thursday april 10, 2014

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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*** At last, Senate passes N4.69trn 2014 budget ---, defence, police get lion’s share ---- Reps to okay appropriation bill today *** Smokers risk 6 months jail term FEC approves draft bill on tobacco control ----- Oronsaye report: FG to set up implementation committee *** Airport land tussle: Harry Akande’s son arrested *** LCCI warns FG against borrowing ...protests OPS confab slots *** Police foil jobless graduate’s suicide attempt


Vol. 3 N0. 657 Thursday, July 4, 2013 N150


Vol. 4 N0. 827 Thursday, April 10, 2014 N150

LCCI warns FG against borrowing

Smokers risk 6 months jail term


The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and industry, LCCI, has

urged the Federal Govern-ment to resist the tempta-tion under any excuse to increase borrowing.

The chamber also pro-tested the inadequate num-

ber of slots allotted the Or-ganised Private Sector, OPS, at the national conference.

The warning was con-tained in a statement by the

Oronsaye report: FG to set up implementation committee FEC approves draft bill on tobacco controlP.2

...protests OPS confab slots

Reps to okay appropriation bill, defence, police get lion’s shareGEORGE OJI AND


After months of de-lays, the Senate yesterday passed

the 2014 Appropriation Bill, which authorises the Fed-eral Government to imple-ment the N4.695trn budget.

The House of Represen-tatives is also expected to pass the bill today and end several months of argu-ments over details of the appropriations with the ex-

Airport land tussle: Harry Akande’s son arrested P.9

At last, Senate passes N4.69trn 2014 budget

L-R: Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Ambassador Hassan Adamu, Dr. Tunji Braithwaite and Dr. Amos Akingba during the National Conference in Abuja yesterday.


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Police foil jobless graduate’s suicide attempt

12 P.16

Panic as female delegate slumps



National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net2 Thursday, April 10, 2014News

At last, Senate passes N4.69trn 2014 budget

Smokers risk 6 months jail term



ecutive.Out of the amount,

N408.6bn is for statutory transfers, N2.45trn is for re-current expenditure while N1.12trn is for contribution to the development fund for capital expenditure.

The budget also set a benchmark oil price of $77.5 per barrel, up from the $74pb recommended by the executive and crude oil pro-duction assumption of 2,388 million barrels per day as recommended by the execu-tive. Current production fig-ures is about 1.9mbpd

Also, the Senate approved the exchange rate of N160/ $1, even as the lawmakers assumed that GDP will grow at a rate of 6.75 per cent and inflation rate of 9.5 per cent.

The Senate said that the budget, which is described as one of job creation and inclusive growth, deserved to urgently rise to defend it-self, in view of the yawning gap between jobs being cre-ated and the huge army of unemployed.

The budget appropria-tion bill was presented to the

National Assembly by Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan on December 19 last year by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Min-ister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in company of other members of Federal Executive Council separate-ly before the two chambers of the National Assembly on behalf of the President.

The executive had proposed a total outlay of N4.64trn. Out of that, N399.6bn was for statutory transfers, N712bn for debt servicing, N2.43trn for re-current expenditure, while the balance of N1.1trn was for contribution to the de-velopment fund for capital expenditure.

A breakdown of the bud-get passed by the Senate showed that the Education Ministry received the big-gest allocation of N373.5bn while the defence sector, comprising the Ministry of Defence, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy, fol-lowed with an allocation of N314.3bn.

The police, which re-ceived the third highest

allocation of N295.5bn, with the youth develop-ment and the Office of the National Security Adviser coming next with an alloca-tion of N75,057,608,331 and N66,625,072,907 respectively.

The Senate also approved N268.3bn for the Subsidy Re-investment and Empower-ment Programme, SURE-P, as expenditure for the same period.

In his lead presentation of the report of the joint committees on appropria-tion and finance, the Chair-man, Senator Ahmad Mac-cido, noted that the 2014-2016 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper, upon which the 2014 budget was based, just like the previous edi-tions, would require being refined and re-tooled, both in procedure and process.

According to him, a ma-jor issue here is the plan-ning required and the en-gagement processes with all stakeholders, which will have added effective value to the budget process, with obvious multiplier effect on the economy.

He maintained that the drop in oil production vol-ume as reflected in the bud-get estimates of the past two years remained a disturbing phenomenon, which had been traced to the obstruc-tion to oil production as a result of pipeline vandalism and crude oil theft.

The lawmaker described the appalling state of budget implementation as a wor-rying recurring decimal for our economy.

This was as Macido also noted that the unspent funds that were rolled over into the economy only made a mockery of development, which is a dire necessity across the nation.

He urged government to take steps to improve on this situation.

In the House of Represen-tatives yesterday, lawmakers sat almost two hours behind schedule.

Plenary was kept on hold to straighten out conten-tious issues around the 2014 Appropriations Bill, prepa-ratory to its passage today.

The legislators held a closed-door meeting for

more than two hours on the budget. The meeting com-prised all political parties.

According to a member of the House, who did not want his name mentioned, the “House has resolved its differences and the budget will be passed tomorrow (to-day).”

The N4.�642trn money bill has a 70 per cent over-head-recurrent (salaries and other items) compo-nent, with a paltry 30 per cent for capital (infrastruc-ture).

The budget proposal from the Presidency, according to the All Progressives Con-gress, APC, was too heavy on recurrent and came with an in-built deficit of over N1trn.

A member of the APC, Hon. Emmanuel Jime, had in a motion raised under matters of “urgent nation-al importance”, urged the House to reject the budget as proposed until the par-liament was served with details of ministries’ and agencies’ proposals in line with Section 21 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act. The mo-

tion was adopted. The Federal High Court

strengthened the position of the House by ordering Okonjo-Iweala to comply with the House resolution by providing details of the budget.

Though the Chairman of the House Committee on Finance, Hon. John Enoh (PDP-Cross River), had earlier told the House that details of the budget were received, the controversy raged on.

Budgets since 2003 have been contentious for parti-san reasons and who has the power of the purse.

Though Section 80 of the 1999 Constitution gives the National Assembly powers over the budget, Section 315, which is yet to be amended, donates same powers nomi-nally to the President to amend laws passed by Na-tional Assembly, including the budget.

The House and the Sen-ate in the last 15 years have clashed with the Presidency on constituency-related projects and over budgetary powers.

L-R: Former President of Georgia, Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili; Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank, Mr. Erik Fernstrom; Vice-President, Nigerian Labour Congress, Comrade Issa Aremu and Commissioner, Rates and Market Competition, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, Mr. Eyo Ekpo, at the Lagos Economic Summit tagged ‘EHINGBETi 2014’ in Lagos yesterday.


Smokers now risk six months jail term or a fine of N50,000

as the Federal Executive Council, FEC, yesterday approved a draft bill on to-bacco control.

The bill will be forward-ed to the National Assem-bly for passage to law.

The bill specifically pre-scribed punishment for those who smoke in pub-lic places and no-smoking designated areas.

Similarly, companies that flout the provisions of the bill will be liable to a fine of N5m, while jail term for the chief ex-ecutives of such compa-nies vary from one to two years.

Briefing State House correspondents at the end of the FEC meeting, the Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, said the bill was to protect Ni-gerians against the harm-ful effects of tobacco.

According to Chukwu, any form of advertise-ment by tobacco com-panies, either in print,

broadcast or outdoor, is totally banned under this law.

The minister, in com-pany of the Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku, noted that the bill also prescribed that 50 per cent of tobacco products packages warn people about the use of tobacco.

He said: “The major in-gredient of the bill is that there are stiff penalties for individuals, for instance, individuals who fall foul of what will eventually be-come the National Tobac-co Control Act 2014, may pay a fine of N50,000, that is for someone who goes to a place clearly designated no-smoking area.

The judge could either give you an option of fine or combine it with im-prisonment of up to six months.

“Whereas, for compa-nies, it varies from N1m to N5m, imprisonment of the company’s chief ex-ecutives could also vary from one to two years where they fall foul of the law.”

Chukwu noted that to-bacco smoking had been

identified to be the major cause of communicable health conditions, includ-ing cardiovascular dis-eases, heart attacks, hy-pertension, stroke, cancer of the lungs and chronic respiratory disease.

The bill also proposes to ban every form of spon-sorship by any tobacco company of any public event.

“When government is doing anything, they can-not sponsor, whether in sports or seminars. We will not accept gifts from them, if a tobacco compa-ny wants to build school, we will reject but we will accept when they have stopped producing and selling,” the minister said.

Chukwu explained that the draft bill would enable

the government to ensure tobacco-free environment for people who did not want anything to do with tobacco use, stressing that places would be clearly designated.

“The responsibility, for instance, a hotel rests on the owners to clearly in-dicate the areas that are non-smoking so that if you ever decide to go to a

place that has been clearly designated no-smoking area, you will be liable to being prosecuted and then the law will take its course,” he added.

The minister also ex-plained that government would establish a fund to be known as the Tobacco Control Fund to be funded by federal, state govern-

3Thursday, April 10, 2014National

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net4 Thursday, April 10, 2014Photo News


The planned voting on the additional amendment to the

1999 Constitution, which was slated for yesterday, has been postponed indefi-nitely by the Senate.

The postponement, ac-cording to the Senate Presi-dent, David Mark, was to enable more senators the opportunity of participating in the exercise, in view of its constitutional importance.

Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Review of the Constitution, Senator Ike Ekweremadu proposed the deferment, which was ap-proved by the Upper |Cham-ber.

In his remarks, Mark noted that the turnout of senators at yesterday’s sit-ting was not encouraging enough to allow the voting to take place.

According to him, “We have voted clause-by-clause here, but we want many more senators to be in the

chamber to be able to vote. “The number we have

at the moment is too close to the margin and it means that many senators are not around.”

The Senate president added: “The constitutional amendment is a serious is-sue. I think it is proper we all participate in it, whether we are for or against, it does not matter, because a senator’s stance on a constitutional amendment should be clear.

“When we have so many absentees on it, it does not look nice. So, I have no objec-tion to deferring it.”

The senate committee on constitution review had pro-posed six additional issues for amendment in the 1999 Constitution. The motion was debated last week, and it was agreed by the senate that voting on all the six issues would take place yesterday.

The additional amend-ments included the pro-posal to amend Section 3B of Clause 2 of the fourth alteration bill, which deals with how a new constitution

can be processed and aims to make provision for the president, in addition to the National Assembly, to initi-ate the process of a new con-stitution.

There was also the altera-tion of Section 68 and 109 to mandate the Clerk of the National Assembly and the Clerk of the State Houses of Assembly to notify the Independent National Elec-toral Commission, INEC, in writing within seven days of the existence of a vacancy arising from death, resigna-tion or vacation of seat of a member of the National As-sembly or State House of As-sembly respectively.

It also include the altera-tion of Section 134 and 179, which aims to extend the time for conducting presi-dential and governorship re-run elections from seven to 21 days, as well as the con-ferment of exclusive juris-diction on the Federal High Court for trial of offences arising from, pertaining to or connected with viola-tion of the provisions of the

Electoral Act and any other election-related act of the National Assembly.

In addition, there was the proposal for the empower-ment of INEC to de-register political parties which failed to win presidential, gover-norship, chairmanship of a local government/area coun-cil or a seat in the National or State Assembly elections.

Finally, there is the pro-posal for the alteration of the Third Schedule in Clause 8, to include former Senate Presidents and Speakers of the House of Representa-tives in the membership of the Council of State.

Of all the proposed amendments, by far the one that generated the stiffest opposition was the one that seeks to allow the President initiate the process for a new constitution.

Yesterday, Ekweremadu disclosed that following the conclusion of debate on the proposed additional amend-ments, the Senate Commit-tee on Constitution Review met and reviewed the out-

L-R: Cooperative Consultant, Pastor Ayo Dakobiri; representative of the Director, Cooperative Societies, Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture, Mrs. Kehinde Oyeneye and President, Lagos Highland Multipurpose Cooperative Union, Mr. Da Silva Stanley, during the one-day seminar for cooperative societies in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN

L-R: Ministers: Mr. Tamuno Danagogo (Sports); Mr. Abduljelili Adesiyan (Police Affairs) and Mr. Mohammed Wakil (State Power), at the Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

L-R: Executive Director, Business Development Division, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Mr. Haruna Jalo-Waziri; Chairman, Chams Plc, Very Rev. Ayo Richards and Group Managing Director, Mr. Demola Aladekomo, during the presentation of Facts Behind the Figures at the NSE in Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN

L-R: Former British High Commissioner to Uganda and Chairman, Orient Bank, Mr. Michael Cook; Governor, Bank of Uganda, Mr. Emmanuel Mutebile; Group Managing Director, Mr. Philip Ikeazor and Nigeria’s High Commissioner to Uganda, Ambassador Cornelius Oluwateru, at Orient Bank’s Customers Forum in Uganda at the weekend.

National News

Senate defers voting on constitution amendment•Withdraws proposal on president’s involvement

Gunmen kill 9 in Jigawa, Niger

come of the debate on the issue and came to the conclu-sion to recommend the with-drawal of the proposal on the president initiating the pro-cess for a new constitution.

The recommendation was unanimously approved by the Senate and consequently, that proposal was dropped.

However, commenting on the issue, the Senate Presi-dent said, “When we debated

the other day, there was a very controversial issue and I think the committee wisely met and advised ourselves that they should withdraw it, and I think that is the right thing for the committee to do.

“Again, that shows that the committee is very sensi-tive to the feelings of not only the senators, but the feelings of Nigerians.”

Bandits yesterday attacked a police station, a bank

and a Sharia court and killed eight people, includ-ing seven policemen in Gwaram town, Gwaram Local Government Area of Jigawa State.

In Niger State, two per-sons were feared dead and three others injured, follow-ing an attack by gunmen in Shadna village, Bosso.

The Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG, Zone 1, Mr. Tambari Muhammed, made this known when he spoke with newsmen in Du-tse, the Jigawa State capital.

Muhammed said that four

mobile policemen, three con-ventional policemen and a civilian guard were killed in the attack.

According to him, about 200 attackers entered the town with motorcycles and cars at about 1.00 a.m.

The AIG described the situation as unfortunate, as the state had been enjoying peace for long.

He added that from the information made available to them, the bandits used ex-plosives to attack the bank, police station and court.

Muhammed said that no arrest had been made, but more armed policemen had been deployed to the area.

2015: INEC to begin voter registration in May –Jega

RMAFC urges states, LGs to explore alternative revenue sources


Smokers risk 6 months jail term


LCCI warns FG against borrowing

L-R: Governors: Godswill Akpabio (Akwa Ibom); Liyel Imoke (Cross River) and Ibrahim Shema (Katsina), after their meeting with the Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu in Dutse, Jigawa State, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

LCCI at its quarterly press briefing on the economy in Lagos yesterday.

According to the LCCI President, Mr. Remi Bello, there is an urgent need to moderate the growth of domestic debts and free re-sources for investment in the economy in line with the provisions of the Fiscal Re-sponsibility Act, FRA, and with regard to debt manage-ment.

He noted that the rebased GDP, which had positioned Nigeria as the largest econ-omy on the continent and the 26th on the globe, would soon serve as the criteria or excuse for making and justi-fying certain economic deci-sions.

“If this advice is not heeded, before you know it in future, all you are going to hear is that the borrowing rate is low compared to the GDP and that the debt ratio is still low and that it does not negatively impact on the economy, that we are even under-borrowing,” he said.

The chamber called for a full compliance with the provisions of the FRA with regard to debt management, stressing that government borrowing should basically meet prescribed conditions.

“Government at all tiers shall only borrow for capi-tal expenditure and human development. Borrowing shall be on concessional terms with low interest rate and with a reasonable long amortisation period subject to the approval of the ap-propriate legislative body where necessary.

“Government shall en-sure that the level of pub-lic debt as a proportion of national income is held at a sustainable level as pre-scribed by the National As-sembly from time to time on the advice of the minister,” Bello said.

The chamber also asked President Goodluck Jona-than to set the overall limit for consolidated debt for all tiers of government in accordance with the provi-sions of Section 42 of the Act.

It argued that there was existing evidence to show that compliance with some of these provisions had not been adequate.

The chamber also react-ed to the Federal Govern-ment’s recently constituted 492 member national confer-

ence, decrying the allotment of less than 15 representa-tive slots to the private sec-tor, which translated to only about three per cent.

“Yet the private sector ac-counts for over 80 per cent of the nation’s GDP; over 60 per cent of government revenue; creates over 80 per cent of the jobs in the econ-omy and drives the wealth creation process in the economy,” Bello said.

He noted that it was only appropriate that represen-tation on this important platform should reflect the value of the various con-stituents to the economy and the polity, describing the current structure of representation as dispro-portionate and un-equita-ble.

The statement added that the exclusion of LCCI, a leading advocate of good business environment in Nigeria, the oldest that pre-dates the Nigerian nation from the composition of the OPS representatives, clearly demonstrated an underestimation of the val-ue of the various constitu-ents to the economy and the polity in the economic and social configuration of the Nigerian state.

“Meanwhile, we are organising a stakehold-ers’ forum of private sec-tor organisations like the chamber(s) of commerce where our thoughts would be put together, make our submission through a well thought-out memoranda to the national conference on critical private sector issues needed to ensure sustainable growth and de-velopment,” he said.

On the sustained tighten-ing measures of monetary policy by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, the cham-ber noted that such deci-sions should be situated in the context of reality in the interest of the larger econ-omy and the welfare of the citizens.

It described the present economic reality as one de-noted by high mortality of small businesses.

“In our view, boosting economic activities should be the overriding objective at this time as it would in-crease output and invari-ably lead to job creation.

“Economic policies are not ends in themselves, but means to an end. The ulti-mate aim of any economic

policy is to positively impact the lives of the people.

“The fiscal authorities also have a critical role to play in revamping the econ-omy; but regrettably, the ef-fectiveness of fiscal policy has been weakened by cor-ruption and inadequate in-stitutional capacity,” Bello said.

The quarterly review of

the economy by the LCCI also indicated that over the last quarter, the naira had come under intense pres-sure, noting, however, that there were some measure of stability in the official market while rates at the interbank market, bureau de change and parallel mar-ket depreciated between N165 and N172 per dollar, as

against N160 to the dollar in January.

The review described the trend as worrisome because of its implications for infla-tion, interest rates and the operating costs in the econo-my, adding that it also posed the risk of round tripping in the foreign exchange mar-ket with its attendant distor-tions in the economy.

“We note the commit-ment of the CBN to stabi-lise the rate but the fact is that the parallel market has strong signalling effects in the economy and again for how long will CBN be able to sustain the rate without addressing the fundamen-tals of revenue leakage and good fiscal measures in the economy?” Bello said.

ments and individuals.Meanwhile, Maku said

that President Goodluck Jonathan had directed the Secretary to the Govern-ment of the Federation

and Head of service of the Federation to set up an implementation com-mittee to look into the white paper on the report of the Steve Oronsaye-led Presidential Committee

on Restructuring and Ra-tionalisation of Federal Government Parastatals, Commissions and Agen-cies.

The white paper had recommended the merger

of some government agen-cies while others like the National Poverty Eradica-tion Programme, NAPEP, and the Fiscal Responsi-bility Commission, FRC, were scrapped.

The Chairman, Inde-pendent National Electoral Commis-

sion, INEC, Prof. Attahiru Jega, yesterday said the commission would com-mence its continuous voter registration in May ahead of the 2015 election.

Jega said this at the open-ing of INEC/State Inde-pendent Electoral Commis-sions, SIECs, Experience Sharing Conference, or-ganised by United Nations Development Programme,

UNDP, in Kaduna.He said that more poll-

ing units would be created in the next year general elections to decongest large ones.

“The continuous regis-tration exercise is to ensure those that have turned 18 years between 2011 and now are registered before the 2015 general elections.

“Also those that were 18 and above but were unable to register for one reason or the other would be given oppor-

tunity to register,” he said.The chairman stressed

the need for closer synergy between INEC and SIECs, adding that the conference was timely toward ensuring free, fair, peaceful and cred-ible elections in the future.

He, therefore, called on state governments to ensure absolute independence of SIECs and credible elections at the grassroots.

According to him, there cannot be credible polls at national level when the

foundation is faulty.Jega also expressed opti-

mism that the 2015 general elections would be the most credible in the history of Nigeria, considering INEC’s level of preparedness.

Participants at the confer-ence include INEC’s resident electoral commissioners from the 36 states and Abuja.

Others were Commis-sioners from INEC head-quarters and top manage-ment staff and SIECs’ chairmen.


The Revenue Mobili-sation Allocation and Fiscal Commis-

sion, RMAFC, has urged states and local govern-ments to exploit alterna-tive sources of revenue with to boost their rev-enue base.

The step will also reduce the over dependence on oil

revenue by paying more at-tention to the development of natural resources like agriculture, solid miner-als and tourism in their domain.

Making the call yes-terday when the Kaduna State government del-egation, led by the Com-missioner for Economic Planning, Madami Garba Madami, visited his of-fice, RMAFC Chairman,

Mr. Elias Mbam, noted that for the state and lo-cal governments to move forward, they had to harness their abundant natural resources endow-ments.

He promised that the commission would help states to explore all av-enues that would make them increase their rev-enue base and reduce overdependence on oil

revenue. Mbam said that if all

the untapped natural resources in mining, ag-riculture and tourism could be developed, it would give room for more companies in the real sec-tor and by implication le-verage current efforts to create more jobs and im-prove the socio-economic situation of millions of Nigerians.

National 5Thursday, April 10, 2014 News

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday April 10, 2014 6 News6

Olusegun KOiKi

The Federal Govern-ment has been ad-vised not to imple-

ment the Steve Orosanye Committee report which proposed merging of

three aviation agencies into one.

This is also as the gov-ernment has been called upon to scrap the minis-try of aviation and merge it with the ministry of transport as is the prac-tice in developed aviation

industries.Two groups, the Avia-

tion Round Table (ART) and the Nigeria Aviation Professionals Associa-tion (NAPA) said the Fed-eral Government’s action would embarrass the country’s aviation indus-

try before international community, if it imple-ments the report.

The Federal Govern-ment has approved the merging of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), the Nigerian Civil Aviation

TOla aKinmuTimiABUJA

Barely two weeks after his confirma-tion as Deputy Gov-

ernor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) by the Senate, Mr. Adebayo Ad-elabu, yesterday resumed in office.

Adelabu, who prom-ised to contribute his quo-ta to the development of the nation’s financial ser-vices sector, was received formally on behalf of the management of the CBN

by the Deputy Governor, Corporate Services, Al-haji Suleiman Barau.

Barau, who introduced Yunusa Mohammed Sa-nusi, Ahmad Abdullahi and Ibitayo Olubenga Amu, Directors in charge of Corporate Secretariat, Governors’ and Security Services Department, re-spectively, said that Ad-elabu had been briefed and would be in charge of the Financial System Sta-bility (FSS) Directorate.

He wished Adelabu well in his role as he ex-

pressed hope that the new Deputy Governor would settle down to work imme-diately.

Responding, Adelabu hailed the warm recep-tion given him and prom-ised to settle down and contribute to the success of the apex bank.

While commending the management and staff of the bank for the successes recorded in the execution of its mandate, Adelabu, who has over 22 years of cognate experience, said he was bringing on board

initiatives that would move the bank forward by pledging to collabora-tion with his colleagues to ensure that the CBN takes its pride of place among central banks of devel-oped countries.

Coming from the private sector and having been the Finance Team Leader of CBN’s Corporate Renewal Project tagged: “Project Ea-gles” in 1999, Adelabu said he was not entirely new to the environment and would pursue a philosophy of pro-ductivity.

Adelabu resumes as CBN deputy governor

Paramedic technology approved for varsities, hospitals

ART, NAPA seek FG’s review of aviation agencies merger

Members of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) during a rally to support the transformation of the petroleum sector in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

marcus FaTunmOleABUJA

The Federal Govern-ment has approved curriculum for the

take-off of paramedic tech-nology in various universi-ties and teaching hospitals in Nigeria.

The programme, govern-ment said, would produce healthcare professionals working in emergency medical situations to help reduce deaths, trauma and other complications aris-ing from emergencies.

The course is expected to begin with a National

Diploma at various univer-sities, teaching hospitals and other institutions of tertiary learning approved by the government.

Launching the cur-riculum yesterday for the programme in Abuja, Min-ister of Health, Prof Onye-buchi Chukwu, said medi-cal emergencies had not been given the attention they deserve, except where relatives of individuals were involved, adding that Nigeria had not properly recognised the position of paramedics.

He said students for the programme must be

trained to meet local needs. Chukwu said: “If they

cannot operate in Nigeria, they are useless; later, they will begin to call for train-ing abroad.”

According to him, fo-cus must not be on hospi-tal equipment more than trained personnel to man-age them.

The minister also reiter-ated the Federal Govern-ment’s commitment to the commencement of herbal medicine in Nigerian uni-versities next year.

He said: “I believe that by next year, people will be taking interest in study-

ing herbal medicine in our tertiary institutions. Only then can we integrate herbal medicine with con-ventional medicine. Just like medicine had to go to school, herbal medicine must go to school. There is no way anybody can make any diagnosis without go-ing to school; it is impos-sible.”

In a remark, Corps Marshall and Chief Ex-ecutive Officer of the Fed-eral Roads Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr. Osita Chidoka, said one of the challenges of the Corps was rescue of-ficials.

He described the step as what would help the FRSC in engaging graduates of the Paramedic Technology when recruiting personnel.

The Executive Secretary, National Board for Techni-cal Education (NBTE), Dr. Masa’udu Kazaure, repre-sented by the agency’s Dep-uty Director, Health, Mrs. Helen Oduntan, said that prior to the development of the paramedics curri-cula, the country lacked adequately trained person-nel for proper management of on-the-site and en-route pre-hospital medical emer-gency services.

Authority (NCAA) and the Nigerian Meteoro-logical Agency (NIMET) to be named as Federal Civil Aviation Authority (FCAA).

In a separate forum yesterday, the two bodies insisted that if the merger is implemented, the coun-try’s aviation industry would suffer.

ART Secretary General, Mr. Sam Akerele, said: “It will not matter what kind of amendment is antici-pated into the establish-ment Act of the affected parastatals, Nigeria will be in violation of interna-tional best practices. This will be another ridicule to which this country will now be exposed to.

“Section 30 of the Civil Aviation Act (2006) is very explicit and no matter how we manipulate the Act, the new FCAA will no longer be able to regu-late the making of signals and other communication by or to aircraft and per-sons carried in aircraft. The new FCAA will no

longer be able to regulate air traffic control and me-teorological services. The new FCAA cannot be a regulator as well as being a service provider.”

Also NAPA, through its General Secretary, Mr. Ab-dulrazaq Saidu, called on President Goodluck Jona-than to stop the proposed merger.

Saidu emphasised that this was not the best way to sustain Category One status being currently en-joyed by Nigerians trav-elling to and from the United States.

Rather, NAPA called for the scrapping of the Ministry of Aviation and merge it with the Minis-try of Transport.

The union urged the Federal Government not to merge NCAA, NAMA and NIMET together, but advised the government to let them statutorily function under the super-vision and regulation of NCAA.

The union said: “It will be suicidal for Nigeria to now decide to go back to a system, which was tried and failed due to lack of compliance with ICAO practices and set stan-dard.

“Because of those recorded challenges to safety and security, which eventually forced all the foreign Airlines to ignore flying into Nigeria, but made use of West African sub-region should not be allowed

“In compliance with the ICAO, IATA etc, the directorate of Safety, Reg-ulation And Monitoring (DRSAM) under the then Ministry of Aviation was transformed into NCAA. This led to the resumption of foreign airline flights into Nigeria when NCAA focused on Safety Criti-cal issues that earlier led to their refusal to come to Nigeria.

“It is a fact to say that NCAA must be free from any government interfer-ences in terms of funding and statutory function as in the global practices and Nigeria cannot be dif-ferent. Globally, we have seen and heard of Min-istry of Transportations in charge of Rail, Road, Water and Air Transpor-tations and not creating the Ministry of Aviation differently.”

The new deputy gov-ernor said he came to the bank at the right time as many key decision makers around the world were in their 40s and 50s, which he emphasised were the most productive years in the lives of executives.

He, therefore, expressed confidence that the vibran-cy and energy associated with that age bracket, cou-pled with the experience he had garnered in his profes-sional life, would manifest in the discharge of his du-ties.

National 7Thursday, April 10, 2014

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net8 South West Thursday, April 10, 2014

Yewa people want Fulani herdsmen’s invasion of farmland stopped


Osun State Gover-nor Rauf Aregbe-sola has said that

conservative politicians have never favoured the Yorubaland.

Aregbesola, who spoke during his investiture as the Life Patron of the Nigeria Union of Tailors (NUT) at Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo, said various conserva-tive political platforms that preceded the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had always been associat-ed with agony, oppression, corruption and under-de-velopment.

He hailed the tailors for supporting his admin-istration, adding that the vision of school uniforms

for about 750,000 pupils of public schools in Osun has also culminated in the birth of a modern gar-ment factory, the Omolu-abi Garment Factory, Os-ogbo, which has employed about 3,000 tailors.

The governor said: “I thank God that our people recognised the bold steps we are taking as a govern-ment, it is beyond human wisdom, I always laugh at them, whenever they say their seven and a half years in office was a mistake, and that they want to correct it now, it is not by mistake, it is in their character.

“Should they be in power even for just five months, there will be cri-ses, corruption and inse-curity. That was our expe-rience during their seven and half years in Osun State.

Ogun christens two new born from baby factory

L-R: Senator Oluremi Tinubu; wife of former Military Chief of Staff, Mrs. Josephine Diya; wife of Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Mrs. Olufunmilayo Adesegun; wife of Lagos State Governor, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola; Ogun State Governor Ibikunle Amosun; his wife, Olufunso; wife of Ekiti State Governor, Mrs. Bisi Fayemi and wife of Oyo State Governor, Mrs. Florence Ajimobi, during the opening ceremony of the 1st Ogun State National Women Conference organised by Spouses of Ogun State Government Func-tionaries Association (SOSGFA) at the June 12 Cultural Centre in Abeokuta, yesterday.


The Yewa-Awori peo-ple in Ogun State have called on the

government to find per-manent solution to the pe-rennial conflict between residents of the area and the Fulani herdsmen over

grazing land. The Yewa people yester-

day made the call at a world press conference at the pal-ace of Olu of Ilaro in Yewa South Local Government Area of the state.

The conference was or-ganised as part of the activ-ities heralding this year’s edition of Yewa Festival.

Chairman of the Cen-

tral Planning Committee, Otunba Akeem Adigun, the Yewaland traditional coun-cil had already met with representatives of the gov-ernment over the matter.

National Mirror recalled that the people had lost many of their beloved ones due to several violent clash-es between Fulani herds-men and the indigenes

whose land mass spanned through six local govern-ment areas.

But speaking on the matter, Adigun said Yewa people are still waiting for the promises of Governor Ibikunle Amosun over the proposed grazing zone ap-proved by the state, which they claimed end the inces-sant confrontation.


The Ibikunle Amosun-led administration yesterday christened

two babies born by teenag-ers rescued from the baby making factory at Akute in Ifo Local Government Area of the state in late March.

The two babies, one boy and a girl, were each chris-tened after the governor and his Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Mrs. Eliza-beth Sonubi.

National Mirror recalled that the anti-crime team at-tached to Ajuwon Division of Ogun State Command had about three weeks ago, rescued nine teenage preg-

nant girls at Fabolude area of Akute where they were kept to produce babies for sales.

But two of the rescued pregnant girls Joy Okoro (20) and Blessing Saviour (17) were delivered of their babies at the state hospital, Ijaiye last week.

Blessing’s baby boy was christened King David Etimbo, Omotoyosi Amo-sun, while Joy’s daughter was christened Queen Eliz-abeth Onyinyechukwu Mo-rayoninuoluwa Amosun.

At the naming ceremony held within the premises of Stella Obasanjo Children’s Home, Ibara, Abeokuta, Saviour, who hails from Ak-wa-Ibom State, vowed that no condition would made her to exchange her baby for commercial purpose, if offered a million naira.

Lagos rescues fi ve children from illegal orphanageFRANCIS SUBERU

Lagos State Govern-ment has rescued five children from

an unregistered orphan-age home, Stream of Mer-cy and Love for Human-ity Centre, located at Ilapo village in Alagbado area of the state.

The government con-sequently sealed it off the home.

According to officials,

seven children were res-cued from the home, but two of them were later released to the caregiver employed by the home’s op-erator when it was discov-ered that they are her kids.

The children are be-tween one and eight years.

Owner of the orphan-age, Mrs. Glory Ebenezer, was not around when the officers stormed the place, but the caregiver was ar-rested while the place was shut.

The caregiver was re-leased after Mrs. Ebene-zer’s husband showed up at the task force office at Alausa, Ikeja.

It was learnt the home’s owner approached the state government for registration on December 23, 2013, but was turned down since it did not meet the requirement.

A government source alleged that the orphanage had been operating three years before it sought for registration, an act the gov-

ernment declared illegal.The Special Adviser to

the Governor on Youth and Social Development, Dr. Dolapo Badru, said the government had carried out surveillance on the or-phanage and found it was operating illegally.

Badru said: “We got there and rescued the chil-dren and locked up the place and we are going to prosecute them in the court. We want to know how they came about the

children and their history. It is illegal to keep children when they are not yours without informing the gov-ernment.

“Some of them think that because they are reg-istered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, they don’t need to register with us when they operate or-phanage homes. Some of them even say they have a calling from God to operate orphanages. They should

desist from such act when not registered.

“If they have calling from God to operate an orphanage, they should come to the government and we will give them the requirement to operate. There must be regulation in this sense as intended operators must have the infrastructure in place. It is like when you want to operate a school, you must register.”

‘Conservative politicians haven’t favoured Yorubaland’

Lekki toll: Govt urges court to stay judgment execution KAYODE KETEFE

The Lagos State Gov-ernment has filed a stay of execution of

Federal High Court judg-ment which barred it from collecting toll on the Lekki-Ikoyi Bridge.

It will be recalled that Jus-tice Saliu Seidu on March 27, 2014 declared that the Lagos State Government had no legal rights to collect toll on

the bridge and consequently barred it from doing so.

This was in a suit institut-ed by a Lagos-based human rights activist, Mr. Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, against the La-gos State Government chal-lenging its collection of toll on the Lekki-Ikoyi bridge.

The Attorney General of the Federation (AGF), the National Inland Water-ways Authority (NIWA), Attorney-General of Lagos State and the Lagos State

Government were all joined as co-defendants in the suit.

The state government thereafter filed appeal against the judgment at the Lagos Division of the Court of Ap-peal while it subsequently filed a motion for stay of the execution of the judgment at the Federal Court where the judgment was delivered.

The motion was, how-ever, scheduled to be heard yesterday as Justice Saidu observed that there was no

proof of service of the mo-tion on the AGF and NIWA who were parties to the suit.

He consequently direct-ed the Attorney-General of Lagos State, Mr. Ade Ipaye, to ensure service of the mo-tion on the parties before the next adjourned date, stressing that he could not hear the motion unless the parties were duly served.

The judge then ad-journed the case till April 14, 2014.

National 9Thursday, April 10, 2014 South West

...father shuns invitation

Pupils of LA Demonstration Primary School, Oluwole, Iseyin, gathering sand for the rebuilding of a portion of the school building destroyed my rain-storm, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

PDP govs back Ekiti, Osun guber candidates

Aspirants who lost in the Peoples Democratic Party,

PDP’s governorship pri-maries in Ekiti and Osun states have been urged to support the winners to en-sure the party’s victory at the polls.

Chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum, Dr. Godswill Akpabio, made the call on yesterday in Dutse, while reading a communiqué issued by the forum at the end of its

meeting in Jigawa State.Akpabio pledged the

forum’s support to Mr. Ayo Fayose and Chief Iy-iola Omisore, the party’s governorship candidates in Ekiti and Osun states respectively, in the elec-tions billed for June and August.

He urged aggrieved as-pirants who participated in the party’s primaries in both states to put the matter behind them and work with the candidates

for victory in the elec-tions.

“We are also appealing to the candidates that emerged to embrace the aspirants that contested with them for the success of the party.

“The forum also con-gratulates the party chairman for the success-ful conduct of the pri-mary elections in the two states,” he said.

Akpabio added: “We also felicitate with the PDP over the victory at

The Lagos State chap-ter of the All Pro-gressives Congress,

APC, has raised an alarm over what it called inor-dinate use of soldiers to cause mayhem and brig-andage.

It accused the Minister of State for Defence, Mr. Musliu Obanikoro, of being the arrowhead of illegal use of soldiers to cause a breach of the peace in Lagos.

In a release signed by its Interim Publicity Secretary, Joe Igbokwe, the APC said the latest employment of soldiers to disrupt a state mass housing project on La-gos Island, coming barely a week after such at Ilubirin, signalled the launch of a state of terror by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP-led federal government, using Obanikoro as the arrowhead.

It warned that Lagosia-ns would be forced to resist such illegality and stop the bizarre development by all legal means at their dis-posal.

According to the APC, “It is now certain that

Obanikoro was made a Minister of State for De-fence for the sole purpose of deploying illegal mili-tary force to cause total mayhem in Lagos.

“It is certain that the PDP is bent on disrupting the pace of development in Lagos in the face of its shameful failure in the last 15 years.

“It is certain that PDP and its agents want to arrest the progress and development of Lagos by all means as its own colossal failure in government for 15 awful years has shown.

“For us, stopping mass housing schemes on sudden and spurious claims of owner-ship of some parts of Lagos is wicked.

“It is inhuman; it is sadistic and speaks of the character of PDP as a party. We are sure that Obanikoro and those he is working for do not bank of us-ing such means to win Lagos, but to disrupt as much as pos-sible the acclaimed progress of Lagos, which has been sus-taining millions of Nigerians and accounting for the biggest chunk of the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

Lagos APC warns Obanikoro over use of soldiers

Land tussle: Police detain, release Harry Akande’s son


The Nigerian Police, Airport Command, yesterday detained

the General Manager, AIC Limited, Chief Niyi Akande, over the airport land controversy between the company and the Fed-eral Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN.

Also, the company’s president, Chief Harry Akande, was also invited for interrogation by the command, but the busi-ness mogul declined the invitation when he got wind of the earlier invita-tion and detention of his son.

The police, however, debunked the claim of Niyi’s detention, but con-firmed his invitation.

There was a tension at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport,

MMIA, Lagos, as both par-ties involved in the land tussle stormed the venue with security operatives to carry out their mis-sions.

Last week, FAAN took over the contested land, allowing airport work-ers to park their vehicles there.

The Federal High Court sitting in Lagos had told the two parties involved in the crisis to vacate the land until the issue was resolved by the court, but Akande insisted that the breaking into the land by FAAN contravened an ex-isting court order.

At the scene yester-day, the Commissioner of Police, Airport Com-mand, Mr. Saliu Wasiu, invited Niyi Akande to his office when his fa-ther and escorts blocked the entrance into the car park,

The development pre-vented vehicles from go-ing in or exiting the land.

The commissioner, af-ter the interrogation of Niyi, ordered his men to detain him and allegedly labelled him and others terrorists, but Niyi was later reportedly released by the police.

Speaking to aviation correspondents, the Per-sonal Assistant to Chief Harry Akande, Mr. Gbenga Akinyemi, said the conten-tious parcel of land was leased to AIC Limited by the Federal Government.

He wondered why FAAN has over the years prevented the company from developing it.

Akinyemi described the parking of cars in the premises as illegal and abuse of court judgement.

He alleged that the com-missioner of police was taking sides with FAAN on the issue, despite being served the court order.

the high court on the de-fection of 37 lawmakers, and it is a victory for the rule of law.”

He said the forum con-demned the ‘unnecessary noise and persistent delib-eration’ of the All Progres-sives Congress, APC, on the judgement and called on the opposition not to play politics with the law.


The Ohanaeze Youth Council, OYC, South-East Youths

Consultative Forum, SEY-COF, and the South East zonal chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC, are in a war of wits as President Goodluck arrives in Enugu State to-morrow for a South-East rally.

While the OYC has con-demned what it called Pres-ident Jonathan’s unfulfilled promises to the Ndigbo, SEYCOF berated OYC, de-scribing its verbal attack on Jonathan as misdirected and unwarranted.

