tips for making the most out of your refrigerator's efficiency

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Most people consider a fridge an essential appliance, because it allows you to keep perishable food in your home so that you can have a balanced and healthy diet. However, the fridge can also be a big energy guzzler and really add to your electricity bills.


Tips for Making the Most out of Your Refrigerator’s Efficiency

Tips for Making the Most out of Your Refrigerator’s Efficiency

Most people consider a fridge an essential appliance, because it allows you to keep perishable food

in your home so that you can have a balanced and healthy diet. However, the fridge can also be a big

energy guzzler and really add to your electricity bills. Are there any ways that you can enjoy all the

benefits of Foster refrigeration while cutting down on the energy expense?

The answer is yes. Here are some clever tips which will help you to reduce the amount of energy

that your Foster refrigeration model uses so that you can save money on your bills:

Let Yourself Cool Off

Let your food cool down before putting it away. When you put a hot dish into the fridge, it warms up

the surrounding air around it and the fridge has to work extra hard to cool everything back down.

This is a waste of energy, so leave the dish out on a counter for a while to let to cool before

refrigerating it.

Water any Gaps

Fill any empty spaces in your fridge with water bottles. The water helps to keep everything else cold

so that the fridge doesn’t have to work as hard and use up as much energy. Also, you will always

have nice cold water to drink.

Give Your Fridge a Good Hoover

Vacuum the condenser coils. These are the part of the fridge which cools and condenses the

refrigerant and over time they become clogged up with dust, pet hair and more. This means that

they are not able to do their job and the compressor has to work harder, which wastes more energy

as well as shortens the life of your fridge. You can easily vacuum these coils, which are located on

the back or the bottom of the fridge (always unplug the fridge first!).

Would You Like Ice? Not for Me Thanks!

If you have an icemaker on your fridge, try to use it less often because it takes up a lot of energy.

Consider using an ice cube tray instead, as the ice cube maker can increase the energy consumption

of your fridge by 14-20%.

Find Your Fridge the Right Home

You can also make a difference in the energy consumption of your fridge by placing it in the right

spot. The fridge should not be close to obvious areas of heat, such as the oven or the radiator, as it

will need to work harder to cool itself down. Also, make sure that there are a few inches of space

around your fridge between counters, walls and other appliances.

Check Your Seals

Check the seals in your fridge often for damage. If there are cracks in them, the cold air in the fridge

can leak out, so they might need to be repaired.

These are just a few ways that you can improve the efficiency of your Foster refrigeration unit and

save on your energy bills and if you do eventually need to replace it then check out one of the many

online specialists.

Author Bio

Mark Green is a frequent contributor of content for Alexanders Direct; he has written many articles

pertaining to all things regarding Commercial Catering Equipment but especially on such subjects as

chest freezers and commercial refrigeration.

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