tinkdom of heartists inever land

Post on 28-Mar-2022






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in the heart of humanity.”
Andras Maros, Founder
501(c)3 service organization
To educate humanity as to our true nature - and inspire individuals to bring
forth visions, ideas, art, inventions and imaginings for a world in harmony
with nature and one another. We produce positive growth and sustainable
projects (such as, but not limited to) events, activities, programs, books,
films, publications and business models.
In a scattered and fragmented world ~ Peace Production helps individuals
return to their own source of oneness within and sparks their imagination
with the possibility of dreaming a world in harmony with nature and one
another. Once we discover our own oneness, we are free to co-create and
produce a world of Peace.
Discover Peace in Production
Individually, Locally, and Globally.
interns, mentors, and co-creators of all ages.
Peace in Production
Peace grows when we create a container and offer elements that nurture and
support its healthy growth. Peace Production uses the proven pattern of whole
system design to lay the foundation, builds upon it with collective, intuitive
dreams and passions to establish a culture that works for everyone. We then
may, together, experience our potential to live in joyful ways that grow our
collective vision for a loving and peaceful world.
What all humans have in common is much greater than any perceived differ-
ences. Peace Production considers our commonalities when designing systems,
programs, and activities that bring people together around common goals.
We are just beginning to consider the power of possibility when we unite around
our common desires, rather than focusing on our differences. Becoming a nurtur-
ing and cohesive community provides children and youth with opportunities they
would otherwise miss. There are many who are exploring systems that are based
upon peace building, permaculture, and sustainability. As we expand perspec-
tives of our place in the universe, this world, and our communities - we expand
our vision of what is possible.
Peace Production’s community development programs are duplicable in settings
large and small. Our dream is for the world… and our work is local, on the
ground ‘grassroots’ activity.
solutions that challenge humanity to take
inspired action for the Greater Good of ALL!
A Peace Culture we call:
Tinkdom of Heartists inEver Land An integrative and comprehensive approach to
service oriented learning for youth of all ages.
Tinkdom: where the feminine energy of nurturance rules
Heartists: those who allow heart impulses to guide their thoughts
EverLand: a state of being—where ever you are ~ you are always home.
At EverLand discover your self, talents, and passion so together we may provide a
foundation for the new culture emerging . . . a caring and compassionate way of
inner relating with one another in harmony with all life. Your wisdom and curiosity
are welcome as we build a solid learning foundation for a new world.
Peace Production has a vision for our Heartquarters in Virginia. We are beginning to
establish EverLand on 2.3 acres in SW Virginia near Stuart. This demonstration site
will host a variety of educational and inspirational events to inform the public about
new technologies, green building models, alternative energy models, and lots of
music and movement. The public will be invited to attend events. Take a class, join a
retreat, enjoy live music, and take home ideas that make our lives more sustainable.
Building Healthy Communities Together
At this crucial moment in time, as new ways of living together are widely craved,
InSpiritors are PREPARED to InSpire caring and sharing activities. Certification with a
global nonprofit supports an individual’s service work while bringing a high level of
integrity to the foundation of our newly emerging world.
Become an InSpiritor and, as a self employed contractor, change your life and the lives
of those around you. Many organizations and agencies in your local community are
seeking proven human services to assist their clients in becoming flourishing members
of society. Whether the call is from veterans, indigenous peoples, recovering addicts,
the chronically ill, or other disenfranchised members of society - the sick, youth, or the
poor - InSpiritors™ are prepared to offer substantial support at the individual level and
in group settings.
has played many roles on the stage of his life
including, actor on the stage and screen, ad-
vertising executive, artist, documentarian, Kriya
Yogi, film and event producer.
As a competitive swimmer, soccer player, and
horn musician, Andras studied breath work
from his youth during his education in sports
and music. He later studied at Yogananda’s Self
Realization Fellowship and trained as an Art of
Living teacher under Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The
Guru from India invited Andras to travel with
him as videographer over a three year period.
Andras opened Hungary and the big island of
Hawaii for Art of Living. He traveled the globe,
walked with Masters and experienced local life
in many parts of the world, expanding his
personal education.
Mayana Kingery
her self-healing from Fibromyalgia and shares
her unique methods with others in classes,
retreats, and private sessions. She is intuitive
and multi-dimensional in her healing practice.
Building coalitions within community and taking
collective action are Mayana’s passion. We
discover solutions through inquiry and gather
groups of people together around common
purposes for the benefit of future generations.
Literacy Outreach, a 501c3 in Tacoma, WA,
was the manifestation of her dream to inspire
children with the joy of learning. She built a
cleaning business for immigrants, the Idaho
Highway Safety Coalition, worked with Safe
Routes to School, and with violence reporting
