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Post on 20-Apr-2020






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-r.. . T i.. h. ti.. «i.m .ml tht, mince rf tUntr ion. The Turkish robbert seem to hare efifeotedibe n>tied;'there M.My (jfiort t4ireta ln hu Tal. free use of the people of Phila delphia , and were received Inrf ^!^ ^^ ^t*^" Jm - \ if/XEon S heir tUWboub purpo se

.8 adroitly a. the olev- nable services la commendable. Over fifty new forms now the meet beautiful portion of the JSLIT /r. £l 3? * °f" Th9 ' fio»i^in h« chair ho ding; her blue f^1


fj ere,t London p\ckpocke«. The poor fcHow appHcant8 ln addiU on. to eome twenty charte r great Falrmount park . At the dJh of Mr sfZ l Zn !?? 8pIendM < S )knees, and following her movements with reached Fera without a penny in tun pocket , rr , 'i v . , , , j/i1;,,. , ?, • . . & . ., . «wu 01 air. several changes in the by-lawn nf »),. jf ™3 :thoughtful and sparkl fcg eye* Then , oh, then gat* hm escaped. wuho {t bodily injury. B»Jer. .» .My,^) Md gt ta

^«| ^™ of hh ^

a. well as in the

endow S law t VI suffered the keenest pangs, ana .uttered such p.haa given inform ation of h« loss to tbe oV rap .dly increasing, *, that there » Wtf U£t* uhte4?^lth ^«hari»aWe ™rpp«.

re- acted upon, after which ^Gra nd 'S '

t -ui i • ™- «»« n,.t m. nurta Br'i tec^ve police, but up lo the present moment 0f ther BuocesB in proc oNng a charte r, which lying upon the good judgment of :h& executors cvAeA Eftlv '\.i£d' « ""8* Pro. ¦forcib b remarks .n ^ger AaVmyp«

^eff discover »he

Sprits ha«

been mn8t eventuaU y r Jlt in benefit to the order , to carr y^ut ^benevolent designs. $1 2S?? ftlon

of ^ the res0^*|eyes became all sunken in her nose, so great unrewarded with succew. . ¦• - . ' . . : «oa^ AAk - ' ¦• 1*-. -l » j ' -w^ which wafc-Mj follows; > ^

-was her astonishment. ,¦ '¦ The sen eatfoo p r the week has Wthe n a rly $200,0^e - Brot ^^lph Moses, President- J 4 ^By and by the maaurka was drawi ng to its Eu88IA ._The whole territory of Russia M«nnerc hor Carnival. Tl™ <'M«hor '^a on. J amin.^^.PreBideut; -J ^ fe >

^loee, they commenced the figure which * eontaine 2919 cities, There are comparatively social club numbering about 400 .members , whgwusand charitable inBUtutiona ,of, Ph lla- Viee-Pr&dentV Philip Stein SecieS*'^-termed 3* Conf iden te. In this figure ¦*> lady more oitieaitt the Polish dbtr lots of that em- strongl y Teutoni c m its characte r, muaical in its delphU ^^ ong^hejiatte r, oneViTewisH hoi. Seligman^^urW- L Rii^S n? ' '^aits down in^e cirole and cho^anbther lady F*" , ««» ¦fcf U.>eJ S


"j£U tendea jies, and comprising a number of our pital was made richer by the good m*n> bbuni 0f Ead ofeh^nfReeer ViF7„d

t>Tt«»H «Kfo? her confiden t, to whom sh^eUy JS ff glSS^S ^^SSSi r^W

** "7? ^"2 ^,« ^^ ^>#- Til ^

- tions the name of a gentleman witlrwhbm she of Russia proper only ten per cent ra the dis- of . ground at the corner of Frankhn Street and of all, and their reoord should be imperishabl e, and the ^oS odge aft ei^.^? ^wishes to dance. Her partner brings to her tr icta bf ^ucaaia DineJMr ^^ a^lin the Fairtoount Avenue,;form erly leased: by the old , ; :. V, . ¦ ¦;'•>

