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Taber, Louis John 1878-1960. Papers, 1844-1959. 33 linear ft.

Unpublished catalogue. Agriculturist


Summary: Papers of Louis John Taber, dealing mainly with his interest in the " Grange and in politics, and including correspondence, speeches, and various

publications. Subjects include his work as Master of the National Grange, 1923-1941; his participation in the International Institute of Agriculture Conference, 1926; his campaign as the Republican candidate for U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1932; his recommendation for the post of Secretary of

Agriculture, 1932; his opposition to many New Deal programs; the Farm Bureau-Grange controversy, 1939; his work on several federal agricultural commissions; and early Grange history. Also, correspondence and other records of the Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company, Syracuse, 1926-1958; files pertaining to the operation of joint-stock land banks, 1922-1947; correspondence as Director of Agriculture for the State of Ohio, and related speeches, reports, and printed material, 1921-1923; diaries, 1907-1957; photographs and personal correspondence, including papers relating to his work with national and international civic and relief organizations; and family papers and MS. and printed material concerning the Taber-Pickett, Bailey family genealogy, 1844 - 1901.

Finding aids: Unpublished guide. References: REPORT OF THE CURATOR AND ARCHIVIST, 1962-1966. Cite as: Louis John Taber. Papers, #2307. Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Cornell University Library. 1. Taber family. 2. Pickett family. 3. Bailey family. 4. International Institute of Agriculture. 5. Ohio. Dept. of Agriculture. 6. National Grange. 7. Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company. 8. Land banks 9. Agriculture and State. 10. Ohio--Politics and government.

NUCMC: ms73375 RGPN: 2307 ID: NYCV89-A93 CC:9554 DCF:a PROC:b

TABER, LOt1IS JOHN, 1818-1960. Papers, 1844- [1891-1959), 33 ft. Agriculturist.

These papers deal mainly with Taber'. interest in the Granqe and~politics.

The first qroup (1814-1959) pertains lllrgel.y to his work u Glfw.d Muter of eJ the National Granga (l.923-l94l) and include eouespondence with or conce%llinq

the parman' union, the American Pann Bureau Federation, the National Council 1\ e. ... of Parm...Cooperatives, the Granqe Leaque Federation (Ithaca), and other far-

mers' organizations 1 tha anto Granqe and other .tate granqes, the Fam

Bureau-Grange controversy (1939) I collElges of agriculture I Charles M. Gardner

and other farm paper editors 1 state governors. U.S. Senators, Cabinet members,

and Presidents Hel±>ert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt; also includes

speeohes by Taber, revealinq hill personal political and econClllio philosophy

and, the viewpoint and stand of the Grange on various public issues, five

letters (1815-1871) Signed by Oliver Hudson Kelley and othar papers pertain­

ing to early Grange history, Journals of Proceedin<ls of Annual Sessions of

the National. Grange (1873-1888, 1890-1959) and other related publioations.

The second group pertains largely to Taber's work as a private citizen for ';i •

the Republican Party, his partiil:ipation in tba',International Institute of '" , ; ". '. '~~ •• ~." '0"" ~.

AgriculilUre Conference (1926); his campaign ... the Republican' candidate for , United States Senator f%aII Ohio (1932) I his r4lCClllilllendation for the post of

Secretary of Agriculture ~1932), oppos~tion ~ many Nri Deal proqrams, and - . • ~,- ':t > . - 'l..

official work on several federal aqricultural: CoBn..ruionsl it includes

correspondenoe with Ezra Taft Benson, RicharCI E. Byrd, Calvin Coolidge, . . '. "' .

Thomas E. DeWey, Robert A. Taft, lIenry A. WAllace, ''Claude R. Wickard, and

Harry S. Truman. In addition to these two major cat~e., the papers

include correspondence and other records (1926-1958)' pt,rtaininq to the

Pll.%1I!er. and Traders Life Insurance Company (Syracuse, Hew York), of which

'raber wu a foundar, vice-president, and prt.rldent, files pert.iining to the

operation of joint-stock land banks (l922-1!147) 1 correspondance u Director

of Agriculture for the State of Ohio and relate<! speeche., report:ll, and

printed material (1921-1923) 1 diaries (1907-1951), photoqrapha, and personal

correspondence, inc1udinq papers relating to his work for the Ohio Council

of Churches, CAllE and other national and international civic or relief'

organizations I and family papers and MS.aDddprinted material concerninq the

'raber-Pickett-Bailey family genealogy (1844-1901). unpublished guide

available. (2307)

Gift of :-'rs. Louis J. rabEr, 1963.

• , tAlliII., LOOIS JOID. Preeidet. Pe.rmer. 8.lId frlUl ... w. :ra_ranee ~. 8;yraCl1l.e.

, I .... fork, PII lit lIfallter ot '1'he .ats-onal GroDe- 1111 ttl ""1. lie _. bora ... ••

PleaiSUt. Ohio. SIiIptlllllhel' 19. 111'f1, the .... ot Joaepll J. Ii1\d ~h (Ple'btt) 7~.r.

a. _. "oated in the pab110 'Moab an4 at OlaeJ Co11acl ........... 11 •• <Il.10.

GIll Oot;ober 2'tll., 190. hI "I'd'" JIdDa aall.,. th.,- .v ... _lU, .r .. Pa\1l «lid.

J'raneb hUe,._ Mr. faber bl!pA ta.nalng at the ap ot 1' ... 11 the U_ ot hi, te.ther'.

deat:a. ud lat. _. 0 •• of til. orcan1I.1 or til. tun ee-opel'atlw arkdlDc IUI4

•• 111nc cia11'1 aesociation. 1. (Ido. B. _. 0_ .t -. .. pub._ .t !lie 10 ... 1 1IraII&.

1. 1889 _11 hal ""*' u I..etIa:rer uu! .",,1' ot 1IIl. as. .... te 1lIraJs.. rroa Dill

ta lMI he .ltl"f'll4 ... 11 ... '11 .. 01' th. 1a1l1o .. 1 ....... MUS. thl. podUaa loapi' t_

UfT other laster. JIr. tder lI.elp'" 01'pll1.u !he ,.,~ ... !radare Llte lliuIar_

00apNQ' at 1)'J'UIl'.. 1ft y"Jtt. Be.. .1 ........ I'l'fll4.* Sa lfll. Be 1. llFMtor

.t !h. Ql'a'D&e "''doIIDbU. Llabil1t,. Oospaa, ... !U Iati_1 ....... ftr. :ra..r ..... ao~. Be h allo Dlreetor ana 1'10. Pr • .u_ .t tile ... Ion: .r.1.D Ito* le4 IImk

and the :JflltlOrW. Ll'Mll1loW: ~1Dc .... n.Satloa.

... 'I'der •• l"f'II4 aa Pr.dllc WU.oa'. Ill ..... Prlo. ao-ltltle. Sa 181f .... 4 •• a .-lin

at -th.lloO't'er holl .l4Id.a1"n1Iion .. '\;)t 0h1e eo...U of Det_a "I'Ue the WOrlll .1'

10. 1. lie ,. ..... _b.r ot PI'.a14eat BartiDa'. Acr14M1ltval Goatv ... Sa l.n ... Pre.ident 0lIl01141." .lll'illlllltval Co-s. •• loa 1a 19h. ..._ "'1'1_ Del.p.te w the

Jat ...... tlonal :ra.U'I:1dIa .f .l&J'illllltve at .... ltelJ' !a 1981. JIr. tdV ........... I !Q'''''-z..

II1reator of Ac .. ioultllt". 1'01' 1Il1o ia 1.11 lUll i.a _4 •• a .... 1' .1' the 1Il1o state

L1bt"U7 JIoard ad & t'rurt •• ot til. 0h1e ~ .... tion. .. .... 1 ... ia ....

orp.lIilailioD ot the lailioaal .l&J'10111_1'&1 aoater_ m4 •• ita t1rat GhaU-. ••

la al .. & aelIb_ of till eo __ ,"" on Boca.lIlo ..... 1., •• appoia .... of Pr.Ii ....

