to jamaica and each of the countries/states~ principalities of the americas and earth! why be a...

Post on 15-Apr-2017



Economy & Finance



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Listen and sing along on: Sound cloud Use this link.

Song Presentation #1 Title: Don’t A BABYLON Standstill Runaway Behind Singapore and Chongqing. (to old ‘Jamaica, the Americas,

The West and all the Earth’ with low per capita creation (GDP)‘Served to all’)

Sub-Title: Up against the net suckers vanquished BABYLON System; The Ranger(s)

Genre: Infinity Rock. Lyrics: Words: See below and sing along.

DRALiHHawk of Christ Jesus Speaking: “Share to all your connections if in the direction of your care".

“Check it out in its’ entirety ~

~Song #1

~ Promoting God Kingdom come

For Jamaica, all the Americas, all the west & ALL THE EARTH AND OMNIPRESENCE to experience the greatest prosperity and Good

health … We be loosing same on the earth, so God loose only same in heaven

Please take Notice of E~books Bundle Deal “. And patronize via easy Digital Download in each post on website: or search Sheval Anthony Smith on Amazon or Smashwords and its distributors and receive the discernment

impetus to manifesting Gods’ will that we prosper and be in good health as our souls prosper.

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL. … IN CHRIST E~ book Presentation 1st SERIES Set: Series # 1. # 2 & # 3.1 Bundle.

Much fruits creations we loosed on earth and in heaven including sets of these all Ever a JEDi, I ask from my fruitfulness that If ye abide in me, and my

words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.


{It is in bearing much fruits that my father is Glorified} { John 15:7 Context

5I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit:

~The fundamental of Economics unto wonders & signs prosperity and good health and The without man Extortions & loot taxes.., borderless

earth Government on Christ Shoulders~ for without me ye can do nothing. 6If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is

withered; and men gather them, and cast [them] into the fire, and they are burned. 7

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8Herein is my Father

glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

FAVICON OF The Lord God the Terrible Mighty in Battle.


Song Presentation #1 Title: Why be A BABYLON Standstill Runaway ~ Behind Singapore and Chongqing?

Question reasoned in music to old Jamaica and each of the Countries/States~ Principalities of the Americas and earth!’ with low to no Growth of low per capita creation (GDP)‘Served to all’)

for development of unified response in Christ henceforth.

Sub-Title: Up against the net suckers vanquished BABYLON System;

By The Ranger(s)

Genre: Song done on


Jamaica and the Countries/States of the Americas and earth! Why Be A Babylon Stand

Still Runaway behind Singapore and Chongqing ?

Scenario: Over Drunken ... Babylon ~vanquished\ Now more than ever

~ as Christ is increasing in Glorified Church - all Earth & heaven increasingly as ONE in

the Lord.

& anti-Christ in Earth Principalities national division is decreasing in its boundaries,

extortion, hindrance of :serve all” kings manifestation and by net-suckers spiritual

wickedness in high places & other demonizing perversion dark age corruption-delusion.

PASSING\ Alleluia.

Track time: 7:30 to 8:45 =1 hr. 15 minutes

8.45 to 10:01


Why Be a BABYLON Standstill runaway ~ behind Singapore and Chongqing.

UP against the vanquished Net-Suckers BABYLON system

Is the Ranger(s)

Net-giving ‘Serve all’ creators

for our Ascension into God Kingdom come & All His righteousness, His will alone being done

For the greatest prosperity and good health… all things being added unto us.

~ by Transforming …. Briliancing away the Babylon System

into oblivion; for not being chosen. Alleluia

Many sons of man have knugingly changed it, many have supposedly made that fatal slip

Now WE of King Jesus … Ever just a JEDi …The loosing of ‘God Kingdom come’ and ‘all His righteousness

To infinity ~ in all the earth and omnipresence

We as The Ranger(s).

~ Ever One with river and up again

loosing ‘issues of life’ baptism

all through the end

~100 % of YOU We ALL

as EloHim Yah (not man) ..

~ WE loose on all Jah earth, Led by His Spirit, .walking in the infinity of our ways ~

According to His lead of our path to infinity.

For the transforming from any possibility of Kingdoms of man; ever only to Kingdom of God

~ yes ever Borderless Earth

With no principalities of the thieves

~ to at least borderless earth

cleansed of boundary extortions and loot taxes above tithes to Government on

Christ shoulders by all as ‘SERVE ALL Kings’ of whom ~ JESUS IS KING.

The Ranger(s).

All being ‘Wise as serpents, harmless as doves’ ~ by the joy of the LORD. ~ through

all Loosings on the earth by us as Living Souls working

~ the effecting

~ the enabling of the highest creations per capita ~ … to infinity;

~ by Globally Brim stoning,

~ Brilliancing…away the BABYLON System

Into oblivion… for Holy immortal Living


The Ranger(s)..

They that wait upon the Lord,

shall renew their strength,

they shall mount up with wings like an eagle;

Like DRALiHHawk shocker~ing Shekhinah in all the earth

and …..

“Watching the moving of God Spirit in all the earth;

effecting Living Souls Celestial cities from pure dirt.

Glorified Church;

Maximized by achieving all being One in the Spirit ~

With highest number of net-giving ~ ‘Serve all’ Creators

of the Lord

to all on the earth and in omnipresence

in all infinity of our ways

by the joy of

the Lord;

Ever a JEDi~ Ever to Greater Glory

Millennial reign ~ Ever a JEDi….

Be (ING) St r o n g

in the Lord and the power of His might, The Power of His Might; Yes The Power of His Might

Letting there be no more darkness, no more principalities, no more powers, no more spiritual wickedness in high places - Just Christ

shocking Jah Light.