In the same vein, the South-East zone of the APC has backed OYC, com-mending it for standing up to ‘systemic and pervasive corruption’.

Spokesman of APC in the South-East, the OYC


The family of Elder Ibe in Aboha Ohii, Owerri West Local

Government Area of Imo State, has been thrown into mourning as one of his granddaughters mys-teriously drowned in an underground tank built in the compound.

A woman (name with-held) was accused of push-ing Adaugo Ibe, 2, who was on a visit, into the 15-feet tank constructed in 1998 to gather rain water for do-mestic use.

According to a member of the family, Mr. Izuoma Ibe, whose wife was fin-gered in the mystery death, the deceased was playing with his daugh-ters when the incident happened.

“We were sitting togeth-er with deceased’s parents, unknown to us that she had fallen into the tank.”

He said the deceased’s

father, who was his senior brother, had come to settle a family matter between his wife and their mother.

“Our mother and my senior brother’s wife had been at loggerheads since she was married more than two years ago, and they came home from Egbu in Owerri, to see how to settle the matter when the incident happened,” Ibe said.

He added that he bought two packets of cheese balls for the deceased and his daughter to eat, while other members of the fam-ily sat at the front of the house to discuss how to resolve the lingering feud, shortly before the inci-dent.

“As we were sitting in the frontage discussing how to resolve the quar-rel between our mother and my senior brother’s wife, it occurred to my brother to ask his wife of the whereabouts of their daughter.


The Anambra State Government has sealed off two

branches of Ecobank Plc and Skye Bank in Awka over their alleged failure to pay Anambra Property and Land Use Charge, APLUC, fees.

Commercial activities at the two banks were yester-day disrupted when agents of the state government sealed off their premises for failing to pay the land use charges levied on them by the state government.

Activities on the Nnamdi


Disengaged staff and pensioners of the defunct Nigerian

Coal Corporation, NCC, have taken the Bureau of Public Enterprises, BPE, Vice Chairman of National Council on Privatisation, NCP, and the corporation to the Industrial Court sit-ting in Enugu, for a breach of the 2003 monetisation policy of the federal gov-ernment.

The retirees said it was wrong for the BPE to sell their residential quarters

stated that though the Ndig-bo mobilised, canvassed and worked seriously to ensure that President Good-luck Jonathan won the 2011 presidential election, “yet the lofty promises made then have become empty promises.”

The newly elected leader of the council, Okechukwu Isiguzoro, said the Ndigbo were yet to feel the impact of Jonathan’s administra-tion, but the National Coor-dinator and the Secretary of SEYCOF, Dr. B.N Ogini and Mr. Nnamdi Anigbo re-spectively, yesterday took a swipe on OYC.

They described the OYC’s position as “a baseless pro-paganda being sponsored by opposition groups against President Jonathan.”

In the statement it issued in Enugu, the SEYCOF co-ordinator said their stand was based on ‘truth’ and not frivolity as it was not out to score any political point.

The group urged Ndigbo and Nigerians to avoid the temptation of alleged mis-chief makers bent on feed-ing them with half-truths, deceit and lies against the president.

The group said it was curious that Isiguzoro took the gauntlet against Jona-than shortly after he as-sumed role as leader of the youth wing of Ohanaeze.

According to Dr. Ogi-ni, “We found it not only strange and unfortunate, but also condemnable that the Ohanaeze youth wing has allowed itself to become a willing tool in the hands of anti-Jonathan elements at this point in time.

“From this development, one can see clearly that at this early stage the Ohane-ze youth wing has already been hijacked by members of the opposition parties who see nothing good in President Jonathan’s ad-ministration.

“While we understand the desperation of cer-tain groups to satisfy their pay-masters, we urge the Ohanaeze youths wing not to align itself with such self-seeking elements, but seek better ways of foster-ing unity and progress of Ndigbo”.

Joining the fray, the APC in South-East said it was ‘refreshed’ to note that the OYC was able to recognise the paradox of the false pro-paganda being dished out on how the Nigerian econ-omy has overtaken that of South Africa, with astro-nomical growth, while par-adoxically, the World Bank reported festering poverty and gross unemployment.

In a statement issued yesterday by APC’s Osita Okechukwu, the opposition party said it was impor-tant to notify the OYC that President Jonathan could not complete the road to his home town.

to other people, contrary to the federal government’s policy on sale of govern-ment quarters, which stip-ulated that genuine work-er/occupier should have first choice of refusal.

They argued that the non-offer of the NCC hous-es to the disengaged staff and retirees of the NCC at monetised prices since the commencement of the policy, as earlier directed by the defendants in 2007 and 2009 was a perversion of justice.

The retirees (claimants) are demanding, among other things, a declaration

that they are entitled to the conveyance of title owner-ship of residential quar-ters which they legitimate-ly occupy in accordance with the monetisation and privatisation policy with regards to the disposal of government residential quarters.

They are also seeking “a declaration that continu-ous carving out and delin-eation of some portions of the NCC properties and dis-posing same to the public, without concurrently allo-cating the residential quar-ters to the disengaged staffs and retirees who presently

occupy them for them to pay and own in line with monetisation, commercial-isation and privatisation policy, amounts to double standard and portends an action in bad faith.”

They also prayed the court to declare that any direct or indirect action, occasioned to encourage displacement of any of the claimants from his or her residential quarters, and renting or allocating same to the public, as to occasion denying him or her the benefit of the monetisation policy, is illegal and of no effect.

Azikiwe Road branches of the banks were paralysed, while customers were dis-appointed as they could not transact business for the day.

The clampdown on the two banks was carried out by the officers of the agency responsible for the enforce-ment of payment of the property charges, sequel to an order of an Awka Magis-trate Court.

Addressing newsmen af-ter incident, an APLUC offi-cial, Mrs. Chinenye Okafor, said the banks and a host of other defaulters were ow-ing the state government lots of money.

Igbo youths, APC trade words over Jonathan’s scorecard

Girl, 2, dies in water tank

Land use tax: Anambra seals 2 banks

Ex-coal workers head for court over monetisation

L-R:Head of Voter Education, Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Enugu State, Dr Anthonia Ekwo; epresentative of state government, Mr Francis Ani and Administrative Secretary, Enugu State, Mr Okorie Uma, during a voter education seminar, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

Labour presents demands to ObianoCHARLES OKEKEAWKA

Organised labour in Anambra State, under the aegis of

Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Trade Union Con-gress, TUC and the Joint Negotiating Council, JNC, yesterday made an eight-point demand to the Gov-ernor Willie Obiano.

The JNC led by the State Chairman of NLC, Comrade Patrick Madu-abuchi, at their maiden meeting with the governor at the Government House, Awka, made key requests

bordering on minimum wage, workers’ promotion, internally generated reve-nue, education and health.

Others include employ-ment, water, as well as key parastatals like the Anam-bra State Broadcasting Corporation, ABS, Anam-bra TV and National Light newspapers.

They complained that current wages could no longer cater for them ad-equately and appealed to Obiano to review their salaries upwards.

The workers called for the prompt promotion of workers, among others.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014South East10

Police rescue jobless graduate from committing suicideANIEFIOK MACAULAY UYO

Sunday Omotayo, an unemployed engi-neering graduate of

old Ekiti State University was rescued yesterday by men of the Akwa Ibom State Police Command from committing suicide in Uyo.

Omotayo caused a stir along Wellington Bassey Way when he deliberately jumped out of a speeding Toyota Hiace bus, expect-ing to be crushed to death by oncoming vehicles.

Omotayo said he was frustrated as he had toiled day and night in search for a job for over 10 years

after graduation but to no avail.

According to some po-licemen, Omotayo had in the morning gone to the Prison Service asking the officials to either kill him or put him into prison.

One of the prison of-ficials, who spoke to Na-tional Mirror, said: “We just saw somebody, well dressed and on tie with no look of mentally deranged running towards us. His action forced us to become immediately alert with our weapons.

“The next thing he said was ‘shoot me’, ‘shoot me’, ‘I want to die’, ‘I am tired of this world.’ We were still facing him with our

weapons when he scram-bled towards us, saying we should allow him to enter and die inside the prison.”

The official added that Omotayo was later over-powered by the police, who arrested, debriefed him and forced him into a bus heading towards the Ibom Plaza Roundabout.

Omotayo jumped from his sitting position in the bus to crash on the major road for oncoming vehi-cles to run over him.

Lying on the main road leading to the Akwa Ibom Government House, he gave police officers hectic time before getting him out of the road, saying he wanted to end his poverty-

stricken life by commit-ting suicide.

Omotayo, who mum-bled some words before journalists at the scene, said: “There is no state that I have not gone to in search of job in the past 10 years, but none for me. I came to Akwa Ibom State because this is my last hope because of the stories of Governor God-swill Akpabio and his un-common transformation. I came with the hope that with what is going on in the state, getting job would be easy. But since I came, I discovered that even many people from Akwa Ibom are also crying because of poverty and joblessness.”

FRSC admits blame over auto crash in Akwa IbomANIEFIOK MACAULEY UYO

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Head of

Operations in Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Emmanu-el Onuoha, has admitted that his men abandoned their duty in responding to emergency calls on broken truck which lat-ter led to a crash.

Onuoha, who blamed the accident on logistics, said several requests for assistance from the state government for facili-ties, including tow-truck and operational vehicles, were ignored.

On why his men did

Omotayo being pleaded with by a police officer not to commit suicide in Uyo, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

not remove the broken truck in spite of several calls made to them, Onu-oha, besides blaming the Public Enlightenment/Relations Officer, Mr. Godspower Owen, for not dispatching men on time to the scene, urged the public to understand that nobody or organisation is perfect.

He said the arrange-ment between FRSC and some construction firms could no longer hold be-cause of the refusal of the companies to cooper-ate due to some litigation by owners of abandoned trucks.

Onuoha said owners of abandoned trucks were in

Delta inaugurates task force on herdsmen’ activitiesTHEOPHILUS ONOJEGHENWARRI

The Delta State Gov-ernment yesterday constituted a spe-

cial task force to monitor the activities and move-ments of Fulani herds-men in the state.

The government took the decision to the check the rising cases of violence associated the herdsmen.

Speaking at a security meeting with traditional rulers, local government chairmen and leaders of northern communities in the state, Governor Em-manuel Uduaghan said the task force was constituted to curb incessant clashes with suspected Fulani herdsmen and indigenes.

Uduaghan raised con-cern over what he de-scribed as the increasing influx of persons occupy-ing uncompleted buildings in the state, saying his ad-ministration had begun working with the Federal Government to address the situation.

We said: “We in Delta State are working with the Federal Government, but in the interim, we are putting up a task force to control the activities and move-ment of herdsmen in Delta State, this is a middle posi-

tion.” The task force is chaired

by the state Commissioner of Police, Mr Ikechukwu Aduba, while members were drawn from the Army, Air Force and Immigration Service.

The state traditional council and the northern communities were also rep-resented in the task force by three members each.

Other members are the Commissioner for Environ-ment, Mr. Frank Omare and three from the state House of Assembly.

The governor said: “We also have report of the in-flux of persons constituting problem for us. We don’t know them but they ille-gally occupy uncompleted buildings in the state.

“The committee should handle such issues. Tradi-tional rulers should be alert and they should inform the committee in case they sus-pect such persons in their domain.

“If they want to stay peacefully, we will allow them, but those who want to cause trouble will be pushed out of the state.

“Our men and women should not go to the farms alone. They should go in group. That will ensure they are not harm by any-body.”

Man, 33, defi les 12-year-old in Bayelsa EMMA GBEMUDUYENAGOA

A 33-year-old man has been arrested by the Bayelsa

State Special Security out-fit popularly called “Oper-ation Doo Akpor” for alleg-edly defiling a 12-year-old girl in Yenagoa.

The security outfit ar-rested the suspect follow-ing a complaint by the vic-tim’s guardian.

It was learnt that the suspect lured the victim with N200 before defiling her.

The suspect was, how-ever, released by the secu-rity personnel to the sur-prise of neigbours who claimed that he ought to be charged to court.

But a source said the suspect might have been released due to lack of enough proof.

The suspect, who is a worker with a popular eat-ery in Yenagoa, was said

to be fond of defiling un-derage girls after luring them with little sum of money.

Investigation revealed that concerned parents and residents had warned manager of the eatery to disengage suspect due to his alleged insatiable de-sire for underage girls.

A source, who did not want his name mentioned, alleged that the suspect defiled an 11-year-old al-bino girl recently.

The source recalled that the randy man defiled his present wife with two children and was forced to marry her.

Contacted, the state Po-lice Public Relations Offi-cer (PPRO), Mr. Alex Akh-igbe, said the police could only act if the guardian of the victim comes forward to report the incident.

“We call on concerned parents to be vigilance and watch their kids, “Akhigbe said.

the habit of suing con-struction firms on alle-gations that their goods were missing in the pro-cess of towing the vehi-cles to safe locations.

He regretted the mob attack on his men when they arrived late at the scene after the accident, saying his command was helpless in the areas of facilities.

Onuoha lamented the mob action would have resulted in the death of some of the personnel if not for the distressed calls sent to the police for intervention.

National Mirror learnt that a MAC truck, which broke down along

Olusegun Obasanjo Way near the Federal Secre-tariat at about 5.0pm on Tuesday, was left without a road sign until a speed-ing Honda Pilot SUV rammed into it at about 9.30pm.

The incident led to the driver’s death.

Akwa Ibom State Governor Godswill Akpabio

National Thursday, April 10, 2014 11South South

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday April 10, 2014 12 North

L-R: Country Head, Olam Nigeria, Mr. Mukul Mathur; Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina; Head, Corporate and Government Relations, Mr. Ade Adefeko, and G. M., Olam Rice Farm, Mr. Regi George, during the minister’s visit to Olam Rice Farm in Nassarawa State, on Tuesday.

Kaduna residents accuse refinery of polluting environment

Coercive approach won’t solve Fulani-farmers violence –Al-Makura

Pay our allowances before we retire –Police officers

Some residents of Ka-duna metropolis have expressed worry over

the foul air emitting from the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC).

The residents claimed that the foul air is polluting the environment.

Speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday in Kaduna, the residents said the pollution was making life unbearable for them.

According to them, the odour from the gas flared by the refinery is posing a

lot of health challenges on the residents of Tsaunin Kura GRA, Unguwan Bu-lus, Kantin Aga and Ungu-wan Matari.

A resident of Tsaunin Kura GRA, Mr Jonah Isua, said the odour was mak-ing breathing difficult for them.

Isua said: “If we are eat-ing, it is like we are swal-lowing the substance along with the food. If you keep water in an open basin, it will be covered by soot-like substance.

“Every morning and evening, the gas always cov-

ers the area like dangerous mist, making it difficult for us to breath.”

Grace Tachio, a poultry farmer at Kamazoo, said the emission was affecting her birds, making them not to eat well.

“Chicks are easy to con-tract diseases and with this kind of smell from gas flar-ing, it will kill them all.

“We are calling on the government and manage-ment of Kaduna refinery to take immediate measures to stop the gas flaring be-cause what we are inhaling is poisonous and capable of

killing us all,” she said. Another resident, Ronti

George, said: “Industrial pollution now deserves due attention from environ-mentalists in Kaduna State.

“Iam surprised that this has been happening for weeks now and nobody has said or done anything about it.’’

But the Coordinator of National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NES-REA) in the state, Mallam Sherif Ibrahim, said the agency was already looking into the problem.

Igbawase ukumbaLAFIA

Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa State

yesterday said coercive ap-proach would not solve the constant violence between Fulani herdsmen and farm-ers.

The governor identified community-based conflict resolution approach as the

major way of tackling the persistent violence between the herdsmen and farmers.

Al-Makura spoke while receiving the United States Ambassador to Nigeria, James Entwistle, who paid him a visit at the Govern-ment House in Lafia, the state capital.

He said the situation required a diplomatic ap-proach and called on stake-holders such as security agencies and traditional

rulers to adopt the most diplomatic way to tackle the menace.

Al-Makura reiterated his commitment to collaborate with his Benue State coun-terpart to adopt the best way to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

The governor, however, appealed to the ambassa-dor to collaborate with Na-sarawa on education, min-ing and agriculture for the economic development of

the state.He commended the Unit-

ed States Government for its intervention in the area of health, specifically in HIV/AIDS and polio eradi-cation in the state.

The US ambassador on his part had informed the governor that his visit to Nasarawa was in continu-ation of his tour of North-Central in order to acquaint himself with the security issues in the region.


Governors Murtala Nyako of Adamawa, Ibrahim Gaidam of

Yobe and Kashim Shettima of Borno have called on the Independent National Elec-toral Commission (INEC) to take a cue from Afghani-stan’s Independent Election Commission which held the country’s presidential and provincial election last Sat-urday despite threats by the Taliban.

Adamawa, Yobe and Bor-no are currently under the state of emergency.

The governors, who is-sued a joint statement yesterday through their spokesmen, Ahmad Sajoh for Nyako, Abdullahi Bego for Gaidam and Isa Gusau for Shettima, said: “Afghani-stan and its good people were celebrated worldwide for lib-erating themselves from the scourge of fear and thereby sending a strong signal that no amount of threat would deny them from choosing their leaders through demo-cratic processes. This is the kind of courage expected of genuine patriots.

“Our Independent Na-tional Electoral Commis-sion (INEC) should please learn from the landmark election that took place in Afghanistan at the weekend during which election of-ficials took the bold step of going on to conduct election in spite of threats by the

Taliban to send the country into extinction if the elec-tions were held.

“The Central Govern-ment in Afghanistan provid-ed adequate security for the conduct of the poles. It was also reported that there was a 53 percent voter turn-out during the elections and it went on peacefully in most places.

“We all know that the unfortunate insurgency af-fecting Nigeria has a simi-lar attribute to the Taliban doctrine in Afghanistan even though ours is now as-suming a very complicated character.

“The INEC should, as a matter of counter insurgen-cy approach, ensure that no part of Nigeria is excluded from the 2015 elections on account of threats. Suspend-ing elections on account of threats by insurgents and other sundry social miscre-ants would amount to suc-cumbing to their doctrine and conceding victory on the part of Nigeria.

“Should INEC go ahead with its initially considered exclusion of Adamawa, Yobe and Borno states from the 2015 elections, all crimi-nal gangs need to do is to extend the attacks to other parts of Nigeria and have more places excluded from future elections.

“This will then imply that crime and criminality will be victorious in suspending constitutional democracy in Nigeria.

OmeIza ajayI

Some of the newly promoted Assistant Superintendents of

Police (ASP) in the Pla-teau State Police Com-mand have called on the Chairman of Police Ser-vice Commission (PSC), Sir Mike Okiro, and the Inspector-General of Po-lice (IGP), Mr. Mohammed Abubakar, to pay their eight months promotion allowances before they re-tire from service.

The officers are afraid that should the allowances remain unpaid till they re-tire from service, they may never be paid again.

The over 100 ASPs said they were promoted in Jan-uary 2011 and confirmed in May 2012 but are yet to

collect the commensurate salaries for the promotion until January 2014.

The officers alleged that the police authorities in Plateau State refused to pay their promotion ar-rears despite claims from the Police Budget Office that the allowances had been paid into the coffers of state command.

They also claimed that some of the beneficiaries of the promotion had re-tired while many others had died.

The ASPs consequently appealed that those still re-main in service should be paid their arrears before retirement.

The state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Chris Olakpe, however, confirmed that the officers were owed the allowances but that efforts were being intensified to pay them.

2015: Nyako, Gaidam, Shettima ask INEC to emulate Afghanistan

“We wish to state with emphasis that no human life is worth any election whether at the presidential, governorship, national or state assembly, chairman-ship or councillorship level. That is our stand and it is our commitment.”

The governors said that it is the inalienable right of citizens to elect their lead-ers in a democracy, urging

the Federal Government to protect all citizens while they do so.

They said: “INEC should therefore work with the Fed-eral Government to make adequate security prepara-tions, if need be, a special arrangement that will en-sure smooth conduct of the election as it happened in Afghanistan which has been battling with experi-

ences worse than the com-bination of Adamawa,Yobe and Borno states.

“The special arrange-ment is to curtail possible threats that may specifically aim at disrupting the elec-tions.

“We are, however, hope-ful that peace will continue to grow in the states and sta-bility will be achieved.

“On the issue of exten-

sion of state of emergency, it is our considered view that there is absolutely no reason to even contemplate an extension of the state of emergency in any of the three states.

“It must be noted that a counter insurgency strate-gy that lasted one year with-out achieving the desired re-sult requires a redefinition rather than extension.

Osun on political war pathBOLADALE BAMIGBOLA examines the political battle for the soul of Osun State as gladiators, especially, the incumbent governor, Rauf Aregbesola of the All Progressives Congress, APC and Iyiola Omisore of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, strategise to occupy the state Government House in the August 9 gubernatorial election.

Aregbesola Omisore

With the emergence of Senator Christopher Iyiola Omisore as the flag bearer of the Peoples Demo-cratic Party, PDP, in the eagerly awaited August

9 Osun State governorship poll, last Saturday, the stage appears set for a fierce political contest between him and Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, the incumbent governor.

Although, the August 9 governorship poll will not be about the incumbent governor, Aregbesola, who is the presumptive candidate of the ruling All Progressive Con-gress, APC and his main challenger, Senator Omisore of the PDP alone, but the two politicians stand tall among other would-be aspirants of participating political parties in the poll.

The two men, at the inception of the Fourth Republic, were in the Alliance for Democracy, AD, when Omisore, with huge financial war chest, worked with other politi-cians in his party to win the state’s governorship election and served as the deputy governor in the administration of Chief Bisi Akande, while Aregbesola, having success-fully led Bola Tinubu Campaign Organisation, the body that worked for the emergence of Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu as governor of Lagos State in 1999 as the Director General, was rewarded with Works Commissioner, a post he held till 2007.

Both Aregbesola and Omisore have very rare electoral defeats in their political career. Since 1997, when Omisore became known in Osun politics, he has only lost election once.

The defeat Omisore suffered in 2011, when he lost his re-election bid to the incumbent senator representing Osun East senatorial district in the Red Chamber of the Nation-al Assembly, Senator Babajide Omoworare, remains his only defeat in real election till date.

Placing this side by side with three electoral victories, one in governorship contest in 1999 and twice in senato-rial election, including his famous victory in 2003, while still being held in prison custody over the death of the late Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Jus-tice, Chief Bola Ige, typify a feat synonymous with only an astute politician.

Aregbesola, perhaps has a more attention-arresting po-litical credential. He only stood for election once and he made it count by winning April 14, 2007 Osun governor-ship election, defeating the then incumbent, Prince Ola-gunsoye Oyinlola.

Both Aregbesola and Omisore are from Ife/Ijesa axin of Osun East senatorial district with 10 local governments and one area office. Besides, the senatorial district has two of the nine biggest cities in the state - Ilesa and Ile-Ife.

Since the creation of Osun State in 1991, three different politicians from Osun East senatorial district have been deputy governor of the state. Prince Adesuyi Haastrup from Ilesa was deputy to Otunba Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke between 1992 and 1993, Otunba Iyiola Omisore from Ile-Ife also deputised for Chief Bisi Akande between 1999 and 2002, while Erelu Olusola Obada from Ibodi, a village un-der Ilesa, was deputy governor to Prince Oyinlola between May, 2003 and November 2010.

The emergence of Aregbesola, who was returned win-ner of April 14, 2007 governorship election by Court of Appeal, Ibadan Division, after a prolonged legal battle, somehow attenuated the call for power shift to Osun East senatorial district which Omisore had hitherto used as his




built with massive road projects going on in every part of the town.

Within Osogbo alone, the administration of Aregbesola has tarred 30,000 kilometres of road. Apart from this, the flagship project of his administration is the Osogbo/Ila-odo-Kwara boundary road. Besides the N17.8 billion road project which traverses three local government areas, an-other massive road project being undertaken by the Areg-besola’s administration is Akoda/ Gbongan junction road project.

Aregbesola’s administration is also constructing East By-pass road to complement West By-pass constructed by the military, shortly before the return of democracy in 1999. The significance of this particular road is that it creates entrance and exit points round the state capital, thereby limiting the volumes of traffic within Osogbo.

In the health sector, the present administration is also engaged in several projects to reposition the sector for bet-ter productivity. Nine state hospitals that cut across the nine political districts in the state are being simultaneous-ly renovated with several billions of naira being expended on them.

Work is gradually progressing on Moshood Abiola Car-go Airport, Ido Osun and three different markets current-ly under construction in Osogbo. The complete change in primary and secondary school system, that has seen new set of mega schools being constructed all over the state is also another important achievement of the present ad-ministration.

In as much as no government in the history of Osun has recorded such a huge achievements as done by the in-cumbent governor, Aregbesola’s administration has also weighed in controversies in almost same proportion as his record-breaking deeds.

selling point, being as at then, the only political enclave in the state yet to produce a governor.

Now that the two men will have to square up against each other, campaign strategies are fast changing with past deeds being exhumed and present achievements be-ing scrutinised by the camps of the two main contenders for the most sought after position in the state presently.

Aregbesola’s achievementsIn the last three and half years that Mr Rauf Aregbe-

sola held sway as governor of Osun, the state has seen its best years so far in terms of development. While traces of the present administration can be found in every part of the state, Osogbo, the state capital is completely being re-

National 13Thursday, April 10, 2014



Akinbade Akinwusi




CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 Osun on political war pathBiggest among the controversies the present administration has courted is the issue of merger and reclassification of schools in the state. The Christian Associa-tion of Nigeria, CAN, Osun state chapter, under the chairmanship of Rev. Elisha Ogundiya, has been at loggerheads with the state government on the merger of missionary-founded schools with Muslim schools.

The school merger policy that has also led to series of protests by Christians and public schools’ students in Iwo, Ejigbo and Osogbo, among others, reached mind-bog-gling height when students in Baptist High School, Adeeke, Iwo, in protest of what the CAN leaders in the town called wearing of “unconventional uniforms” by Muslim students, wore choir robes to school.

A case seeking to compel state govern-ment approval for the wearing of hijab as part of public schools’ female students’ uniforms instituted by the Muslim com-munity is presently pending before an Osun State High Court.

Another issue whiche can be potential banana peel is sources of fund for many projects the state government is executing. Insistence of government that it is only owing N30 billion, the bond raised in the Nigeria Stock Exchange, NSE and another N11.4 billion from Islamic bond to finance specific projects of the administration, has always elicited questions from the op-position parties about contractor financ-ing model adopted by government to fund some of the projects.

However, despite all these, Aregbesola still commands high regards among elec-torates in the state, but when considering the fact that performance in office alone is no guarantee for a second term re-election for two of his immediate past successors, the electoral fate of the incumbent may be hinged on how well he manage to wriggle out of contentious issues of religion and debt profile of the state before election time.

Politics of emergence of OmisoreFor keen followers of political events

in the state, especially regarding who will be PDP candidate in the next governor-ship poll, Senator Omisore actually tac-itly though, got the PDP ticket the moment former governor and suspended National Secretary of the party, Prince Olasgunsoye Oyinlola was removed from office in Janu-ary last year.

Omisore was said to be bitter with overt support Oyinlola was given to Alhaji Fatai Akinbade, who served in the former gov-ernor’s administration as Secretary to the State Government, SSG, despite his (Omi-sore) contributions to revive and sustain PDP when its fortunes completely nosedived after the 2011 general elections in which the party lost all positions contested for.

With Prof. Wale Oladiipo, a political associate and kinsman of Omisore from Ile-Ife replacing Oyinlola as acting PDP national scribe, the grip of former chair-man of Senate’s Finance and Appropria-tion Committee on the state chapter of PDP became reinforced and he was clearly the leading aspirant, among the four as-pirants, namely; Senators Omisore, Ola-sunkanmi Rasheed Akinlabi, Hon. Wole

Oke and Alhaji Fatai Akinbade in the race for PDP governorship ticket then.

The entrance into the race, just two weeks before the scheduled date for the governorship primaries of the first execu-tive governor of Osun State, Senator Isia-ka Adetunji Adeleke, instantly changed po-litical calculations and the camp of the one term senator welcomed many members of the party that had all the while hibernated with other aspirants and what looked like a keen contest for Osun PDP governorship ticket was expected.

Conflicting reports immediately started trailing Adeleke’s last minute entrance into the race. A section of Osun chapter of the PDP accused Adeleke of acting the script prepared by Governor Aregbesola in a desperate bid to stop Omisore. He was also accused of doing the bidding of a top Abuja-based politician, who allegedly felt slighted that Omisore worked against his ministerial ambition.

Interests from outside Osun could be said to have played a role in Adeleke’s joining the race too. Chairman of the PDP mobilisation committee for South West, Chief Buruji Kasamu, who is believed to have fallen apart with Omisore, over perceived lack of favour-able disposition to the incursion of his Omo Onilu Foundation into Osun politics, it was learnt, had adopted Adeleke.

Upon Adeleke’s declaration to contest PDP primaries, an Adeleke/Oke ticket was rumoured to be likely. However, the outcome of the ward congress of the party

held on Wednesday, April 2, after which Omisore was credited with the highest number of delegates, sources claimed, ended Adeleke’s interest in the race for the PDP ticket.

Some party members believe Senator Adeleke’s announcement of boycott on the eve of the primaries was face-saving, having sensed defeat should he contest for the ticket.

Giving reasons for his decision not to participate in the April 5 primaries, Adeleke had cited unfavourable security report, saying his participation would be met with force, which may lead to death of delegates. This development marked the anti-climax of the keen contest earlier expected.

Adeleke also accused Police Affairs Minister, Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan and his fellow contestant, Senator Omisore of at-tacking him during a pre-congress meet-ing with the delegation from the national secretariat at the Ideal Hest Hotel, but this allegation was denied by the two men.

At the primaries held under a very tight security at GMT Hotel, Osogbo on Satur-day, April 9 with three out of the aspirants participating, Senator Omisore polled a total of 1,128 out of total 1,186 votes cast. Akinlabi and Oke got 35 and 5 respectively while 18 votes were voided.

For PDP to have real chance in the poll, the party needs to embark on serious rec-onciliation efforts to ensure members, who may not openly defect from the party, but may work against it during election, have a change of mind.

Akinbade’s Labour Party threatSince leaving the PDP for the Labour

Party, LP, Alhaji Fatai Akinbade, the for-mer SSG is yet to find his political bearing, making his dream of ruling the state to be increasingly under threat.

Before he finally settled for LP, Akin-bade and his followers had attempted pitch-ing tent with either of Accord Party, AP or Peoples Demoractic Movement, PDM.

The main challenge Akinbade and his fol-lowers have battled with since switching party was how to dislodge perceived PDP and APC agents hiding in the LP and build a party that can make appreciable impact in the election.

This has however proven to be a hercu-

lean task, as the local and state congresses of the party that would have given the LP some measure of balance held on Febru-ary 25 was annulled by an Osun State High Court, sitting in Ikirun on Friday, April 4.

At the moment the LP is factionalised. Former state chairman of the party, Com-rade Rufus Oyatoro leads a faction said to be loyal to some chieftains of the ruling APC, Chief Daniel Afilaka leads another faction while members of the executive committee that emerged through the con-gresses held are loyal to Akinbade.

Akinbade may appear unsettled po-litically now, but writing him off as far as Osun governorship race is concerned can be dangerous because of his ability to mo-bilise from the grassroots.

Akinwusi’s challengeThe former Osun State Head of Service,

HoS, Elder Segun Akinwusi, is also in the race, but he is at the moment finding the going tough as a result of lack of solid plat-form to actualise his ambition.

Akinwusi, until recently had been nurs-ing his governorship ambition using the platform of unregistered Unity Party of Nigeria, UPN, but when efforts to get the party registered failed, sources close to the retired longest serving Osun HoS said he is planning to move to the Social Democratic Party, SDP.

Though he is regarded as a dark horse in the governorship race, but considering the vantage position Akinwusi once occu-pied in the state civil service, he has poten-tial of springing surprises.

As HoS under Prince Oyinlola-led PDP administration and Aregbesola-led gov-ernment for a combine eight years and eight months before retiring, he must have seen the best and worst of these adminis-trations.

This, couple with the fact that many of the senior servants in the state presently are either junior of Akinwusi or those he employed into the civil service, further makes the clergyman a dangerous “cus-tomer” for both the PDP and APC.

One thing is certain: the battle for the Osun Government House will definitely not be a tea party.

14 Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014

National 15PoliticsThursday, April 10, 2014

I’ll make Imo medical tourist centre –Kpaduwa

Dr. Julius Kpaduwa hails from Ezike in Isiala Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State, but resides in the United States of America, USA, where he has been with his family since after the Nigerian civil war. The specialist in Obsterics and Gynaecology tells CHRIS NJOKU about his annual free medical services to the people of Imo State, his 2015 gubernatorial ambition and how he would create a strong economy that everyone would be proud of by making the state an industrial hub. Excerpts:


What political credentials are you bringing into the race for the Imo State Government House come 2015?

This might be a waste of time because holding any polit-ical office is not the only qualification for running a state. What our people must understand is that we are actually talking about leadership here, not politics. As far as this race is concerned, I have the right background, the pro-fessional competence, ability to drive the process, proven track records, the academic qualifications, the knowledge of how and where to access funds for our projects and all.

What prompted your interest in contesting the governor-ship of Imo State?

You can see how my community and all communities in Imo State are, everything is in shambles. Our youths are roaming about the streets without employment. Why is it that they go to school, they come out without anything to do? We must provide them something to do to stop them from taking the baits of being armed robbers. We need to create massive industrialisation for our people; it can be done. We have dif-ferent ideas of what we want do right now, we have the con-nections from where I come from, from the United States of America, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan. They are just there waiting; one thing about those people is that they are scepti-cal to work in this part of the world, because they don’t trust anybody. But if they have already developed a relationship with somebody there, they know that individual; it becomes much easier to bring them down here on trust.

So, it will be easy for me, having developed that relation-ship to now bring them here whilst somebody from here will find it very difficult because they are very sceptical be-cause of this 419 problem. I am one person that has always remained passionate about the success of Ndi Imo. We need to develop Imo, to transform the state more than what it is today. My interest is well captured in my vision and mission statements. My mission is specific and clear; to take over the mantle of leadership as the governor of Imo State and com-prehensively transform the state to meet the vision and aspi-rations of the founding fathers. In addition, my vision is to build a vibrant smart state that optimises the opportunities of abundant natural resources, skills and technology for the continual growth of Imo’s physical, economic and social envi-ronment. So I am contesting for this position to help in laying the super-structure for the emergence of a better Imo State.

Under which political platform are you running the race?I am running under Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Have you considered the likes of Ararume and others po-litical big shots in the party, who might also be interested in the race?

Yes, these people do not have anything to offer. They don’t have anything to offer in terms of qualification and ideas. How-ever, their presence will not disturb me. If I tried and failed, I will know that I have tried. But it will be bad if I don’t try. This time, Imo people will get good people, we need competent hands. I am comfortable with what I have, but our people deserve better things of life. Look at what is happening all over the place; the state is at a standstill and we need to move it forward. Human beings will do it, let us join hands together to develop the state.

What will be the policy thrust of your administration if you win?

You will agree with me that one of the greatest obstacles to development in Nigeria is lack of continuity in the vision of gov-ernance and this has led to so many gaps in governance. This should not be so. Governance is a continuum. Briefly, I will men-tion but few things that will be actualised in my administration.

These 10-Point Agenda which is also my transformation agenda would be compressed into three to include; e-gover-nance: the concept of e-governance is based on the need for accurate, up-to-date and complete records of transactions of the ministries, departments and agencies, MDAs, of govern-




ing, technology in education and education.

What is your vision on gender equality and women em-powerment?

Various administrations of Imo State have given only a symbolic recognition to the issue of gender equity. My ad-ministration will bring a new dimension to this issue, by institutionalising the participation of women and female youths in government and all economic activities. My admin-istration plans to establish an operational convention that requires comprehensive participation of the four categories of adult males, adult females, male youths and female youths in all spheres of government and socio-economic activities of Imo State. Our concept is based on the Japanese model that coalesce the participation of the best of each of these cate-gories without undue burden and overreliance on the aging adult males. Imo society will develop at a faster rate where all categories are mobilised to make worthwhile contribution to-wards the realisation of the Imo project.

How will your administration contribute to the overall development of the nation?

My administration shall work cooperatively with the Fed-eral Government to jointly embark on five strategic projects; including one existing and four new ones. The existing proj-ect is the Sam Mbakwe International Cargo Airport, the four new projects are an Imo Dry Dock, Imo Refinery, Imo Fertil-iser Blending Plant, and the West African Railway.

We have identified various investors in USA, Canada and other advanced countries, who have carried out similar proj-ects successfully in countries like Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, India and Australia. These foreign investors are willing and keen to come over to Nigeria, especially to Imo State, to do good busi-ness on these five life-changing projects jointly with Imo State businessmen, Imo State government, the Federal government and other Nigerian businessmen. My administration will be committed to doing that.

ment. All these are the most vital and necessary conditions for transparency and good governance. Computers have made the system of record keeping faster, easier, more accessible, re-trievable and timely. My administration is committed to com-puterisation of government record-keeping as a necessary step towards efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and good governance. Of course, that is my bread and butter. I have been a physician for almost 40 years and I come to Nigeria to do free medical care for my people in the past 13 years. When I become the governor of Imo State, I will make the state a medical tour-ist centre for Nigeria. People from all over the world and differ-ent parts of Nigeria will come here for medical treatment.

You contested an election in 2007. What happened then?They actually tried to kill me, in fact, they shot me at the

back at about 3 am near here, they hit me with the butt of the gun, I was bleeding. They actually told me that they came to stop my governorship ambition. But, God saved me I was flown to the US; I had about four major surgical operations. I thank God for that. I didn’t know I was that threat to some people. But that has not deterred me from achieving this ambition; we need to do it for our people no matter what it takes to do it.

What will be your determination and commitment towards the rapid industrialisation of Imo State?

Imo State will be elevated to the rank of Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore. To achieve this objective my admin-istration will adopt a strategy of economic stimulation by mass impact through the establishment of five operational industrial estates in each of the three zones, of Orlu, Owerri and Okigwe. Each industrial estate will have the capacity to house a minimum of 18 industrial production plants.

My administration has mapped out plans to establish shopping centres, malls and plazas all across Imo State. These will more than double the currently available capac-ity of facilities for commerce and services to Imo people. We are especially concerned with the plight of Imo traders and businessmen in other parts of Nigeria being harassed by their host states in favour of indigenes. I am committed to providing alternatives for our people to make it attractive for them to return to their states for profitable business.

What will be your vision on education?In the past 38 years, government has shown the direction

and led the way towards building of education infrastruc-ture. At this time, Imo needs to change gear towards quality education so that the products of our education institutions will compare favourably with those from advanced countries and progressive Third World nations like Malaysia, Singa-pore, Ghana and South Africa. Our educational system needs to be realigned towards vocational, digital, technological and entrepreneurial skills to provide the required expertise to drive the planned rapid industrialisation of Imo State. And in my administration, I will give emphasis to scholarship and student participation, teachers’ welfare and capacity build-

L-R: Chairman of the Conference, Justice Idris Kutiji with the Secretary, Dr Valerie Azinge at the National Conference in Abuja yesterday PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi

Female delegate slumps

Delegate faults educational system, blames foundation on government


One of the female delegates at the National Confer-

ence, Ifeanyinwa Ezenwa, yesterday slumped at the premises of the National Judicial Institute, NJI, venue of the ongoing con-fab.

The ugly incident, which occurred shortly af-ter delegates resumed for the afternoon session, was said to have been probably due to exhaustion.

Ezenwa reportedly slumped while trying to gain entrance into the au-ditorium and was immedi-ately rescued by security operatives on ground.

It was not immediately clear if she was rushed to any medical facility and National Mirror was not immediately able to con-firm her health status.

When the conference

resumed for plenary, no mention was made of the incident.

The debate on the presi-dent’s speech however continued with former President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Sanni Zoro, lament-ing the arrest of an editor from the Daily Sun news-paper, three days after the president’s speech.

He also faulted what he described as short-chang-ing of the media in the catalogue of groups that have been listed in the conference.

Zoro re-echoed the words of Chief Mike Oze-khome, asking that the media be treated as a the-matic area because it is a major institutional stake-holder in a democracy.