••• ..,.11::. JIr. taber 11 t'ru .... lUll ... ratal')"-fI' .... • t the laUOJIal n...." VIV.

eoaterillllM, alao Th. Preeld" aDd 1111' ...... of the kts.-l I'ua Oh i p.o CcI1moU •

.. 11 tnan •• of the Jratloaal tax follJidatioa Bad a .... of the lat10aal ••

.. lbu'al BGouti. ot t_ 1IG7 800utl ot .... 1'111&. Ia 1841 .... !abor •• appoilll a4 '11,-

' .. rri&1'7 ot ASrioultu.r. 1Jiokercl oa the latlQ_l .l&J'10111tural 1I'ar CoJaltt... ..

•• appointee! bJ S .. retarl of .Agrloultur. laoJi:ar4 oa the JratioDal Acrioultural hI'

Colllll1tt... 11: ••• apDOintad bl OoTel'nCJl' BrialMr at Ohio a. a ....,.1' ot the <11.10

118.1' COlU1oll 8.lIl the Ohio Acrioultural 118.1' Board. B. 1a Pres1dent of til. Ohio 00_11 01' Church.e.


LOUIS J. TABSR PAP3R.3. 3helflist as of 11/63.

(NOT3: ?older-heading or item lists available for * boxes.)

Category I - Gr:mge

*Box 1 Jrans6 113. Correspondence (Series 1, A-L); each folder in chron.order.

*Box 2 Gr9..nge NS. Correspondence (Series 1, concl. , M-Z; Series 2, A-G); chron. order.

*Box 3 Grange ~.r:> • Corresnondence (Series 2, H-Z, concl. ; Series 3, A-Z; Grange cireula: letter file). 3eries 2 & 3 in chron. order.

Box 4 GrGl.!1se !\'ls. . Speeches. Arr •

Box 5 I}range Speeches and Pa.mnhlets.

Box 6 Grange Pa.mphlets + 5 broadsides, 4 of which are duplicated in the general Br. Collection, IF •

Category II - Political

*Box 7 H:3. A-l. Arr.

*Box 8 ~3. L-2 only (no A-K). Arr. Also, nolitical pamphlets.

Category III -- F:lMerS' :lnd Tr',ders' Life Insurance

*Box 9 -- HS.

*Box 10 -- including oversize folders; also, namnhlets at end + 1 broadside, duplicate of which is in general Br. Collection, IF •

Cate"orv rv - Joint 3tock Land 3,mks

*Box 11 - ,·;5. :;nct nrinted material; also, various and misc. speeches from 1921-42, '56, in unused snace at back of box.

CateQ:'JI"Y V - Eon-'Jrange Agricu1 tur3.1 Organizations

*Box 12 -- rc.ber'3 corres. and other files fro:~ ye:lrs (1921-23) when he was ',lith the Jhio (State) Dent. of A~riculture.

Cor~es., reports, documents, etc. on the International Institute of Agriculture ~eeting in Rome in 1924 and 1926.

CateO'ory VI - Personal

*'3ox 13 -- F".:"ily i''lS)., including one jute folder of early Ohio deed'3.

#<2)07 p. 2

*Box 14 Cotn:':ittees 0n ,·;hich LJT '..rorked. Arr.

*30:;( 15 Fa:r.ily diaries, ap90int:nent books, notebooks, and scrapbOOks.

Category VII - Photogra')hs

Box 16 -_ Both family and 3ran~e and other professional items.

aOT~: Oversiz'? rolled photos placed in labeled ++ dra;;er jS __ WIIII_._III!','

Catezory VIII - ?amnh 1 eta not related to Categories I_V

Box 17 -- :1isc. :;a':1:ohlets (patriotic, insDirational, etc.) and articles and write-uns on ('I) Taber and :na';azines containing articles by T~ber on s:Ldlar subjects.

30x 18 -- Pam:ohleta Qn travel, ~Jided tours, etc.

Category IX - ;0el,snaoer Items

Box 19 I~e\.-vs;ape:r clipYJings ..

Box 20

Cate!1;or;r X

Box 21 Journals of Proceedings of the 'Jational Grange

Box 22 " " If 11 If " II '


" v J 11"1/63 i'; .. ,,f.,. ;\.. .., I ........ •

M. Hopson 1981

Add. #2307

Louis J. Taber. Additional Papers.

10-16" boxes I ••••




25, 26

27, 28






large letter book with case box of (reports?) - table of contents on outside 3 tapes small notebook misc. papers

files - includes newspapers, clippings includes "Bibliography ••• sent to Columbia U."

files - includes much material on Grange

includes loose material and files -- ~ Grange

files, diaries, loose papers

2 shallow boxes (record albums?) 1 large looseleaf notebook 3 cardboard tubes with documents in them scrapbook loose material letterbook of tributes photos newspapers

folders and files and bundles of correspondence [box not totally full]

files of correspondence, loose newspapers

.. !F2307

The Louis J. Taber Papers

The Louis J. Taber Papers consist of nineteen 16" boxes and eight miscel­laneous (non-Cmt) boxes of papers, paluDhlets, photographs, and souvenirs, covering the period from around 1870 to 1958. ~e bulk of the material covers the years 1920 to 1950. There is no logical order l~er within the boxes or the folders (although the material in the folders appears to have been chronologically ar­ranged at some time). After a prelilninary survey of the entire collection, I would like to propose the following method of arrangement:


Since between 9 to 11 boxes of the material concerns Taber's work as Grand Master of the National Grange (1923-1941). I feel that this material should be collected together. Tne papers are mainly the Master's correspondence and speeches. Also, the majority of the pam­phlets (estimated 5 boxes) are on the Grange.


Lfesl that this category is necessary to differentiate political matter fram that of the Grange due to the supposed non-political na­ture of the Grange. In addition to Taber's work as a private citizen for the Republican Party (including his candidacy for the Ohio Sena­torial nomination in 1932, his recommendation as a possible Secretary of Agriculture in 1932 under Hoover, and his oppOSition to many New Deal programs). I would include his official work on several federal agricultural commissions and his partiCipation in The International Institute of Agriculture Conference in 1926. as political activities.


In spite of the insurance company's direct connection with the Grange. its importance in Taber's career (with his 1941 retirement as Nation­al Master, Taber assu."ed the active presidency of this company) and the large amount of material (about 6 boxes) make another division necessary.


This category is necessary in order to distinguish Taber's private busi­ness (fann accounts and stocks), travel souvenirs (postcards, pictures, programs, and diaries), and family correspondence with his wife, Edna Bailey Taber, and sons, Paul and Francis (Pete), from his public activ­ities. I also feel that Taber's work on various committees and communi­ty activities, like the Boy Scouts of America, The National Highway Users, and Ohio Council of Churches, should be included in this category.


There are ~t least Z box~s of photos, many unidentified, of family groups and of Grange Conventions.

/2307 p. 2


The approximately 5 boxes of pamphlets would most profitably be divided into categories similar to those necessary for the papers. The large n1llllber of duplicates (more than 2 copies) have been separated from the others.


At least one and a half boxes of newspapers (mostly Taber's home town weekly, !!:!!!. Barnesville Enterprise) and thousands of clippings pertain­ing to Taber and his family are unarranged.


1. Grange Historical lolaterial: original letters to Rev. S. H. Ellis from O. H. Kelley and other founders of the Grange, 1875-1877.