Loosing only Wisdom of Love to infinity, for the greatest prosperity and good health on the earth~ talking about ‘enabling The Power of His


Through all The greatest, being ~ the least enabled and be serving all – net givers

100% of you ~

as Elohim Yah

all 7.3 Billion + on Jah earth….

Enabling each and all to be trans nationals ~ Global; Serving all in the infinity of our ways - Agape Love

Enabling the fullness of the God head

in each and all

~ Hu HUmh.

~ Hu HUmh.


of great ones reach and kept,

not obtain by sudden flight

but they while their neiboring companions were thieving perversion pestilence by day & night

they ~ enduring ~ upward toiling by the light onto the righteousness of God Glory in King Jesus Christ for all.

Upward toiling in ‘Serve all’ cutting edge industrialized tilling, into omniscience enabling of all with breath and letting all things be

working for good ~

‘serving all’

in Alleluia

in Alleluia

Vanquishing the Babylon system.

The ranger(s).

Net suckers know

what them effort is worth pleasure-goon pestilence by night extortion seeks to ill-health the abundance of fruits from Jah earth.

JEDI Shield that, from in heavenly places

Why make us a Babylon ~ standstill run away behind Singapore and Chongqing

for being incubus and succubus Sodomizing.

for being net suckers by Usury

for Net-suckering Boundary extortions and loot taxes ~ by Blood sucking thieves..

demonizing oppressing us to be ~Blood sucking thieves ~ but We not no … /Blood sucking thieves

No no



Thank you Jesus, Alleluia.

Think them stress we out,

think them press we head

into first second and third world poverty bed


A who-o-o fa head

dem a try fe press

into First, Second and Third world poverty stress,

Not we who are in ‘the press’ to enable all to be Masa God Greatest ~

the Greatest among us will be the least serving All ~ as trans-nationals ~

the 100

% 0f you;

in infinity of our ways

~ Infinity of Bill Gates;

Ever to greater Glory

doing as Jesus Christ requires going to all the earth, via enterprises ‘Serving all with values for less

enabling the press to our High Mark in Christ even by

100% of YOU

as Elohim yah.

with Ever more and new creations ~ values for less To infinity, Ever a JEDi ~

in all our ways by the greatest economies of Scale,

for the lowest prices, for the most equitable wealth distribution ~Alleluia ,

Your Kingdom come and all your righteousness, Your will being done. In all the earth AND IN HEAVEN

By the mind of Christ Jesus Government through us all- Light of the World ~ not ruler ship of BABYLON, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND


DRUNKEN WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS ~ blood From us net givers by their trying to be extorting exalted net suckers with their

FINSAC`ing death to exports & to enterprises demonized from immortal culture. Our true predestination eternal.


Net- suckers know what Unnu efforts is worth,

principalities’ism for boundary extortion, by laws of man and for usury extortion

blocks the abundance of fruits from Jah earth

and unnu modern day slavery

dat afe stop work….

Want see we fling

Global Brimstone

of Brilliance to Unnu heads ~

Don’t be no blood sucking walking dead,

Trod Jah earth as a Christ instead.

Jah is God of the Living

Jah is God of the Living

Jah is God of the Living

Yea yea yea yea. yea

not no walking dead ~ dead in trespasses and sin, of seeking to perpetuate principalities and power, spiritual wickedness in High places

the ruler ship of the dark age passing~ increase the state of the UNION for we are one; for the greatest prosperity and good health

Sign the Petition.

Stop making us Babylon ~ standstill run aways, behind Singapore and Chongqing

in terms of Per capita Creation and growth in per capita creation ; It wont be long

~ Ever One with river and up again

loosing ‘issues of life’ baptism

all through the end

~100 % of YOU We ALL

as EloHim Yah (not man) ..

A who-o-o fa head

dem a try fe press

into First, Second and Third world poverty stress,

Not we who are in ‘the press’ to enable all to be Masa God Greatest ~

the Greatest among us will be the least serving All as trans-nationals

~ Infinity of Bill Gates;

Ever to greater Glory

doing as Jesus Christ requires going to all the earth, via enterprises ‘Serving all with

Values for less and less to infinity. Majesty on Jah earth

The direction of God Kingdom come. And all His righteousness His will being done. Not the thief. Net sucking Walking dead.

Jah is God of the Living not no walking dead.

Jah is God of the Living not no Blood sucking walking dead /

Dead in trespasses and sin, perpetuating~ principalities ism with dividing national anthems, principalities constitutions and powers, loosing

spiritual wickedness in High Places.

In High Places Drop down you false heaven

Let the true Sky, Serve all Government on Christ shoulders in us pour down his righteousness; full global

Cycle restored Alpha and Omega.

Transform to

Alpha and Omega. To infinity Ever a JEDi. None a lover of pleasure . But manifestations of the creator(s) ~ trampling pleasure for

immortal treasures of reighning from in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, loosing Majesty and honor and Glory in all dominion by his His

in Spirit power to infinity, Ever a JEDi. We loose on Jah earth, Alleluia!

1st Chorus

Is it the rhythm that make you move,

that make you grove

that make you with ~ cutting edge ~ technology ~industrially ‘to all’ ~ till the earth

& Loose Shekinah Glory to all?