in public schools following Columbine.
Mayana’s business clients have included state
and federal agencies, private schools, non-
profit organizations, entrepreneurs and
step into personal or business mastery.
Peace Production Founders & Heartists in Resonance
STANDING strong & knowing what to do
LIFT OUR VOICES in One Song that i s TRUE
For those who cannot and forgot . . . and are not through.
The Heart i s t Intendo to RISE and STAND
Wi l l not be defeated nor cast from the Land
WE Know i t i s TRUE and REAL and RIGHT
That a l l Li fe must come into the LIGHT
We SEE the SHADOW in p lay Cast Before
And Honor the Lessons WE Learned .
The Heart i s t Intendo to ACT and BE
Always l iv ing in INTEGRITY
WE Know the WAY to Live each DAY
With Car ing and Sharing and Comfort and Kindness
Compass ion our Queen and none can Deny IT
Constant and Cont inua l V igi lance for ALL
For the Life that WE LIVE Demands our ALL.
So Know what i s YOURs to BE and DO
and ACT NOW - before we are Through
and lay down your burdens, your pa in and your s tr i fe.
The SEEDS that were p lanted in Hearts of Love
Have Sprouted and F lowered and Frui ted wi thin
the Chi ldren born after the Time of F lowers
Can you see that wor ld through the dark of Night?
The wor ld that our chi ldren have brought through the ir Light
wi th new ways of see ing, and be ing and p lay ing
Can you SEE that we MUST Create a new WAY
Where ALL of LIFE i s HONORED and CARED For
And you and I Become the Foundat ion for a World
F i l led wi th Love where Peace Abounds .
the ONES who STAND
hand in hand - heart to heart
Protec t ing the LAND, the SKY and the SEA
So Chi ldren that fo l low may PLAY FREE.
“I don’t want to paint what I see…
I want to paint what I feel ABOUT what I see.”
Vincent Van Gogh
Andras spent ten years walking in the footsteps of Vincent
Van Gogh and his brother, Theo. This educational and enter-
taining presentation explores the depth of these brothers’
love for each other and offers inspiration for us today.
“Love, God, Beauty… it’s all the same thing.”
Peace Production invites application to individuals and
families to join with us on the ground in Virginia or from
your own location. Our work is local and global.
Ways to Co-create:
Join us to lay the foundation on our land in Virginia
Invite us to your community to share our programs
Invite us to speak or lead a class at your event/festival
Launch your own project in collaboration with us
Attend our trainings and become an InSpiritor
Become a mentor for another, whether you are an elder or youth
Set your intention to live from your heart for the greater good of all
Join an online conversation with InnerNet Café
Make a tax deductible contribution to support our ongoing work
Tink’s Umbrella:
Fiscal sponsorship program offers 501(c)3 nonprofit status to your community service project, event, or business model. Tink’s Umbrella showers you with support and training while helping you nurture your dream. Manage your own project with guidance from Peace Production.
Imagine This Dream
Using the vibration of Imagination and Intention to pur- posefully create, we raise human consciousness. Artists, poets, and musicians are inspired to dream the best world they can imagine and share their dreams in a community event that invites and inspires others to Imagine and share their own dream.
Art of Breathing
Breathing exercises that combine conscious intention with ancient wisdom restore balance between body, mind, and spirit. The Vagus Nerve, which runs between the brain and intenstines, is ‘mother board’ for our autonomic nervous system. These exercises are scientifically proven to heal all stress related illness.
FutureMentory™ Films:
Peace Production offers a new category of film-making!
Individuals imagine their best future dream and use film to show the steps necessary to manifest their dream. Beyond a documentary, FutureMentory Films allow one to mentor themselves into their brightest future.
Blue Lotus Chakra Bloom
Humanity 2.0 has a new energy body that blooms Chakras out of the holographic matrix into energy sovereignty. Blooming from homo-sapien to Homo-Spiritus with the Blue Lotus will free your mind and allow Love to go VIRAL!
Healthy Food Festival
Informs and inspires participants at a nutrition focused event. Choose your schedule with Symposium, Panel Discus- sions, Movie Time, Activities, Vendors, Healing Arts, Move- ment & Dance and local farm fresh food. Learn how the food we eat and thoughts we think affect our mind, body, and spirit.
InSpiritor Training Certification
A 3 week retreat with no more than 12 students at a time. At the end students graduate with certification as an independ- ent contractor with a 501c3 nonprofit that offers the ability to engage with their respective communities. This training is offered in a NEW way to those who are ready to step into their power and cocreate with other InSpiritors.
Flowers of Hope
A variety of Community Seeding Projects that engage the entire community to support their local youth’s project. Each event is customized to a specific town, group, or organiza- tion’s social and structural makeup. Always using the Wheel of CoCreation as a basis, we reach the decisionmakers and power within each sector of society.
Training for Community Builders and Service Organizations. Based on Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Wheel of Co-Creation, each participant learns in a live game atmosphere as they explore the 12 Sectors of Society. Participants leave with their own personal plan of action for giving their gifts in service within their local community.
Sovereign Council
Discover 12 dimensions of Self that support our lives and physical form. Related to what is termed “rainbow dna” this also follows the 12 around 1 pattern Barbara Marx Hubbard taught about.
Private readings and classes are offered by Mayana.
Sovereign Council

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