,;.r . . ._ : v DAMOCLES , ed.. ; ^ .. -v; ¦ '¦ "• -, ¦¦'^ ™"*VW»f:il

ilHno f.«i nn*. »fi«r ite other B-nd her confident RusbUb diBtricta p!f :A*ia,Flnbindii .and Siberia , Harmonic , a favorite Jewish club in tunee gone ¦ ' : , . .V ¦ •>¦, . '¦!. '" , ', ' ¦'¦ w» ti.,i.L Vii ldancers , one after the other , and her conMen^ populat lo^live

in b The meroban t princes who directed ito af- *•»•»« or DI.«*l«. «r»»d Lbdgt,, «•... .. ->W M tiful, harmo nious,ahd profi^;standing at her side, refuses them unti l the cit „, In the whole RuBSian Empire there are 7: * , , , uT * "' y . I. o. b. B blesetaton. Brother Hambur aei mad n*«u^.i

chosen one is broug ht forward . Li» sat in the only sir cities, the population ^ which amounts fw d^

remarkable financial acutenees I. O. B. B. . ^^11 ^ ?circle, and chose for a confident the host's to mo than lOO^O

^St. Petersburg counls by erecting ^^ a costly theater -budd ing on leased J


. «d his endeavors will not W ; ,A» nr .ht«r . »fr i «f «« ;n^;«r»«nt «„M iti«- 667,000 ; Moscow, 611,000; Warsaw , 288,000; ground , and permitting the insurance to run Milwaukee , Feb. 24, 1874. B. !dau ghter , a girl of wry indifferent quahUa.

18^ =, ,

The prince began to search the chosen one. In 102,000 inhabitants. And there are only ten 0D

^en tollowed Uie not , unusuy sequence. Ba«™ w «.^« . .

vain did he bring to her ten dancers , one after cities besides in that vast empire which count a few days alte r the «P"atK> n of tne poii Th . f fa g. Evanbvillh Ind M.r q iow. ^another: the confident bowed' them ofi with a '«>m fifty to one hundred thousand souls. the theater was destroyed by fi re and the club

of . the 5; B mHaiM fa

^ EJ ^™- ^ «""«• «• Wt *

polite smile. At last he turned towar d me. A Jewish letter-carrier at Lemberg (Galicia), went to the bow-wows. As the lease would thfl ty of Chicag0 > 0n the 22d ins t., and n » a rTT7 t ¦

Something unusual passed within me at that ^ P^vid Meth by name has been, awarded the shortly have expired , the theater not being ,* ^ed to ord er by the G N A E C • !• , , IonS81,?ce «?7 o«aS

moment; I twisted , so to say, with my whole "Jj 0T^ir Th r&-Z ^&o

momble P?0perty

' W0°ld m0flt hf ° Hamberger , of 8PrSgueIaVni

municat ions of a p easant retu rn have Vei^frame. My first impulse was to refuse his in- S&^JRj&ti$ff£

verted to the owner

of t e ground , if ^e fire The 1/ of ddegaSel wU responded to by CS^Z^iSS?^*&&¦

vitation , but I did not do if, I followed him to serving .man in (he . presence of all the post of- had not occurred , unless th e clubchose to pur- „ reaeaM]ye9 of ^ f all

t J lod

of Je TTu

0f -*?'?^^^^^Lisa 's chair. She did not even glance at me, tosh - lie made; a speeoh^nd pra ,8ed j,,ghly chase the grounds at a fancy valuation . distric t, which number now twent y.(h«e : - "^¦¦ ¦t^

u^:-^^ -9fi?^^.erconfident made the «gn of refu ^L The U SS1prince , prob ably moved by my sad appear- mark of hia own appreciation of his services. some time afterward . They have how asplen- the last General Conven tion, regardinVrepir e- -?

