there are no straight lines in real life

Post on 21-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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there are

no straight lines

in life

East Sussex 1988 The Institution

Southwark 1992 Professional Gift

Denver 1994 Inclusion Edinburgh 1995

Person-Centred Planning

Glasgow 1996 Individual Service


England 2003 Personal Budgets


Sheffield 2009 Welfare Reform

Liverpool 2002 Keys to Citizenship

UK 2011 Fair Society

England 2014 Rights

North Lanarkshire 2000 Self-Directed Support

& Support Plans

• Theory - What is the mountain?

• Research - What does the mountain teach us?

• Knowledge - What is useful on the mountain?

Base Camp - getting ready to climb


ideas about

the mountain

• Power - mountains and pyramids

• Ideology - our strange times

• Truth - some things to hang on to

1. Theory - ideas

Mountains are symbols of real power and mystery. They are sacred places of revelation.

Pyramids are symbols of human pride and elitism. They were built by violence and terror to house the dead.

What’s the difference between pyramids and mountains?

We must reject the pyramid

We must accept the journey to the mountain

all power is sustained by ideas…

Ideas can control us, justifying the most dreadful things…

“No one ever blamed someone if he coordinated [got in line with Nazi thinking] because he had to take care of his wife or child. The worst thing was that some [intellectuals] really believed in Nazism! For a short time, many for a very short time. But that means that they made up ideas about Hitler, in part terrifically interesting things! Completely fantastic and interesting and complicated things! Things far above the ordinary level! I found that grotesque. Today I would say that they were trapped by their own ideas.” Hannah Arendt

“These rulers of our who claim that the prime mover of history is the economic basis have shown by the whole of their own practice that the real stuff of history is ideas. It is ideas that shape the minds of whole generations, winning adherents, imposing themselves on consciousness, creating new forms of government and society, rising triumphantly - and then slowly dying away and disappearing.”

Nadezhda Mandelstam

We are living at the end of an age of dead ideologies. We don’t seem ready to wake up, to start thinking afresh and living for real. Instead we borrow dead words and pretend they have meaning.





Eugenicism Racism Fascism

NationalismUtilitarianism Imperialism

Thought is a living thing an on-going effort to understand what is true what is the good what is beautiful

not a system not an ideology

it is imagination in the service of love

Don’t let Self-directed support become about

Market competition Cost-cutting Consumerism Regulation Commodification Personalisation

These are the empty words of dead ideologies.

Instead self-directed support must serve justice and human rights citizenship and equality real wealth and human flourishing

after all, that’s why these ideas were developed…

so here are 3 thoughts,that may be useful

why needs are not enough

why we citizenship matters

what really makes someone wealthy


facts about

the mountain

• Ignorance - the problems of research

• Evidence - clues to what’s possible

• Understanding - possible explanations

2. Research - information

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice there is.”

Yogi Berra

The Great Gulf“Theory like mist on eye glass obscures the facts.” Charlie Chan

“I call it theory-induced blindness: once you've accepted a tool and used it as a tool in your thinking, it's extraordinarily difficult to notice its flaws. If you come upon an observation that does not seem to fit the model, you assume there must be a perfectly good explanation which you are somehow missing.”

Daniel Kahneman

we are not always asking

the right questions

in the right way

about the right things

Here I want to focus on some recent research about a very Scottish innovation: Individual Service Funds

- in terms of Self-Directed Support Act - the middle option

the road less travelled

Research on Inclusion Glasgow showed, over a period of 5 years, support costs had reduced by 44%.

Research on Choice Support showed savings of 30% over four years.

The most plausible hypothesis I’ve seen, that explains these facts is

not ‘market efficiencies’

but that when people have more control they use money better - by building on their own real wealth.

This has important consequences for policy on self-directed support.

It means its value lies in

transparency, flexibility,control andcreativity.

Recent research on ISFs in England suggests that this not how the current system thinks - e.g. providers are being contracted to deliver ‘person-centred support plans’!!

ie. flexibility, control and creativity are being critically undermined - in the name of personalisation itself!


climbers tales of

the mountain

• Expertise - the real and the phoney

• Guidance - things to remember

• Challenge - what we must not forget

3. Knowledge - guidance

It’s not tools, but people who climb the mountain.

In England the misuse of person-centred planning & support planning has become toxic.

It is like pyramid-selling,each new technique promises to deliver what the old one couldn’t

and all at a price.

People are forgetting that real power comes from within people.

We each must find our own purpose, our own mountain to climb, in our own way. To support others we must listen with our heart.

A good life is not planned it is lived.

A good life need others, relationships, people you can ask for help.

Focus on the mountain you agree on not the molehill you don’t.

It’s not budgets - it’s people that make the difference. Always seek to build community.

Don’t lose sight of the real mountain.

When we just focus on the latest idea we can stop paying attention

to what is really going on.

Don’t let your mountain become a pyramid: just another part of the bureaucracy just another system change another empty target something dead

It is justice we seek.

There is no rule of one man here: it is a free city. The people are lord here, taking turns In annual succession, not giving too much to the rich. Even a poor man has an equal share.

When the laws are written down, then he who is weak And he who is rich have equal justice: The weaker ones may speak as ill of the fortunate As they hear of themselves, and a lesser man Can overcome a great one, if he has justice on his side


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