He urged the confer-ence secretariat to review

for separate treatment, the media.

President of Market Women Association, Chief Felicia Sanni, called on delegates to put a stop to the corporate prostitu-tion going on in the bank-ing sector, berating bank chief executives for forc-ing young Nigerian wom-en into prostitution by way of giving them “tar-gets” which she described as unrealistic, inhuman and devilish.

There was also a mild drama when a delegate, Mrs Millicent Okonkwo, referred to herself as ‘Ugoeze’ which she inter-preted as a ‘custodian of titles’.

Her remarks drew the ire of the chairman, Council of Traditional Rulers in the South-East, Eze Cletus Ilomuanya.

According to him, “Ugoeze” means “the wife of a king”. The traditional ruler then queried Mrs Okonkwo, arguing that she was neither a wife of a king or a bearer of that title.

A youth delegate, rep-resenting the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, Sylves-ter Okoh urged delegates to ensure that the current curriculum of the Univer-sal Basic Education, UBE, was reviewed and free ed-ucation extended up to the Senior Secondary School level.

He decried the poor state of infrastructure in tertiary institutions, ex-plaining how several proj-ects have been abandoned by those who are supposed to ensure that they are completed.


A representative of labour to the na-tional conference,

Michael Olukoya has said that the nation’s educa-tional system is faulty to its foundation, adding that although majority of those in the conference benefitted from public schools, the rot in the sec-tor now is frightening.

Another delegate, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, said that the composition of the delegates was deliberately skewed in favour of the South-South geo-political zone where the president comes from, contending that there was a possibil-ity for politicians to resort to taking advantage of the country’s fault-lines to plunge the system into avoidable chaos.

On the composition of conference delegates, he accused the ruling class of exploiting the people saying that of the federal government’s 26 nominees, 9 are from the president’s region.

Rather than dwell on divisive tendencies, another delegate, Ngozi Olejeme, advocated the use of the conference to shape the destiny of the country.

She said: “We must consciously identify what would engender productiveness. The role of women and youths in nation-building cannot be over-emphasised. I see a future where Nigerian women will be elected the president and governors.”

A representative of the Trade Union Congress TUC, Olakunle Olaitan,

said the while 2014 budget was being panel-beaten, the nation’s economy is in the woods, arguing that since the western economic formula seem not working for the country, market women and traders from Ariaria and Onitsha markets should teach the economists how to run the economy.

“Today, we have destroyed the public primary school. We have deprived the children of the poor the opportunity to go to school. In Benue, teachers have been on strike for six months and nobody is talking. We now take our children to Ghana and other places. We have destroyed the schools where the poor of the poor are attending. Mr Chairman, we must use this conference to do something to change the way we run our primary schools which is the foundation of every form of education for our children,” he said.

North Central advocates restructured federation


The North Central geo-political zone yesterday told the

National Conference of its firm support for the presi-dential system of govern-ment with a caveat that the federation be urgently restructured.

A delegate and former deputy governor of Kogi State, Chief Philip Omeiza Salawu, who made the po-sition of the zone known while commenting on Pres-ident Goodluck Jonathan’s inaugural speech, however, called for rotation of feder-al power between the North and the South.

He said such power should further be rotated among the three geo-politi-

12•Wants 6-year single rotational presidency, part time unicameral legislaturecal zones within the North and South, adding that un-der such a system, there should be a dual vice presi-dency “to take care of any political accident.”

Salawu said the first vice president should come from the same zone with the president and that the tenure of all political office holders must be a single tenure of six years.

According to him, the model should be replicated in states where governor-ship slots would be rotated among the three senatorial

zones, and the governors will have two deputy governors with constitutional roles.

Faulting the composi-tion of the legislature un-der Nigeria’s presidential system, Salawu said it was too expensive, advocating for a part time unicameral legislature.

He said the North-Central is also interested in seeing to the immediate completion of the Ajaokuta Steel project and the National Iron Ore Mining Company, Itakpe in Kogi State.

On derivation, the zone

said the 13 percent deriva-tion to oil-producing states should be extended to cover solid minerals producing states.

Other delegates have also opposed plans by the President to forward the outcome of the conference to the National Assembly for ratification, saying that the composition of the leg-islature might influence their decisions when debat-ing the conference key out-comes.

One of the delegates and chairman of the Presiden-

tial Advisory Committee on the National Conference, Senator Femi Okurounmu, said the current structure of the National Assembly is tilted towards a particu-lar section of the country, though he did not mention the section, but it was obvi-

ous that he was referring to the North.

He counselled that sub-jecting the outcome of the conference to a referendum will afford Nigerians the op-portunity to play a partici-patory role in the future and destiny of their country.

Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 201416

Nigeria: Largest economy, smallest development indices The first moment I heard and digested

the news about Nigeria leapfrogging South Africa to emerge, rather un-

precedentedly, the largest economy in Af-rica, my face somehow worked itself into a dismissive mirthless grin. Thus, I initially dismissed the report as a creative financial engineering from the officialdom, a kind of statistical manipulation you would expect from the Squealer, the official propagandist of Comrade Napoleon in George Orwell’s famous novel – ‘Animal Farm’.

However, when I began to analyse the contents of the report, some modicum of credibility began to override the skepticism. If truly Nigerian had last appraised the un-derlying fundamentals of her Gross Domes-tic Product in 1990 and a rebase was only done in 2013 to elicit the present estimates, then it is natural to expect some phenom-enal growth. Exponential growth in GDP is, frankly speaking, empirically tenable for a nation that had forgotten, refused, failed or neglected to rebase her GDP components for 23 years, a ritual which others serious na-tions undertake every three years.

So with the growth in the telecoms sector and Nollywood (among others), which were remarkably underdeveloped and virtually un-known in 1990, Nigeria’s GDP has grown for the year 2013 to $509.9bn in contrast to South Africa which had a GDP of $370.3bn at the end of 2013. “Nigeria has moved to be the largest economy by GDP size in Africa and has moved to be the 26th largest economy in the world,” enthused the Finance Minister and Coordinating Minis-ter for the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in the widely publicised report.

Even then, the pertinent question inevi-tably arises. What is the qualitative signifi-cance of this ‘largest economy on the conti-nent’ title? If the more pragmatic index of capital rating is used, Nigeria would rank among the lowest even in Africa, we would plunge to 121st in the world.

What does it profit a nation which gains the largest continental economy status and lose the prestige in per capital rating? Oh yes we have outstripped South Africa in having a larger GDP figures but do we have the infrastructure and amenities that make the South African economic dynamic? Are the South Africans the ones trooping to Nigeria in search of greener pasture or are Nigerians the ones trooping to South Africa in search of even the most menial jobs? If we have so much income from pro-ductive efforts of Nigerians why are the masses languishing in wanton penury?

Nigeria has overtaken South Africa; have we overtaken her in terms of modern infra-structure? What about employment oppor-tunities for the citizenry? I am yet to read of any scores of South Africans dying from a stampede caused by thousands of unem-ployed graduates in the course of writing recruitment examinations! Why are we not able to generate even a quarter of the South Africa’s megawatts of electricity?

While it detracts a lot from our vaunted largest economy status that it does not trans-late to auspicious per capital for Nigerians, it should be noted that even the per capital rating itself does not even tell the true story for it is based on the assumption of equitable distribution of the wealth among the popu-lation. But a child of five knows that Nigeria is one of the most inequitable countries in the world in terms of wealth distribution as 85 percent of the country’s wealth is concen-trated in only 10 percent of the population. What this means in practical terms is that Nigeria is still one of the poorest countries in the world. This validates a recent report of the World Bank which places the nation among the poorest of the earth.

What Nigerians really want is authentic advancement in their standards of living and not the bragging right of having the big-gest economy on the continent. The report says the economy of the nation has been growing since 1990 when the last economic indicators were assessed, but from then till now all indices of socio-economic develop-ment are still keep pointing to the negative!

The agricultural sector, wholesale and re-tail trade, financial intermediation, real es-

tate, business services, and construction are all still in the doldrums, but the economic keeps expanding! An average Nigerian citi-zen does not have access to the basic things of life like accommodation, healthcare and even food! Infant mortality still stands omi-nously at 78 per 1000 live births, while life ex-pectancy stands at a meager 50 years! Where does largest economy come in all these?

Well, if we can have the largest economy with millions of qualified youths still un-employed, hundreds of firms either closed down or operating at suboptimal level, and most infrastructure at under-developed level, only God know where we would be if we have had good leaders! This largest economy status certainly calls for serious soul-searching and not unwitting celebra-tion.





FRYNDUBUISI (08023016709 SMS only)

Professor Ndubuisi is of the Dept of Philosophy, UNILAG


The defection of former PDP House of Representatives to the APC is still raising dust. The develop-

ment has generated immense political, moral and legal discussions. The intense interest it generated has to do with the presumption that the political equation in the House would be altered. The rul-ing party may be under pressure if the change tilts in favour of the major op-position party. While the opposition was celebrating its gain the ruling party was also planning its strategy on how to re-gain and maintain its leadership posi-tion in the House.

The political permutation by the APC was abridged by the judgment of Abuja Federal High Court that declared the de-fection of the 37 Reps defective, stating they had to vacate their seats since they had defected. The court in addition also barred any contemplated change in the House leadership.

In this landmark judgment that has

excited many observers, Justice Adeniyi Ademola declared the suit justiceable and within the jurisdiction of his court. It was the view of the judge that the law-makers no longer had any business, mor-al and legal, in the National Assembly having moved to another political party while their tenure was yet to expire.

The issue is quite contentious. The was rumple in the PDP with some gov-ernors and power brokers in the party alleging power drunkenness against Al-haji Bamangar Tukur, the party’s imme-diate past National Chairman. They thus called for a change of leadership, and when they did not have their way, they defected to the APC. Naturally their loy-alists in the House were expected to do the same. The decampee Reps alleged cri-sis and division in the ruling PDP, saying it had become an impediment for them to realize their political ambition.

The hard nut to crack in the entire saga is if there was indeed a crisis in the real sense of the word in the ruling po-litical party. Impartial observers could attest to the fact that there was crisis of leadership in the party, a crisis over the propriety of the then National Chairman to retain his seat when he did no more en-joy the confidence of some governors.

This was tending towards creating a division in the party, as there was a move for the formation of the new People Dem-ocratic Party. But this breakaway faction was not given any legal nod by both the

Independent National Electoral Commis-sion and the court. On the strength of the earlier ruling by Justice Evoh Chukwu that there was no division in the party, the PDP counsel submitted that going by the provision of Section 68 (1) g of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), the defecting lawmakers ought to have vacated their position. It was probably on the strength of this that Justice Adeniyi Ademola ad-vised the defected lawmakers to resign their seats honorably. The question is why were their seats not declared vacant?

The opposition APC has expectedly condemned the verdict, which it sees as an aberration, and had gone on appeal. While this lasts, the House leadership that is no doubt in sympathy with the de-fecting members had ruled to maintain the status quo ante pending the determi-nation of the matter by the courts of the

land. Is this decision in pursuance of the court position or is the House at cross-purpose with the court? It is imperative to establish if the continuous stay of the defected lawmakers is sanctioned by law so as not to incur critical legal issue on this in the future both in remuneration and the exercise of legislative functions of the defected members.

The other point that needs clarifica-tion is if the defected legislators eventu-ally vacate their seats what next? Are they to be replaced by the ruling party (PDP) under which platform they won the seats in the first instance, or will INEC be in-vited to conduct elections in the affected areas? The first option is both illegal and undemocratic. The second option is what has a semblance of legitimacy and repre-sentativeness. Ultimately mandate of the people is paramount in any contest. At the time the legal battle is over, depending on which side it tilts, it is expected that the electorate should be carried along.

It is crucial this matter is resolved promptly before the 2015 election. There is the need for our politicians to be cau-tious in their moves. They must at all time see themselves as the representa-tives of the people. The implication of this is that in all actions the electorate must be consulted. That the elector-ate hear that the representatives they elected under a particular platform have suddenly changed identity is absurd and undemocratic. It is political immorality.

Still on political defection and the law IT WAS THE VIEW OF THE JUDGE THAT THE



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National 17Thursday, April 10, 2014 Views

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18 National Mirror

G.O.K Ajayi (1931-2014): A legal colossus

Legendary folk singer and songwriter, Bob Dylan, who had become a voice for the anti-Vietnam war movement in the 1960s and 1970s in America, plays his first concert in the Communist country of Vietnam. The sixty-nine year old mu-sician held the concert in Ho Chi Minh City. Only about half of the seats at the venue were sold for the concert, largely because nearly half of the population of Vietnam had no memories of the war with the United States.

April 10, 2011April 10, 1998

After 30 years of bitter rivalries and bloody attacks in Ireland, the Peace Accord, called the Good Friday Agreement, is signed today. It can be considered a tri-umph for the British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Republic of Ireland’s leader, Bertie Ahern, who have succeeded where all other attempts had failed. The Agreement was the result of years of negotiations, both secret and open.

Following the ‘No Vote’ on the Immigration bill, which is often referred to as the Amnesty Bill, that was designed for millions of illegal immigrants to become citizens two day earlier, immigrants and their supporters have marched in the hundreds of thousands in more than one hundred cities throughout the USA to assert that they have a right to a life in the country. Some of the cities the marches took place in-clude Washington and New York City.


With the death on Friday, March 30, 2014, of Chief Godwin Olusegun Kola-

wole Ajayi, popularly called G.O.K Ajayi, a mighty pillar in the legal profession in Nigeria has fallen. It would be recalled that Ajayi, whose legal practice was replete with landmark cases of public interest, had succumbed to some ailment attributable to old age for some years. This made him withdraw from public glare for a period of time before he eventually breathed his last at the ripe age of 83.

Born in Ijebu-Ode on May 29, 1931, Ajayi attended Ijebu-Ode Nursery School (1936-37); and St Saviours School, Lagos (1938-1940). He proceeded to CMS Grammar School, Lagos (1941-48) before studying Law at the London School of Economics and Political Sci-ence. He was called to the English Bar in 1955 at the age of 24 and later called to the Nigerian Bar on November 29, 1957. He also taught law on a part-time basis at the Nigerian Law School between 1963 and 1971. He was well acknowl-edged as a brilliant lecturer.

He was made a Senior Advocate of Nigeria on January 12, 1978, at the same time with 12 other legal avatars. These other col-leagues at the inner Bar were no other persons than Chief Obafemi Awolowo, T.A. Bankole-Oki, B.O.

Nwabueze, Remi Fani-Kayode, E.A. Molajo, Kehinde Sofola, Richard Akinjide, Olisa Chuk-wura, Nwakama Okoro, Mudiaga Odje, P.O.Balonwu, and Augustine Nnamani.

One of the sensational cases he handled was the treason case filed against the putative winner of June 12, 1993 presidential election, Chief Moshood Kashimawo Abiola, by the late General Sani Abacha military administration. He was also the lawyer to the second repub-lic majority leader of the Borno State House of Assembly, Alhaji Abdurraham Shugaba Darma, who was deported to the Republic of Chad in 1980 by the government of President Shehu Shagari on the grounds that he was not a Nigerian! The case got to the Supreme Court, which declared the deportation ille-gal, and awarded the plaintiff N350, 000 as damages.

Ajayi was also a member of the defence team of the defunct Unity Party of Nigeria under the leadership of the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo in the second republic. Some of the cases he handled for the party included the celebrated case of twelve-two thirds pitching Chief Awolowo against Alhaji Shagari, and also the case of Chief Adekunle Ajasin against Chief Akin Omoboriowo in the aftermath of the 1983 gov-ernorship election in Ondo State.

Ajayi also successfully led a legal defence team of over 270 lawyers when Chief Gani Fawehinmi was charged before the Transition to Civil Rule Tribunal in 1989.

Many of Ajayi’s colleagues agreed that the history of the legal profession in Nigeria cannot be written without mentioning his name. He was regarded as one of the pillars of the profession. He was most noted for courtroom advocacy and the compelling, authoritative and mature ways he marshaled his point in court. But many would assert he was even more reputed for adherence to ethics of the legal profession. His courtroom practice had been described as always highlighting the ethics, constituting the model for the younger ones to follow.

A former President of the Nige-rian Bar Association, Mr. Rotimi Akeredolu (SAN) described GOK Ajayi as “Debonair, unobtrusive, resilient, principled, courageous and decent; he was a man in whose

presence one felt a sense of over-whelming and outstanding knowl-edge of law. He came across as one who understood human nature as venal, vile and wicked. He quietly, but resolutely, pitched his tent with the oppressed.

“He was unshaken in his belief that in spite of the hostile environ-ment the military, under Abacha, must be made to adhere with the rule of law. He participated, active-ly, through the courts, in the activi-ties which culminated in civil rule in 1999.”

It has often been said that it is not life itself that matters but what one is able to accomplish with it. Going from the above, it is crystal clear that G.O.K. Ajayi was able to attain tremendous accom-plishments in his eight decades of sojourn on earth. This is well evinced in the way he was cel-ebrated both in his primary legal constituency and in the society at large. He had definitely left indel-ible marks for the younger lawyers to follow.

The demise of this legal icon should call for sober reflection by Nigerians still alive; they should ponder on how they would make their own lives beneficial to their fellow human beings before facing death, that ineluctable end of all mortals. The departed legal guru had surely made his own existence to count.




April 10, 2006

All the Facts, All the SidesAll the Facts, All the SidesA PUBLICATION OF GLOBAL MEDIA MIRROR LTD














Thursday, April 10, 2014Editorial

National 19


Thursday, April 10, 2014



A prestigious university in Africa with a visionary founder and leader - Dr. Lalla Ben Barka, Assist. D.G UNESCO, Paris

Prof. Dibu Ojerinde,JAMB Registrar

Over 1.6 million candidates for 2014 UTME


All is set for this year’s Unified Tertiary Matriculation Exami-nation (UTME) scheduled for

this Saturday. As usual, the exam will take place simultaneously across the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. And in all, over 1.6 million candidates are expected to sit for the exam in about 378 designated ex-amination towns nationwide. The exam will equally hold in six other countries, including Accra in Ghana; Cotonou in Republic of Benin; Buea in Republic of Cameroon; London in United Kingdom; Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Johannes-burg in South Africa.

But unlike last year when a little above 100,000 from over 1.7 million candidates opted for the Computer Based Test (CBT) otherwise known as online exam, over 600,000 candidates will go for the model this year in about 153 centres nationwide. Others will take the conventional pencil and paper based test. It is expected how-ever, that all candidates for board’s exam will write CBT compulsorily from next year.

The Joint Admission and Matricula-tion Board (JAMB), which is saddles with the responsibility of conducting the exer-cise, told National Mirror on Tuesday that the board was fully prepared to conduct not only just an exam but the one that would be credible and acceptable to the public.

The board’s Public Relations Officer, Dr. Fabian Benjamin said all what candi-dates need to do is to study very hard at home and come to the halls with the aim of passing the exam unassisted.

He said the board had put strong mea-sures in place to seal up all the loopholes that could lead to exam malpractice. One of these according to him is that every candidate would be screened with biomet-ric machines to ascertain their correct identities before they will be allowed into the exam halls. He added that no candi-date would also be allowed to go into the exam halls with cell phones or any form of papers on them.

These measures, he pointed out, would prevent impersonation of candidates and cheating.

For parents who would want to follow their wards to exam centres with the pur-pose of aiding them to cheat, Fabian said “No parent will have such opportunity since they will not even be allowed to go beyond the gate of the exam centre.”

He vowed that parents who dared the board on this would be apprehended and handed over to the police for prosecution and likewise fraudulent invigilators.

He noted that aside this, security agents including the policemen and officers of the National Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) would be on ground to prevent dis-orderliness in the exam arena.

When asked whether the exam would also hold in the three volatile North-east states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa where incidence of terrorists’ attacks on innocent people in-cluding students is rife, the board’s spokes-man said the exam would hold there and as-sured all candidates and the public in those areas of adequate safety.

Sadly, only about 500,000 from the total can-didates after meeting other requirements will be offered provisional admission by all the ter-

18,294; University of Port-harcourt, 18,943; University of Ibadan 18,711; University of Uyo, 17,602 and Delta State University, Abraka 15,777.

As usual, polytechnics and colleges of education have less number of applicants.

Investigations have shown that, over the years, education at that level is not that attractive to Nigerians because of many factors particularly that of placement of higher premium on university graduates over their counterparts at those levels.




JAMB candidates being screened at exam centre, in Lagos, last year

• Board warns students, parents against malpractice• CBT to commence fully next year

tiary institutions-universities, polytechnics, monothechnics and colleges of education- public and private alike, nationwide.

The number according to JAMB is based on the schools’ carrying capacity, which de-pends on the supportive facilities on ground in each institution.

However, National Mirror investigation’s revealed that the University of Ilorin has the highest applications with over 51,000 candi-dates, followed by the University of Benin with over 42,252 and the University of Nige-ria, Nsukka with 36,712 applicants.

Other institutions with high number of applicants are the University of Jos with 31,810; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka 31,417; University of Lagos with 27,133; Oba-femi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife with 27,000; Benue State University with 26,267; Ambros Alli University, 18,743; University of Calabar

The Board, Governing Council, Na-tional Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has confirmed the Provost

of Michael Otedola College of Primary Ed-ucation (MOCPED), Noforija-Epe, Lagos, Olu Akeusola as a full professor.

The board, in a letter dated March 28, 2014 and signed by the university’s Regis-trar, Mrs. Josephine Akinyemi, confirmed Akeusola as a full Professor of Compara-tive Grammar of French and Yoruba with effect from January 1, 2013.

Akeusola, 52, from Epe, Lagos State, at-tended Epe Grammar School between 1974 and 1980. He later went to the Lagos State College of Education (now Adeniran Og-unsanya College of Education (AOCOED) Otto/Ijanikin between 1983 and 1986. A year after, he gained admission into the University of Lagos for his first degree which he completed in 1990. He had his masters’ degree four years after from the same institution and doctoral degree in 1997.

During his undergraduate days, Akeu-sola won the Best Scholar of the year award in 1988/89 session, the Dean of Fac-ulty of Arts Award as the Best performing student in French the following year and the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for his exem-plary performance in 1989/90 session.

He also came out as the Best Masters degree Graduating Student in French and Comparative Grammar in 1995 and for that, he proceeded directly for his PhD.

An internationally acknowledged lin-guist, Akeusola was awarded in 1997, 2000 and 2010 with French Government Scholarship at The ‘Université de Tou-louse, ‘Centre Audio-Visuel de Langues Modernes (CAVILAM) and Université de Nantes, all in France.

He has many published works includ-ing textbooks, journals and articles to his credit.

He served as a member of Governing Council of the Adeniran Ogunsanya Col-lege of Education, Otto/Ijanikin, Lagos State between 2001 and 2006. He was a Na-tional Chief Examiner, French Language for National Examination Council (NECO) between 2000 and 2003. He is visiting Pro-fessor of French and Comparative Gram-mar to Europa University, Germany and the University of Stellenbosch, South Af-rica. He is also an external moderator to Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State and Tai Solarin University of Educa-tion, Ijagun, Ijebu Ode, among others.

Akeusola, a former Acting Dean of School of Arts and Social Sciences, Nation-al Open University of Nigeria is currently a National Secretary-General, Committee of Provosts of Colleges of Education in Nigeria.

He is married and has children.

NOUN confi rms Akeusola full professor


WASSCE: Commissioner warns principals not to bar any student from writing exams TUNBOSUN OGUNDARE

The Ogun State Commissioner for Education, Science and Technolo-gy, Mr. Segun Odubela has warned

principals of public secondary schools in the state not to prevent any students from writing the on-going West African School Certificate Examination (WASCE) under any circumstance.

He also advised them to ensure that their students always get settled in the ex-amination halls at least 30 minutes before the commencement of each paper.

The commissioner gave the advice while monitoring the ongoing senior sec-ondary school exams at Obafemi-Owode and Ikenne Local Government areas of the state.

He however, expressed dissatisfaction to see some students who were supposed to be writing papers to be disallowed from writing their papers as a punishment for dressing shabbily to the exam hall.

He advised the school administrators as well as parents to encourage students in their studies so as to be able to perform well in exams.

He said the state government would

continue to make school environment more conducive for learning and teaching.

Schools visited by the commissioner in-cluded Kobape Community High School, Owode High School, Ositelu Memorial

L-R: National Coordinator, Education Right Campaign, Mr. Hassan Soweto; Managing Consultant, Global Education Communication, Mr. Sunday Fayose; Mr. Chude Achike of Joint Action Force and Mr. Mohammed Fawehinmi at the Save Lasu Campaign Movement symposium tagged: “How Fee Hike and Commercialisation Kills Public Education, A Case Study of LASU” in Lagos, recently. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN

College, Ogere, Ogere Community High School, Akesan Community Grammar School, Iperu all in Obafemi Owode and Ikenne Local Government areas of the state.

Firm, LAWMA collaborate on waste recycling club in schools SAIDAT ALAUSA

The Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Lim-ited has restated its

commitment to protect and preserve the environment by supporting the maiden edi-tion of the Lagos Waste Man-agement Authority (LAWMA) recycling club quiz and exhi-bition in schools in Lagos.

The idea according to the Head, of Public Affairs and

Communications of the bot-tling Company, Mrs. Yanju Olo-mola is to help create aware-ness that will increase the waste recycling culture among primary and secondary school students in the state.

Over 100 students from 15 public and private schools in the state participated in the maiden edition of the quiz com-petition, themed: “My environ-ment and I” at LAWMA loading bay on Lagos Island last week.

Speaking further, Yanju said

Coca-Cola was committed to minimising its impact on the natural environment as part of its broader efforts to integrate socially responsible behaviour and sustainable management principle in all areas of its op-erations hence its support of the recycling school clubs.

Lanre Awolokun High School Gbagada emerged win-ner of the maiden Quiz compe-tition while Community Junior Secondary School Surulere emerged winner of the exhibi-

tion. According to Olomola,

NBC’s sustainable initiatives on the environment are in the areas of water stewardship, en-ergy, packaging and recycling.

In her remark, Recycling Manager for LAWMA, Mrs. Tolulope Adeyo said that the maiden edition of the quiz and exhibition was to evaluate what has been learnt in the recycling clubs at schools and to create more awareness on recycling among the students.

Ogun State Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Mr Segun Odubela (left) receiving an award as the best Commissioner for Education in Nigeria from the Publisher, African Education Monitor Mr. Oludaisi Adefarami in Abeokuta.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net20 Education Today Thursday, April 10, 2014



The Executive Director, Lead-Forte Gate College, Lagos, Mrs. Yemi Lemo has reaffirmed that the

school would not in any way digress from its vision of producing globally competitive students who would excell in their chosen fields and other endeav-ours after leaving school.

She stated this in her address at the Open Day programme of the college recently. Open Day programme is a fo-rum where school opens its doors for public to have a feel of infrastructural facilities in the institution.

Lemo, who is the wife of the imme-diate past Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria in charge of banking operations, maintained that the co-ed-

Authorities of the University of Ibadan have confirmed the ap-pointment of Prof. Ayotunde

Ogunseyinde as the Acting Provost of the institution’s College of Medicine.

She replaced Prof. Olusegun Akinyin-ka who is now pursuing Senior Executive Course (SEC) at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru in Plateau State.

A release by the university’s spokes-man, Mr. Olatunji Oladejo, stated that Ogunseyinde attended Queen’s School, Ede between 1961 and 1967 for her second-ary and higher education. She worked briefly as a teacher at Ife Anglican Gram-mar School, Arubidi in 1968 before she was admitted to UI as a Western State Scholar in October the same year. There, she obtained the MBBS degree in June 1973 and joined UCH in 1975 as a Senior House Officer in the Department of Radi-ology. She was appointed Senior Registrar in Radiology in 1978 and promoted to Se-nior Lecturer cadre in 1985, Reader in 2000 and Professor in 2003.

Ogunseyinde, a seasoned lecturer and examiner is a former Chairman of Fac-ulty of Radiology of West African College of Surgeons and that of the National Post-graduate Medical College (NPMC). She had served as member of the Accredita-tion Panel of National Universities Com-mission (NUC) between 1997 and 2007 as well as member of the Governing Council of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Ondo State, among others.

She is married to Dr. Oluwole Ogunsey-inde, the pastor-in-charge of Immanuel Anglican Church, Asi, Ibadan, Oyo State the union is blessed with two children.

UI appoints new Provost for College of Medicine

Lead-Forte Gate Schools won’t compromise quality –Lemo

ucational institution was established to offer quality training to students.

She said apart from academic excel-lence, the school is also known for good

moral and rich cultural virtues and knowledge imparted on its students.

Speaking earlier, the Principal of the college, Mr. Bje Greyling expressed optimism that the cordial relationship among the staff, students and parents would continue to help place the school above others.

He noted that teaching of children was not restricted to chalk and board alone but encompassing to include travelling, meeting new people and vis-iting interesting places.

All those activities, according to him, also enhance learning.

He used the occasion to implore the teachers and other workers in the school to remain focus and commit-ted to duties, saying the management would continue to make them happy on the job.

MDG offi ce distributes three million books to pupils

The office of the Senior Special Ad-viser to the President on Millen-nium Development Goal, MDGs,

has distributed three million copies of MDGs branded free exercise books to indigent pupils across the country.

The free exercise books, according to Mrs. Precious Gbeneol from the office were aimed at easing the burden of the benefitting families as well as stimulate the interest of the pupils to embrace edu-cation thereby quitting the street.

Speaking at the event, Gbeneol said that government efforts in the education sec-tor was yielding positive results, stressing that the National Bureau of Statistics re-port of 2013 showed that in 2012, primary school attendance ratio was 71.0 per cent improvement in comparison to 2008.

She added that 83.9 percent was in ur-ban area, while 63.4 per cent was in rural area, nothing that secondary school net attendance ratio was about 54. 8 per cent, while rural accounted for 46.2 per cent.

School proprietors donate to charity home


UNICAL graduates told to be self-reliant RICHARD NDOMACALABAR

The Chief Executive Officer of Ekondo Micro Finance Bank, Dr Asuquo Ekpeyong has charged

newly graduated students of the Entre-preneurship Development Centre of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) not to depend solely on white collar jobs rather to do critical thinking that could help them set up own businesses.

He gave the charge during the gradu-ation ceremony of the centre held re-cently. The graduands were trained on water treatment, brewing, photogra-phy, paper production, tailoring, crop farming, printing, satellite installation, among others.

The bank chief however, expressed his bank willingness to partner the centre in mentoring its graduates in setting up their own businesses even if small.

He said all they needed to do is to write

convincing business plans to be the ben-eficiaries of the bank assistance.

Ekpeyong applauded the UNICAL for going beyond theory by exposing stu-dents to practical works saying a suc-cessful entrepreneur need to be focused, determined, creative and self- motivated.

Also in his address, the centre Direc-tor, Prof. Bassey charged the first grad-uands of the centre to do more of critical thinking in order to recognise business opportunities around them.


National Associa-tion of Proprietors of Private Schools

(NAPPS), Oshodi/Isolo chapter has donated a sum of N150, 000 and some food items to SO SAID, a charity home based in Isolo, Lagos for the development of the organisation.

The donation was made on behalf of the association by its chairman, Mr. Aremu Saheed and the foodstuffs donated included bags of rice, cartons of noodles, toi-letries, groundnut oil, bev-erages and clothes, among others.

Making the donation, Aremu said the gesture was to assist the home in meet-ing its obligation to mem-bers of the home.

He said organisations like SO SAID came into be-ing having realised that the government could not all alone provide for vulnerable people in the society.

“So, that is why it is nec-essary to assist in any way possible this kind of organ-isation that is taking good care of destitute and men-

CEO, SO SAID Charity home, Mrs. Conscience Martins (centre) and Chairman, National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools, NAPPS, Oshodi/Isolo branch, Mr. Aremu Saheed with other members of NAPPS during the donation of items.

tally challenged individuals in the society,” he stressed.

NAPPS boss therefore called on philanthropy indi-viduals and corporate insti-tutions to join hands with SO SAID and other charitable organisations in giving hope to the hopeless individuals in the society.

He also advised the parents not to leave their parental roles to teachers, saying most

people living on the streets are either from broken homes or influenced by their parents habit.

Expressing appreciation, the Chief Executive Offi-cer of the home, Mrs. Con-science Martins thanked the donors, saying such kind of gesture has been the driving force for the home since 14 years of its existence.

She said the home had re-

habilitated hundreds of hith-erto destitute and mentally challenged individuals who are today contributing mean-ingfully to the economy.

Like the visitor, Martins equally called for more sup-port from individuals, corpo-rate organisations and insti-tutions as well as government to enable the home continue to give hope to the vulnerable individuals on the streets.

National Education Today 21Thursday, April 10, 2014


The Vice-Chancellor, Federal Univer-sity of Technology Akure (FUTA), Prof. Adebiyi Daramola has ad-

vised the newly admitted students of the institution to be guided only by rules and regulations of the university.

He said such would be the only way they could enjoy their stay on campus.

No room for indiscipline in FUTA, VC warns new students

The vice-chancellor gave the advice while administering oath of allegiance to the students numbering 2, 371 in all.

He said they were lucky to be admitted among over 12,000 candidates who applied to the university for admission.

He noted that the institution’s vision was to be the best in the country with the ability to sustain meaningful and positive collaboration with other reputable institu-tions locally and globally.

MTN donates furniture to Lagos schools

While urging the students to be free and open to members of staff who are to be seen as their mentors and role models, Prof. Daramola equally asked them to face their studies, make good friends, dress de-cently and strive for excellence as they con-tinue their training and search for knowl-edge.

He promised that the management on its part would ensure their studentship is a worthwhile experience.

Acting Chairman, Governing Council, Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education (AOCOED), Otto/Ijanikin, Lagos State, Prince Abiodun Ogunleye (left) and guest lecturer/former registrar, Lagos State University, Ojo, Mr. Owolabi Amisu during the first AOCOED’s registry annual lecture series, last week


Traditionalists across the country have been charged to establish spe-

cial schools in order to teach their children based on the pro-visions and principles of their religion.

Stakeholders in the educa-tion sector made the call at the

Borno offers N196m overseas university scholarship to 30 femalesINUSA NDAHIMAIDUGURI

The Borno State government has approved $1.14 million (about N196 million) to sponsor 30 fe-

male students to study medicine at the University of Khartoum in Sudan.

The programme will last five years.The governor of the state, Kashim

Shettima said the gesture was to bridge dearth of medical personnel in govern-ment hospitals across the state.

Receiving beneficiaries to his of-fice last week, the governor, who also announced a personal donation of $1,000(about N172, 000) for each of them, described education as the best legacy any government could give to children, adding that women particularly deserve special attention in this regard.

The belief, according to him, is that once the beneficiaries are trained to be-come medical doctors, they will bring their knowledge and skills to bare in hospitals they chose to serve.

“So, the government on its part will always commit resources to train and equip people for different sectors of the economy including medicine,” he added.

He urged the students to take their studies very seriously and not to indulge in social vices while their study lasted. He promised the scholarship would be sustained by the state government.

On selection of the beneficiaries, the state’s Commissioner for Higher Educa-tion, Alhaji Bello Ayuba said selection was not based only on one student per local government council area but also on merit from the interview conducted for them.

A cross section of new students during the matriculating ceremony

second annual Inter-House Ath-letics Competition of Olokun Asorodayo Primary School, Itan, Iseyin, Oyo State.

The National Secretary of Orunmila Youngsters Interna-tional (OYI), Priest Fayemi Fak-ayode, who was one of the speak-ers, said the school was one of those established for the teach-ing of children of traditional religion followers.

He said the educational system of Nigeria has been fingered as one of the factors militating against the growth and development of tradition-al religion in the country.

Fakayode explained that the OYI had got to know this and had been encouraging Ifa/Orisa adherents to es-tablish their own schools to solve the problem, maintain-

ing that there are now schools for the children of Ifa /Orisa religionists in both Oyo and Osun States.

Speaking in the same vein, the Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Is-eyin Local Government chap-ter, Mr. Abdul-Fatai Shittu Gbeko charged parents liv-ing in the area to let their children attend Olokun Aso-rodayo Primary School irre-spective of their religion.

He said, “though this school was established by the traditionalists, once it has been taken over by the government, every citizen, either Muslim, Christian or traditionalist has the same right in the school.”

The chairman on the oc-casion, Mr. Adefabi Dasola however, enjoined the pu-pils of the school to be hard-working so that they would be able to match their coun-terparts in other faith-based schools, stating that through such, they would be useful for themselves and the soci-ety.

Traditionalists told to establish own schools

As part of its efforts to boost edu-cation in the state, MTN Founda-tion, a charitable arm of MTN has

donated some pieces of furniture, exer-cise books, mathematical sets as well as raincoats valued at about N10 million to Oriwu Model Junior/Senior College and Oreyo Junior/Senior Grammar School, both in Ikorodu area of Lagos.

The items are for the use of the stu-dents and teachers of the two schools.

The state’s Commissioner for Educa-tion, Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye who re-ceived the donation on behalf of the state government commended the company, saying the gesture is one among many support initiatives received by the state from the foundation.

Imploring both the students and teach-ers to make judicious use of the items and ensure that they are not damaged, she also appreciated the facilitator of the ges-ture, Mr. Babajimi Benson, an indigene of Ikorodu, and prayed that God will give him the enablement to bring more corpo-rate assistance to the state.

Oladunjoye noted that government cannot do it alone hence it needs the assis-tance of corporate organizations as well as individuals who are endowed with the means for support.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net22 Education Today Thursday, April 10, 2014

As a young Nigeria growing up in the then Western Region of Ni-

geria, I was raised in the old British educational system which I may now describe as the 6-5-2-3 system which pro-duced the technocrats and administrators that midwifed our independence and estab-lished the political, adminis-trative and economic dynas-ties of the first republic. The 6-3-3-4 system was introduced in 1982 to inject functionality into the Nigerian school sys-tem and to produce graduates who would be able to make use of their hands, head and the heart (the 3Hs of education).

But during the last Presi-dential Summit on education about three years ago, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, de-scribed the 6-3-3-4 education system as a failed model which has not addressed the various problems plaguing the edu-cation sector in the country. The president further took the unprecedented step of asking those who introduced the sys-tem to apologise to Nigerians.

And during the opening ceremony of the 20th Nigeria Economic summit on March 18, 2014, the President again called on the organisers to review Nigeria’s education policy to meet the current re-alities. There is obviously no doubt that our educational system is in shambles. Howev-er, that the system is mortally flawed and in need of replace-ment is questionable. The con-verse may also be true that the

system may indeed be work-able but that the operators are bereft of the operational know-how to make the system work. A third possibility is that the system may indeed be work-able but need some tailoring to suit our current developmen-tal needs.

I honestly believe that there was nothing wrong with the system that we inherited since our emergence as a nation in 1914. The British educational model which we discarded is still working in Britain and Nigerians are flocking there to take advantage of their ad-vanced educational system. The 6-3-3-4 which is basically an American system is still working in the United States

of America and has kept them in the fore fronts of scientific, economic and technological breakthroughs, and many Ni-gerians have made it their lifelong dream to acquire the American citizenship by all means possible. The Ameri-can 6-3-3-4 system which our leaders are attempting to con-demn to the dustbin of history is striving elsewhere and has become the backbone of tech-nological and economic break-throughs of nations that oth-erwise were underdeveloped only a few years ago.

This is the system that is been operated by the South Ko-rean ministry of education sci-ence and technology, a rising technological giant and it has

not failed them. South Korea has continued to make giant leaps in technological break-throughs, thanks to its robust educational system. The suc-cess of the system is due to common sense approach to implementation of this uni-versal system and sheer hard work. It capitalizes on build-ing on the natural talent and tendencies of the students.

High schools in South Ko-rea are quite different from what we have in Nigeria and the rest of the western world. Apart from the public and pri-vate high schools which are similar to what we have here in Nigeria, we also have the vocational high schools which have now been renamed “Pro-fessional high schools” in order to attract more candi-dates. Students who do not plan on attending college usu-ally go to vocational schools which offer specialised fields such as finance, technol-ogy, agriculture and so forth. These students usually en-ter the work force right after graduation. Specialty high schools are very competitive high schools divided into spe-cific tracks that are geared to-wards a student’s career path or areas they excel at. Special-ty schools were implemented in order to help students get accepted into colleges and universities that offer similar courses and programs.