¦ ^ ® T?f^^0^- ^F ^ wertfort yance , made to me a deep bow. -— did garden for summer enjoyments , where first- 8entatiVe8-w^^. (To be continued.) ' FBA»CB.-The firm: of Messrs . Fould , of class evening concerts are given , a commodious that no proxy was admissible as delemte- even PP "'TParis , have generousl y placed at the disposal ciab-honse reblete with everv convenience and

imu DO P rox7 w^;oamiBS»Die as^aeiegate , even aome information moat, p easant ; ' ^W :1 ¦ : : • « ¦*¦¦ ¦ ¦

of the ''Director General of Public Assistance" - T^ IIISa Z^ESS,^; yo«' correspondent was^hus

niled out. Men- : it ^ ^ ,Be year^heIi ^onr ¦cnrr . W;

FOREIC OT BECORD. the sum of 525S francs , to be distributed a flne hf


ted **. **w»l perform- tioning.this :instance ,Iet us coolly and^ dispas -: den SSy^r^S «^P ^- ¦ ¦ ¦. : ¦ __ ¦ ¦¦ ¦

; -¦

among the poor of Pari sv ances and balls. . aionatel y look /in the faceb fM ^ ^

¦ v ¦¦ ¦'— ¦-„¦+?-¦

Vl , '-J , • . By a decree of thePr ^idenl of the French And how a few words as to the Carnival , or ^u^e tha

tenclu'sioh' that it: U: aVise S^^^.SS5 J^:-C<1^^•ENGLAND.-rFtve Israelites were returned to. Republic ,, dated Denember 31, 1873, Mens ; Carnaval ,. as they term it; The notes of prep- enactment and ought to& rigidly carried 5out ^^ v^^

0^^: E^>I<K?^

Dt™ ^°

™ election , ali liberals , Jnatin Jjenhery . of Met *, ' has been appointed aration have been soundin g loudly ; and cbntin- In an^ssembiv lik^th everv S

elSS %|?.W ,W^«Wi ;Sfwith ^excepuouof one. . ¦

, ;; ^^;

the 4th

^^ ^

report s^that there has been much rain In Pales-; ihd clocfes, of Pa'ris, has received the decora- 0^W ,n^

w¦l™^ ^^ ¦?V^"TM7 ¦7 , f y °*%^* l***"****^- ** ¦«^ great , extent ^4 ;from*the efiecfaSf ^K?S *tine and. suburbs. - thm season.-in oonseqhence of ;tion of the: " Cbmmahder of Santa Rosa;" for and ;» fancy dress soiree lasting till twelve neutrali sed. In this connection we can -1101 ^ i^f fli' '^?W ^which1 the ; people; there rejoice at the anticipa- ^ceUence in the work ih ' whioh he is engaged , b'clock . v , V baisugg w^he id^^ - ' -*?,"¦* *" ^ W **&'&'»»'&Uoa pf a rich lj arve st. • v ;,

^:- ' " - ~~

y : ,Grand - Rabbi Isidore Eppke of the great labors Vailed in humoro us^^erfb rmahces from which that * lodge shouldI be represented by but one ? © S - v5f*^!^-vM "^;8FAiK^he Gibraltar ; 0Sro^^

terms ot nnquahfied .pr aise of the charitable world where Israelites were subjec ted to perse- , w , .. j a V . u , . " ^'™ - j?! "^" v ' "- "^T^™ P:a«P«» .tlon^'had' :.'gained '^ 'Bome/ ^Bad'' ezp6ri ence''-W^institutions of the Jews of Gibraltar , and !high- cu tion or laboring under any difficulties. ; The ^' Bat the Srand : finale .*°9k. Place at the *.•"me <>f such a chan ge.- . members there of could nbtbe induce d ^1''ly.lauds the benevolent characterist ics of our eloquent rabbi ^^ tbe fact that the Alii- ^cademy/of Musio pn Tuesday evening last, The regular routine W : business was then ";( ,


;'r '/ : ; r ^if : , ;i':i ; '^ ™:?co-religibni sts in; that ;town.- louring the first aw*, had effected improvements in towns:where; >hen the Grand Mardi igra stBal Masque came gbnb throug h- The report of' the General - u ^ v"; ^!' " ' *hlld

