talk to them. The girl first.

Guardian re-enters from behind the screen


Stand in front of the throne!

Dorothy hesitantly goes

Guardian of the Gate

I am Oz, the Great and Powerful. Who are you, and what do you want?



I am Dorothy, the Meek and Mild. The Witch of the North told me that you would be able to help me find the way back to Kansas.


From behind the screen

Do you not like it here in Oz?


Oh, yes sir, but …


Loudly from behind the screen

Why should I do this for you?


Because you are strong and powerful, and I am small and weak.


Loudly from behind the screen

Well, then here is your answer. You cannot expect to get back to Kansas without doing something for me. Help me, and I will help you.


What is it you wish me to do?


Loudly from behind the screen

Kill the Wicked Witch of the West.


Upset and frightened

But I cannot do that!


But you killed the Wicked Witch of the East!


That was an accident. And if you are a wizard and cannot kill her, how can I?


Loudly from behind the screen

That I do not know, but you must do it, and then I will see you again. Now go, and do not come back until you have completed your task.

Gong sounds. Dorothy goes back to her companions, they help the Scarecrow

in front of the Wizard of Oz


I am Oz, the Great and Powerful. Who are you and why do you wish to see me?


I am only a Scarecrow stuffed with straw, and I have no brains. So I have come to you hoping that you will give me brains like other people.


I never grant favors, but this I will do. Help Dorothy kill the Wicked Witch, and when you return, I shall give you brains as good as any other man’s.

Gong sounds, Scarecrow goes back to the others. Tin Man moves in front of Oz.


Oz, the Great and Powerful, I am made of tin and have no heart, so I cannot love anybody. Will you give me a heart so that I may be like other people and love the people around me?

Tin Man

If you desire a heart, you must earn it. Help Dorothy kill the Witch of the West. When that is done, return and you shall have a heart that is the finest of any in Oz.

Gong sounds. Tin Man returns to the others


It’s your turn Cowardly Lion. Go on.



But, I am afraid to. I am leaving!

He starts to exit, but the others push him. He stands before the curtain, trembling hiding his face his between his paws.


In a loud and terrible voice

You wish to see me?

Lion runs back to Dorothy, who pushes him back in front of the curtain.


Oh gracious, gracious me! Great and Powerful Wizard, I am a cowardly lion. Please, give me courage so that I may truly be the King of the Beasts.


Bring me proof of the Wicked Witch's death and I shall grant you bravery. Now go, all of you.

Gong sounds


What shall we do?


If we don’t go, I shall never have any brains.


Nor I a heart.

Tin Man

And I shall never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry again. I suppose we must try it, but I do not want to kill anybody.


Neither do I, but I will go with you, although I haven’t the courage to kill the Witch.


I haven’t the heart to kill the Witch, but I shall certainly go with you.

Tin Man

I would not know how to kill the Witch, but I am certainly not going to stay here.


Speaking to the Guardian of the Gate

Which road lead to the Wicked Witch of the West?


There is no road. No one ever wants to go to the country where the Wicked Witch lives. But if you keep going toward the West, where the sun sets, you cannot fail to find her. Take care, for the Witch is wicked and fierce, and will try and make you her slaves.

Guardian of the Gate


Thank you for the warning, but we must find the Wicked Witch and destroy her. Goodbye.


Waving goodbye

Goodbye, and good luck!

Guardian of the Gate

Kitchen of the Wicked Witch of the West. A pail of water is on the floor.

Center stage: The Wicked Witch is muttering incantations, is stirring within a cauldron.

Scene 4

I have torn the Scarecrow to pieces, I have broken the Tin Man, and starved the Cowardly Lion. But I can do no harm to Dorothy, because she bears the charmed Ruby Slippers from the Good Witch of the North.

Wicked Witch

Now she will try to destroy me, what shall I do? If I had the Ruby Slippers that Dorothy is wearing, I could regain my power. But she never takes them off, except when she takes a bath, and I can’t go near her then, because water will melt me.

Dorothy enters

Wicked Witch


You wicked creature! What have you done to the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion?