2. Original letters from: Ezra Taft Benson, Pearl S. Buck, calvin Coolidge, Thomas E. Dewey, Helen Keller, Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt, Robert A. Taft, and others. AlISO, !lorcH, O;:,+el.(, Fis\

Nan Chatfield, 8/24/63

if 2:307

Louis J. Taber Papers Folder Headings

Category I - Grange Box 1 __ Gran e i~. C')!"!"es ond n~e . '" f' lder in chr n er









Alaska - Pioneer Grange, ~Q. 1 Anniversary - Personal 1940-1942 Applioations Article on Agriculture and Labor Qy L.J.T. Belmont Grange Belmont Grania Charter 187~, Per20nal Caton, Harry ~""., - Secy. National Grange Chamhers of Commeroe Chemurgy Colleges of ~.griculture Columbia University Congratulations On Election as National Master 1923 Cooperatives and Coop. 3xtension Service ~d Home Eoonomics (Including

Canadian Coop. Wheat Producers) Coop 3re~kfast. Annual Session 1937 Coulter, Lee Coulter, J. Lee 1941 Criticisms and Suggestions Date file 1940 [Speaking engagements] Date file 1942 [Speaking engagements] Diamond Jubilee !aitors - Farre Papers, etc. Executive Committees Executive Corr@ittee Insurance File Expense ~ccounts 1936-1942 Expense Accounts - L. J. Taoor, Monthly Extension Rules - 1930-19~1 Farm Bureau - Grange Controversy 1939 F~rm Bureau - Lincoln, O'Neal, etc. Also State Bureaus Farm ~1achinery and ?riorities ~quipment Farm ~~achinery Problems 191H-1942 Farmer, James C., National Lecturer Farmer's Union - Educational and Cooperative :"'irestone - Akron, O. Ford Sunday ~vening Hour Talks Forestry ."'ranklin Co. Defense Savings'gricultural Committee Freestone, Fred J. Future F'lrmers of Al'19rica Gardner, Charles !1 •• [&'itor, National Grange ~:onthly] Goss, Albert S., National Master Governors - Seals and Signatures Governors of States Grange 1927 Grange, ~uscellaneous correspondence 1921-1941; A 1911 Grange program G.L.F. (Grange League Federation) - Ithaca, N. Y. Guernsey Cattle Historical rlaterial

Home ~conomic-s Hotels

[~arly Grange letters 1875-1897) others. See separate list.] p. JAt

Insur~~ce - Grange and Other Companies Invitations

from C.R.Kelley and

# 2:307. p. 2. Box 1 con't. (Series 1, A-L)

J JU"Emile Work' - Ers. Susan J. Freestone, National Supt. & 11rs. 1'. Cald.rell K Kelley Memorial L Land Utilization 1932

Letters & Papers 1918, 1930-1933 Lists - Easter's Address, etc.

Box 2 __ Grange YS. Correspondence (Series 1. con't.! M-Z)

M McNillen, ':meeler - Editor };ell'orial File - Grange and Otherwise Eiscellaneous - Haster' s Address, etc. 1939 Hiscellaneous - National Grange

N ~ew States and C~~ada :'!ewsom, Jesse and Herschel

o Ohio "tate Fair and Fair Ylanagers Ohi0 State Grange - ',';alter F. Kirk and others Ohio State Grange Re: Sunday Meetings and Correspondence ,.nth Deuuties ~tc. Ohio State University Oregon Grange 1928-1941

P Parliamentary Procedure Potomac Grange ~!o. 1 c~ashington, D.C. Presidents o~ the United States and Cabinet Members

~ empty R R~dio _ (Broadcasts etc.)

Railroads Recommendations Regalia, Jewelery etc. ~lings - Flag Day. Passing of Past Officers, Proclamations

S ,Safety ~ssay 7ile Senators and Federal Dept's Congratulations on Master's ,~dress Social Security - Delber Kinsel and ~'Jashington, D.C. 90ngs & Eusic - Grange 2neeches 1938-1939. L.J.T's State Grange Check Letters [Letters enclosine checks] 1940-1941 State Grang'" Correspondence - Ylasters, Secretaries, etc. Statistical File - National Grange Deputies Records Swift & Gomp~~ - Chicago, Ill.

Traber Forest Taber Forest - 1941 Temf-l';rance Agencies - American Susiness Hen's Foundation, etc. Thank You Letters - 1941 Annual Session, ~lorcester, Nass. To,m i"eeting of the Air - 1940 Debate T011l1Send Plan

U em?ty \T Vocational - ;)e?t. of ",griculture Congratulations 1939

",1 ~':ashingtonf D.C. Grange Office - Goss and Brenckman 1Jashington State '}rang'9 19~5-191~1 "!estern ?ul~ds - F~mers ~uto Inter-Insurance Exchange

XYZ Y0uth

j2307 , p. 3.

Box 2 con't. (S9ries 2, A-G)

A Agricultural "Dope" - Radio Address, pal'lphlets, etc. (printed & mimeo.) '~gricultural Letters ani ",iles re: s;Jeaking

B 3re1,,00d Engre.v9rs (Dial'lond Juhilee Certificates, 1942) C C correspondence

Ceton, Harry A. Chemurgy Congratuhtions 1939 1. 3usiness - Personal File, 2. p.P.(Haster's .;ddress}.

3. Congresamen (Kaster's Address). o Deputy Ke,Ts 1942'lOnd Jubilee : 1. Rel)ort, National Session. 2. Preliminar'J Statffi"!?nt. 3. Incomplete. 4. Printing & Supplies, 5. Contributor

"'roS!'ects. 6. Audit by Hr. Kinsel. 7. Eiscellaneous 19tJ.1-42. E E correspondence

Editors F


Bo: H (SeI'_"s 2 con't. H-Z)

I-H }! o

P&Q ;:l. s

T u.&v


F correspond~~ce Farmer, James C., Insurance File of Journ~ls. In re: G ~r~esponden~e GB. ar, Charles, M. Ga ,sr, Chas. M., Personal, [1935-1941] Governors (Congratulations) Easter'3 .'.ddress Grange League F0deration (G.L.F.) Grange 1. Papers & Material. 2. Reports & Agricultural

3. Hiscellaneous files & cli'Jpings 1927-1940 Goss, Albert S. 1942 H correspondence Historical file - Early Grange History Historical Records, Personal, an 1874 Grange pa'1l?blet. Hietory of BelMont Grange emut'T ~Iati-;mal Grange If:utual Liability Company Ohi., St'lte Grange - Joseph Fichter, }laster el!llOty R'lcon'lllenaations Stel video 0r,?nge


[See s$p'irate list.] p. :3A.

,'Songs, Grange; ~,n autogrl't?hed cop:r of the song 1f!c Thee, Belo~."~d Gran~elf by th9 ;/Titer. Also a copy of The Grange Th9me Song.

",tate J:.:asters Suc:;gestions Taber, Paul; Ass It. to 7'!at 11. N:;.ster emoty '.i'ickard, Claude- Sec 'y. 0:: ;\griculture em?ty

Louis J. Taber ?apers

130X 1 Series 1 _ EarlY Gr',nge L:o.terial

Folder heading- llistoric~l Grange material

Early GraP~e letters, 1875 - 1877. Five letters, Nov. 4, 1375

Dec. 25. 1875 July 15, 1876 Aug. 7. 1877 Sept. 5, 1877

1897. signed by Oliver H. Kelley, one of the founders of tioe Grange.

Also L2tters addressed to Rev. S H Sllis, Springboro, Ohio. Hr. Ellis was an early Master of the Ohio State Grange. Signatures on these letters are J.E. Brigham, Jor.n T. Jones A.3. Grosh Nortimer Hhitehead F .E. ~'cDmlell John Trimble. Jr. D. ',iyatt .,iken E.ft. Shankland J. J ..ioodman Dudley 'd. Adarr,s 'd.'d. Hiller Samuel E. Adams

BOA Series 2 oon't. H-Z Folder headin s --'storical file - Ear range History

Historic:2l .aecords, Personal, an 1874 Grange pamphlet , "Constitution - and By-Lat,s of the lhssouri State Grange of Patrons of Husbandry,

Adopted at its Third :"pnual Session held in Kansas City. October 1874."

Also a cc:rtificate authorizing Oliver 'liilson of Putnam County, illinois, as a renresentative of the Texas State Grange in Illinois, dated December 6. 1888. and signed by A. J. Roe, Master of the T2xas State Grange.

Box J Grange ~!S. Corresoondence (Series 3. A-Z)

A A corres~ondence Advertising File - National Session, 1936 Agricultural Press, The American Farm Bureau Federation

# 2307, p. 4.

Annua15essions 1. 1928-1929-1934 Incl.; 1935-1938 Incl.; 2. 1939-1941 Anti-Lewis Farm ~!o'J'e!11ent Annreciation Letters of Master's ~!essage, 1933-1941 A~sociated Farmers of California Atkeson, T.C.