Even as a developed coun-try, 15.7% of all government expenditure goes into educa-tion. The central ministry

directly funds teachers’ sala-ries in elementary and lower secondary school as well as preschool programs. Even pri-vate schools receive some fund-ing from government, but fees are paid by all students beyond the middle school to supple-ment government resources. Schools are evaluated annually by external monitoring groups established by the provincial education offices. Incentives are offered to teachers for high performance including the des-ignation of “master teacher” which entitles awardees to a small monthly stipend in addi-tion to their normal salary.

The various educational models that have failed in Nigeria over the years are functioning perfectly else-where. The problems with the 6-3-3-4 system are the opera-tors and not the system. The vocational component of the programme has never worked in Nigeria. With the type of managers we have, no educa-tional formula from wherever would work in Nigeria. The government is just like the proverbial bad workman that quarrels with his tools. Since the sacking of nine ministers on the 11th of September 2013, a substantive minister of edu-cation has not been appointed virtually leaving the ministry without a competent leader. The only persons that need to apologize to Nigerians on the failed educational system are the politicians who appoint incompetent persons to run the system.

Don advocates good governance

Former member, House of represen-tative, Dr. Usman

Bugaje has said that good governance is the only key to sustainable democ-racy in Nigeria.

He said this during the 8th founder’s day lecture of Crescent University, Abeokuta, entitled, Lead-ership and Governance in Nigeria: Opportunities and Challenges at the institu-tion recently.

According to him, any discussion on leadership and governance in Nige-ria today must capture the anxieties of a nation that fifteen years ago was animated by the return to a democratic civilian rule with all its promises of freedom, development and peace.






Nothing wrong with the 6-3-3-4 systemEducation as I see itby Tosanwumi Otokunefor

info@alphaedufoundation.org08030904461 (email/SMS only)


Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji (JABU),

Osun State has partnered the University College of Social Sciences (UCSS), Poland to run joint award-ing degree programmes in the institution.

The Memorandum of Understanding to that effect was signed on be-half of both institutions by the vice chancellor of JABU, Prof. Sola Fajana and the Rector of UCSS, Dr. Cezary Wosinsky.

The visiting rector said the collaboration would open a new ground for many innovative discov-eries in the two institu-tions, adding that the

‘JABU, Poland varsity collaboration will be sustained’

Vice President, University College of Social Sciences, Poland, Mr. Dominick Kopera (5th left), Vice- Chancellor,JABU, Prof. Sola Fajana (3th right) with other principal officers of the two institutions during the signing of MoU in Ikeji-Arakeji, recently.

collaboration would not suffer any setback as the Polish government has earmarked a huge fund

for education.JABU VC also assured

his institution’s total commitment to the bond

and ensures it success.He noted that the agree-

ment was flexible so as to

accommodate necessary supplements in the fu-ture.

National Education Today 23Thursday, April 10, 2014

OAU don lauds FEDPOFFA, EdePoly on ICT training

Heroic welcome for Jonathan’s aide at alma mater• Commissions building donated by himOLATUNJI AWE 300L POL. SC., EKSU

It was pomp when the Spe-cial Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Ni-

ger Delta, Mr. Kingsley Kuku visited the Ekiti State Univer-sity (EKSU), recently. He was in the university where he earned his first degree to declare open the students’ union building he built for the institution.

Besides the principal offi-cers, he was received by over 1,000 students of the institution who wore shirt with inscription “Thank you Kuku” and pouring encomium on him.

Mr. Kingsley Kuku cutting the tape with the Vice Chancellor, Ekiti State University, Prof. Oladipo Aina (3rd right) and others during the inauguration of the students’ union building, recently.

Stepped out from his SUV jeep amidst heavy security personnel, Kuku headed straight to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Oladipo Aina and other principal officers of the university who were also waited for his arrival. From there, they all proceeded to the VC office for a brief meeting before the in-auguration of the multi-million naira building.

The Vice-Chancellor appreci-ated the donor, saying the gesture was part of efforts to make EKSU a world standard ivory tower.

He said it was commendable that Kuku made good his less than two years promise to build the edifice.

Kuku, who cut the tape to de-clare open the building, used the occasion to introduce his bo-som friend, Mr. Allen Onyema, who studied at the University of Ibadan to the VC, saying he donated largest sum of money among his friends for the con-struction of the building.

The former lawmaker thanked EKSU for producing him and many others who are today high-ly placed in the society.

The atmosphere became trendier when Kuku and his en-tourage, many of whom were once student leaders began to sing aluta songs, spiced up by the popular NANS choirmaster and

orator who prefers to be simply addressed “Obesere”.

The Students’ Union Presi-dent, Ibitola Babatope in his speech, appreciated the donor and promised that they would make good use of the building.

It was gathered that when Kuku was a student of the insti-tution, he was said to be student activist who led many protest against the authorities.

He was also said to have been denied the right to contest for the student union president based on his strong stance against un-friendly policies of school au-thorities and that of the govern-ment.

Edited by: Saidat, 08027633686


The Mode Football Club of Tedder Hall, University of Ibadan has emerged

winner of this year’s Students’ Union League of the institution.

A total of six teams represent-ing different halls of residence took part in the tournament.

The winner secured a total of 21 points from 10 matches while Noble Football Club of Sultan Bel-lo Hall which came second had 18 points from 10 matches and Pre-mier FC of Mellanby Hall with 14 points from 10 matches took third position.

The league, according to the Vice-Chancellor of the institu-tion, Prof. Isaac Adewole, while declaring it open, is designed to encourage students showcasing and developing their talent.

Tedder Hall wins UI students’ football league

Undergraduates show secondary school students way to successLINUS KINGDOM 300L, UI

As a way to show a right path, the students of the University of Ibadan (UI)

have organised a lecture and dra-ma series where they educated students of Ajibode Junior School, Ibadan on the value of education and the consequences of indulging in social vices.

They organised the programme under an auspices of One African Child (OAC), a charitable initia-tive of a group of students towards

child education and development with over 70 undergraduates as members.

The event took place at the school assembly ground with members of staff and that of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) posted there in attendance.

The programme convener and 300 level student of the Faculty of Law of the institution, Miss Ibi-woye Victoria told their audience that all they need to do now is to take their studies very seriously and be obedience to constituted authorities including the teachers

and their parents.She noted that they would also

need to be courageous, confidence and respect the elders according to God’s injunction for them to have a secure future.

The students then acted a dra-ma where children who refused to go to school, disobeyed parents and teachers as well as keeping company with bad friends punc-tured their dreams and aspira-tions halfway.

Expressing appreciation, the school Principal, Mrs M.T. Oluse-gun said such kind of lecture was

a good complement to the teach-ers’ efforts in educating the stu-dents on the right path to follow in life.

She however, used the occasion to appealed to parents, many of whom she accused of abandoning their parental roles on their wards to teachers to live up to their ex-pectation in bringing up total chil-dren.

According to her, parents con-tribute lion’s share of problems confronting children in the soci-ety by neglecting their duties over them.


The Centre Director, Infor-mation Communication and Technology, Obafemi

Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Prof. G.A. Aderounmu has commended the authorities of the Federal Polytechnic Offa (FEDPOFFA) and that of Ede in Osun State for imparting what he called quality computer skill and knowledge on their stu-dents.

He said the students of both institutions particularly from the departments of Computer Science and Computer Engineer-ing on industrial trainings with the university always perform exemplarily at work.

The don gave the commenda-tion as a guest speaker at the 13th Annual National Conference organised by the School of Busi-ness Studies of the Federal Poly-technic, Ede, recently.

While urging the leadership of the two institutions to keep up the good work, he asked other polytechnics in the country to en-sure they also offer sound train-ing to their students across all departments.

On his part, the chairman on the occasion and Rector of FED-POFFA, Dr. Mufutau Olatinwo advocated increased application of scientific knowledge particu-larly in the areas of ICT applica-tion to design, production and utilisation of goods and services.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net24 Thursday, April 10, 2014

Twenty-four year old Nel-son Benjamin popularly known as Mandela is

well known when it comes to unionism on campus. He is for-mer clerk of the OAU Students Representative Council as well as the Secretary General of the union before it was proscribed three years ago.

Nelson was among other members of the central execu-tive council that were suspend-ed for their roles in the struggle for the reversal of the N20, 000 acceptance fee which was intro-duced by the school authorities.

According to a source, it took the intervention of Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State to get him reinstated after los-ing a semester. Students had ex-pected the part-four Pharmacy students to shun students’ poli-tics but it’s surprising when his awareness posters were pasted around campus.

He said that his desire to re-form the wrongs of the past and

consolidating on the rights of the past and build a students’ union that is focused, vibrant and progressive of the 21st Cen-tury dreams made him come out to seek election.

But rumour is rife that the Ondo born-student may be dis-qualified due to his role as the secretary-general of the union back then.

Another aspirant is Isaac Motunrayo Ibikunle of the Faculty of Law. The 400-level student knows his onion when unionism is concerned. He has been an active unionist right

Campaigns intensify as OAU students go to poll

from his 100 level days as he served in many committees of the union. He is former chair-man of Angola-Hall, one of the eight hostels on campus. During his short tenure then, he per-formed excellently such that his name has been engraved in the hearts of resident of the hos-tel. What he did then has made many of the residents to be in the fore-front of his campaign team for the post of the presi-dent.

Apart from this, Ibikunle en-joys a large followership across the 13 faculties, especially in

Committee of provosts elect new leadersTUNBOSUN OGUNDARE

The Committee of Provosts of Col-leges of Education in Nigeria has elected new executive offi-

cers to pilot the affairs of the group for the next two years.

The Secretary- General of the com-mittee, Prof. Olu Akeusola in a release said the committee elected the new leaders during its 69th regular meeting at the National Commission for Col-leges of Education (NCCE) conference room in Abuja recently.

He gave the names of the new of-ficers with their portfolios as Dr. Igna-tius Ezeom, from the Federal College of Education, Asaba, Delta State as the National Chairman; Prof. Faruk Haru-na from the Niger State College of Edu-cation as Vice Chairman, himself from Michael Otedola College of Primary Education, Epe, Lagos as Secretary General for the second term and Dr. Ad-amu Abbas from the Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe state as the Assistant Secretary General.

Others are Prof. Mamman Wasagu from the Federal College of Education Katsina(Financial Secretary),Prof. S.E Omebe from Ebonyi State College of Education,Ikwo (Treasurer), Prof. Amen Uhunmwanjho, from College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin, Edo State(Public Relations Officer); Dr. Ayo-de Ajayi from the Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State (Au-ditor) and Prof. Isa Ochepa from Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa as the Ex-Offico.

The secretary general described the election as free and fair.

...why I want to be president, says aspirant

At what point did you start politicking?

My political conscious-ness started during my primary school days in 1995. Then, I had always been appointed as class captain at all level. But I got a better understand-ing of politicking by the fact that my family lis-tens to news regularly. It is mandatory for all of us

Television Authority at 9pm. About campus poli-tics, I started on the year I got admission into this institution. I contested and won the students’ representative council (SRC) election in 2010 and served till the union was proscribed the following year. I had also served at different capacities at the departmental level. Now, I

am contesting for the Stu-dents’ Union president.

What is your motivation for contesting for the office?

Politics to me is a plat-form to serve humanity regardless of affiliations. And over the years, pas-sion for service and love for humanity has kept me going. So, all that I am do-

ing now is to prepare my-self well for the period I will contest for senato-rial seat at the National Assembly.

What is the relevance of students’ unionism in the country?

The relevance is tre-mendous. Students have benefitted greatly through campus union-

ism. It is a right platform for students to voice out against issues that af-fect their wellbeing and that of the larger society. Contrarily, it is not out of place to say that at times students’ activities affect students negatively. The example is when their actions lead to closure of schools and delay of aca-demic activities.

Adebayo Adegoke is one of the aspirants for the Students’ Union President of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. A student of psychology from Oyo Township had served in various capacities as an active unionist on campus. He speaks to KEMI BUSARI, 400L, Pol. Sc.on his plans for the students of the institution if he wins the election, among other issues. Excerpts:

As the election into various offices of the Students’ Union Government of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State draws nearer, aspirants have been going round halls of residence and other joints including lecture rooms to canvass for votes from students, SIKIRU AKINOLA, 400L, Pol. Sc. writes on chances of some of the contenders.

his faculty which he represents many times alongside others in debate competitions. It is being rumoured on campus that he was one of the instrumentals who influenced the school au-thorities through some notable lawyers in the country such as Femi Falana and Bamidele Aturu, among others to get the union restored.

Another candidate to watch out for is Olubanji Oluwole(aka Engels). It was said that he has a political learning with the late secretary-general of the union, George Iwilade(aka Afrika), who was murdered on campus by cultists sometime ago.

The 300-level Philosophy student who aspires to be the scribe of the union is always present in students’ struggles. Though, rumour is high that he may be disqualified from con-testing because of his alleged ‘anti-management’ stand, he is a strong candidate for the posi-tion of secretary-general.

Kwara State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ambrose Aisabor(4th right), Deputy Rector, Administration, Dr. Ayodele Olaosebikan, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State (3rd right) with principal officers of the polytechnic and police officers during the courtesy visit by the commissioner to the institution, recently.

in the family to listen to news, especially the net-work news on Nigerian

Nelson Ibikunle



National 25Thursday, April 10, 2014 Campus News

SUNDAY PUNCH Bold Headline of Feb-ruary 16 welcomes us today: “My grouse against (about) PDP—Atiku Abubakar”

THISDAY Front Page Banner Headline of February 15 enthroned bad English: “Defec-tion: APC accuses Mark of double standards” Fixed expression: double standard.

THE GUARDIAN of February 11 engaged in state-side English: “Unknown assassins last week pulled the trigger on Imo-born US-based show biz (showbiz) promoter in Owerri.” How on earth will assassins be known in Owerri of all places? Let it just be assassins for reporto-rial purposes.

DAILY SUN advertorial and editorial pages of February 7 contained multifarious mis-takes: “The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Re-vival Movement invites you to a 2-day annual power packed (action-packed) crusade”

“TUC, private firm partner to build 100,000 house (100,000-house) project” Or, loosely: 100,000 house projects

“Benin murder: Cop arraigned, remanded in prison” The cop would not have been re-manded without being arraigned and when remanded it is in prison! So, a rewrite: Benin murder: Cop remanded

“Burial rites of (for) Oba of Benin’s wife be-gin February 10”

“Cleric commends Jonathan over (for) anti-gay law”

“Police nabs (nab) 3 robbery suspects in Ondo”

Still on DAILY SUN faulty headlines: “Shet-tima assents (assents to) 2014 budget”

“Nigeria-China relations: The issue of oil for infrastructure (oil-for-infrastructure) deals (1)”

“Hisbah cops, hoteliers (hoteliers’) associa-tion at war in Kano”

Still on DAILY SUN under review: “Main-

tain your culture and tradition, Igbos (Igbo) in Zamfara, (needless comma) urged”

“If you have seen him or have informa-tion on his whereabout (whereabouts), kindly call or contact the nearest police station or any office of the Federal Inland Revenue Service” (Half-page advertise-ment signed by Emmanuel Obeta, Director, Communication & Liaison for the acting chairman, FIRS)

“IBM to invest $100m on (in) system de-velopment”

Lastly from The Voice of The Nation: “JOGS 1974/1979 set elects new excos” Peo-ple & Events: The school elected an execu-tive. ‘Executives’ (excos) here will connote different groups of executives—this is dif-ferent from the use of ‘officials’. Further-more, ‘new’ is otiose! ‘Election’ means inau-guration of new officials, while re-election means re-endorsement of the existing (old) officials (excos).

Next on focus is THE GUARDIAN of February 7: “...and a sense of purpose in consolidating our 120 year (120-year) heri-tage as a Bank that puts her (its) customers first.” (FirstBank full-page advertisement) No feminization of language!

“The people of Offa in Kwara State ap-peal to banks to re-open (reopen) their branches....”

“Our society has not yet ravenously de-manded for justice for those raped.” Yank off the first redundant ‘for’!

“Lagos set to provide homes for first time (first-time) buyers”

“Advocating for specialization for estate surveyors and valuers” Just like ‘demand’, ‘advocate’ does not admit ‘for’ when used as a verb or as a gerund. Again, delete the first ‘for’.

“Gov. Fashola commissioning (inaugu-rating) ultra modern (ultra-modern) class-rooms at....”

Finally from the Back Page of THE GUARDIAN under focus: “In 2003, our public universities were closed for five months because universities (university) lecturers employed wildcat’s measure (wildcat strike) to agitate for improved wel-fare conditions.”

THE NATION ON SUNDAY advertorial and editorial pages take over: “...on this great occasion of his 49th Birthday Anni-versary” (Full-page advertisement by Ekiti State House of Assembly) ‘Birthday’ and ‘anniversary’ cannot co-function!

“Your commitment to the vision of turning EKSU to a world-class university has resulted in the upliftment (uplift) of the university....” (Full-page advertisement signed by Prof. Patrick Oladipo Aina, VC, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti)

From the advertorial we move to THE NATION ON SUNDAY COMMENT (EDI-TORIAL) with five scandalous blunders: “Yet, he emerged from prison without bitterness, extending an olive branch of peace to his erstwhile oppressors and help-ing to lay a solid foundation for a peace-ful multiracial South Africa.” Mandela’s example: ‘Olive branch’ does not require adumbration (‘of peace’)”

“This comprises of a house in Johan-nesburg....” Take away ‘of’ because of its awkwardness here....

“This speaks volume (volumes) of the sheer compassion and humanity of the man.”

“In doing so, they under-develop their countries, impoverish majority (a major-ity) of their people....”

“The wealthy among us also have some-thing to emulate in (from) Mandela’s generos-ity of spirit....”

“Afenifere leader says Yorubas (Yoruba) not opposed to conference”

“We celebrate your illustrious life, your in-spiring leadership which has culminated into (in) monumental transformation of....”

“Association of Local Government (Govern-ments) of Nigeria (ALGON) Ekiti State Chap-ter” (Full-page advertisement)

THISDAY of February 6 committed just two gaffes: “Budget: APC threatening the lifewire (livewire) of Nigeria, says FG”

“Edo: Court remands killer cop in prison” Where else would the cop have been remand-ed?

SUNDAY Sun Back Page of February 9 wob-bled: “CBN said money is (was) missing from federation account (the federation account).”

Next on the line-up is THISDAY of Febru-ary 10 with just three flaws: “Hope dims for Ni-geria, Cameroun cross border (cross-border) oil wells exploration”

“DISCOs blame TCN over (for) power”“Congratulations, (needless comma) Your

Excellency and more grease (power) to your elbow.” (Full-page advertisement for Her Ex-cellency, Lady Odochi Mercy Orji by Dr. & Mrs. Uche Ogah, OON, FCA)

DAILY SUN of February 10 takes over from THISDAY with a deluge—yes!—of wrongdo-ings: “Again, Anambra PDP leadership tussle resurrects” The first and last words in the extract cannot function in the same environ-ment.

“6 students remanded in Osun prisons for alleged illegal possession of arms” Where else would they have been remanded? In the shrine!

“Herbalist bags 14 years (years’) jail term for fraud.”

L:R- Public Relations Executive, MultiChoice Nigeria, Timothy Okwu; Director, Post-Primary Education, Adamawa State, Mallam Timothy Adamu; CEO, Innovative Technology Literacy Service Limited, Mrs. Aderonke Bello during the inauguration of MultiChoice Resource Centres in Yola, Adamawa State.

Double standard, not double standards

Adamawa schools get 10 new resource centresSAIDAT ALAUSA

Ten public second-ary schools in Ad-amawa State have

joined beneficiaries of MultiChoice resource cen-tres bringing the total to 294 in 29 states across the fed-eration.

Beneficiaries of the au-dio-visual learning aid in-clude Capital Government Day Secondary School, Gov-ernment Girls Secondary School, General Murtala Mohammed College, Doube-li Government Day Second-ary School, and School for Arabic Islamic Studies.

Others are Government Boys Boarding Secondary School, Government Day Secondary School, Govern-ment Science Technical College and Aliyu Musdafa College.

The media deployed to

each school include a TV set, a HD PVR decoder, sat-ellite dish, a generator, sta-

bilizer, a set of chairs and desks for the laboratory, among others.

The Managing Director of the company, Mr. John Ugbe, represented by DStv

Public Relations Manager, Caroline Ogbuma said the resource centre initiative was part of the company’s corporate social responsi-bility projects on education.

She noted that the com-pany had strong conviction that the technological, eco-nomic, social and political advancement of any coun-try has a direct correlation with its level of educational development thus the dona-tion of audio-visual learn-ing aids to schools.

The project managers, Innovative Technology Literacy Services Ltd Mrs. Ronke Bello, explained that the resource centre was designed to grant benefi-ciaries access to the special MultiChoice educationbou-quet with the aim of inte-

grating the programmes into their

curriculum to further enhance the teaching and learning processes in the classrooms.

The Adamawa state Commissioner for Educa-tion, Mr. Gabriel Amaad-ama said government was delighted to partner with Multichoice and Innova-tive Technology Literacy Services on the project, say-ing the effort would further enhance ICT education and the achievement of Millen-nium Development Goals (MDGs) on education.

He promised that the beneficiary schools would make good use of the facili-ties and that the state would expand the project to other schools in future.

26 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014

L-R: Information Officer, FCT, Mr. Sule Haruna; Planning Officer, Mrs. Florence Shaibu, Communications Officer, Mr. Niyi Lawal and Assistant Director, Mr. Cosmas Uzodinma, during the FCT Day at the just concluded 25th Enugu International Trade Fair. PHOTO: NAN

Arik Air


Lag-Abj:07.15, 09.15, 10.20, 13.05, 15.20, 16.20, 16.50,18.45 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun).Abj-Lag: 07:15, 09.40, 10.20, 12.15, 15.15, 16.15, 17:10, (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun); 12.15, 15.15, 16.15 (Sun) Lag-PH: 07:15, 11.40, 14.00, 16.10, 17.15 (Mon-Fri); 07.30, 11.40, 15.50 (Sat) 11.50, 3.50, 17.05 Sun) Abj-PH: 07.15, 11.20, 15.30 (Mon-Fri) 07.15, 16.00 (Sat) 13.10, 16.00 Sun)PH-Abj: 08.45, 12.50, 17.00 (Mon-Fri) 08.45, 17.30 (Sat) 14.40, 17.30 (Sun) Abv-Beni:08.00, 12.10 (Mon-Fri/Sat)08.56, 12.10 (Sun) Benin-Abj:09.55,13.30

Lagos- Abuja (Mon-Fri): 07.00, 08.50, 12.00, 16.30. Abuja- Lagos (Mon-Fri): 09.00, 14.00, 15.00, 18.30. Lagos-Yola (Mon-Fri): 8.50am. Yola-Lagos (Mon-Fri): 13.00. Lagos- PHC (Mon-Fri): 17.00. PHC-Lagos: 19.00. Abuja-Yola: 11.00. Yola-Abuja: 13.00. Lagos-Abuja (Sat): 08.00, 08.50.Abuja-Lagos (Sat): 10.00, 15.00. Lagos-PHC (Sat): 17.00. PHC-La-gos (Sat): 19.00. Lagos-Yola (Sat): 08.50. Yola-Lagos (Sat): 13.00

Lag-Abj: 06.50, 13.30, 16.30, 19.45 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun), 12.30 (Sun) 16.45 (Sat) Abj-Los: 07.30, 13.00, 19.00 (Mon-Fri/Sat, 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Sun, 18.30 Sat) Lag-Benin: 07.45, 11.00, 15.30 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun) 12.30 (Sun 15.30 (Sat)Ben-Lag: 09.15, 12.30, 17.00 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun) 17.00 (Sat) 14.00 (Sun)Lag-Owe: 7.45am, 2pm daily

Med-View Airline

Aero Contractors



The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina,

has said the Federal Government will commence the disbursement of N2.4bn loan to cassava farmers and processors at five per cent in-terest rate this week.

According to the minister, the loan forms part of the N10bn ap-proved by President Goodluck Jonathan as special intervention fund to support and drive the cas-sava bread initiative of the Fed-eral Government.

Speaking during the commis-sioning the headquarters build-ing of the Nigeria Cassava Grow-ers Association, Adesina said the soft loan would be provided to stakeholders along the vari-ous cassava value chains, includ-ing cassava growers, processors, wheat-cassava composite flour millers, farm equipment sup-pliers and other investors in the industry through the Bank of Agriculture, BOA, and Bank of Industry, BOI, at 5 per cent inter-est rate over a three to four year period.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, accord-ing to the minister, is ready to sustainably provide other forms of support through incentives to farmers with a view to mak-


A global Information and Communication Tech-nology player, Hewlett

Packard, and other top officials in Africa’s ICT industry have de-clared that cases of Information Technology products counter-feiting has been on the increase in the past years in Nigeria and other countries in the African continent.

This was the fulcrum of their conclusion at this year’s edition of Anti-Counterfeiting Africa Conference held in Johannes-burg, South Africa by HP, where participants discussed the eco-nomic looses of and made clarion calls on governments on how to

tackle counterfeiting.Government officials, law-

enforcers and representatives of ministries responsible for anti-counterfeiting, gathered at the summit to discuss consumer protection and raise awareness against illegitimate goods.

Speaking at the two-day con-ference aimed at educating and empowering organisations across the continent against the effects of counterfeit trade, Brand Pro-tection Programme Manager for HP’s Printing and Personal Sys-tems group, Mr. Jeff Kwasny, said Africa was now being used as a transit route for fake goods, ad development, he said, posed an indirect threat to European and American markets.

“HP is a company that places a

priority on protecting customers and its brand and that is why we are raising awareness on the im-pact and consequences of coun-terfeit trade at the two-day sum-mit in Johannesburg,” he said.

During the summit, HP out-lined how to fight counterfeiting, and looked specifically at how policy makers can toughen ap-plicable laws and enforcement ca-pacity across Africa.

According to reports, the global trade in counterfeit goods is grow-ing and Africa is increasingly be-ing targeted as a market for coun-terfeit merchandise.

African nations are therefore becoming increasingly aware of challenges that counterfeit trade represents to their economies and their citizens, and becoming ac-

tive in the fight against it.Commenting, Printing and

Personal Systems Africa Direc-tor for HP, Mr. Fabrice Campoy, said the HP Anti-counterfeiting Programme works hard to protect partners and customers, but add-ed that was only made possible through close collaboration with law enforcers around the world.

“We therefore truly appreciate the cooperation of African law enforcement to helping to make this event possible, and protect Af-rican customers from the inferior standards and potential risks of counterfeit,” Fabrice said.

According to Fabrice, Original HP supplies distinguish them-selves by their superior qual-ity and reliability at competitive prices.

Cassava farmers to get FG’s N2.4bn loan

IT counterfeiting on increase in Nigeria –HP

28 33

Nigeria’s ‘controversial’ telephone penetration

fi gures

Nigerian Master Mariners propose PPP model for new national carrier

Battle to protect advertising integrity intesifies

BusinessNational Mirror

www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014


ing Nigeria the largest cassava producer and processor of high quality cassava in the world.

He explained that 300 Agricul-ture Equipment Hiring Enter-prises, AEHE, located in cassava production clusters are being set up by the ministry as part of the cassava initiative intervention fund, noting the scheme is a de-liberate government initiative to help small holder farmers raise their capacity, expand their acre-age, perform timely farming op-erations and achieve economies of scale in food production.

The minister added it was not in the interest of Nigerians that government should support food import so that revenue ac-

cruals from import duty can be enhanced, arguing that doing so would amount to shipping jobs and wealth abroad while impov-erishing Nigerian farmers and agro investors.

He also drew the attention of Nigerians to the International Monetary Fund, IMF,’s forecast that the Nigerian economy would grow in 2014 chiefly on account of the contributions of agricul-ture, trade and services, saying he remains optimistic that the future Nigerian millionaires and billionaires would emerge from agriculture and that about N240bn would be saved with the 20 per cent inclusion of cassava and sorghum into bread produc-

tion.According to Adesina 760,000

jobs have already been created, while about N173bn net value got into the pockets of Nigerian farmers last year, adding Nigeri-ans must be encouraged to buy made in Nigeria goods to create more jobs for the people.

National President of Nigeria Cassava Growers Association, Mr. Segun Adewunmi, said the commissioning of the headquar-ters building was a landmark achievement for Nigerian farm-ers and a major milestone in gov-ernment/farmers collaboration to create wealth and jobs for mil-lions of Nigerians.

Nigerian Master Mariners propose PPP model for new national carrierFRANCIS EZEM

Nigerian Association of Master Mariners NAMM, umbrella body

for retired indigenous ship cap-tains, chief engineers and engi-neers has made a strong case for the adoption of a Public-Private sector Participation in the re-floating of a national carrier for Nigeria.

Newly elected president of the association, Captain Ade Olopoe-nia, in an exclusive interview spoke against the background of recent calls for the re-floating of Nigeria’s defunct national car-rier, the Nigerian National Ship-ping Line NNSL,.

While recounting the factors that culminated in the demise of the NNSL, he disclosed that there were other national lines in Africa such as in Ghana, Congo, and several others, which had to go under due to a combination of poor management and excessive government interference in the day-day running of the compa-nies.

According to him, a major maritime and oil and gas nation, Nigeria needs a robust fleet of a national carrier both for both for the purposes of carrying her

shipments comprising both im-port and exports as well as for training the much needed seafar-ers.

He however noted that part of the reasons for the demise of Ni-geria’s former national carrier and those of other African coun-tries was government’s direct involvement especially in terms of ownership, adding that in set-ting up another national carrier, government should only provide the enabling environment under a PPP model.

“If you look at the world now, there are very few shipping lines that are still moving around in the world and they are very big shipping lines. So the national shipping lines of the world could not catch up with the changes in the global shipping industry whereas the shipping lines in Europe merged to become bigger liners and you know that ship-ping is just about competition so if you cannot compete with your peers, you are going to fold up”, he said

He noted that of all the former national lines in Africa, Ethio-pian National Shipping Line is still afloat, as the others are no more due to several factors rang-ing from poor management, the type of vessels acquired by these

German engineering firms should be more aggres-sive in selling equipment

to fast-growing markets in Africa rather than leaving the field to Chinese, U.S., Italian and French rivals, trade group VDMA said.

“There are enormous raw material and energy discoveries there that allow the Africans to invest in infrastructure, in eco-nomic growth,” VDMA President Reinhold Festge told Reuters in an interview at the Hannover Messe industrial trade show.

Sales of German-made equip-ment to Africa rose 11 per cent to $6bn last year, driven especially by demand for food and packag-ing machines as well as construc-tion equipment, according to VDMA.

But that was still less than the amount the Netherlands alone spent on German machines and the Netherlands is only the eighth-biggest market for Ger-man machinery.

Some German companies shy

away from doing business with Africa because trade credit insur-ers are often not willing to pro-vide cover, Festge said.

“Eighty per cent of all VDMA member companies have fewer than 200 employees. We cannot expect that they will go to Africa at their own expense and risk,” Festge said.

The VDMA represents more than 3,000 mainly small and me-dium-sized companies but also large companies such as Siemens, MAN SE and ThyssenKrupp.

Festge said the trade group was working with the German govern-ment to find ways to support com-panies wanting to invest in Africa. South Africa is the biggest mar-ket in Africa for German engi-neering companies. Festge said he saw potential for growth in other countries on the continent including Algeria, Nigeria and Kenya as demand for agricultur-al equipment and machines used for energy production and water treatment grows.


MoneyGram has part-nered Diamond Bank to provide premium mon-

ey transfer service at strategic lo-cations in the country.

With the partnership, the com-pany increased its locations in major cities and communities.

A statement from the company yesterday quoted the Executive Vice President, MoneyGram USA and Canada, Mr. Peter Ohser, as saying that with the bank the com-pany now have over 4000 active lo-cations in the country.

“What this means is when your loved one sends you money from Paris, or Oslo or Moscow, or Tokyo, or New York…you can re-ceive that money, in ten minutes,

almost anywhere in Nigeria,” he said.

Ohser noted further that the partnership is beyond furthering MoneyGram business interests, but a genuine way to provide a solution for a very acute need of Nigerians, at home and in the di-aspora.

He explained that according to World Bank information, remit-tances in 2012 injected approxi-mately $20bn as opposed to $7bn in Foreign Direct Investments.

“MoneyGram service is a criti-cal lifeline, allowing Africa’s larg-est Diaspora-Nigerians Abroad - send money home to loved ones for upkeep, healthcare and educa-tion. Without our services and our partners, these Nigerians would fall prey to black market solutions which are susceptible to fraud and

illegality”, he noted.Commenting on the partner-

ship, MoneyGram Vice-President Africa, Mr. Herve Chomel noted that giving the recent economic growth, it foresees rapid market expansion for the company in the country.

The bank’s Executive Direc-tor - Retail Banking, Mr. Uzoma Dozie, explained that the partner-ship was an important milestone in providing secure and accessible money transfer services to meet the needs of the bank’s customers.

He said, “When we began money transfer services, the ini-tial focus was to provide efficient transfer services to our customers trading across Nigeria so we spent about sixty percent of our equity in building a convenient and ac-cessible platform.


The Managing Director, Ni-gerian Aviation Handling Company of Nigeria,

NAHCO Plc, Mr. Kayode Olu-wasegun-Ojo, has assured that the ground handler will continue to improve its efforts in consis-tently delivering excellent ser-vice to its customers.

Speaking at the Murtala Mu-hammed International Airport, MMIA, Lagos, Oluwasegun-Ojo assured that the ground han-dling company would spare no efforts in making clients happy, adding that the company is set to exceed the expectations of all stakeholders.

The spokesman of the com-pany Mr. Sanya Onayoade in a statement stated that the NAHCo boss had personally offered ser-vice as the Number One Passen-ger Service staff of the company at the terminal.

Onayoade said that the event, which was part of the activities marking the company’s 35th year anniversary, saw Oluwasegun-

Ojo personally handle the check-in formalities of a London-bound Virgin Atlantic passenger Mr. Michael Olusesi.

He added, “The exemplary dis-play was memorable, especially coming from such an unexpected quarter.”

The MD added, “We need to show concern to passenger A as we will do to passenger B. Excel-lent service delivery is the hall-mark of nahco aviance. My role today is an affirmation of that. It also shows that we as a com-pany will do anything possible to make our customers happy. I will do this over and over again if the situation calls for it because the task of supporting our clients is not only for the men on the ground, but a collective respon-sibility.”

He said there was need to engage on this kind of experi-ence often as the perception a customer has after being served stays with him after and further enjoined all stakeholders in the industry to emulate the display as it will help in boosting morale and efficiency among staff.

NAHCo boss harps on commitment to excellent service delivery

MoneyGram partners Diamond Bank on money transfer

companies and several other eco-nomic reasons.

“If you take the case of the Ethiopian Shipping Line that is still a going concern now, if you go to their headquarters in Addis Ababa, even though that country is a land locked country, the man-aging director of the company is a Chief Engineer who used to be on board its vessels, the techni-cal directors are former Captains and Engineers on board its ves-sels”, he further argued,

He also insisted that the com-pany is being run as a going concern not as something to cre-ate jobs for the boys, unlike the NNSL, adding that the Ethiopian Line is being run as a technical company with less government interference and so if Nigeria is going to set up a shipping com-pany, government’s involvement should be to provide an enabling environment while the private sector operators do the rest.

‘German engineering fi rms to step up sales drive in Africa’

L-R: Director, Wizardry and Development, Futurice, Germany, Paul Houghton; Partnership Manager, Developer Experience, Nokia West and Central Africa, Emmanuel Oluwatosin and Chairman, Mobile Monday Nigeria, Tomi Davies at day 2 of the Nokia X training for developers in Lagos at the weekend.

28 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014Business News

Business News


The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has commenced

hearing of appeal brought before it by the Mayfair Gardens Proper-ty Owners and Residents Associa-tion of Lekki Peninsula against the Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC).

The Head, Public Affairs De-partment, Dr. Usman Abba Arabi, who disclosed this in a statement noted that the matter came before NERC following Eko Forum’s in-ability to satisfactorily resolve some of the issues which the ap-pellant brought it.

“This appeal was brought by the petitioner, Mayfair Gardens Property Owners and Residents Association of Lekki Peninsula, who cited Eko Forum’s inabil-ity to make a binding ruling on some of the issues they brought forward to them as the reason for their appeal”

According to the statement, at the hearing which commenced on the 4th of April 2014, the council for Mayfair Gardens, Tijani Temi-tayo, argued: “Eko Forum has not exercised the powers given to it by NERC regulations”.

EKEDC contended, through their council Oladimeji Ademo-la, that all decision made by the Eko Forum were binding. They requested that the NERC panel hearing the appeal uphold the de-cisions of the Eko Forum.

Mayfair Gardens Property Owners and Residents Associa-tion’s main argument is premised on the fact that they solely fi-nanced the electricity infrastruc-ture within the estate to serve the residents, prior to the Commis-sion’s ruling against private indi-vidual distribution of electricity. Based on this ruling, they had to transfer ownership of the power plant to EKEDC.

However, with the transfer of the power plant to EKEDC’s hands, Mayfair Gardens feels that they have not been served ad-

equately by EKEDC even with the infrastructure which EKEDC had no hand in developing. This led to them initially dragging the utility company before the Eko Forum panel.

There were six issues brought forward by Mayfair Gardens against EKEDC before the Eko Forum panel. Of this six, Mayfair Gardens decided on appealing Is-sues One, Five and Six before the NERC panel.

Issue One concerned the tariff status of Mayfair Garden resi-dents, which they contended was different from the tariff class in similar estates in the Lekki Pen-insula. Issue Five involves a com-plaint against the failure of the EKEDC to recognise Mayfair Gar-den Limited as its management representatives, while Issue Six dealt with an accusation of over-charge on transmission losses be-ing passed on to Mayfair Garden residents, which they requested a refund running into millions of Naira.

L-R: Managing Director, Nigerite Limited, Mr. Frank Le Bris, President of Professional Carpenters and Furniture Association, Lagos State, Comrade Anthony Aluko and Head, Roofing and Ceiling Sales Unit, Nigerite Limited, Mr. Chris Adegbile, during the unveiling of a new Nigerite product-Solo Xtra Roofing Sheets at the company’s premises yesterday

NERC wades into EKO Disco, Mayfair Gardens dispute

Ecobank Nigeria has donat-ed two Hilux Vans worth several millions of naira to

Pipelines and Product Marketing Company, PPMC, Warri, a subsid-iary of the Nigerian National Pe-troleum Corporation, NNPC,; to support its fight against pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta re-gion.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony in Warri, Delta State, the Managing Director, Ecobank Nigeria, Mr. Jibril Aku, said the negative impact of pipeline van-dals on Nigerians and the econo-my is quite enormous, stressing the need for sustained efforts to stem their growing activities.

Aku, who was represented by the Executive Director, South South/South East, Mr. Kings-ley Umadia, said “Vandalism is

totally unacceptable. People suf-fer unduly during fuel crisis and same with the economy. We will continue to do whatever we can to support PPMC in this fight.”

He reiterated that the donation is in line with the bank’s Corpo-rate Social Responsibility, CSR, policy to contribute and make meaningful impact in its host en-vironment, adding that, the bank will continue to support initiatives that affect people’s lives.

Aku, who lauded the mutual relationship that has existed be-tween the bank and PPMC over the years, used the opportunity to explain the pan African vision and objectives of the bank and the sev-eral CSR initiatives.

Managing Director, PPMC, Mr. Haruna Momoh, expressed grati-tude to Ecobank for the donation,

stating that, it would go a long way to assisting the company in pipe-line surveillance and repairs on timely basis.

Represented by the Executive Director, Operations, Engr. Em-manuel Wowo, he called on other corporate organisations to emu-late Ecobank in its effort at ensure pumping of crude oil to Warri and Kaduna refineries, as well as sup-ply of white products to the public.

“We are highly grateful to Eco-bank. The bank has sound CSR policy which must be appreci-ated by all. We have long standing worthy cordial working relation-ship over the years and this will definitely continue. We appreciate this gesture which will also bring down the cost of our operations,” Momoh said.

Ecobank supports PPMC on fi ght against pipeline vandals

Group Managing Director of Access Bank, Herbert Wigwe, is scheduled to

speak at the 4th annual MIT Af-rica Innovate Conference in Bos-ton, United States of America on April 11, 2014.

