thriller titles analysis

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Titling of Thrillers
  2. 2. SE7EN
  3. 3. The first credits are Presented in a book which represents that there is a story to Tell. When the page is flipped in the book the next credit is shown 'New Line Cinema', production company The book is bigger then the credit which signifies it's importance From the first credit, suspense is built, this matches the genre of a thriller 'An Arnold Kopelson production.' Reversed to show there are two sides as this is a psychological thriller American film producer The titles are then placed in the right order The simplicity of black and white The contrast of the different Types of texts represents the different personalities The film producers name is shown twice to show The significance
  4. 4. The use of the files being in the background while the title is small represents it's significance and connotates that the film is based around a mystery The title includes a number seven which represents it has something to do with 7 aspects The title being in between the files expresses the idea that the number has significance and their trying to work something out The colour red signifies danger and blood There is a piece of paper Underneath with writing on it which shows detective work The title 'music' is written twice, the music in the background becomes louder and this signifies it's importance The titles look hand written This signifies That somebody must have written it The picture of the man has been scratched at the eyes, this hides the identity and builds suspense from the very start The light is in a circle, this represents a Detectives lamp, it shows the importance by Making the rest of the screen Black, and this engages The audience
  5. 5. One Hour Photo
  6. 6. The background is on a piece of film Which connotates the name of the film The name of the distributor is Present, the word 'pictures' also relates to the idea that the title I s on a pice of film The font is small to signify that the background at that time has significance The flash represents the camera flash this gives an introduction what t he film is based around The background has tick boxes This shows that the film is Based around pictures The shot is cut when the flash appears, shows mystery The colours are Saturated which Connotates the bleak background of the story The colours fade, this Represents the development of a photo The word 'killer' Foreshadows the background which is a picture of a room turned on its head, this gives the audience an insight of the basis of the film There are numbers On the screen Which show the Development of Pictures and the Number of that Individual who is Getting their photos Developed The child in the background Is in an x-ray colour, this shows To the audience the process Of having a picture produced The background is the main Focus and the titling is very minimal The colour of the titles connotate purity, this reflects to the audience as its a child
  7. 7. The title of the film flashes into a picture of a man this tells the audience that he could be one of the main characters as this is the title of the film The man looks very distressed in the picture, this signifies to the audience that this may be how the main character feels The title is bigger and it is in the middle of the screen, this signifies the importance of the words, it's very direct to make the audience aware This title includes a signature this represents to the audience that the film may be about privacy and having permission This title is on a black screen this represents that it is mysterious to the audience, and this character may have a special meaning The title includes a fade and this signifies to the audience that a photo is being processed The contrast between white, red and black signifies to the audience that there are different types of characters throughout the film. White represents purity, red connoatates love and black connotates danger of darkness The eyes are blurred out which represents that the character is in distress or has been looking at something and is getting in trouble for doing something A child's feet are present in this shot which represents a child is involved in the pictures The music in the background contrast with the child's feet as it represents their in danger or going to be harmed The titles are in the middle of the screen with the feet surrounding them, acting like a border
  8. 8. Taken
  9. 9. The contrast of the red and black represents danger The slim font of writing is a reflection of the shapes of the buildings below The buildings at the bottom of the screen, set the scene of what setting the film will be shot in The way the title glides across the screen is similar to a plane, this fits in as previously a plane flies across The titles dont take up that much space, but as the background is black the audience are focused on the titles The use of fade engages the audience The music changes and speeds up, it also becomes a lot lower and a splat of blood appears The blood could suggest that something bad is going to happen and danger may occur in the film The buildings at the bottom of the screen act as a border for the titles.
  10. 10. The titles at the beginning are typed out as there revealed They give the audience the impression that its a type of message Through the titles being typed it signifies to the audience that its going to have a meaning behind it and this could foreshadow the seriousness of the film The Taken fades, acting as clouds when the plane appears As the background is dark it represents a sky, this signifies to the audience that something bad will happen The use of a plane being one of the first moving images suggests to the audience it must have significance and the film must include a holiday or something happening abroad

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