the world between wars and drives for empire@2011 04-13 t22;14;33

Post on 19-May-2015



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the age of anxiety



The Drives for Empire

Our Objective

SWBAT compare the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire

Lets close some gaps

What is the world like after WWI & before WWII?

The World after WWI

Immediately after the war Countries want peace League of Nations Agree to disarm Not to attack each other Work together The US loaned more than 187 million dollars 1929 US economy FAILED-the Great

Depression The whole world suffered


Low key for a long time 1895 war with China

Took Taiwan 1905 war with Russia 1910 took over Korea WWI broke out Took German colonies in the Pacific 1918 portions of Siberia and Manchuria

Joined the league of Nations Entered into agreements with the West

Disarm Japan refused to enter into agreements

with China Increased tension 1929-economica hardships Radical nationalists and military leaders

took over the government Encroaching into Chinese territory


Russia taken over by the Communists Lenin & Trotsky Lenin dies Trotsky was supposed to take

over Stalin pushes in gets rid of Trotsky 1922 country formally declared the SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC by 1930 the government began to rearm

Italy & Chaos

After WWI Suffered economically Wide spread political unrest Socialist party called for revolution Middle class afraid of communist

revolution Industrial & Agricultural Strikes create

more division among the people

By 1922

Benito Mussolini is able to take power Created a Fascist dictatorship TOTALITARIAN government


Before WWI Strong Imperialist Power WWI –depleted resources 90% of the navy was gone 75 % of its iron production was gone France occupied the industrial region of

Germany Refused to leave

Dead Broke Germany!

Reparations bill Paying for the war What document was that? Germany began to print money like

crazy! The more you print the less its worth

A wheel barrel full of money

To pay for a loaf of bread 1million people out of work in 1923 5 million people unemployed by 1930

When there are economic problems…

There are also political problems

Enter the NAZIS

The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party

Founded by Hitler 1923 proclaimed a new government Arrested for treason Sentenced to 5 years in prison Served a little more than a year

Slowly but surely Nazi party members win elections German parliament By 1932 Nazi Party More than 1/3 of the seats in the

Reichstag Germany also began to rearm

In Sum

Crippled world Economy Hunger for national identity A collection of monsters taking power military dictatorships All Lead to the beginning of WWII

Lets think about this…

What do military dictators want? DUH WAR! EMPIRE! CONQUEST! Eventually WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!

Lets meet some of my HOMIES!

Emperor Hirohito

The people wanted conquest Feared that if opposed People might dispose of him Japan ruled by military leaders with him

at the top

The Rape of Nan King

Japan is taking Manchuria Part of China China had issues/didn’t want any

problems What’s that called? Allowed Japan to govern in Manchuria Japan kept moving South into China

How do you think the Chinese people reacted?


Chinese and Japanese forces clash in Beijing

From December to March Japanese troops massacred over 350,000

Chinese civilians Called the rape of Nanking Tens of millions of Chinese went


Have you met my homie Mussolini?

Wanted to create a NEW ROMAN EMPIRE Invades Ethiopia Invades Albania No genocide

You already know my boy Adolf Hitler

Wanted to rebuild Germany and build an empire

Takes Austria Invades the Rhineland Occupies Czechoslovakia Invades Poland Systematically killed over 3million Jewish


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