The conference, organised by Africa Business Club, is an initiative designed to facilitate the application of world class innovation to Africa’s biggest challenges through idea sharing, relationship development and promotion of African innova-tion.

Specifically, this year’s edition of the annual conference will focus on issues in the areas of finance, healthcare, technology, energy and venture incubation that have been adjudged critical to the development of Africa and enhancing the quality of lives on

the continent. Herbert will participate in

the plenary session on innova-tion and financing in Africa. His participation in this session is an acknowledgment of the contributions of Access Bank to the development of the Nigerian economy and its banking sector.

The panel on Innovation in Financing in Africa, which will have Herbert Wigwe, Folorunsho Alakija, founder Famfa Oil, Tim Noonan, Director, Private Equity, Black River Asset Management and Dominic Kiarie, Group Man-aging Director, UAP Holdings at panellists will highlight innova-tions within the space that has made organisations they repre-sent successful in Africa while also sharing personal insights and opinions on happenings within this field on the continent.


MasterCard Company has introduced “Win a trip few can win” campaign

to enable customers share their electronic payment experience on the effectiveness of MasterCard products.

The campaign is part of the Priceless Africa platform launched in September 2013. The ‘tell a story’ campaign is technol-ogy and social media driven.

The fastest growing technolo-gy payment company has invited MasterCard prepaid, debit and credit cardholders in the country to enter their short stories on the Priceless Africa website ,, which will be reviewed by a panel of judges after six weeks. Selected finalists’ entries will be posted on social media for consumers to cast the

deciding vote for their favourite stories. Top four finalists will be selected to attend an all expenses paid trip to experience UEFA Champions League Final in Lis-bon in May.

The Vice President and Area Business Head, MasterCard West Africa, Omokehinde Ojomuyide, noted thatNigeria appreciates the immense benefits that cash-less transactions have to offer and that the campaign could not have come at a better time, when more and more consumers are embrac-ing the security and convenience of electronic payments.

“As we make strides towards a world beyond cash in Nigeria and across Africa, we create oppor-tunities like these to reward our valued consumers with unique experiences across diverse pas-sion points and encourage them to shift from cash to electronic payments,” he said.

MasterCard customers to share electronic payment experience

Access Bank boss speaks at MIT Africa Innovate conference


As part of its Corporate So-cial responsibility, CSR, in Nigeria, a global In-

formation and Communication Technology firm, ZTE, has do-nated an ICT laboratory valued at N10million to the Police Children School, Ikeja Lagos.

The company said the gesture was in demonstrating its vision to drive education with ICT, espe-cially with children, in order for them to be global citizens.

Speaking the commissioning of the facility, which was held at the school premises, the Manag-ing Director, ZTE Nigeria Lim-ited, Mr. Hao Fuqiang, said the

company initiated the ZTE ICT lab project for primary and sec-ondary schools as part its social responsibility role.

“If you say this ICT project worth N10m its no gain saying but basically, our target is to provide donations of ICT laboratories to selected primary or secondary schools across the country, as we strongly believe in the common saying that ‘the children of today are tomorrow’s future’,” he said.

Fuqiang, who was represented by his deputy, Ms Brielle Gao, at the event, added that for Nigerian children be able to compete in the ever-dynamic tech world, there was a need for exposure to latest computing technologies today.

CSR: ZTE invests N10m in ICT project

National 29Thursday, April 10, 2014


The prospect of Nigeria becoming the leading econo-my in Africa is being realized. For two straight years (2011 and 2012) Nigeria led other African countries as

the top destination for Foreign Direct Investment, FDI. Divestment of assets by the International Oil Companies

(IOCs) resulted in Nigeria’s slip to second position in 2013 – the year global FDI flows also took a tumble as a result of weak economic conditions around the world. Remarkably though, much of the sold assets by the IOCs were snapped up by Nigerian indigenous entities, as local participation in the country’s oil and gas sector has increased. While this is cheery news, the truth is that Nigeria has made even more impressive progress with structural transformation of the economy. The nonoil sectors are now the key drivers of the country’s GDP growth, which is expected to rise to 7.3 per-cent in 2014.

Until recently, South Africa had for years maintained the status of the top destination for foreign investment on the continent: it was the top FDI recipient country, as well as the gateway for foreign investments into other African countries. Also, Nigeria had usually trailed Egypt in at-tracting foreign direct investment. But now, the signs are clear; whereas opportunities in South Africa have been significantly tapped, Nigeria has only recently come under the radar of global investors because of its frontier oppor-tunities in several sectors including power, infrastructure, agriculture, solid mineral, retailing and services. Egypt is embroiled in a problematic political transition, while Ni-geria is strengthening in democratic governance. Besides, Nigeria’s population of 170 million makes her the biggest market in the African region. This being the case, Nigeria looks set to be the lead destination of private investment in Africa for a long time.

Peep into the ScenarioLast year, investment opportunities in Nigeria were

headlined by the power sector privatization programme, which has benefitted tremendously from strong political will of the Administration of President Goodluck Jonathan in pushing through one of the most important sectoral re-forms in the country. Since 2011, reform of agriculture has gathered pace. The reform agenda was codified in the Agri-culture Transformation Agenda, which places emphasis on value chain development.

Over a decade ago, sales of mobile licenses to local and foreign investors introduced wider scope in the structural transformation in the Nigerian economy. Private invest-ment in telecommunication, after a transparent licensing round, saw rapid deployment of infrastructure in the sec-tor. Modern mobile services rolled out quickly and dramati-cally increased access to mobile communication by all class-es of Nigerians. Soon after this was the banking industry reform which has seen Nigerian banks rapidly transform from small entities to some of the biggest banks in Africa and the world. We also remember the sparkle of modernity in the aviation sector, where private sector management of a key infrastructure has taken place.

Today, the current Administration has brought infra-structure investment to the forefront of its commitment to improving the Nigerian business landscape. It is revamping and expanding road, rail and aviation infrastructures.

Beneficiary Services SectorInvestment fund flows into these and other sectors in

recent years have triggered a huge demand in the services sector. For instance, the banking sector has witnessed sig-nificant growth over the past decade as Nigeria opened up for investment. Unlike in the past, Nigerian banks are fund-ing private sector investments in the power sector and other infrastructure projects. Until now, the capital and appetite for this was simply not there as the Nigerian economy was seemingly helmed in. But there is burst of pent up demand, and thanks to much bigger capital, Nigerian banks are com-mitting to the longer term lending needs.

Financial services sector growth itself has triggered

demand for ICT services, particularly high-speed internet bandwidth and software. Policy support to unlock these sub sectors of the services industry are in place. They include clear regulatory framework which incentivizes private sec-tor participation. Huge investments in fibre optic networks are linking the major cities to deliver high speed internet connection. Coverage of the entire country with modern telecommunication services are becoming a reality. As would have been known to interested parties, the entre-preneurial drive of Nigerians is part of the facilitation of investments in technology as with other services. Nigerian software services companies are doing well in meeting the demand arising from rapid growth in the financial services value chain involving (pension) fund custody and adminis-tration, asset management, fixed asset management, pay-ment system, human resources management, etc.

Increase in foreign capital flow for investment in Nige-ria, has meant increase in inbound international aviation traffic. The need for linkages to the States has fuelled rising demand in the domestic aviation industry. Since Nigerian businessmen are also leading the charge of investment in other African countries, Nigeria is steps closer to being the hub for regional air travel; not only in the West Coast, but predictably in Africa. This trend is also pushing up demand for road transportation to open up access to the vast land and mineral resources across the country.

The hospitality industry is a key beneficiary of the surg-ing domestic and foreign investments. Data collected by W-Hospitality Group affirms Nigeria as the fastest-growing hotel industry in sub Saharan Africa. Demand for luxury hotel rooms in Nigeria’s political capital, Abuja, and com-mercial hub, Lagos, is complemented by rising demand for lower cadre hotel facilities in secondary hotel markets in-cluding Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Enugu, Abeokuta and Kano, according to W-Hospitality Group.

The Big Services FrontiersIn line with Nigeria’s status as the biggest consumer

market in Africa, and “Africa rising” being a recent phe-nomenon, it is very easy to distil investment opportuni-ties in the services sector to key frontiers of education and healthcare: the two areas I intend to limit this discussion. Nigeria’s demographic structure, which features large

youth population, and government encouragement of pri-vate investment in education, create a huge opportunity. In-deed, private sector investment has complemented govern-ment resources in education across the tiers. But gaps still remain for high quality science, technology and vocational education as well as adequate number of such institutions to train and retrain the teeming Nigerian youth population. In the meantime, unmet demand has resulted in patronage of foreign institutions by Nigerians that can afford it. But this will scale down in the long run; the government is pri-oritizing local supply and is keen to mitigate capital outflow in paying expensive school fees in foreign institutions.

Today, one of the areas of smart investment would be educational institutions and related facilities in Nigeria. We have the population to support sustainable enrolment. We have proven affordability. We also have growing industries to absorb graduates from the institutions. On its part, the current Administration has maintained commitment to in-vesting in public educational institutions. Fallen standards are attracting policy attention. But limited public resources have created opportunities for private sector investment.

The health sector shares some similarities with the edu-cation sector as service- and knowledge-driven endeavours. Healthcare services constitute a huge market and frontier investment area. Many country-investment analyses have identified healthcare as a viable area for investment in Ni-geria. For this reason and based on its own study, the In-ternational Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector lending arm of the World Bank Group, has been working to unlock private investment in healthcare services in the country. The IFC has made some impact investments in this regard. Its investment is an influencer in developing countries. Accordingly, we have seen more interests and more private investments in healthcare. Again, the critical enabler is government policy. A few years ago, government addressed the big question of affordability of consumers of healthcare services with the introduction of health insur-ance. It is one of several reforms that have proved success-ful and impactful in Nigeria. Tens of millions of Nigerians who have subscribed to health insurance have constituted a steady funding source for the healthcare providers, even as patients now pay just a fraction of what otherwise they would have paid.

Investments in healthcare will be driven in large part by the commitment of the government to reverse the cur-rent trend of health and wellness tourism and strengthen delivery of secondary healthcare in the country. (We have done remarkably well with primary healthcare.) Also, the huge demand will continue to play a role. Indeed, this factor has accounted for the leap in investment, extending to phar-maceutical and food production by both local and multina-tional businesses in Nigeria including Procter and Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Aventis, Cadbury, Nestle, etc.

NEXIM Bank’s CommitmentNigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM Bank) has been

drawn to the investment opportunities in the Nigerian services sector. Since our mandate entails attraction/gen-eration of foreign exchange for the country, we have sig-nificantly invested our resources in the hospitality and transportation segments. The Bank has made total funding disbursement of N15.6 billion in the services sector, which accounts for 16.4 per cent of total loan disbursement by the Bank. We hope to scale up the investments and also look into other segments where government seeks to make more im-pact and the private sector requires some of the resources we are able to deploy which include guarantee and advisory services.

The services sector is the second “S” in our MASS Agen-da, which sees NEXIM Bank focus on the manufacturing, agro-processing, solid mineral and services sectors. NEXIM Bank will continue to support the transformation of the services sector as part of the multi-dimensional factors that are driving the sector to the forefront of the Nigerian invest-ment opportunities.

Roberts Orya is Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Export-Import Bank

Growth outlook for Nigerian services sector





30 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014Business Features

The latest official subscriber data released last week by the nation’s telecoms industry um-

pire, the Nigerian Communications Commission, has been described as cheerful by most Nigerians who feel the country has grown in leaps and bounds since the sector was liber-alised in 2001.

According to NCC in the latest data, the nation’s telephone penetration, technically referred to as teledensity, has increased from less than 1 per cent in 2001 to reach 91.4 per cent at the end of January, 2014.

The astronomical increase in tele-phone penetration is underscored by the boost in the total number of ac-tive telephone lines being used in the country which has also increased from a paltry 400, 000 lines as at 2001 to hit 127.9 million.

Often, the growth in teledensity is proportional to the growth in sub-scriber base, whereby the increase in telephone subscriptions also leads to similar increase in teledensity and vice versa but teledensity is the num-ber of telephone per hundred users in a given area.

According to other details in the lat-est industry data, of the 127.9 million active subscriptions currently on the networks, the GSM operators includ-ing MTN, Airtel, Glo and Etisalat con-trol 125.1 million; CDMA, 2.42 million while fixed line operators have a pal-try 365,433.

Meanwhile, with the announcement by the Commission that telephone penetration in the country is now 91.4 per cent, some have wondered if the way the NCC calculates its teledensity actually reflects the actual situation in the country.

Over the years, the telecoms indus-try regulator, Nigerian Communica-tions Commission, NCC, has based the calculation of the country’s telephone penetration on the number of tele-phone lines being used in the country.

They have cautioned that the cur-rent approach being used by the Com-mission by calculating telephone pen-etration based number of telephone lines and not based on the actual num-ber of people using such telephone

lines, is capable of impeding invest-ment in the sector.

Before now, the former President, Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria, ATCON, Mr. Titi Omo-Ettu, had observed that while the country continues to have increase in the number of telephone lines being used in the country, “atten-tion should be given to the actual num-ber of people using those telephone lines to determine actual telephone penetration in the country.”

This position maintained by Omo-Ettu then as a second-term ATCON President, also finds expression in MTN’s observation at a stakeholders’ event in Lagos last year.

Speaking at the forum, the Corpo-rate Services Executive, MTN, Mr. Wale Goodluck, had observed that “Ni-geria is a ‘multi-SIMming’ telecoms market, where an individual carries an average of two, three and, some-times, four telephone lines about.”

Adducing reason for the multi-SiM-ming nature of the nation’s telecoms sector, President, National Associa-tion of telecoms Subscribers, Mr. De-olu Ogunbanjo said: “The multi-SiM-ming attitude of most Nigerians can

be traced to the fact that they want to have unhindered access to telephone services; so when one network fails, he can use the other one to make call.

“Reduced cost of making calls by an operator will also, most likely, make

Nigeria’s ‘controversial’ telephone penetration figures

Ajayi Juwah

While some Nigerians feel the latest telephony penetration figure of 91.4 per cent released by the Nigerian Communications indicates that the industry is near saturation, industry experts have, however, made clarifications on what the actual benchmark for telephone penetration is. KUNLE AZEEZ reports.

The facT ThaT Nigeria

TeledeNsiTy is 91.4 per ceNT does NoT

meaN Nigeria’s TelephoNe markeT

is close To saTuraTioN. iT is

also NoT True ThaT such aNNouNcemeNT

by Ncc will discourage

iNvesTors from comiNg To iNvesT iN


people not yet using such network to get the line on the network doing the promo. As such, we now have one per-son carrying multiple phones about.”

However, when contacted on phone, the current President of ATCON, Mr. Lanre Ajayi, said teledensity is the number of telephones per hundred us-ers in a particular geographical area.

Clarifying, he said; “NCC is right about what is called teledensity and how it is calculated. It is not the NCC or any operator that set teledensity standard. I am sure it is a global stan-dard way of calculating telephone penetration set by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU. So, the penetration figure of NCC is cur-rent.”

He continued: “The fact that Nige-ria teledensity is 91.4 per cent does not mean Nigeria’s telephone market is close to saturation. It is also not true that such announcement by NCC will discourage investors from coming to invest in Nigeria, as they may be thinking the market is saturated. No! The definition of teledensity is clear to people in the industry and even to the investors. So, this cannot be a dis-couragement to foreign direct invest-ment.”

He pointed out that currently there are some countries whose telephone penetration has even surpassed 200 per cent and yet “there is a lot of busi-ness to do in such market.”

Another telecoms expert, Mr. Akin Akinbo, said teledensity is a global standard set by ITU that is used by telecom regulators across the world. “There is nothing to scare investors from coming to Nigeria to do business from the figure.”

According to him, various studies and research have shown that Nigeria continues to be a major investment destination for investors, especially in telecoms sector, and coupled with the rebasing of the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, which had further po-sitioned Nigeria as the 26th largest economy, far ahead of South Africa, “one can only see what the future holds for the country’s telecoms sec-tor, whose investment inflow had re-corded over $25 billion in 2012.”

The Minister of Communications Commission, Mrs. Omobola Johnson, had stated that, in collaboration with the NCC, the governmnet, in the past three years, has been wooing inves-tors into the country and this effort, she said, has been yielding fruitful results. “Nigeria expects to double the current FDI in the coming years,” Omobola had said.

31National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014

Info Tech

32 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014

Tech Box

One of Nigeria’s telecoms operators, MTN, has stated the reason for offering a va-

riety of packages to its Christian customers this Easter and Lent season.

General Manager, Consumer Marketing, MTN, Mr. Kola Oyey-emi, said, “This is a way of show-ing our commitment to our es-teemed customers of the Christian Faith, by connecting to them at this period of spiritual reflection and appreciation for the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made by laying down his life for mankind to live.”

He stated that there was a roam-ing offer with special MTN rates to Jerusalem and Rome to ensure pil-grims stay in contact with families and friends.

“The offer is one of the many ways MTN is touching the passion points of its teeming Christian customers, especially during this season, as a way of encouraging the spread of unity, love and peace everywhere its customers go,” he said.

The offers, Oyeyemi added, will enable Christian faithful on the MTN network enjoy value added services like spirit filled daily de-votionals, Bible quotes, sermons, songs and hymns; and other faith enriching content to keep Chris-tian customers connected to their Maker on a daily basis.

Besides the Christian Service from MTN, Oyeyemi said there were other inspirational quotes and messages from anointed min-isters of God.

“Christian customers can also subscribe to receive anointed mes-sages from great men of God like Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Reinhardt Bonnke, Pastor Joel Osteen and other anointed ministers; all these through the VAS/content for Lent and Easter,” he added.

In addition, Oyeyemi said a wide array of local Christian songs and prayers abound on MTN CallerTunez including prayers from ministers like Pastor Ade-boye, Chris Oyakhilome and many more.

Glo rewards partners with 53 cars

IIM honours CWG boss

Nigeria’s indigenous tele-coms operator, Globacom, said it has doled out 53

exotic vehicles among other lofty prizes to its premium trade part-ners responsible for distributing its products and services across Nigeria.

The telecom operators, which stated this in a statement, said the move was in line with its vision to raise the bar in loyalty apprecia-tion.

The brand new prizes, including 2014 Range Rover Sport, BMW X6, Mercedes Benz S 550, Land Cruis-ers, Benz E350 Formatic, Benz C200, Ford Explorer, Camry,Toyota Corolla and high profile smart-phones were formally presented to the dealers at a grand ceremony christened Glo Partners’ Awards at Intercontinental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos on Saturday night.

The operator’s dealers, who gathered from the six geopolitical zones of the country, were hon-oured for exceptional performance in the sale and distribution of Glo-bacom’s products and services.

At the event, a total of 18 win-ners went home with Toyota Hiace buses in the Category of Best Part-ner by Division, while another set of 15 dealers emerged winners of a promotion Globacom ran for dealers last year.

The entire 15 dealers went home with assorted premium cars rang-ing from Mercedes Benz E350 to the latest model of Toyota Camry.

The top 15 trade partners of Globacom went home with vari-ous luxury brands ranging from Mercedes Benz S class to Range Rover Sports, BMW, Land Cruis-ers, Ford Explorers and Toyota Camry.

The Institute of Informa-tion Management, IIM, Africa has inducted the

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Computer Warehouse Group Plc, Mr. Austin Okere, into its Fellowship fold.

The award was conferred on Okere at the maiden induction and investiture ceremony of the institute held in Lagos re-cently.

The IIM-Africa Honorary Fellow membership is the most prestigious award that the in-stitute confers on individuals in recognition of their accom-plishments and their contribu-tion to the growth of the na-tion.

IIM said Okere’s nomina-tion was “very well received across the industry, as he has contributed exceptionally in Information Technology and entrepreneurial development in Africa.”

The event also featured the induction of practitioners in Information Management as new members of the institute.

The IIM is a body of profes-sionals in the field of infor-mation management, with the mandate of improving profes-sionalism in the field through mobilising, training and in-spiring practitioners using the tools of synergy and certifica-tion.

MTN explains Easter roaming offer

Kunle Azeez

The Federal Government said it continues to gain traction in its government

online initiative with the success-ful deployment of 250 websites on its services portal.

Speaking at a broadband fo-rum in Lagos recently, Minister of Communication Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson, who disclosed this said the Government was committed to e-governance.

According to her, part of the plans for government online scheme was to deepen e-govern-ment among all the Ministries, De-partments and Agencies, MDAs, of government in the country.

She said: “For our government online, a number of MDAs have put various services online. Today, a numbers of services have been enabled online since the plan. From less than 50 sites at launch

in 2013, we now have over 250 sites deployed on the site, with over 100,000 email addresses for government officials opened.”

At the introduction of the por-tal in April 2013, the government had stated that the online service portal was targeted at ensuring good governance through trans-parency, efficient, prompt and ef-fective delivery of services in all MDAs.

Speaking at the launch of the portal, Johnson had noted that, the scheme was also part of initiative for “getting government online”.

She explained that the initia-tive is in line with the Ministry’s mandate to deploy Information and Communication Technology, ICT, to drive transparency in gov-ernance and improve the quality of public service delivery.

Johnson also explained that the benefits of the Government Ser-vice Portal will manifest in a fast-

er, cheaper and more personalized and efficient service delivery that citizens and businesses can access 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“The portal will improve effi-ciency in the delivery of govern-ment services to citizens and other stakeholders. It can be assessed in English, French and Spanish. The portal is one of the flagship projects of the Ministry aimed at enabling Nigerians access govern-ment services efficiently at the click of a button,” she said.

Meanwhile, the minister has restated that the intent of the Na-tional Broadband Plan, among others, is also to update policy and regulation on ICT infrastructure.

“We intend to enable infrastruc-ture rollout by removing state wide obstacle. Also, we are making more spectrum available while we are also working to deepen region-al networks via the planned licens-ing of Infrastructure Companies, InfraCos.

Left: Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Computer Warehouse Group Plc, Mr. Austin Okere and President, Institute of Information Management, Dr. Oyedokun Oyewole, during the induction of Okere into the institute in Lagos recently.

FG deploys 250 sites on services portal

Kunle Azeez

A foremost mobile devices retail outlet in Nigeria, Slot Systems Limited, has

said authorised distributors of IT products in Nigeria such as Slot and others are still battling with the challenge of grew market.

The Chief Executive Officer, Slots Systems, Mr. Ezeigbo Nnam-di, who made this disclosure at the 15th anniversary of the estab-lishment of the company and the grand finale of its 5th promo se-ries held in Lagos recently, advo-cated urgent action by the govern-ment to address the grey market syndrome.

Grey market is a situation whereby businesses not autho-rised by product manufacturers

to sell certain products in a coun-try bring such products into the country to compete, albeit unfa-vorably, with authorised dealers.

“Grey market and influx of substandard phones are twin is-sues that authorised dealers of genuine products continue to contend with in the market and as we market our 15 anniversary, we would like to bring the issue to the relevant authorities again, because addressing this issue through necessary policies is in the interest of Nigerians and the economy as a whole,” he said.

Meanwhile, Slot said it has expanded its business tentacles with the increase in its outlets to 40 outlets the country in the last 15 years.

According to Ezeigbo, the com-pany has not relented in its vi-

sion of meeting customers’ needs and has been able to weather the storm to become a brand to be reckoned with in the country.

“And we are glad to say that Slot experience is proof of the fact that good things can grow on the Nigerian soil,” he said.

The Slot MD added that as an indigenous telecoms company, committed to selling quality prod-ucts, creating value for custom-ers and delivering good customer experience, Slot Systems expects the local Original Equipment (De-vices) Manufacturers (OEMs) to wake up to the call by manufac-turing quality devices in-country to satisfy the customers’ yearning and drive local content agenda of the Federal Ministry of Commu-nication technology led by Mrs. Omobola Johnson.

We’re still battling with grey market, says Slot

Info Tech

DaviD auDu

Recently, the Advertising Practitio-ners Council of Nigeria, APCON, de-scended on corporate firms and me-

dia organisations, arresting some officials for what the regulator described as violating its code of practice by engaging unqualified persons in advertising practices.

Justifying the actions, APCON’s Head, Planning, Research, Corporate Affairs & Strategy, Mr. Ralph Anyacho, stated that “af-ter several sensitisation visits to advertis-ing establishments and warning notices to illegal persons in advertising practice”, the body had no other choice but to commence the arrest and prosecution of these offend-ers.

It stated that the crackdown on illegal practice, which resumed last week, took the enforcement team of APCON to advertising agencies and media organisations identi-fied as employing unlicensed persons.

It gave the identities of those who were arrested and currently being quizzed by the police to include Mr. Manomahan Chan-droth, Product Manager, Samsung; Mr. Kayode Adunmadeyin, Marketing Manager, Radio Lagos, Omololu Omigbule, Commer-cial Manager, Top Radio and Yemi Egbebiyi, Head of Client Service, Blue Seal Communi-cations.

Others were Fifemayo Aiyesimaju, Strat-egy and Business Executive at DDB, Lagos: Akinola Salu, Marketing manager of Multi-Choice Nigeria and Kholeka Maringa, Head, DSTV Media Sales.

APCON said that police investigation would be the first step in the process of prosecution of offenders, stressing that the alleged offenders have been invited for ques-tioning by the police.

It should be recalled that in December 2010, APCON Chairman, Mr. Lolu Akin-wunmi, when inaugurating a committee to protect the integrity of advertising practice said then that there was the need for strict professionalism within the advertising in-dustry, stressing that no doctor, lawyer, en-gineer, banker and pharmacist is allowed to practice in Nigeria and in other parts of the civilized world without being registered and certified by the relevant professional and

regulatory body.He also said that in many countries no

foreign advertising practitioner will prac-tice in the industry except they are properly certified and registered as practitioners.

Therefore, determind to ensure adver-tising agencies comply, APCON backed it up last year by issuing about 100 corporate practice licenses to advertising organisa-tions that have fulfilled its requirements. The licenses were issued to companies who have qualified to practice under the 4th Code of Advertising Practice.

Akinwunmi had explained that the li-cences were given to deserving companies to practice advertising legally and accord-ing to global best practices as determined by a the APCON Committee on Advertising Practice Reforms, ACAPR, set up in 2010.

The ACAPR, he said was represented by

other bodies like the Broadcasting Organ-isation of Nigeria, BON, and the Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria, NPAN. Others are the Advertisers Association of Nigeria, ADVAN, and the Outdoor Advertis-ing Association of Nigeria, OAAN, among others. ̀

The terms of reference of the commit-tee were, among others are to examine the need to ensure that local and foreign practi-tioners are properly certified by APCON be-fore being allowed to practice in any advert-related agency.

Also, they considered regulations that will ensure that unregistered local and for-eign professionals do not negotiate, book or operate any media spot.

“For the first time in the history of Nige-ria, advertising practice has become profes-sionalised like medicine and law, and char-latans can no longer practice unhindered. With the new code and regime, APCON has introduced strict procedures for practice, such that clients cannot buy media illegal-ly”, he had said.

The council, in the middle of last year had a running battle with some multina-tional players over a TV advert owned and operated by a notable pay TV firm. Ironi-cally, one of the firms is also in the center of the current face off.

However, while other indicted firms are silent, others have claimed the indicted per-sons do not perform advertising functions and responsibilities in their organisation.

A case in point is Multichoice, operator of DSTV and GOTV in Nigeria.

According to the General Manager, Sales and Marketing, Martin Mobutho, in a brief reply to National Mirror’s inquiries, the persons mentioned by APCON “do not have

any marketing or advertising responsibili-ties at MultiChoice Nigeria”.

He however, does not elaborate on the next line of action besides agreeing that “Multichoice have been and will certainly be checking and ensuring that all its em-ployees who are required to have APCON accreditation will do so with immediate ef-fect”.

APCON had resolved that the clamp down would continue until firms, both local and foreign operating in Nigeria conforms to the laws and regulation guiding such practice.

Experts who spoke on the condition of anonymity however hailed the position of APCON to take the bull by the horn to en-force its rules.

Competence sources within APCON con-fided in National Mirror that insinuations that APCON is out against foreigners is false and misleading.

According to the source, “What APCON is doing is in the interest of best global busi-ness practice and not to witch-hunt foreign practitioners and agencies.

“Foreign practitioners shall be welcome to practice the profession in Nigeria in as much as appropriate professional certificate and licenses are obtained from APCON.”

The source pointed out that for any em-ployer engaging services of foreign experts, such employer must do so in the best inter-est of protecting Nigerians from job loss by explaining to APCON if the hiring of foreign practitioner is filling a labour short-age or meant to directly impact, create new job opportunities, transfer new skills and knowledge and help retain jobs for Nigeri-ans.

“Foreign practitioners shall be welcome to practice the profession in Nigeria in as much as appropriate professional certificate and licenses are obtained from APCON.”

The source pointed out that for any em-ployer engaging services of foreign experts, such employer must do so in the best inter-est of protecting Nigerians from job loss by explaining to APCON if the hiring of foreign practitioner is filling a labour short-age or meant to directly impact, create new job opportunities, transfer new skills and knowledge, and help retain jobs for Nigeri-ans.

This has been the position of Akinwumi, when he said last year that “the hiring of foreigner will not affect the employment of Nigerians negatively,”

The Nigerian advertising laws, rules and regulation code, for the avoidance of doubt, states clearly the duties, responsibilities, and what is expected from individual prac-titioner and organisations concerning who should practice advertising and relevant re-quirements.

Battle to protect advertising integrity intensifies

Foreign practitioners

shall be welcome to practice the

proFession in nigeria in as much

as appropriate proFessional

certiFicate and licenses are obtained

From apcon

As APCON stamps its authority on advertising practice in Nigeria, David Audu takes a look at recent efforts to enforce compliance with industry regulations

Thursday, April 10, 2014National 33

Brands & Marketing

Garba Ugbe

…as APCON takes war against illegal practitioners to firms

34 Thursday, April 10, 2014 National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netBrands & Marketing

DaviD auDu

In its determination to be-come more user friendly, home electronics giant, LG

Electronics, has placed con-sumer convenience at the heart of its products design and man-ufacturing.

In a press statement is-sued recently, the company highlighted how the innova-tive application of modern technology have enhanced the ergonomics of it products, a development that was instru-mental to the winning of the Gold award for design by the LG G Flex smart phone at the iF Design Awards.

It stated that LG made some bold and original design moves in 2013, “which have paid off both in terms of brand per-ception and innovative rec-ognition. “The company also racked up recognitions for the LG G2 and the company’s ultra HD TV”.

Focusing on the LG G Flex, it said the LG’s 6 inch verti-cally curved game-changer was praised for its ergonomic design and curved display, as well as the rear volume rocker and power button.

“At a time when many thought the boundaries of

what could be done with smart phone hardware were exhaust-ed, the G Flex has acted as a catalyst for many to rethink the possibilities of what future smart phones may look and like as far as five or maybe 10 years down the road with the advancement of flexible tech-nologies.

The innovative core of the product also includes a self-healing back, which is resis-tant to scratches and dings that inevitably befall even the most cautious of smartphone users, LG said.

Also benefitting from this advanced technology is the LG bedding cleaner. According to the company, having recently received the prestigious Good Design Award in both Korea and Japan, LG’s bedding clean-er is a unique example of de-signing with the human body in mind.

“The product allows con-sumers to employ 42 per cent less muscle use than the con-ventional models, making it easier to pick up and operate with one hand. Tests have re-ported 27 persent less human movement shown that minimal pressure on the user’s wrist and back, resulting in effort-less cleaning, it stated.

DaviD auDu

President of the Nation-al Institute of Market-ing of Nigeria, NIMN,

Mr. Ganiyu Koledoye, has said going by the volume of growth in commerce and in-dustries in Nigeria, the coun-try may be destined to dictate the pace of marketing in Af-rica.

His position coincides with recent revelation that Nige-ria is the largest economy in Africa, overtaking South Af-rica, and raking 26th in the world, according to the Min-ister of Finance and Coordi-nating Minister for the econo-

my, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala.According to him, “Key in-

dicators in marketing sector of the economy- the diversity of products available in the market and the level of choic-es to the Nigerian consumers- all have pointed to the facts that there is no doubt about Nigeria being the hallmark of commerce to the rest Af-rica in years to come”.

Koledoye, who spoke to Na-tional Mirror recently, how-ever advised that in spite of the potential in marketing activities, “only those who understand the market and key into the fundamentals will benefit from the expected growth”.

He said the institute has been keeping abreast of de-velopments in marketing practice on the continent, adding that efforts are been made to regularise certifica-tion of Nigerian markers to conform to global standards.

On relationship with other African countries, he said marketing education in Nige-ria has been standardised and is an ongoing project, such that certified Nigerian mar-keters can practice anywhere in the world. “Marketing edu-cation has been standardised in Nigeria, qualification is transferable, they can use it to work in any African mar-ket”, he said.

LG focuses on user experience as ergonomics dictate future

Nigeria to dictate pace of commerce in Africa –NIMN president

The 2014 edition of Legend Extra Stout’s Real Deal National Consumer Pro-

motion, officially kicked off dur-ing the week and will last for two months.

Launched in 2012, the first edition of the national con-sumer promotion saw hundreds of lucky consumers winning prizes such as TV sets, genera-tors and millions of free Legend Extra Stout drinks, among other fabulous prizes.

Last year, Legend Extra Stout however stepped up the ante in the annals of consumer promo-tions in Nigeria by taking 25 lucky consumers to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on an all-expense paid trip. While in Dubai, they shopped for gift items worth up to one million in value. The lucky consumers were also taken on a special tour where they visited fascinating tourist sites during their stay.

For this year’s edition, the stout brand, also known as the Real Deal, is raising the stakes by taking 30 consumers to Dubai for yet another unique shopping experience. While in the United Arab Emirates, they will also shop for prizes worth N1m in prize value in one of Dubai’s

biggest shopping malls. To participate in the raffle

draw, consumers have to buy a bottle of Legend Extra Stout and text their names, location and the crown cork code to 31077. Thirty lucky winners will emerge through series of trans-parent raffle draws that would be held at different locations across the country, during the course of the promotion.

In addition to the Dubai unique shopping experience, Legend Extra Stout will also be giving out N300million worth of airtime. To qualify, consumers have to purchase 33cl or 60 cl bot-tles of Legend Extra Stout and text the code under the crown via SMS to 31077 and they will instantly get N200 airtime based on their network of choice.

Speaking on why the brand decided to give out a whoop-ing N300m worth of airtime, Mr. Drenth said: “By giving out N300m worth of airtime, we are able to reward a wider number of our consumers with airtime. And the more bottles of Legend Extra Stout which they consume responsibly, the higher their chances of winning airtime.”

President of Public Rela-tions Consultant Asso-ciation of Nigeria, PR-

CAN, Mr. Chido Nwakanma, has pledged the association’s committment to professional best practices in public rela-tions service delivery in Ni-geria

He made the pledge in a remark while presenting cer-tificates of membership to new entrants into PRCAN re-cently.

He said PRCAN was glad to welcome Integrated Indigo and Evolve Integrated, the two firms that joined the as-sociation, for complying with regulatory requirements as well as best practice in public

relations consultancy.Nwakanma, who is the

Managing Director of Blue-flower Limited, noted that PR-CAN’s primary objective is to promote professional reputa-tion management in Nigeria within the public and private sectors.

He said the assciation is also committed to maintain-ing professional standards and discipline among mem-bers and providing facilities for the public and private sec-tors to meet their PR consul-tancy needs.

“As clients increasingly turn to public relations for ef-fective management of their communication challenges in

this era of multiple channels, audiences and stakeholders, it is important that they have assurances about the qual-ity of services to expect from such firms”.

He stressed that PRCAN has insisted that key execu-tives of member firms must qualify and be registered with the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations in line with NIPR Act 16 Laws of the Fed-eration of Nigeria 1990.

The new firms bring to 48 the number of agencies reg-istered with PRCAN. Evolve Integrated Services is led by Tunde Runner, while Integrat-ed Indigo has Bolaji Abimbola as Principal Consultant.

Legend Real Deal Promo 3 kicks off

PRCAN pledges best practice among members

L-R: Secretary General, African Public Relations Association, APRA, Mr. Yomi Badejo-Okusanya; Managing Directior, Evolve Integrated Services, Mr. Tunde Renner and President, Public Relations Consultants Association of Nigeria, PRCAN, Mr. Chido Nwakanma during the presentation of membership certificate of PRCAN to Evolve Intergrated Services in Lagos recently.

Tel: 08023448199 E-mail:

with Ayodeji Ayopo

Brand X-Ray

National 35

LASACO Assurance is one brand that has transformed its brand identity to remain

a major player in the financial services sector. The brand has re-mained undaunted in its resolve to play a critical role in the highly competitive financial services sector. The company through the years has repositioned its corpo-rate image through a strategic ac-tion plan to gain a significant edge in the market place.

Some years back, LASACO embarked on a corporate restruc-turing programme tagged “Trans-formation and Growth Strategy (TAG)”. This programme impact-ed positively on the operations of the LASACO brand to remain vibrant and forward looking. A resultant effect of the programme was improved service delivery. This fast tracked the process of re-sponding to customer complaints and enquiries. The company has also installed internal mecha-nism to accelerate the process of

prompts claims settlement. This internal rejuvenation has deep-ened value for the LASACO brand and increased its rating in the in-dustry. LASACO has leveraged on strategy as a coherent marketing direction to retool its corporate essence and remain a dynamic player in the industry.

The LASACO brand has differ-entiated its edge in the industry with its strong focus on customer centric services. The LASACO brand has indeed transformed and metamorphosed into other key areas of the economy to re-main a dynamic and pro-active conglomerate. It leveraged on the huge potentials to embrace op-portunities that abound in the fi-nancial services sector. LASACO brand can compete adequately with other brands due to its strong positioning and utmost focus on superior service delivery.

Olusola Ladipo – Ajayi, the Group CEO of LASACO Assur-ance says the goal of the company

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Deltol Brand Ambassador and Nollywood Actress, Mrs. Patience Ozokwor (right) presenting a gift to Mrs. Bisi Adetola during a Market Activation and Trade reward, to mark the 50th Anniversary of Deltol products in Nigerian markets, at Oke-Arin Market, Lagos recently.

Brands & Marketing

DaviD auDu

One of Nigeria’s Market-ing magazines, BrandiQ is partnering with French

event company, 2C Associes, to en-sure quality publicity and maxi-mum participation of Nigerian advertising practitioners at the African Cristal Festival, an annu-al event dedicated to promoting creativity in the marketing com-munications industry within the African continent.

Tagged: ‘Pan-African Summit for Media and Communication, the African Cristal Festival is scheduled to take place between in Nairobi, Kenya in May.

With this partnership, ac-cording to a statement from BrandiQ,it is expected to bring its

full support to 2C Associes by pub-licising the event and mobilizing marketing communications prac-titioners across the West-African sub-region.

A statement by 2C Associes Website, Award Manager Afri-can Cristal Festival, Anna Abu-dikhina stated that, “In a region undergoing such tremendous changes and brands are becoming an essential part of the African identity, the African Cristal Festi-val stands as the first Summit for Media and Communications dedi-cated to the African continent. This event aims to bring together the entire media and communi-cations industry to network and promote regional culture and growth through dedicated compe-titions, conferences and debates.”

This year’s festival is coming

after the success of the first Af-rican edition held in 2013 in Abi-djan, Ivory Coast, last year. The International Cristal Festival has been previously held in Courch-evel, France for 13 years, and Mzaar in Lebanon (MENA Cristal Festival) for nine years with huge successes recorded in all events.

The first edition of the African festival in 2013 started with 7 com-petitions, namely- Film Cristal, Radio Cristal, Outdoor Cristal, Press Cristal, Integrated Cristal, Media Cristal and Digital and Mobile Cristal. More segments are expected to be added this year. With more than 450 campaigns entered for last year, the African Cristal Festival has become a true reference in advertising awards. The festival is recognised in local and international circles.

DaviD auDu

Nigerian Breweries Plc has announced plans for its Golden Pen

Award for 2014. The company made the announcement re-cently at a press briefing in Lagos.