B 3 correspondence Briefs, 1929-1933. A¢cultural, etc.

G C correspondence ~ Deuuties - ~ational

Deputies- (Nat'l.) Co~~ssions and Correspondence Drill Manu",l - Pin~ - ?ageants, 1934-1935

5 empty F Farm Statistics 1938-1941

Farmers' Uni:m Free Farmers

GGrange Le3sue Federation, The Grange & Misc. Gorum. [2 folders] Grange ?apers 1935-1937 IJovernment Controlled F'lIT.l Jegencies

H Honor ~~ll and Silver Keys I empty J J co~respo~ence K ~ c0rres~o~dence L L corres)onclence M ~c ~orres90ndence

1-1 correspondence l! ~J correspondence

~ ~

" ~




r TJ V l-l

'iat'l. COw"leil of ::lrm Co-ops. ::J8.t'l. Farm Chemurgic Council Nat'l. Grange. The o corres~ondence Ohic ,~~ 3ureau Federatio~ p corre5~ondence ~uestionnaires 1?41 ~ ~orre3)ondence Robinson~ l>!rs ... !'-!argaret F. S corr'~$~on'!enCSl Smith. Leslie R. - (See 'llse "Nat'l. Grange Mutud Lhhility Co. n) Ste'''art, ;)r. Ches. F. r correspondence 9w;Jty V (lorrespondence


~,! C:.')rrsspondence ~·~3.shington ::t3.te Grange enpty

So:: 3 -- Qrange circular letter file arrry.nged in date working bac!'" 'Hards to th'3 e,"lJ .... list d:?tc last,

order. latest date first Mar. 9. 1942 - Dec. ~9. 192J.

# 2.307, p. 5.

Category II - Politioal

Box 7












A_Z Ms.

A oorrespondence Agrioultural Commission - Calvin Coolidge Agricultural File (Special) P.P. Agricultural - Political, Columbus, Ohio

3 corrospondence ~ricker. John - Ohio Governor 3~f'1, I\dmiral - correspondence

Gamoaiqn Sneeches 1932 C~did;tes: 1938 Candidates & Issues 1940 Chicago Convention -- Republican N~tional Convention Communism Naterial Congress of the U.S. - Senators 6 Congressmen, etc. Congressmen - Selective Service Act Constit-"tion - Bill of Rights

D correspondence . Debenture - EXDort 1927 (reprints, same as those under "Eu below) Dept. of Agri~lture - '.;[ashington, D.C. (i'lallace, 1'iickard, Earle H. Clapp, etc.) Dept's of ~griculture - State Dewey, Thoe.-Letters from, 11il.rch 4, l-T.ay 11, June 10. July 23. and carbons of lette

to, Feb. 24, Nay 2, June 5. July .5. all 1940 • .::i:.'<port Debenture - 1927 (NOTE: This contains only 1 item: reprint from the

National Grange l1onthly,Springfield, Mass •• Sept. 10, 19 Farm '::rooit "The Export Debenture and the Farmer1s Dollar." :3 copies Federal ~gencies, Various - Fooeral Re.aserve Board Foderal ?arro Beard and Farroers Nat'l. Grain Corporation ?oreign Countries - Mexico, Spanish So. America Fortune Magazine

Harling's r:emorial Service; Offici:tl Program for. !"eb. 27. 1924.

Ithaca, !'l. Y. and Kiscellaneous Taft Clubs

em9ty 1\ .;orres?ondence

=9t y

Parsonal - Political 1926-19:32 Personal - Political 1928-1932 Personal and Political (?P.) 1937-1942 "olitical Materhl ~olitical. L.J. Taber 1938-1942 COubli'! I'ien "50oklet" and Letters 1924-1931. [lIltfuat :>Uhlic Hen Think of the

Gr2.nge tf a bookl'lt by L.,J. 1'. ] "uhlic ,.oen &,~bite 'louse 1926-1932 (ciashington Office)

R Rural Crejit ""ills,a3hington, D.C, 1940

1/2307, p. 6.

Box 7 con't. Political 14.s.

Supreme Court 1937 [Letters mentioning Roosevelt's ~ttempt to pack the Supreme Court.]





Su~reme Court - Report by States - Positions For or Against tReolies from State Masters on whether the Grange shou11 issue a statement on the Supreme Court matter.]

Supreme Court - Speeches and Data Supreme Court - U.S._t. [printed material]


l'.5. Court Subpoena - 1940


'dallaee, Henry A- .:r:.\ctc--<lq f1\I-\t.«.;, Oct '7, 11~<.c­"'hite House [a Harry S. T:!:'UI1l3..'1 letter, June 25. 1945].


Box 8 -- y,s. L-Z only [no A-KJ. Political

L L correspondence Lists of Nm'les

M M correspondence }! cN.3.ry. Charles L. Miscellaneous - Hoiles-Griffen-5tarrett Miscellaneous - 1932 ".P. Miscellaneous - 1933-1934 P.P. l':i3cel13.neo115 - 1935-1936 P.P. J.'iscellaneous - 1937 ? P. Miscellaneous - 1938 ?P. Niscellaneous - 1939-?olitical & Grange Miscellaneous - 1940-Congressmen & Senators Greetings

N empty o 0 correspondence P P corres)ondence

~earson & Allen Open Letter Personal ~nd Political 1924-1930 Political Letters 1942 Political Pamphlets Political "amnhlets - Ohio R9?ublican News Political Speeches Political SpeeChes - ·CurtaiL~ent vs. Stimulation of Agricultural Production by

Government A:::tion". Posterity - L.J. Taber (?9rsonal) "'rimery C:lms - etc. 1938

R R correspondence Republi~an Convention Republioan :lat'l. Gomrnittee Or_ i'rogram Re;mblican State Central Comm. - County Comm.

Sox 8 con't. ?olitical

S S correspondence Sec 'y of Agncultu...'"6 - Taber Recommendations 1924-1925 Ser.atorial Campaign P.P. 1932 Senatorial letters 1939 Senatorial Race, Agans, Newsom, et al. 1940 Senators 8, Congressmen 1939

T 'r correspondence 'Taber, L.J. - Personal ¥l.R. Palmer et, al. Taber - Personal - Pray, Eldean, Kyes. Taft, Robert A.

# 2)07, p. 7.

Tmm Hall [Letters of congratulations to L.J.T. who was in a radio debate with Hr. Grady on "To1m Meeting of the Air", Jan. 11, 1940].

U empty V V correspondence Ii ,,j correspondence

'"-"barton - F?nn ltlillkie, ~!tJ"endell L. Homen P.? [letters to L.J.T. from W0l!)8n concering ?olitics].

Cate!?"ory TIr F-rmers' and Traders' Life Insurance

Box9 -- ¥J5.

A A corres?ondence 1937, 1940- 4!. *carbon folder 1937. 1940-42_ Agency Force Supervisors 1937-40. **cf 1938-41.


Agents' Lists Record 0: ?lay 1938-39. Applications

B correspond3nce 1938-40. cf 1942. Board of ~irectors 1937-42. cf 1938-42. Building Committee 1956-57_ cf 1956

o 0 correspondence 1937-42. of 1937-42 Cli?pings - bistorical Matter Company Histor,r and Documents F & T

D D corres?ondence 1937-38, 1941. cf 1937-39, 19',1

E Executive Co~~itte~ 1936-38, 1941. cf 1942

F F corresopndence 1937-39. 1942. of 1937-39 Farmers & Traders 1926-28. cf 1926-28 FaITlers 3: Traders 1938-40. of 1940 Financial Statements 1937-38,1941. cf 1941

G G correspondence Gar.:ine r , etas.. ~ ..