It is God in Creation, As it was in the beginning planting the Garden, so through the end to ; Effeting Him being Glorified with

technologies Industrially to all

For To Him Be the Glory. The greatest prosperity and good health for all~ even eternal life to infinity Ever a JEDI


For Anno Jah send any as antichrist pan Jah earth to fight to plunder them brothers mek dem live like dirt

And net suckers know what hem effort is worth, usury extortion blocks the abundance of fruits from Jah earth and

It is us being fruitful that Jah is Glorified,

For Glorified Church. For which Christ Jesus is returning

Us Vanquishing the Babylon system from Jah earth.

US against Babylon, mother of Harlots and abomination stagnating causing the falling by the preserving of kingdoms of man.for boundary

base extortions - ruler ship of the dark age passing as Kingdoms of Man are vanquished ~ transformed - to Kingdom of God where we

are all enabled to be trans-nationals, Global ONE in the Lord,… BY our LOVE - AGAPE

Letting all things be added to us by being Christ who care “

Serve all as creator Kings of Whom JESUS IS KING.

Anno Jah send any as antichrist pan Jah earth, to plunder

drawn .. to such by their own lust and entice for the tree of which we should not eat:-

to be blood sucking thieves of the dark age passing,

little leavens seeking to leaveneth all earth to be mortals forever - blood sucking thieves,

the unjust of the darkness, for greed seeking to ever block the greatest prosperity and good health for all.

& Away from the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that enable us being in all our ways ‘meek and lowly pressing to the rest of being

‘Serve All’ omni-science, omnipotence, omnipresence ‘Kings’ of Whom Jesus is KING.

~ Coming for Glorified Church ~ enabled by borderless earth ~ principalities vanquished unto Celestial cities from pure dirt.

by Us as

Net giving Serve all creators to infinity Living Souls .

Not no blood sucking walking deads but troding Jah earth as Christ instead

In all our Ways Ever a JEdi` to infinity.

The RANGERS, Transforming out the Babylon System.

Net suckers know what their effort is worth USURY Extortion blocks

the abundance of Fruits from Jah earth .

and it is being fruitful that God is Glorified. Wonders and Sign Glory.;~

And them modern day slavery by boundary extortion and loot taxes for USURY to net-suckers in Cow’ism

that afe stop work

for we a fling Global brimstone of Brilliance to all

as Global Splurts

for transformation from corruption to ;life Of Christ; Light of the World.

‘Transform from Net suckers. To all Net Givers to infinity

for this flight in Ascension

By 100% of you,

as Elohim yah..

Net suckers know what them effort is worth principalities`ism boundary extortion blocks the abundance of fruits from Jah earth

Be not ‘Babylon; ‘just ‘a- stand-still- runaway’ behind Singapore and Chongqing.

Be transformed from stagnation & borrowers, extortion & shame

Only to ‘Christ Kingdom come’ ~ To infinity ~. Ever a JEDi


For It is not

My Will~

that any should ~be a~ perish

but that all ~ come To life ~fruitful in the infinities of all our ways,

Ever to Greater Glory

Each and all ‘Serving all’.in all our ways, all of our days… to infinity

~out by obliterating of man’s ~

~ Captivities…. of principalities, party division powers, spiritual wickedness in high places

Falling Ruler ship of the dark age. Passing!~ been Vanquished From Jah earth

Thank you Jesus

{In a triple rock fashion} Alleluia. Alleluia.

Ever A JEDi

Millennial reign. Ever living,

Ever a JEDi ~Eternal



Jah is God of the living

not no walking dead

trod Jah earth

as Christ instead

Jah is God of

The living,

the living,

the living

the living

Not no walking dead in trespasses and sin perpetuating, principalities’ism and powers, spiritual wickedness in high places- ruler ship of the

dark age passing

For it is in being fruitful to infinity all serving all with creations of ‘values for less served to all that God is Glorified,

Jesus is coming for a Glorified church - Kingdoms of man be vanquished to become more than Old China United - glorified Kingdom of God

= all being infinity travelling trans-nationals vanquishing boundaries with all its sodomizing & extortions ~Transform bloodsucking thieves to

borderless earth of net givers of new creations ~ none being blood sucking thieves,.

For the greatest prosperity and good health, even eternal life for all,

we be ever loosing on the earth and in all omnipresence. JEDI ~ The Ranger(s) exposing the vanquished Babylon system

Whatever we loose on al earth; God loose in Heaven


Rock of ages

Thank you ~ for shedding .. for me

Let us ~ be ~ one with thee ~ in all our ways ~ to infinity ~ ~ Ever a JEDi !,

Thank you

Omnipresent ~ Liquid Brimstone of Brilliance ~ information age of Brim stoning ~ Brilliance`ing

Letting MAJESTY COME TO your earth - all being Living Souls

effecting ~

Celestial cities from pure dirt ~

for ever Glorified Church, New Earth and heaven ever to greater Glory

All Knowing we are one

as body of Christ~ re-membered established again as in the beginning as one ~ To God Almighty.

All earth and heaven ~in~ Ascension.

Transformed from falling ruler ship of the dark age ~ passing. Vanquished from omnipresence.


Stanza 1.

For net suckers know what their effort is worth USURY Extortion block

the abundance of Fruits from Jah earth

and them modern day slavery

by boundary extortion and loot taxes for usury & other Net-sucking of Cow`ism

that afe stop work

for we a fling brimstone of Brilliance to all

as Global Splurts.

Leading Transformation from any being Net suckers on the earth.

& we not being Lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God – that’s man

We are lover of God ~ Living Souls – ever from in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus

trampling pleasures ~ for treasures ~ established in the kingdom of heaven, even including all the earth,

where the thief dot not steal and this rock dot not rot.

Even now and for ever.

For ever ~ all be Living Souls ~ net givers without guile only Christ to infinity

~ Ever a JEDi

Alleluia. Alleluia.