They came here with you to harm me, so I turned the Scarecrow into a pile of straw, and I made tin cans from the Tin Man. Finally, I starved the Lion until he grew so thin he turned into a small house cat.

Wicked Witch


Oh, my poor friends! How terrible!

The Wicked Witch suddenly takes Toto


With an evil laugh

And now I have Toto, and you will never get him back. Unless you give me your Ruby Slippers.

Dorothy starts toward the Wicked Witch, who moves one hand as if casting a magic spell

Now, my pretty, invisible bars will keep you away from me.

Dorothy stumbles, losing one of her slippers, which the Wicked Witch quickly snatches, letting go of Toto.

Wicked Witch

Waving the slipper around, the Wicked Witch dances around the stage

Now I must have the other one, my pretty!

Wicked Witch

Give me back my Ruby Slipper, you evil creature!


Never! It is mine now. And someday I shall get the other slipper too.

Wicked Witch


No, you won’t!

Dorothy picks up the pail of water and throws it on the Wicked Witch


Crying out

Oh-h-h! You have destroyed me. Now I shall melt away.

The Wicked Witch stumbles about

Wicked Witch


Oh, I am very sorry.



Didn’t you know that water could kill me?

Wicked Witch

Of course not.


In a few minutes I shall melt away. All my power will be gone, all of my evil undone.

SadlyThe Lion will become a Lion again, the

Tin Man will become himself again, and the Scarecrow will be back in shape.

AngrilyAnd to think, one small girl should be the

end of me! I am melting! With a final cry, she disappears beneath her cloak, dropping her

hat and Ruby Slipper

Wicked Witch


She really has melted! Looking at the hat

Now we are all free and can go back to Oz.

Calling outTin Man! Scarecrow! Lion!

They all enter


Shaking his leg

What a relief! I was afraid I would never walk again!

Tin Man

Flexing his arms

I am all in one piece again! What happened?


Roars loudly

How did you set us free, Dorothy?


The old witch melted when I threw a pail of water on her.


Melted! Then the Witch is gone forever?

Tin Man

Yes! All that s left is my Ruby Slipper and the Witches hat.

Dorothy picks up the slipper and the hat


Lets go back to the Emerald City at once. We will take the Witch’s hat, and claim the promises made from the Wizard of Oz.

Dorothy puts on her Ruby Slipper


Throne room of palace in the Emerald City.

Guardian of the Gate is polishing the Throne as Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion enter

Scene 5

Excuse me, sir---



Bless my soul, if it isn’t the little girl from Kansas! I must tell the Great and Powerful Oz at once.

Leaves the room

Gong sounds

Guardian of the Gate

In a loud and terrifying voice

What? Back again?


Yes, Great Oz, We killed the Wicked Witch, and now we have all returned to claim our reward.


Goodness gracious! How did you kill the Wicked Witch?


I threw a pail of water on the Witch, and she melted away right before my eyes. Her is her hat to prove it.


I would like my courage now since we did what you asked.The Lion runs and growls toward the curtain and knocks it down. The Wizard of Oz, a small meek man, dressed in ordinary clothes. The Lion looks at him in astonishment

Why, you are only a man!



Are you the Wizard of Oz. the Great and Powerful Oz?

Tin Man


Yes, I am afraid I am.



But you’re no magician. He sits dejectedly on the floor

Now I won’t get my brains!


Angrily; to Oz

I should think you would be ashamed of yourself. How could you pretend to be a great magician?



But I am a very good magician.


You’re only a fake.


Turning imploringly to the Scarecrow

You won’t tell anyone, will you?



Well, we won’t tell them about you, if you can tell me how to get back to Kansas.


And how shall I ever get a heart?

Tin Man

Now let me see.He paces up and down

Yes, that’s it. Tin Man, you must do one nice thing for people each and every day. Smile at someone, offer to help someone, or just be someone's friend. You have a very good heart, you don’t need any magic from me. I also have something for you, come with me.

Oz and the Tin Man exit



If he is able to give the Tim Man a heart, perhaps he really can give me some brains.

