thriller film titles

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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InceptionThe literal dictionary description is: The beginning of an organization or official activity which if you have seen the movie will you will notice this theme. The word itself is also not very well known creating a mysterious feel to the whole movie. It makes you think in depth what it means and what the movie is about, making it more attractive to a viewer.

WaarThe literal dictionary description of the closest word is: Armed fighting between two or more countries or groups, or a particular.The word war is a very well-known phrase known to most and experienced by everyone in one way or another. The twist on spelling it with a second 'a' makes you think that the producers want it to stand out. They want to put a point across that this war is different and by doing this it makes a larger audience as people want to what makes it so different.

Se7enThe literal dictionary description of the closest word is: The number 7This title is different to others as the meaning can be unclear until further analysing. The title refers to the number 7 and from the point of view of the audience it seems to be an important feature in the film. Once watching the film this becomes present as it is about a serial killer who kills following 7 sins. As you watch as the murders happen this becomes more and more through every kill. The title itself stands out making people more intrigued to watch the movie to see what happens.

 InfluenceThis influences my choice in a title in many ways. Firstly, it makes me want to make my title different to others so it entices people to watch it, maybe a variation of an actual word. Secondly, it influences my choice as it means I need a lot of thought for the title as it means a lot to the piece. This is important as the piece is only 3 minutes long so will need everything it can get to stand out.

Above is a still from our final product showing the name at the beginning.

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