this man is considered the father of judaism, christianity, and islam

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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• This man is considered the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

• This communist leader is known for the Great Purge.

• This French estate was the most heavily taxed.

• The city in which Muslims are required to take a pilgrimage to.

• This French leader was famous for his code of laws, restoring order to France after the revolution, and conquering much of Europe.

• This leader desired a liberated and unified South America.

• The king of France who drove the country into huge debt and was eventually beheaded by the people.

• The theory of opposing an oppressive law or government through the use of non-violence.

• Cortez and Pizarro can both be referred to as these…

• This French estate consisted of the priests (clergy).

• Most Palestinians follow this religion.

• This leader was known for using non-violent tactics to achieve freedom from the British.

• Nicholas Romanov, Vladimir Lenin, and Josef Stalin are all associated with the history of this country.

• This man attacked the Catholic Church for selling pardons to heaven, or indulgences.

This event occurred when Chinese peasants fought to expel Western influence.

• This religion believes that people suffer in life due to their desire for riches

• People of mixed European and African ancestry.

• This religion, the largest in India, has the belief in many gods.

• Most of Latin America was colonized and controlled by which European country.

• The Renaissance began in what European nation?

• The belief in many gods.

• This term means type of military warrior in Japan

• The belief in ONE god.

• Communist leader who instituted an economic plan referred to as the Great Leap Forward.

• This religious sect was born from the Reformation in Europe.

• This African leader became the first black South African President and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end apartheid.

• The largest (% of followers) religion in the world.

• The Arabs and Israelis are fighting over the possession of what holy city?

• People of mixed European and Latin American race and heritage.

• Maximillien Robespierre and the Reign of Terror are associated with the history of what European country?

• The French estate which was comprised of wealthy nobles.

• This man was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, and took over power in his country after Nicholas Romanov.

• People of Spanish ancestry who are born in Latin America are referred to as….

• The name for Indian soldiers.

The primary reason given for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the search for….

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