1929,31,38,42. of 1938-40.42 1940-41. cf 19i~

H H correspondence 1929,1937-40, cf 1929,1937-38,1940 Rays, Lester D. 191.;8. cf 1948 Henne, t!.. -:T. 1930,1932-31>,1937. of 1930, '34,'37 Henne, E.'"., :!ixecutive Vioe President 1938-39. cf 1937-39 Henne, 3. 'i. 1939. of 1939-40 Henne, ". -'T. 1929,'37-42. cf 1937-38,1940-42 Henne, S. 'tI. 1937-38,191>2. of 1937-38 High Cost of Living Historical File Hollister Gorrespondence 1952-53.

r Ino::lme and Disbursement State!'!ents by ~lonths and:;:Uarters 1947-48 Investment 1.Jan;:>01')er and Current Problems 1955

J empty

K K correspondence 1937-42. cf 1937,1939-40

L L correspondence 1937-39. of 1937.1941 Lar-_'1'.ers, l'lartin -f. 1940-42. of 1940-42 Lennie, :'J. C., 5u;:>erintendent of ""gencies, 1936-40. cf 1937-39 Life Insurance, F&'f, '"'iso. 1941-42. cf 1940-41 Li ,t of Na",es of Girls in the Office 1938

* carbon folder means 3.ttached folder of yel.lo!. carbons of letters ** of means carbon folder abbr.

#2307 • p. 8.

"2307, p. 9.

Louis J. Taber Papers Folder Headings Box 9 (cont.)

M McSoarran and Caton Carbon Copies, 1938, 1940, cf1938 :Unutes, 1938 Miscellaneous, 1937-41, cf1937-42 Miscellaneous, 1955, cf n.d.

N National Grange Mutual Insurance Co., 1958 Newson H., 1942

o O'I~alley, Edward A.

P P Correspondecne, 1938, cf1938 Pension & Retirement, 1956 President' s Honth* Public Accountants Reports, Gilford and ;·lcNeal, 1940, 1943 Public Relations - Pres. Report

R Real Estate Department, Ray Ferris, SuPt. Real Estate, 1937, 1939, cf19J7-39. 1942 Retirement Progra~ as of Vanuary1, 1957; Farmers and Tr~ders Life

Insurance Company Proposed Revision of.

S Staff Salary, 1914-1947 S'liades, Official, 1922 to date Salaries an~ Compensation Com·~ittee. L. J. Taber, lv. G. Speeches, Farmers & Traders Speeches on Insurance, Set of Staff Bulletins, 1947 Stai'f Heetings - '1inutes, 1943 Staff and Officers, 1946 Stock; Circulars soliciting,L. J. Taber letters offering to buy stock and

sell to Granges at cost. Thomas O. Young. Stock Sales, Grange State - ~ational, 1952 Stock File (Finale), 1952-53 Stock Prices - Farmers & Traders Stock, F & T. Requests, 1948-49 Stockholders Stockholders ~~etin~, 1954 & 1958; F & T Special Stock Suit, 1955 Stock, F & T ; James Eall - Guy Crandall - Insurance, "Personal," 1948-49,

1951-52, 1955. Stock Sales and Purchases. Personal, 1951-53

T T Correspondence, 1937-39, 41, cf19J8-40 Taber, Mr.; Personal ~ Historical, 1948-50 Taber, Louis J., 1956-57 Taber, n.d. Taber on 80th Birthday :'i.ecognition, 1958; letters to and frol'l \'r. Taber Taber, 80th Birthday Insurance Sales, 1958 Taber, Farmers and Traders Life Insurance CO!llPany (red folder for L. J. 1'3

80th Birthday (Insurance) '.8.1es , 1958).

* L. J. Taber celebrated his 30th Birthday on the sa",e month the F & T's dedicated their ne., office building in Syracuse, N. Y.

Louis J. Taber Papers

Catego Traders Life Insuranc C continued Broadcast, The, monthly newsheet published by the F. & T. 's Co. for their field reoresentatives) 1940-47. 57 Corcoran 1953-54 dolf, Corcoran and Linder - consulting actuaries Farmer3 ~nd Traders Life(Insurance Co.) Historical Grange & Farmers & Traders Historical President's reoort 1956 President's reports 1951-54 President's Reports1arch, June, 3ept'lmber, 1952 (also 1945-46 material) President's reports 1951 Directors ~inutes President's reoorts for the year 1950 President's reports for the year 1949 President's reports for the year 1948 President's reports years 1942-1947 President's ;;!onthly denort 3srptember 1943 President's report - Farmers & Traders 1937-1942 President's reports years 1937-1941 Acting President's report 1938 Presmdent's reports, Farmers & Traders reports 1938-40 Reoorts 1938-41 L. J. Taber, President Reports printed 1916, 1934-40 Renorts mimeographed 1938-41 Reports Photostatic 1939-41 Stock va. Company 1956 ( also 1,25 & 1926 material) Taber 1954 Birthday letters & Taber Historical material V corresDondence 1,''39 Vouchers· Daid Farc2rs & rraders 1937-1940 W c)rresp~ndence 1938, 40_42. cf 1938, 40-42 ,Iallace ,Iiar-reil, Letters to, 1953-55 Walrath, E. J., Jecretary & Treasurer 1937-38, ~0-42. cf. 1937-41 )alrath, Z. J: 14r. Taber to ;r.r ,ialrath 1939-43, 1946 iiri:;ht, Elizur: and Co mittee on Insurance i\'jisc. Folders (light blue folder) ------i1emorClndum inthe matter of application of Farmers & Traders Life Insurance Company for approval of its Plan of mutualization (dark red folder) ------Farmers & Traders Life Insurance Company (dark blue folder) ------

'1'2307, p. 10.

Sox 10

dodern layout of the 3ta te Tower Building 3.5 a posS'ible home for the FarMers & Traders ~ife Insurance Co. l-iisc. pamphlets ( Grange & F. & T. ) + 1 broadside, Br. Collection, IF _____ _ lihite pamphlet - Securities and ::CxGhange Commission May 5, 1954 See also p. lOA

See also Box 15, p. 21, for 2 Farmers and Traders Scrapbooks.

Louis J. Taber Papers #2307,p. lOA.

These four pieoes put in an oversize ## map drawer 9/5/63 N. Dean

A. 1 preliminary drawing of the iii Farmers and Traders Life Architects, Childs & Smith.

nev second floor of theAoffice building for the Insurance Compa~ dated Oct. 17,1956 by Chicago 6, Illinois.

B. 2 dravings of the ground floor plan for the Farmers and Traders Life Insuranoe Compa~'s new offioe building in 3,yracuse, N. Y. dated Oct. 10, 1956, Architeots,Childs & Smith.

C. 1 list of oompetitive bids opened and read June 25, 1957, from several oonstruction companies on the cost of building the Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Compa~'s new offioe building in 3,yracuse, N. Y.

192? 1923-26 cf 192'.-::6 1925 cf 1925-,<6 1<;'26-27

cf 1927,1:29 1927_29 cf 1927-29 1928 cf 1928 1929 cf 1929 1930

Joint Stock Land 3anks Joint Stock Land3anks Joint Stock ~~nd Sanks Joint Stock Land 3a!1ks Gault -"'3.=. Dbio Joint Stock Lcmd Bank Gault F~rm, Ohio ?a. Joint Stock Land Bank

""-"7 ,r_j.J , p. 11.

Farm Account ~9COrd Gontest s:)onsored by the Chio Pa. ,'oint Stock Land Ehnk Farm Acc('unt 1tecord ::':ontest Joint Stock T • .wan::: 3anks Joint Stock Land Banks Earl Guy Farm, Ohio Pa .. Joint 2:arl Guy Fa!'m, Ohio ,,- '}oi!lt , 'J. ..

'3:arl Guy Fan, Ohio ?a. Joint 3arl Guy Farre.,. Ohio ?a. Joint Sarl Guy Far:1, Chio ::>- Joint - ~.

cf 1930 .} n .. 0 .. Undated

>arl 3arl

GUY ~ ~3.rm, Guy Farm.

Otio ?a. .. Ohio Pa.