^n ^u^thfee year s of its existehce, an insatution cor? r Jews had neither synagogue nor minister ,: and Aft 'j n ili iiB «rlbrV it ™* in tot* * ore *i *n * 'nr™^u *^ «±~i^ '\i;L^^^^ u^L'' - [ - ' 'V:- i natural !y " B.hin firewi Since ' then / Dr.;I ra ir"

reap dndicg with our Aged and Needy Sobiety, pointed out howfdeifrtble -.;it;was for; every ^inW

g^r:^« 1^fact a^

great sue- Conmilte?^s also the supplemen^ry: *eport .of ;8chwab ha ^ Ven^such full BatisfacUoi; W&Hispbh sed^OOO livresTin succoring the indi ' member of the Jewish community to support it cess, as to numbers ; and beau ty, and in. its re- the .Gran d Sopher , were read and , referre d; to *&££ «„^ ^„„i:.W S„^"r ¦ ; '

;>nu* rv " , / -;¦;/

¦ ¦>. ¦

.¦¦'¦. " ' ¦ ¦. .-. '. '* , ¦:¦, - ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ with energy. ; . ,; . '. ' ; " - ' ' -- ' ; sult s^st baye proved highly grati fying to its The-customSry cbmmitte es. In speakin g of ¦^ ¦¦W!l

: ^ 7u^

?» -^'>^^ .:;: BBU^ -T me^r


aUhls ^cSn VKer which ; had beendre ised byvRabb i Astrub , of Brussels , to ;that Afortnight back , Moris. ' Lehmanh , the rabbi '^

*¦?** J ^'m


^"J ttieV^ ire helu in by the brb iherhobd f tMk * P«> one, ; open-daylight , as ;all^:body, TeaLting .;that the Jews: might be per- of Belfort ^elebrated the fi ftieth:anniversary of ¦¦¦ ¦

P^ ^ t^.^ ?f..^f^^a^: f &fp -Stt&Tdff i^^-? &i our:meetib gs;have ' beeri ::held heret ofore ^":

fitted lb have ; their 6wn .burial-groiinds ;\ The his marriage ; , The rejoicings were essentially, in: eye^-minister advocated the ' cause of; the Israelites ,- of a privat e character ;; 21. Lehman n has ex- «orridorn and filled every; averiue i - The festivi- al?n® "P . rpiedes /of , composition , but ; they ; a \f lar iX,a ^i: LA t ¦''" i" - ,; " :-' V- '™" ^rein arking that although ithere werer onlrsix or ercised his holy.furibt ibns at: Belfprt above for- \-^^^^ ^ii i;-^A^ i^ -M^i alao 'go to show that the br ethre nwerit to work ^ r ,®^seven , thousand ; Jewish; citizens;in . Belgium, ty-five years , and has^ always: atlached ^himseir :V?B,T*-^* wlth rarieht •pbbd wiir ^nd ' pffi^^ iw «n^;


three waited ur«n

the doctor/«8(»^thia\ was nb Teason ; why : they should be de- to^very Religious^ and

Charitable ,movement ; ***<>"*> Performed ;: by,; the , combmed ,orches 7 ^ "*" ; W' -?^- ^^V^"' ?m", ed him to the meeting ^whbre ^bui ¦ 'h ighly:' *i«

wiveid of the rlghta whic¥ bthe r citwenVen iby; He iavmuch ; belbvedv by the Belfort : Jewish tra of iWolsiefter arid Hassler; sbmb ninety per- ? u^ th

? ^'P'W ^WWW?1'?11. teemed'arid belovBd rabbi $ti*&tf &tittMland lhus . be compelled to ac^ - formers; led b^PhUaaelphla's favbr ^. of their deceased contrary to the orders of their ., ; , ;/' _ -. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . . liam ; vf oi^^ hisusu Graceful y^ne ^eUSe^feferred to, inseeihg the graUfica tio* U™° ? 'em^- t^W** V-" $$ '%

religion.,,,;, ,; ;¦,;;: „ -,, _, ,\^V : i ^¦

~&ui ;K .-; ^^T: :¦? ; -* • -V v. «» Israelite , Herr Max Berlib^a ^ resident of V


