tjn-a calls for expression of interest in africa mining vision mapping analysis study

Post on 25-Sep-2015






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Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJN-A) will be conducting country and regional level Africa Mining Vision (AMV) gap analysis/mapping studies to establish the extent of domestication of the AMV's Fiscal Regime and Revenue Management focus area in three countries and their respective Regions (Regional economic Communities)' Mining/Extractives sector Fiscal Regime and Revenue management policies. This project is expected to be commissioned in the first week of June after finalising the selection of the researchers and signing the related study agreement (s). The studies are expected to run for a month. If you are available for this task, we are inviting you to send us your proposal as well as your CV and the indication of the fee you would want to be paid for the task. There are three research opportunities based on three country case studies and the countries are Zambia, Tanzania and Ghana. Each study will be composed of the country study and its respective Regional Economic Community (REC) study, for example, if you choose Zambia, you will be required to also analyse the AMV domestication at SADC level. Similarly, for Tanzania it will include an analysis of the AMV domestication at the East African Community (EAC) level whilst the Ghana study will incorporate the analysis of the AMV domestication at the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) level. You are also allowed to choose more than one study.You will find the Terms of Reference (ToR) for detailed information on our Facebook page: "Tax Justice Network-Africa" or find it here: Kindly indicate whether you have an interest in this study and then proceed to develop the proposal. Prospective researchers/consultants have two weeks to submit their proposals. The deadline for sending your proposal and CV by 17:00 GMT on June 7th, 2015.





    The Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJN-A) is a Pan-African initiative and a member of the Global

    Alliance for Tax Justice. It was launched in January 2007 at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Nairobi.

    TJN-A promotes socially just, accountable and progressive taxation systems in Africa. It advocates for

    tax policies with pro-poor outcomes, tax systems that curb public resource leakages and enhance

    domestic resource mobilisation.

    The Africa Mining Vision (AMV) was adopted in February 2009 by the African Union Assembly of

    Heads of State and Government as the key continental framework to promote mineral resource based

    development and structural transformation on the continent. It seeks to foster a transparent, equitable

    and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-

    economic development. TJN-A was part of the International Study Group (ISG) which was

    commissioned to produce a baseline report for the AMV prior to its adoption. TJN-A, together with

    five other CSOs produced a report entitled Breaking the Curse: How Transparent Taxation and Fair

    Taxes Can Turn Africas Mineral Wealth into Development whose recommendations were

    instrumental to the development and adoption of the AMV. The African Heads of State signed and

    agreed to implement the domestication of the AMV into their own Regional and national

    mining/extractive policy frameworks. It is against this background that TJN-A has decided to carry out

    a mapping analysis to evaluate the extent to which the AMV has been domesticated at regional and

    national levels.

    The main objective of the assignment is to carry out a mapping analysis in the form of a gap analysis

    to assess the extent to which the AMVs Fiscal Regime and Revenue Management focus area has been

    domesticated at regional and national levels using three country and three respective Regional

    Economic Communities (RECs) case studies. The three countries to be studied are Ghana, Tanzania

    and Zambia in conjunction with their three respective RECs namely the Economic Community of West

    African States (ECOWAS), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development

    Community (SADC).

  • The assignment will have two distinct but related aspects namely:

    A gap analysis of the extent of domestication of the AMV in the respective country of study;


    A similar gap analysis of the extent of domestication of the AMV at Regional level (Regional

    Economic Community) for the respective countries of study.

    TJN-A seeks a qualified researcher (s) or consultant(s) to carry out the assignment.


    The ideal researcher(s)/consultant(s) should be a specialist in research on Mining Fiscal Policy and

    Revenue Management, Taxation and Development and International Economics or a related field

    (minimum of a Bachelors Degree) with at least 5 years of experience in a similar/related assignment,

    with knowledge of and/or proven expertise in:

    Experience in conducting country and regional level case study research on mining fiscal

    regime, revenue management and related economic issues in the context of the selected


    Expertise in the field of extractives sector taxation;

    An understanding of the political economy of mineral resources extraction and the challenges

    confronting the sector;

    An understanding of the various domestic policy and strategic frameworks, laws, institutions,

    and other economic processes;

    Knowledge of the range of fiscal instruments commonly used in the design of fiscal regime

    (Mineral fiscal instruments composed of direct and indirect tax instruments) as well as the

    challenges in the designing of a fiscal regime that ensures that countries receive an equitable

    share of revenue from their mineral assets over the long term;

    Knowledge of the AMV and the AMV implementation guideline/process, gap analysis

    methodologies and economic issues related to mining;

    Knowledge of the AMV principles, goals, objectives and action plan (especially the AMV

    Action Plan focus areas on the Fiscal Regime and Revenue Management) as fully endorsed by

    expert panels and AU decision-making processes, technical and political merits, including the

    AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government;

    An understanding of an AMV compliant mineral policy;

    Knowledge of what the domestication of the AMV refers to;

    Good knowledge of and overview over global and national extractives fiscal regimes,

    accountability, transparency and the global debate on Finance for Development, Sustainable

    Development Goals and Illicit Financial Flows;

    Knowledge of the Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI);

    Knowledge of sources of information and research findings in the SADC, EAC and ECOWAS


    Ability to conduct a thorough and multi-sectoral review of existing legal, institutional, policy

    and regulatory frameworks with regards to compliance and alignment with the AMV;

    Ability to develop a gap analysis scorecard;

    Ability to conduct AMV gap analysis and to identify AMV compliant or consistent policies;


  • Proficiency in English.


    The assignment should commence on the 22nd of June 2015 and should be completed no later than the

    22nd of July 2015. TJN-As terms of payment for consultants will apply as per the policy. Logistics and

    payment modalities will be included in the contract agreement.


    To apply kindly send us your CV (s) and a proposal detailing how you are going to carry out this study

    by 17:00 GMT on 7th June 2015. There is one study composed of 3 country and their respective

    Regional Economic Communities (RECs) case studies. However, researcher(s)/consultant(s) with

    experience in one country and its respective REC are also encouraged to submit their proposals. The 3

    countries to be studied are (Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia). Each country study will be done in

    conjunction with a similar analysis of its Regional Economic Community. The respective RECs are

    Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) in the case of Ghana, East African

    Community (EAC) in the case of Tanzania, and Southern African Development Community in the case

    of Zambia.

    For more information, please consult the attached detailed Terms of Reference and any further enquiries

    can be directed to Cephas Makunike on or Savior Mwambwa on

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