the zoot suit riots. zoot suit > clyde duncan from gainsville, va, in the new york times, 1943...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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The Zoot Suit Riots

Zoot suit > Clyde Duncan from Gainsville, VA, in the New York Times, 1943 and jazz musician Cab Calloway, 1943

Zoot suit > Young Mexican American in a zoot suit, Banay, 1944

Zoot suit > Cartoon, Mercury Herald and News, April 25, 1943

Zoot suit > Los Angeles police officer pretends to clip the hair of a zoot-suiter; headline from Los Angeles Examiner, 1942

Zoot suit > Mexican Americans stripped of zoot suits during the riots, Life, 1943

Zoot suit > Sailor arrested during the riots, Los Angeles Daily News, 1943

The Atomic Bomband

Postwar Culture

Atomic Bomb > The Trinity Test, New Mexico, July 16, 1945

QuickTime™ and aSorenson Video decompressorare needed to see this picture.

Atomic Bomb > President Harry Truman announces the Hiroshima bombing

Announcer: Good evening from the White House in Washington. Ladies and gentlemen the President of the United States.

Harry S. Truman: My fellow Americans, the British, Chinese and United States governments have given the Japanese people adequate warning of what is in store for them. The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. If Japan does not surrender, bombs will have to be dropped on her war industries and unfortunately thousands of civilian lives will be lost. I urge Japanese civilians to leave industrial cities immediately and save themselves from destruction.

Atomic Bomb > Miyuki Bridge, Hiroshima, 3 hours after detonation, August 6, 1945

Atomic Bomb > Nagasaki from the B-29 bomber that dropped the bomb, Aug. 8 1945

Atomic Bomb > The Atomic Café (1982)

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