Unlike previous years where the award was centred on Nigerian Breweries re-ports, journalists and media houses are now expected to send in entries based on select-ed Corporate Social Respon-sibility themes. This year’s award would be focused on Education and Youth Empow-erment and each individual/reporter has an opportunity to send in a total of 3 reports on these topics published be-tween January and December 2013. According to Mr. Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Adviser this is to encourage the media to focus on criti-cal sectors of the Nigerian economy. He said collection of entries for the 2014 Nigerian Breweries Golden Pen Awards will close on Friday, April 25, 2014.

All entries are to be sent to the independent coordinating agency, Mediacraft Associates via

Mediacraft Associates will collate all entries submitted for assessment by a jury. The jury will analyse the reports

and photographs for their Originality, News Value, Use of Resources, Credibility and factuality. Other areas of interest would include Info-graphics, Lay out/Headline, Clarity and Social impact.

Speaking further, the Cor-porate Affairs Adviser de-tailed the categories of the award and the prizes to in-clude: The Nigerian Brewer-ies Golden Pen Reporter of the Year which comes with a spe-cial statuette and N1m cash while first and second runner ups get N300,000 and N200,000 respectively.

The Nigerian Breweries Report of the Year attracts a N500,000 prize while The Ni-gerian Breweries Golden Pen Photojournalist of the Year gets N300, 000 with first and second runner ups getting N250,000 and N200,000 respec-tively.

Winners will be announced and awarded their prizes at the 6th Nigerian Breweries Golden Pen Award ceremony in June 2014.

The Nigerian Breweries Golden Pen Award was inau-gurated in 2008 to celebrate the partnership between Nigerian Breweries and the Nigerian media. The award was intro-duced to promote profession-alism and objective reportage of events in corporate Nige-ria. It is also meant to reward journalists who abide by the fine ethics of the profession.

BrandiQ partners 2C Associes on African Cristal Festival

CSR: NB flags off 2014 Golden Pen Awards

LASACO Assurance: Sustaining a virile and dynamic brand

is to deliver exceptional stake-holder value by offering first class, innovative products and services to all classes of customers. To achieve its brand goal, the LA-SACO brand has embarked on in-novative strategies to remain pro-active and flexible in order to meet the changed constantly occurring in the industry environment.

Ladipo Ajayi who has been the arrow head to chart a new corporate brand identity for the LASACO brand believes leaders put people first which has really transformed the internal stake-holders. There is an accelerated human capital development poli-

cy that has improved the compe-tencies and capabilities of the in-ternal stakeholders. LASACO has a strategic policy planning and direction to empower and equip its workforce for optimum impact. This has put LASACO brand on the pedestals of excellence and world class in terms of position-ing and perception.

LASACO brand offerings have strategic value in the industry as it has enforced governance stan-dards and practices to differenti-ate its identity in the industry. There have been profound positive changes and transformation in the LASACO brand. This attests

to its strong positioning as a world class financial services brand. The dream of the LASACO brand to remain synonymous with qual-ity and creating exception brand has indeed become reality.

The offerings of the LASACO brands are mainly instill audi-ence confidence in Insurance ser-vices. This informed the strategy blueprint that reviewed the inter-nal process of the organisation. The LASACO brand has carved a niche for itself as a solid and virile brand. The LASACO brand has a strong pedigree that has distinguished its offerings over the years. The brand has identi-fied huge opportunities in the market place and explored same to enhance market penetration. LASACO brand thrives on the core values of integrity, honesty, excellence, teamwork, openness, professionalism and trust. These core values exemplify the person-ality of the LASACO brand.

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), the world’s big-gest maker of luxury ve-

hicles, is progressing with plans for a second North American factory to tap rising demand for its vehicles in the region.

“We will decide this in the next months,” Harald Krueger, BMW’s production chief, said in an inter-view in an internal publication for staff obtained by Bloomberg News. “On the North American continent, there’s still potential.”

BMW has been narrowing the list of locations, with at least two sites in Mexico still being con-sidered, people familiar with the matter said. The Munich-based carmaker is weighing building its bestselling 3-Series at the new plant, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing inter-nal deliberations.

Chief Executive Officer Nor-bert Reithofer said last month that BMW will need an additional fac-tory in the region “at some point” as part of an expansion to fend off Volkswagen AG ’s Audi and Daim-ler AG’s Mercedes-Benz. BMW an-nounced plans March 28 to spend $1 billion expanding its South Caro-lina plant, which will become its largest facility worldwide.

“As part of our long-term growth

strategy we’re frequently looking at different countries for possible loca-tions for future production,” Math-ias Schmidt, a BMW spokesman, said by phone. “No decisions have been made yet, though, for a new plant in North America.”

BMW will raise production ca-pacity 50 per cent in Spartanburg, which assembles sport-utility vehi-cles, by 2016 to 450,000 vehicles and add a large SUV called the X7. The carmaker’s biggest factory has been in Dingolfing near Munich, where it produces the 3-, 5-, 6- and 7-Series. The automaker built 342,000 cars in Dingolfing last year.

BMW posted its best March sales ever in the U.S. and narrowed the gap to Mercedes, which claimed the top spot in North American luxury-car sales last year. BMW sold 32,107 vehicles last month, an increase of 19 per cent. Mercedes delivered 27,401 vehicles, an 11 per cent gain.

BMW increased U.S. first-quar-ter deliveries 12 per cent to 72,377 ve-hicles. Mercedes’s sales in the peri-od rose five per cent to 72,614, while Audi gained three per cent to 35,228.

BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz are all planning record global deliv-eries in 2014 on growth in China and the U.S., the world’s two largest auto markets. All three are adding capac-ity as demand outstrips production.

United Kingdom mort-gage approvals fell more than economists fore-

cast in February after record rainfall deterred house hunters.

Lenders granted 70,309 loans for house purchase, compared with a downwardly revised 76,753 in January, the Bank of England said in London Tues-day. The median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey was for 75,300.

Britain had its wettest win-ter for almost 250 years with rainfall in some parts of the country in February almost 2 1/2 times the monthly average. The underlying housing market remains strong, with approvals in January reaching the high-est since November 2007. House prices climbed for a 14th month in March as the recovery spread beyond London, Hometrack Ltd. said Tuesday.

“Rain stopped play in the

China’s stocks climbed, sending the benchmark in-dex to a six-week high, on

speculation the government will take further steps to bolster eco-nomic growth. Gauges tracking financial and energy companies surged at least 2.6 per cent. Indus-trial Bank Co. advanced the most in seven months and China Pe-troleum & Chemical Corp., Asia’s largest refiner, rallied two per

The Bank of Japan refrained from adding to unprece-dented monetary stimulus

as Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said the blow to the economy from last week’s sales-tax increase will fade during the summer.

The central bank will continue to expand the monetary base at a pace of 60 trillion yen to 70 trillion yen ($682 billion) per year, it said in a statement Tuesday in Tokyo, as forecast by all 36 economists in a Bloomberg News survey. At a press briefing, Kuroda said the BOJ would always adjust policy without hesitation as needed, in-cluding easing or tightening.

While the central bank high-lighted a pickup in private invest-ment and increasing industrial production, economists forecast the BOJ will boost stimulus by July, according to a Bloomberg News survey ahead of today’s decision. A drop in a confidence indicator, announced separately Tuesday, to the lowest since 2011 highlighted risks to the recovery as the tax bump damps consump-tion.

“The BOJ seems confident in its economic assessment and out-look,” said Masaaki Kanno, chief Japan economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. At the same time, “there is an above 50 per cent chance of easing in July,” he said.

The yen strengthened after an initial drop following the BOJ’s

housing market during Febru-ary,” said Rob Wood, chief U.K. economist at Berenberg Bank in London. “But that is unlikely to herald the start of a prolonged slowdown. Conditions are very supportive for the housing mar-ket, with interest rates low, con-sumer confidence rising sharp-ly and most housing indicators still riding high.”

The pound stayed lower against the dollar after the data were published and traded at $1.6627 Tuesday in London, lit-tle changed from Monday. The 10-year gilt yield was up 2 basis points at 2.74 per cent.

House prices in England and Wales rose 0.6 per cent in March from the previous month, with the southwest and East Anglia registering the largest increas-es, Hometrack said Tuesday. Half of postcode districts re-ported gains.

Net mortgage lending was 1.7 billion pounds ($2.83 billion) in February, compared with 1.5 bil-lion pounds in January, the cen-tral bank said.

Consumer credit increased 552 million pounds, including 221 million pounds on credit cards. Business lending slipped 800 million pounds. Lending to small and medium-sized compa-nies rose 200 million pounds.

cent. Great Wall Motor Co. jumped 6.8 per cent after the nation’s car sales rose. Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co., the first Chinese company to de-fault on corporate bonds onshore, fell by the maximum limit of 5 per-cent as a trading halt was lifted.

The Shanghai Composite Index climbed 1.9 per cent to 2,098.28 at the close, as trading resumed after a holiday Monday. China outlined a package of measures to support the expansion last week, including railway spending and tax relief, after easing funding restrictions for financial companies earlier this year. March trade figures are due this week after manufactur-ing indexes pointed to economic weakness.

“There’s speculation the gov-ernment will introduce some mea-sures to stabilize growth as the market expects March data to be poor,” said Wang Weijun, a strate-gist at Zheshang Securities Co. in

Shanghai. The CSI 300 Index rose 2.4 per

cent to 2,237.32. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index advanced 1.6 per cent in Hong Kong, poised for its highest close since January 8. The measure has rebounded 12 per cent since entering a bear market on March 20, sending its 30-day relative-strength index to 71, the highest since November.

Premier Li Keqiang is under pressure to address weakening economic growth amid concern the nation will miss its 7.5 per cent growth target this year.

A Purchasing Managers’ In-dex fell to 48 in March, the low-est reading since July, from 48.5 in February, HSBC Holdings Plc and Markit Economics said April 1. Data last month showed fixed-asset investment rose at the slow-est January-February pace since 2001, industrial production trailed estimates and exports fell by the most since 2009.

decision, trading up 0.4 per cent at 102.71 per dollar Tuesday in To-kyo. The Topix index, which has climbed 6.6 per cent over the past year, fell 1.9 per cent, down for a third day after technology shares extended a retreat.

“Flexibility is one of the most important aspects of monetary policy,” Kuroda said. “We are on track to the price stability target, so we are not considering any kind of additional easing now.”

The BOJ is gauging the extent of an anticipated setback to the economy and prospects for achiev-ing its 2 per cent inflation goal af-ter last week’s 3-percentage-point increase in the sales tax, the first since 1997. The price goal excludes the effects of changes in the sales tax.

The pound rose toward the highest level since 2009 against the dollar as U.K.

industrial output expanded more than economists forecast, stok-ing bets the Bank of England will hasten plans to increase interest rate.

Sterling appreciated to the strongest level in a month versus the euro as a report showed wage growth accelerated to the fastest pace in seven years. The gains ex-tended the pound’s world-beating advance in the past 12 months as an improving economy added to

speculation policy makers will boost borrowing costs as soon as next year. U.K. government bonds fell.

“The market is becoming more confident on the outlook for ster-ling,” said Jane Foley, a senior currency strategist at Rabobank International in London. “There is a large consensus in the market regarding when the Bank of Eng-land will next move policy.”

Sterling rose 0.7 per cent to $1.6728 Tuesday in London, the steepest advance since February 12. It reached $1.6823 on February

17, the highest since November 2009. The pound gained for the first time in three days against the euro, appreciating 0.4 per cent to 82.41 pence. It reached 82.33 pence, the strongest since March 6.

Production surged 0.9 per cent in February, compared with a 0.3 per cent growth estimate of ana-lysts in a Bloomberg News sur-vey. An index of wage growth for full-time employees rose to 62.2 in March, the highest since July 2007, KPMG LLP and the Recruit-ment & Employment Confedera-tion said.

David Cameron

U.K. mortgage approvals fall as rain deters house hunters

Pound approaches 4-year high on industry output

BMW to decide in coming months on new north America plant

BOJ refrains from boosting stimulus as recovery seen

President Xi Jinping BOJ Governor, Haruhiko Kuroda

China’s stocks rally to six-week high on stimulus expectations


National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014Global News

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott sealed trade deals with Japan and South

Korea as he seeks to boost exports of everything from beef to canned tomatoes and lower prices on cars and appliances for consumers.

Abbott was in Seoul Tuesday to complete the Korean pact, after almost five years of talks. Under the agreement, tariffs on Austra-lian beef will be eliminated over 15 years, while levies on all Korean cars will be lifted within three years with those on some gasoline models dropped immediately, the South Ko-rean Trade Ministry said in a state-ment.

“I believe Australia is a very pre-cious partner that has closely coop-erated on the international stage while sharing fundamental val-ues, and also a traditional ally that fought” for South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War, President Park Geun Hye told Abbott Tuesday, ac-cording to a pool report on the presi-dent’s website.

Abbott, 56, announced both trade pacts during his first North Asian trip since coming to power seven months ago. He is seeking to deepen trade and security ties with Japan and South Korea while not damag-ing relations with China, Austra-

Gold climbed to the high-est price in almost two weeks as a weaker dollar

and tension in Ukraine prompt-ed haven demand. The Nasdaq 100 Index rebounded from its worst three-day slide since 2011 as technology shares gained.

Gold advanced 0.9 per cent to $1,309.70 Tuesday in New York. The dollar dropped to the lowest level in more than five months. The Nasdaq 100 index of tech-nology stocks rose 0.5 per cent after a 4.3 per cent slide since April 2. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fluctuated between gains and losses. The Stoxx Eu-rope 600 Index slid 0.7 percent. Russia canceled a ruble bond auction, citing market condi-tions. The MSCI Emerging Mar-kets Index increased 1 per cent.

Ukraine sent additional po-lice forces into eastern regions after pro-Russian protesters seized government buildings. In the U.S., the retreat that began in technology shares is spreading

Gold climbs, dollar slides on Ukraine

Australian beef, cheese favored in trade deals with Japan, Korea

United States stocks fluctu-ated, after a technology selloff broadened yester-

day to erase the year’s gains in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, as Internet shares rebounded while phone companies dropped before the start of corporate earnings reports.

The Nasdaq Internet Index jumped 1.9 percent after four days of declines. Alcoa Inc. gained 1.8 per cent before the re-lease of first-quarter earnings.

The S&P 500 rose less than 0.1 per cent to 1,845.86 Tuesday. in New York. The Dow Jones Indus-

United Kingdom indus-trial production rose more than economists

forecast in February, bolstered by a surge in factory output that points to a strengthening recovery.

Production increased 0.9 per cent from January, exceeding the 0.3 per cent median forecast of 26 economists in a Bloom-berg News survey. In its gross-domestic-product estimate published after the data, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research predicted economic growth accelerated to 0.9 per cent in the first quarter, the quickest pace in four years.

The data came as the Inter-national Monetary Fund up-graded its outlook for the U.K. economy and said GDP may rise 2.9 per cent this year, the fastest of any Group of Seven nation. While the Washington-based fund also said Britain’s recovery has been unbalanced, Niesr said in its report that growth last quarter was “rela-tively broad-based.”

“A strong and increasingly better-balanced recovery con-tinues,” said Martin Beck, an

trial Average fell 19.08 points, or 0.1 percent, to 16,226.79. The Nas-daq 100 Index gained 0.4 per cent, its first increase in four days. Trading in S&P stocks was 9 per cent above the 30-day average at this time of day.

“The tech sector was just out of control, and now we’ve had reality injected back in,” Lorne Baring, who oversees about $500 million as manging director of B Capital in Geneva, said in a tele-phone interview. “As we go into the earnings season, we’re proba-bly going to see an affirmation of revenues and sustainable growth in major U.S. companies.”

The S&P 500 lost 1.1 percent yesterday, sending its three-day drop to 2.4 per cent, the most since January. The Nasdaq 100 gauge of the biggest technology stocks fell 4.3 per cent in the peri-od, the most since 2011, while the Russell 2000 Index of small com-panies sank 1.5 per cent to a two-month low yesterday. Measures of biotechnology and Internet companies fell more than 15 per cent from all-time highs.

The selloff comes as valua-tions in technology stocks have soared while the broader mar-ket has touched all-time highs. The Nasdaq 100 surged 257 per

cent from its low in March 2009 through a 13-year high on March 5. That beat the 177 per cent in-crease for the S&P 500 in the peri-od. The S&P 500 closed at a record on April 2. Inc., Whole Foods Market Inc. and Transocean Ltd. are among 43 companies that have lost more than 20 per cent from their 52-week high, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The average stock is down 9 per cent from its most recent peak, according to Bespoke Investment Group LLC.

Since the start of March, gains in the U.S. market have been led by companies whose earnings are least tied to economic growth. Phone companies and utilities have risen more than 2.9 per cent, while household products suppli-ers are up 1.9 per cent. Technol-ogy and raw-material producers have fallen.

Concern that the declines will worsen sent the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility In-dex for a 12 per cent jump yester-day, the most since March 13. The gauge known as the VIX mea-sures the cost of S&P 500 options and moves in opposite direction to the stocks index about 80 per cent of the time.

economist at the EY Item Club. “February’s industrial produc-tion numbers suggest that the sector’s recovery is back in full swing.”

The pound climbed toward the highest level in more than four years, rising 0.8 per cent to $1.6744 at 2:50 p.m. London time. It reached $1.6823 on Feb. 17, the highest level since November 2009.

The jump in production in February was the biggest in eight months, and manufactur-ing, which surged 1 percent, contributed 0.7 percentage point to that expansion. Within manu-facturing, growth was led by basic pharmaceutical products, transport equipment and food.

The data, along with trade tomorrow and construction on April 11, will feed into the first official GDP estimate on April 29. Growth of 0.9 per cent would be the fastest since the second quarter of 2010, when the econ-omy expanded 1 percent.

Industry may have made a “robust contribution” to first-quarter growth, said Samuel Tombs, a London-based econo-mist at Capital Economics Ltd.

It’s “reassurance that the eco-nomic recovery has remained strong and broad-based,” he said.

From a year earlier, produc-tion increased 2.7 per cent and manufacturing rose 3.8 per cent, the ONS said. The annual surge in factory output was the most since February 2011. Industrial output remains 11.7 per cent below where it was when gross domestic product peaked in the first quarter of 2008. Manufac-turing is 8.2 per cent smaller.

Bank of England officials have pledged to hold their key interest rate at a record low at least until unemployment, now at 7.2 per cent, falls to 7 per cent. All 50 economists in a Bloom-berg survey forecast the bench-mark rate will stay at 0.5 per cent when the Monetary Policy Committee announces its next decision on April 10.

“A sizable negative output gap remains,” Niesr said. “With economic recovery still in its in-fancy, we do not expect the MPC to change monetary policy, via an increase in interest rates, un-til the middle of 2015.”


U.S. stocks fluctuate after S&P 500 erases gains for year

U.K. industrial output surges more than forecast

lia’s biggest trading partner. Japan, China and South Korea buy more of Australia’s iron ore, coal and oth-er exports than the rest of its cus-tomers combined. The Australian premier met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe yesterday and the day before to close the deal and bring an end to seven years of talks. The two also discussed security is-sues and Abbott became the first foreign leader to attend a meeting of Japan’s new National Security Council set up by Abe to better co-ordinate the country’s military and security apparatus.

across the equity market. Alcoa Inc., the biggest U.S. producer of aluminum, reports first-quarter earnings today. Price swings in currency markets have tum-bled to a six-year low as central banks from the U.S. to Japan seek to boost growth with cheap cash and record-low interest rates, encouraging investors to seek higher-yielding assets.

“There certainly has been more interest again in emerging markets, suggesting that many investors are again looking out for yield,” said Jane Foley, se-nior foreign-exchange strategist at Rabobank International in London. “That’s clearly a risk-on scenario that is dollar-nega-tive.”

The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index, which tracks the green-back against 10 major curren-cies, fell 0.6 per cent to 1,009.02, the lowest level since October. The yen advanced 0.8 per cent to 102.24 per dollar and the euro gained 0.4 per cent to $1.3798.


Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

37 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014Global News

Danger! Sick cattle slaughtered Dung and decay! These best describe the scene at the slaughter slab of Oko-oba, Agege, Lagos Abattoir, one of the nation’s biggest abattoirs, where over 1,500 cows are slaughtered daily. FRANCA OSAKWE however, reports that the filthy state of the facility may not be the only public health concern, as many animals being slaugh-tered are in a terrible state of health and could pose seri-ous danger to the consuming public.







To a first time visitor to the Oko-oba, Agege, Lagos abattoir complex, the structural scenery would appear

adequately maintained. From the gate to the banks, down to the offices of Harmony Abattoir Services - the abattoir’s manage-ment consultants - and the veterinary of-fices, everywhere appear well kept and tastefully furnished to modern standard. But the rear end, from Kara section where live cows are sold, to the Lairage where un-sold cows are kept, the cattle dung spots, as well as the stinking canal that passes through the abattoir, to the slaughter slab, and the meat market are a different story.

On the slaughter slab plastered with blood, water, and faeces, lay cows of all sorts, some already dead or too weak to walk and had to be wheeled in to be slaughtered.

According to one Jimoh, one of the sellers who had come to attend to the re-porter who posed as a buyer, the cows have grades. The ones that walked in by themselves are known as “waka come” while the frail and lifeless ones wheeled in are the “gurugus”. They are easily dis-tinguished by the severe depreciation in their weight and size.

“These ones dey sick, some na just tired-ness, you know say they dem come from long journey, but nothing do dem o!” Jimoh chattered on in pigeon nglish, trying to pacify the reporter who could not conceal her shock and dismay that such cows were wheeled in and being slaughtered for hu-man consumption.

“Aren’t these cows unsafe?” the worried reporter asked.

“Ha! No worry, cow na cow now. Na this one people dey buy pass. You no see these women for here, na dem get this one now way just come. If dey kill am finish, you no go know say something do am”

True to his words, after the cows were slaughtered and skinned, one could not tell the difference between the healthy and sick ones. Indeed, Jimoh explained that the “gurugu” cows, despite their un-healthy state, still sell for as much as the “waka come.” This is because most buyers cannot tell the difference except for those already in the business.

into the slaughtered cow for another set of workers to skin in a synchronised man-ner, the meat was kept on bare floor for the buyers. The water used to wash the slaugh-tered cattle carried the dung through the same floor where the meat was openly dis-played. Women packed the waste and dung with bare hands and some hustlers like Jimoh who double as a butcher and seller were on the lookout for new customers. There is no consideration for health and safety here.

“But where are the vet doctors?” The reporter asked Jimoh.

“See am for there” Jimoh answered, pointing to a woman in white overall who was seated far off and away from the bus-tling.

“Just one?” the reporter asked again. “E be like say the other one don comot,”

he replied. Obviously, there were only two field

vets on duty to manage over 1,500 cows to be slaughtered for the day and the vets seemed rather unconcerned about the state of cows being slaughtered.

Butchers standing on slaughtered cows being prepared for sale

Two lean cows waiting to be slaughtered

He, however disclosed that one can still tell the quality of the unhealthy beef by the texture. While the beef from the “gu-rugu” cows are softer and unelastic, the ones from the robust cows are firmer. But to Jimoh and probably most undiscerning buyers who throng the abattoir everyday, “meat na meat, nama na nama”

It was indeed a beehive of activities at the slaughter slab when National Mir-ror visited. The smelly and dirty sights make the stomach churn and could be sickening for a first time visitor. Butchers, clad in all sorts of shabby rags were busy cutting and mincing, some buyers simply stood aloof watching the events around them while others engaged in negotiation, fiddling and touching the beef with their bare hands. The cat pushers were having a hectic time wheeling in the “gurugu” cows and wheeling out the processed beef. More and more cows were being prepared for slaughter. As vulcanizers pump air

The vet lady was however not in the mood to entertain questions about the un-wholesome state of the cows being slaugh-tered. She flared up when the reporter, still posing as a buyer asked if it was healthy eating the meat from the sick cows.

“Are you sure you are not a journalist? All the rubbish things you people write about this abattoir, if you are not buying meat then leave here immediately,” she retorted as she ordered the reporter to be escorted out of the slaughter ground.

National Mirror however spoke to an-other field vet the following day. Dr. Mike Okoli, assigned to Agege Lagos State abat-toirs, who is also the operation manager at May Vet Clinic, Ikeja. He disclosed that only cows purchased by Lagos State Gov-ernment were checked and tested before slaughtering at the state abattoirs.

“The cows by Lagos State Government have markings on them. They are the ones we check, we normally use a testing device like ultrasound for the testing,” he said.

Dr. Okoli further disclosed that other cows brought into the abattoir, owned by

38 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014 Insight

at Lagos abattoirs

associations and individuals are not ex-amined by the vets.

Lagos State Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Ganiyu Adams, however re-fused to comment when asked by National Mirror why the state government would not ensure that all cows being slaughtered for human consumption were duly certi-fied free of diseases. He said the reporter must obtain approval from the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary first before he could speak.

Apart from the unhealthy state of some of the cows being slaughtered for sale to the public, the abattoir itself is fast becoming a health hazard to residents around the area. The putrid smell from the canal and the dung spot could be per-ceived all the way round the complex and as far as Old Oko-Oba and Orile-Agege ar-eas. Residents of Hamzat Augusto Street and Millennium Estate, which share the





Slaughtered cowsA sick cow being wheeled to the slab

same fence with the abattoir must have got used to the stench as the only smell in the air they breathe on a daily basis.

However, one of the managers of Har-mony Abattoir Services, Mr. Sanusi, said that the abattoir is always cleaned on a daily basis and the refuse carried by LAW-MA. When asked about the piles of dung seen around the complex and the smell from the canal, he referred the situation to the state government. Also Mr. Moshood Bello, the Managing Director of Harmony Abattoir services, refused to comment on the hygienic situation at the abattoir.

“Once bitten twice shy. Journalists had, in the past, misquoted me so I don’t grant interviews,” he said. He added that the ministry of Agriculture, Lagos state was in the best position to answer every question.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA), Lagos chapter, has called for immediate state of emergency to be declared on the abattoirs in Lagos. Its General secretary, Dr. Alao Mobolaji, confirmed this while speaking with National Mirror.

He said that slaughtering animals on a slab is crude and unhygienic and far from what should be obtained in this present time. According to him, a lot of complexities result from the method which exposes both the buyers, butchers and sellers to unnecessary hazards.

He said examinations such as ante-mortem and-post mortem should be car-ried out to ensure that an animal is fit for consumption.

“In ante-mortem, you should look out for very distressed animals that could be carrying some diseases which could be an epidemic if not checked. Such dis-eases like tuberculosis could be transmit-ted from animals. Also, bruscellosis that causes infertility, salmolina typhoid, and many other germs could be transmitted.”

He explained that another reason why ante-mortem is necessary was to ensure that pregnant animals are not slaugh-tered.

“A lot of pregnant animals are slaugh-tered and this means we are depleting the lives of our animals,” he said.

Again, he said it was wrong to slaugh-ter stressed animals because by then, they must have released some unfriendly chemicals that are harmful to the body. According to him, animals should be properly rested before being slaughtered.

Dr. Mobolaji also condemned the poor hygiene level of the Oko-oba abattoir and the location of the slab. He disclosed that the Lagos State abattoir is wrongly lo-cated. According to him, it was initially meant to be an agric settlement, but it is now surrounded by so many residential buildings.

“With the number of cows being slaughtered every day, you can imagine the level of effluent coming out of that place.”

Regarding the efforts of Lagos State Government, he noted that the abattoir complex has been provided with refriger-ated meat vans and tricycles.

“The Commissioner for Agriculture, in a daily newspaper had said that butch-ers will start wearing uniform. While this is a move in the right direction, NVMA Lagos Chapter believes this is not enough.

“The quality of meat coming out of the meat van must be hygienic. There should be proper structures and profes-sionals should be employed to check the state of the animals.

“For instance, residual periods (time for unsafe chemicals to leave the body) for medications given to recovering animals on medications are not checked before slaughtering them. There are some re-sidual period of 21 days and that of seven days. If not checked, all these chemicals

end up in the kidney and lead to kidney failure,” Dr. Mobolaji further said.

He advised the government to be more aggressive in overhauling the system and also set up laboratories in the abattoirs to run quick checks.

Also in an exclusive interview with National Mirror, the outgoing National President, Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Gani Enahoro, said there was no crueler injustice and health haz-ard than innocent citizens being offered sick and dead meat packaged from filth each day.

Enahoro, who is also the vice presi-dent African Veterinary Association expressed worry over abattoirs in Nige-ria saying they are substandard and are generally in deplorable state, abandoned, dilapidated, unsanitary and managed by money-minded people that have no knowledge of what public health means

He said that most states in Nigeria do not have sufficient numbers of Veterinar-ians employed in their abattoirs.

“There are states with one veterinari-an in charge of a whole local government area and in other states; a single veteri-narian is mandated to cover two LGAs. There is no way veterinary services can be effectively rendered in such places,” he said.

Enahoro also advised that govern-ment should provide compensation policy for butchers when their cattle are condemned on the ground of unwhole-someness.

Not only that he noted that the vet-erinarians would need police protection against a stubborn and knife-wielding butcher who may be angry at the decision to condemn his meat.

“There have been previous cases at Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State where a Vet was viciously attacked by butchers and bodily harm inflicted deeply,” he added.

National 39Thursday, April 10, 2014 Insight

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net40 Thursday, April 10, 2014Cocktail


Pets vie for mayor in Colorado fundraiser

A local dog competing for the unofficial title of mayor in rural town in Colorado. PHOTO: AP

Man, transgender woman fi ght over bathroom break

Woman complains to police about marijuana quality

Colby Yandow and Kenneth Jackson had an argument

during a pit stop at the Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce service plaza on the Flori-da Turnpike.

An alleged argument about taking pit stop ended with a transgender woman being arrested for hitting a man in the head with a golf club.

Florida Highway Pa-trol troopers responded to reports of a fight on the Florida Turnpike at the Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce service plaza and found

Colby Yandow, 23, and Kenneth Jackson, 35.

According to Jackson, Yandow hit him in the head with a golf club af-ter they had an argument about pulling into the rest area.

Yandow, who told troop-ers she’s “a trans-gender individual who has com-pleted his sexual reas-signment surgery, but has not updated his driver’s license information to re-flect such,” claimed that she hit Jackson in self-de-fence after being punched in the face.

Police in East Texas have arrested a wom-an after she called

them to complain about the quality of the marijuana she had purchased from a dealer.

Lufkin police Sgt. David Casper said Monday that an officer went to the home of 37-year-old Evelyn Ham-ilton to hear her complaint that the dealer refused to return her money after she objected that the drug was

substandard.Casper says she pulled

the small amount of mari-juana from her bra when the officer asked if she still had it.

She was arrested Friday on a charge of possession of drug paraphernalia.

Hamilton said Monday that she spent $40 on “seeds and residue.” She says she called police when she got no satisfaction from the dealer’s family.

The chief operat-ing officer at the Teller County Re-

gional Animal Shelter in Colorado knows she’s not supposed to have fa-vourites, but she wants soulful-eyed bloodhound Pa Kettle to be mayor.

This unincorporated mountain town of Divide doesn’t have a human mayor. In all, 11 animals are competing for the un-official title in an online race to raise funds for the shelter, and awareness for groups like Teller County Search and Res-cue, for whom Pa Kettle works.

Each vote means $1 for the shelter, and vot-ers click from around the country.

Voting began in Febru-ary, and chief operating officer Mary Steinbeiser says about $9,000 had been raised by Monday.

That will pay for scores of spaying or neutering

operations.Steinbeiser says she

likes Pa Kettle because she’s a fan of hounds.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 201441


Trading in equities continued on a bull-ish note on the Nige-

rian Stock Exchange yester-day, as more investors made investments in companies with good earnings records.

Specifically, the All Share Index appreciated 0.35 per cent to close at 39,017.66 points, compared to the in-crease of 0.66% recorded the preceding day to close at 38,881.76 points.

Market capitalisation gained N43bn to close at N12.53trn, lower than the rise of N82bn recorded the

preceding day to close at N12.49trn.

All sectorial indices added substantial value to stocks except the Insurance Index, which lost 0.97 per cent to close at 136.38 points. The Alternative Securities Market closed flat at 952.39 points.

The NSE 30-Index rose 0.41 per cent to close at 1,758.95 points, while the Banking Index added 0.76 per cent to close at 390.57 points.

The Consumer Goods In-dex appreciated 0.39 per cnet to close at 990.71 per cent, while the Oil and Gas Index

was up 0.73 per cent to close at 302.99 points.

The Lotus Islamic Index rose 0.44 per cent to close at 2,799.24 points, while the In-dustrial Index increased 0.12 per cent to close at 2,530.33 points.

Nestle Nigeria Plc led the gainers’ table with N22.10 to close at N1,182.100 per share, followed by Forte Oil Plc with N5.10 to close at N11.30 per share.

Cadbury Nigeria Plc appreciated N3.55 to close at N74.75 per share, while UACN Plc gained N2.71 to close at N57.08 per share.

Presco Plc was up 90 kobo

A stock market debut by oil and gas firm Seplat in Lagos and

London is likely unleash a round of Initial Public Of-ferings in the country after they stalled in the wake of a 2008 financial crisis, the Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Stock Ex-change, Mr. Oscar Onyema has said.

Speaking to Reuters Af-rica Investment Summit, Onyema said he expected more oil and gas listings to follow Seplat’s, which would help tackle the sec-tor’s under-representation on the Exchange.

The sector currently makes up just 2.6 per cent of market capitalization versus 14 per cent of the

country’s newly rebased Gross Domestic Product. After Seplat, the sector will make up 5.9 per cent of the bourse.

Seplat said it had raised $500m in its IPO and plans to list its shares in Lagos and London on April 14. The offering gives Seplat a market capitalization of $1.9bn.

None of the foreign oil majors such as Shell and Exxon Mobil that have been operating in the coun-try for decades are listed. Only local firms Oando, Forte Oil, Conoil and now Seplat have listings.

Heavyweight cement producer Dangote Cement accounts for a third of the bourse, followed by the

banking sector, collectively making up 15 per cent.

“It will be the first major IPO in the market since the 2008 burst. It could signal the opening of a window for other IPOs to come through,” Onyema told Reuters, adding that he ex-pected some of the many newly privatized power firms to follow.

IPOs dried up after a 2008 crash wiped more than 60 percent off the stock market’s capitaliza-tion. The index has since recovered, gaining 35 per cent in 2012 and 47 per cent in 2013, but IPOs are yet to resume.

The market is down 6 percent in the first quarter, which Onyema attributed

Seplat listing may spur return of IPOs, says Onyema

Index rises 0.4% as bulls linger


Guaranty Trust Bank yesterday declared a profit after tax

of N90.02bn for the finan-cial year ended December 30, 2013, an increase of 3.1 per cent when compared to N87.3bn recorded in the same period of 2012.

The bank’s profit be-fore tax rose 3.9 per cent to N107.09bn in 2013, from N103.03bn posted in 2012, while return on average equity was up 29.3 per cent. Earnings per share stood at 317 kobo and total dividend for the year at 170 kobo.

Analysis of the result showed a loan book of N1.007trn, up 28.6 per cent when compared to N783.9bn recorded in the correspond-ing period of 2012.

According to the result presented to the Nigerian Stock Exchange, customers deposit stood at N1.44trn in 2013, up 23.1 per cent from N1.17trn recorded in 2012.

The bank’s non-perform-ing loan dropped to 3.58 per cent in 2013, from N3.75 per cent in 2012, while net inter-est margin stood at 8.87 per cent in the review period, from N9.46 per cent in 2012.

Speaking on the result, the bank’s Managing Direc-tor, Mr. Segun Agbaje attrib-uted the drop in the margin to a reflection of robust revenue generation and balance sheet efficiency in era of declining yields and regulatory headwinds.

He explained that the bank current drive is for sustainable efficiency in operations with an aim to achieve 40 per cent cost to

income ration by 2016.In 2013, Agbaje said the

bank successfully complet-ed its acquisition of Fina Bank and its subsidiaries, saying that Fina Bank has now been rebranded to Guaranty Trust Bank, Ke-nya, Rwanda and Uganda.

He said, “Fina Bank was already a profitable venture prior to its acquisition and we are confident that it will be a lot more profitable, effi-cient and innovative under the Guaranty Trust Bank umbrella.”

Agbaje said that the bank will recoup losses from re-duced tariff and charges by growing its volumes in the coming years.

He said that bank had built robust technology in-frastructure to drive its mo-bile and electronic banking channels pointing out that

the growth prospects in the retail space were enor-mous.

Pointing out that Nige-ria had a young and large population many of which remain unbanked or under banked, Agbaje predicted that the mobile phone was going to be the dominant banking channel in the near future and that the bank had developed world-class applications that of-fered as wide range of ser-vices for users.

He also said that the bank was focussing more on small and medium en-terprises which now ac-count for 10 per cent of its loan portfolio and that such entities stood to benefit from institutional support such as GTB’s online mar-ket hub that would soon be launched.

Guaranty Trust Bank posts N90bn profi t

to close at N41.00 per share.On the flip side, Total Ni-

geria Plc dropped N9.07 to close at N172.38 per share, while Guinness Nigeria Plc shed N6.99 to close at N69.50 per share.

Julius Berger Plc lost N2.35 to close at N68.50 per share, while Nigerian Brew-eries Plc declined 60 kobo to close at N151.40 per share.

Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc fell 47 kobo to close at N9.03 per share.

A total of 290.9million shares valued at N4.31bn were exchanged in 4,248 deals.

Stock Updates


CADBURY 48.14 (75.00) 75.00 26.86 55.79

NPFMCRFBK 0.81 0.89 0.08 9.88

ABCTRANS 0.89 0.97 0.08 8.99

CUSTODYINS 2.05 2.16 0.11 5.37

BETAGLAS 19.00 19.95 0.95 5.00

PRESCO 40.00 42.00 2.00 5.00

WAPCO 104.50 109.72 5.22 5.00

UBN 9.55 10.00 0.45 4.71

CCNN 9.27 9.70 0.43 4.64

RTBRISCOE 1.12 1.17 0.05 4.46


NEIMETH 1.74 (1.45) 1.45 -0.29 -16.67

FIDELITYBK 2.18 2.02 -0.16 -7.34

INTENEGINS 0.62 0.59 -0.03 -4.84

VONO 1.66 1.58 -0.08 -4.82

COSTAIN 1.46 1.39 -0.07 -4.79

IKEJAHOTEL 0.63 0.60 -0.03 -4.76

LEARNAFRCA 2.14 2.04 -0.10 -4.67

HONYFLOUR 3.81 3.65 -0.16 -4.20

WAPIC 0.78 0.75 -0.03 -3.85

Market indicatorsAll-Share Index 39,017.66 points

Market capitalisation 12.53 trillion





$350m N/A $343m 04-Nov-13

Open Market Operations

Primary Market Auction

Wholesale Dutch Auction System


91-Day 22,057.31 11.50 07-Nov-13

182-Day 30,000.00 11.59 07-Nov-13

182-Day 47,786.39 13.05 07-Nov-13


178-Day 86,709.13 12.35 07-Nov-13

175-Day 95,368.69 12.35 07-Nov-13

- - - -

Source: NSE

Source: FMDA

Capital Market

to the tapering of quanti-tative easing in the United States, volatile emerging market currencies and country’s forthcoming elections, which had led to some pullback from foreign investors.

The country revalued its GDP on Sunday to more than $500bn, surpassing South Africa as the con-tinent’s top economy and shrinking the ratio of stock market capitalization to GDP to 15 per cent, com-pared with more than 100 per cent in most developed stock markets.

“It positions us better to become a gateway to Africa ... for foreign direct or port-folio investments,” Onyema said of the rebasing.

.Returns on equity strong at 29.3%, to grow retail segment

1st Tier Securities1st Tier SecuritiesSector Company name No Of Deals Quotation(N) Quantity Traded Value of Shares(N)

Stock exchange daily equities summaryEquities as at April 9, 2014

Sector Company name No Of Deals Quotation(N) Quantity Traded Value of Shares(N)

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 201442 Capital Market

Four persons electrocuted in Rivers

Gunmen attack oil marketer

Bayelsa to improve power supply to communities

Wives advised to be less dependent on their husbands


The Port Harcourt Electricity Distri-bution Company,

PHEDC, has said that four persons have been electro-cuted, while trying to con-nect power illegally.


Unknown gunmen at the weekend attacked an oil

marketer, Mr. Oluwaseun Ogunbambo, in Ikoyi area of Lagos State.