1st Chorus

Is it the rhythm that make you move,

that make you grove

that make you with ~ cutting edge ~ technology ~industrially ‘to all’ ~ till the earth

& Loose Shekinah Glory to all. It is God in Creation, planting the Garden, Effecting Him being Glorified To Him Be all Glory.

As we walk in His Spirit ever honing creation skills;

ever loosing ‘Values for less’

ever to greater glory

by ultimate economies of scale, in ever being built Global Enterprises – no unearned income and Stock exchange bubbling, so enabling

net giving to infinity by Stewardship to all in earth and in heaven ~ eternal to infinity.

by ever to greater Glory ~

Optimizing, honing creations skills, ever unto Greater Glory ‘VALUES for less~

and less

and ever less to infinity

Served to All

Enabling especially the least

as unto


For Masa God Greatest by most Equitably & just distribution enabling all.

unto Living Souls ~ loosing ~ all ~

as the greatest among us

~ Ever for the greatest prosperity and good health

Even eternal life for all~ we be loosing on Jah earth

& unto ever being One with God omnipotence, omniscience, in omnipresence in our Ever a JEDi~ infinity of Ways.

Knowing in Christ Jesus

we not no blood sucking walking dead in low per-capita creation by net suckers allowed serpentining and vipering-being full of extortion

and excess in corruption minimizing maximum enabling..


we trod Jah `` ``` earth as Christ in-stead .

Jah is God of the living, Not No walking dead


Don’t be no blood…

Says the Lord

~ issues of life, of even Omnipresence

from our mouth,

from out being

in all ways

to infinity.

Ever a JEDi !



Jah is God of the living, not no bloodsucking walking dead.

In trespasses and sin of perpetuating principalities` Flag’ism,

division for strife and immigrant plunder & tormenting, trafficking, sodomizing;

in the love of defiling by perversion from the grave ~ unto the grave

and seeing souls in ‘man’s war trauma’ if dem not savaged, mutilated~ drop down dead.

All dis-ease to ‘Serve All’ & not to omnipotence rest.

~ where

We all Trod Jah earth as Christ instead and be strong in the Lord and the power of His might~ wisdom of Love

Agape to infinity.

The power of his Might.

Maximum Put-To-Flight~

with the powers of His Might.

Yes the power of His Might. None a leaven. Leaveneting…


All the pressing as one in the

Way Omniscience Omnipotence to infinity of His creative Life giving might . The power of His Might~ All walking in His Spirit,

It is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord Creator of the heaven and all good in the earth..

End-ing the falls, all the ruler ship of the dark age ~ passing

Babylon unto spasm of just ‘a stand-still- runaway’,

Be Transformed from stagnation to Christ Kingdom come ~ China you see It wasn’t long & To infinity

To infinity.

~. Word of God apply to infinity - As two edged Sworded Information Age with fire

ever just a shock up, & smash up and a burn up blood straws

til there be no more blood straws just IMMORTAL

Vibes and Cultures of Jah Law. unto

Wonders and signs Manifesting of Jah is God of the living to infinity where there never be no walking dead.

We all trod Jah earth and heaven one to infinity as Christ instead.

Pludop pludop pludop tam tam tada , tam tam tada.

pludop pludop pludop tam tam tada , tam tam tada.

The Ranger(s)

Stanza 2.

Don’t be Drunken with the blood of the saints

~ Don’t blood sucking thieves

Net suckers extorting from us net givers.

Hu mhu.

For millenniums~ sodomizing

demonizing, oppressing us to be Blood sucking thieves

so they can ever be demonizing oppressing us into their tribulation Slavery. ~

Welcome information age

and effect Shekinah Glory as We tell our Story and ever just a burn up them blood straws

until there be no more blood straws

Just IMMORTAL Vibes and Cultures of JAH LAW.

Yes IMMORTAL Vibes and Cultures of JAH LAW

Effecting through all as the ever Living SouLs and in Celestial cities pan Jah earth.

.Shekhinah to infinity. Ever a JEDi

~ Flickering brimstoning. Rhythm.~

Chorus 2.

Is it the rhythm that make you move,

that make you grove

that make you with technology industrially ‘to all’ ~ till the earth

& Loose Shekinah Glory.

by honing creation skills

ever loosing values for less, ever

to greater glory

and by economies of scale in being built Global Enterprises - enabling net giving to infinity Stewardship to all in earth and in heaven

eternal to infinity.

by ever to greater Glory ~

optimizing creations of ‘VALUES for less~

and less

and ever less

Served to All

Enabling especially the least

as unto


Masa God Greatest, best Equitable just distribution enabling all

unto Living Souls ~ loosing ~ all ~

as the greatest among us ~ for the greatest prosperity and good health

Even eternal life for all,

we be loosing on Jah earth & in omnipresence in Ever a JEDi infinity of Way

till the earth in infinity of ways in Shekinah Glory

Shekhinah. Shocka, Shekhinah. Shocka

by honing creation skills and building Global Enterprises - enabling Stewardship to infinity in earth and in heaven


by ever to greater Glory ~

optimizing creations of ‘values for less~ Served to All


even the lease

as unto Christ,

MASA God Greatest

as Living Souls loosing all as the greatest among us ~ for the greatest prosperity and good health ….


we not no blood sucking walking dead

we trod Jah `` ``` earth a Christ in stead

Jah is God of the living,

Not No walking

Says the Lord - issues of life

from MIND of Christ

from our mouths

from our every organizations even as planets, systems of galaxies.

In Alleluia

Stanza 3.