Oz and the Tin Man re-enter. The Tim Man has a heart necklace around his neck


There now—you see, you have a heart of the finest gold. But true feelings and love come from within. You will make an excellent friend Tin Man.



How do you feel?


It’s really a most curious feeling. I do believe I am beginning to like you, Cowardly Lion. Do you want to be my friend?

Tin Man

Thank you Tim Man. I would love to be your friend.


And now, Oz, can you help me?


Do you really need brains, Scarecrow? All you have to do is think hard. That is all that anybody with brains does.


But I will never know if I can think on my own.


Perhaps if I sign you up for classes at Evergreen High School, you would be able to think and make great decisions. Yes, I believe that will help you develop an exceptionally good brain.


You have the ability to be very brainy and smart, you don’t need any magic from me. But I do have something for you, come, follow me.

Oz gives the Scarecrow a graduation cap that he will wear at his graduation from Evergreen High School


Just thinking about going to school and learning, I can feel my brains starting to work already.


And how about you Cowardly Lion? What was it that you wanted?


Courage, so that I may be King of Beasts. I am afraid of my own shadow, what do you have for me?


You must try very hard to believe in yourself and feel better about yourself. If you work on building your confidence everyday, you will become quite brave. You must work on being positive, exercise regularly, eat good food, get enough sleep, and get involved in activities.


You have the ability to be a very brave and fearless lion, you don’t need any magic from me.


I am so happy that all of my new friends, the Tin Man now has a heart, the Scarecrow now knows how to become smart, and the Lion has the ability to be brave. But I don’t think you can help me, can you Oz?



I am afraid not my dear. I have no magic powers for you either. But I know someone who does.



Glinda the Good, the Witch of the South. She lives at the edge of the desert and can certainly tell you how to reach Kansas.


I must start at once.


I shall go with you Dorothy, for now that I have a heart I cannot let you go unprotected.

Tin Man

Dorothy, I feel very confident and brave enough to keep you from danger, I too shall go.


I will go as well Dorothy, I can help make important decisions along the way.


Goodbye Oz. Thank you for helping us. We will all miss you very much.


Goodbye. Be sure to come back to the Emerald City if you ever have the chance.


Throne room of the palace of Glinda the Good

Glinda is seated on the throne with her servant Floria

A loud chine sounds

Scene 6

Floria, see who wishes entrance.


Certainly Miss Glinda.

She exits and returns with the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, the Lion, Toto, and Dorothy, who is carrying the Wicked Witch’s hat


Welcome, my friends. What brings you to the Land of the South?


The Wizard of Oz directed me to you in hopes that you could show me how to return to Kansas.


What are you carrying in your hand?


This is the hat that belonged to the Wicked Witch of the West.


If you will give me her hat, I can use it’s magic to call the Winged Monkeys. They will take you wherever you wish to go.

Dorothy hands Glinda the Wicked Witch’s hat


What will happen to you my good friends?


Now that the Wicked Witch of the West was dead, the Munchkins were kind enough to ask me to be the Mayor of Munchkin Land.

Tin Man

The Great Beasts of the Great Forest want me for their King. Now that I have courage and confidence I shall rejoin them in the forest.


And I shall go back to Evergreen to finish high school and get my diploma and then go on to college.


Good! Then my first command to the Winged Monkeys shall be to carry the Scarecrow to Evergreen. My second command shall be to take the Tin Man to Munchkin Land, and my third command will be to take the Lion to the Great Forest.


But what about Dorothy?


You had the power to return to those you love all the time, Dorothy. But first you had to be sure of your heart’s desire. Are you sure you are ready to go back home?


Oh, yes, yes! More than anything else in this whole world. I want to see aunty Em and Uncle Henry again!



Then you are ready. Clap your heels together three times and the Ruby Slippers will carry you back to Kansas.


Taking hold of Toto

Thank you Glinda. And now goodbye dear friends. I shall never, never forget you.

Everyone surrounds Dorothy to say goodbye. Then, they step aside and Dorothy and Toto come to center stage. Closing her eyes and clapping her heels together three timesSpeaking softly

There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home; there’s no place like home.


Goodbye! Don’t forget us!All

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