The incident took place last Saturday, close to his residence, where the as-sailants attacked him with dangerous weapons, and caused bodily injuries to him.


The divorce rate in the northern part of the country, es-

pecially among the Hausa has been attributed to ex-cessive demands by wives on their husbands.

The Katsina State

cables. He said,” I can confirm

that four persons were electrocuted while trying to illegally connect power from PHCN facilities in different parts of Port Harcourt.

“It is unfortunate that in spite of repeated ap-

Assistant General Manager, Public Affairs of the company, Mr. Obi Onuwah disclosed this in Port Harcourt.

Onuwah lamented that, rather than pay their bills and get reconnected, the victims preferred to ille-gally connect the electric

Construction of Oba Adesoji Aderemi Ring Road, East bye-Pass, Osogbo, Osun State.

National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014 43

Community MirrorIf there is any birthday gift that I would want, it is for us to

end this senseless deaths that we have in the country.


peals for people to contact our office whenever they are disconnected, they still hire touts to do the job.

“It is very sad, but may-be it would serve as de-terrent to touts who give people the impression that they can do the work pro-

Relief came following alarm raised by neigh-bours which attracted others in the area. The attackers who came in an unmarked car had tried to drag Ogunbam-bo into their vehicle when an alarm alerted sympathisers,even as they fled.

An eye-witness, Clem-ent Eta, said: “The victim

is well-known in this area. He was returning in the evening, but I was shocked when some people pointed guns at him and began to hit him with the butts. We raised alarm when we dis-covered that his life was in danger.”

Meanwhile, Ogunbam-bo had in a petition last year to the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice

fessionally”.Onuwah adviced elec-

tricity consumers to be safety cautious, pointing out that the company is doing all it could to check the activities of vandals and touts.

“I want to advise our customers that the busi-


Communities in Ogbia,Nembe and Southern Ijaw Lo-

cal Governments of Bay-elsa State will soon heave sigh of relief as the gov-ernment said its refur-bished gas turbine will start operation on May 26, 2014.

President Goodluck Jon-athan’s community, Otuoke was not spared in the power disruption that is biting hard on the people.

It said a Performance Acceptance Test, PAT, would be conducted on gas turbine at Imiringi in Ogbia Local Government.

Government disclosed

that it paid Rolls Royce of Vancouver, Canada N231 million to replace a gas generator in the turbine.

While speaking, the Commissioner for Energy, Mr. Francis Ikio, sym-pathised with consumers who have been experienc-ing power black-out for more than 10 months.

For some time now, electricity supply from the Port Harcourt Electric-ity Distributing Company, PHEDC, has been epilep-tic coupled with the bulk billing system where a three bed room apartment pays N3, 000 monthly.

Ikio regretted that the 20 megawatts gas turbine capacity was reduced to six due to the faulty gas generator, noting that the component was sent for repairs in December 13, 2013.

While admitting that some of the complaints by consumers were genuine, he said that others were for mischief purpose to run down the government.

He said:”We do not play with development in any part of the state. We know the importance of power as a critical sector of the economy. It is not true that government is deliberately punishing some people. It is doing its best to ensure the gas turbine comes back in a new state.”

The commissioner stressed that the faulty turbine was installed by the old Rivers State Gov-ernment in 1985, adding that efforts were made to refurbish it in 1999 but was not successful.

ness of electricity should be left to the profession-als. There are trained en-gineers that handle such situations. So, touts going about collecting monies from customers with a view to helping them, are endangering their lives”, he warned.

Mariam Aloma-Muktar and Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Ayo Philips, alleged that some power-ful people are behind his travail over allegation of subsidy scam, raising fears of attack on his life.

He accused a major oil marketer of using his wealth to intimidate him, even before opening his de-fence in court as well as his

close relationship to one of the powerful blocs in the ruling party in the country.

“A close associate of this major oil marketer told me that he boasted he has sealed my fate with the Lagos State judiciary and has spent a lot of mon-ey to this end. He said he was destined for at least, 75 years in jail s,” he al-leged in the petition.

Commissioner of Women Affairs, Mrs. Amina Ga-chi, who stated this, said many harassed husbands often prefer divorce as way out of the problem.

Gachi however said that if married women acquire skills and become less de-pendent on their husbands, the divorce rate in Hausa

land will be minimised. “Women in Hausa land

must start acquiring skills and become less dependent on their husbands for a peaceful marriage. We must understand that things have changed; the era when they depend on their husbands for everything is over, “she said.

She said the govern-

ment was worried with cases of divorcees and has introduced measures to minimise the problem.

According to her, “We have trained hundreds of married women on six different handi crafts and provided them with mon-ey to set up businesses.”

She added that, in each

361 wards of Katsina, no fewer than 20 women ben-efited from poverty alle-viation programme.

She said each of the women received N20, 000 to N50, 000 including kits, and that secondary school girls were currently receiving training to prepare them to be self reliant.

Leonard okachie

There is nothing as shocking as a striking resemblance of an international act and

performer like Usher Raymond.But when Antwon auditioned

for Nigerian Idol season 4, he caught the attention of the judg-es, crew members and the audi-ence with his charming resem-blance with the Grammy award winning musician, Usher Ray-mond.

In addition to Antwon’s great looks, he also has a great voice and awesome dance moves to complement it. With his last per-formance of ‘Breakeven’ by The Script, Antwon wowed the judges with his enjoyable and simple performance as described by Darey Art-Alade and Nneka Eg-

bunna.Interestingly too, the episode

saw the multi-talented entertain-er and King of R&B, Darey show-case his Etighi dance moves.

Tobore, a contestant from Cal-abar, performed Taio Cruz’s very energetic song ‘Dynamite.’ In addition to his vocal prowess, To-bore added a few Nigerian dance steps all in the bid to entertain the judges and audience.

After showcasing a few sec-onds of his Etighi moves, Darey commented saying, “That wasn’t a good start, but you picked up later. It was a good performance.”

In fact, one won’t be wrong to say that the last group of Ni-gerian Idol Top 30 contestants brought the house down at the last recording.

Performing Donna Summer’s song, “Hot Stuff” Beebee Bassey from Calabar turned the last re-

cording upside down when she pointed at Dede singing, “I want to take this wild man home.”

Fellow judges, Darey and Nneka were taken aback at her courageous and very daring per-formance. “That was a very nice performance with great drama,” said Darey.

Dede who didn’t respond im-mediately had this to say after her performance, “That was a wonderful performance, though not your best vocally but the show was on point.”

Meanwhile, six spots filled in the Top 12 and six more to go, Af-rica’s biggest music talent show is gearing towards a sensational Top 12 unveil.

Lisa, Elvis Jay, Jesse Ray, Nex2, Ms Oge and Xolani are the six contestants in the Top 12 so far and six spots are left to be oc-cupied.

Usher’s ‘twin’ brother discovered in Nigeria



44 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 2014Young & Next Generation

dare akogun

GenVoices movement is a project-driven plat-form which is endorsed by the United Nations to harness the energy of young Nigerians towards nation building. In this interview with DARE AKOGUN, its chapter head in Kwara State, Muhammed Abdullahi, bares his mind on the activities. Excerpts.

What inspired the creation of your organisation (GenVoices) and what does it stands for?

As you possibly know, Gen-Voices is the abridged inter-change for generational voices. Sometimes, we call ourselves Genvoices and at other times we call ourselves Generational Voices. They are both the same, only that one is a short form of the other. The name itself sug-gests what we stand for. Genera-tional voices mean the voices of a generation, my generation, your generation. As they say, it takes a generation to make a Nation great; and we have cho-sen to be that generation.

GenVoices is a growing and widely acclaimed global move-ment of Nigerians aged 18 to 40, but inclusive of a huge network of older mentors and support-ers who share in our youth-ful passion to lend our voices towards the realization of the change we seek. Depending on which statistics you choose to

believe, it is estimated that over 70% of the 160 million Nigerian population (October 2011 figure) are youth. Similarly, 60% of reg-istered voters are between the ages of 18 and 35. Therefore, if the statistics released by the Independent Electoral Commis-sion (INEC) last year, which es-timated that the total number of registered voters in Nigeria stands at 73.5 million, is sacro-sanct, then it also means that more than half (44.1 million precisely) of the Nigerian vot-ers are youth. How can we, as youths, take advantage of this humongous number? This is one of the questions GenVoices seek answers to.

Genvoices is inspired by the sheer desire to mobilise the large army of youths of this country to bring about a new beginning for Nigeria. Gen-voices seeks to validate the as-sumption that in 21st century Nigeria, the active and dynamic youthful population, rather than oil, may be the catalyst for development. If you are con-versant with social media, you must have noticed the extent to which our fellow youths vent their anger, frustration and disappointment on the govern-ment and the political class. But hiding behind the new media to us is a lazy and passive activ-ism. Genvoices seek to actively convert online (and of course offline) energy and efforts into practical national change.

What are objectives of the group?

Talking about our objectives, Genvoices seeks to harness the strengths, energy and talents of our generation for national problem-solving. We aim to

transform the extremely harsh and not so harsh online vitu-perations and anger into offline actions. It is our objective that we foster a global and local dia-logues to create benchmarks for the kind of leaders we desire, just as it is our desire to develop deliberate systems to ensure the emergence of outstanding leaders, identify, groom and support such leaders. Indeed, our holistic objective is to birth

comprehensive and sustainable social, technological, economic and political (STEP) solutions to national challenges by our generation.

2015 is around the corner. What efforts are being made to mobil-ise and sensitize youths on their participation?

Let me state clearly that Gen-voices is not tied to any politi-cal season, either 2015 or 2019. In as much as we realise that political power is the podium on which other practical ef-forts for change will stand, we do not set out to play politics

with Genvoices; even though our members are encouraged to join political parties and ac-tively participate in the politi-cal process.

Like everyone else, we be-lieve that to take charge you have to take part. So we have embarked on a campaign to en-courage every young person in this country to register to be card carrying members of any political parties of their choice. We believe that politics as a pro-cess that leads to the formation of government is too serious a business to be left in the hands of politicians alone. We all must take part.

Yes, we call ourselves Gen-voices, but we do know that we need more than the voices to realise our objectives, we need to take some deliberate actions and do the needful. So we have consistently encouraged our members all over Nigeria and in Kwara specifically to show interest in voting and the elec-toral process in general.

With the knowledge that the Constitution of Nige-ria permits you to vote once you are 18, we embarked on what we tagged ‘Change Them Young’ campaign to secondary schools, specifically targeting SS. 2 and 3 students, most of whom would either be 18 be-fore 2015 or shortly after. As at today, Genvoices Kwara has in its register over 600 second-ary school students who will be 18 before the 2015 elec-tion and therefore eligible to vote. We are encourag-ing them to take charge of their future by using their votes to elect a government that will be interested in their growth as true future leaders.

Youths are set for a new Nigeria - Abdullahi

Young children who sleep less eat more, which can lead to obesity and relat-

ed health problems later in life, reports a new study by UCL re-searchers.

According to the report pub-lished in, the study found that 16 month-old children who slept for less than 10 hours each day consumed on average 105kcal more per day than children who slept for more than 13 hours. This is an increase of around 10% from 982kcal to 1087kcal.

Associations between eating, weight and sleep have been re-ported previously in older chil-dren and adults, but the study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, is the first to directly link sleep to energy intake in children under the age of 3 years. The association was observed before differences in weight emerged, strongly sug-gesting that energy intake is a key pathway through which sleep contributes to weight gain in early childhood. While the ex-act causes remain unclear, the regulation of appetite hormones may become disrupted by short-er sleeping patterns.

The study, funded by Cancer Research UK, involved 1303 UK families in the Gemini birth cohort, monitoring sleep when children were 16 months old and diet at 21 months old.

“We know that shorter sleep in early life increases the risk of obesity, so we wanted to under-stand whether shorter sleeping children consume more calo-ries” explains Dr Abi Fisher of the Health Behaviour Research Centre at UCL. “Previous stud-ies in adults and older children have shown that sleep loss causes people to eat more, but in early life parents make most of the decisions about when and how much their children eat, so young children cannot be assumed to show the same pat-terns.

“The key message here is that shorter sleeping children may prone to consume too many calo-ries,” says Dr Fisher. “Although more research is needed to un-derstand why this might be, it is something parents should be made aware of.”

Shorter sleepers are over-eaters among children - study

National 45Young & Next GenerationThursday, April 10, 2014

A horse wearing nose band.

A nose band is actually a part of horses bridle and it encircles the jaw

and the nose. A nose band is ac-tually one of the foremost tools used by human beings to domes-ticate an animal, in this case a horse. The nose band has sev-eral uses:

Traditionally nose band has been used to give a good look to the horse. In the ancient times, the nose band was tied around the nose of the horse to make it look well proportionate. The nose band is tied in vari-ous ways to make the face look handsome. Horses with wide head are tied with a broad nose band to make them look deli-cate.

Nose band are also used to keep the mouths of the horse shut. Often, horses evade the bit by opening their mouth far wide. A nose band helps in pre-venting the horse from evading the bit. It also helps in prevent-ing a horse from putting its tongue over the bit.

Nose bands are also used to stop a rider from pulling and

exerting more control over the horse.

At times nose band is also used as an attachment for equip-ment like standing martingale or shadow roll.

Sometimes, nose bands are simple used for decorating a

horse and do not have any oth-er use. The selection of a nose band for a horse totally depends on the size of a horse’s head. Nasal bone, jaw, tongue, bars and the chewing musculature are the important parts of a horses’ anatomy while selecting

a nose band.A nose band must be very

carefully tied around the nose of a horse else it can cause se-vere damage to a horse and in extreme cases can prove fatal too.

Source: whydo

Why do horses wear nose bands?Science for Kids

Leonard okachie

The Secretary-General of the International Telecom-munication Union (ITU),

Dr Hamadoun Toure, has urged youths around the world to ac-quire digital literacy skills.

Toure said in a statement in Lagos that digital literacy skills would qualify the youth for the growing Information and Com-munications Technology (ICT) jobs.

He said that digital solutions had an important role to play in national strategies to overcome youth unemployment, across the globe.

Toure said: “This includes en-suring that youths around the world obtain digital literacy skills to qualify for the growing number of jobs that demand ICT skills.

“Governments should promote youth entrepreneurs by support-ing innovation hubs, mobile app competitions, co-working spaces for digital entrepreneurs, online mentoring networks and a host of other innovative ICT-enabled resources.’’

He said that according to the International Labour Organisa-tion, 73 million young people are today unemployed worldwide, and three times as many are un-

deremployed.The official attributed one of

the causes of youth unemploy-ment to skills mismatch between what the market was demanding and what institutions of learning - both formal and informal - were providing.

According to him, in particu-lar, many youth are not learning the digital skills that have become essential in virtually every mar-ket segment.

He stated: “The good news is that there is an explosion of new online learning opportunities for the youth to get the skills they need.

“The ongoing information and communication technology revo-lution is transforming existing sectors and fuelling new business creation such as the apps economy that didn’t exist a few years ago.

“The demand for both basic and more advanced ICT skills cuts across all sectors, from agricul-ture and construction to education and service industries, to ICT jobs themselves, in both developing and developed countries.

“Equipping young people with digital skills open doors to a range of jobs and business opportuni-ties.’’

The Director of ITU’s Telecom-

munication Development Bureau, Mr. Brahima Sanou, said that youth could be connected to the new op-portunities in ICT by being aware of the forces and innovations shap-ing and reshaping employment and entrepreneurship.

“It is a dynamic environment where governments and other stakeholders need to be adept at developing and launching initiatives in real time.This is a challenging task, yet it is some-thing that can, and must, be done.It is imperative that we act quickly to improve the work-force prospects of the next genera-tion,’’ Sanou added.

ITU tasks youngsters on digital literacy

Members of Atilogu dance cultural troupe performing at a school ceremony in Ikorodu, Lagos. Photo, LEONARD OKACHIE

A cross section of participants at the workshop organised by DAME.

Cole Kadaria Ahmed

Organisers of Proma-sidor Quill Awards, Promasidor Nigeria

Limited, makers of Cow-bell Milk, has released the names of the judges for the 2014 edition of the coveted journalism awards. The panel of judges compris-ing seasoned practitioners will appraise entries for the awards.

The judges according to the statement by the com-pany’s Head of Legal and Public Relations, Mr. An-drew Enahoro, includes distinguished profession-als namely: Ambassador

Patrick Dele Cole, a veteran journalist, who returns as chairman of the panel of judges; Professor Emevwo Biakolo, Dean of School of Media and Communi-cation of the Pan Atlantic University (PAU); Kadaria Ahmed, former editor of 234 Next, Joseph Okonmah, Chairman, Nigerian In-stitute of Public Relations (NIPR), Lagos Chapter; and Reze Bonna, a renowned celebrity photographer and Architect.

Enahoro who said the selection of the panel was based on the high profile of

the personalities which in-cludes their experience and integrity. He also reiterated his company’s commit-ment to rewarding excel-

lence and professionalism in journalism.

He added that “Proma-sidor Quill Awards is com-mitted to setting the pace

on rewarding journalists based on merit for their work and not a self-seeking approach to get accolades, but a professional platform of assessment, recognition and reward for outstanding journalistic work,”.

He reminded would- be contestants for the awards that each of the seven categories of the awards (Best Report on Nutrition, Best CSR & Industry Re-port of the Year, Educa-tion Reporter of the Year, Best Photo Story of the Year, Best Report on Chil-dren, Future Writer of the

Year and Brand Advocate of the Year) seeks to re-ward excellent reportage about these issues as it concerns or affects society and industry. He added that eligibility for the awards has no bias regarding the content or the direction be-sides fulfilling the criteria for the awards.

“A media house must have published the en-tries within 1st April 2013 through to 30th April 2014. Our distinguished panel of judges to select the winners for the year 2013/14 will as-sess all entries,” he stated.

StorieS: Leonard okachie

Journalists have been encouraged to al-ways look for fresh

angles to present their stories in response to the changing landscape for news presentation, espe-cially with the advent of New Media.

They are equally en-joined to report analyti-cally and interpretatively, shunning value-laden words and adjectives as those words only show the biases of the journalist and turn off their audi-ences.

These were part of the resolutions at a one-day workshop organised by the Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME) at the Sheraton Hotels and Towers in Lagos recently.

The workshop, which had as its theme, “Wid-ening the Pools of Ex-cellence,” was aimed at developing journalists’ capacity, especially in de-ficient areas that were identified in DAME en-tries over the years so that the goals of impacting positively on the Nige-rian media development landscape can be further enhanced through robust reporting that the public can trust and use.

It had in attendance 68 journalists drawn from such media organisations as The Punch, National Mirror, Daily Independent, The Nation, The Guard-ian, Daily Sun, Leader-ship, Thisday, Blueprint, BusinessDay, and Nigeri-an Tribune.

Four facilitators in-cluding former Editor-in-Chief of The Guardian, Mr. Femi Kusa; Dr. Bisi Olawunmi of the Mass Communication Depart-ment, Bowen University, Iwo; Managing Director, Daily Independent News-papers Limited, Mr. Ted Iwere and Vice Chairman of Harpostrophe, Mr. Tai-

wo Obe.These facilitators ad-

dressed issues in: “Instill-ing Journalistic Values”, “Deepening News Judg-ment and Presentation” and “Improving Research & Writing Skills.”

In a communiqué by the Chairman and Secretary Communique Committee, Mr. Lanre Idowu and Mr. Kunle Ogedengbe respec-tively, journalists are also encouraged to utilize the multi platforms available to present news by incor-porating elements of vid-eo, graphics, and charts to illustrate their stories, enhance believability and connect better with their audiences.

A Roundtable, moder-ated by four facilitators examined the application of issues raised at the three earlier sessions to Health Reporting, Sports Reporting, Insurance and Capital Market Reporting, and General Reporting.

The moderators includ-ed: former Banker and Deputy Editor (Business) of The Guardian, Mr. Jide Ogundele, ace Photogra-pher and Documentarian Mr. Tam Fiofori ; Edito-rial Page Editor of The Sun Mrs. Wale Sokunbi, ;, Executive Director Head High International, Mrs. Tinu Odugbemi; former Editor of Daily Inde-pendent, Mr. Ikechukwu Amaechi ; and, the DAME Trustee, and CEO Dia-mond Publications Lim-ited, publishers of Media Review, Mr. Lanre Idowu .

However, these stake-holders also resolved that journalists should explore the widening opportu-nities available to them to share their findings

through blogging, web-casting especially in cases where their stories can-not be published in their traditional platforms be-cause of conflicting House policies/interests, having weighed their options.

They further enjoined journalists to respect the foundational values of their profession of truth-seeking by observing the doctrines of accuracy and depth of investiga-tion, fairness by pursuing balance and reflecting context, regard for their audiences through use of engaging prose and appro-priate choice and framing of subject matter relevant to their lives.

Journalists, they main-tained, should embrace self regulation and deepen public confidence in the Nigerian media through willingness to correct

lapses and obedience to professional censure.

They also called for ad-equate funding of media operations to reduce the embarrassing spectacle of media houses owing accu-mulated staff salaries and exposing journalists to compromising situations.

Media houses are en-couraged to get the time sequence of news distri-bution right and also set up radar desks that will routinely scan the news and feed the newsroom with fresh angles to deep-en their news judgment and presentation.

Part of the resolution was for the media hous-es to check their weak-nesses and develop a new Management Model that strengthens their capac-ity to attract greater rev-enue without resorting to granting desperate adver-

tisement discounts that cannot help them keep their heads above waters.

Similarly, they resolved that one way to improve media content is by seg-menting a storyline into as many as 12 parts, which if well executed can gener-ate an exclusive running story for one week. They stressed that if this is well promoted can engage audience interest and pa-tronage and improve the bottom line.

Apart from these, me-dia houses are encouraged to set up project teams to increase their competitive performance in the mar-ket.

In a bid to deepen con-fidence in media content shared with their publics, Media houses are urged to strengthen quality control units with knowledgeable and experienced editorial

staff.The stakeholders

charged the Nigerian Press Organisations (NPO), incorporating the Newspaper Proprietors’ Association of Nigeria (NPAN), Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Ni-gerian Guild of Editors (NGE), and other media bodies to institute a well structured Media Capac-ity Building Fund for continuous training and re-training of journalists.

The organizers and participants commended the sponsors—Punch Ni-geria Ltd, Sovereign Trust Insurance Co and Vintage Press Ltd. for enhancing media capacity by col-laborating with DAME to organize the training and called for more of such training with other part-ners for the good health of the profession.

Journalists charged to explore fresh angles to stories

Dele Cole, Biakolo, others are judges for Quill Awards

46 Media Thursday, April 10, 2014 National Mirror

Executive members of the Lagos Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ and National Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ receiving the royal blessing at the palace of Akran of Badagry, preparatory to hosting of NAWOJ National Delegates Conference in the ancient city.

Michelle Obama became one of the first users with Twitter’s new profile design Tuesday.


Leonard okachie

Candidate for presi-dency of the Nige-ria Association of

Women Journalists Na-tional (NAWOJ), Mrs Ifey-inwa Omowole has called for unity among members to advance the interest and development of the association.

Omowole made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nige-ria (NAN) shortly after

addressing women jour-nalists on her plans to advance the cause of the association in Benin.

She promised to focus on training and retrain-ing of the members, if elected president at the upcoming NAWOJ elec-tion, scheduled for May 17.

Omowole said: ``The only way the women jour-nalists can foster peace in the association and the country is to promote sis-terhood, which is love for

one another.``In the last six years, I

have had the opportunity of working with two pres-idents as deputy, I have learnt a lot from them.I am making a commitment to build on the achieve-ments of our ``founding mothers.’’

She said every member of the association was a potential leader, and so leadership training would be one of her cardinal programmes.

``NAWOJ will be 25

years this year but we do not have a secretariat of our own. I am assuring members that if voted in, I will solicit the assis-tance of some notable citi-zens to set up a secretariat for NAWOJ,” she said.

Omowole promised to, among other things, en-sure the glory of the asso-ciation as was done by its past presidents and also uphold the integrity of its members.

The Director-Gener-al, Bureau of Pub-lic Service Reforms

(BPSR), Dr Joe Abah, has urged information offi-cers to regard the media as partners in progress, rather than adversaries.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, Abah said this yesterday in Abuja at a workshop organised for Information Officers on Communicat-ing the Public Service Re-forms.

He said that members of the public needed to be adequately informed on government policies that would better their liveli-hood.

Abah said: `The public discourse in Nigeria is of-ten dominated by politics; this means that many citizens are not aware of government efforts to im-

prove their lives.“Thankfully, the press

are becoming more bal-anced in their reporting, also being willing to pub-licise good news rather than just focus on bad news. Their professional-ism and patriotism is to be commended and sup-ported.

“I urge resident infor-mation officers to treat members of the press as partners in progress, rather than as adversar-ies.

``This means that as public servants we must be available to answer questions when they are asked by the press.

``We must be available to explain government policy; we must respond to freedom of information requests.”

He said that informa-

tion officers must be will-ing to respond to freedom of information requests and engage in proactive disclosure, adding ``Pub-lic service is after all pub-lic, rather than private.”

Earlier, the Director, Public Communication, Federal Ministry of In-formation, Mr. Emmanuel Agbegin, said that the

workshop was designed to give the resident infor-mation officers deeper understanding of public service reforms.

He said that would equip them with the best approach to communicate the reforms to members of the public.

``The world is not static and modern methodolo-gies on every subject, in-cluding reforms, are be-ing propagated daily to improve citizens’ welfare and make the world a bet-ter place,” he said.

Agbegin said that com-petent information of-ficers from the Federal Ministry of Information had been posted to Min-istries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) for ef-fective communication between the MDAs and the public.

The State-run Sun-day Mail newspa-per has apologised

to senior MDC-T official Roy Bennett, after falsely claiming that he criticised party president Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership qualities in an interview with the paper.

In a story titled ‘Ben-nett Slams Tsvangirai’ published on March 23rd, the Sunday Mail ‘quoted’ Bennett as saying he and other MDC-T officials had lost faith in Tsvangirai, whom the story labelled “strong-headed and “pow-er-hungry”.

When SW Radio Africa contacted Bennett over the story, he denied speak-ing to anyone from the Sunday Mail, or discuss-ing internal party issues with the media.

“I never made any com-

ments nor have I done any interviews with anyone, I never have and never will talk to the ZANUPF pro-paganda machine. I am not doing any interviews on internal party issues,” Bennett told SW Radio Af-rica by email.

In its retraction and apology this weekend, the Sunday Mail indicated that through his lawyers Bennett had distanced himself from the false story.

The newspaper at-tributed the story to a Bulawayo-based freelance reporter, Simba Jemwa, but said he “has been un-reachable on his mobile phone after claiming that he has a voice recording of the purported inter-view.”

Sunday Mail editor Brezhnev Malaba has

Zimbabwean paper retracts story, fires editor

Conference: NAWOJ candidate urges unity

Information officers advised to cooperate with media

Twitter unveils new profile page designCalling the changes

“a whole new you,” Twitter announced

Tuesday that it will be rolling out a fresh design and new features to user profile pages. The compa-ny says the changes will make self-expression on the social network “even easier” and “more fun.”

The new design gives Twitter users a much larger profile photo and a customized header image. Twitter says the new pro-file will highlight specific tweets and allow people searching through pro-file pages to find the kind of tweets they want. For example, followers can choose to see just tweets with photos and videos or replies in Twitter con-versations.

A user can pin a favor-ite tweet to the top of his

or her profile page, while tweets with the most retweets and replies will appear slightly larger so they are easier for others to find.

The new profile pages are currently available only to a small group of existing users as well as those new to Twitter. The social media company says the new features will be available to every-one in the coming weeks.

Among the first Twit-ter users to get the new profile design: first lady Michelle Obama (@flo-tus), boxer Floyd May-weather (@FloydMay-weather), actress Kerry Washington (@kerry-washington), and the band Weezer (@weezer

Source : CNN

Media Abroad

Thursday, April 10, 2014 47MediaNational

Five jostle to be Fayose’s deputy

Fayemi promises more jobs as campaign hits Ilejemeje

Monarch to politicians: Don’t mislead our youths

L-R: Former member of the National Assembly, Senator Emmanuel Owen; Ekiti State governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi; deputy governor, Prof. Modupe Adelabu and former governor of Abia State, Chief Orji Uzor Kalu, during a visit by the former governor to Fayemi in Ado Ekiti, yesterday.

The Alara of Aramo-ko Ekiti in Ekiti West Local Govern-

ment Area, Oba Olu Adey-emi, has cautioned politi-cians against using youth as agents of destabilization in the June 21 governor-ship election in Ekiti State.

The first class traditional ruler said that politicians should instead focus on youth empowerment and how to wean them of criminalities.

Oba Adeyemi spoke in his palace yesterday when a House of Representatives member, Hon Oyetunde Ojo, paid him a courtesy call as part of the lawmaker’s efforts to drum support for the re-election of the All Progressives Congress, APC, aspirant, Governor Kayode Fayemi.

Lamenting politicians’ penchant for distributing stipends to youth in the name of politics which had made the younger ones vulnerable to criminal activities “since such money is not enough to give them

the needed financial support that could transform their lives,” the monarch said: “We want to urge politicians to begin to involve our youth in productive things. We want them to be empowered by way of helping them to acquire higher certificates. We want them to be empowered to set up businesses or train them in skill acquisition so that they can be employers of labour.”

In his speech, the lawmaker said that he had taken youth empowerment as the kernel of his policy apart from the infrastructural facilities he had initiated and completed in various towns in the constituency since his election in 2011.

Ojo said: “No responsible leader would expose the youth, who are the future leaders to crimes. The youth unemployment in the country is a time bomb waiting to explode, so all hands must be on the deck to checkmate it.”



Kalu drums support for Fayemi’s re-electionSTORIES: ABIODUN NEJOADO EKITI

Former Governor of Abia State, Dr Orji Uzo Kalu, has urged

the people of Ekiti State to support the state governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi’s re-election, saying that he has been able to deliver on the promises he made to the people.

The former governor, who addressed journalists shortly after a visit to Gov-

ernor Fayemi at his official residence, said he is on tour of the country to preach national unity, adding that Fayemi has provided the people access to good roads, quality education and health among other devel-opmental strides.

Saying that he was im-pressed by the diligence and commitment with which Fayemi delivered the

dividends of democracy to the people, Orji added that he has got reports from the people that the governor is performing well.

Orji said: “Ekiti people should rally round the gov-ernor. According to what Ekiti people said, the gover-nor has done very well. He has put in the mechanism and software for the job. Everything will not come

in one day. You will start from somewhere and oper-ate it. He is giving them ac-cess to good roads, access to education and health and there is no doubt that I have been impressed since I have gone through the South-West based on what I saw on ground.

The former governor, who described the position of governor as a burden of

service, added that he was sure the PDP would battle Fayemi in the election but he is convinced the gover-nor would win, warning the different political par-ties to play with decency and honour and avoid blood shedding in the com-ing election.

Speaking on national unity, Orji said all hands must be on deck for the sur-vival of the country and ad-vocated a two-party system, saying that this will further strengthen democracy and give it more meaning.

Governor Fayemi laud-ed Orji for the patriotic step he is taking towards the sustenance of the unity of Nigeria, saying that this transcends political and re-ligious affiliations.

Opining that Nigerian leaders will be able to see

•Advocates two-party system

beyond present challenges, Fayemi said Orji’s gesture keeps hope alive that Nige-ria has a future.

He added that he would never engage in the poli-tics of bitterness even though people will want to take sides during elections, stressing that his adminis-tration will never mix poli-tics and governance as he is committed to banishing poverty from the state.

Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net48 Thursday, April 10, 2014

As reconciliatory moves in the Peoples Democratic Party,

PDP, in Ekiti State continues, intensive lobbying for the po-sition of the running mate to the party’s governorship candidate, Mr Ayodele Fay-ose, has continued.

No fewer than five chief-tains of the party are in the race to become Fayose’s deputy in the June 21 gov-ernorship election.

The five, according to sources in the party, are the PDP state deputy chairman, Femi Bamisile; former coun-cil secretary, Wale Ayeni; Chief Bisi Aloba; Dr Kunle Afolayan; and a retired per-manent secretary, Dr Mrs Alade.

Mrs Alade is from the Northern senatorial dis-trict, while the others are from Ekiti South senato-rial district, which had struggled to produce the candidate before it lost it to Fayose from the Central senatorial district.

Sources said the large number of contenders from Ekiti South was due to the need to placate the people of the area, who had

been strong in their call for the zoning of the governor-ship slot to the area.

Indications, however, emerged that Aloba, who hails from Ikere Ekiti and a rallying point for the youth, has an edge over the others in the contest in view of his acceptability and contribu-tions to the party’s growth.

Although party leaders are still trying to bring different groups within the party together, the major consideration may be that of steadfastness in the party.

Meanwhile, PDP leaders in the state are meeting na-

tional leaders of the party in Abuja, in what National Mirror gathered was an at-tempt to bring all warring groups together and arrive at how the campaign of the party would go.

The meeting is also ex-pected to find means of compensating aggrieved aspirants and others as far as the recent primary of the party was concerned.

Meanwhile, ahead of the June 21 poll, leader-ship of the PDP and can-didate of the party, Fayose yesterday held a closed door meeting at the party’s secretary in Abuja over

grey areas before the polls.The meeting which lasted

several hours, was said to be connected with attempt by the party to reconcile ag-grieved governorship aspi-rants who have threatened ‘fire’ over the party’s pri-mary election where Fayose emerged as the PDP’s candi-date in the June 21 poll.

National Mirror gath-ered that Prince Dayo Adeyeye, who before now was in the camp of the 13 aggrieved aspirants that faulted the primary elec-tion has insisted to be made running mate to Fay-ose to achieve truce.

Ekiti State governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, yesterday promised

to create more jobs for the citizens of the state if he is re-elected in the June 21 governorship poll.

Fayemi, who made the pledge when his campaign train hits Ilejemeje Local Government Area, said cre-ation of more jobs is para-

•As PDP, Fayose meet, desperate for reconciliation

mount in his administra-tion’s agenda if he succeeds in securing second term.

Addressing rallies to drum support for his re-elec-tion in communities like Ipere, Ijaro, Eda-Oniyo, Ilu-dun, Obada, Iye, Ijesamodu and Ewu, where he charged voters to use their votes to ensure continuity of good governance being witnessed

in the state, Fayemi noted that his administration has created lots of jobs since he became governor in 2010.

Members of ethnic com-munities like Tivs and Ebi-ras, who are resident in the towns also pledged their sup-port for Fayemi, whom they described as a “sincere and performing governor who has touched lives positively in

the last three and half years.”The governor said

his administration has reached out to more inves-tors to establish industries and other businesses in the state to absorb more unem-ployed people in the state, adding: “I have discussed with many investors who are willing and ready to es-tablish businesses in Ekiti

and we have assured them of many incentives to at-tract investors.”

Fayemi said that the entire people of the state have seen the roads, schools, palaces, town halls, electricity and other public infrastructures but job creation and econom-ic empowerment of citizens will receive adequate atten-tion during his second term.

Rev. Chris Okotie, speaking on the state of the nation

National 49


Thursday, April 10, 2014

World NewsI hope that the initiative of Russian foreign ministry

on adjusting the situation and changing it for the better will have consequences, and that the

outcome will be positive50

Reeva Steenkamp’s mother June being comforted by family lawyer Dup de Bruyn when a graphic photo of her daughter was shown, yesterday.

WORLD BULLETINI accidentally fi red my gun four times -Pistorius

MSF accuses UN of indifference in South Sudan

Diseases are rife at the camp because of the UN’s failure to act, MSF says

Kenya has sent back 82 Somalis to Somalia after launching a mas-sive security force operation to flush out illegal immigrants and militant Islamists.

The group had been in Kenya illegally, a Somali diplomat said.

Nearly 4,000 people across the country have been arrested in raids over the past week, and police say 447 of those are still in custody in the capital.

Somali militants have carried out a wave of attacks in Kenya since 2011.

The security operation has focused on Eastleigh, a mainly So-mali neighbourhood in the capital, Nairobi.

At least six people were killed in grenade explosions in Eastleigh on 31 March.

However, Kenya’s government believes that Somalia’s militant Islamist group, al-Shabaab, oper-ates in Eastleigh, and has support among some Somalis living there.

Those arrested included women and children. They were taken to a sports stadium and various police stations to be interrogated and for their legal status to be checked, cor-respondents say.

The United States urged Burundi’s president to drop planned consti-tutional changes that could upset a delicate ethnic power balance, warn-ing that the country risked a return to the “dark days” of civil war.

Samantha Power, the U.S. ambas-sador to the United Nations met President Pierre Nkurunziza - who might be allowed to run for a third term under a new constitution - and told him he should leave the current system in place.

“What we stressed was that the president has a tremendous legacy and he has built with the people of Burundi some great successes from 2005 until the very present,” Power told a news conference in Bujum-bura after her meeting.

UN peacekeepers failed to protect civilians in Sudan’s Darfur region, even when they were shot in front of them, a former UN spokeswoman has said.

Aicha el Basri told the BBC UN chief Ban Ki-moon was part of a “conspiracy of silence” about the conflict.

She said she resigned last year because she “felt ashamed to be a spokesperson for a mission that lies”.

Responding, a UN official said the mission was doing a “brave” job and reported “faithfully on what we know”.

Oscar Pistorius testified yesterday that he didn’t “purposefully” fire his

gun four times killing his girl-friend Reeva Steenkamp, that the gunfire was an accident.

Pistorius’ statement came dur-ing the first day of a withering cross examination by prosecu-tor Gerrie Nel who tore into the Blade Runner’s often emotional account of how he claims to have mistaken his lover during the night for a burglar. The legless athlete could be facing at least 25 years in prison if convicted.

“What did you do?” Nel asked early in his cross examination. “You killed Reeva Steenkamp, that’s what you did.”

“I made a mistake,” Pistorius repeated several times in a soft voice.

“You made a mistake?” Nel fired back. “You killed a person. You shot and killed Reeva Steen-kamp. Why don’t you take re-sponsibility for that?”

The prosecutor asked Pis-torius about the term “zombie stopper,” referring to video aired by Sky News earlier this year in which Pistorius is seen firing at a watermelon. As the fruit explodes, whoops of joy can be heard followed by Pistorius’ voice saying, “It’s not as soft as brains, but f..k, it’s a zombie stopper.”

Nel then showed a close-up photo of Steenkamp’s head wound, instructing Pistorius to look at it.

“You know the same happened to Reeva’s head. It exploded... It had the exact same effect, the bullet that went into her head,” Nel said.

Pistorius, now sobbing, re-plied, “I remember ... my fingers touched her head. I do not have to look at a picture.”

A recess was taken so Pisto-rius could compose himself, and

when testimony resumed Pisto-rius insisted that he accidentally fired the four shots through his locked bathroom door. He had previously testified that he feared an intruder was in his bathroom during the night and that he was “overcome” with fear.

“I did not purposefully fire the shots through the door,” he said yesterday, saying the shooting was an accident.

“The accident was that I dis-charged my firearm because I believed an intruder was coming

to attack me... The discharge was accidental,” Pistorius said.

“Before thinking, out of fear, I had fired four shots,” he said, sniffing back tears.

Nel snapped that Pistorius was only getting emotional because the questions were difficult.

“My life is on the line. Of course I’m thinking about the consequences of my answers,” Pistorius said.

“And Reeva doesn’t have life anymore,” Nel fired back.

Before the cross examination

Of these, 803,200 have been displaced within the country, and another 254,000 have fled to neigh-bouring countries, according to a UN report released last month.

The UN has around 8,000 peacekeepers in South Sudan, the world’s newest state.

Diarrhoeal diseases, respira-tory infections and skin diseases had broken out among displaced people at the compound, MSF said in a statement.

The UN’s failure to improve conditions was “shameful” , it added.

“In the first rainfall of the sea-son 150 latrines collapsed, mixing with floodwater. People are living in natural drainage channels as

there is no other space and there are 65 people per latrine,” said Carolina Lopez, MSF’s emergen-cy coordinator.

“The rains, which will last the best part of six months, are get-ting heavier and if nothing is done right now, the consequences,

A medical charity has ac-cused the UN in South Sudan of showing

“shocking indifference” to-wards displaced people shelter-ing at one of its compounds.