Joint Joint

Stock Land 3ank Stock Land .'lank Stock Land 9ank Stock Land 3ank Stock Land 9ank Stock Land 9ank Stock Land ":hnk

1930 cf 1930 1931 1932 1933 cf 1<;'31-33 1931--35 cf 19;1"--35 1936 1937 cf 1936-37 193B 1939 cf 1S32-39 1933.1936-40 1940 19L,1-42 cf 1940-'12 1946-1"-7 cf 191.;7 Undats-d cf lbdated

Joint Stock Land 3an.1.:s (..Toint Stock Land Banks Joint Stock Land 3e.~ks Joint Stock Land Banks Joint Stock Land .'lanks Joint stock Land 3anks Joint Stock Land Sanks J')int Stock Land Banks Joint Stock Land Banks Joint Stock L=.d Banks Joint Stock land 9anks Joint Stock La."1d Banks Joint Stock Land Joint Stock Land 3anks 'Ile\' York Joint Stock Land 3ank of Roch'lster, 'rinted :-:ateri"l Joint Stock Land Sanks J0int Stock Land Sanks Joint Stock Land .'lanks Joint Stock Land 3anks Joint '3tock Land Sanks Joint Stock Land 3ao\<s "Joint Stock Land Banks Joint Stock Land .'lanks, H?rogress in Liquidation Including Stat?:conts of Condition:" as of Dec. 31, 193~

II If June.30, 1939 "" Dec. 31, 1939 n It D9C. 31, l?IJ,O I' tl Mar. 31, 1941

,?U1:11i~hed 1)<; Fam Cr~dit Administration, ''';ashington, D .. G.

Joint Stoc!, ~fu'1d 3anks ~rint'ld :·;';.t"rial a."ld ?amphlets American 3a~ Report2r (little red leather not9~ook)

Loui!! J. Taber Paper!! #2')07, p. 12.

SrssCHES in b~ck half ~r B~x 1t Various and mise. s'~echesfrom 1921-42,'56.


AGRICULTURE AND EDUCATION •••••••••••••• A AllERICA AlID EUliOPE'S COmICTS ......... A AGIICOL. OU1'J.,()O! RlR 194:0 ............ <II ...... .l AGR. INDUSTRY & SClmtCE •••••••••••••••• A AGRIClJIiT":tE &: PROSPEIfITY ............................ ... JK!RlCAN WAr or LIrE ••••••••••••••••••• A AGR. AND NATIONAL DEFENSE •••••••••••••• A AGR. AFTER SECOND ~RLD WAR •••••••••••• A AGi. AND PRESEN'l' CRIS IS .. • • .. .. • .. • • • •• A • AGlIcaLfUllta CHALLBJOE •••••••••••••••• A O'RIPFtED ·'t1!l1tO .. ·, ABSlctE.'.';';'i .' .. 4........... 11 OOOPBRlfI05' RECOVERY •••••••••••••••• C CB!lUBBIC P70IElRIIG •••••••••••••••••• C OOBSBRYAfIOW & 1l!L. DEFENSE.......... C CBAIJ·EIQE OF '.lIm................................. a 1tlUCA.:t'IOJl AJD 1U.'1'L. DEFElISB........... I EP'J'BCf OF lI11l 01 THE FAllIiER.... ....... I _QIIOVTC !RIBDS FOR AGR.............. I DAIRY OOW AID RECOVERY............... D FARMER AND MANUFACTURER.............. F F~ PIONEERING...................... , FAlMER ON THE MARCH.................. F FOURFOLD PROGRAJ/ ••••••••••• 'I •••• ".... ,

FOUR HORSEMEN OF RECOVERr............ F THE FABlER AND EUBOPE................ F PARMER'S CONTRIBUTION TO DEIlOCRACY... , PAIHS AND HlTL. DEFENSE.............. P FREEDOM AT CBOSS ROADS............... r FAllIiER JJro HAliUFACtlJREL............. , PLAO DAY PBOCLAl~TIOB................ P GUIDE POSTS :ro BETTER LIVING......... G GJAHGI (RADIO ADDRESS)............. G ORAIGE LOOIS TO 1940................. G GRAliS OF PROMISE.................... G HISTORIC FORTS JJro THE CORN BELT..... li HalE OWBEiSHIP & FREEDO~'............. H HISTORIC aHURCB...................... B HOW TO MAKE FA:lIl PWGRItl! EFFECTIVE... H I}PORZARCE OF SELF HELP.............. I IS THE PRICE TOO HIGH ••••••••••••••• I


RURAL CREIlIT AlID" RECOVERY.......... R ROAD 1'0 TRl1I DOOVERr." ••••••••••••• OROAlIZATIOB AND ~KBDal ••••••••••• !II1RAL CRlmIT .\lit) RJ!'COVERT ......... . 8.U'I!lTT AlID" SECO'RITT fOR AGI ...... . SA:F'ITY AlID 1IA'1'L. MI:lSP!1UTT •••••••• SUPREME COUR! ••••••••••••••••••••• SCRIPrURAL REFERISCES .............. . SHALL lIB EXtEND RBCIP. TRBATIBS .. 7'HRIE ltEYS TO RECOVEllY'I ........... . fRDE BUILDEBS ••••••••••••••••••••• TRAKSPORfATION AlID PROORES •••••••• 'fA-UTION AlID li!1RAL Pil)ORESS ••••••• VOCATIONAL KDUCA:t'IOI & PROGRESS ••• WHAT IS .AHEAD OF OHIO FARldBRS ..... WHY G.M.NOE lmtBERSHIP .............. . 'I'YCIllI NO STATE GRA.NOB .................. . WHAT CONSERVATION llEANS TO A.l.!ER ••• '



.......... W.P..K.C. New Yearts •••••••• ~. Y(,U:'H '.~ ?OOr ?!GE'T :"''jit FRF;EDOu ... LIVE 31'O,':;K NO rES ..................... .

y W Y L

I o I

• • 8 8 a l' T l' T Y W W W W

Louis J .raber Papers Box 12 Category V -- Non-Grange Agricultural Organizat~ons

/2307. p. 13.

BOX 12 L.J. Taber's correspondence -_"hile Director of Agriculture for the State of Ohio, July 1921-Jan. 1923.

Folder Heaiings A correspondence 1922 B correspondence - 1922&23 C correspondence - 1922&23 D correspondence - 1922 & 23 E corres)ondence 1922 & 23 F correspondence 1922 G correspondence - 1922 H corr3spondence - 1922 & 23 J correspondence - 1922 K correspond~nce - 1922 L correspondence 1922 &23 11 correspondence .. 1922 N correspondence - 1922 P correspondence - 1922 & 23 R correspondence - 1922 S correspondence 1921- 23 r correspondence 1922 V correspondence - 1922 & 23 ,,1 correspondence - 1922 & 23 Y correspondence - 1922 & 23

A-Z correspondence - cf 1922 Public Addresses - Hay I}, 1922-Jan. 31, 1923 Public ,.ddresses - Sept. 17, 1923-0ct. 1923 &, n.d, ?ublic Addresses - of Dec. 8, 1922 .. Nay 18, 1923 Congratulations on .':'ppointment of L.J,'l'. as Director ~f Ag. 1921 Congratulations on Appointment of L.J.T. as Director of Ag. of 1921 Barnesville Enter9rise, Eiitorials for; 1922 & undated i'l. i'lark :';oore 1923 I';' Eark hoors cf 1923 I'it. Logan - 1922 Eisc. Letters - 1921-23 Nel.spaper Eaterial, "wnerican lust. of Agriculture, Ansl.ered Letters &

Semi-Annual Report - 1921-23 :ie'Nspaper Publioity '" Addresses - 1921-23 Ne· ... spaper Publicity'::: :,ddresses.. 1922 Net~spaper Publicity & .;.ddresses - undated Ohio Dept. Of Agriculture 1921 &'22: Annual Report. 1922; Official

Bulletin, Dec, 1922 Speeches - Engagements Filled and Declined J~17 5, 1921 - Jan. 31, 1922 "peeches - i':ngagements 7i11ed and Declined Feb. 1, 1922 - :'pr. 21, 1922 Speeches - Engagements FillGd and Deolined July 22, 1922 - Dec. 2, 1922 Speeohes - Engagements Filled and Declined of 1921 & '22 Snesche:> - 1922 P~i.."1ted ?amphlets:

In 11emoI"J of Charles 3:mlrree Thorne, 1846-1936, Direc':;or of the Ohio Agricultural ~eriment Station, 1887 .. 1921,

Report of the Seventh ,;.nnual Heeting of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Departments of .~griculture, Nov. 28&29. 1921.

