thursday thoughts - 1st september, 2016 important dates: august 30th -...

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Thursday Thoughts

L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Issue 27

Date: 1st September, 2016

Important Dates:


30th - Book Club Due


2nd - 3/4 Sport Expo

2nd - Dad’s and

Mate’s Breakfast

7th & 8th - Whole

School Production

15th - K-P Transition

16th - Term ends 2.30

Student Absent

Hot Line Number

5964 7783

Launching Place Primary School

20A Carter Street Launching Place 3139

Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171


ABN 96 199 518 803

A crocodile cannot stick its

tongue out.

A jiffy is an actual unit of

time. It is one hundredth

of a second.

Humans have 639 muscles,

but caterpillars have more

than 4,000.

A Fun Day Out For Our Preps

Last Friday our Prep students had a fantastic day at Kew Traffic School. Established in

1954, the Kew Traffic School provides a safe environment for children to learn road

safety awareness and pedestrian skills. Thank you to the parents who went along to

help out on the day. From all accounts the children had a fun day.


A reminder that tomorrow is our annual Dad’s/ Mate’s Breakfast. We look forward to seeing dads, grandfathers, uncles and others joining us for a delicious breakfast. There will be a kite making activity set up and the chance for a kick of the footy after breakfast.

Breakfast is served from 7.30am onwards. We hope to see you there.

Page 2 Thursday Thoughts

Engaging in Your Children’s Education National Literacy and Numeracy Week aims to raise community awareness of the importance of literacy and numeracy skills for all Australian students. Digi-tal Literacy is being highlighted this year to raise awareness of the importance of digital literacy as one of the foundation skills for the workforce in the 21st Century. Parents have a big impact on their children’s education. Parents are the first and most important influence on a child’s attitudes and values toward school and learning.

For more information and some great ideas for activities to do at home please visit:

This week’s ‘Student Stars’

Transition to Secondary School

Is your child starting secondary school next year? Parents of our grade 6 students will tell you that it doesn’t seem that long ago that their child was starting primary school. The primary years seem to fly by and our grade sixes are fast approaching their final term of primary school. Secondary school can be a daunting thought for not only students but parents as well.

The DET have developed an informative site which provides hints and tips on how to sup-port your child through the transition to secondary school. This year a short video clip has been included, ‘Fire Up For Transition’. Follow the links below for more information.

Photo by Media Team

Page 3

Name Award

Prep N Miranda B For showing more confidence and independence at play times.

Prep R Olivia C

Jarrod D

For sharing ideas and thoughts with the grade.

For writing the sounds he can hear during writing sessions.

1/2A Tori C

Esra H

Working hard to improve her Blitzmaster score. Well Done!

For being a helpful and supportive classmate!

1/2B Maleyah S

Noah B

For going the extra mile – taking what we learnt in class to write an amazing story at


For lots of thought about your character and his problems in your narrative writing.

1/2C Max N

Krystal M

For working so hard to reach Level 10 in Blitzmaster.

For making a wonderful start in 1/2C.

1/2T Ruby K

Zara C

For using dialogue in her story writing.

For excellent story writing.

3/4B Amarli W

Lincoln S

Alex J

For being a kind and caring class member and always trying her best in everything she


For working hard on his writing and producing some amazing work.

For working hard completing tasks on time and to a great standard.

3/4M Nicola S

Chelsea S

Taleisha B

For the beautiful mental image picture you created from the autumn reading!

For using her 5 senses to describe her favourite place.

For breaking the class record by holding a plank for over 6 Minutes!

3/4N Zara D

Alexandra D

Miranda B

Roy R

Keiren T

For always having a go and challenging herself.

For independently attempting a task and doing a great job of completing it.

For Being such a caring and compassionate member of the school community.

For recognising when two vowels are together, the 1st one says it’s name while the 2nd is silent.

For consistently working on improving his writing , especially including spaces in-between his words.

5/6F Ethan D

Elana S

For always being polite & respectful and his ‘never give up’ attitude to work to pass an-

other level of Blitzmaster.

Has been working very hard on her reading and is doing a great job!

5/6L Declan P

Bree T

Acacia R

Always trying his best and displaying a positive attitude towards learning.

For awesome reading!

Great improvement with recalling Times Tables facts.

5/6S Josh W

Great imagery in your narrative writing.

Student Awards

Page 4 Thursday Thoughts

Japanese in Preps

Prep students enjoy learning some words for fruits using puppets, songs and picture books. Well done!

Page 5

A big thank you to our P&F team who did a great job of

sourcing, buying and selling such a great selection of

Father’s Day gifts.

The students were certainly excited with their purchases.

We hope our Dads enjoy their specially chosen surprise on

Sunday morning.

Production News for Pre Purchased Tickets

Tickets will be available from the office from this afternoon, please ensure a note comes to

School if you want your tickets sent home with your child.

Tickets can also be picked up from the venue .

Page 6 Thursday Thoughts


Extend Before and After

School Care at

Launching Place

Primary School

Our weekly recap

We had such up and down weather last week but the children at After School Care made the best of their time and space. On Monday the children played games like Balloon Volleyball; they used tables as their net and a balloon as their ball. Tuesday the children chose to go outside where they challenged some visiting children to a game of basketball and won the game. Wednesday the children spent some time in the canteen cooking potato cakes. They also did some box craft, using some Recycled boxes and paints and making pencil tins out of Milo tins. On Thursday half of the children had fun staying warm in the GP room playing Dodge Ball and the other half did some Water Painting. We are asking parents to please bring in some of your recycled boxes that we can use for some more box craft as the children really enjoy making things out of them. Thank You

Michelle, Team Leader

Our Extend Superstar is Ella P For being a friend to everyone and making sure everyone in included

What’s on next week? Monday 5

th September:

Making Jelly / Basketball Game / Water Painting Tuesday 6

th September:

Beep Test / Box Craft / Uno Games Wednesday 7

th September:

Dot Painting / Hangman / Inside Ball Play Thursday 8

th September:

3D Bugs / Running Races / Monopoly Friday 9

th September:

Cooking Pancakes / Beading / Balloon Volleyball


Before School Care-7.00am –8.45am

After School Care– 3.30pm-6.00pm

Page 7

Community Advertisements

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply

school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply

school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

Page 8 Thursday Thoughts

Community Advertisements

Woori Yallock Junior Football Club

AGM/ Presentation Day Sunday 11th September 2016

10.30am @ Clubrooms

Please Note: That other advertisements and

publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and

Page 9 Thursday Thoughts

Community Advertisements YARRA JUNCTION






The Yarra Junction Junior

Cricket Club welcomes your

child to come to training, have

fun, develop new friendships, be

part of a team and be taught the

game of Cricket by our skilled




Training & Registration Days

are as follows.

Under 10’s, 12's, 14’s -

Wednesday 14th

September 2016 @

4.30 pm.

Under 16’s - Thursday 15th

September 2016 @ 4.30pm.

at the Yarra Junction Oval and

every week afterwards.

Age groups are Under

10’s,12's,14's, 16's as at 1/09/16.

I.E. If you turn 10 before 1/9/16 you are in

the Under 12’s age group

If you turn 12 before 1/9/16 you are in

the Under 14’s age group.

If you turn 14 before 1/9/16 you are in

the Under 16’s age group.

Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply

school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.

Page 10 Thursday Thoughts

Community Advertisements

Community Advertisements Thursday Thoughts

Community Advertisements

Community Advertisements

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