^'^';?? ^^nr !?^' Jgte^d to aid ieceivW the said renbrt/ "T Promise ^ to.perform his ministerial dUties

coo-;?;^Y.-Rabbi Lev i; bf Uboeb nu -audre saV Furth; has been appointed lo;a ju dicia l post in ^ ^^^^^^^^^m S^ftSSSlASS- tV # scientiously ^n^ to the: best ffi "lb«^a^fc to eVery :Jbw ish .cbri gr^atibh ^ i& to Pi^-Tribu nal o^Italy, drawing their , attentio ^^pahie s-pf gpnt emen;who : tra vel through the gregation bf Dessau, has been elected a member persbnatiohs to be called tableaux ; ^"Zamiel 's went to proye;the high stat e of peaw aBd har - :j^ri:^ ^ -^ r^{ ^ i^^cputfryyspli^^ ^ of the Land tag1 of Irihalt ^; "*: rr. ^^ fe Ption Day;'-waa the;

mony: that is 'preyai lu^ Unlthto distr jeirb^inB^itution s. The rabbi; points out .that; none ic V ^*

* *t u w ' ' • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ '& r * P ' ^^*- vV^-^' *°® ^v" biie'aDbeaP had been-taken ¦¦' knA wk« W>iiti- ffW^ i;-^^ ttBg.:lffl!r ,;,weIl:^hMa '. -|niUdi

;Sese individuals lare authpriied -to make; :- T^

Landteg of Lem ^

cblleption s;and that the money giveii by chari- permission to erect a Jewish hospital in that 0f it, With the f f old boy" ahd his impe,: whb motP ^ ^T^

e^t^a ^ ^ ^ ^o ( '"^"^i ^^ 'SfcT^^table peop le is appropriated by these diBreput- town. ,- ¦- ; , ;

^ of ^e ^w' y0rt: and :^.ft ^»^^^^vWW*fAhle p«Nons

Unfort unately, thesb mal prM obrre Spbridehl had; the honor to belong : as^ JP^ ^SSctH nre not wholly unknown evenln England , broken into, and several valuable articles , in- Tf

g8' member - ; - ¦ " ¦'¦' ' ¦¦ These renjMks elicited another very appro prl -vnumeW reyerenjl (?) gentlemen ?: being vak eluding, the bahdle stioks and rsbme scrolls of the their own satisfaction , if not to that of the an-,

i;^ !..^-^^.'; u^ri^ fk„ ate rep ly; ftbm ^Dr- Schwab; ; after which W-way* -on,^e; alert to ' sobci^charity ^ fo ,¦- *n? a™ ?a7w a8 tans spent. ^n hearing th -- --H^^ji^.-.^j ~FbiriinJ in oei-feit ^• poor of j Jerusalem , m/rune caaes^out, of Whether the sacrilegious" invaders havb been . .. After this was presented "a CarniVal Nikht in wW^. '^sT^e.wpieito: the various com- . f ^ og p i^r ^ipi iUBB:.^,^^] .

{he^behtlf ; ? ^ P ' ' : The committee appointed by. the Prussian 8teep flight of steps leading to the stage from a •a*S«^^•¦¦»l ^^M; to.'¦I^9^¦:«"l/¦tf e^

¦ > ' -. - . : ¦ f ? f : - ¦ : .v , . ,

- ; ; : '¦ ¦ • ¦¦ ¦• ¦ : L^ktive Chambers to

ermine the peUtion b .j dge hrown A Trrtut p t«* *M^i»n. - w-,

- - , of Orthodox Israelites , praying for theu/ sepa- _,,; 6 v .... ; ,./ *> . '" ; . " " the district . . . - ., ¦ ; . ' . . - . ¦¦ ¦ - ¦.„ • .Munich. —Mr . Berlin , late assessor of

^the; ra tioh from the ;rest of: the ; Jewish commubity, This>as brilliantly lit and furni s^ . ¦ , , ^. , . y ¦¦ ' .; . . .; ¦>

Ih: ,.ne «,„-„ of tho tiia TbiY»: Ca8a in thi * 'district court of Fuerth , has: been prompted to hW fent in its report , which ia favbrable to tfe liary arid CU^t^SS 'mSSr ^^S-^S^i th. .p1»Mpj^Be^or the pet itioners- If the^hamber s^dopt the reportof prbceBsiou was then formed; passed over the' Mgesi the .delegates ¦, all reassemble d,in the term , we haye heard of a. beautiful irid meriM ^