Report of the :iational Agricultural Conference, Jan. 23-27, 1922. Daily Report Sheet of the Ohio -"gricultural Experiment Stati::m, ',koster, Oh: Daily il.e;.:Jort Sheet of the Ohio Department of .~griculture, DiviSion of

.-i.gricultu.."'8, (2bookls-cs). Daily Repor't Sheet of the 30ard of Agriculture of Ohio, ?ish .~ Game

Ji',)n (2 booklets).

Louis J. 'Taber Papers j 2;07, p. 14.

Back half of Box 12 -- International Institute of Agriculture Material.

Folder Headings

1923 &0 '2i} 1925 1926

1927,'29,'31-')3, '36,'41_'42 1923-26,'28.'30-'34,'36 cf Printed material 2 bro··m binder folders*

marked L.J.Taber

International Institute Of Agriculture International Institute Of Agriculture International In~titute Of Agriculture International Institute Of Agriculture International Institute Of ~grioulture Interr.ational Institute Of Agriculture International Institute Of Agriculture

* 1 binder folder meeting traci..'1g folder contains

compiled by Asher Hobson, a the develop~ents leading up speeches, reports (1924-26)

U. S. delegate to tl:e to the 1926 meeting.

mimeo. and carbons.

1924 'This

.. 1 binder folder containing minutes and reports &iven at the April 1926 meeting. This folder contains speeches, reports. 6, pam)hlets (1926) mimeo. & carbons.

L. J. Taber attended the 1926 ll'.eeting as a member of the "merican ::Jehgatim ~rirr.arily because of ;:,is :';ide agricultural background, secon:lly because he lias head of a large farm organization.

,:ichool Pacers of Edna A. , 1901-1908 & n.d. Fa::1ily Letters, 1909-11 Fa!'!il7 Lette!"s 199. Condolences em the death of L.J.T.'s ]on, ":Ulia"1

Allen T~ber Fa~ily Letters, 1917-20 Fa~Uy Letters, 1')24-25, cf. 1924-25 Let tars froO! L. J • r. to fa 1112. y and friends from I. I .. :"., 1926, cf. 1926 Personal .ieflect.i-::ns on tha L'1ternational Institute of A"riculture, 1926 Fa:-:ily Let-::ers, 1927-29, cf., 1927-29 Fa:oily Letters, 1930-34 Personal Correspondence to L.J. r. after Goiter oner:>ti::m and r07ular corr.,

"'arch - Aeril 5. 1935 Per30nal GorresDondence to L.J.T.

-<lOril 5 - Dece:nber, 1035 Csrb~n Folder, 1930-37 Fa!1lily Letters, 1936-38 Fa'11ily Letters, iC'39, cf. 193'l-:;~

after ,Joiter oceration and regular corr.,

Letters to Francis and .oaul fr0"'l 1. J. r., 1940, cf. 1940 Fa 4 ily Letters, 1941, cf. 1941 FaClE-; Letters, January - .;ay 1942 Fa:<:ilv Letters (to", fro";} Francis) June - December, 1942, cf. 1942 Family LettsIr, January - August, 1943 Family Letters, 3e])tember - :Jece:'1ber, 1943 Fa:'1ily Letters, 1944 Fa~ily Letters, 1945 Letters to L.J.'r. l'lhile in hospital and Fanily Letters, 1946, cf. 1943-.... -5 FaIily Letters, 1951-52 Legal t"apers :>f J. J. Taber (18'34-1'l96); also records of land b.)u~ht fro'll

i3en5a nin Hoyle Le::;al ?a))ers of the Zstate of ;lary P. Taber, 1870-1911 Letten fro:n ibehel T~.ber (1014-1930 including; a Taber Ge?1ealogy gn::,

011 fa.:il·- oa:lsrs, lR4~-1901 Taber - ricket+ - Bailey Genealogy Fa:oil-; Hist;)r)" cf. The 3arne3villeJhio Enterprise, corr. with ;tay Palmer, 192;'-25, '26, '3),

'J2, 'J3, '40, '42; cf. '2L}, '26, '30, '32, '40_'42 Farm - Person:>l, 1925-27, '29-'31, '33-'36 FarC'1 - Personal, 1923. '25-'26, '29-'30, '34-'41 of F~"rn - Personal, 1937-~2 :} n.d. larm rlocK-"ell, C. F., 194,s-53 Francis B. Taber - Jfficial Ar1Y rapers Ins~rance Files for Taber Jrandc~ildren Printed ;';atorial fr0m Francis, 1943-44, 1947 PersJnal - stocks, 1929, '38-'42, & nd. Personal - Stocks, cf. 1935, '3g, '40-'41 i,lisc. Personal, 1942, 195G-'SO ~: n.d. :'1i3C. Personal, of. 1942 &: n.d. Personal - H!{OW t::> Live" & ;'The _·~arch of the Grange· l

, n.d. Taxes - Fers~nal, Frankli~ Co. Tax Costs Undated Let~er3 fron L.J.:. to his children, relatives and friends Fa,,~il:: m-:l FersoD3.I. undated letters of

Box 1) con't.

Undated ~aterial Undated ~aterial

Greeting cards to L.J. T after goiter oparation :1arch - l{ay 1935 Greeting cards and Programs Greeting cards Greeting cards Family Mise. Calling Cards

if 2)07, p. 16.

The Genealogy of the Taber Famih: by Russel Taber, 1893 Illustrative Hand-Book of Drawing by George E. Little (Edna A. Bailey, "Mt. Union" Summer School, 1907) Lovell Comnosition Book ("Literature Notes". Mt. Union College. Summer of 1907) Black composition notebook containing poetry by noted authors and copied by lots of students. Compositions(red notebook) Report of the Condition of Chestnut Hill School, April 5, 1895 C.E. Bessy, Teacher.

Also one +to jute folder of earl;v Ohio deeds placed lengthwise in this box.

Sox 14.:::oll1!tittees on "hich ::".J.T. worked

Fold'2}r He3.-~~ ings

L. J. ?flber Corrw»j_ t tee Appo introe!1ts Co~~ittee Appoint~ents of

i~"!8ricant various activities various Am'3rican GOl'lmittees on .. hich 'faber s"',,"ved Activities - year 1925 L. J. Taber Authors - 'Jriters - Core?osers

"earl S. Buck & Helen Keller Boys and Girls Glu!) '-.jerk 30Ys and Girls Club 'York of Boy Scouts 90y Scouts cf British ~la?: Relief and 3ri tish Societies 3ritiah ',Tar Relief and British Societies cf Care Packages, Ebanks from Berlin for 1954 Care "acka?es, Tnanks frol'! JerEn for 1955 Care Yackages, Thanks from 3erlin for cf 1954-55 Care ~ackage Literature China Organizations China Organizations cf Citizens 3mergency Committee on ~londefense'

c :>Xgenditures 1942 <' Conservation 1942 Dates and Im?ortant'~ngagments - L. J. T. Dates and Important Engagments cf L. J. T. First i''ethodist Church - Chairman and Committees First l~ethodist Church ?an:phl'3ts Fisher, norothy Canfield Fisher, Dorothy Canfield cf Foundations - Leagues - Com~~ssions. Co~:-:i ttees & etc. Rural and Otber.iise Foundations _ Leagues -'Commissions Committees & etc. Rurfll and otherwise cf ?ortune Round Table Fortune rtound Table cf Governor i s !1,.vlard. L. J. T. Let~ers to Cocff.ittee - Janu~ry 12, 1938 Library Letters "''ltional Civic Federation )lational Civic Federation cf National Organizations National Organizations of

if2307, p. 17.

:.lational :Iighway User's Conference - Chester H. Gray, Director '·'ation'll HighHay User's Conf'lrence - Chester H. Gray, Director cf "iational Core 'itt,,", to Uphold Constitutional Govern'lO'mt also l:aga:iline Article IIUnder Covern ::3.tional Safety Council ;·htional 5a1'ety Council cf La."1lb f Dr. 3.. F. ; Ohio Council of Churches Ohio Council of Churches Ohio Council of Churches of Ohio Council of ~efenee and Agencies Ohio Council of Defens'l and Defense Agencies cf

~2307, p. 18.