And net suckings know what dem effort is worth.

USURY Extortion block the abundance of fruits from Jah earth

and it slavery, dat is not loosed on Jah earth

for we ever a brimstone Brilliance as a Global and omnipresent Splurts .

its efforts bad report, We ever vanquish from Jah earth.

Why unnu a try fe stress we out to 1, 2 & 3 world poverty bed

Love to mutilate and see we drop down dead for what is not freedom in the Lord but minion’ism in Cow”ism.

Don’t be no blood sucking walking dead.

Don’t be no

blood sucking

no blood sucking walking dead. Trod Jah earth as Christ instead.

Jah is God of Living not no .. walking dead.

In trespasses and sins of perpetuating principalities and powers spiritual wickedness in High places- the ruler ship of the dark age

vanquished from Jah earth Babylon system passing!

end are your days of netsuckings unearned income by serpentine & might and power for Usury, boundary extortion and loot taxes above

tithes by emerging Kings not subverting Souls to Net Suckers minions For millenniums.

Net suckers know what them effort is worth Usury and boundary extortion ~ block the abundance from Jah earth.

For we are to be all one not negatives one, Not to be vampires~ Blood sucking thieves- demonizing, oppressing to be ‘Blood sucking

thieves; ~ perpetuators of the boundary`ing Babylon System.

No transform ~ you kingdoms of man to God Kingdom come & All His righteousness

His will alone being done

No blood sucking. Blocking the unfolding of his riches in Glory to us all as living souls.

Chorus 3.

Is it the rhythm that make you move,

that make you grove

that make you with technology industrially to all, till the earth

in infinity of ways

& Loose Shekinah Glory

by honing creation skills and building Global Enterprises - enabling Stewardship to infinity in earth and in heaven,

by ever to greater Glory ~

ever optimizing new creations of ‘values for less~ Served to All


even the lease

as unto Christ, MASA God Greatest

as Living Souls loosing all as the greatest among us ~ for the greatest prosperity and good health ….


we not no blood sucking walking dead

we trod Jah `` ``` earth Christ in stead

Jah is God of the living Not No walking

Says the Lord - issues of life, from our mouth in infinity of ways

from our every organizations even as planets, systems of galaxies.

Stanza 4.

Step up prosperity. Only being righteousness that exalt. no more principalities`ism.

Ever just a Seek~ing first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness

His will be done and all thing will be added unto us.

And all things will be added unto us.

It is always been said Now more than ever It is being done, It is easier done than poverty and corruption fun and is not source shame but

fulfilling life to infinity for all.

Transforming social realities from cultures and vides of mortals to those of net givers through to immortals

Transforming from rottening pleasure-gooning to Agape - the image of God~ His Kingdom come ,


to Majesty of HIS GLORY

in all dominion,

by letting all: everything that has breath praise God,

All things working together for good

conforming to the image of God to infinity, ever a JEDi.

By His grace expounded to life to all and life ever more abundantly Ever a JEDi.

Chorus. 4

Knowing it not just the rhythm ….

that make you grove

that make us with technology, industrially to all till the earth

in all infinity of our ways

& Loose Shekinah Glory

by honing creation skills and building Global Enterprises - enabling Stewardship to infinity in earth and in heaven,

by ever to greater Glory ~

ever optimized new creations of ‘values for less~ Served to All


even the lease

as unto Christ, All MASA God best

all Living Souls loosing all ~ as the greatest among us ~ for the greatest prosperity and good health even eternal life for all ….

Stanza 5.

Net suckers know what them effort is worth Usury and boundary extortion block the abundance of fruits from Jah earth.

For we are to be all ones; none negatives one~ Net sucking vampires, Blood sucking thieves - demonizing oppressing us to be blood

sucking thieves, perpetuators of Babylon.

No transform you kingdoms of man to God Kingdom come & All His righteousness

His will being done.

For it is not my will

that any should be a~ perish

but that all should come to life

Ever The greatest prosperity and good health even eternal wife for all. Infinity Soul Prosperity Living Souls

We must manifest the generation that will not see death.

But be transformed being in all their ways to infinity the mind of Christ to infinity~ in Ascension; Ever a JEDi

Chorus. 5




It not just the rhythm that make us move,

that make us grove

that make us with technology industrially to all

till the earth and loose shekinah glory, not no pleasure, not demonizing not oppressing to be blood sucking thieves.

But enabling all to be the Unite might ~ of the Body of Christ, JEDi Jireh~ing.JEDi Rapha ing JEDi Shamah~ing preceding omnipresence

to infinity Ever a JEDi

It not just the rhythm that make us move

that make us grove

that make us with technology industrially to all ~ till the earth

and loose shekinah Glory

One with Jehovah Rahpa and the Lord God the Terrible

~ mighty in Battle.~ Not carnal but obliterating strongholds of darkness~ exponentially in infinity of ways; ever a JEDi.

We praise your Name of God. King Jesus

We praise your name.


Stanza 6.

Pleasure is brought in subjection to Love of God, transformed to immortal vibes and cultures of Jah Law

the life we live~ Christ Jesus living through us, in our infinity of ways to infinity; ever a JEDi.

We not no Blood sucking walking dead; pestilence day and by night

We trod Jah earth a Christ instead.

The Living; not no walking dead, not enslaving, not demonizing, not oppressing,

but letting all have life and ever more abundantly. Christ Glorified Church~ to infinity; Fruitful to infinity; God Glorified. The Life we live, To

Him be all Glory Praises to the Lord.

It is not just the rhythm that makes us move,

That make us grove

That make us with technology industrially till the earth….