' '^ jf^tl ^ i ^ vVi ^^ ' - !SmB?1f

,fe . f


°f uda

!Bm - w^i have bri dge( down the steps and over the large danc- evening; to a'banquet , in Schweiger '8Ha»,:«nd tribu'te that was paid;by ^bne bf the cbuoss!:^

-tV&&&%8to ing:SoolV,the to«^^li/i ;preseni ^' berg. i K-This ^e --firsV time ^ats ric^


Sffi ^'^SgS ««*>t.

appredata After gbibg

throug h »7rt ^^?-V

ESaS S'ffi n^a^yS^- S*{aWeSSi blected for JSuremb erg; Lasker , for Sailfeld; numerous macceuvre s the procession broke dividual thoughts and ideas; concerning the represented as extremely /eloquent , *hi«n we:;^ttbr than a heathen , apd of the latter we have Lpui s. Ramberger , for Bingen^ mlfsbn, -fo r rinks and mingled in the merry waltz to the banquet- It fltruo k us with wonder; and admi . Can easily believe when we consider tiittr ^a goodimany among our office rs. .Are not such Hamhuj^ ration , seeing that the Chicago brethren , who th5?t Af vw ^taitni^iww^ - &.?,.;<„, ' '&t$tJri nln as never visit a chiirch excent oh roval penheim , for Reuss and the celebrated Jacob y, "!' " . v . „ ., , „ " «> rpcenilv U*A to f«t« tha flrt iMl Pnn Mnt i^ ' One; of the disUngui shlng features of tit , .SuSVTbVcXsMe^

forLeip^c;: Herr J8cohy;was condemned to a The dancing continued until the smal l wee •¦.yyWy. W.W dark ages was ; the unfounded and ibvetem teV

tha n SUansr I>o yoi!Tcall Chri stiansS term of impr isonment for having energetically hours .of the morn ing, when the tired throng '. ¦.*»«** Ju so Bhort ja time awmplish what ,they prejudice - that . Vwas^ -nurtured; during their jmen as adopt the theories of Darwin arid protested against the anriexatipn of Alsace and dispersed , and the gran d affair wasover. ' " did ; and I repeated in my inind the words of exiutence. against ^tka . ^descendants ^ 0/.^

. Hackei, and believe that man is the progeny of %rra ihe by Pm«sia. AH pbhtica r parties , ex- Your corres pondent noticed many of our cb> the esteemed brother Simbh Wolf, of Washing - *"fl«1!»P ^ Pf 4t: BMP)e.;^: "hW:l.^sla ^nnkev? Arid if srich men mav be our iudees cepting the Ultrambntane s and the old Con- lour cprre sponaeDi noucea many 01 our co

Pr«. ifl«.n> Af „„, l^a ¦ ¦r> n^kl.ii„2. ffPrld lB indebted ^^ for its morality, its civilu - .

whv should no Jew s Ee ffiuS iusf^ BerVatfves, are represented by these Jewish religionists; takin g active parts in the; manage- ^; the Preside ^ of, pur lale jonventio n : tioDijulaws, arid itsjAHjd ^^ Wh^-ttoBi e

• wefl?" not J ews ¦ our ,U(lge8 ja8t M deputies. ment , among the most prominent of whom^ were "Chicago m itself is.a wonder , and every thing ilizatiori of aU earlier ^les^as been lwt,;

Pbor Katho Uscher Volksfreundl __^_^.^__ _ ' Messrs. Jacob , Wm. Armh old , M. Thanhau ser, ^ew muHt be,^^ : ^^ W8


n h T7: ft ,W r , - , ' ¦ ¦ ' COEftESPON DENCE. Herman Jo bas, J. Hirsch , and last not least, SS ^^ t $££* ^%^:Aaiiaiv-On |be 12th ult. the funer a l of ___ Theo. Br Pot sdamer ,.the well-know n printer , C- Pambur *er'^H eH^^. the late Madame1 de Ladenb purg took. place at PHlff ,AI>ELPHlA COBBESPON DFkke C0Dducted the ceremon ies with credit , and P61106' the barmony, ^good feeling, and brother ^ i;barhari8m: is;grearas that ? bf tbe ^inericai v

y S<^lT^J & "eSed aid - * ¦ ' appea red to be ubi ^uitbus , though not remark , ^love prev ^

bSd^ler^S;, SSeral B'nai B'r ith, News-The Ma.nnerchor Garni - ably comfortable ih his costume as Bened ict. lowed ty thesecond in office, Brother ^ J ^^^^ : ,