3JI 2.4-. cant.

Folder ]e-··diniSs: Ohio Collll1lission ~ Letters from the tClD of L.J.T's Des]" 1040_'+3 _ ,Lett8:r'5: :'ro'). the top ;)f L.J.T's Llesk, cf~ 194-0-f..l2 Peace :)ocieti2s anJ Pr'~ve!1tion of' ;'J'ar Peace 30cieties and Pr'3vention of \Tar, cf. ':uakers - :Soceit~r of Friends (Artiole on ~uakers by ::l.:,h)

3ta,}7ls & Bills 3ta'ms & Sills, cf. Tax , see also C~nittee Folder r.';X File, see also Com"ittee Folder, cf. Tax ?~:mndati':;ln Technical Parlia,~ent ?Ian ~or :'!orld Order, 1942 ~nited Service Jr~anization (Patriotic), 1942 Jnited 3ervice Organization (Patriotic), 1942 cf. Victory Center, 1942 'victory Center, cf .. 1942 ,'/orld 8~lel1dar Associations, Inc. ~'iorld ·:alendar ~{Ssociaticns, Inc .. , cf .. "orld's Fair -- liew Y,rk, 1940 'iorld's Fair -- :,)e;, York, 1940, cf. iJati:mal HL;hway :;sers Confer",nce, 1?35 (black binder notebook) First Dearborn Conference, 1935 ;Uscellaneous p,,-"Cohlets

For additional collll1littees on which L.J. T. worked; .l!.a.!!. p. 19.

W1' 0' C(J.!}lITTlES. BOAPDS. SOCIETIES, ETC., L. J. TAllER P.}.S BEEN APPOINT:s:D I dEBtR OF - 1930·1942.



EDUCATION OF PHYSICALLY :'".Ai:DIGAP?;<:D, IJ;TSR!iAT!O!lAL SOCIETY ?OR C,UPPLED C:ILDR!1l', "ATIO::Al., HOI:E LIBRARY ?C',):i::>ATIC', SA1'ETY AT SEA. - (DEPT. GF COl! .?:IlCE) , CO\.:'!TTE~ FOR THL rAT I::':' ~ T:.t01:..4..$ Jl"~r~t·EH.ROU BI-L!El~TB~.A~ ASiCCIA7121", UTr':}~~AL :01',' lTTEr: BIE.'i'L;),,;'Y :J;.:~. ::"CR :·':C;:;l,,;S::T I M""'o~ ~··'l'·S AD'fI~~··{ r~' ITT'" I-~·-··\' "', '(" '~) V\oUl.l\.Vt.t IJt'..I\' "" ..-v!\ ... <.4-"" .... £>\.:':..JJr.\. t. .. 1':'\.11" J.>;I"~.~J ,

FAP..11!:o:t,:) !~ATI;;:lAL GHAI:; Xi:t.U (HtA7ICr: ..

'-', 'n [ \'" \

#210'b p. ""BOx 14

Box 15 Family Diaries, Appointment books and Scrapbooks

Diaries and Appointment books 1898

1931 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915

1932 (2)copies


1920 1921 1922 (2) copies 1923 (2) " 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930

1933 1933 &34 1934 1935 (2) 1936 (3) 1936 &37 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941

1950 1951

(2) (4) (3) (2)

copies "

" " " "

When there is more than 1 diary a year, all copies run concurrently.

Additional little notebooks and bankbooks of L. J. T.

1. Compliments of The Ohio State Fair 1916 Louis J. Taber 2. Things To Do Today Louis J. Taber 3. First National Bank, Barnesville, OhiO, ~stablished 1865 4. Louis J. Taber Barnesville, Ohio R.F. D. 1 ' 5. Louis J. Taber Barnesville,Ohio 6. Ohio National Bank Book for Grange Program Fund 1936 7. Grange Lecturer's Insurance Note Book (2 copies) 8. Louis J. Taber, Barnesville, Ohio 9. Autograph book 10. "My Travels Abroad" 1926 L. J. T. 11. Record Book 12. "My Biography"

#2307, p. 20.

Box 15 continued

Edna B. Taber's 2 little black notebooks 1. Record Book 2. S.~. Ledger

1906 Diary - appears to be a young girl's diary, author unknown

Scrapbooks and Printed Material~ The Taber Genealogy (2 copies, 1 copy in Box 13) Mother's Sermon by William Ashley Sunday Glimpses in the Life of Louis Taber with Selections of his Poetry by Rachel Hirst Taber, 1892

f/2307. p. 21.

Friends' Boarding School Association, Organized Sept. 28, 1887 pub. 1891 (3 copies) "George Fox" An Address Delivered To The Society of Friends, by C. H. Spurgeon The Quakers, Their ~~gration To The Upper Ohio, Their Customs and Discipline by H.E.Smith Post Card Album, Denver 1906, &Ina Scrapbook - 66th Annual Convention National Grange, Winston-Salem, N. C., November 16-25, 1932 Scrapbook (red book with a girl on the cover) Clippings (green scrapbook) The Note Book ot Elbert Hubbard 1927 Elbert Hubbard Scrapbook 1923 The Ideal Scrapbook (brown) Scrapbook No. 1 Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company Scrapbook No. 2 Farmers and Traders Lite Insurance Company

1 c:l.roon CO;Jy ofBox15 list has been left L., Box 15 for reference.

Tacer Papers ff 2307


The Ohio 3tate Grange '~uarterl"?' Bulletins

1907- 4 S!a. JD.n. ~.:ay , Aug, ~~ov . 1908_ 4 62,. J2.n, Apr, ~!OV •


~o Jan, i'ay, ;,;'·.ug, EO'll. ~ .... ~";.. 1910- 5 ea. Feb, 'li l ' '- Uov. , -->".1.;;'1

1911- 4 ea. Fec. Sept, :)ec, .., e~. ::ay.


1912- 4 e2 .• ':ar, JU11e. Dec, 5 Aa. Au~. 1913- l~ e?. Ju]~y , nov, :lee, 6 ea. .\.1)r, 1914- 4 e<:~ • ::ar. ,July, Cct, 5 0- 6 e2. 1Jec. "",ct.,

Journnls of r}roc.?sdi::.:;s - .·\.nnu~l Sessions _ Hational Gr;ange

1873 , IS74. 11375(2) , 1876, 1877. 1873, 1879. 1880. 1881-1388 , 18"10-1599, cne box. 1873(2) • 187!.,.. 1877. 1878. 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885. 1887(2) , 12B8(2) , 1899, 1900. 1901, 1902. one box.

Sheli' ~:t:LrrrQhlets _ as 3.bOV8

1903. 1906, 1907(2), 1908(:3), 1909, 1910(3), 1911-1913, 191.5-1917. 1919-1922. 1923(4). 1924(3), 1;:'25(3), 1926('7), 1927(8), 1928(2), 1929. ,1930(2) , 1931-1132, 19:37, 1938(4) • l',lJ9(6) • 1940(7), 1941 (H) , 1:;42(2), 1:;43-1;;5:;, 195'~-1955, 1;56(2). 1953-1959.

l Bound vclunes _ &s ~bove I

1900-1906. 1911-1:'11., 1916-1917. 1919(2) , 1920-1724. 1946. 1948-1959.

1900, "902-1~03. 1906-1917, 1915(2), F02-19(4, 1906-1"07, 1911(2), 1912, 1910(7), 1;;20, pile bottom shelf.

JOurn2~S of Proceeding'S - _4:nnu?i SeSSions 1923:192<" 1926-1941. one )ac!~s.,;,e. 1290, E96, 1;;00-1905, 1)07-nll,

1- J0C. 1-::23 - ::cv. 1925 1- Dec. 1;025 - '·ov. 1927 1- :Jec. 1927 - ::ov. 1929 1- 1929-1;;31 1- 1'32-1 '134 1_ 10'3.5-1;137 1- 193",-1:'40

1919-1941 • one I'!'cl::age. 1913. 1915, 1017, l:'lS,

- l'!ational Gran",e

1914-1916, 1918, 1919(2) ,


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