And loose shekhinah Glory.

For we be not ‘Dead in trespasses and sin even to wielding canter worms and palmer worms and locus becoming the undead in carnality

savagery on every body.

Net suckers Know what their efforts is worth, rulership od the dark age block the abundance of fruits from Jah earth and them net sucking

and savagery have to stop work.

Cause we a fling Global brimstone of brilliance as Global splurts. Issues of life ~ establishing information age to infinity, With Holy Ghost


Baptism of King Jesus Not just water but Holy Ghost with Fire, Issues of life creating Lake Information Age in Holy Ghost Shakinah Fire,

with knowledge truth to infinity, Ever a JEDi, allowing none to perish .

All the Ranger(s)

100% of You As Elohim Yah.

Even as the youngest, .. the strongest, the Oldest all obliterating the BABYLON System

Tree of god and evil of which we should not eat.

By God Grace in Christ Jesus to the Father Kingdom of Heaven Omnipresence

The Ranger(s).


TRUMPET sounds

Pra Brop Prom Pro Pra ……


~~~~Extensive doing good guitar playing.~~~~

Jehovah Rapha. Jehovah Jireh. Christ through His Baptism in the ‘Lake of Holy Ghost and Fire – Issues of Life Ever a JEDi Not of Babylon

but ever Pressing to High Mark of calling in Christ Jesus Perfect as the Father in Heaven is Perfect. THE FIERY DRAGON OF OLD,

Now Young Dralihawk ~ with All that have breath ~ Praise God ever continuing. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might Wisdom

of Love to infinity enabled and loosed through every thing that has breath all things working together for good , the power of His might

Christ Jesus

Alleluia. Alleluia

Alleluia. It is not just the rhythm that make us move, that make us industrially to all till the earth in infinity and loose shekinah glory for all to

infinity ever to Greater Glory.

~~~~Extensive doing good and preaching~loosing policies’ issues of life - Christ Jesus through all.


” seeking and finding Kingdoms of man becoming and ever one Kingdom of God and All His Righteousness His will being loosed by us on

earth Season greetings to ~ All.” and ~ all things being added unto us ~ in the Kingdom of Heaven~

~in loosing on earth “doing good and professing issues of life to infinity ~ Ever a JEDi” ~a more to-infinity-easy-to-reach Global market with

the ease of a borderless earth & with no boundary extortion and loot taxes above tithes for society of net giver creator Kings only-male and

female not emphasize not Jews and Gentile; and not of unearned serpentine Cow`ism net suckers

• leavening the whole lump,

• blocking Kingdom of God come and all His will being done

by being drunken with the blood of net givers. The end to the ruler ship of the dark age. Passing! Christ increasing /anti-Christ vanquished

in corruption delusion decreasing.~ Christ alone survive as pure Gold through the Fire of the emerging ISSUES OF LIFE understood and

loosed to infinity Ever A JEDi, prevailing unto ‘the greatest prosperity and good health, even unto eternal life for all on earth’ in this

ascension Information age Lake of Holy Ghost fire ~

Kingdom come Seasons greetings

Some heads: a critical Petition & justified by this Prosperity enabling E~books Bundle deal

Hello to all my fellow people, business & property Developers and Maintainers.

Favor 1)Petition ~ by signing & 2) enabling prosperity E books Bundle Deal by patronize and consider for in accord ~ let us loose God will

that none should perish but that all come to life God will that we prosper an be in good health as our Souls Prosper Living Souls none dead

in trespasses and Sin like National antheming and pledging preserving exalting of principalities over the Kingdom of God come… ~End the

ruler ship of the dark age, passing! ~…

Check out the Planet 7X phenomenon & signup for updates on website.”

The BRIDE SYMBOLIZING the body of Christ Glorified church for which Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming for a Glorified Church with the

Kingdom of man becoming the Kingdom of God. all Overcomers overcoming what we wrestled against. We wrestle not against flesh and

blood but against what possess them in lifting up the wrong things; against principalities *the Kingdoms of man to become the Kingdom of

God the borger-less earth we need for economies of Scale perfection ‘Serving All.”

See Ebook bundle details for full details.

~Shekhinah resurrection & the Life~

“Check it out in its’ entirety ~

Please take Notice of E~books Bundle Deal “.

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL. … IN CHRIST E~book Presentation 1st SERIES Set: Series # 1. #

2 & # 3.1 Bundle.

$10.00 – Add to Cart

Share the Spirit with Our world ~ emerging ~ Where Christ is the Light of the world

Secure this appropriate discernment & enabler aid by the Word of God.


See for introduction to Kingdom of God JEDi Jirehing Abundance Economics and Finance Principles. See Living

Souls Jamaica and Global 10 year Economic Targets See critical and welcome Factor for the West especially responding Leadership

to China needed growth out of the West stagnation and weighing down of Global Growth.


• Join in in securing the greatest market for your creations ~.a more to infinity easy to reach Global market with ease of no boundary

extortion and loot taxes. it is available amongst the 488 Jamaica in China, the 117 Jamaica in Old USA- Why should we continue to be indulging

being possessed by 55 principalities here of the Americas. or over 203 principalities of the earth. ONLY TO SERVE THE THIEF(S) NOT THE I

AM. blocking the greatest prosperity and good health on earth even eternal life for all.