.. . was attended by the principal diplomatic pffi> yal—The Jewish Hospital^—Donation from These public masked balls, where both sexes kopf, who responded to a toast , '<The Milwau- work of ai| morality all religion all !«•'cials

^and by the most aminerit men in the t he George Estate. mingle promiscuousl y^ in unrestrai ned freedom kee ^ges." Brother J . Benjamin , of Qiiincy, When.other nations werei Bunk ;in the ilar k n!rt ;

world of art , science, and finance. Philad elphia , Feb. 23, 1874. and complete disguise, may be very nice affairs IJ1" followed/also wished to: inculcate arid em- of idolatry; all th eir highes^tb^ughti . of: Deifr ;;

J3urin g the year 1873, 321 Jewish marriages . '. '. . . ¦• A may trove sources of amusement phasUe the fact , that his city, Quincy, is the amounted :tp nothing greater than a personifi-

were solemnized in Vienna. The youngest of Something unusua l in B'nai B'rith circles in w 80me' tneJ may prove sources or amusement 1 . , v ¦ • ' ¦ . 'r "* l>» ' cation * of ideas and af ; deification of heroes; .

the irib ri married was twenty years of age, arid this city is un the tams-a new lodge, th e first to many, fun and frolic may prevail , yet their second city in the State. Brother Dr. Eppstem the grand tr uth of bne great First caose^u ¦

the eldest ieixty-six. The youngest , lad y who ._. ,n ft_pr fi -„ VMrB j. about formin g coin- moral tendency is questionable; but , ehoeun a was then called upon to respond to a toast , kept alive and nurtured by this great pMP l« ;entered the bonds of wedlock wal sixteen years onf 1D ?ve

f.fiw. *****' i J h^r„T/ ' ! f «<m

gout. "The future fission of the B. B.;» this was alone. While they existed as a nation , t^Z age , the eldest forty-four. Aniong Ue P«8ed mostly of ybung men between the ages of ««.

. -done lu but a few words , tpou a unanim odB- P^° Btatesmen ^rrior s^foria ^^^marria ges fifty-five were dissolved by death , twenty-one and thirty. The majority of the The expected annual report of the Jewish . . . „rriftl i .-.i^tAn ¦¦R ,Art ,„w Hot:» m.« ' tors, and poete who liaye never been sur piww.and seven by divorce. 1889 Jewish children cnarter membera are from Jeshurun Lodge, »o. Hospital Association has not yet made its ap-


resoinuon.^rotner jeligman was Through them was given to. theVbrl d tt«t B- *

werebor durin g pastyear. Thp grea test age 59>,and Bumor says, that becoming dissati sfied pearance , and inquiries upon the subject , of f lf .a^n *°

\"™* h"



' .'W ^¦ W./^.«P#:-^ I?.{S':-

jattamed by a Vienneae Jew was ninety-five "v"1™ " - V f ' .. , ,,. , [ V**"*"*- ' , , . •"' . UCD , J ;l» birthd ay was this day. This brother did am- gwns of present.civilization s, and by whom ,

"years, arid fepT a J ewess, ninety-six.; T^^wi^ the action s

of some

of its cpn^olhng ele-

^number of deaths ' during the year was 976. mehts , these brethren determine d to get up a will be some time yet before it is issued. As ^mn _'_„ - , . Jn .. ' . . , . \ After their destruction , as a nation , and tM» v

The cholera carried off fifty men and thirt y ; new lodge, althoug h in the opinion of your cor- the annual meeting took place early in Jann- mwnor

f J88 aranK ,n 8uence - AI a late nour dispersion throu ghout the wor ld, this remirtV;

women. FiyA. persons , committed Buicide reflp0ndent ,wrongs , if any.could be readUy re- „y, there is fault somewhere. The report is W8 P ^•W ^^^