About 21,000 people were “liv-ing in flood water contaminated with faecal matter” at the UN’s Tromping base in the capital, Juba, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said.

The UN has not yet reacted.The group sought refuge at the

compound after fighting broke out between government and reb-els in December.

More than one million people have fled their homes since the conflict began.

20 stabbed at U.S. high school

–Russian President Vladimir Putin

Kenya deports illegal Somalis after Nairobi raids

US urges Burundi to drop constitution changes

‘UN troops failed to stop attacks in Darfur’

already horrific, could become fa-tal,” she added.

The violence which caused the displaced people to flee erupted on 15 December between pro-govern-ment forces loyal to President Sal-va Kiir and soldiers backing Riek Machar, his former vice-president.

20 stabbed at U.S. high schoolA teenager armed with

two knives has gone on a rampage at a high

school in the US state of Penn-sylvania, injuring 19 students and a security guard.

The 16-year-old student was taken into custody at Franklin Regional High School in Mur-rysville, a suburb of Pittsburgh, police said.

The wounded, some with se-rious stab wounds to the torso, were as young as 14. Several were in surgery in hospital.

All are expected to survive.Eight patients were trans-

ported to nearby Forbes Region-al Hospital, three of whom had suffered severe injuries.

Two of those patients were in critical condition, while up to four were expected to recover from superficial wounds, Dr Mark Rubino told reporters.

Morris Hundley was called to collect his daughter, after receiving a frantic phone call from her

The school will be closed for the next several days as investi-gators process the crime scene, Gennaro Piraino, superinten-

dent of the Franklin Regional school district said.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured and all of those affected by this awful tragedy,” he said. “I pray and we pray every day that this doesn’t happen.”

The initial report of the attack came before 08:00 local time (12:00 GMT) on Wednesday morning.

“A critical incident has oc-

curred at the high school,” school officials wrote in a bulle-tin. “All elementary schools are cancelled, the middle school and high school students are secure.”

The panicked students poured out of the school building, some suffering injuries in the chaos, as police descended in search of the suspected attacker.

Among the injured was a se-

curity guard, Murrysville Police Chief Thomas Seefeld said.

Morris Hundley said his “frantic” 14-year-old daughter Morriah called him to say a friend of hers had been stabbed at the school in Murrysville.

“She needed me or my wife to come get her,” he said. “She was just frantic, I never heard her talk like that.”

New ping signals spark confi dence in Malaysia jet search

Australian officials said yesterday two new “ping” signals had been detected in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight

MH370, boosting confidence after more than

Car bombings kill 25 in Syria

Emergency responders converged on Franklin Regional High School following reports of a mass stabbing, yesterday

a month of fruitless searching for the missing jetliner.

The signals, which could be from the plane’s black box recorders, bring to four the number of overall “pings” de-tected in recent days within the search area by a U.S. Navy “Towed Pinger

A Syrian army tank near Aleppo (25 March 2014) Syrian

troops are putting pressure on rebels near the Leba-nese border and around Damascus and Aleppo

Two car bombs have ex-ploded in the Syrian city of Homs, killing at least 25 people and wounding scores more, state news agency Sana said.

The report blamed “ter-rorists” for the blasts, half an hour apart, in the Karam al-Luz district.

In a separate develop-ment, the rebel-held town of Rankous, north of Da-mascus, is reported to have fallen to government forces.

State TV said the final battle to capture Rankous lasted 18 hours.

In a live report from the strategically important town, it said that the gov-ernment victory came af-ter weeks of intense fight-ing.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights - a UK-based activist group - said rebel fighters had with-drawn from Rankous at the request of residents after a truce was agreed.

Italy has rescued 4,000 migrants from boats trying to reach European shores in the past 48 hours in a deepening immigration crisis, the interior minister said on Wednesday.

Better sea conditions and turmoil in Libya, grappling with chaos and rampant militias three years after the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi, have increased the numbers risking the perilous sea journey from North Africa to try to reach Europe.

“The emergency is getting worse and there is no halt to the boats arriving,” Interior Min-ister Angelino Alfano told state-owned RAI radio. “This issue is serious and Europe must take it in hand, immediately, because this is not a Mediterranean bor-der but a European border.”

Rome has repeatedly urged the European Union to take a greater role in policing the seas as two-thirds of migrants who reach Italy travel onwards to other countries in the region. The interior minister said 15,000 migrants had arrived in Italy by sea since the start of 2014.

Rescues over the past two days included one group of 1,049 migrants containing 91 women and three babies, who were spotted by a navy helicop-ter and a drone as their boats ran into difficulty. They were rescued by ships and brought to ports on the island of Sicily.

Alfano said that on Wednes-day two commercial vessels alerted by Italian forces were aiding 661 people in distress and that at least one migrant on the boats had died during the journey.

“As we speak, there are people smugglers, merchants of death, earning and profiting from human beings, from the death of other men, and even from our timely sea rescues because it makes their trips shorter, therefore more profit-able and less risky,” he said.

Italy is a mayor gateway into Europe for migrants who cross the Mediterranean, often in overcrowded and flimsy ves-sels.

Two shipwrecks last Octo-ber, one in which 366 Eritre-ans drowned and another in which 200 mostly Syrians died, prompted the Italian govern-ment to put its navy on per-manent patrol in the waters between Sicily and North Africa.

Italy rescues 4,000 migrants in 48 hours

Japanese ambassador to Malaysia, Hideki Jufuku (R), others waving to Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force P3C crew departing to Pearce Airbase, to continue search operations of the missing Malaysia Airlines, yesterday







AJIBOLA: Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ajibola Yemisi Blessing now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Olowoniyi Yemisi Blessing. All former documents remain valid. Rufus Giwa Poly, Owo and general public note.

The family formerly known as Mr Agbaleke now wished to be known as Mr Chukwuemeka Obiora Anderson, Ndumanya Nonyelum Blessing now Mrs Chukwuemeka Nonyelum Blessing. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

UDUAFEME: Formerly known and addressed as Uduafeme Richard Omologbo, now wish to be known and addressed as Memhekhimemhe Richard Eshimikhi. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.





The general public is hereby notifi ed that the above-named Christian Centre has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Abuja for registration under Part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.

1. Hussaini Adamu - Chairman. 2. Jerry Kalu - Secretary. 3. Joseph Musah - Member. 4. Alasa Abu Ozeto - Member. 5. Sunday Unnah - Member. 6. Bello Lawal - Member. 7. Hassan Saki - Member. 8. Nnwakwo Luis - Member. 9. Zepf Uche - Member. 10. Akamad Okechukwe.

Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within 28 days

of this publication.

1. To assist members to attain their business objecties. 2. To promote cordial relationship among members and enhance their welfare.


Locator”(TPL).Angus Houston, head of the Australian

agency coordinating the search, struck an optimistic tone when announcing the in-formation, but urged caution as the task of searching the remote Indian Ocean region remained enormous.

“I believe we are searching in the right area but we need to visually identify air-craft wreckage before we can confirm with certainty that this is the final resting place of MH370,” Houston told reporters in the western Australian city of Perth.

“I’m now optimistic that we will find the aircraft, or what is left of the aircraft, in the not too distant future.”

The black boxes record cockpit data and may provide answers about what happened to the plane, which was carrying 227 pas-sengers and 12 crew when it vanished on March 8 and flew thousands of kilometers off its Kuala Lumpur-to-Beijing route.

But the batteries in the beacons have already reached the end of their 30-day ex-pected life, making efforts to swiftly locate them all the more critical.


National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net50 Thursday, April 10, 2014World News

51National Mirror

SportWhy Peaks, Hoopers were sanctioned -NBBF

I am not bothered about the possible World Cup miss. No matter what, life goes on

–Belgium international, Christian Benteke53

Thursday April 10, 2014


Former Wimbledon FC of England player, John Fashanu, has expressed worry over the face-off between the Nigeria Football Fed-

eration (NFF) and Super Eagles Coach, Stephen Keshi, warning that if their frosty relationship is not mended, it could spell doom at the World Cup.

Also yesterday, former national team coach, Chief Adegboye Onigbinde, advised Keshi to re-main steadfast and committed to the team’s suc-cess at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil this summer.

But the NFF had on Tuesday said at a news briefing in Abuja that it had settled lingering is-sues with Keshi, and to prove its goodwill, com-menced the payment of his four months’ salary arrears.

However, speaking against the backdrop of re-cent media reports, Fashanu said the crisis of con-fidence was unnecessary, adding that Keshi should

be allowed to pick his players. “Keshi has been able to blend foreign and local

players to achieve results. And if he has done this, he is a good manager so far.

“We must pat him on the back for listening to us for the inclusion of players like (Joseph) Yobo and now Osaze (Odemwingie). I like him for that. I think we are safe with Keshi,” Fashanu said.

On his part, Onigbinde condemned the frosty relationship between Keshi and the NFF.

“The issue is that some people in NFA are not comfortable with Keshi leading the country to its fifth appearance at the World Cup.

“You can’t have it all rosy when handling a huge national assignment like the World Cup. Al-though they are your employers, you owe Nigeri-ans a duty to do well in Brazil,” News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) quoted Onigbinde in a report.

The Modakeke Chief added, “The issue at hand is a national one and should be treated with utmost good faith devoid of self-serving.”

Fashanu, Fashanu, Onigbinde Onigbinde enter enter Keshi, NFF Keshi, NFF palaverpalaver

The Technical Director, Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN), Com-

modore Omatseye Nesiama,, said yesterday that the Golden League would be used to assess the current state of athletes in the country.

News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the first Golden League is billed for Sat-urday at the Abuja National Stadium.

Nesiama, who spoke on the issue, said the competition is meant for athletes especially

those in the junior and senior categories.

“In the event that a ju-nior athlete will be competing in the throws, the applicable implements according to their class will be used and results indicated accordingly,” he said.

The AFN director said only licensed athletes with registered clubs/states that had also sent in their entries for the various events would be allowed to compete in the League.

Golden League to assess Golden League to assess athletes –AFN athletes –AFN AFN boss,


Today’s fixturesBenfica vs AlkmaarJuventus vs LyonSevilla vs Porto

Valencia vs Basel

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday April 10, 2014 52 Sports52

Today’s fixturesBenfica vs AlkmaarJuventus vs LyonSevilla vs Porto

Valencia vs Basel

Old LadyOld Lady seek seek Lyon Lyon fallfall

Juventus will be looking to take another step uventus will be looking to take another step towards a Europa League final at home today towards a Europa League final at home today as they entertain Lyon in the second leg quar-as they entertain Lyon in the second leg quar-

ter final.ter final.The Serie A champions hold a 1-0 lead from the The Serie A champions hold a 1-0 lead from the

first leg at Lyon last Thursday, thanks to a late Leon-first leg at Lyon last Thursday, thanks to a late Leon-ardo Bonucci goal and home advantage means Ju-ardo Bonucci goal and home advantage means Ju-ventus is in a very strong position to progress.ventus is in a very strong position to progress.

“I am hoping for a full house tomorrow (today),” “I am hoping for a full house tomorrow (today),” Juventus Coach, Antonio Conte, said yesterday.Juventus Coach, Antonio Conte, said yesterday.

“We need our fans to get behind us like they do “We need our fans to get behind us like they do on the big occasions and to help us as we enter the on the big occasions and to help us as we enter the final straight this straight this season.

“It would be great to reach the final four, for Ital-“It would be great to reach the final four, for Ital-ian football as well as for Juve. Lyon have some good ian football as well as for Juve. Lyon have some good players on the counter, so the tie is far from over.”players on the counter, so the tie is far from over.”

The French club will be missing the creative The French club will be missing the creative talents of Clement Grenier and Yoann Gourcuff talents of Clement Grenier and Yoann Gourcuff as well as Portugal right-back Miguel Lopes and as well as Portugal right-back Miguel Lopes and midfielder Gueida Fofana, but Bafetimbi Gomis midfielder Gueida Fofana, but Bafetimbi Gomis will provide a threat after scoring his 100th goal in will provide a threat after scoring his 100th goal in France’s top flight at the weekend.France’s top flight at the weekend.

Meanwhile, Benfica also has plenty of motiva-Meanwhile, Benfica also has plenty of motiva-tion to make it to the final on May 14 after losing tion to make it to the final on May 14 after losing 2-1 to Chelsea in last season’s showpiece in Amster-2-1 to Chelsea in last season’s showpiece in Amster-dam.dam.

The Portuguese side is on the brink of winning The Portuguese side is on the brink of winning the domestic league and also takes a 1-0 lead into to-the domestic league and also takes a 1-0 lead into to-day’s second leg quarter-final tie against Dutch side day’s second leg quarter-final tie against Dutch side AZ Alkmaar at the Estadio da Luz.AZ Alkmaar at the Estadio da Luz.

“We have the ambition to win every competition “We have the ambition to win every competition but the one we want to win the most is the league. but the one we want to win the most is the league. Against AZ Alkmaar I am not going to do anything Against AZ Alkmaar I am not going to do anything that will put the league in danger,” Coach Jorge Je-that will put the league in danger,” Coach Jorge Je-sus said.sus said.

PSG Coach, Laurent Blanc, has said that his side went out of the Champions League

because the players were not wary

Why we fell to Chelsea–Blanc


Austrian side Red Bull Sal-zburg has agreed to sign former Golden Eaglets

defender, Samuel Okon.National Mirror learnt yes-

terday that the hard working left back, who has been on trials at the Austrian club since the last two weeks, attracted the manage-ment after a few days of showing his skills, is expected to pen a four-year contract when he com-pletes 18 years.

Okon’s agent, Babawo Moham-med, has arrived in Vienna to be-gin negotiation for his ward for whom the offer was tabled after being watched at close quarters for three days.

Eaglets’ Okon joins Red BullThe player’s manager,

Udot Obong Frederick Ef-fiong, who had nurtured the starlet from infancy, has also expressed delight at Red Bull’s interest.

“I’m happy that Okon is doing well and I was happy to receive the news of his progress at Red Bull Salz-burg,” he said.

“He’s a player for the fu-ture and full of promise and I hope he will rise to be an international star,” Effiong said yesterday.

Okon’s move has further increased the number of the Manu Garba-coached Gold-en Eaglets that have signed professional contracts with foreign clubs.

Nigeria yesterday won its third gold medal at the ongo-ing International Powerlift-

ing Committee (IPC) World Cham-pionships in Dubai, according to the Technical Director, Nigeria Pa-ra-powerlifting Federation (NPPF), Samuel Ekeoma.

Ekeoma told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on telephone from Dubai that Ijeoma Ihurobiem won the third gold for the country.

He said that Ihurobiem won the gold after lifting 124kg in the 73kg women’s category. Nigeria is being represented at the world champi-onships by eight males and five fe-males.

Ikeoma said Nigeria had won three gold and one bronze medal at the competition.

“This competition has been a re-markable one for our athletes. Yaku-bu Adesokan won the first gold med-al for us,” he said, while expressing confidence that Nigeria would win more medals before the champion-ships ends tomorrow.

“Adesokan broke his world record of 178kg in 46kg he earlier set at the 2012 London Olympic Games by lift-ing 181kg in the same category.

“Esther Oyema, won the second gold for Nigeria by setting a new world record in the female 55kg cat-egory.

“We are so delighted with the bril-liant performance of our athletes.”

Powerlifting: Adesokan, others

shine in Dubai of the task at Stamford Bridge.

The Paris club has now failed to go past the UCL’s quarter finals in two consecutive seasons.

“There were a num-ber of things that didn’t work and some things did,” Blanc said yester-day.

“We started the game better than we did in the first leg in Paris and managed the first 25 minutes before conced-ing when we least ex-

pected it and that gave Chelsea belief.

“In the second half Chelsea were better and we lacked fluidity, but I think we might have scored on the counter. Ultimately, Chelsea be-lieved right to the end and were rewarded.”

Blanc, however, did not say what immediate steps he would take on his team’s return home.

“The Ligue 1 is still there, so we move on,” he said.


National Thursday April 10, 2014 53Sports


The Nigeria Basketball Federation (NBBF) during the week, said it has sanctioned Plateau Peaks Basket-

ball Club of Jos and Royal Hoopers Bas-ketball Club of Port Harcourt for actions inimical to the growth of the game.

Plateau Peaks are to forfeit their Week 4 game against Gombe Bulls for abandoning the match, and for the action of their fans, who switched off the lights at the venue of the game, which prevented the visit-ing team from taking the mandatory free throws awarded them.

Royal Hoopers on their own are to for-feit their Week 1 game against Dodan War-riors for not showing up at the venue of the encounter in Lagos.

The NBBF stated that the action of Pla-teau Peaks supporters “put the game into disrepute and compromised the safety and security of the visiting team and techni-cal officials”, adding that “by walking off the court (Plateau Peaks) had deliberately abandoned the game and frustrated Due Process and consequently, by that action, forfeited the game to the visiting team”.

While acknowledging Royal Hoopers’ prompt response to the query issued them by the NBBF, the federation warned the club that their financial problems were not tenable reasons for not honouring league games and other obligations. The team was warned not to allow a reoccur-rence in future as more stringent sanc-tions will be applied.

Why Peaks, Hoopers were sanctioned -NBBFWhy Peaks, Hoopers were sanctioned -NBBF

Miami Heat star, LeB-ron James, had a dunk blocked with two sec-

onds remaining as Heat lost 88-87 by Brooklyn Nets.

James was shut down by Ma-son Plumlee just before the fi-nal buzzer as the Nets recorded a 4-0 sweep over Miami for the season.

Detroit Pistons ended a 10-game losing run at the Philips Arena thanks to a 29-point haul from Rodney Stuckey against

Atlanta Hawks on Tuesday.Stuckey’s total and double-

doubles from Greg Munroe and Andre Drummond ensured a 102-95 win.

San Antonio Spurs lost just the second time in 22 games as they went down 110-91 to Minne-sota Timberwolves, with Ricky Rubio scoring 25 points for the victors.

Dirk Nowitzki scored 21 points to move 10th on the NBA’s all-time career scoring list as

Dallas Mavericks got the better of Utah 95-83, while Oklahoma City Thunder had too much for Sacra-mento Kings, winning 107-92.

The day’s other game saw Ter-rence Jones and James Harden score 33 points each as Houston Rockets got the better of Los Angeles Lakers 145-130 in a high-scoring affair.

Lakers guard Steve Nash passed Mark Jackson-now coach of Golden State Warriors-for third place on the NBA’s all-time assist list during the win.

James falls with Miami Heat

Nowitzki, Nash make NBA historyA pair of former Dal-

las Maverick team-mates, Dirk Nowit-

zki and Steve Nash, made National Basketball Asso-ciation history on the same night by achieving a couple of milestones.

Germany’s Nowitzki fin-ished with 21 points in the Mavericks 95-83 win over Utah to move past Oscar Robertson and take over sole possession of tenth on the all time scoring list.

Nowitzki now has 26,714 points for his career, Robert-son had 26,710.

“One of the few times I’ve truly been in awe of an ac-complishment,” Nowitzki said. “Top 10 all-time scor-ers is an unbelievable ac-complishment because it’s a level of excellence that’s beyond belief.”

Los Angeles Lakers guard Nash passed Mark Jackson to grab third place all-time on the assist list. Nash now

has 10,335 career assists.Canada’s Nash set the mark

with two minutes left in the sec-ond quarter of the Lakers game against the Houston Rockets.

Jackson, who is now coach of the Golden State Warriors, congratulated Nash via Twit-ter.

“Congrats to the great Steve Nash on passing me on the all time assist list! I am honored!! God Bless.”

Nash played for the Maver-icks from 1998 to 2004.

Ike Alvadogo (left) of Dodan Warrior trying to dribble Union Bank player in a game at the ongoing 2014 Nigeria DStv Premier Basketball League played at the Indoor Sports Hall of National Stadium, Lagos. Union Bank won by 64-62 points.

Hoodlums burn APC ward offi ce in bauchi

2015: INEC to create more polling units


Unknown hoodlums yesterday razed the Bauchi Local

Government secretariat of the All Peoples Con-gress, APC, ahead of the ward congress.

Police Public Relations Officer Bauchi State Com-mand, Deputy Superin-tendent of Police, DSP, Haruna Mohammed said that information available to them from anonymous source indicates that un-known people razed down part of the building along Gombe road in the night.

He said that no life was lost while the value of property destroyed is yet to be ascertained, adding that investigation is going on to bring the cult print to book.

When contacted on the


Chairman of the In-dependent National Electoral Commis-

sion, INEC, Prof. Atta-hiru Jega yesterday said the 2015 general elections would be the most cred-ible in the history of Ni-geria, considering INEC’s level of preparedness.

Jega added that, the commission will com-mence continuous vot-er registration by next month, saying more poll-ing units would be cre-ated in the next year gen-eral elections to decongest large polling units.

Jega stated this in Ka-

development, the interim Chairman Bauchi State APC Senator Mohammed Mohammed said he was on his way to the place to see the extent of damage of the building.

National Mirror gath-ered that the hoodlums allegedly carted away all plastic, executive chairs, tables including air condi-tions and other valuables belonging to the APC of-fice before setting the en-tire building ablaze.

Eye witness accounts told National Mirror at the premises of the secre-tariat that the hoodlums chased away the old se-curity man before they burnt down the building.

Despite the incident, National Mirror reports that the ward congresses across the state were con-ducted peaceful although amid tight security.

duna during INEC/State Independent Electoral Commission, SIECs, Ex-perience Sharing Confer-ence organised by United Nation Development Pro-gramme, UNDP.

Noting the importance of close synergy between INEC and SIECs, jega said that the conference was timely towards ensuring free, fair and credible elec-tions in the future.

He urged state govern-ments to ensure absolute independence of SIECs to ensure credible elections at the grass root level, add-ing that, there cannot be credible polls at national level when the foundation is faulty.


Crisis of confidence between the rul-ing All Progres-

sive Congress, APC, Osun State chapter and two of the parties that formed the new mega, Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, and All Nigeria Peoples Party, ANPP, ap-peared reignited yester-day, as the parties accused


The Lagos State chapter of the Peo-ples Democratic

Party, PDP, has described the reaction of Governor Babtunde Raji Fashola to ministerial appointees in the state as an attempt to divert attention from his inadequacies in the state.

In a statement signed by its Publicity Secretary, Taofeek Gani, the PDP said the governor goofed when he criticised the ap-pointment of Mr. Oluse-gun Aganga as a minister


The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA and

National Orientation Agen-cy, NOA, have promised to partner with politicians to ensure hitch-free and fair 2015 general elections.

The state commander of the NDLEA, Mohammed Mallami Sokoto and NOA state director, Hajia Jum-mai Liman Bello, respec-tively made the separate statement when a political group, Bauchi Generation-

Defunct Osun ANPP, CPC tackle APC over ward congresses

Lagos PDP warns Fashola against name-calling

2015: NDLEA, NOA partner politicians

the APC of deliberately postponing ward con-gresses.

In a statement issued in Osogbo by their former state secretaries, Alhaji Ahmed Garba and Mr. Azeez Olasunkanmi, copy of which was obtained by National Mirror, the legacy parties said the interim leadership of the new mega party in Osun was not disposed to sharing party executive positions with

representing Lagos State and described Senator Musiliu Obanikoro’s ap-pointment as a mere ju-nior ministerial portfolio at his celebration of days in office recently in Lagos.

Taofeek who said the governor wrongly accused the President of not giv-ing enough support to the state noted that it has be-come a convenient habit for the governor to always pounce on the PDP or the Federal Government in most of his celebration of days in office in the state.

His words: “Governor Fashola is bringing up

al Leadership Awareness Initiative paid a courtesy call to the later.

Sokoto had express de-light for the visits, saying that NDLEA doors are open to partner with the group to mobilise the youths against drugs abuse, charging poli-tician not to influence the youths through the usage of hard drugs for political victory.

Also speaking, the state director of NOA Hajia Bello said that there was

urgent need for the agency to partner with the group towards the 2015 elections.

The NOA boss expressed the fear that if urgent steps are not taken to put in place serious re-orien-tation among the youths through various political groups, the country may be engulfed in yet another po-litical crisis similar to 2011.

Lamenting that thug-gery has been a major con-cern affecting the socio-economic, political and religious institutions when there is absence of moral teaching, Jummai stressed that moral decay has con-tributed to the current so-cietal challenges, saying NOA will partner with the forum to douse any political

up-rising through intensive campaign against violence.

Leader of the group, Al-haji Mohammed Sadiq, a former chairman, Dass Lo-cal Government Area, said the aim of the forum was to effect good leadership and attitudinal change ahead of 2015, saying that his group frowns at the unfor-tunate poor representation

National Coordinator, Goodluck Initiative for Transformation, GIFT 2015, Engr Chinedu Okpalanma, (middle) speaking at their international press conference while recieviing 260 Northern groups and organisations who registered interest to participate in their proposed rally on April 30 in Abuja to compel President Goodluck Jonathan to declare for 2015, in Abuja yesterday.

in all spares of leadership in the country, apart from the danger of youths res-tiveness attributed to un-employment.

He then urges the two agencies to open their doors as the forum is out to partner with them in the mobilization of Nigerians to do the right thing at the right time.

them, hence the indefinite postponement of ward congress of the APC.

But the APC has denied the allegation, in a statement issued by its Director of Publicity, Research and Strategy, Mr Kunle Oyatomi, explaining that the congresses to elect new state officers were shelved in obedience to the directive from the national secretariat of APC.

Oyatomi said the

the issue of indigeneship in the state politics to divert attention from his inadequacies in governance. Indeed a substantial part of the so-called celebration was used on raising the petty issue of indigeneship instead of the governor to showcase his administration’s actual scorecard in the last 2500 days.

“Unfortunately, he has only re-echoed his hatred for non-indigenes living in the state. We are not quick to forget the unprovoked humiliation of Ibos and Hausas on the streets of

national secretariat of APC has directed members to work for the success of the governorship candidates of the APC in both Ekiti and Osun states where elections will he held later in the year and “to avoid distractions, we have to comply. It is a pity that Alhaji Garuba would want us to go to the public to educate ourselves on the fusion in the party’s state executive council.”

Lagos. Ironically, the same governor is silent on the proprietary of Remi Ti-nubu, who is not a Lagos indigene that represents the state at the Senate.”

Describing Fashola as an ingrate, the Lagos State PDP recounted some of the support from the Fed-eral Government to the state to include guaran-teed international loans; approval of refineries; construction of a Deep Sea Port; approval of Eko Atlantic Project; rehabili-tation of Federal Govern-ment roads and medical facilities.

•Says election’ll be most credible in Nigerian history

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, April 10, 201454 Politics

National 55Thursday April 10, 2014 News

Othman SalihuKANO

A teenage bride, Wasila Umaru, has allegedly killed

her 35-year-old husband,

Umaru Sani, and three others in Ungwar Mai-soro, Gaya Local Govern-ment Area of Kano State, with a rat poison which she administered on the food she served the victim

and 14 of his friends.Spokesman of the Kano

State Police Command, ASP Musa Magaji Ma-jiya, who revealed this at a press conference yester-day, said 14-year-old Was-

ila reportedly bought the rodent pesticide known in local parlance as Shinkafa Bera, at a village market for N8.

The unsuspecting hus-band and three of his friends were said to have eaten the poisonous food and gave up the ghost in

The Executive Secre-tary of the National Human Rights Com-

mission, NHRC, Prof. Ben Angwe, yesterday said its report on the killing of some squatters in Gudu/Apo District of Abuja did not indict the Attorney-General of the Federation, AGF, Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke as being insinuated.

He said the Office of the AGF acted as Judge Advo-cate to the commission dur-

ing the public inquiry into the killings.

Angwe made the clari-fication in an April 8 letter (NHRC/ADM/030/XV) to the AGF, against the back-drop of ripples generated by the report.

The letter said: “May I humbly bring to the at-tention of the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice that the commis-sion delivered its decision

on the above complaint on the 7th day of April, 2014, and following which I per-sonally certified a copy of the final decision of the Commission and caused same to be forwarded to your honourable chambers.

“I wish to state here clearly that at no point was the conduct of the Attor-ney-General of the Fed-eration in question or even mentioned in the proceed-ings before the commission,

and in fact, the office of the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation acted as Judge Advocate to the commission in the pro-ceedings.

“Consequently any pub-lication that the commis-sion indicted the Attorney-General of the Federation is not only untrue, but also a clear departure from the decision of the commission which was pronounced publicly.”

Apo killings report didn’t indict AGF, says NHRC

Libel: Adoke withdraws N10bn suit against Melaye

Musdapher replies Salami over graft in judiciary

Bride, 14, kills husband, 3 others with rat poison •2 die drinking ‘Zobo’

L-R: Commandant, Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Air Vice Marshal Chris Ifemeje; Deputy Commandant, Rear Admiral Stanley Ogoigbe and Director, Joint Studies, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin Ahanotu, at the inauguration of Exercise Haske Biyu 2014 in Jaji, Kaduna, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

iSe-Oluwa igeABUJA

The Attorney Gen-eral of the Fed-eration, AGF, and

Minister of Justice, Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke, SAN, yesterday withdrew the much publicised N10.2bn libel suit he in-stituted against former member of the House of Representatives, Dino Melaye.

He gave no reason for his decision.

Abuja high court judge, Olasimbo Good-luck, did not waste time to strike out the suit, fol-lowing the decision by Melaye not to oppose Ad-

oke’s request.Melaye, who had

joined issues with Adoke on the matter, was caught by surprise yesterday over the development.

His counsel insinuated that the AGF withdrew the case after seeing the defence of Melaye.

But National Mir-ror gathered that both the aggrieved plaintiff and the defendant in the matter had amicably re-solved the issue.

It was further learnt that Adoke might go back to re-list the case if any of the terms of their agreement was breached, since the matter was merely struck out.

Adoke, had, in May 2013, sued the Registered Trustees of Anti-cor-ruption Network, ACN, led by Melaye, claiming among others, to have been defamed in some claims made about him by the group in its peti-tion to President Good-luck Jonathan.

The AGF particularly accused Melaye of dam-aging his reputation in a publication of April 12 where he accused him (Adoke) of corrupt prac-tices, obstruction of jus-tice for corrupt elements and abuse of power as minister of justice.

Melaye had, in the pe-tition he authored for

his group, raised seven allegations bordering on abuse of office against Adoke, including the controversial cases on the N150bn recovered from former Oceanic Bank Managing Direc-tor, Mrs. Cecilia Ibru; the $180 million Halliburton scandal and the return of the Vaswani Brothers to Nigeria after an al-leged N2.5bn tax evasion.

He also alleged that the AGF raised a memo on the case of the Vas-wani Brothers who were deported for a second time in April 2009 for an alleged tax evasion that they should be allowed to return to Nigeria.

the process. Two of the friends,

Nasiru Mohammed and Alhassan Alhassan of Yansoro Kademi, died on the spot, while the other female victim, Indo Ibra-him, lost her life at the hospital.

The ten others who ate the food alongside the de-ceased were treated and discharged at the hospi-tal.

Wasila confessed to the act, justifying it on the ground of forced mar-riage to a man she didn’t love.

“On 5/4/2014 at about 22;00hrs, an information was received at Gaya Di-vision that one Wasila Umaru, 14 years old, of Yansoro Kademi, Gaya LGA, Kano, bought roden-ticides (Shinkafa Bera) and diluted it into her husband’s food...

“The suspect confessed to the act and claimed that because she does not love her husband, she resort-ed to taking this option. Corpses were taken to hospital for examination. Investigation is on top gear,” the police spokes-man said.

Meanwhile, two per-

sons, Gaddafi Inusa and Hayadu Ibrahim, died af-ter drinking Zobo juice laced with a poisonous substance known as Za-kami during a wedding at Ungwar Uku quarters, Kano.

The police, on getting the information, swung into action and effected the arrest of the first two suspects who fled to Bau-chi State.

“On 31/03/2014, at about 20:40hrs, informa-tion was received from a Good Samaritan on the same date about 15:00-16:00hrs, that a wedding ceremony of one Ahmed Musa was organised at Ungwar Uku Quarters, Kano.

“During the celebra-tion, one Abdullahi Sh-uaibu, alias Abba Kwaya, Abubakar Musa, alias Abba Teko and Abubakar Aliyu, alias Kwalla, all males, of Ungwar Uku, conspired and adulter-ated the Zobo juice with poisonous substance, Za-kami, which was served to the guests.

“After drinking the Zobo, two people namely, Gaddafi Inusa and Haya-du Ibrahim died.”

wOle adedejiILORIN

A former Chief Jus-tice of Nigeria, CJN, Hon Justice

Dahiru Musdapher, has described the position of Justice Ayo-Salami to the effect that retired senior justices were the tools of corruption in the country’s judiciary as scandalous.

Fielding questions from journalists at the Univer-sity of Ilorin where he was a guest at the Law Students’ Week yesterday, Musda-pher said: “Quite honestly, that is very scandalous if it is true. Before, in this coun-try, people do not even ask to be made judges.”

Alluding to the fact that people who requested to be made judges tended to talk of the system, the retired CJN said; “In fact, when I was to be made a judge, a letter was written to me because I was the CJ, the Chief Judge wrote the let-ter in this line; ‘it has been

suggested to me that you may not accept to be made a judge of the High Court, but if you want to be made a judge of the High Court, if I have no objection, I want to recommend you to the appointing authori-ties.”

He added: “In those days, people do not even ask to be appointed judges. The mere fact that you asked to be ap-pointed a judge, you have disqualified yourself.”

The guest speaker at the event, who also spoke to kournalists, Mr. Bamidele Aturu, a legal practitioner, said the process of appoint-ing the Chief Judge in Riv-ers State was wrong in law.

He said: “My position is clear. The decision of the Federal High Court in Port Harcourt suggesting that the State Judicial Service Commission has the con-stitutional power to make recommendation on who becomes the Chief Judge of Rivers State is wrong in law.

Many people have always seen the All Progressives Congress (APC) as a disaster waiting to happen.

From day one, it was obvious the party did not hold together all the political tenden-cies that conveniently find shelter within its fold, though it managed to keep its in-ternal divisions away from the public. In the past few weeks, however, the crack in its leadership has become manifest so much that the last meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC), nearly ended in fisticuffs.

Not only did the meeting veer towards vio-lence, Senator Ali Modu Sheriff, one-time gov-ernor of Borno State and the party’s national leader, Bola Tinubu, nearly engaged each other in a brawl, thus confirming a tendency that many have predicted would consume the party. On the one hand is a self-proclaimed king-maker, who believes the party revolves

around him; on the other hand are supposed democrats, who believe they are in a political party where members stand on equal ground.

Tinubu’s high-handedness and his insis-tence on having his way on crucial issues within the party may yet prove to be the party’s undoing. As the party prepares for its local government and state congresses as well as the national convention, glaring divi-sions have emerged among its leadership and ranks. At issue is the critical decision about who emerges the National Chairman – a deci-sion that will ultimately influence who picks its presidential ticket for the 2015 elections.

While the party leaders at all levels have broken into factions behind their choice can-didates, Tinubu appears to have single-handed, worked out who would get what, a situation that offends the spirit of oneness and equality which the party has preached since the merg-er of four parties to give birth to the APC. At an exclusive interactive meeting of the APC Contact Committee hosted late last month in Abuja by a chieftain of the party and a former Deputy Governor of Bauchi State, Alhaji Ga-ruba Ghadi, indications emerged that such vested interests were already threatening the outcome of the impending exercise. To him, the imminent crisis is avoidable.

The growing tendency of Tinubu and his lieutenants in the defunct ACN to continually lord it over the other parties in the merger that brought about APC, may have accounted for Sheriff’s frustrations with the present interim leadership. Like many others in the party who frown at Tinubu’s manipulation of the party na-tional leadership, Sheriff, who was chairman of

the ANPP Board of Trustees until the merger, clashed with Tinubu when the issues of the party’s impending congresses and convention came up for discussion. The former Borno governor refused to accept the propriety of the APC Interim National Chairman, Bisi Akande, heading the Convention Committee that would organize the convention fixed for May 24, 2014, as well as supervising the ward, LG and state congresses in his dual role as interim national chairman. This is more so that Akande wants to emerge as substantive national chairman.

For those who fear the lopsidedness in the leadership of the APC family, Tinubu’s state-ment that Sheriff should quit the APC and go elsewhere if he was not comfortable with the party, confirmed their worst fears. Why would a party that sings equality like a song be turned into another animal farm by an over-ambitious man? With the ongoing high-handedness, which has already pushed the like of Buba Marwa out of the party, the APC is set to enter the 2015 elections as a disunited political family.

The permutations now are that the impending convention may still further polarize its lead-ers. The political interest of Tinubu, who is scheming to enter the political contest as run-ning mate to Muhammadu Buhari in the 2015 elections, is responsible for the division. While the Buhari/Tinubu ticket being proposed by Tinubu is rooting for Interim National Chair-man, Akande, to emerge as National Chair-man, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar’s loyalists in the party prefer Chief Tom Ikimi. Tinubu fears that Ikimi’s emergence as the APC National Chairman will scuttle his pro-posed ticket with Buhari in favour of Atiku who is known as a close Ikimi ally.

To checkmate Atiku, Tinubu had report-edly wanted to personally handpick the Convention Committee members, an action which did not go down well with especially Sheriff, Chief Audu Obeh and Dr. Ogbon-naya Onu, all of who are backing Atiku’s candidature for the party’s presidential tick-et. It is this dictatorial tendency of Tinubu that is also threatening to push the G-5 gov-ernors – Rotimi Amaechi (Rivers), Murtala Nyako (Adamawa), Aliyu Wamakko (So-koto), Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso (Kano) and Abdulfattah Ahmed (Kwara) - who defected from the PDP last year, out of the party. The governors are threatening to return to the PDP over the policy for the composition of the APC National Executive Council.

As all these play out in the build up to the congresses and national convention, many of the party leaders have already queued behind their candidates. Among them, the former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nasir el-Rufai, has in-sisted that the party’s choice of presiden-tial candidate would not be dictated by re-ligion. El-Rufai, a close ally of Buhari, is said to be in support of the Muslim-Mus-lim ticket of Buhari/Tinubu which anoth-er party chieftain, Femi Fani-Kayode, had admonished the APC leadership against.

How these issues play out in the coming days will determine whether or not the APC will remain one.

Ayelabowo wrote through

Sport Extra

Printed and Published by Global Media Mirror Ltd: Head Offi ce: Mirror House, 155/161 Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 07027107407, Abuja Offi ce: NICON Insurance House, Second Floor, Central Business District Area, Abuja Tel: 08070428249, Advert hotline: 01-8446073, Port-Harcourt Offi ce: Suite 115, NICON Hotel, 6, Benjamin Opara Street, Off Olusegun Obasanjo Rd, GRA Phaze 3, Phone: 07032323254 Email:

Editor: SEYI FASUGBA. All correspondence to PMB 10001, Marina, Lagos. Printed simultaneously in Lagos, Abuja and Akure. ISSN 0794-232X.

Reports said that Manchester United legend, Ryan Giggs,

is ready to end his long and illustrious association with Manchester United this summer.

The veteran midfielder was forced to deny a rift with United Manager David

Moyes last month, although many thought otherwise.

It would not be a surprise if Giggs hangs up his boots at the end of the campaign.

According to friends of the 40-year-old, he could sever all ties with the club

because he is not sure the current regime at Old Traf-ford is a suitable set-up for his coaching ambitions.

The Welshman currently helps out former United teammate Nicky Butt with United’s Under-19 team

players, while Giggs, Butt and the Neville brothers Gary and Phil recently pur-chased United’s non-League neighbours Salford City.

A product of United’s academy, Giggs is the club’s most decorated player, with

13 Premier League titles and two Champions League winners’ medals among his achievements under Moyes’ predecessor Sir Alex Fergu-son.

Giggs, Man United set to cut tiesGiggs, Man United set to cut ties


Champions League Results

Bayern 4-2 Man Utd

Atl. Madrid 2-1 Barcelona

Femi Oyelabowo

Guest Columnist

Vol. 04 No. 827 Thursday, April 10, 2014 N150


The longest screen kiss in a TV show is 3 min 47 secs and was achieved by David Barger and Amy Barger (both USA) on the Valentine’s Day episode of “Good Day Tulsa” (KTUL TV) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, on 14 February 2013.

Longest screen kiss in a TV show

APC and its looming crisis





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