• This securing of greatest market with absence of boundary extortion is playing the creation game with the full team. No scope for some to be just

riders but a new reality for all as Kings. It is the next great thing. China It wont be long The West speaking. God it won’t be long for we are

beginning to see the majestic possibilities of Thy Kingdom come. All things will indeed be added unto us through us as all as priests and kings individually and as teams even ll.” The earth speaking. All This is the easy achievement. Being thieves is lesser Wonders an Sign. China

pace as greater Unity is making this clear, United States of the Americas was really missed over the Last 200 years. Now it is all earth. Thanks to

increasing Information Age:-

– the the lowest input & unit cost for long used to mess competitive advantage- it will soon be

-The greatest full employment, and robotics Letting all things work together for good, every thing that have breath Praising the Lord, to infinity

happening, need for and allowing of immigrants ‘Going to the uttermost part of the earth, as the Lord requires and Most Royally command unto

~Immortal Agape living & Cultures~ Issues of Life to infinity Ever a JEDi doing good ~ priesting truths unending Ever a JEDi secrets innovations ~

Kinging JEDi Jireh abundance.To the Glory of The Way~ confirming with Wonders & Sign MAJESTY and Glory an Honor of the Lord.The Knowledge

of Truth~The Life. Holy.

– ever from great Glory to Greater

– that is having lowest cost prices Like in China and Old USA for less corruption or accepted banditry in boundary extortion and loot taxes used to

compound net suckerism in Servicing USURY built Monster Spector called National Debt cancelled by restitution of 26 to 53 years of USURY that is

very ugly it as vindicated by the shame it yield , like Jamaica example to the World. The unrighteous will know /has known their shame.

– greatest for development profit by Change of Culture from netsuckersism to JEDi Jireh to infinity net giver master creators 100% planet earth

population of earth sons of God master creators into research ~priest~ and Honing of to greater Glory creation ~Kings~ by Priest and Kings of Royal

Nation of whom Jesus IS KING of Kings us loosing such increasing ‘Value for less to all 7.3 billion +

– greatest enablements of the masses to net giver master creators Sons of God (male

&female) by such lowering prices and most equitable distribution of income and to infinity net giving from us as creators of increasing to greater Glory

‘value for less’.and overcomer making all thing working together for Good.

It is in giving “ever to Greater Glory Creations Life and life more abundantly issues of life “even Downloadables” and Tangibles Values for

less” we are bless.

Global Objective: Globaling kingdoms of man to Kingdomof God. where all are Kings in Per capita creation Terms. By Government of the government on Christ Jesus~living even through us~ shoulders – by Spirit ~Words and effort deeds Creations. All things made to work

together for good:-See Living Souls Jamaica and Global Economic 10 yr Target to 2025. 9+ years to go.

Having achieved the kingdom of God and all His righteousness His will being done with the increasing wonders of God i the midst. “and all

things will be added onto you.” Us. That is seek ye first the kingdom of god and all His righteousness and all thing will be added unto you,

Now most possible with the advent and to infinity possibility of Information Age.

LIke This example. Praise God

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL … IN CHRIST Store # 1 ~ Digital Download Products of ‘Christ the Light of the World New Order’ of

borderless New Earth-Glorified Church -increasing ~ Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence ~

~Shekhinah resurrection & the Life~

“Check it out in its’ entirety ~

Please take Notice of E~books Bundle Deal “.

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL. … IN CHRIST E~book Presentation 1st SERIES Set: Series # 1. #

2 & # 3.1Bundle.

$10.00 – Add to Cart

Share the Spirit with Our world ~ emerging ~ Where Christ is the Light of the world

Secure this appropriate discernment & enabler aid by the Word of God.

Issues of life to infinity, we perfect from our mouth and beings. Let no corruption communication come out of your mouth. no more national

anthems and Flagism that preserve the Ruler ship of the dark age! about to be gone. gone! Praise God.

A God in Christ Jesus Kingdom come


And too

This Should have been the Jamaica experience up to and 26 to 53 years Ago. No correction is good into the Kingdom of God by the

renewal of the min to Mind issuing policies of Christ of Jesus. ~ The Government is on Christ Shoulder. Be a Christ not anti Christ ~ unto

shame. “Whatever things are pure, ~ honorable, ~ of good report, let these alone be known of us 7.3 billion+…. Same for all on earth. No

Unearned income Usury Just net givers to infinity as becoming Us JEDI Jireh~ing henceforth.

The Global Economics Performance


Published by

Sheval Anthony






Today’s headline

UPDATE 2-Taiwan cuts rates

unexpectedly as global growth weakens


.com– * Taiwan

cuts rates for

second time this

year by 12.5 bps *

Only 4 of 17


expected rate cut

in Reuters poll *

Global economic

recovery worse

than expected –

cenbank (Adds



Yes We can.

Amar Davis and all he represented rather in the 80’s to 2015 practice of selling their people into Slavery as the supposed to be acceptable

‘World class Leadership Finance Practice old Jamaica to the World. 26 to 53 years of wrong direction practice.

1. USURY, and

2. Principalities`ism both anti to achieving ‘Serve All Net Givera JEDi Increasing Value for Less KIng status for all in the the path of

Kingdom of God come on earth we loose in the Name of Jesus now and forever more.

Just See the two directions in Graph below.

High USARY of OMAR Davis and His net suckers USURY Vanguards are to per capita creation Hell. wrong direction not preferred by


• The Kingdom of Heaven is in the other direction – Greatest prosperity is in Direction of JUBILEE from wrong direction 26 to 53 years

of building Spector in BOJ and financial Sector Slavery Damnation Extortion from masses of present and future generations. US$75 K

to 150 K and beyond (PPP) Per capita Creation is in Serve All Borderless earth cleansed of boundary extortion and loot above tithes

taxes. for lowest prices for ever restoration an strengthening of any dollar purchasing power direction. to Kingdom of heaven

wonders an signs at no cost. Higher prices will never come here. in Christ in the Father in the Rule of the Kingdom of Heaven to

infinity ever a JEDi

~Lesson Of Old Jamaica ~


~The World~

Left ~Unrighteousness~ of The Vail LIne that Divide as a abominable principality lead by n=Net Sucker

Extorting From Us Ned Givers Demonising Oppressing to be Blood Sucking thieves but we not no Blood

sucking thieves We not no….