^e'PS!liS"'during the year , the youngest of whom was ™r . , ,: ¦¦ :-- j ' -j *

¦ • • nr '.» lU01" u 0«u+0"" ««- AU « pvn w beoond day which, by thew diffusion , have given; stMDgo;

twenty- two years of age, the oldest eighty . ' dres sedi and the same men induced to join an impor tan t one and is anxiousl y looked for , . o*uui.u ua*. &ad h^n fo bt jjei

,; ¦ peoples of the: ;f«Wf-'. i j ' i ni mr " _J > ¦ "J eshuTun," which is emphatical ly the young as itcer lainly will conta in important details 'of The first in order of any importance to the *ud in; all ages' iridi yidual s-pf thei Jewl ^ ^V

"^tokbt. —The Phare du Bosphore /a Con- men's lodge. Another reason gossip assigns for the dedication of the new hospital buiidjiig. general reader , was the report of the Commit- *ion haTe • ®*^d*P? w^? n^^

^stari tinbple. paper , narrates the perpetrat ion. , of this sudden movement is, that the Rev. George the cost of erection , donations , subscri ptions , tee on General Renort. The chairma n of said oaTorthe ffib^aSewh ^ ^^* '

MpSof^e^uLS but^riatlveWBagi 3Koh*> who the pre8e G'?nd Alnph' wU1 and other matters of interest to its supporters ; committee, Brother B. H. Seligman , read the In Wbwh country ^wlth a stahd wdi

of P^^

dad. It appe ars that he had vblurit'aril y' exH^l be throw n out of this district after Apr il 1st It has a strong hold upon the affections of our same, and was received with app lause ; the gresa higher than ever, 0b^

himself from the land of his birthj * where rrtssi- next , owing to the territor ial changes decided people, jand stands high in public estimati on report is a master -work. The result: District ^P^P'^^ ^ "^^^^ ^^^blyvhedi d not find b^nes8brWc,-andrhad^Br apon by the Chicago Convention , he being a One evidence of the latter has just been shown No. 6 subscribed liberall y to the "Univ ersal a^shWwSre the ^- throu gh

0 Russiran rGerman ^*^^^


of » Richmond


there fore it be- in the .

'liberal , action bf : tUe executors of the Alliance," • to thb Roumania fund , and; at the toleration , but where they, can deaiand reupe^;

dentl y made it a profitable vocati on ,1 fat our comes necessary for him to be a representative estate of the late Jesse' George , who last week same time !a;liberal sum was donated a .worthy -r-tf atehess FtM.ooatemporary informs ubi that he was rn poasea-, of a city lodge, if Jiede skes tp retain his,pres-/appropria ted to the hospital $2000 of the brother of the district, who had lost his eye- - . , . . , . ¦» ..» sfon of WW piastr ^a^wa^Pa«il,^roflgh ent official ^ition , and to secure this , his amount disteibrited byf them. And this act de- sight, and a^manite station organii sed by: which itfe only a few mpi,tha since , deep afflWi»»

« fornhun, he fell in with two chevaliers

,fr»endj»'h«f6 initiated this movement Perhaps eerves more than a mere passing notice. i said brother be enabled to go with., p\» family entered ' the family of a ypurig 'marr i UV^^industriej who, as might be 'expected, were Dame^Rnauwr is, corre ct in .both surmises. " Let Jesse .George and his wster Rebecca rank 'tb 'Borope ^tofaScerta in whether be can be re- .•Sti?7r '^''?X,.«<*.iJ *

'??' '- ^ ¦'^^Si.bto i^'de^rmu ied not tbWt .readily wi^ among the .noblfst^efactor s of humanit y^ f?« . TO ®Tj!. iEd^S^dv that

^' t^t SnSTt^^ ^ .m^mmP ^^ ™ <m* «*»


,; the ftoe. ' , ,:, . ¦. . i . , . tenily^aSS^^ ^^«

sT»Woatt ii'flewlritf- ; ¦ ¦¦ ' • ¦ . -. . ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ; _

¦ ' . . ' ¦ _ - *. - . ¦ ! ¦ * . . . . ; < . ¦ . , . . . . . < . ; :,; ¦

yi v-'t ' ; ' ¦' ¦¦ ' . • .-> ' ' ' ¦¦'

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