~ ~ ~

See it Clearly on Big Screen by: Right Clicking Here~ and Explained in Bundle and Songs ~:-

vanquished-unto-majesty-by-exploding-information-age-49196242 and on a bigger device Take your time and read publications, share for full understanding being

Jedi `ed to infinity as we all participate in Accord enabling the kingdoms of man becoming Kingdom of

God of0 the JUST Living Souls Living by faith ~enabling all the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, His will

being done. Glorified church earth cleansed of boundary extortion and loot taxes just no extortion and

Economies of Scale increasing Values for less. Starting with Duty Free Every thing like among the 488 Jamaica

in China seeming not mentioned too by the 117 Jamaica in Old USA population wise too. But now Loudly

realised. In the Spirit We are One.

China It won”t be long for the West & All to rise out of principalities~ism net suckers led liturgy.



The Specter of Elephant of Extortion UNearned income for Net suckers Defilers of Souls from in the Bank of Jamaica, The Federal Bank of

Canada & Old USA and from the Bank of England are abomination of desolation. from the desperately wicked anti creation or (Worst yet

accurately put ‘Harlots riding on the (masses) beast) heart of man. An the kingdom of God is not according to the measure of man or the

kingdoms of man. but rather a borderless earth cleansed of boundary extortion and loot taxed enabling none to relying on being thieves for

subsistence buy rather enabling all to rely on Serve all in to infinity cases of economy of global scale, for lowest cost,lowest need to rely of

greeding profit motive so achieving the Fastest and Greatest prosperity on earth with the greatest equitable distribution of wealth by lowest

price enabling all to serve all

and in enabling Serve all to the max ever a JEDi we are loosing the kingdoms of man becoming the kingdom of God

Building Many Sets of 4 BRIDE through ‘Taiwan and Singapore “Serve All” to per Kingdom of God Come and All His Righteousness, His

Will being done’ Style – Living Souls Living to infinity into year 2, thought 2025 and to infinity in exponentially to infinity of our

individual and any group to all ways, ever a JEDi..

in Landscape like revitalising the Americas in this

The 102-storey tower tallest in this old USA Manhattan old Landscape\ yet less than 1/3 the height. size and

possibly Shekhinah Majesty of THE BRIDE ( each in the sets of BRIDE by Living Souls in the United Americas and all the earth; all

of Taiwan resourcefulness JEDI Jireh to infinity) , proposed in the heart of Manhattan at 41 West 57th Street, New York City, would

feature a carved stone facade and eye-catching glimmers of bronze. See


Is this

The Most Awesome Building EVER??

and of the Glorified Church/borderless Americas/Earth ? & It won’t be long…

AS for Christmas Henceforth and everlasting Let us bring

HIS(H) infinity (I) of MAJESTY (M)

Him many many ever to greater Glory manifestation of Ingenuity of living dark age rulership overcomed with increasing eyes never seen

before nor entered into the hearts of man – many manifestation of the ingenuity of Wonders and Sign BRIDE Living in the Many Majestic

celestial Cities loosed on earth by his Living through us Goodness and Life

Many many to Greater Glory



Unhindered maximized enablement of

“Serve ALL”

JEDI Jireh Abundance

Shekhinah Glory of His Goodness and life.

Share to all If you support this Direction of your Care- evolving work


Alpha &

• be added to you” – us.

“Check it out in its’ entirety ~

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2 & # 3.1Bundle.

$10.00 – Add to Cart

Very Christ Kingdom Come Giffy. Agape – so Giffy.

Share the Spirit with Our world – Meghan – for

~The Great Mighty One~

New minimum down town Kings Town Jamaica in 10 years. Taxes only tithes 10% to global government (Not Satanument,) of a borderless

earth cleansed of flagism, and anthem`ism for boundary extortion and loot Taxes from it captivity captives to transfer as usury and other

cowism unearned income and netsuckerism.\ Only lovers of God to infinity Ever a JEDi more than lovers of pleasure.

M.S.T IN blogging and authoring to & beyond even a New minimum down Town Kings Town Jamaica in 10 years. Taxes only

tithes 10% to global government Not Satanument government Last 26 to 53 years to 2015; in a borderless earth cleansed of flagism, and

anthem`ism and boundary extortion and Loot Taxes to finance unearned income of over 61% of subverted Government extortion & Loot

taxes to Satanument enabled Ponzi Scheme Debt servicing and much of the other Government spending to netsuckerism.Resist

this; andloose as least that; in Rather that of only lovers of God to infinity Ever a JEDi more than vanquished decreasing lovers of pleasure

and might and power unto shame.

Resurrection & Life on Through a New minimum down town Kings Town Jamaica in 10 years to 2025 Living Souls Projections. Taxes only tithes 10% to global government Not Satanument, border-less earth cleansed of Flag`ism, and anthems`ism and boundary extortion and loot taxes and unearned income and net-sucker`ism. Only “Serve All” Lovers of God to infinity Ever a JEDi /more than lovers of pleasure.bind to infinity. Honor of Kings in

MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL ‘Property Development and Maintenance Products’ IN CHRIST

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